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Student's Book

Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle

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© Cambridge University Press 2012
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First published 2012
6th printing 2015
Printed in Dubai by Oriental Press
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library-
ISBN 978-0-521-72923-9 Student's Book, Level 1
ISBN 978-0-521-72924-6 Workbook with Audio CD, Level 1
ISBN 978-0-521-72925-3 Teacher's Book, Level 1
ISBN 978-0-521-72927-7 Class Audio CDs (3), Level 1
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy
of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication,
and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain,
accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other
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Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information
Unit Grammar Vocabulary
P8 be: positive The alphabet Days of the week
Question words Everyday words a n d m o n t h s of
the year
Imperative Numbers
Ordinal numbers
numbers lnterests

1A Subject pronouns Countries and nationalities

p18 be: positive
Possessive adjectives, regular plurals

IB be: negatives, questions and short answers Personal objects

p22 Articles Your words be

2A be: question words Rooms in the house
p28 there is, there are, lots of
Irregular plurals

2B f/r's, that, these, those Furniture

p32 Prepositions of place Your words adjectives
Possessive adjectives
3JJ, have got: positive Family relationships
p38 Possessive's
3B have got: questions, negative, and short Adjectives to describe character
p42 answers Your words's
Possessive pronouns and Whose ... ?
3C Adjectives to describe people

4.H. Present simple: positive Daily routines

p48 Prepositions of time
4JS Present simple: negatives, questions and short Free time activities
p52 answers Your words have, before and after
4C Jobs
can: positive and negative forms, questions and Sports
pgg short answers
Adverbs of manner
5] like / love / hate + -ing Free time activities
p62 Imperative Your words do and make
Functions Skills
Saying hello
Telling the time
Classroom English
Giving instructions
Talking about personal information and

Talking about facts Reading: understanding personal Pronunciation:

Saying where you are from information on a webpage /ai//i/
Listening: understanding children Study skills:
talking about their interests noticing
Speaking: talking about a friend's punctuation
Personal information
Writing: writing a paragraph about
Greetings, introductions and saying goodbye
yourself for a webpage
Talking about homes Reading: different kinds of houses Pronunciation:
Listening: children talking about their /s//z//iz/
houses Study skills:
Speaking: describing your ideal house vocabulary
Writing: writing a paragraph about your
Describing a room
ideal house

Asking for and giving personal information

Talking about family Reading: answering questions about a
poster for a film
Talking about possessions Listening: family descriptions
Speaking: describing a family
Writing: answering questions about a

Saying when you do things Reading: jobs Pronunciation:

Listening: people talking about their sentence
jobs stress
Talking about your interests
Speaking: guessing your partner's job Study skills:
noticing words
Writing: writing a paragraph about jobs
Buying a ticket

Talking about how well you can do something Reading: a summer sports camp Pronunciation:
Listening: weird animal facts can/can't
Speaking: sport
Study skills:
Talking about likes and dislikes Writing: describing free time activities
making notes

Making suggestions
Unit • Vocabulary
Adverbs of frequency School subjects
p68 Question words and present simple
Prepositions of time
0J?: must: positive and negative forms House rules and school rules
p72 Object pronouns Your words go
6C Clothes
7J| Countable and uncountable nouns Food
p78 a / an, some / any
7B How much? How many? Food and drink
p82 lots of / not much / many Your words and, but, too
Present continuous: positive and negative Animals
2 8B Present continuous: questions and short The weather
p92 answers Your words feelings
Present continuous or present simple?
8C Places

9A simple be all forms Adjectives

9B Past simple regular verbs: positive Transport

p102 Your words compound nouns
9C Space travel
(2) | 10A Present continuous as future Weekend activities
p108 Prepositions of time
E] 10B Tense review present and past Revision
Oba | p112 Possessions Your words because and then
J2 I can / can't
I IOC Revision
L3" - f
1 1 * ww

© I pi 18-127 Communication pages

pi28-137 Story - The Mystery Game
H pi38-142 Language check
Functions Skills
Talking about your daily routine Reading: school clubs
Listening: children talking about school
Speaking: talking about school routine
Talking about obligation
Writing: writing an email about your
Talking about possession

Reading: school meals Pronunciation:

Talking about quantity
Listening: children talking about school h! /hi
meals Study skills:
Talking about food Speaking: talking about your favourite word maps
Ordering food Writing: writing a food diary

Reading: an article about Liverpool Study skills:

Talking about actions in progress finding key
Listening: an article about Liverpool
Speaking: describing your town or city
Talking about the weather
Writing: writing about your town or city

Asking the way and giving directions

Talking about past events Reading: great travellers Pronunciation:

Listening: great travellers It/ Id/ /id/
Talking about past events Speaking: talking about inventions
Buying train and bus tickets Writing: writing about where you were

Talking about the future Reading: great mysteries

Listening: explaining mysteries
Agreeing and disagreeing Speaking: talking about different topics
Making and suggesting plans Writing: writing about different topics

What's your name?
U l 1.02 Listen and read the conversation.
Match the names with the photos.
1 Josh Q 2 Poppy • 3 Marek •

Poppy's world
Marek Hi. I'm Marek. What's your name?
Poppy My name's Poppy,
Marek Cool. How old are you Poppy?
Poppy I'm eleven. And you?
Marek I'm twelve.
Josh Hi! My name's Josh.
Marek Hi, Josh. I'm Marek. Welcome to
Avon Road.
Josh Thanks!

A new house. A new friend

2 | H 1.03 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and repeat the

phrases. Act out the new conversations. What's your name?
My name's ...
RLphabet How old are you?
I'm eleven.
3 1.04 Listen and repeat the alphabet. Cool!

Add the letters of the Vowels Consonants

alphabet to the table.
& e bed

5 1.05 Listen and write the names. 1 Klmura,

6 Work in pairs. Practise with different names.

A What's your name? B Justin.
A How do you spell that? B J-U-S-T-I-N.
Everyday words
H I 1.06 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
a bag Q a phone Q a watch | | a banana Q an umbrella Q
the sun Q the moon Q a pizza Q an apple Q an ice cream Q

8 Copy the words into the correct group,

a + consonant i an + vowel the + all letters

& art umbrella. the 5wn

9 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the words.

A How do you spell apple? B A-P-P-L-E.

10 1.07 Listen and repeat the numbers.

1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten
11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen
18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 t w e n t y 21 t w e n t y - o n e 30 thirty 31 thirty-one

11 1.08 Listen and write the numbers your hear.

a b c d

12 1.09 Listen and complete the telephone numbers.

01488 4 693 b 055 10 c 0149 53 5

13 Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions.

• What's your name? It's...
• How do you spell it?
• What's your telephone number? It's...
• How old are you? I'm ...
("what's the time?

Telling the time

/ u T \2\111
/lO I
\ b , 1 ^ r e e o'clock half past

«0 I / A
* 'I five past quarter to

f-J' ?' s'/loi 2\; tragjgigfS SSgHp ft* :j

five to
Vs J 3 ( u a r t e r Past
O 1.10 Complete the times. en listen and repeat.

twenty seven ten five half six quarter

3 It's past six.

2 It's five past six. 4 It's quarter past.

5 It's past six. 7 It's past six.

6 It's twenty-five 8 It's twenty-five

past six. to seven.

9 It's twenty to 11 It's ten to seven.

10It's to seven. 12 It's to seven.

2 1.11 Listen and draw the times on the clocks.

3 Ask and answer times about the clocks in Exercise 2.

A What's the time? B It's ten past eleven.
next door with his new friends.
Marek Hi, Poppy!
Poppy Hi, Marek.
Marek Hello, Mrs Young.
Mrs Young Hi, Marek. How are you?
Marek I'm fine, thanks. And you?
Mrs Young Fine, thanks.
Mr Young Good morning, Marek.
Marek Hello, Mr Young.

Bye, Poppy. Goodbye,

Mrs Young.
Mrs Young Bye, Marek.

4 Warm up Look at Poppy's world. Who is in each photo?

Mr Young Mrs Young Marek Poppy Josh

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3 Marek

0 1.12 Listen and read the photo story. Write the names.
1 Mare-k 'Hi, Poppy!' 5 'Hello, Mr Young.' Hello. Hi!
2 'Hello, Mrs Young.' 6 'Bye, Poppy,' Good morning.
3 'Hi, Marek.' 7 'Goodbye, Mrs Young.' Good afternoon.
4 'Good morning, Marek.' 8 'Bye, Marek.' Good evening.
How are you?
6 1.13 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and repeat the phrases. Fine, thanks. And you?
Goodbye. Bye.
7 Work in pairs. Act out the conversations in Poppy's world. Use your Goodnight.
own names.


Classroom English
1 Warm up Match the words with the things in the classroom.
a desk [12] a chair Q a door O a window O a computer O a board | |
a poster O a bookcase O a bin Q a map O a student O a teacher! I

1.14 Listen and repeat the words

2 Count the things in your classroom. Make a list.

-fifteen desks three posters four windows

1.15 Listen and match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
1 Open your books. 0 3 Write. Q 5 Read. Q 7 Stand up. O
2 Close your books. O 4 Listen. O 6 Sit down. O 8 Put up your hand. Q

\ >

1.16 Listen and follow the teacher's instructions.

School bags
1.17 Listen and complete the conversations.

repeat understand speak


A Teacher Anna, open the window.

Student I'm sorry, I don't

B Teacher Open your books at page 15.

Student Can you that, please?
Teacher Open your books at page 15.

C Teacher Look at the picture. Is there a desk?

Student Can you slowly, please?
Teacher Look at the picture. Is there a desk?

1.18 Match the words and colours. Then listen and check.

7 Match the lists with the school bags. Write the names.

Adam A
8 I 1.19 Listen and repeat the
a pen
a calculator words.
three pencils
two exercise books 9 What's in your school bag?
Write a list.

Molly 10 Work in pairs. Describe your

two books school bag.
three pens A What's in your school bag?
four coloured pencils
B A pencil case, five exercise
a ruler
a diary books, ...
A What colour is your bag?
B It's blue and red.

an eraser
a calculator
two exercise books
a pen
pencil case
Jl Welcome

Days of the week and months of the year

C | 1-20 Listen and complete the rap with these words.

friends time hello goodbye school park books

1.20 Match the days of the week with the pictures. Then listen and sing the song.

It's Monday, it's Monday - it's say1 day,

It's Tuesday, it's Tuesday - it's open your 2 day,
It's Wednesday, it's Wednesday - it's late for 3 day,
It's Thursday, it's Thursday - it's tell the 4 day,
It's Friday, it's Friday - it's say5 day,
It's Saturday, it's Saturday - it's fun in the 6 day,
It's Sunday, it's Sunday - it's family and 7 day.

3 Work in pairs. What about you? Write the lines of the song for you.
It's Monday, It's Monday - It's -fun In the- park day.

1.21 Listen and repeat the months.

5 Work in pairs. How do you spell the days and months?

A How do you spell January? B J-A-N-U-A-R-Y.

6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer.

A What's your favourite month?
B It's August.
Ordinal numbers
7 | § | 1.22 Write the words next to the ordinal numbers. Then listen and repeat.
ninth first fifth eighth seventh
fourth third second tenth sixth

8 1.23 Listen and put the names in the correct positions.

Sam Thomas
Harry Callum n a m e s
Daniel names

Sophie Lucy James Charlotte
Olivia Emily Joshua
Jessica Lauren

Joseph Hannah

1.24 Complete the gaps. Then listen and check your answers.

11th eleventh 12th twelfth 13th thirteenth 14th fourteenth 15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth 17th s teenth 18th e teenth 19th n teenth

20th twentieth 21st twenty-first 22nd twenty-second 23rdtwenty-t

30th thirtieth 31st thirty-

' — — 1 • - ' MIUI IJ

10 Work in groups. Ask and answer questions.

What's the date? It's the twenty-first of September.
When's your birthday? And your best friend / mum / dad? It's on the seventh of April.
1 Match the words with the pictures.
sport 0 animals O music O computers CD films Q fashion O books O art 1 |

2 Q 1.25 Listen to the students and (girclg)their interests.


3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the question.

A What are your interests?
B Animals and music. And you?
4 d 1.26 Listen and complete the
conversation. Poppy's world
Marek interviews Poppy...
Marek What's your name?
Poppy My name's 1
Marek How old are you?
Poppy I'm 2
Marek When's your birthday?
Poppy It's on the 21 st of June.
Marek What's your phone number?
Poppy It's 3
Marek Where are you from?
Poppy I'm from 4
Marek What are your interests?
Poppy My interests are 5
Marek What's your favourite colour?
Poppy It's 6

5 Work in pairs. Act out the interview.

6 Complete the Factfile for Poppy. 8 Write the interview with Marek.

9 Complete the Factfile for you.

Name Poppy Young

Birthday Name
Phone number
From the UK
Interests Age
Favourite colour Birthday
Phone number
( 3 1.27 Complete the Factfile for From
Marek. Then listen and check.

01584 334287 Marok Adamoki- red 12 Interests

14th May Poland computers and sport

Name Mctrek Adctmskl

Birthday Favourite colour
Phone number
From «s
Favourite colour 10 Work in pairs. Interview your
My best friend is Tom subject pronouns • be - positive
form • possessive adjectives -
singular • regular plurals
talking about facts • saying
where you are from

Warm up Look at the webpage on page 19. Tick ( / ) the things you can see.
a mobile phone [ J a guitar [7] a football Q
a computer Q a bicycle Q a football scarf Q

H 1.28 Read and listen to the webpage. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)?
1 Luke is from London. T 4 Grace is his mum.
2 His parents are from Brazil. 5 His best friend is Tom.
3 His brother Sam is nine. 6 Luke is a Chelsea fan.

3 Read Language focus. Find the short forms of: t j cy

am is are • I'm British.
Complete the sentences with'm, 're or's. • My sister is five.
• My sister's naughty.
1 I 'm twelve.
• My best friend is Tom.
2 She from San Francisco.
• He's in my class.
3 He in Year 7.
• We're Manchester
4 We in the school band,
United fans.
5 They at school.
• My hobbies are music
6 I from Athens. and sport.
• They're in my room.
Vocabulary • Countries
5 1.29 Match the countries with the nationalities. Then listen and check.
1 Spain 2 India 3 Germany 4 France 5 Ireland 6 Brazil 7 China 8 The USA

a French b Brazilian c Irish d Chinese e American f German g Spanish h Indian

6 Work in pairs. Say where the place is. Your partner says the place name.

Brasilia y Dublin j
Sam It's a German city. Sam It's in Ireland.
Leah It's Berlin. Paris J Beijing J Leah It's Madrid.
Sam That's right. Sam That's wrong. It's Dublin!
New DelhiJ Madrid
New York Berlin
f< [ j fGj f+j # rq-

f Home ) f Profile 1 f Photos )

Luke Kelly
My family My friends and hobbies

My mum and dad are from

Ireland. My best friend is Tom.
He's in my class. We're
Manchester United fans.
His mum and dad are from
About Me Poland.
Hi! My name's
Luke. I'm British.
I'm from London.

Birthday: My brother Sam is sixteen.
My Manchester United
12th May His favourite football team scarf.
is Chelsea.

My hobbies are music and

sport. My favourite things
My sister is five. Her are my guitar and my
name's Grace. She's computer. They're in my
naughty! room.

Your space Talking about you

7 Complete the sentences about you.
My name's 1 My dad is from 4
I'm from 2 My mum is from 5 ,
I'm 3 (age) My favourite football team is 6

8 Work in pairs. Tell your partner your sentences.

My name's Claire.
1A Language space
be - positive
Complete the text. Use the tables to help you.
Hi! I'm Max.... 'm from London.
This is Lara. 's from Dublin.
This is Zak 's from New York.
full form short form
I am I 'm
you are you 're
he he
she is she 's
it it
we we
you are you 're
And 're friends! they they

Complete the sentences with am, is 4 1.30 Read and complete the
or are. conversation. Listen and check.
1 Sam Is my best friend.
2 They in my class.
3 We in class 7D.
4 I twelve.
5 He from Scotland.
6 Your computer old.
7 She Spanish.
8 You late.

^ Complete the form for a friend.

Then write sentences.
Arun: Hi. My name' Arun.
Gita: And I' Gita. We' from
Arun: She' twelve.
Gita: And he' twelve, too!
Arun: Our mum and dad Indian but
we' British.

Use short forms when you speak:

His names ALL and He's eleven. He's I'm Sofia, what's your name?
Turkish and he's In class 7£. NOT I am Sofia, what is your name?
1.31 Listen and match. Possessive adjectives - singular
Ik Look at the table and label the pictures.
I you he she it
my your his her its


Brighton Be-rlin Edinburgh Paris

Swmw, Fre.-nc.iA. Brifisk t\vKer\t(w.

eI T-shirt mobile phone bag

6 Work in pairs. Invent a new identity.

Tell your partner.
Hi, my name's Jake. I'm sixteen ...

Regular plurals
Match the singulars with the plurals.

potato boi hobbies 3 _

glass r o o n n glasses

^ potatoes ^tch

hobb^ ^air

, . dishes 10 Complete the sentences with the correct

watches possessive adjectives.
1 She's from Spain. Her name is Sara.
boy-es rooms 2 Tom is fifteen, brother is eighteen.
3 I'm French, but mum is Moroccan.
4 My sister is ten name is Alexa.
8 Write the plurals of these words. 5 This is Ben. Ben is friend.
sandwich class page house address 6 This is my horse. name is Olli.
boy phone tomato match story 7 My best friend's name is George,
mum and dad are from the USA.
s&ncUo lobes
be - negative form • questions
and short answers • articles
asking for and giving
personal information

1 Warm up Match the words with the pictures.
bag 4 pencil case Q eraser Q keys Q jacket Q money Q

(§) 1.32 Read and listen to Poppy's world on page 23. Tick ( / ) the things you can
see from Exercise 1.

0i> 1.32 Read and listen again. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)?
1 The pencil case is on the table, T 4 Jack and Poppy are brother and sister,
2 The keys are on the table. 5 Jack is thirteen.
3 The mobile phone is in the bag.
4 Read Language focus. Then complete
• My pencil case isn't in
the conversations.
my bag!
1 A Is it your bag, Darius? • Are you in my class?
B Yes, it Is Yes, I am.
2 A Are you Greek? • Is my mobile phone on
B Yes, I the table?
3 A your brother at your school? No, it isn't.
B No, he • Are they in my class?
4 A your mobile phone in your bag? • Jack isn't in our class,
but Emma is.
B Yes, it

5 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

A Are you from New York? B Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
A Are you twelve? B Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
A Is your mobile phone in your bag? B Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
A Are your parents Irish? B Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
A Is Rihanna your favourite singer? B Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
A Is your favourite colour red? B Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
Poppy's world
1.32 A new town. A new house.
A new school. It's my first day ... and
I ' m late!
Poppy Mum, my pencil case isn't in my bag!
Mum It's on the table, Poppy.
Poppy Oh no! My keys aren't in my bag!
Mum They're in your jacket.
Poppy Is my mobile phone in my jacket?
Mum No, it isn't. It's here, Poppy.
Poppy Silly me! Thanks, Mum. See you!

I ' m in the playground with my new


Amy Hi, I'm Amy.

Poppy Hi, I'm Poppy. Are you in my class?
Amy Yes, I am. This is David. He's in your
class, too.
Poppy Hi, David.
David Hello.
Amy That's Jack and Emma. They're
brother and sister.
Poppy Are they in our class?
David Jack isn't in our class, but Emma is.
Poppy How old is Jack?
David He's twelve.
I think Jack is cool!

Jack Nice mobile.

Poppy Thanks. Listen to my ringtone.
It's great!
Emma It's the first lesson!
Poppy And we're late!

Talking about your friend

Complete the sentences about your best friend.
My best friend 1 is / isn't. French.
He / She 2 twelve.
He / She 3 in my class.
His / Her favourite 4 (colour).
His / Her parents 5 (nationality).
IB Language space
be - negative
(Circle) the correct words. Use the
table to help you.
1.33 Listen and repeat.
Hi, I'm Mike. This is Millie.
I'm not Millie. My name's Lizzie.

Hi, I'm Kyla. This is Nick.

He isn't / aren't I'm not Nick. My name's Rick.
a good artist!

be - questions and short answers

Complete the conversation. Use the
table to help you.
questions short answers
They isn't / aren't
good tennis players Am I Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
Are Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
negative short form
Yes, he No, he
I am not I'm not Yes, she is. No, she isn't.
you are not you aren't Is
Yes, it No, it
he he isn't Yes, we No, we
she is not she isn't Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
it it isn't Yes, they No, they
we we aren't
you are not you aren't
they they aren't

Change the sentences to the negative

1 I'm English. I'm not English,
2 We're in a cafe
3 They're from Paris
Tom: Hello.
4 Sue's in a hurry
Lily: Hi. 1 Are you a new student?
5 He's wrong
Tom: Yes, 1 2
6 You're in my class
Lily: 3 you from America?
7 It's an easy exercise
Tom: No, 1 4 15 from Australia.
3 Work in pairs. Correct the Lily: Cool! How old 6 you?
information about you. Tom: 1 7 twelve. 8 you in my
You're in a cafe. You're fifteen. Lily: Yes, 1 9
Tom: 1 0 they in our class?
You're in a Lily: No, they 1 1 . But Izzy 1 2
museum. my best friend. And her mum 1 3
Australian, too!

No, I'm not in a cafe. I'm at school. 1.34 Listen and check. Then act out
the conversation with a partner.
^ Write the questions. Jbe
1 in your class / your best friend / is ?
15 your best -friend In your class?
Age Nationality
2 at home / your parents / are ? and place
3 is / old / your computer ?
4 your favourite actor / Zac Efron / is ?
5 is / very big / your school ?
6 a good singer / you / are ?

Answer the questions for you.

Is your best friend In your class?
How old are you? Where are you from?
Yes, she Is.
I'm twelve. I'm from Mars.
8 ^ Complete the form for your partner.
Descriptions Favourites
Don't ask questions!



Our classroom is My favourite
small. colour is green.
Favourite colour
Jobs My mum is
Favourite book an artist.

Favourite TV
Work in pairs. Ask questions to
check your ideas.
A Are you eleven?
B Yes, I am.

^ Complete the sentences about you.
10 Look at the boxes. Write a, an or the. Use the verb be.
1 I (nationality)
2 I (age)
3 My best friend (age)
the + all letters 4 My favourite actor (name)
the sun the moon 5 My mobile phone (colour)
1 (K computer 2 bicycle 6 My classroom (description)
3 bag 4 eraser 5 . Earth
Read your sentences to your partner.
6 pen 7 exercise book
8 cat 9 orange 10 football

Language check page 138 Hello! Unit 1 25

1 Warm up Read the webpage quickly and answer the questions.
How old are the students? Are they boys or girls?

2 Read the webpage again and write the names of the people.
1 He's from Sweden. Pet King 5 He's twelve.
2 Her favourite superhero is Batman. 6 Tubby is his hamster.
3 She's from America. 7 She's from Manchester,
4 They're thirteen. 8 They're football fans.

6 • ^

Penpal SPACE g j
homej my postingj ciub membersj classj penpal helpj
Hello. I'm thirteen. I'm from Hi there! I'm from
Chicago, USA. My pets are Manchester in England
a crazy dog and three fish. and I'm twelve. I'm a girl
My hobbies are computer and I'm in a basketball
games and swimming. I'm a team. It's my favourite
girl. Are you a girl or boy? sport. My favourite
Please write. superhero is Batman. I
Snowgirl think he's cool. Are you
SnowgirlJ Batgirl j a girl? Are you twelve or
thirteen? Then please be
my penpal!!!
Hello. I'm a Swedish boy
and I'm thirteen. My
Hi! I'm from Beijing, China.
interests are tennis, music
I'm a boy and I'm twelve.
and computer games. I'm
My favourite sports are
a Liverpool fan. It's my
basketball and football.
favourite football team.
My favourite things are my
My favourite films are Lord
England football shirt, my
of the Rings and Spider-
computer and my DVDs.
Pet King j Man. My pets are Fluffy
Please be my penpal!
(a cat), Zed (a dog) and
Tubby (a hamster). Write Dylan Dogj

to me, please!
Vocabulary • Interests
Q ) 1.36 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
science [3] sport O animals O books O art | |
computer games O films O fashion O the internet O music I I


Listening and speaking

A 1.37 Listen and (circle) the correct answer.

Lucy Kasun
Age 12 © 11 12
Birthday March May June July W
From England Ireland France Greece
Interests science animals music art computers sport
Favourite singer Beyonce Alicia Keys Justin Bieber
Favourite thing mobile phone dog football shirt computer

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions.

A How old are you? B I'm twelve.
Tell the class about your partner. Use the model to help you.
Martia is twelve. Her birthday is in April. She's from Spain. Her
interests are films and fashion. Her favourite singer is Madonna.
Her favourite thing is her computer.

Write your profile for the Penpal Space webpage.
Hello. I'm a 1 (boy/girl) and I'm 2 (age)
In English, write
I'm from 3 (country) countries and
My interests are 4 ,5 and 6 nationalities with a
My favourite film/singer/football team is 7 capital letter.
Please be my penpal. England - English
(Invent an English name!)

Communication page 118 Your Space Web Zone f Hello! Unltl Zl
r 9 1 1 ; ^
It isn't late. It's early be - question words •
there is, there are • lots of •
irregular plurals
talking about homes

Vocabulary • The house

1 Q 1.40 Match the words with the rooms in the house. Then listen and check.
bathroom [jo] kitchen Q ] study Q living room [ J hall Q
bedroom Q ] garden Q dining room Q toilet Q garage Q

i 91

Warm up Look at Poppy's world on page 29. Answer the questions.
What are the rooms? Who are the people in the photos?

1.41 Listen and read the photo story. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 There are two bedrooms in the house. F 4 There's a small living room.
2 There's one bathroom. 5 Poppy and Josh aren't late for school.
3 Poppy isn't late. 6 It's Friday morning.

1.42 Read Language focus. Complete the descriptions with there's or there
are. Then listen and check.
Amy In my house, 1 there are only two bedrooms. There isn't a dining room, but
2 a big kitchen. 3 a big garden, too. It's a fantastic house.

Jack 4 three bedrooms in my house. 5 one for me, one for Emma, and
one for our parents. 6 a small kitchen, b u t 7 a big living room.
It's my favourite room.

Work in pairs. Say true and false things about your

house. Is your partner telling the truth or not?
Use these words: • There's only one
There's There are There isn't i bathroom.
• There are three
Describe your house to your partner. bedrooms.
There's a big garden. There isn't a dining room. • Where are my
• What's the time?
Poppy s world


W 1 4 1 I V s t h e e n d o f my f"st week at
my new school. Our new house is great.
There are three bedrooms. My bedroom's
pink! There's only one bathroom.

Mum Poppy! Dad Who's in the bathroom?

Poppy Come in! Poppy Me, Dad.
Mum Are you in bed, Poppy? Dad Well, hurry up. It's time for your
Poppy Er ... yeah. breakfast,
Mum Hurry up! It's late. Poppy But I'm not late, Dad!
Poppy What's the time, Mum? It isn't late.
It's early!

There's a big
kitchen. It's busy
in the morning.
Poppy Where are the
They aren't
I don't know.
Where are my There's a big living room, too. It's cool!
Mum You're late for school.
Poppy Ha ha ha!
Poppy No, we aren't, Mum.
Josh What's so
Mum But it's half past eight!
Poppy It's Saturday, Mum. There's no school today!
Poppy They're on your
feet, silly! My parents are great. But they're strange, too!

Talking about your life

Come in!
7 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Hurry up!
How old are you? Where are you from? Who are your favourite I don't know.
What's so funny?
singers / bands? What's your favourite film? When is your birthday?

8 Write sentences about your partner.

Michelle is eleven. She's -from Paris. Her favourite singer is
ShaklrcL ...
2A Language space
Question words and be
Complete the cartoon. Use the table to help you.
Question words
Where are you from?
Who's your class teacher?
What's your name?
When's your birthday?
What's your favourite colour?
How old are you?
How are you?
. ytGUSH c 0 .

Remember to use the correct form of the verb:

My chairs are very comfortable.
NOT My chairs is very comfortable.
Where are you from?
NOT Where is you from?
\ |V I * N He's at home.

Work in pairs. Ask your partner 1.43 Listen and complete the table.
the questions in the table.
A Where are you from?
B I'm from Turkey.
Complete the questions with the
M s )
question words.
Name Luis Jade
1 Where is Kylie Minogue from?
Age 12.
2 is that girl in the photo?
3 is your favourite food?
4 are my school books?
From Mexico
5 is your sister? Favourite colour mmam orange

6 is your English lesson? Favourite food
7 How you?
Work in pairs. Cover the table. Ask
Match the answers to the questions in
and answer questions.
Exercise 3.
A How old is Luis? B He's twelve.
She's m^ friend. Invent a new character. Copy and
complete the table.
She's from Australia. ) It's ice cream. j
Name Super Alex
They're in jour bag! j She's seventeen. J
8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer
It's this morning. I'm twelve, j
questions with your partner.
A What's your name? B Super Alex!
there is / there are lots of
short Complete the sentences with a, an
positive negative questions
answers and lots of.
there is there Is there Yes, there
isn't is. / No,
there isn't.
Welcome to my S^^
there are there Are there Yes, there
aren't are. / No,

there aren't. -mmm n ^m u^f (gP^p. yjlMg!^

1 There areJ lots o-f windows in my classroom.
Complete the sentences with there is
map in my classroom.
or there are. Use the table to help you. 2 . There is
: There is Drange in my school bag.
1 /
At There is ibrary in our school.
computers in our library.
5 There are
teachers in the teachers' room.
G There are
I There is ree in our playground.

& There are cars at the school at 3.00.

2 ^ Write a description of the

In my classroom there are three
windows and one door ...

Irregular plurals
13 Match the singulars and the plurals.

foot man
1 There Is & photo on the wall.
2 computer on the desk. 6 ^ person woman
3 girl in the room,
4 two windows. w o m & n children
5 two doors.
6 TV on the desk.
7 two beds in the room.
fetf people men
8 guitar on the bed.
14 Write the plurals of these words.
10 Cfr Work in pairs. Close your book. Some are regular.
Ask your partner about the picture. 1 desk 2 child 3 bus 4 boy
A Is there a ... ? B Yes, there is. / 5 class 6 man 7 door 8 story
No, there isn't. 9 day 10 watch 11 foot 12 hobby
A Are there ... ? B Yes, there are. /
No, there aren't. 15 1.44 Listen and check.
this, that, these, those •
possessive adjectives •
prepostions of place
describing rooms

Vocabulary • Bedroom
0 1.45 Warm up Look at Liam's room on page 33 and write the numbers next to
the words. Then listen and check.
desk Q bed Q armchair Q bookcase Q
TV 5
wardrobe Q lamp Q rug Q posters Q cushions Q

Work in pairs. Talk about Liam's room.

There's a desk. There are lots of books.

3 H 1.46 Read and listen to Liam's webpage.
Then answer the questions.
1 Who is on the posters? His -favourite footballers. • This is an old
2 What is on his desk? armchair.
3 Where are his cushions from? And his rug? • These are my
4 What is on his walls? favourite books.
5 Where are his school books? • That's my
6 What is his favourite thing? wardrobe.
• Those are my
4 Read Language focus. Then (circle) this, that, school books.
these and those on Liam's webpage.

Choose room A or room B. Imagine that this is your bedroom and you are
the person in the room. Describe the room to your partner.
This is my desk. Those are my CDs.
m room A mess? It's perfect!
says Liam Murray
i That's my wardrobe. It's
; next to the window. Don't

look in it - it's a mess!

9 i
Those posters on the wall are si There s lots of stuff on my desk!
)f my favourite footballers. That's my new computer. And behind
the computer there's an old lamp.


That is my TV. It's

next to the desk.
Those are my
school books under
There are lots
the bed. Oh dear!
of books in
my bookcase.

j, ... This is my favourite

.wJ. thing. It's my new guitar!

This rug is from

the market. It's cool.

This is an old armchair for my These are my favourite

friends. These cushions are books, They're brilliant!
from our holidav in Morocco.

Describing my room
6 Draw your bedroom. Then write sentences about it. It's a mess!
This Is my desk. Oh dear!
There's a TV next to the wardrobe.
These are my posters.

7 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about your bedroom.

There are two beds.
Homes Unit 2 33

this, that, these, those
1 Complete the sentences with this / that / these / those.

1 cats 2 is my 3 armchair 4 mobile

are very naughty! old house. is very old. phones are very small.

5 cars 6 is 7 present 8 mobile

are amazing! my lunch! is for you. phones are

Prepositions of place
2 Match the prepositions with the pictures.
behind Q in Q in front of Q near[T] next to Q opposite Q on Q under Q

3 ^ Write sentences about the room.

-> "-* ii ij 5 6
1 the football / the school bag

n. m
The football Is behind the school bag.
computer / the desk
mobile phone / the apple
4 the books / the bed
5 the ruler / the bag
6 the trainers / the wardrobe
7 the cat / the curtains

1.47 Listen and repeat.

1 /s/ 2 /z/ 3 /z/

desks names pages
months days houses
shirts birds classes
books windows boxes
lakes posters glasses

'""osi QOk^
Your words 2B
Possessive adjectives adjectives
1.48 Complete the sentences.
Use the table to help you. Listen and Find the opposites. Copy and complete
check. the table.

subject possessive adjective Adjectives

I my funny serious
you your
he his
she her
it its
we our
you your
funny small new
they their

1 Chloe and her brother go to my

2 Hi, I'm Sophie favourite singer
is Rihanna.
3 My dog is black and white,
name is Spot. horrible
4 We love football favourite
team is Leeds United.
5 My friends are on holiday with
6 My Art teacher is Mr Smith.
lessons are really interesting.

0 ) 1.49 Complete the penpal site.

Listen and check.

new message

name's Ellie. I'm twelve.

My brother is Dan. He's eighteen and
2. favourite sport is football.
My sister is nine. 3 . name is
short nice serious
Ros. We are from London and A
house is near the Arsenal football Complete the sentences about you.
stadium. My mum and dad are doctors Use an adjective.
and 5. lives are very busy.
1 My mobile phone is
Write to me soon. Tell me about you
2 My house is
and6 life!
3 I've got a new
4 I've got an old
Write to Ellie about you.
5 is funny.
6 is horrible.

Language check page 138 Homes Unit 2 35


1 Warm up Match the headings with the pictures.
A home in a cave Q A home in a forest Q A home in a boat [[

Home sweet home

Three teenagers tell us about
their amazing homes.

This is my home on a river in England. What is

it? It's a houseboat! It is very small but there is a
kitchen, a living room and two bedrooms. There
is a TV and a computer, too. It's great!

My family's wooden house is in

the countryside in Poland. It's in a
forest and near a lake. There are
lots Of animals and birds. We are
very happy here.

This is my holiday home. It's a cave

in Spain! There's a living room,
three bedrooms, a bathroom and
a kitchen. I love this house - it's
very cosy, and it's fun, too. In the
town there are cave cinemas, cave
restaurants and cave cafes!
2 Read about the houses and answer the questions. Write cave, boat or forest.
Which home ...
1 is very quiet? cave 4 is very small?
2 is on a river? 5 is near cinemas and restaurants?
3 is near a lake? 6 is near animals and birds?

Listening and speaking

3 1.51 Listen to Natasha and Sanjit and complete the table.

Vocabulary notebook
• Make a Vocabulary
notebook. Write the
new words you find
in each unit. Divide
the words into
subject groups.
Rooms: bedroom,
Things in a
bedroom: bed,
wardrobe ...
Places: lake, forest...

4 0 1.51 Listen again. Which is Sanjit's favourite room? Why?

5 Work in pairs. Describe your house to your partner. Say which is your favourite
room and why.
In my house there are two bedrooms. There is a nice living room and a small
kitchen. My favourite room is my bedroom!

Speaking and writing

6 Imagine your dream house.
• Is it in a city / by the sea / in the countryside?
• Is it a house / an apartment / a castle?
• Is there a music room / a games room / a gym, etc.?
• Is there a swimming pool / a tennis court / a cinema, etc,?

Z Work in pairs. Describe your dream house to your partner.

My dream house is in London. It is a big palace. There are 100 rooms.
There are 20 bedrooms. My favourite room is the cinema.

8 Write about your dream house.

Communication page 119 Your Space Web Zone (Homes Unit 2 37

have got - positive form 1

talking about family

Vocabulary • Family
f | | 2.02 Complete the table with the words. Then listen and check.
aunt brother wife cousin grandfather father

2 Look at Dylan's family tree on page 39 and write the missing family words.

Presentation ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
3 Warm up Look at the photo of Dylan on page 39 and # chloe's new
answer the questions. boyfriend is very nice.
How old is he? Where is he from? • My mum's parents are
4 $ 2.03 Read and listen to the interview . Auntie Sarah and
about Dylan's family. Are the sentences Uncle Tim's children
true (7) or false (F)? a r e N i c k a n d Jessica.

1 Dylan's got a brother and a sister. T ' F v e 9 o t a b r ° t h e r and

« 11 , , , a sister.
2 Hes qot one aunt. .„ ,
. ,, . , • My dad's got a sister.
3 His father has qot two sisters. , " ,
M 11. ,, , , | .| • They've got a house
4 His mother has qot one brother.
witn a swimming pool.
5 He's got three cousins.
6 He's got four grandparents.
5 Read Language focus and look at Dylan's family tree. Then complete the sentences.
1 Pete is John's -father 4 Kevin is and father.
2 Nick is Dylan's . 5 Jessica is and daughter.
3 Pete is Tom and Oliver's . 6 Tom is brother.

6 Work in pairs. Say true and false sentences about Dylan.

A Jenny is Pete's wife. B True.
A Tim is Clare's brother. B False.
Pete Adams Jenny Adams Kevin Marsh Helen Marsh
grand-father grandmother

John uncle Clare mother Rob father Tim uncle

Tom cousin Oliver cousin Chloe sister Jessica

This is an interview with my epal, Dylan in Sydney, What about cousins?

Australia. Dylan is my age. He's twelve. He's got an I've got four cousins! My British cousins are Tom and
interesting family. Oliver. Tom is twelve and Oliver is only three. Auntie Sarah
Tell me about your family, Dylan. Is it big?
and Uncle Tim's children are Nick and Jessica. Nick has
No, it isn't. It's small! My mum's name is Clare and my got a job in New York.
dad's name is Rob. And I've got a brother and a sister. Tell me about your grandparents.
Chloe is sixteen and Ben's ten. Chloe's new boyfriend is Gran and Grandad Marsh are my dad's parents. They've
very nice. His name is Dylan, too! got a house with a swimming pool near our house! My
I've only got four uncles and aunts. My dad's got a sister mum's parents, Gran and Grandad Adams, are British.
(my Auntie Sarah). Her husband is Uncle Tim. My mum's
Thafs fantastic! Thanks for the interview, Dylan.
got a brother (my Uncle John). He's from London. Uncle
John's wife is my Auntie Jo. That's OK. Interviews are fun!

Your space Talking about families

Work in pairs. Describe your family to your partner.
I've got a small family. My mum's name is Leah. My dad's
name is Sam. I've got one sister. Her name is Julia. I've got
two uncles and two aunts. And I've got three cousins.
have got - positive full form short form
Complete the cartoon with short I've
have got
forms of have got. Use the tables to you've
help you. he's
she has got
you've got
you have got

I lots of
friends on Roboweb.

ten cousins.

Read and complete the email. Use 2.04 What have the teenagers
the short forms of have got where got? Listen and tick ( / ) .
Katie Tom


My name's Antony. I'm 1 3 . 1 1 v e g o t a sister,

Cath, and a brother, Matt. W e 2 a big
dog. Its name is Fido. Cath's hobby is music. She
3 a really good stereo. M a t t 4
lots of DVDs in his room - his hobby is cinema.
! guitar
15 a friend in New Zealand, Mark.
He G a big family. T h e y 7 a
big house in the mountains. I t 8 ten
bedrooms! Our house in England 9 three bicvcle
bedrooms, but we 10 a big garden.
W r i t e soon!
A© • J/

Remember to use the possessive Is:

She is my mother's cousin.
NOT She is the cousin of my mother.
Complete the sentences with the short 3 ^ Write sentences. Use the
form of have got. possessive's.
1 Katie ' s g o t a computer and an mp3 1 His schoolbag is new. (Steve)
player. Steves schoolbag Is new.
2 Tom and Ahmed a guitar. 2 His English teacher is Mr Day. (Radimir)
3 Ella a computer, an 3 Their computer is new. (Stef and Cara)
and a 4 Her bike is in the playground. (Pam)
4 Katie and Ella an mp3 player. 5 Their house is in this road. (Jo and Tom)
5 Ella a bicycle. 6 Her car is in the car park. (Mrs Morgan)
6 Tom and Ahmed a camera.
10 3 2.05 Listen and match the people
Complete the table for you.
with the things.
you a Alisha b Will c Uncle Cam
computer d Reem e Mrs Brooke
mp3 player f Alex and Kate g Owen h Kylie


6 Work in pairs. Tell your partner your

information. Listen and complete the
table for your partner.

^ Write sentences about you and

your partner.
I've got a, / an ... .
. Anna's got a / an ... .

8 Match the sentences with the pictures.
a They're Paul and Rosie's dogs. 4
b It's Laura and Mike's dog.
c It's Harry's dog.
d They're Luke's dogs.

1 1 & Work in pairs. Talk about the

people and things.
A Whose car is this?
B It's Mrs Brooke's.
have got - negative form •
have got - questions and
short answers • Whose ...?
and possessive pronouns
talking about possessions

Vocabulary • People
1 Q j 2.06 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
friendly [G] s h y Q funny QJ kind Q serious Q clever Q

2 Work in pairs. Talk about people you know.

Lisa is friendly. My brother is shy.

3 Warm up Look at Poppy's world on page 43 and answer the questions.
Who are the people in the photos? Where are they?

2.07 Listen and read the photo story. Then complete the sentences with
the names.
1 David is shy.
2 is friendly and kind,
3 is serious, • Have you got your
4 is clever. homework?
5 is Poppy's best friend, • Yes, we have. /
6 is funny. No, I haven't.
• I haven't got my
Read the photo story again. Whose are these things? mobile.
1 the science magazine • He hasn't got a

good memory.
2 the hat
3 the mobile phone

Read Language focus. Find the sentences in the photo story. Can you find two
more sentences with have got?
David is shy. He's
>.ic7er, too. But he hasn't got a
good memory!

Mr Gordon Have you got your

Students Yes, we have.
Mr Gordon David? Have you got your
David My homework? No, I
haven't! It's at home!

Jack and E m m a are brother and sister. They're very

different. Emma is serious but Jack's funny. And
they haven't got the same interests.

Jack Whose is this science magazine?

Emma It's mine. It's interesting.
Jack You're joking!
Emma Is this hat yours?
Jack Yes, it is.
Emma Well, I think it's silly!

Have you got a best friend?

I have! Her name's Amy.
She's my age. She's
friendly and kind.
Poppy Oh no! I haven't got my mobile!
Amy Where is it?
Poppy It's in my other bag!
Amy Don't worry. Here's mine.
Poppy Oh thanks, Amy. You're a star!

Talking about possessions

Work in pairs and ask and answer questions. Use these You're joking!
words. Don't worry.
horse swimming pool dog skateboard DVD player cat You're a star!
A Have you got a bicycle? B Yes, I have.
C No, I haven't.

8 Tell the class about your partner.

Sofia hasn't got a horse, but she's got a cat.

3B Language space
have got - negative
a We haven't got
Match the sentences with the cartoons.
our books.
Use the table to help you.

• • It hasn't got
a camera.
I )
haven't got
an umbrella.

She hasn't
got a key.
full form short form have got - questions and short
I answers
Jou h a v e n o t haven't
questions short answers
he he
she has not she hasn't Have ^ Yes, * have, No, * haven't,
got you you you
it it got
he he he
we we
Has she Yes, she has. No, she hasn't,
you have not you haven't
it 9 0 t -? it it
they they
we we we
2 (§ 2.08 Listen and tick ( / ) or Have you Yes, you have, No, you haven't,
cross (X). they they they

Nick 2.09 Complete the conversations.

Finlay Emma
and Suzy Then listen and check.
lizard • 1 Adam: Have you a pencil?
Tyler: Yes, I
spider -f^c X Adam: And an eraser and a ruler?
Tyler: Adam, you
snake your bag?
Adam: No, I
parrot |f
2 Jack: Lucy. her
Esme: Yes, she
frog 3 Maria: your parents
a new computer?
^ Write sentences about the friends. Paige: Yes, they
Flnlaxj has got a lizard, but ... 4 Teacher: Zoe, Faith you
your homework?
4 Work in pairs. Talk about you and Zoe and Faith: No, we .... Sorry.
your family's pets.
A I've got a cat.
B My uncle's got two horses!
Your words 3B
Put the words in the correct order.
Write questions and short answers.
Match the pictures with the sentences.
1 they/a new teacher/have/got/? ( / )
Have they got a new teacher? • Use's in place of is.
Yes, they have.
2 Ella/a pet d o g / h a v e / M i a / g o t /
and/? ( / )
3 mum/a new j o b / h a s / g o t / y o u r / ? ( / ) 0
4 they/have/lots of cousins/got/? (X) 2
- id
5 she /has /lots of homework/got/? ( / )
6 a digital camera/you/got/have/? (X)

Work in pairs. Write the names of He's ninety-nine. [Z]

three people you know. Ask your partner It's difficult. •
questions about them. She's a doctor. Q
A Has your friend Sarah got a car? have got . U s e >s |n p|ace of h a s
B Yes, she has.

Possessive pronouns and

Nhose... ?
subject possessive possessive
adjective pronoun
I my mine
you your yours She's got lots of books. Q
he his his He's got a new computer.
she her hers It's got a free CD. [
it its -

's • Use s with possessions.

we our ours
you your yours
they their theirs

8 Complete the sentences.

1 It's your DVD. It's yours
2 This isn't my money. It isn't
3 They're Matt's parents. They're Jake and Dan's house is very small.
4 Is this bag Sophie's? Is it ? Is this your mum's
5 books are these? Are they Li's? This is Ruby's mobile phone.
6 It's Kim and Anna's computer game.
It's Read the sentences. Write be, have got
7 Are these your keys? Are they ? or's.
8 It's my brother's new mp3. It's 1 He's got an old car. have got
9 bag is this? Is it yours? 2 Jenni's mobile phone is red
10 They're our posters. They're 3 It's Monday today
4 It's got small windows.
5 Is he your sister's friend?
6 She's from Poland.

Language check page 139 Family Unit 3 45


Vocabulary • Describing people

1 @ 2.11 Label the pictures with the words. Then listen and check.

blue fair straight slim green short

Build § Eye

5 brown 6 grey 7 8

1 tall 2 3 plump 4 short

fl OCIfl
Hair type Hair colour

13 dark 14

9 long 10 11 curly 12
2 Look at the film poster and answer the questions.
Reading and writing
1 What is the title of the film? 3 What is their address?
2 Who are The Fantastic Five? 4 When is the film on at the cinema?

'Jjjsrs'j vjJM, y fiwM

Of Supcrhcrocs. They
••itiJ ousc A at 55 Orbit
ijus li lks>* Road
3 Match the descriptions with the Fantastic Five. Write the numbers.
[5] Amber is tall and slim. She's got long red hair and brown eyes,
She's thirty-eight.
• George is fifteen. He's got short straight hair and he's got glasses.
He's short and plump.
• Elliot is short and plump, He's got short straight hair. He hasn't got glasses.
He's only five.
Q Holly is sixteen. She is short and slim. She's got green eyes and curly red hair.
• Roger is very tall and slim. He's got long dark hair and brown eyes. He's forty.

4 Draw your own superhero and write a description.

Listening and speaking

5 © 2 . 1 2 Listen to Lauren and write the names and the family words.
Ben Sue Lauren Ellie -Katicr David

Katie 2 3
SHes Laurens mum.

4 5 6

6 C I 2.12 Draw lines from the names to the pictures. Listen again and check.

T Work in pairs. Describe your family.

My brother is eleven. He's tall and he's got short dark hair. He's funny.

Communication page 120 Your Space Web Zone fpamily Unit 3 47

present simple - positive
form • prepositions of time

saying when you do things

Warm up Look at the pictures on page 49 and find:

a football dinner a clock a computer breakfast homework

2 Read Liam's webpage and number the pictures in the correct order.

3 2.17 Read the sentences about Liam. Are they true (7) or false (F)?
Then listen and check.
1 Liam is twelve years old. T 5 School starts at 8:15 am.
2 He lives in Oxford. 6 His favourite meal is fish and chips.
3 He has toast and jam and tea for breakfast. 7 He has football practice on Tuesday.
4 He goes to school with his mum. 8 He goes to bed at 11 pm.

Vocabulary • Daily routine

2.18 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
get dressed O have dinner O have breakfast O watch TV O go to bed •
get up | j ] have lunch • do homework Q get washed • go to school •

5 2.19 Read Language focus. Then listen and write

the times in Molly's day.
Molly's day • I read a book before I
Molly gets up a t 1 quarter past seven . She has breakfast go to sleep at about ten
at2 She goes to school a t 3 o'clock at night.
School starts a t 4 and finishes a t 5 • Dad gets home at
Molly gets home a t 6 The family has dinner at about six o'clock in the
7 Then they watch TV. Molly goes to bed at evening.
s • School starts at quarter
to nine.
-j- i

My name is Liam and I'm twelve.

I live In Cambridge in the UK. ^^^m r 1
On school days I get up at seven
o'clock in the morning. I get
washed and I get dressed. Then I
have breakfast - jam on toast and
a glass of orange juice.

I go to school with my friends at

quarter past eight. School starts
at quarter to nine and finishes at
quarter past three. I have lunch
at school.

After school I do my homework

and chat with my friends on
the computer. Dad gets home at gBLvjftYjw-
about six o'clock in the evening.
We have dinner at about half past C
six. My favourite meal is pasta. I
like pizza, too!

On Tuesday I go to football
practice. In the evening we
watch TV. I go to bed at about
half past nine. I read a book
before I go to sleep at about ten
o'clock at night.

Your space Talking about your routine

Work with a partner. Talk about your daily routine.
A I get up at seven o'clock. B I get up at quarter past six!
Present simple - positive
Read the conversation and (circle the
Present simple
correct form of the verbs. Use the
I / you / we / they eat
table to help you.
he / she / it eats

Lara What's wrong, Zak?

Zak Well, 1 1 wake up / wakes up at eight
o'clock and 1 take / takes Robopet

for a walk. Then 1 3 make / makes

lunch. In the afternoon we 4 g o /
goes to the park. And in the evening
15 watch / watches TV and Robopet
6 play / plays videogames. It's boring

Complete the sentences with the 3 Qj Read and complete the email. Use
present simple. Use the spelling rules the present simple.
below to help you.
Present simple spelling rules Hi!
go —> goes I'm English but I
wash —> washes 1 Live, (live) in
watch —> watches Bogota, Colombia
have —> has because my parents
study —> studies
2 (work)
here. My brother,
play —> plays
my sister and I 3 (go) t o an
international school. W e 4 (do)
1 Luke goes (go) to the cinema every
our lessons in English. But we 5
2 Hassan (play) football in the (speak) Spanish t o o now.
school team. We 6 (love) Bogota but life here
3 Jane (do) her homework is different. On the way t o school we
before dinner. 7 (have) breakfast in the cafe
4 My brother (study) French at near our house. I 8 (drink) a
school. coffee and I 9 (eat) a cake. My
5 Mohsin (watch) TV after sister 1 0 (have) a hot chocolate!
6 My mum (finish) work at
7:30 pm.
^ Write an email to Susanna.
7 My dad (buy) books on the
Describe your daily routine.
8 My sister is one year old. She
(cry) a lot.

Remember the third person s:

She likes football.
NOT She like football.
Prepositions of time 6 Write six sentences about the life
Match the expressions with the of a famous person.
pictures. She gets up cut 11 o'clock in the
the morning
the afternoon Work in pairs. Tell your sentences
the evening to your partner. Don't say the name!
Guess the famous person.
A She gets up at ten o'clock in the
morning. She sings and dances.
She's got dark hair and dark skin.
B Beyonce!

8 Tell your partner when you do

these things.
I get up at seven o'clock.

get up | go to school j have lunch v

come- home ) do ^our homework-j

have dinner j watch TV , jo^tob&d^.

9 ^ Write two true sentences and one

false sentence about you. Use these

(Sentence stress

HJ) 2.20 Listen and repeat.

He gets up at night
At half past one,
Then he runs out the door
And he has some fun.
10 Work in pairs. Tell your partner
He gets home in the morning
your sentences. Which sentence is
And he sits on the mat,
Then he sleeps all day,
He's a really lazy cat!
present simple - negative r

form • present simple -

questions and short answers
talking about free time
and hobbies
Vocabulary • Free time activities
2.21 Listen and tick ( / ) three activities you like.
play football Q play computer games Q write poems and stories Q
meet friends Q read books | | play the guitar Q ] collect things Q
send text messages Q go shopping Q listen to music Q surf the web [_

Warm up Look at Poppy's world on page 53 and answer the questions.
Who is in photo A? What has Poppy got? Who is in photo B? What has Jack got?

2.22 Listen and read the photo story. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)?
Correct the false sentences.
1 Emma's dad collects old pop records. F
2 David's mum reads in her free time.
3 Jack doesn't play football. • Do you surf the web?
4 Emma surfs the web and sends text messages. Yes, I do.
5 Jack plays the electric guitar in his free time. • Does he write emails?
6 David doesn't do his homework after school. No, he doesn't.
• Do they watch TV?
Read Language focus. Then work in pairs and answer Yes, they do.
the questionnaire. • But they don't watch
A Do you surf the web? B Yes, I do. TV on Saturday.

5 Complete the questionnaire about you. Mark your answers with a tick ( / ) ,

^ Do you love or hate computers?^

Do you ...? Do you ...?

read books? surf the web?
read magazines? download music?
write letters? play computer games?
play a musical instrument? send text messages?
meet your friends? write emails?
play board games with friends? write a blog?
Get 1 for every 'yes' answer. Get 2 for every 'yes' answer.
Score Score

• - B Oh dear! Do you live in the twenty-first century?

7 - 1 2 Fantastic! You like computers but you also spend
time with your friends.
1 3 - 1 8 You love computers! But do you see your friends?
Poppy What do your parents do in their free time, David?
David Well, my dad collects old pop records.
Poppy Old pop records?
David Yeah. He likes The Beatles and The Rolling Stones! And
my mum reads newspapers and books and magazines.
Poppy Do they watch TV?
David Yes, they do. But they don't watch TV on Saturday.
Poppy What do you do after school?
David do my homework!
Poppy Me too! Do you surf the web, Emma?
Emma Yes, I do. I go shopping, too. And I send text messages
to my friends ... like you!
Poppy What about Jack? Does he play computer games?
Emma No, he doesn't.
Poppy Does he listen to music? Jack doesn't watch DVDs
Emma Yes, he does. But Jack's got a special hobby. in his free time. And he
Poppy What's that? doesn't play football. He
plays the electric guitar.
Emma Follow me ... to the garage!
And he's fantastic!

Talking about your interests \

Complete the sentences. Me too!
... like you!
My favourite free time activity is 1 What about Jack?
At the weekend 1 2 Follow me ...
In the evening 1 3

Work in pairs and compare your sentences with your partner.

A At the weekend I go shopping.
B I don't. I play football.

4B Language space
Present simple - negative Present simple - questions and
(Circle) the correct form of the verb. short answers
Use the table to help you. Complete the conversation with the
full form short form present simple. Use the table to help you.
you d 0 n 0 t don't
he he
she does not ^ she d o e s n , t work.
we we
you do not you don't
they they

1 They(^TonT)/doesn't have English

lessons on Friday.
2 She d o n ' t / d o e s n ' t like horror films.
3 I don't / doesn't get up early on
4 James doesn't / d o n ' t like bananas.
5 Luis doesn't / d o n ' t surf the web
before school.
6 We doesn't / d o n ' t see our cousins questions short answers
every day. I don't,
Do 1 Yes I d o - No,
' you do. you don't.
2.23 Cross 0 0 the he he he
activities Archie doesn't Does she Yes, she does, No, she doesn't,
do on Saturdays. it it it
we we we
Do you Yes, you do. No, you don't,
they they they

Complete the conversation with Archie.

Use the words below.

do don't does doesn't

Lisa: you get up early on Sunday?

Archie: No, I
Lisa: your dad read a newspaper?
Archie: Yes, he In fact, he reads
Lisa: your mum cook a big Sunday
^ Write sentences about the things
Archie doesn't do on Saturday.
Archie: No, she My dad cooks it!
He doesn't play with his pets. Lisa: your parents watch TV in the
Work in pairs. Talk about activities
Archie: Yes, they
you don't do on Saturday.
Lisa: you do your homework in the
I don't read a newspaper.
Archie: Yes, I . It's terrible!
^ Write questions and true answers. have
1 you / like English lessons?
Do you like English lessons? have breakfast
Yes, I do.
2 your mother / cook your dinner?
3 your school / start at half past eight?
4 you and your friends / walk to school
together? have lunch
5 you and your family / have coffee for
6 you / go to the park on Saturdays?
7 your grandparents / surf the web?
have dinner
8 'vfr Work in pairs. Ask your partner
the questions from Exercise 7. Do you
give the same answers?

9 Complete the clocks with the times have a shower

you do these activities.

have a party

before after
I have a shower at 7 am. I have breakfast at
7:30 am.

I have a shower before I have breakfast.

I have breakfast after I have a shower.

I finish school at 3:30 pm. I go to football

practice at 4 pm.

I finish school before I go to football

I go to football practice after I finish

Work in pairs. Tell your partner

about you.
10 "yfr Work in pairs. Ask and answer 1 I have breakfast at
questions with your partner. 2 I have lunch at
A What time do you have breakfast? 3 I have dinner at .
B I have breakfast at seven o'clock in
Compare your days.
the morning.
I have breakfast before you!

Language check page 139 fTlfe Unit 4 55


1 Warm up Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
Where do the people work? What do you think they do in their jobs?

We ask three people about their job

A zoo keeper
Guess what? I love animals! At
the zoo, I prepare food for the
HRBHRH animals and I clean their living
spaces. I work about eight
A circus performer hours a day. I don't only work
I work in a circus. I'm a trapeze artist with animals, I work with
- I walk on the high wire. I travel all people, too. I answer their
over the world - to Australia, Japan, questions. My job is great,
the USA. It's very exciting! I live in a but I don't like one thing
big circus family, i get up early and • a ... I wear a uniform - and I
practise every day. I work Monday don't like uniforms!
to Friday, and at the weekend, too! t ~ ik I Alexia Georgiou
I spend lots of time away from - \ WSf/,
home. I don't see my real family
for weeks! But I love my job. A games tester
Rosa Sanchez I play computer games ..
job! I work 10 to 12 hours a day. I
work in a big team in an office. It's
fun - but it's also a bit boring. Why?
Because I test the same game again
and again! After work, I go home
and sleep (I'm very tired!) or talk to
my work friends about our favourite
hobby. That's right - computer games!
Tomasz Nowak

2.25 Read and listen. Then complete the sentences with the
people's names.
1 Alexia works with animals.
2 works at the weekend.
3 works with lots of other people,
4 doesn't see her family for weeks.
5 uses a computer.
6 doesn't like her uniform.

Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.

Whose jobs do you like / don't you like? Who has got the best job?
Vocabulary • Jobs
4 2.26 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
doctor [lo] bus driver O shop assistant O teacher O police officer | |
mechanic O hairdresser O office worker CU farmer Q actor H

5 Copy and complete the table. Then check your answers with a partner.
You can use some jobs more than once.

Who ... ?
wears a uniform works outside works at night uses a computer
bus driver

Listening and speaking

6 @ 2.27 Listen and write the jobs.
1 a Hairdresser • We often use
7 Work in groups and play What's my job? certain words
in pairs. Write
One student mimes, your group says the job.
them in your
A Are you a doctor? B No, I'm not. Vocabulary
A Are you an artist? B Yes, I am. notebook,
watch + TV
Writing do + homework
get + washed
8 Choose one of the jobs from Exercise 4. Ask and answer the
questions with a partner. What is your partner's job?
• What time do you start / finish work?
• Do you drive / use a computer every day?
• Do you wear a uniform or special clothes?
• Do you work with other people / with animals / outside / at night?

9 Write a description of one of the jobs.

I'm a hairdresser. I start work at ...

Communication page 121 Your Space Web Zone flife Unit 4 57 J

Can you sulm? can - positive and negative
forms, questions and short
answers • adverbs of manner
talking about ability • talking
about how well you do things

Vocabulary • Sport
1 @ 2.30 Match the words with the pictures. Then listen and check.
basketball [g] cycling O football O tennis O volleyball Q
gymnastics O karate O rugby O running O swimming | |

Warm up Look at Poppy's world on page 59 and answer the questions.
Who is in the playground? How many apples has Poppy got?

| j | 2.31 Listen to the photo story. Are the sentences true (7) or false (F)?
Correct the false sentences.
1 Jack and Emma can play football very well. F THey can play tennis very well.
2 David can swim quite well.
3 Amy can run, swim and play football.
4 Poppy can play basketball very well.
5 Poppy can't swim at all.
• I can juggle.
6 Poppy can't juggle.
• Jack and Emma can
Q 2.32 Listen to Alex and tick ( / ) the sports play tennis.
he can do. • David can swim.
• I can't play football.
do karate O play football Q cycle O
• Can you play football?
swim I I juggle O skateboard | | Yes, I can. / No, I can't.

Read Language focus. Write sentences about / / I can juggle very well.
/ I can play basketball
what Alex can and can't do.
quite well.
1 He- can't do karate. Z He can play -football. XX I can't swim at all.

[ 58 Unit 5 Keep f i t ! J
Poppy's world

fg| 2.31 All my friends like sport - and

there's a sports competition at school next
week. Jack and Emma can play tennis very
well. David can swim quite well. And Amy is
brilliant. She can run, swim and play football!
Amy Hey, Poppy. Do you want to be in our sports team?
Poppy Er... yeah, OK.
Amy Great. Can you play football? I've got a secret skill. I ' m
Poppy No, I can't. I can't play football. good at juggling!
Amy What about basketball? Poppy I can juggle.
Poppy I can play basketball quite well. But I'm not very tall, Amy Can you?
Amy That's true. Can you run very well? Poppy Yes, I can. Watch.
Poppy No, I can't. Amy Wow, Poppy. You can juggle
Amy Erm ... Can you swim? very well! You're amazing!
Poppy No, I can't. I can't swim at all! Poppy Thanks. Am I in the team?
Amy Can you do any sport, Poppy? Amy Erm ... no. Sorry. There
isn't a juggling competition!
Your space Talking about sport
6 Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about sport.
A Can you play tennis? That's true.
B Yes, I can. I can play tennis very well. What about you? You're amazing!
A No, I can't. I can't play tennis at all. Sorry.

7 Tell the class about your partner.

Kyle can play tennis very well, but I can't.
can - positive and negative can - questions and short
1 Read and (circle) the correct verbs. answers
Use the table to help you. questions short answers
you you you
he he he
she . she she
Can -j. sing? Yes, can. No, can t.
we we we
you you you
they they they

can /can'Pj
Q 2.33 Listen and repeat.
1 Can you run? Yes, I can.
2 Can you swim? No, I can't
3 I can run, but I can't swim.
1 Zak can / can't cook.
2 Robopet can / can't skateboard. 4 Look at the table and complete the
3 Max and Lara can / can't juggle. conversation with can or can't.

positive negative
he can can't dance.
it Gran / use a computer surf the web
we send an email
you X play computer games download
they music
Grandad / drive cook
2 Write sentences. Use can / can't.
1 you / cook X You can't cook. X use a computer use a mobile
2 my teacher / play the guitar / phone
3 I / swim /
Lucy: Gran, 1 can you use a computer?
4 Our dog / sing X
5 My friend and I / play volleyball / Gran: Yes, 1 2 13 surf the web
6 They / speak French X and 1 4 send emails, too.
7 Harry and Mark / do karate / Lucy: Cool. And 5 you play computer
8 My Dad / ride a bike X games?
Gran: No, 1 6 And 1 7 download
3 Work in pairs. Tell your partner music. Can you teach me?
four things you can do and four things Lucy: Of course. What about Grandad?
you can't do. Gran: Oh, Grandad 8 use a computer.
Lucy: 9 he use a mobile phone?
I can play tennis. I can't sing. Gran: No, he 1 0 But he 1 1 drive.
And he 1 2 cook. That's useful!
60 Unit 5 Keep f i t ! 1
Work in pairs. Tick ( / ) the things
you can do. Then talk to your partner
Adverbs of manner
/ quite well X not very well
and tick ( / ) the things he / she can
do. / / very well XX not at all
A Can you swim under water?
B Yes, I can.


say the alphabet • • i:g a p I juggle three ^ Tick ( / ) two things you can do
backwards • % f 'm kails • and cross (X) two things you can't
do. Then write about how you can do
I can pl(Uj tennis quite well.
I canb ride cl bike very well.

ride a bike play tennis take photos

cook skate paint dance do Maths
play the piano run write poetry

8 "yfr Work in pairs. Tell your partner

your sentences. Are your sentences
Score different?
1 - 3 Oh cfear? Try a new skill,
4 - 6 Not kacf!
7 - 10 Wow! Take a break.
T i n r m r r r a ^ m
Use the correct word order for questions:
Report to the class.
Can you sing? NOT You can sing?
Ben can play the guitar.
I love running present simple • like, love,
hate + -ing • imperatives

talking about likes and

Vocabulary • Activities
{Q 2.34 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures in t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e on page 63. Write
t h e letters, t h e n listen and c h e c k .
walking \ g \ staying in bed O reading books and magazines •
doing puzzles O playing computer games CH playing chess O
singing O playing ball games j 1

Do t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e Are you fit and active? C o u n t your a and b answers. T h e n
read Score.

Work in groups. Talk a b o u t your a n s w e r s together.

A I love r u n n i n g .
B I love r u n n i n g , too.

C I don't like r u n n i n g . I like staying in b e d !

Tell t h e class a b o u t your group's answers.

Three p e o p l e in our g r o u p love r u n n i n g . O n e p e r s o n loves d o i n g puzzles.

Read Language focus. Complete the sentences L11S

w i t h t h i n g s y o u like a n d d o n ' t like doing.

love and • I love w a t c h i n g sport.

• I like p l a y i n g ball
like and games.
• I don't l i k e flying.
C ) I don't like or
• 1 hate getting up.
r v ( * ) i hate and

Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t your free t i m e .

A W h a t d o you like d o i n g in your free time?
B I like r i d i n g m y b i k e . A n d I love w a t c h i n g TV.
A D o y o u like r u n n i n g ?
B No, I don't.
A W h a t d o you hate d o i n g ?
B I hate staying in b e d .
11 love ...
a running •
b reading O
In the morning I hate ...
a staying in bed • a doing sport •
b getting up • b watching sport •
i What do you like doing at the weekend? I do something active for...
a b a about an hour a day •
walking • doing puzzles • b about ten minutes a day •
playing ball games CH reading books I like ...
tidying my room • and magazines • a cycling CU
singing • playing chess •
b going by car •
playing computer
games Q

Mostly as: You are a sporting hero! Don't forget to rest!
Mostly b's: Oh dear! Don't sit in that chair. Get up! Do a sport!

Your space My favourite activities

Write a b o u t w h a t you like and d o n ' t like d o i n g in your
free time. Use like, love, don't like and hate.
I love listening to music. My -favourite singer Is
Plxle Lott. I like swimming. I go to the swimming pool
on Wednesdays. But I don't like playing football!
5B Language space
like, love, h a t e + - i n g
2.35 C o m p l e t e t h e table.
love = / / like = / not like = X hate = XX
Complete the sentence with the

sleeping waking up

It's spring a n d Bruno

the bear wakes u p
after the winter.

He loves , but
^ 2.36 Listen and repeat.
he hates I
writing listening speaking sending
2 Write true s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e -ing giving shopping studying
5 ^ Write s e n t e n c e s a b o u t t h e people.
I tike sleeping l a t e a t the weekend.
1 I like Amy loves listening to rock music a n d
2 I don't like doing sports. SHe doesn't like taking
3 I love photos. She hates playing chess.
4 I hate
5 My mum loves & Work in pairs. A s k your partner
q u e s t i o n s a b o u t p e o p l e in their family.
6 My mum doesn't like
play chess j watch old films j cook j
7 My dad doesn't like
do crosswords j read magazines

8 My best friend loves

listen to rock music j take photos j

A D o e s your d a d like w a t c h i n g
old films?
3 "V^ Work in pairs. Tell your partner
B Yes, h e does.
your s e n t e n c e s .
ur words 5B
Imperatives do a n d make
C o m p l e t e t h e signs.

1 Don't bake photos in

the museum, (not take)

2 food on
this bus. (not eat)

3 English! do your homework

(speak) do an exercise
do a test


4 Please in
the library, (not talk)

5 your mp3
players, (not use)

make a noise
6 paper in make a mess
this bin, please, (put) make a mistake

C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h do or make.
1 I can wake, cakes. They're delicious!
7 this hat in 2 I my homework after school.
cold water, (wash) 3 Shhh. Don't a noise in the cinema!
4 My mum lots of sport.
5 My brother a terrible mess in his
6 Teacher: Exercise five with your
8 Please
the animals, (not feed)
7 Adam mistakes in Maths.
8 We a vocabulary test every week.

Language check page 140 Keep f i t ! Unit 5 65


Reading and speaking

1 W a r m up Read t h e w e b p a g e quickly and answer the questions.
W h a t is Sports4you? W h o can g o t h e r e ?

2 Read t h e w e b p a g e again. Are t h e s e n t e n c e s true (7) or false (F)?

Correct the false sentences.
1 You m e e t your t e a c h e r s at 9 am. T
2 You do s p o r t in t h e morning for t h r e e hours.
3 You g o h o m e for lunch.
4 In t h e a f t e r n o o n you do t h r e e different sports.
5 In t h e evening you g o h o m e after dinner.
6 On Friday t h e r e is a talent show.
7 On t h e last day t h e r e are races and g a m e s .
8 You c a n stay in bed all day at Sports4you.

3 W o r k in pairs. I m a g i n e y o u are at t h e s p o r t s c a m p . C h o o s e t w o
sports. Talk a b o u t your s p o r t s w i t h a partner.
M y two sports are volleyball a n d s w i m m i n g . I c a n s w i m quite well.
But I c a n ' t p l a y v o l l e y b a l l .

f < ; j fc~ r£ %

Q m x s z b m s
© The day starts at 9 am. You meet your teachers and get
ready for sport! It's like an Olympic Village for teenagers!
© In the morning you choose a sport. And you do it for
three hours. But there is lots of time to watch and learn.
© At lunchtime you can eat and chat with your new friends.
© In the afternoon you do a different sport. Or you can try
wall climbing, horse riding or mountain biking.
@ At the end of the day you are tired. But there's a nice
dinner or a barbecue. And time to be with your friends!
© After dinner there's lots of fun! A game show on Monday,
a talent show on Tuesday, a film on Wednesday, and a
treasure hunt on Thursday.

I is especially for 11-14 year-olds. © Friday is Sports4you Olympics day! There are lots of
A Try a new sport. A Learn new skills. [> Get fit. races and games. It's time to show your new skills.
Can your team win?
nMBSIGl^SlDfMSB © In the evening there's a disco with all your friends!
4 0 2.38 Match t h e s e n t e n c e parts. Then listen and check.

Weird animal fact)

1 Gorillas a can't close their eyes,
2 Ostriches b can stay under water for 30 minutes
3 Snakes C can't jump.
4 Snails d can sleep for three years,
5 Whales e can run at 70 km an hour,
6 Elephants f can sing for 20 minutes,
7 Hippos g can learn 1,000 words,
8 Grey parrots h can't swim.

5 Work in pairs. A s k your partner a b o u t their free t i m e . Make M a k i n g notes
notes. Can you ... ? • When you make
notes, only write
play football j s w i m J J ^ L y ride a b i k e j . r i d e a h o r s V the important
A Anja, can you
< 1 J i l t ^ c l i m b t r e e <J
sj J ^ j play football?
B Yes, I can.
play the guitar j paint draw j play the piano J A And can you
play volleyball?
6 Write a b o u t your partner. B No, I can't.

Oleg can play -football. He can't rule a Horse or a A)\ja

bike. He can't play the guitar or tHe piano. But He can play -football
can swum very well. He can paint and draw, too. can't play volleyball

Communication page 122 Your Space Web Zone
I always walk to school adverbs of frequency •
present simple - question
words • prepositions of time

talking about daily routine
and habits

Vocabulary • School subjects

2.41 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and check.
Maths [zT| Religious Education ( R E ) D Geography • Music •
Art O Physical Education (PE) • Drama • English • History •
Science O Information and Communication Technology (ICT) O Languages | |

2 2.42 Listen and c o m p l e t e Lauren's t i m e t a b l e on page 69. Do you study t h e
same subjects?

3 Work in pairs. A s k and answer q u e s t i o n s a b o u t your s c h o o l t i m e t a b l e .

A W h a t lessons d o you h a v e on M o n d a y m o r n i n g ? B Maths a n d Art.

4 ( | | 2.43 Read and listen t o Lauren's project. Are t h e s e n t e n c e s true (7) or false ( F ) ?
Correct t h e false s e n t e n c e s .
1 Lauren goes to a primary school called Lakeside Community School. F
Lauren goes to a secondary school, called Lakeside Community School.
2 Year 7 is the second year of secondary school.
3 She often plays computer games on the school computers.
4 She usually goes home for lunch.
5 She never eats meat for her main meal at school.
6 She walks to school.
7 She always goes to Homework Club after school, 100% - always
8 She enjoys drumming.
Read Language focus and underline adverbs sometimes
of frequency in Lauren's project. not often
0% - U never

I Here Is roy school timetable
Monday Thursday



Talking about your daily routine

6 Write four true s e n t e n c e s and one false s e n t e n c e a b o u t your
daily routine.
I always do my Homework. I sometimes go to the cinema.

7 Work in pairs. Read your s e n t e n c e s t o your partner. Which is

your partner's false s e n t e n c e ?
Adverbs of frequency
1 (Circle) t h e correct adverb of frequency. Use t h e t a b l e to help you.

You win again! You always 100%

always / never win!
usually 80-99%

often 60-80%

sometimes 20-60%
not often 1-20%
never 0%

^ Put t h e w o r d s in t h e correct order Prepositions of time

to m a k e s e n t e n c e s .
at five o'clock on 14th June
1 seven o'clock/get up/we/usually/at midnight 6th May
We usually get up a t seven o'clock. at night in January
2 at school/lunch/they/have/often
on Wednesday in the morning
3 my parents/to the shops/drive/never
Monday morning the afternoon
4 writes/sometimes/Joe/letters
Friday afternoon the evening
5 eat/ often / apples / Isabel / doesn't
the summer
6 don't/usually/TV/my parents/watch
Complete the sentences with the
^ C o m p l e t e t h e Factfile a b o u t you. prepositions from t h e table.
1 We go on holiday ...In August.
1 I usually get up early.
a % I don't often play... computer games.
They don't watch TV
I don't go to school
the evening.

3 I (watch) TV. 4 I get up half past six.
4 I (walk) to school. 5 My birthday is 7th September.
5 I (help) my parents at home. 6 I have a piano lesson Friday.
6 I (send) text messages. "yfr Work in pairs. A s k and answer
IL 7 My best friend (ride) a bike questions.
W h e n d o you g o on h o l i d a y ?
Work in pairs. C o m p a r e your In August.
s e n t e n c e s w i t h your partner.
go do
r U play
Remember to put the adverb of frequency wafch
in the correct place: holiday
I sometimes have pizza for lunch. birthday . ..
NOT I h a v e sometimes pizza for lunch.
M y friends never visit me.
NOT M y friends visit m e never.
Question words and present 10 (J 2.45 C o m p l e t e t h e conversation w i t h
t h e verbs. Listen and c h e c k .
Sam: Hi, my name's
Anita: Hello, Sam. I'm
S a m : 1 Do you go
(go) to Westgate
2.44 Match t h e q u e s t i o n s and School?
answers. Listen a n d check. Anita: No, 1 2
13 (not live) in
1 Where do you have lunch? e
2 How do you go to school?
Sam: Where 4 you (live)?
3 What do you do on Friday evening?
Anita: 1 5 in York. But my friend Melissa
4 What time do your classes finish?
6 (go) to Westgate School. 7
5 Which do you prefer, pasta or pizza?
you (know) her?
6 Why do you always wear pink?
Sam: Yes, 1 8 . She's my sister's best
a I play football, friend!
b Because I like it. Anita: Really? That's amazing!
c Pizza! Sam: 9 you (come) from
d By bus. York?
e In the school canteen, Anita: Yes, My parents 1 0 (work) there.
f Half past three. Sam: 1 1 you (like) York?
Anita: Yeah. It's a great place. 1 1 2 (love)
s Work in pairs. A s k and answer t h e
the shops and the museums.
q u e s t i o n s from Exercise 7.

A s k and answer q u e s t i o n s w i t h t h e s e words.

A W h a t d o your parents eat for breakfast?
B Cereal.

B g B B

K B I BWIffEflfftHiWI IvHiHiMIHiffPFi'FFi



flTTl I mustn't use my mobile Grammar
must - positive and negative
* * * phone forms • object pronouns

talking about obligation •
talking about possession

1 Warm up Look at Poppy's world on page 73 and answer t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Where is Poppy? Who can you see in the photos? What has Poppy got in photo A?

2 111 2.46 Listen t o t h e p h o t o story and answer

the questions.
1 What does Miss Naylor take from Poppy? You must b r i n g it to the
2 Where is Poppy's Maths homework? lesson.
3 Where is Miss Naylor's mobile phone? You mustn't use your
4 Whose mobile phone rings during the lesson? mobile phone at school.
I mustn't forget the
3 Find and underline t h e s e n t e n c e s from Language school rules.
focus in t h e p h o t o story. Can you find m o r e s e n t e n c e s ?

Vocabulary • School rules

^ 2.47 Match t h e expressions w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and c h e c k .
use your mobile phone Q run in the corridor [ J be polite Q
drop litter Q be quiet Q wear school uniform Q do your homework Q
eat or drink in the classroom Q chew gum Q listen to music [ T ]

5 13 2.48 Listen t o t h e rules. Tick ( / ) t h e t h i n g s y o u m u s t do, and cross (X) t h e

t h i n g s you m u s t n ' t d o in Exercise 4.

6 C o m p l e t e t h e rules for G r e e n w o o d S c h o o l .

You must ... You mustn't ...

do your homework. listen to music.

Work in pairs. Say a n u m b e r from 1 to 10. Your partner says t h e rule from
Exercise 4.
A N u m b e r five.
B You mustn't eat or d r i n k in the classroom.
f j | 2.46 I l i k e s c h o o l . . . but I ' m
not a perfect student!

Teacher What's that noise? Poppy?

Poppy Erm ... it's my mobile, Miss. I've
got a text message.
Teacher Do you know the school rules,
Poppy I'm not sure, Miss Naylor.
Teacher Well, you mustn't use your mobile
phone at school. Is that clear?
Poppy Yes, Miss. I mustn't use my mobile
at school.
Teacher That's right. Now give me your
phone, Poppy. You can have it
after the lesson.
Poppy Thank you, Miss.
Teacher Now, open your books. Where's
your Maths homework, Poppy?
Poppy It's at home, Miss.
Teacher You must bring it to the lesson.
Poppy Yes, Miss. Sorry, Miss.

I mustn't forget the school rules. A n d I

must r e m e m b e r m y h o m e w o r k !

—; Ten m i n u t e s later ...

Teacher OK, do Exercise 3. You mustn't

talk to your partner...
I don't believe it! Whose mobile
phone is that?
Poppy It isn't mine, Miss!
Teacher Then whose mobile is it?
David Erm ... I think it's yours, Miss.
Teacher What? Oh, yes. Sorry. Now, do
Exercise 3.
David Yes, Miss.

I'm not sure.

That's right.
Your space Talking about rules I don't believe it!

8 What are your s c h o o l rules? Write a list.

We must do our Homework.

9 Work in pairs. Talk t o your partner a b o u t your list. Is your

information t h e s a m e or different?
School Unit 6 73

6B Language space
must - positive and negative
Match t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e I'm very tired and slow. I must/
pictures. Then (circle t h e correct mustn't get new batteries.
verbs. Use t h e t a b l e to help you.
Get down! You must/
mustn't sleep on the bed.

you must follow the school rules.
you mustn't eat lots of sweets.

C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h must or tS) 2.49 Listen and t i c k ( / ) or cross (X)

mustn't. t h e rules.

House Rules
• help in the kitchen
• play computer games
after eight
1 You mustn't bake- 2 You • listen to music
photos, (take) here, (cycle) after ten
Q do your homework
Q use your mobile phone at the table
Q drop your clothes on the floor
• watch TV in the morning
Q learn these rules!
3 You 4 You
right, (turn) quiet in the library,
(be) Work in pairs. Tell your partner a b o u t
t h e rules in your h o u s e .
I must m a k e m y b e d .
I mustn't p l a y l o u d music.
I must d o m y h o m e w o r k before supper.
I mustn't play g a m e s on m y
dad's computer.
5 You 6 You
on the grass. litter in the bin.
(walk) (put)
. aO
l USH co„

^"'Dge OHMS^
Your words 6B
Write six rules for your ideal
1 °

M y ideal school rules! go + to

The teachers must give- sweets to the

You mustn't do homework at the weekend.
You must send text messages during

go to school go to bed

go + to t h e

go to the cinema
Object pronouns
go to the doctor's go to the supermarket
subject pronouns object pronouns
I me
you you
he him
she her
it it

we us
you you
they them go shopping
go home Go away!
Complete the sentences. Read t h e s e n t e n c e s . C i r c l e ) t h e correct
1 We're going to the shops. Come with
1 I (go to schooj)/ go to the school at ei
2 Here's my new mobile phone. Do you o'clock in the morning.
like ? 2 Grace goes to shopping / goes shopping
on Tuesday afternoon.
3 Jessica Alba is in that film. Do you like
3 I go to bed / go to the bed at ten o'clock at
4 Do you like cartoons? I watch
4 My dad goes to work / goes to the work
all the time.
very early in the morning,
5 That's my pen. Give it to I
5 We always go to cinema / go to the cinem
6 You're great, Mum! I love
on Saturday evening,
7 Orlando Bloom's a brilliant actor. I like
6 I go to home / go home with my friends
after school.

Language check page 140 Schoo i Unit 6 75

Vocabulary • Clothes
1 (j^f 2.51 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and c h e c k .
trainers [lo] shirt Q trousers Q tie Q jacket Q sweatshirt Q
shoes Q skirt Q dress Q T-shirt Q sweater Q coat Q

2 | | | 2.52 Listen to Kirsty. What c l o t h e s d o e s s h e wear at s c h o o l ? What c l o t h e s d o e s

s h e w e a r at t h e w e e k e n d ? Make notes.

3 Warm up Read t h e notice on page 77 quickly and m a t c h t h e p h o t o s w i t h t h e clubs.

4 @ 2.53 Listen and read t h e notice again. Then answer t h e q u e s t i o n s .

1 What time does the theatre group finish? 4 Where can you learn circus skills?
2 Which club meets on Wednesday and Friday? 5 What club is on Tuesday at 5 pm.?
3 Where can you paint and take photos?

Listening and speaking

5 111 2.54 Listen to Mizuki a n d Nathan. C o m p l e t e t h e table.

Name Mlzuld Nathan

From Tokyo, Japan Sydney,
School days
School starts / finishes
Favourite subjects
School clubs
School uniform

6 Work in pairs. I m a g i n e you are Mizuki or Nathan. Interview your partner.

W h a t . . . ? W h e r e ...? W h a t days ...? W h a t time ...? D o you ...?
2 53
Change your life - join a club!
It's quarter past three. It's time, to go home, right? Wrong! This Is your chance to
join one of our fantastic a-fter-school dubs. So don't watch TV or play computer
games at home. Look at the great things you am do here ... at school!

Art studio ^ 0 Orchestra

Po you want to be an actor? Po you play an instrument? Can
Come to the studio on Thursday fro to Hollywood? Well, you you read music? We want new
after school. You can do lots can be an actor in a school musicians for the orchestra. It's
of brilliant artwork. Learn to play. You can also learn circus fun and we play in concerts too'
make masks, paint a picture, skills. Monday from Tuesday at 5 pm.
take photos - be creative! 4 to 5 pm.

Jazz dance ^ Science club • B magazine

We love dancing! And jazz Science can be cool. Po great yho makes the school
dancing is really good fun.fretfit experiments and learn exciting
and move your body. Classes on
Wednesday and Friday.
new things about the world.
We always meet on Thursday
at 4 pm.
ess.. _ r

I Write an e m a i l to Katja. Describe your s c h o o l .

Hi Katja,
This is an email about my school.
We go to school from 1 to 2 , (days of the week)
School starts a t 3 and finishes a t 4 (time)
We study 5 (subjects)
My favourite subject is 6 These are our school clubs: 7
I go to 8 (school club) or I play 9 (sport)
Bye for now,
(your name)

a Communication pace 123 Your Space Web Zone School Unit 6 77

~ O r ! _
7 A There isn't any ice cream countable and uncountable
nouns • a / an, some / any

talking about quantity

Vocabulary • Food
( U 2.58 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures. T h e n listen and c h e c k .
eggs [£] apples [ H grapes Q ice cream Q biscuits Q melons Q oranges [[
chicken Q cheese Q chocolate Q ] bananas Q ] ham Q tomatoes Q crisps Q

2 Work in pairs. Talk a b o u t t h e f o o d in t h e pictures.

A I love tomatoes. B I don't eat h a m . A I don't like b a n a n a s .

3 H 2.59 Read and listen t o Poppy's world on page 79. T h e n ( p l r c l ^ t h e correct answer.
1 What do the friends want to do? a have a picnic b play football
2 What do they do? a they go to the park b they stay at home

4 2.59 Listen t o t h e p h o t o story again. Tick ( / ) t h e f o o d and drink in t h e picnic.

sandwiches y bananas dvisfs \te cream watev-

-fvui-t juide eMotolaie dhidkcn bisdu'rts iomaioes
apples melon gvapes tola

@ 2.60 Read Language focus and c o m p l e t e t h e conversation w i t h some or any.

Then listen a n d c h e c k .
After t h e picnic ...
Mum There's 1 some food left!
• We've got some
Poppy Yes, there are 2 sandwiches left.
Mum But I see there aren't 3 crisps left!
• There's some
Is there 4 fruit left? fruit juice.
Poppy There aren't 5 bananas. • We haven't got
Mum And is there 6 chocolate left? any grapes.
David No, there isn't 7 chocolate, Mrs Young. • There isn't any
Mum Well, I've got a treat! There's 8 ice cream ice cream.
in the freezer. • Is there any chocolate?
All Hurray! • Are there any crisps?
• And there's a melon
© 2.59 It's the weekend and it's the
perfect t i m e for a p i c n i c in the park!

Amy Have we got all the food?

Poppy Let's check. We've got some
sandwiches ...
David Is there any chicken? It's great for
Poppy Yes, David, we've got some chicken.
Emma And we've got some tomatoes.
David Are there any crisps? I love crisps.
Poppy Yes, there are. And there's a melon.
Jack Have we got any bananas?
Emma We've got five bananas. But we haven't
got any grapes.
Amy What about fruit juice?
Emma There's some fruit juice and there's
some water.
Poppy OK, Let's go!

D a v i d has got a p r o b l e m .

David Wait a minute! Is there any

Emma Yes, there is. Don't worry.
David But there isn't any ice
Poppy David! It's a picnic.
can always have a picnic!
David Only joking,
Jack What's that noise? Jack Great picnic, Poppy!
Poppy Oh no! Rain! Poppy Thanks, Jack.
David Yeah, nice chocolate, too. LiSUmiJti!
Let's go!
Your space Planning a picnic Wait a minute!
Only joking.
Work in g r o u p s . C h o o s e six t h i n g s for your picnic. Write a b o u t
w h a t is / isn't on your list.
There's some chocolate, but there aren't any apples.
There Isn't any chicken, but there Is some cheese.
7A Language space
some or any, a or an
C o m p l e t e t h e cartoon w i t h some or
Some or any
any. Use t h e t a b l e to help you.
There is (There's) some water.
There are some crisps.
There isn't any water.
There aren't any crisps.
Is there any water?
Are there any crisps?

Zak: Have you got water?

Man: No, I haven't. But I've got
oranges. Have you got
Zak: No, I haven't!

Put t h e f o o d w o r d s in t h e correct Write t h e correct form of t h e words.

group. 1 Have you got two TVs ? (TV)
sandwiches melons ice cream 2 I've got some great on my
mp3 player, (music)
crisps apples water chicken
3 Can you give me some ?
meat cheese eggs biscuits
chocolate tomatoes bananas
4 Give me some (paper)
cola grapes
5 I've got some (idea)
6 I can sing lots of (song)
countable uncountable 7 I've got some (homework)
sandwiches 8 She has got blonde . (hair)
Ice cream
Write some or any, a or an.
1 I've got a cheese sandwich.
2 There's water in the bottle.
3 Are there tomatoes in the salad?
4 There isn't milk.
| 5 Have you got chocolate?
| 6 There are delicious biscuits.
7 There's fruit juice here.
ji : 8 There's banana too.


V 3.02 Listen and repeat t h e chant.

I like fish and chips and chicken and chips
These words are uncountable:
Crisps and chocolate biscuits.
information NOT informations
I like cheese and peas and sweets and beans
homework NOT homeworks
Pizzas and chocolate ice cream!
money NOT moneys
'yfr Work in pairs. Look at t h e fridge 8
*1 photos
3.03 (Circie)'yes' or 'no'.
/ on Dan's mobile yes no
and a s k and answer q u e s t i o n s .
2 money / on the table yes no
mi\fc potatoes water eggs 3 films / on TV tonight yes no
4 h o m e w o r k / tonight yes no
sugar cheese grapes 5 sugar / in my coffee yes no
meat fish tomatoes lemonade 6 people / in the room yes no

^ Write t h e q u e s t i o n s and s h o r t
Are, there any photos on Don's mobile?
Yes, there ore.
10 ^ Look at t h e picture and write
q u e s t i o n s and answers. Use t h e w o r d s
in t h e box.

A Is there any m i l k ?
B Yes, there is. pens dictionaries books fruit
A A r e there any potatoes? photos postcards water comics
B No, there aren't. pencils chocolate

Draw a fridge w i t h f o o d and drink in it.

A Are there any p e n s ?
"yfr Work in pairs. Tell your partner B Yes, there are.
a b o u t your fridge. Listen and draw
11 ^ Write a description of your ideal d e s k .
your partner's fridge.

^FoocT Unit 7 81
How much fruit do you eat?
7B How much? How many?
• lots, not much, not

talking about quantity

Vocabulary • Food
1 Work in groups. A d d t h e w o r d s to t h e spidergrams. Can y o u t h i n k of any m o r e ?

lemonade beef potatoes peas turkey strawberries


milk pears carrots lamb tea oranges

tomatoes \
Word m a p s

Fruit j • You can organise

vocabulary in a
Vegetables chicken spidergram.
grapes potatoes peas

Drinks j

water Add new words that

you learn.

Warm up Look at t h e p h o t o s of f o o d on page 83 and a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n .
What can you see?

3 ( f | 3.04 Listen a n d w o r k o u t David's score.

4 Read Language focus and underline other e x a m p l e s of

How much . . . ? a n d How many . . . ? i n t h e questionnaire. • How m u c h fruit do
you eat?
5 Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s from t h e • How m u c h water
do you drink?
questionnaire. Then w o r k o u t your scores.
• How m a n y biscuits
do you eat?
Are you a healthy hero or a junk food
What do you eat and drink in a week? Write your score.

quite a lotQ]
a l o t ® quite a lot H not much / many \z\ none
not much/many HI none|
Group 2
Group 1
How much...
chocolate do you eat?
How much...
ice cream do you eat?
fish do you eat?
cola do you drink?
fruit do you eat?
salad do you eat?
How many...
biscuits do you eat?
water do you drink?
packets of crisps
fruit juice do you drink? do you eat?
milk do you drink? cakes do you eat?
How many... sweets do you eat?
nuts do you eat? hamburgers do you eat?
vegetables do you eat?

3 1 - 4 8 Wow! You're a healthy hero. Well done!
1 6 - 3 0 OK. But be careful with junk food.
0 - 15 Oh dear! You're a junk food fan. A
You must change your diet. fl

My favourite meal
6 Write s e n t e n c e s a b o u t your favourite food.
My favourite meal Is -pish, chips and peas.
My mum makes a -fantastic chocolate cake-.
I love pizza with egg at the restaurant near my home.
7B Languag space
much / many / tots ^ Look at t h e pictures and write
sentences with lots of / not much /
C o m p l e t e t h e q u e s t i o n s w i t h much or
not many.
many. Match t h e m w i t h t h e pictures.
Use t h e t a b l e to help.

uncountable countable
How much water How many apples
is there? are there? 1 There ore Lots of books.

a How food has Zak got?

b How pets has Max got?
c How homework have Max
. water.
and Lara got?
d How birthday cards has
Zak got?


4 money.


orange juice.

Match t h e a n s w e r s w i t h t h e q u e s t i o n s
in Exercise 1.

1 He's got lots.

2 He hasn't got much. 'yfr Work in pairs. A s k and answer

3 He hasn't got many. a b o u t t h e t h i n g s in Exercise 3.

4 They've got lots. A How m a n y b o o k s are there?
B There are lots.
Your words IB
H 3.05 Listen and n u m b e r t h e and, but, too
s h o p p i n g trolleys 1 t o 4.

Wonder Girl is very strong. Wonder Girl can

Wonder Girl is very strong and she can fly.

Big Guy eats spinach. Big Guy doesn't eat

Big Guy eats spinach, but he doesn't eat

C o m p l e t e t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e w i t h How
much or How many.
Gecko Boy drives a car.Gecko Boy climbs
What do you do in a typical <iueek? buildings.
Gecko Boy drives a He
car. climbs buildings, too.
Q How wa.ny websites do you visit?
0 music do you listen to? C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h and, but or
Q text messages do you send? too.
computer games do you play? 1 I can run, but I can't swim.
2 Owen studies German. He studies French,
JQ homework do you do?
Q comics do you read? 3 There's fruit juice milk in the fridge.
Q TV do you watch? 4 I like chocolate, I don't like sweets.
0 money do you spend on sweets? 5 They play tennis they go running.
6 Lara loves drawing. She loves writing,

Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r

q u e s t i o n s from Exercise 6.
A How many websites do you visit?
B Not many.
A How much music do you listen to?
B Lots.

Language check page 141

f food Unit 7 85
1 3.07 Warm up Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e p h o t o s from t h e m a g a z i n e article on
page 87. Then listen and c h e c k .
tomato pasta [&] burger and chips Q jacket potato Q cakes Q
apple pie Q sandwiches and a banana Q fish and chips Q chicken curry Q

2 Read t h e article quickly a n d m a t c h t h e f o o d w i t h t h e people.

1 chicken curry - Azra

3 Read t h e article again and write t h e letters.

W h o ...
1 has a packed lunch? Q Q 3 doesn't eat meat? Q 5 likes chicken? [
2 likes soup? • 4 has chips? • • 6 eats fruit?

Listening and speaking

4 © 3.08 S o m e s t u d e n t s talk a b o u t lunch at s c h o o l . N u m b e r t h e trays in t h e order
y o u hear t h e m .

5 Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s .

What do you usually have for lunch? What's your favourite fruit?
What's your favourite sandwich? What's your favourite school meal?

6 Keep a f o o d diary for t w o days. Write w h a t you eat and drink. Start today.
Include breakfast, lunch a n d dinner, and d o n ' t forget s n a c k s !

M y food and drink diary

Monday 12th M a y
orange juice toast fruit
W h a t ' s for lunch?
School students in the UK take a packed lunch (usually sandwiches) or
they have a school lunch. Let's talk to some students from Leeds about
their school lunches.

I love school lunch.They've got meat and vegetables and

salads. But I usually have a burger and chips. Chips are great!
I take a packed lunch. I make my sandwiches in the morning. I
always have a yoghurt and a banana, too. Oh, and I sometimes
have a packet of crisps.
I like soup. My favourite is vegetable soup. But I sometimes
have a jacket potato with cheese. I have some fruit, too.
Usually an apple.
I don't really like my school dinners.They aren't
very good. But the chicken is OK and I like the
desserts. Especially apple pie!

My mum makes my packed lunch. And she usually

makes some little cakes, too.
In my religion I can't eat some types of meat.
But my school serves special meals. And I love
their chicken curry!
I'm a vegetarian - I don't eat meat. So I usually have
a salad. My school also does amazing tomato pasta,
with lots of cheese. Yummy!

They do good food in my school. I love the

pizza. And on Friday I always have fish and chips.



Communication page 124 Your Space Web Zone f Food Unit 7 87

present continuous - positive
and negative forms

talking about actions in

Warm up Look at t h e p h o t o s of places on page 89. Match t h e p h o t o s w i t h t h e s e w o r d s :
a knight on a horse Q a big wheel Q a giraffe Q an exciting ride Q

Read t h e text m e s s a g e s on page 89. Are t h e s e n t e n c e s true (T) or false ( F ) ?

Correct t h e false sentences.
Lara is sitting at home. F Lara. Is sitting in a cafe-
Alton Towers is near Birmingham.
Oliver is standing next to a giraffe.
Crackers is eating her normal lunch.
Alicia is in London with her friends.
She is standing in the London Eye,
Ahmed is sitting next to his dad.
His mother and sister are watching the knights.

Vocabulary • Animals
g 3.11 Match t h e p h o t o s w i t h t h e words. Then listen and check.
an elephant [3] a koala Q a tortoise Q horses Q
a tiger Q bears Q a bat Q kangaroos Q

Read Language focus. Work in pairs. Talk a b o u t w h a t t h e

animals are d o i n g in t h e p h o t o s . Use t h e s e verbs:
sleep eat swim fly fight play wash run
• I ' m w r i t i n g this
The tortoise is eating. message to you!
The bears are playing. • We're l o o k i n g at Big
• She isn't h a v i n g lunch.
Work in pairs. Think of an animal a n d talk a b o u t • My mum and my sister
w h a t it isn't doing. Can your partner g u e s s t h e a n i m a l ? aren't w a t c h i n g the
A It isn't eating. knights. j
B Is it the elephant? J
A No, it isn't.
B Is it the bat?
A Yes, it is.
\ Alton Towers

2 London Zoo

T ^ n g T d a T o ^ ^
with my parents and,ts
c. We're standing in
the London Eye. It's opposite
Hi! I'm here at London the Houses of Parliament.
Zoo. My favourite animal is We'rehighup.Andwere
Crackers the giraffe. She's : lookingatBigBenandthe
Bo years old! I'm standing in RiverThames. I can see
f r o n t o f t h e giraffe house. It's the city! AMa.
Crackers' birthday. She isn't
having lunch. She's eating her
birthday cake. I'm hungry,
too! Oliver

dad. Butmvm y n "ttomy

Boring! Ahmed

4 Warwick Castle

Your space Talking about actions in progress

I m a g i n e you are in a place in your t o w n . Write a text a b o u t
w h a t y o u are doing.
HI. I'm sikking In a I'm swr-fmg the web.
I'm not eating a cake, but I'm eating an Ice cream.
My sister Is reading a magazine.

f Places Unit 8 89

8A Languagi
Present continuous - positive 3.12 Listen and n u m b e r t h e activities.

C o m p l e t e t h e sentence. Use t h e t a b l e
play computer games Q ] watch TV [
t o help you.
listen to music Q eat pizza Q
talk on the phone Q ride a bike Q
do homework Q play football [

^ Write a b o u t each activity.

Skies playing -football.

C o m p l e t e t h e sentences. Use t h e
present c o n t i n u o u s .

I am ('m)
you are ('re)
she is ('s) reading,
you are ('re)

Present continuous spelling rules

wear —> wearing
write —> writing
dance —> dancing
stop —> stopping
travel —travelling
study —> studying

2 Write t h e -ing form of t h e s e verbs.

lite 1 eat j drive-
Remember to use the correct form of the
m 2 t U j J have
I'm going home. NOT I ' m go h o m e .
Present continuous - negative
C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s . Use t h e t a b l e to help.
I am not ('m not) I to the teacher, (not listen)
you Jane her glasses, (not wear)
are not (aren't)
The cat isn't hungry. He his
food, (not eat)
she is not (isn't) dancing. My mum today, (not work)
We in the pool today. The
water is cold, (not swim)
you are not (aren't)
They football now. (not play)

^ Look at t h e picture and write Work in pairs. Look at t h e picture.

sentences about Simon. What are t h e children w e a r i n g ?
A She's w e a r i n g a ...
B He's w e a r i n g ...

1 He's siiting on His bed.

(sit on his bed) 10 Sfr Work in pairs. Say w h a t you and
2 He Isn't eating, your partner are wearing today.
3 I'm wearing a blue
(play a computer game) T-shirt a n d m y partner's
4 wearing
(talk on the phone)
(read his books) . w e a r i n g ... a n d m y
6 partner's w e a r i n g ...
(listen to music)
(play his guitar)

C l o s e your b o o k s a n d try to r e m e m b e r
t h e picture.

present continuous - questions and
short answers • present continuous or
present simple

talking about the weather

Vocabulary • Weather
3.13 Match t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and check.
It's sunny. [ T ] It's snowing. O It's cloudy. O It's wi n d y . n
It's foggy. • It's raining. • It's hot. • It's cool. •

Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s a b o u t t h e weather. 35 -

A W h a t ' s the weather like today?
B It's c l o u d y a n d cool. A n d it's a bit windy. 30 ^ m.
Presentation :

It's warm.
Warm up L o o k at Poppy's world on page 93 and answer t h e
Where are Poppy and her friends in the first photo? 15-
What are they doing? Where are they in the second photo?
10 ^ 8
3.14 Listen a n d read t h e p h o t o story. A n s w e r t h e
questions. 5- It's cold.
1 What does Poppy usually do on Saturday?
2 What's the weather like in Wales? 0^
3 What's David doing?
4 What's Emma doing?
5 Why can't the girls sleep?
6 What's the weather like at night?

Read Language focus. T h i n k of four p e o p l e

you know. What are they d o i n g n o w ? W h a t are you doing?
brother sister mum dad uncle aunt Where are you c a l l i n g from?
best friend teacher Are you h a v i n g a good time?
Yes, I a m .
Work in pairs. A s k a n d a n s w e r q u e s t i o n s • Is David h e l p i n g you?
a b o u t t h e p e o p l e y o u know. No, he isn't.
A W h a t ' s your aunt d o i n g n o w ? • Are you sleeping?
B I don't know. W h a t ' s your brother No, I ' m not.
doing now?
A He's w o r k i n g in a n office.
Poppy's world

I usually go shopping on Saturday.

But today is different. I ' m staying in the
countryside with friends. We're c a m p i n g ! I
m u s t call Jack a n d tell h i m .

Jack Hi, Poppy! Where are you calling from?

Poppy I'm in Wales! What's the weather like at home?
Jack It's raining. It's horrible!
Poppy Poor you! It's warm and sunny here.
Jack Are you having a good time?
Poppy Yes, I am.
Jack What are you doing?
Poppy Well, I'm talking to you ... and we're putting up Itt's late at night. I usually sleep a lot
our tent! but I ' m not sleeping now!
Jack Is David helping you? Poppy Are you sleeping?
Poppy No, he isn't. He's putting up the boys' tent. I'm Amy No, I'm not. I can't. I'm so cold.
working with Amy. Emma I'm cold, too.
Jack What's Emma doing? Poppy Me too. It's really windy outside. Listen.
Poppy She's cooking our lunch. Emma Oh no! Look at our tent!
Jack Great! Amy It's falling down!
Poppy It's fantastic here, Jack. It's the best thing ever! Poppy Help!

Keeping a weather diary Poor you!

It's the best thing ever!
1 Keep a diary for a w e e k . Write a b o u t t h e w e a t h e r each day. Help!
Monday 9th: Today Its snowing and very cold.
Tuesday 10th: Today It Isn't snowing, but It's very cold.
Wednesday 11th: ...
8B Language space
Present continuous questions "yfc Work in groups. M i m e an activity to
and short answers your c l a s s m a t e s . Can they g u e s s ?

C o m p l e t e t h e c a r t o o n conversation. A A r e you p l a y i n g a computer g a m e ?

Use t h e t a b l e to help you. B No, I ' m not.
A A r e you s e n d i n g a text m e s s a g e ?
B Yes, I am.

ride a bite play football play tennis

do homework play a computer game
read a magaiine send a te*t message
walfc in the countryside write an email
go shopping sleep do a crossword puzzle
. you
watch a tennis match play chess
cleaning your room?
/] \ i i Yes,

Am I Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

Present continuous or present
Are you Yes, you are. No, you aren't.
he he he
Is she . . Yes, she is. No, she isn't. 4 ^ Look at t h e t a b l e and write t w o
.t singing? it it s e n t e n c e s for each person.
we we we Henry usually plays the violin. Today
Are you Yes, you are. No, you aren't. He Is playing tHe electric guitar.
they they they
usually today

H I 3.15 Match t h e q u e s t i o n s w i t h t h e Henry play the play the
violin electric
answers. Listen and c h e c k .
1 Are you listening to me? d
2 What are you wearing? Alice ^ work in a ski
3 Where are you calling from? library
4 Is Josh watching football on TV?
5 What are you doing? Alex j t t ^ ^ ride a bike ride a horse
6 Is Lizzie eating chocolate?
7 Why are you running?
8 What are Oscar and Lucy doing? eat in a

Julia have a
sandwich for restaurant
a No, she isn't, lunch
b We're making a sandwich,
c They're tidying their rooms, Jade 1R5? e wear a wear a dress
T-shirt and
d Yes, I am.
e I'm late for school! m
f My new jacket,
g Yes, he is. ^ Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r
h Outside the cinema. q u e s t i o n s a b o u t Exercise 4.
A W h a t d o e s H e n r y usually do?
B He usually plays the violin.
i LS
i H r<-»
8 ^ Look at t h e picture. Write
q u e s t i o n s and answers. Use t h e
present s i m p l e or t h e present


tired happy

sad angry

1 What is George doing?

He's Listening to music.
2 What game does Lexi play ? scared excited
She plays tennis.
3 Where is Lexi sitting?

4 ?
He's wearing a T-shirt and jeans.
5 Who is Lexi's favourite actor?
bored interested
I'm hungry. NOT I've hungry.
6 ?
I'm feeling happy. NOT I'm being happy.
No, he isn't eating. He's drinking.
7 ? C h o o s e a feeling for t h e s e situations.
Yes. They've got a dog called Spot.
1 when you win a prize .happy
8 ?
2 at a pop concert
He's playing with a tennis ball.
3 before going to a restaurant
9 What is Lexi doing?
4 on a hot day
5 at the end of a long day
10 Are George and Lexi doing their
6 during a long lesson
7 after your team loses a match

Language check page 141 Places Unit 8 95

Vocabulary • Places
3.17 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and c h e c k .
W h i c h of t h e s e p l a c e s can y o u find in your area?
the countryside [ 4 ] a mountain • a forest • a hill •
a port O a river Q the sea Q a lake Q

Reading and listening

Read Jamie's w e b p a g e quickly on p a g e 97. Match t h e h e a d i n g s w i t h t h e paragraphs.
Sport Q The city [T] Museums • Boat trips Q
Shopping Q Music Q The people Q

Read t h e w e b p a g e again. Are t h e s e n t e n c e s true (7) or false (F)? Correct t h e false

1 The river in Liverpool is called the Mersey. T 4 The Beatles are from Liverpool.
2 It's in the south of England. 5 Liverpool has got one football team.
3 There is one cathedral in Liverpool. 6 You can take trips on the river.

H J 3.18 Where are t h e p e o p l e ? Listen and write their

n a m e s next to t h e places.
F i n d i n g key words
1 the Beatles Story
The key words can help
2 the Maritime Museum
you understand what a
3 the Duckmarine text is about.
There is a ferry trip on
Writing the River Mersey - it's
Write a b o u t your t o w n . Then tell your partner your fun. But I love the Yellow
Duckmarine. It's a bus
s e n t e n c e s . Is your information t h e s a m e or different?
and a boat! It goes on
New York Is a -fantastic city. It is -famous -for streets and in water!
-fashion, -food and art. I love it.

QaSMa a s l a m i

There are over 1,500 old buildings, two The museums are great. I love the Museum of
cathedrals and lots of parks. Liverpool and the World Museum (the aquarium
and the insect house are fantastic!). And the
Maritime Museum has brilliant models of ships.
People in Liverpool are very friendly! We are
called 'Liverpudlians'- I think it's a funny name. r ; * ; .. 1 •
There is a ferry trip on the River Mersey - it's
fun. But I love the Yellow Duckmarine. It's a bus
The Beatles are a famous Liverpool band. You
and a boat! It goes on streets and in water!
can visit the Beatles Story, or there's a cool bus
It's great fun.
trip - the Magical Mystery Tour.

Liverpool has got lots of shops! My favourite

We are football mad here! The two teams are
place is the Albert Dock shopping centre. There
Everton and Liverpool. Liverpool wears red
are cool gift shops and cafes. I often meet my
shirts and Everton wears blue shirts. There are
friends there.
also famous horse races at Aintree. But I like the
Awesome Walls climbing centre!

6 W o r k in g r o u p s . T w o s t u d e n t s d e s c r i b e a t o w n o r a p l a c e . T h e t h i r d s t u d e n t m u s t
g u e s s t h e place.
A It's v e r y b i g . It's o l d . T h e r e a r e lots o f m u s e u m s . T h e r e ' s a b i g r i v e r .
B T h e p e o p l e s p e a k F r e n c h . It's f a m o u s for t h e Eiffel T o w e r .
C Is it P a r i s ?
A a n d B Y e s , it is!

Communication page 125 Your Space Web Zone f Piaces Unit 8 97

Me were In Manchester! past simple be - all forms
talking about past events

k l a r m up A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Where is Poppy? Why do you think she isn't at school? What is she doing?

3.21 Read a n d listen to Poppy's world o n p a g e 99.

Match t h e p h o t o s w i t h t h e text m e s s a g e s .

i Q 3.21 Listen again. Then c o m p l e t e t h e table.

Poppy She was at home ua bed. She was
David He was In London at the He was
Science Museum.
Amy She was She was
I Emma and her mum They were They were
jack, Charlie and their dad They were i They were

Read Language focus. Then c o m p l e t e t h e

sentences with was, wasn't, were or weren't.
1 I was at the cinema last night. ( / ) • I was in London on
2 Sarah and Abi at work yesterday. ( / ) Saturday.
3 you at the swimming pool yesterday? • We were in Manchester.
4 I at school on Monday morning. (X) • It wasn't very interesting,
5 Louis tired after football? • We weren't at home last
6 You at home last night. (X)
• Were you in b e d all

Vocabulary • Adjectives
• Where were you at the
Read t h e s e n t e n c e s and underline t h e adjectives. weekend?
Then find t h e o p p o s i t e s of t h e adjectives below.
wonderful quiet poor -eheap- ugly safe boring difficult
1 What an expensive TV! It costs €2,000! cheap
2 I love this dress. It's beautiful.
3 This party is very noisy. I want to go home.
4 These questions are easy. I know all the answers.
5 That restaurant is terrible. Don't go there!
6 I'm reading an interesting book about pandas.
7 Don't cross the road without looking. It's dangerous.
8 That man has a lot of money. He's very rich.

Read Poppy's world again a n d find four abbreviations. Can you g u e s s

w h a t they m e a n ?
GR8 = great
Poppy's world
3.21 It's M o n d a y a n d I ' m s i t t i n g i n m y b e d r o o m . I feel terrible!

9.52 AM
9.27 A M

re: Hi!
David, Amy, Emma

Hi! I Hipoppy
Hi guys Oh dear! Your weekend wasn't
I .verygood. Poor you!, w a s t
I'm sorry I'm not in school with
you today. I was in bed with a | London on Saturday at the
cold on Saturday and Sunday. ^ t I | Science Museum. There were
What about you? Where were s : some GR8 machines. Then on
you at the weekend? j
Tell me your news! was noisy but it was
Poppy I C U soon!

10.02 A M

| Poppy 10.14 AM
re: Hi!
I Hi there, Poppy
re: Hi!
Were you in bed all weekend?
You poor thing! I was at home all 11 Hi Poppy
weekend, too. My aunt has got a How R U? We weren't at home
new baby. We were with the baby last weekend. We were in
all day. No music. No TV. Just Manchester! On Saturday I was
I baby talk. Boring! Get well at the shops with my mum.
1 soon, Jack, Charlie and my dad were
i Luv at an exhibition. It wasn't very
I Amy 1 c interesting! On Sunday we were
in the car all day. It was a long
si | journey!
, Emma

Talking about where you were

1 W o r k in p a i r s . T a l k a b o u t w h e r e y o u w e r e .
on Sunday evening on Saturday morning Boring!
at 7:00 this morning yesterday afternoon Hi guys.
A W h e r e w e r e y o u at s e v e n o ' c l o c k t h i s m o r n i n g ? G e t w e l l soon.

B I w a s at h o m e i n t h e k i t c h e n .

8 Tell t h e c l a s s a b o u t y o u r partner.
P i a w a s at h o m e at s e v e n o ' c l o c k t h i s m o r n i n g .
Past simple verb be - positive and negative
Match t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e pictures. Use t h e t a b l e to help you.

1 We were on the London Eye.

2 Zak was a bit scared!
3 On Saturday I was in London with Lara,
Max and Robopet.

positive negative
I was was not (wasn't)
you were were not (weren't)
she was was not (wasn't)
you were were not (weren't)

Put t h e t i m e e x p r e s s i o n s in order. 4 Oj C o m p l e t e t h e email from Ali. Use

1 last night Z yesterday was or were.
last night on Saturday last month
Hi Jasmine
three days ago yesterday How R U? Last weekend 1 was great We
2 in New York with my uncle. His apartment is
two weefcs ago in Z004 near Central Park. On Saturday we 3 at the Natural
History Museum. It 4 near my unde's apartment.
It 5 very interesting and the dinosaur skeletons
C h a n g e t h e s e n t e n c e s to t h e past 6 fun I On Sunday there7 a surprise
simple. - the Statue of Liberty! There 8 354 steps to the
top. We 9 at the top of the
1 I'm tired today.
statue's head! The view10
I wets tired yesterday.
2 I'm not at my desk.
C U after the holidays
3 It's my birthday today.
4 We aren't at school today.
5 It is hot and sunny today.
6 They aren't rich, 3.22 Listen and check.
7 They are at the sports centre today.
8 They are in Paris today. i .
9 She isn't in the sports hall.
Use the correct form of the verb:
10 You are happy today.
You w e r e in Brighton yesterday.
NOT You was in Brighton yesterday.
They weren't at m y p a r t y on Saturday.
NOT They wasn't at m y party on
100 Unit 9 Saturday.
Past simple verb be - questions Police officer: you at home last
and short answers Man: No, I
C o m p l e t e t h e conversation. Use t h e
Police officer: you in another
t a b l e t o help you.
person's house last night?
Man: Yes, I
Police officer: Where you last
Man: I at a fancy dress party!

question positive negative

Was I ...? Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
Were you ...? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
he he he
Was she ...? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.
it it it
we we we
Were you ...? Yes, you were. No, you weren't.
they they they

3.23 Listen and ( c i r c l e V e s or no ^ Work in pairs. A s k and answer

q u e s t i o n s a b o u t yesterday.
Yes No Yes No
at the at the cinema tired busy happy sad
swimming pool bored excited angry relaxed

A W e r e you tired yesterday?
Yes No Yes No B Yes, I was.
at home at the shops A W e r e you h a p p y yesterday?
B No, I wasn't.
Olivia Work in pairs. A s k and a n s w e r
Yes No Yes No questions.
at the circus at the zoo at eight o'clock?
you this morning?
your parents Last night?
Joe and was
Billy Where your best friend yesterday?
were your brother on Sunday?
Yes No Yes No your sister on Saturday?
at the pizza at the your teacher three days ago?
restaurant youth club
Gabriel and
A W h e r e was your sister on Saturday?
B She was at her friend's house.
A W h e r e was your teacher last night?
Write s e n t e n c e s a b o u t t h e friends.
B I don't know!
Sam wasn't at the swimming pool. He
was at the cinema.

Michael sailed the Grammar

past simple regular verbs

positive form

talking about past events

Vocabulary • Transport
^ 3.24 Match t h e w o r d s w i t h t h e pictures. Then listen and check.
car [4] ship Q yacht Q ] plane Q motorbike [_
bicycle Q ] bus Q train Q helicopter Q space ship Q

2 Put t h e w o r d s in t h e s p i d e r g r a m s .

on the ground in t h e air on the water


p I"® c g n-^*a t i o n .
3 Warm up Look at t h e p h o t o s and t h e m a p
on page 103. A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s . ' H i s
journey started in
What do you think the article is about? Gibraltar in November.
What places can you see on the map? ' 's father
M i c h a e l
followed him.
4 U 3.25 Read and listen t o t h e article a b o u t ' They talked on a special
Michael Perham. Then c o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s . mobile phone.
. . . . . ., . . ., , ,, • In his free time he
1 Michael was old when he sailed across the , .
played the guitar.
Atlantic Ocean. . They travelled h o m e
2 It's kilometres from Gibraltar to Antigua. i n a piane.
3 His yacht was metres long.
4 Michael's journey was days long.
5 His father sailed kilometres behind Michael's boat.
5 Read t h e article again. Tick ( / ) Michael's activities.
cycle O play the drums O sail O cookQ] study [ I ] play the guitar | I
play computer games O juggle Q watch TV O film O see his friends

6 Read Language focus. T h e n (circTe ) t h e past s i m p l e of t h e s e verbs in t h e article.
decide sail finish stay cook film ask study play juggle miss enjoy arrive
Atlantic Ocean

Pacific Ocean

It's 5,600 kilometres from Gibraltar in the

Mediterranean to Antigua in the Caribbean. The It's a dangerous journey and there's a lot to do in a
journey goes across the Atlantic Ocean, and people yacht. So Michael worked very hard. He sailed and
usually travel by plane or ship. But 14-year-old he cooked all his food. And he filmed his journey
Michael Perham decided to go by yacht! And he with a video camera. His teachers asked him to do
sailed on his own in his small yacht Cheeky Monkey. homework so he studied, too! But in his free time
It was only eight metres long. he played the guitar and juggled. Michael missed his
family. And he missed his computer games and
His six-week journey started in Gibraltar in his drums.
November 2006, and it finished 47 days later in
Antigua on the 3 rd January 2007. Michael's father Michael enjoyed his adventure. But when he
followed him in a different yacht, but he stayed arrived in Antigua, he was happy: 'It feels fantastic
three kilometres behind Michael. They only talked being back on land.' He and his father travelled
on a special mobile phone. home in a plane ... not a yacht!

Your space Writing about the past

T Write a b o u t w h a t y o u and your family did last night. C h o o s e
from t h e s e activities.
study cook a meal watch TV work play computer games
play football talk to friends visit my grandparents
help my parents surf the web listen to music

Last night my dad worked on his computer.

I watched TV last night.
I studied English be-fore dinner.
Language space
Past simple positive - regular
verbs /t//d//id/)
0 7 Read and c o m p l e t e t h e email. Use
t h e t a b l e t o help you. (jgi 3.26 Listen and repeat t h e verbs.
1 talked finished
2 arrived played
3 started decided

3.27 Listen to t h e verbs. Are they

1 , 2 or 3?
sailed 2. watched travelled stayed
followed worked lived cooked studied

C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e past
Hi Lara
s i m p l e of t h e verbs.
We're finally in New York! But it was a long journey. Our
1 Emily decided (decide) to buy a hat.
satnav was terrible! We 1 s t a r t e d in London last month!
First Robopet and 1 2 (travel) by space ship
2 We (listen) to music all day!
to Australia. We 3 (walk) across the desert 3 Harry (watch) a great film!
on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday we 4 (climb) 4 My parents (cook) an Indian
the Himalayas and on Thursday we 5 (sail) to meal on Sunday.
China. On Friday we 6 (stay) in India. And on 5 Last week I (visit) a museum.
Saturday we 7 (arrive) in New York! 6 My brother's train (arrive)
See you soon three hours late!
Zak and Robopet 7 I (phone) my friend Sameer

Past simple spelling rules 4 0 7 Read and c o m p l e t e Alice's report

arrive - > arrived on t h e s c h o o l website. Use t h e past
live -> lived s i m p l e of t h e verbs in brackets.
study -> studied
QOQ Parktown School j
marry - > married
stop -> stopped Home About us | Diary News Contact
plan - > planned Year 7's camping trip to Wales
open opened My name's Alice. Last month
offer offered 11 (camp) in the
countryside with my school. It
A travel -> travelled ^ 2 (be) fun. The weather
3 (be) great. We
Write t h e past s i m p l e forms of t h e s e 4 (stay) in tents! It
verbs. 5 (be) very cold at night.
My friend Ann 6 (cook) lunch on a
lifce- j fate call live j wash
real fire, and 1 7 (organise) our tent.
The other students 8 (work) hard, too!
paint carq j use j touch )
Edward 9 (be) in a tent with another
boy. We 1 0 (walk) up a mountain and
11 (climb) trees. We 1 2 (arrive)
home at midnight on Sunday night!
(§| 3.28 Listen to Joe and t i c k ( / ) or
compound nouns
cross (X) t h e boxes.
S o m e English nouns consist of t w o words.
You k n o w lots already!

1 • He listened to music.
2 D He played computer games.
3 D He watched a DVD.
4 G H e surfed the web.
5 • He played football.
B • He played a musical instrument. football team packed lunch
7 • He helped his parents in the home.
8 D H e visited his grandparents.
9 D H e studied for a test.

Work in pairs. Tell your partner

a b o u t last w e e k e n d . Use t h e s e verbs.

staj talfc j tidjy

start watch
J^L worK text message computer game

Last w e e k e n d I p l a y e d football.

^ C o m p l e t e t h e e m a i l in t h e past
s i m p l e . Use t h e verbs in Exercise 6.

Hi Lucy
How R U?
On Saturday morning 11 Jbuiisd- my room. In
the afternoon 1 2 tennis in the park with pencil case orange juice
Megan. Then we 3 back to my house.
In the evening we 4 a DVD and then we Match t h e w o r d s to m a k e c o m m o n
5 for hours! c o m p o u n d nouns.
I6 on Sunday morning. Homework! In
the afternoon i t 7 to rain so I 8 1 mobile a time
at home. Tell me about your weekend! 2 swimming b rules
Lots of love 3 phone c address
Julia 4 email d player
5 free e number
What d i d y o u d o last w e e k e n d ?
6 DVD f centre
7 school V. g phone
Write an email. Use t h e verbs in
Exercise 6.
8 shopping h pool

10 Write new c o m p o u n d n o u n s in a special

page of your Vocabulary n o t e b o o k .

Language check page 142 The oas Unit 9 105

Reading and listening
1 Warm up Look at t h e pictures and t h e titles and answer t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Who are the people? What are they doing? What places can you see on the map?

Great travellers
Marco Polo Ibn Battuta
Marco Polo was a brilliant Ibn Battuta was a great explorer and
traveller and storyteller. traveller. He was born in Morocco
He was born in Venice, in 1304. He travelled around the
Italy in 1254. When Marco Middle East, India, China and
was 17 he started a long Africa for 30 years!
journey with his father and
uncle. It lasted 24 years!
Their journey was difficult
because they travelled by
horse, camel and ship. They
wanted to buy beautiful
things. They visited the
Middle East, Asia and
China. In China, Marco and his family stayed with Kublai
Khans family. Kublai was the leader of China, and he was
very rich. He liked Marco and his family - they stayed with
him for 17 years. Marco arrived home in 1295, and he never
travelled again. In his famous travel book he describes new
inventions such as ice cream and paper money!
Venice He lived and worked for nine years in
x India. He travelled 120,000 kilometres
° ASIA to over 40 countries. His journey was
also difficult because he travelled by
ship, on foot, and by horse and camel.
There weren't any trains, buses or
.ormuz planes! It was very dangerous too -
'Broach there were terrible storms. We can read
Calicut about his journey in his wonderful
travel book.
2 3.30 Read and listen to the article on page 106. Are the sentences true (7") or
false (F)? Correct the false sentences.
1 Ibn Battuta was born in 1254. F Marco Polo was bom tx\ 1Z54.
2 Marco Polo was away from home for 24 years.
3 Marco Polo travelled with his father and brother.
4 Ibn Battuta visited over 40 countries.
5 Both Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta lived in India.
6 Both Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo travelled to China.

3 Underline the adjectives in the article. What do t h e adjectives describe?

4 C h e c k you understand t h e s e words. Use a dictionary or ask your teacher.

Nouns astronaut moon parachute step Verbs orbit land fly parachute step

5 3.31 Listen and match t h e facts with t h e person.

Write l/(Valentina Tereshkova) or N (Neil Armstrong).
first woman to fly in space \V] returned to Earth on 19 dune O
born in the USA [ first man to walk on the Moon Q
travelled in the Apollo 11 space ship Q born in Russia | j
travelled in space in 1969 O travelled in the Vostok 6 space ship O
returned to Earth on 24 July O travelled in space in 1963 | | Neil Armstrong

Work in pairs. Match the inventions w i t h t h e places. Discuss.
A I think the carpet was a C h i n e s e invention.
B I don't agree. I think the carpet c a m e from the M i d d l e East.
A Really? OK. Let's say China.
Valentina Tereshkova

M a n y inventions w e use every day c o m e from different places.
W h e r e d i d these things c o m e from? Was it C h i n a or the M i d d l e East?

the carpet the clock coffee the toothbrush chess

paper the camera pasta the u m b r e l l a

3.32 Listen and check.

Communication page 126 Your Space Web Zone ^The past Unit 9 107
(Jj^ What are you doing Grammar
present continuous as future

tomorrow? • prepositions of time

talking about the future

Warm up Look at Poppy's
world and a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Where are Poppy and Jack? What do you think they are doing?
How does Poppy feel in the second picture?

H I 3.36 Listen a n d read t h e p h o t o story on page 109.

Answer the questions.
1 Has Poppy got any plans for the weekend?
• We're going to Amy's
2 What is she doing? house on Saturday.
3 Where is Poppy going on Saturday morning? • What are you doing
4 Where are they working on Sunday? tomorrow?
5 Has Jack got any plans for Saturday? • I ' m not p l a y i n g football
6 What time does Jack want to meet Poppy on in the morning.
Saturday morning?

3 Read Language focus. Find more examples in Poppy's world.

Vocabulary • Weekend activities

4 0 ) 3.37 Match t h e activities w i t h t h e verbs. T h e n listen and check.

tennis my room at home a DVD shopping a party- home

in bed a picnic a museum TV swimming computer games

\ / / \t i d / / \ h a v e/ / \ /
play stay Yj 9° J watch j gogo
toto j

5 Can you a d d m o r e activities t o t h e s p i d e r g r a m s ? CL party

6 C h o o s e activities for Saturday and Sunday. Make notes in t h e diary.

o •
Saiurdaxj SwncUaj
0 ' r r ; £ • ,. . j
-r, T
O a-fternoon
i i

7 Work in pairs. A s k and answer q u e s t i o n s . Are you d o i n g t h e s a m e t h i n g s ?

A What are you doing on Saturday morning?
B I'm going to the skate park. What are you doing?
A I'm staying in bed!
Poppy's world

3.36 It's Friday. I ' m w a l k i n g h o m e
with Jack. He's really cool.
Jack Have you got any plans for this weekend?
Poppy Yes, I have, I'm working.
Jack At the weekend? Are you doing lots of
Poppy No, I'm not. I'm writing a quiz. What are you doing tomorrow,
Jack A quiz? Jack?
Poppy That's right. On Saturday we're surfing the web Er... I'm not playing football in the
at Amy's house. morning, so I haven't got any plans.
Jack Is Emma going? Poppy Why don't you join us?
Poppy Yes, she is. And David. Then on Sunday we're Jack I'm not sure ...
writing the questions. They're all coming to my Poppy Go on!
house. Jack OK. Thanks, Poppy. What time?
Jack It sounds fun. But why are you writing a quiz? Poppy We're starting work at ten.
Poppy Because our class is having a fun day on Jack That's a bit early. It's Saturday!
Monday. We're collecting money to save the Poppy What about eleven?
rainforest. Jack Great. See you tomorrow!

Describing plans m zone

It sounds fun.
8 Write your plans for this w e e k e n d . I'm not sure.
Go on!
On Saturday morning I'm staying at home. I'm visiting
my grandparents In the afternoon. On Saturday evening
I'm watching TV. On Sunday ...

f The future Unit 10 109

10A Language space
Present continuous for future arrangements
C o m p l e t e t h e conversation w i t h s h o r t forms if possible.

What axe you doing on Saturday?

I playing chess on Saturday.
On Sunday?
Oh, my friend Max visiting me.
On Monday evening?
Robopet and I going to the park.
On Tuesday evening?
Erm ... sorry!

3.38 The t e a c h e r is telling her ^ Imagine you are one of t h e

s t u d e n t s a b o u t their day in London, s t u d e n t s . L o o k at t h e s c h e d u l e and
(^ircle) t h e correct information. answer t h e q u e s t i o n s .
1 What are you doing at 8:30?
I'm leaving the hotel ah 8:30.
PARKTOWN S C H O O L 2 What are you doing at 9:30?

Parktown S c h o o l visit to L o n d o n
3 What time are you visiting a museum?
4 Where are you having lunch?
8:30 am have breakfast / leave the hotel
9:30 am go on the London Eye /
go on a Thames boat trip 5 What are you doing in the afternoon?
11 am visit the British Museum /
visit the Science Museum 6 What are you doing at seven o'clock?
1 pm have a picnic in a park /
go to a restaurant
3 pm go shopping / go sightseeing 7 Where are you going after dinner?
7 pm have dinner / cook dinner
8:30 pm go to the theatre / go to the cinema 8 What time are you going to bed?

11 pm
4 ^ Work in pairs. A s k and answer
q u e s t i o n s a b o u t tomorrow.
A W h a t are you d o i n g at 11 o'clock?
B I ' m h a v i n g a Maths lesson.

Remember to use the correct tense of the

Tomorrow I ' m p l a y i n g tennis.
NOT Tomorrow I play tennis.
Next w e e k I ' m visiting m y friends.
NOT Next w e e k I visit m y friends.
Prepositions of time 7 <P Work in pairs. A s k and answer

C o m p l e t e t h e t a b l e s w i t h t h e s e words. q u e s t i o n s a b o u t your plans for this w e e k .

A W h a t are you d o i n g on M o n d a y ?
dinnertime March the evening B I ' m p l a y i n g football in the school team
8:15 -Wednesday 17th September at five o'clock.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. 8 ^ 3.39 Read and c o m p l e t e t h e

conversation. Listen and check.
15th May, 21st June, etc.
the morning, the afternoon,
in January, February, etc.
1995, 2008, etc.

midnight, five o'clock, , etc.

at night, the weekend, lunchtime,

next Thursday, week, weekend, etc.

... tomorrow,
no preposition t h e d g y g f t e r t o m o r r o w

6 C o m p l e t e t h e conversations w i t h correct Beth: Hi, Larry. Can we check my diary?

f o r m s of t h e present c o n t i n u o u s . Larry: Sure, Beth,
1 A: Where .ore they meeting ? (meet) Beth: What 1 am I doing (I, do) on Friday?
B: At the train station. Larry: At nine o'clock 2 (you,
leave) for the airport, then 3
2A: What you on (you, fly) to LA in the afternoon.
Saturday afternoon? (do) Beth: OK. What 4 (I, do) in the
B: P to the shops with evening?
my parents, (go) Larry: 5 (you, see) Corbin Bleu.
3A: he his homework Beth: That's cool. What time 6
tonight? (do) (I, start) work on Saturday?
B: Yes, he Larry: Erm ... at eight o'clock.
Beth: That's terrible!
4 A: Anna's mum tomorrow, (not
Larry: I'm sorry, b u t 7 (you, do)
an interview on AM TV. Then 8
B: That's right. She' a
(you, meet) Steven Spielberg.9
holiday, (take)
(you, talk) about a new film.
5 A: you the web this Beth: W h a t 1 0 (happen) in the
evening? (surf) evening?
B: No, I' Larry: 1 1 (you, go) to the Oscars.
6 A: What we tonight, Beth: 1 2 (you, come) with me?
Mum? (eat) Larry: No, 1 3 (I, stay) in the office.
B: Spaghetti. Work in pairs. Act o u t t h e conversation
w i t h your partner.
tense review - present,

agreeing and disagreeing

Harm up Work w i t h a partner. A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Do you enjoy doing quizzes? Are you good at them?
Do you like TV quiz programmes? Revision
• What is this Roman
Work w i t h a partner. Do Poppy's quiz. number?
A I think the answer to N u m b e r 1 is 'b'. • A football team has
B I agree. got...
• Which of these
A I think the answer to N u m b e r 2 is 'c'.
animals lives in a
B I don't agree. I think it's 'a'. rainforest?
• They're skiing.
3.40 Listen a n d c h e c k . H o w many correct answers
• A goldfish can
have y o u g o t ? remember things ...
• You must not send
4 Work in pairs. A s k t h e q u e s t i o n s .
text messages.
Were any of the questions very easy or very difficult?
• Julius Caesar was ...
Were any of the answers surprising?
• ... painted this
5 Work in groups. Write a quiz w i t h six q u e s t i o n s .

18 correct answers and win a prize.
Quiz by Poppy; Amy, Emma, David and Jack
2 W h o p a i n t e d this
1] W h i c h of these a n i m a l s a Leonardo da Vinci
lives in a rainforest? b Pablo Picasso
a kangaroo c Vincent Van Gogh
b monkey
c lion
8 Dinosaurs lived o n
Earth for a b o u t . . .
a 10 million years
<3 W h a t does w w w m e a n on t h e internet?
a world wonder web
b world wide web Where is this b u i l d i n g ?
e wide world web a China
b the USA
S W h i c h country has this flag? e Mexico
a the USA
bJapan m Elephants d r i n k a b o u t
c the UK of w a t e r a day.
a 2 litres
b 500 litres
c 90 litres

T u t a n k h a m u n was a n
(3 This person is w r i t i n g a ancient Greek
'My n a m e is' in ... b ancient Egyptian
a Chinese e ancient Roman
b Russian
c Greek

1K? A goldfish can

t h i n g s for ...
a 3 seconds
b 3 days
c 3 months
V This sign means y o u m u s t n o t
a send text messages
b carry a mobile phone
c use your mobile phone W h a t English city was t h e pop g r o u p
The Beatles from?
Q W h a t is this Roman number? a Manchester
a four b Cambridge
e Liverpool

Where can y o u
see these boats?
A f o o t b a l l t e a m has g o t
a 72 players
b 7 7 players
c 75 players
a London
b Paris Most people in Brazil speak
e Egypt a Spanish
b Portuguese
e English
W h a t is he
doing? ... is t h e a u t h o r of t h e
a He's skiing, Harry Potter novels.
b He's riding, a J.R.R.Tolkien
e He's juggling. bJ.K. Rowling
e J.M. Barrie

The future Unit 10 113

Talking about possessions Work in pairs. A s k and answer t h e
q u e s t i o n s . R e m e m b e r your partner's
1 C o m p l e t e t h e q u e s t i o n s . Then (circle^)
t h e a n s w e r for you.

^ Write s e n t e n c e s a b o u t your partner.

«| Have you got
a computer?
Talking about the present
C Yes, I ^ C No,! ^
J have. LI haven't. lJ 0 7 Read and c o m p l e t e t h e email w i t h
t h e present c o n t i n u o u s or t h e present
2 you simple.
any brothers or sisters? ~ ;: ; a n o
Hi Milly
C Yes, I ^ CNo, I ^
I'1 m writing (write) this email after dinner
J have. U haven't. L ^ and I'2 (listen) to music.
Let me tell you about me and my life. I'm
your family twelve and I 3 (live) in Leeds.
a cat? I4 (go) to a new school and
I've got lots of new friends. Laura and Ann
j Yes, we j | No, we ]
J have. LI haven't. Ly
5 (live) near me. They are sisters,
but they're very different. Laura 6
(like) Maths, but Ann 7 (like) Art!
you At the moment my mum and dad
a bike? 8 (watch) TV and my big brother
f Yes ! ^ C
No, I ^
Tim 9
•h, my mum' 10
(do) homework in his room.
(call) me. It's time
I have. LJ haven't Lx
for bed. I must go.
Write soon and tell me about your life.
your parents Jane
a blue car?

j^fes, fhey\ [No, they\

Write q u e s t i o n s and answers a b o u t you.
J have. LJ haven't. U '
1 Where M you live ? (live)
your house I live In Mexico City.
a garden? 2 What you at the
moment? (do)
( Yes, ^ C ^
J if has. LI hasn't. Y J 3 What football team you
? (like)
4 How you to school?
your mum
black hair? (get)
5 What time you in the
(Yes j J No, she | morning? (get up)
V_ _1 she has. LJ hasn't. L J
6 What your best friend
r at the moment? (do)
your bedroom
a TV in it?

Work in pairs. A s k your partner t h e

Yes, ^ f No, it \ :

fTl^TunitlO if has. hasn't. J Ls

Talking about skills and abilities
& because
wTTj MM rds 10B
Q 3.41 C o m p l e t e t h e table. >mm I mu'.w—
• Use because to give a reason.

play computer

play the guitar

play football

play tennis

make films
I like my gran because she's kind.
« Fred
? no yes no yes no no
Use because to answer a Why question.

yes no no yes no yes


n Why have you got all

Because I love horror
Use because
to join two ideas.
scary DVDs?

D .
1' 'A
W '
Lucas IW
Tilly Adam is in the dark because the light
8 Complete the sentences about the
doesn't work.
friends. Use can or can't.
1 Lucas c<m ploy football.
2 Fred computer games. • Use (and) then to talk a b o u t t h e next
3 Tilly football. thing.
4 Molly and Lucas make Turn on the TV and then press this
films. • You can begin a s e n t e n c e w i t h then.
5 Fred and Molly swim. We visited the museum. Then we ha
6 Erin the guitar, but she
play tennis. C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h because or
7 Fred films, but he then.
the guitar. 1 First open your books at page 18,
8 Erin, Lucas and Tilly swim. look at the picture.
2 This computer is no good it is old.
Cfr Work in pairs. Tell your partner 3 Emma is having special lessons she
a b o u t you. is bad at Maths.
A I c a n p l a y computer g a m e s . 4 He has breakfast and he walks to
B M e too. work.
5 I can't go to the cinema with you I've
got a cold.
Language check page 142 The future Unit 10 115
ffiTS Skills

Warm up L o o k at t h e p h o t o s . What can you s e e ?
a big ape [3] a sea monster Q an ancient city Q a space ship | |

Do you like monsters? Very big monsters? Loch Ness is a lake

in Scotland. People say in the lake, there is a giant monster
with a small head, a long neck and a big body. It is called
the Loch Ness monster, or Nessie. There are some famous
photographs of the monster. But are they real, or are they
pictures of objects in the water?

Gorillas are big, but not this big! In 1967 a photographer filmed a
video of a very big ape in the forests of the American Northwest.
It was about 2 metres tall and was similar to a man. Its name is Big
Foot because its footprints are 35cm long! Some scientists think
Big Foot is real, and is a type of human or ape. Other people say it
isn't real. Look at the photo. What do you think?

Look into the sky at night and what do you see? Stars? The
moon? Or UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects)? Many people see
UFOs and strange lights in the sky. They aren't aeroplanes. Are
they alien space ships from other planets? Can scientists find a
reason for these strange flying objects? There are lots of films
about UFOs. Do you know any?

Who started the story of the lost city of Atlantis? It was the
Greek philosopher Plato, 2,500 years ago. In his story, a big island
and its city disappeared under the sea. Today many people are
still looking for Atlantis. There are lots of books, films, websites
and cartoons about the mystery. Is it under the Atlantic Ocean?
Is it in the Mediterranean? What do you think? Was there really an
island called Atlantis? Or was it just Plato's story?
2 Read t h e article on page 116 quickly and m a t c h t h e paragraphs w i t h t h e p h o t o s .
a d B D C D d D

3 Read t h e article again and write t h e mysteries.

1 A city disappeared under the sea. Atlantis
2 Strange objects fly in the sky.
3 A large animal lives in a lake.
4 A big ape lives in a forest.

4 Look at t h e pictures below. What is h a p p e n i n g in each o n e ?

5 Q 3.43 Listen t o t h e p e o p l e p h o n i n g their friends and write t h e n u m b e r s 1 - 4 .


6 Work in pairs. Say w h a t you believe in / don't believe in.

I don't believe in the Loch Ness monster.
I think I believe in Atlantis.

7 Work in pairs. Talk a b o u t s o m e of t h e t o p i c s below.

y o u r house a n d
h o w t o get t o it

8 C h o o s e a t o p i c from Exercise 7 and write a paragraph a b o u t it.

Communication page 127 Your Space Web Zone fThe future Unit 10 117
Greetings, introductions and saying goodbye
1 Warm up L o o k at t h e pictures and a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Is it a special day? Why?

Katie Hello! Come in. Katie Nick, this is my friend, Samira.

Nick Happy birthday, Katie. Nick Hi, Samira.
Katie Thanks! Samira Hello, Nick. Nice to meet you.
Nick Hello, Mrs King.
Mrs King Hello, Nick. How are you?
Nick Fine, thanks. And you?
Mrs King I'm OK, thanks.

Samira Hi! I'm Samira. Nick Bye. Thanks for a great party.
Ruby Hi! My name's Ruby. Where are you Mrs King Goodbye, Nick.
from, Samira?
Samira I'm from India. I'm here on holiday.

0 1.38 Read a n d listen t o t h e conversations. (Circle)

t h e correct answer.
E m i l y Hi, Sam. How
1 It's a Katie's birthday b Nick's birthday 1
2 Samira is a Katie's friend b Katie's sister Sam I'm fine, thanks.
3 Samira is from a Ireland b India E m i l y This is 2
friend, Lucy.
te 1.39 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e
S a m Hi, Lucy. 3
conversation. Sam.
In g r o u p s of three, practise t h e conversation in Lucy , Sam.
Phrasebook. Nice to meet

118 Unitl MB page 13


fishing for and giving personal information

Hi. Can I join the Sports Club, please?
Of course. What's your first name?
And what's your family name?
Can you spell that, please?
What's your address?
Erm ... 12 New Street, Oxford, 0X6 8TB.
Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
12 New Street, Oxford, 0X6 8TB.
What's your phone number?
01967 554282.
Thanks. What's your nationality?
I'm British.
And how old are you?
OK, that's fine.

Warm up L o o k at t h e picture a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
Where is Robert? Where is he from? How old is he?

2 (J|) 1.52 Read a n d listen t o t h e conversation. C h e c k your a n s w e r s to Exercise 1.

3 | j s 1.52 Listen again and c o m p l e t e t h e form.


First name:
Family name:

Phone number:

Can you 1
Work in pairs. Practise t h e conversation.
that, please?
@ 1.53 L o o k at Phrasebook. Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s . Sorry, can you
Copy t h e form in Exercise 3. C o m p l e t e it for your partner.
Yes, that's 3
Communication |

Exchanging email addresses

1 » 2.13 Listen and repeat.

1 • (dot) 2 @ (at) 3 ~ (hyphen) 4 CO 5 fiet 6 COm

(J| 2.14 Work in pairs. Read t h e email addresses. Then listen and c h e c k .
1 3
2 4

3 Warm Look at t h e picture and describe t h e children.

4 (W) 2.15 Listen to t h e conversation and write Tim's email address.

Tim's email:

5 ® 2.15 Listen again and repeat t h e conversation.

Hi, Tim.
Hi, Lan.
I've got a good photo for our
school project. Look!
Wow, it's great!
I've got the photo on our
computer at home.
Can you email it to me?
Sure. What's your email
Is that one word?
Yes, it is.
Cool, Thanks, Lan!

6 i Q 2.16 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s .

Invent an email address. Work in pairs.

Practise t h e conversation. Can y o u 1 it to
A C a n y o u s e n d m e a n email? me?
B Sure. W h a t ' s your e m a i l address? What's2 email
Is that 3 word?
Buying a ticket
1 Warm up Look at t h e p o s t e r a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
When is Beppo's Circus in Cambridge? How do you buy tickets?

2 ® 2.28 Read a n d listen t o t h e conversation.(Circle) t h e correct word.

Woman Hello, can I help you?

George Yes, please. What time does the show start?
Woman It starts a t 1 ( f o ^ c l o c k ) / 7 o'clock.
George How much are the tickets?
Woman Well, for children up to 16 years it's 2 £ 3 / £ 5
and for adults it's 3 £ 7 / £9.
George Oh, that's good. I'm 4 1 2 / 13 and my brother's
5 1 4 / 15. I'd like four tickets, please - two

adults and two children.

Woman That's 6 £ 2 4 / £28, please.
George Here you are.
Woman Here are your tickets and your change.

2.28 Listen a n d repeat t h e conversation.

I »YeX»J
4 ( | | 2.29 Look at Phrasebook. Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e Can 1 you?
sentences. What time does the show
2 ?
5 Work in pairs. Practise t h e conversations w i t h different How much are the 3 ?
information. I'd like four tickets,
A Hello. C a n I h e l p you? £28, please.
B Yes, please. W h a t time d o e s the show start? Here you
A It starts at 8 o'clock. are your tickets and
your change.
Making suggestions
1 | § | 2.39 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e conversations.

Maddie Let's 5 computer games at my

Peter Let's 1 swimming. Isabel I'm sorry, I c a n ' t 6 this evening.
Dan I can't swim. Let's 2 to the I've got a piano lesson.
park and ride o u r 3 Maddie No problem. 7 meet tomorrow.
Peter That's a 4 idea. Isabel Yes, that's a good idea.

2.40 L o o k at Phrasebook. Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e

conversations. 1
A Let's 1 TV.
Work in pairs. Practise t h e conversations in 2
B I'm sorry, 1
Exercise 1 w i t h different activities. I'm tired.
A No problem.
4 Read t h e e m a i l s a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
1 What does Ryan suggest? 3 What does Josh suggest? A Let's 3
2 What does Josh answer? swimming.
B That's a good idea.
SHHHHHHHhmmHHHHHHHHMI ooo Let's 4 later.
To: Josh
From: Ryan
Subject: Football OOO
Hi Josh To: Ryan

Are you free tomorrow afternoon? From: Josh

Let's play football with Archie and Subject: Football

Hi Ryan
Ryan That's a good idea. Let's have an
ice cream, too.

Write an e m a i l t o your partner. S u g g e s t t h a t you d o s o m e t h i n g together.

Then a n s w e r your partner's email.

l Unit5 Communication J WB page 45
Warm up A n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s .
What do you usually do on your birthday? Do you like parties?

f ^ ) 2.55 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e conversation. Then practise it

w i t h your partner.

Alex Hi, Jessica.

Jessica Hi, Alex.
Alex Would you like to come to a 1 ?
Jessica A party?
Alex Yes, it's my 2 party. Would you like to come?
Jessica Yes, I would, When is it?
Alex It's on Saturday a t 3 o'clock. At Mario's pizza restaurant.
Jessica Brilliant. See you on 4
Alex Great,

(||) 2.56 Listen and p u t t h e invitations in order.

Which invitation d o e s Jessica a c c e p t ? m a k i n g an invitation
play tennis with Kathy Q see a film with Liam Q Would you like to come
play a computer game with Alice Q to a party?
accepting a n invitation
2.57 L o o k at Phrasebook. Listen a n d repeat. Yes, I would.
Sure. / OK.
5 Work in pairs. Practise t h e conversations.
refusing an invitation
6 Read t h e invitation a n d a n s w e r t h e q u e s t i o n s . I'm sorry, I can't. I've
got a piano lesson.
1 Whose birthday is it? 2 Where is the party?
3 What day and time is it?

Let s 50 kov/I'mj!
Name Owen Jones
Date Saturday 18th June
Time 12 o'clock
Location Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge

7 Write a party invitation and give it to your partner. A c c e p t or refuse your partner's
Dear (name),
Thank you for your invitation,
I would like to ... / I'm sorry, I can't... (add an excuse).
See you on ...

Ordering food
@ 3.09 What d o Ethan and Jade order? Listen and write E (Ethan) or J (Jade) on
t h e m e n u . Then c o m p l e t e t h e conversation.

V e g e t a b l e lasagne
Fish a n d chips
C h i c k e n curry
Jacket potatoes:
- t u n a a n d mayonnaise
M i x e d salad

A p p l e pie
Fruit (an a p p l e ,
a banana o r an orange)
Ice cream

Mineral water
Apple/Orange juice

School cook Hello. What would you like? Jade Mmm. Can I have 5 ,
Ethan Can I have 1 , please? please?
School cook Anything else? S c h o o l c o o k Yes, of course. Would you like
Ethan I'd like some 2 , a dessert?
please. Jade Yes, can I have 6 ?
School cook Here you are. S c h o o l c o o k Here you are.
Ethan Thanks. Jade Thank you.
School cook Hello. What would you like?
Jade Have you got any 3 ?
School cook
S c h o o l c o o k Yes, we've g o t 4
What would you like? [T]
Would you like a
2 @ 3.09 Listen again and repeat t h e conversation.
dessert? Q
3 Q 3.10 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and n u m b e r t h e Here you are. [_
sentences. Anything else? Q
In g r o u p s practise new conversations like t h e o n e in Student
Exercise 1. C h a n g e t h e f o o d t h a t you order. Can I have a jacket potato
with cheese, please? Q
I'd like an apple, please.
Yes, please. / No, thanks. /
Thank you. T

fishing the way and giving directions

1 Warm up W h i c h b u i l d i n g is ...
1 opposite the post office? 3 opposite the supermarket?
2 next to the cinema? 4 next to the sports centre? ...






3.19 You are at t h e Tourist I n f o r m a t i o n Centre. M a t c h t h e

q u e s t i o n s w i t h t h e d i r e c t i o n s , t h e n listen a n d c h e c k .
1 Excuse me, where's the bus station?
2 Excuse me, where's the library?
3 Excuse me, where's the sports centre? 1 Excuse me, where's the
train station?
a Go left. Then turn right. It's on the left in Slade Road. It's next
2 Go left. Take the first
to the cinema.
left. Go straight on.
b Go right. Take the first left. Go straight on. It's on the right, Take the second right.
c Go right. Go straight on, Take the second left. It's on the right Take the first left. It's on
in Howard Street. the right.
3 Thank you very much.
3 ( | | 3.20 L o o k at Phrasebook. Listen a n d repeat.
4 You're welcome.
4 Work in pairs. Practise a s k i n g a n d giving d i r e c t i o n s .
Buying train and bus tickets 1 DEPARTURES
1 H | 3.33 Read and c o m p l e t e t h e BIRMINGHAM 10:10
conversation. Then listen and c h e c k . MANCHESTER 10:37
LONDON 10:45
Are you under 16? OXFORD 11:28
Platform 4. The next train is at 10:45. BOURNEMOUTH 11:45

That's £5.60 each.

Single or return?
OTHP WPP^^mi^WHliiSI- R • ••• I
Becky Can I have two tickets to
London, please?
Man 1

Becky Return, please.

Man 2

James Yes, we're 12.

Man 3

James What platform does the next

train leave from?
James Thank you.

2 @ 3.34 Read and c o m p l e t e t h e conversation.

Then listen and c h e c k .

tickets 2.50 Here change thank you

James Two 1 to the city centre, please.

Can I have two
Bus driver Child fare? 1
to London,
James Yes, please. please?
Bus driver £2 , please. Single or return?
Becky 3 you are. Single, please.
Bus driver Thanks. Take your 4 ! 2
James Oh, 5
O n a train
What3 does
3 Work in a g r o u p of three. Act o u t t h e conversations. the next train leave
4 3.35 Look at Phrasebook. Listen and c o m p l e t e .
D Communication

Making and suggesting plans

1 ( g 3.44 The s t u d e n t s are m a k i n g plans for next w e e k .
N u m b e r t h e t w o conversations in t h e correct order. Then
listen a n d c h e c k .

1 Daniel Thai sounds great. Q

Jack Why don't we listen to music? Q
Daniel No, I'm not. [[
Jack Are you doing anything on Monday morning? [ T ]

2 Emily That's a pity. Are you free on Wednesday morning? Q

Emily Fantastic!
Emily Let's go to a museum on Tuesday afternoon. Q
Yasmin I'm sorry. I'm playing tennis with do. Q
Yasmin Yes, I am. [_

2 if|J 3.45 Listen a n d c o m p l e t e Phrasebook. Then listen again

and repeat. Why1 we
play tennis on Tuesday
Write t w o a p p o i n t m e n t s in your diary for next w e e k , e.g. go to afternoon?
the dentist or visit my grandparents. You can c h o o s e t h e day go to the
and time. cinema on Thursday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday That sounds 3
Good4 !
I'm visiting my
morning grandparents.
That's a pity.


4 Think of t w o interesting activities t o d o w i t h your c l a s s m a t e s next w e e k , e.g. go to the

cinema. Write t h e m in t h e diary too.

Work in groups. Invite your c l a s s m a t e s to d o activities w i t h you. Write t h e n a m e s of t h e

s t u d e n t s w h o say 'yes'. Use Phrasebook to help you.
I- Hi
^ < m a
"2 A< J J
< < u\ 1
J <
< Q! f
t- I
< ^ ti 1
UJ u5iu
> ^ X 1
W "20
X 0<I 1 i
V- -1••1
vn t-
-j <
3 < < Ui
-! £ >
< "2

• 1
Language check
Unit 1
1 (0ircle) t h e correct words. C o m p l e t e t h e email w i t h I'm, he's, she's,
1 is my best friend, Tom. is or are.
a (He) b She cWe Hi! My name's Jamie. 1 I'm from
2 are from Ireland. Sydney in Australia. My brother, George,
a I b He c They is fourteen. 2 good fun. My
3 is my little sister, Abigail. sister, Lily, 3 eight. My parents
4 teachers. My favourite actor is
a She b He c We
Jessica Alba. 5 very beautiful.
4 is my brother, Oliver.
Bye for now,
a His b He's c He
5 They from New York.
a are b is c am L o o k at t h e text and c o m p l e t e t h e
6 Is your name Mario? sentences with there's, there isn't or there
a No, it isn't, b No, he isn't, are.
c Yes, he is.
Holiday house in sunny Cornwall
7 Is Valentino Rossi Spanish?
a No, it isn't, b No, he isn't,
Attractive house five minutes from
c No, she isn't.
the beach
8 My cat black, it's white.
large living room two bathrooms
new kitchen small garden
a is b aren't c isn't
9 I at school. I'm at home.
three bedrooms
a not b aren't c ' m not 1 There's a living room.
10Are you hungry? 2 a new kitchen,
a Yes, I is. b Yes, I am. c Yes, I are. 3 a dining room,
4 two bathrooms,
2 Write t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e correct
5 a big garden,
personal pronoun.
6 three bedrooms.
1 Tom is my friend. He Is my -friend.
2 The guitar is in my room. £ j 1.50 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e text.
3 My mum and dad are from Ireland. I'm lona. 1
My brother is Piotr,
4 My sister is five, 2 names are Polish. 3
5 Tom and I are Real Madrid fans. parents are from Poland. 4 home
6 Ben is sixteen. town is Krakow. We live 5 Dublin.
6 house is in the centre of town,
3 (Jf 1.35 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e text. 7 of a park. 8 favourite
Hi, my name' 1 s Adam and room is my bedroom. The walls are red. There
I' 2 from London. My best friend are lots of cushions 9 my bed
3 Michael. My favourite football and a big rug 1 0 it. There's an old
team 4 Manchester United. But armchair 11 of the window and a
his favourite team 5 Manchester lamp on a table 1 2 it.
United. It's Chelsea! We' 6 twelve
years old. Our interests 7 computer
games and music. My parents 8
British. Michael is from Britain, but his parents
9 They' 1 0 from
f Language check
Unit 4
1 Rewrite the sentences with the (0ircle)the correct form of the verb.
possessive's. 1 Ella walks / walk to school with her
1 This is her favourite film. (Molly) friends.
This Is Molly's -favourite -film. 2 I has / have toast and jam for breakfast.
2 Their parents are from Paris. (Nathan and 3 They has / have football practice on
Lucy) Thursday.
3 His name is Billy. (My dog) 4 School starts / start at half past eight.
4 Her mother is forty-five. (Ellie) 5 We watches / watch TV in the evening.
5 Their home is in London, (My grandparents) 6 I goes / go to sleep at about ten o'clock.
6 Their lessons are in this classroom. (The 7 My sister plays / play football in the
students) school team.
7 Where are his books? (Daniele) 8 She has / have lunch at her grandparents'
8 That is their car. (my uncle and aunt) house.

2 Circle) the correct words. (|5ircie)the correct words.

1 you got a pen pal? 1 Ben computer games.
a Has b(Have) c Is a(Hoesn't~play) b don't play c not plays
2 pen is that? 2 We this shop.
a Where b How c Whose a doesn't like b don't like c don't likes
3 Is this mobile phone ? 3 They the web in the morning.
a yours b you c your a don't surf b surf not c not surf
4 I got a skateboard. 4 Chiara write a blog?
a hasn't b haven't c am a Do b Don't c Does
5 Have they got a car? No, they 5 do your parents do in their free
a haven't b hasn't c isn't time?
6 That exercise book isn't a What b Where c When
a my b mine c me 6 Do you like pizzas?
7 They've a house in Spain. a Yes, I like, b Yes, I do. c Yes, I do like.
a are b have c got 7 Sophie her mum.
8 you got lots of cousins? a helps b help c she help
a Have b Has c Got 8 a shower in the morning?
9 Mr Sinclair isn't your teacher. He's . a Does you have b Have you got
a ours b our c we c Do you have
10 is the girl in the photo?
(3) 2.24 Listen and complete the text
a Whose b Who c How
with one or two words in each gap.
3 H 2.10 Listen and complete the text. 1 1 get Up at half past six. 1 2
My name's Daisy and I'm from Cardiff. washed and get dressed. 1 3
1 I ve got a big family. I've 2 with my family. We 4 cereal,
two brothers and a sister. My 3 milk and fruit. School 5 at half
names are James and Andrew. M y 4 past eight and 6 at half past
name is Olivia, James is ten and Andrew is three. 1 7 at school. My friend
sixteen. 5 got lots of computer and 1 8 home, 1 9 my
games. Olivia 6 only seven. She's homework and then 1 1 0 computer
very shy. 7 got a bike! 8 games. We 1 1 dinner at half past
got lots of aunts and uncles. Auntie Lydia is my six. 1 1 2 bed at about half past nine.
favourite. 9 funny. Her husband is
my Uncle Rob. 1 0 very clever.


Unit 5 Unit 6
1 C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e correct Find t h e m i s t a k e s and rewrite t h e correct
form of t h e verbs in t h e brackets. sentences.
1 Sarah loves playing tennis, (love) 1 What does you do on Saturday?
2 the phone! (answer) WHctfc do you do on Saturday?
3 George hates vegetables, (eat) 2 He goes usually home at half past three,
4 at this photo! (look) 3 Where do she have lunch?
5 your name here, (write) 4 They do their homework always on Sunday
6 They don't like to the cinema, (go) night.
7 Does she swimming? (like) 5 What time you get up?
8 late for dinner! (not be) 6 I play computer games not often,
9 We love football in the park, (play) 7 Where does he lives?
10 I like to music, (listen) 8 I go sometimes to the park after school.

2 C i r c l e ) t h e correct words. (CircTe) t h e correct w o r d s

1 you speak French? 1 Federica never her lunch at school,
a (Can) b Does c Is a^eats) beat c eating
2 He can poetry. 2 This is new bicycle.
a writes b writing c write a my b me c mine
3 Can he swim? Yes, he 3 You mustn't this window.
a can't b swim c can a not open b opening c open
4 hate going to restaurants. 4 We're going home. Come with
a He b She cThey a we b us c our
5 Daniele his digital camera. 5 They their pets to school.
a not can use b can't use c can't uses a mustn't to take b don't must take
6 My best friend loves magazines. c mustn't take
a read b reading c reads 6 I get up half past six.
7 I hate early at the weekend. a on b at c in
a to get up b geting up c getting up 7 Do you like pizza? Yes, I
8 Our dog football. a do b come c am
a can play b can he play c can plays 8 They go swimming Sunday,
9 Usman can do gymnastics a at b on c in
a very well b very good c very nice 9 She a life-jacket on the boat.
10 download music? Yes, I can. a must wear b must wearing c do wear
a You can b Do you can c Can you 10 does your mother work?
a Where b What c Whose
3 (f§) 2.37 Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e text.
There's a sports competition at my school o) 2.50 Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e text.
and my team is brilliant! All my friends My name's Oliver and 1 1 U-Ye in Liverpool,
can 1 play football quite well. They I go 2 Newton Secondary School. It's
can all run 2 , too. Molly can a big school with about 3 students.
3 gymnastics very well and Eddie We 4 lots of different subjects and
can 4 Anna can do karate, and the teachers are fun. 1 5 Science and
she can 5 volleyball, too. But I Art. 1 6 my new school and I've got
hate 6 1 7 football or lots of new friends. 1 7 have lunch
volleyball. I can't do gymnastics 8 with my best friend. He 8 computers.
and I hate 9 But I can 10 We sometimes 9 the web in the
text messages. Is that a sport? computer room 1 0 lunch.
Unit 7 Unit 8
1 C o m p l e t e t h e conversation w i t h is, are, 1
C o m p l e t e t h e conversation w i t h t h e correct
isn't, any, some or a. form of t h e present c o n t i n u o u s of t h e verb
Mum is at the supermarket. She phones in t h e brackets.
Dylan for help... 1 A Are you watchkig the football
Mum: Dylan. Can you look in the fridge, match on TV? (watch)
please? Is there 1 any milk? B No, I'm not
Dylan: No, there 2 2 A What you ? (do)
Mum: 3 there any vegetables? B I an email, (write)
Dylan: Yes, there are 4 carrots. 3 A Look. It Let's play tennis.
And there 5 some tomatoes. (not rain)
Mum: 6 there any fruit? B Good idea.
Dylan: There are 7 apples and 4 A David his English
there's 8 banana. homework? (do)
Mum: Are there any eggs? B No, he a comic, (read)
Dylan: Yes, there 9 There are six
2 C i r c l e ) t h e correct words.
eggs, but we haven't g o t 1 0 ice
cream, Mum! 1 I my new trainers today.
a wear bCm wearing)
2 C i r c l e ) t h e correct words. 2 Abena is in her bedroom. She to
1 I've got ............ sweets. music.
a many bCiotToD c much a's listening b listens
2 How chairs are there? 3 Filippo football at the weekends,
a many b lots of c much a is playing b plays
3 How water is in the bottle? 4 My brother for his girlfriend. She's
a many b not much c much late!
4 I haven't got ideas for my project. a is waiting b waits
a many b not many c much 5 Edona's very musical. She the
5 Have you got comics? piano and the guitar.
a many b not many c much a plays b is playing
6 There much information about 6 My friends to school by bus every
the museum. day.
a aren't b not c isn't a are going b go

3 ;:||| 3.06 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e text. 3 ( 3 3.16 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e text.

My name's Stefano. I have coffee and milk It's Thursday and I usually Vgo
with 1 some biscuits for breakfast. Then to school, but today we are 2
I have a sandwich o r 2 crisps in Cambridge on a school trip. I love Cambridge
the morning break. I have lunch at school. and 3 having a great time. Now
I always have 3 of pasta! Then I it's one o'clock and it's lunchtime. We usually
usually have some 4 or fish. In the 4 dinner at school in the canteen,
afternoon I have a 5 at home. At but today we're 5 here in a beautiful
about 7.30,1 have dinner with my family. We park, 6 eating a sandwich and
have 6 meat, fish or cheese. drinking orange juice. I'm 7 a guide
to Cambridge. My friend Daniele 8

eating and he's sending a text message, too.

Some of my friends 9 sitting down.
10 playing football.
Language check J
Unit 9
1 C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e correct C o m p l e t e t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e correct
form of t h e past s i m p l e of t h e verb be. forms.
1 We were on holiday last week. ( / ) 1 My sister has got a new bicycle.
2 Peter wasn't scared. (X) a have got b has got c got
3 you at school on Monday? 2 William computer games in the
4 The students in classroom 3. (X) evening.
5 Last week cold and rainy. ( / ) a play b playing c plays
6 Where you yesterday morning? 3 Isabel to school.
7 your brother at the football match a don't walk b not walk c doesn't walk
yesterday? 4 What are you on Sunday night?
8 My books in my school bag. (X) a doing b do c does
9 Jenny ill yesterday? 5 Why is the radio on? there's a
football match.
2 C h o o s e t h e correct verb.
a Why b Because c Then
1 We a DVD last night. 6 She sweets.
a played b ate c (^tchecP) a must eat not b mustn't eats
2 I at home on Saturday. c mustn't eat
a stayed b walked c listened 7 They in Paris in 2008.
3 We to the cinema. a live b lived c lives
a walked b visited c worked 8 playing tennis with Ben tomorrow
4 I my room at the weekend. afternoon.
a arrived b tidied c talked a I'm b Am c I do
5 The clock at five o'clock. 9 juggle three balls?
a studied b phoned c stopped a Do you can b Can you c You can
3 Put t h e w o r d s in order t o m a k e sentences. 10 they at home last night?
a Was b Were c Are
1 for stayed Jake in hours two museum the
2 room to Max music listened his in 3.42 Listen a n d c o m p l e t e t h e text w i t h
3 arrived twenty late my train minutes one w o r d in each gap.
4 aunt visited week in my Oxford last we My name's Emma and I'm from London. I've
5 night in they band played the school last 1 two brothers and a sister. I like
computers, but 1 2 like sport. At the
4 H 3.29 Listen and c o m p l e t e t h e text.
moment I'm 3 this email and I'm
I'm Joe and I'm twelve years old. 1 4 to music.
from New York in the United States. Last 15 cycle to school because it
weekend 1 2 my grandparents in 6 near my house. 1 7 by
Long Island. They 3 in New York bus with my sister. We 8 lunch at
when they 4 young. But now they school and we get home at 4 o'clock.
in a quiet place. my On Saturday I often 9 shopping. On
visit. We 7 hamburgers together in 10
Sunday I usually my gran.
the garden. We 8 to the park and Last Sunday, my brothers and 1 1 1
9 a football match. In the evening her in the kitchen. We 1 2 a fantastic
we 1 0 a funny film on DVD, and lunch.
Gran and Grampa 1 1 me a video of Tomorrow is Monday - the first day of the
their trip to Europe. And we 1 2 lots holidays. I'm 1 3 my friends in the city
of games, but not computer games! centre. But we 1 4 going shopping.
We're 1 5 a picnic in the park.

Yes, there are lots of

Why don't you go to the fun games and activities
Your Space Web Zone? and there's an interactive
graphic story maker!
That sounds great! Fantastic!



Video diaries



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Student's Book 1
Martyn Hobbs and Julia Starr Keddle
Your Space is a motivating three-level English course for young students. The
course is designed to grow and change w i t h students, helping t h e m to develop the
skills they need. Students are supported to explore and personalise new language
right from the start, enabling t h e m to communicate clearly and build confidence in
using English in everyday situations. A focus on skills development and functional
language encourages effective, confident communication.

The Student's Book provides approximately 80-90 hours of core teaching material,
which can be extended to 150 hours using the 'real-world' DVD, interactive w e b
resources and extra ideas in the Teacher's Book.

Key Features:
• i o units, featuring topics of interest to young teens
• A lo-page Welcome section for students reviews and reinforces basic language
• Students are encouraged to notice new language in context, then are given clear
guidance to its use
• Illustrated 'Your words' sections, informed by the Cambridge English Corpus,
bring vocabulary to life
• 'Get it right' sections informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus help students
tackle problem areas common to learners of their level
• Web resources provide games and practice activities to consolidate learning
• Students are provided w i t h strategies to help t h e m become autonomous learners
• A graphic story at the back of the book provides extra reading practice

The course includes:

Student's Book
Workbook w i t h Audio CD
Teacher's Book w i t h Tests CD
Class Audio CDs
Classware D V D - R O M
DVD (Levels 1-3)
Web Zone:


The Cambridge English Corpus is a l p CAMBRIDGE
multi-billion word collection of written
and spoken English. It includes the § UNIVERSITY PRESS
Cambridge Learner Corpus, a unique
bank of exam candidate papers.
Our authors study the Corpus to see how English is ISBN 978-0-521-72923-9
really used, and to identify typical learner mistakes.
This means that Cambridge materials help students to
avoid mistakes, and you can be confident the language
taught is useful, natural and fully up to date.


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