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Student's full name: NGUYEN BINH

Student Code: 18y3011033

School: Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy
Telephone : 0355355302
Grade: Y3C
Course: 2018 - 2024
Specialty: Medicine

My name is Nguyen Binh, I am a 3rd year medical student Faculty of Hue

University of Medicine and Pharmacy.

First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the teachers and teachers
who helped students in the last school year. I really feel very lucky and happy
when receiving a scholarship. It is not just material resources to help you can pay a
portion of tuition, pay living expenses as well as expenses fees for studying such as
books, notebooks ... but it is also a great spiritual gift for me, has empowered me to
overcome the difficulties in learning as well in life.

During the last school year, our learning was quite new and interesting. There was
also a lot of turmoil, the first was that we were going to the medical facilities for
real. That is both an opportunity for us to interact with the patient to get acquainted
With the hospital environment, it is both a challenge when a 2 year student does
not have many with the professional knowledge for medical examination and
treatment, we encountered many difficulties and a lot of confusion. Besides, the
school year 2019-2020 is the school year in which they are I had to drop out of
school a lot because of the raging Covid-19 epidemic. It makes us sick instead of
studying directly in the lecture halls online learning at home. Learning online is
quite difficult in terms of transmission connection Internet and difficult to interact
with faculty, but we all pass over to completed 1 year of good study. Besides
studying, I also join clubs in schools such as Cardiology Club, Patient Volunteer
Team… as well participate in other social activities such as voluntary blood
donation, volunteer assistance logistic assistance in a concentrated isolation ward
at the Tax College (Hue), Program Children's Day for Children at Hue University
of Medicine and Pharmacy, Mid-Autumn Festival program for me at the Hue
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, to raise funds and visit the elderly
lonely in the nursing home of Dieu Vien pagoda, ... with the desire to make a small
contribution to help people and improve themselves not only in terms of
but also about attitude, skills, feelings.

Currently I am a 3rd year student, my knowledge must be great now a lot more
than year 2, year 1. Now we go to official clinical school in the disease hospital, go
on duty at night. The most difficult part of year 3 is that we have to learn period II
year 2 and period I year 3 are at the same time because the Covid - 19 makes their
second year It was extended until 11/22/2020 to be completed. Learning takes up
most of the time, but I still try to work part-time to support my family, I don't I
want to ask my parents too much when my parents are old and I could work hard.
Besides, health is not stable. In my mind, my family situation was It's very
difficult, I don't want me to study medicine, which adds a burden to my father,
that's why I always try to be economically autonomous with my efforts as well is
the help of Scholarship.

Besides studying at school, I still read hard every day and I have I went to learn
French, I tried to learn French so that I could read materials abroad and can later
study abroad in France. My goal for this school year is still try to learn as much
knowledge as possible, achieve a good study result and My French level must be
able to have basic communication.

I hope that my efforts and efforts are worth it help students in the remaining school
years. I really want to continue to receive get a scholarship and hope everyone will
recognize your efforts and will continue keep helping students.

In the face of the Covid-19 epidemic it was still very complicated.  I hope
everyone in the scholarship donors will still have good health and good health.
Everyone's work is still good, everyone's life is still stable.

At the end of the letter, once again I would lke to send my sincere thanks to have
helped me and my friends.I wish everyone health, happiness and success in
life. Please stop writing here!

Best regards,

Nguyen Binh

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