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Name: Usman Ali Rajput

Roll no: Po-0117-65

Class: Bs part-4

Department: Political Science

Topic: Role of military in politics of Pakistan

Submitted By: Madam Shahida Ameer Chandio


The history of the modern day military of Pakistan began in 1947, when Pakistan achieved to its
independence as a modern nation. The military hold a significant place in the history of Pakistan,
as a Pakistan armed forces have played, and continue to play, a significant role in the
establishment and shaping of the country. Military has always assumed a prominent role in
Pakistan’s political affairs. Although Pakistan was founded as a democracy after its
independence from the British raj, the military of remained one of the country’s most powerful
institutions and has on occasion overthrown democratically elected civilian governments on the
basis of self-assessed mismanagement and corruption. Successive governments have made sure
that the military was consulted before they took for the key decision related to the Kashmir
conflict and foreign policy.

It means military intervention in politics, in all matters, like domestic internal and external
affairs. Military is a formidable political actor in Pakistan. Military has always assumed a
prominent role in the politics of Pakistan.

After the independence of the Pakistan, in 1948 the first war of occurred india pakistan war on
the water sharing dispute those were early days of independence of Pakistan, and the founder,
Quaid-E-Azam’s with in a shortly span of times its initial progress and bold polices enunciated
by no less a leader then quaid e azam amazed the world. Quaid e azam was a strength of the
Pakistan but Pakistan was a great loss of the first governor general of Pakistan quaid e azam
Muhammad ali Jinnah on 1 September, 1948.

After the death of governor general of Pakistan quaid e azam , and the liaquat Ali khan was
appointed the first prime minster of Pakistan, after the Governor general the prime minster look
solid about the development of the constitution. He was assassinated at committee on laiquat
bagh Rawalpindi on 16 October 1951.

In august 1955, the governor general on this time gulam muhammad was a seriously ill and gave
up all official duties and major general iskander mirza was perform the acting governor general.
The effort of the Pakistan for nine years was successfully farming the constitution in 1956.

Muhammad ayub khan came to the power in 1958. He suspended the constitution which had
been adopted two year earlier and ensured that the new one gave his sample powers. He was
conformed in office as president by an electoral collage of eighty thousand members who where
merely asked whether they trusted him. He was made a Pakistan a military ally of the USA, In
the mid of 1960s. however, The soviet union brokered ceasefire in the in the short war he had
waged against india.

During the period of ayub khan, the first election under the constitution was as a non party basis.
However, the political parties were revived in 1962 and the second elections were held in the in
the December 1964 to January 1965, the combined opposition parties (COP) put up the miss
fatima Jinnah, the sister of the founder of the nation. The COP was demand by the direct election
should be substituted the indirect election. Although the ayub khan was won the election it was
the disputed the result as the votes of many democrats had been manipulated by carrot and stick.

The basic target of the mass protest was the wrong economics polices, presidential constitution,
one unit and bureaucracy. The economic planning of president ayub khan has caused great unrest
resentment because the due to the such planning wealth and economic strength has accumulated
ina few hands. Thraised income had not increased with the ratio of the price increase. On the
political front demand was being raised for the abrogation of 1962 constitutions and restoration
of parliament system of government. The smaller provinces were also demanding to abolish one
unit. All these factors were created a political crises in the country and formation of the a
formula based on understanding and peaceful co-existence through which the crises could be
controlled, became impossible.

Khan had to resign in1969 because of potests in the west Pakistan as well as the growing
independence movement in what was then east Pakistan and wood soon become Bangladesh.

Under the pressure of the public opinion, ayub khan was resigned from president ship on 25
march 1969, and handed over the power to commander in chief of the army general yahya khan
instead of the speaker of the national assembly , hence violated himself his self-assumed

General Muhammad yahya khan assumed the office of president and chief material law
administrator of Pakistan. The constitution of 1962 was abrogated and the country was again
cannot a constitution even after twenty two years of its extience. The national and provincial
assembly was dissolved. And planned for the new election on 5 October, 1971

Taking advantages of the powerful position, yahya khan dissolved by the one unit on to the july
1970. Another step towards paving the way of the holding of the election, he issued of the “legal
framework order” (LFO) on 30 march 1970. The said order contained the fundamental principals
of the constitution to be framed by the elected assembly. Then time the two major political
parties are is first is PAKISTAN PEOPLE PARTY (PPP) are led by the zulfiqar ali Bhutto and
second is THE AWAMI LEAGUE was led by the late sheikh mujib ur rehman.. the sheikh mujib ur
rehman involed a six point formula, which was the base of their electioneering. And other the
PPP leader zulfiqar ali Bhutto was advancded their manifesto, ehich has a reflection of socialism
based on Islamic principals of economic and social equality.

There were 23 political parties they participated in the elction.. and these two were major of PPP
and the awami league and the finally awami league was got the 16 votes and PPP wew in the 81
votes from west Pakistan. But zulfiqar ali Bhutto was not accepted their compaign and said to
mujib ur rehman lifts hands from your success, but he can’t agree to lift the hand of the success .
so zulfiqar ali bhutto was take the side of the yahya khan. Then yahya khan hand over the powers
to zulfiqar ali Bhutto in the written from through one paper.

Zulifaqar ali Bhutto was the became the president of the Pakistan on 20 december 1971. And
then the east Pakistan got the independent and name was Bangladesh.

The new third constitution was Pakistan was enfored was 1973 by zulfiqar ali Bhutto and they
become the prime minster of Pakistan. In the constitution form of the government by the
parliamently form of government and then the all powers were hand on the prime minster. But
with the passage of the time of opposition gave the chance of the military and general zia took
over the country and imposed of material law on the july 1977 and arrested to the all politicians,
along with prime mister zulfiqar ali Bhutto.

In 1977, Muhammad zia ul haq grabbed power in the coup. Zulfiqar ali Bhutto was over stepped
prime minster , was the sentenced to the death and executed in 1979, zai-ul-haq promoted
islamisation, turned against Muslim minorities such as Ahmadis or the shias, and supported by
the mujhaddin who were fighting soviet troops in Afghanistan. He aligned the country more
closely to Washington, but also pursed a nuclear programme. Pakistan was detonated test device
in 1998; ten year after zia ul haq had died in a accident of plane crush.

Pervez mushraf toppled prime minister nawaz Sharif in 1999 just when nawaz Sharif had
decided to the to the fire him the as the top the army leader after a failed military campaign in the
kargil region of Kashmir. General parvez mushraf overthrown the democrative government of
the prime minster nawaz shareef on 12 october 1999. And they become the the chief executive of
Pakistan. But pervez mushraf on the roadmap of the democracy by the holding of the general
elections in Pakistan on October 2002. These election was changed of pervious ones. And
muslim league was averaged the vote of 118 and again the general mushraf was became the
president of the Pakistan. And then was the power of president of Pakistan held in to the 2008.
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)

Imran Khan led the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) (Pakistan Movement for Justice) under the
slogan: "Change". On 25 April 1996, in Lahore, PTI, a social democratic and Third Way political
movement, was founded by Imran Khan. PTI boycotted the 2008 elections, but by 2011 became
politically more active. PTI claims to represent all Pakistanis irrespective of religion, ethnicity,
language or residence. It wishes to create a modern, egalitarian, Islamic democratic and welfare
state. PTI promotes a nationalist agenda, arguing that terrorism, extremism and radicalism have
increased since Pakistan joined the war on terrorism.

The party emerged as the second most popular party in the country in the 2013 elections. It is
currently the ruling party in the country. In the 2018 general elections, Imran Khan became the
Prime Minister of Pakistan and PTI secured 116 seats in the National Assembly and a clean
sweep in the KPK by taking 63 seats in the Provincial Assembly. The PTI also formed a
government in Punjab, took most seats in the largest city of Karachi and collaborated with the
government in Balochistan.

Pakistan Muslim League (N)

The Pakistan Muslim League (N) is a large center-right, political party of Pakistan, which
incorporated its history into the All India Muslim League, which played a central role in the
creation of Pakistan under the leadership of Qaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. . The Pakistan
Muslim League re-emerged on the national political scene in Pakistan as part of the Islamic
Jamhuri Ittehad coalition against the Pakistan People's Party in the 1988 elections.

PML-N served two terms as Prime Minister with Nawaz Sharif in the 1990s. His second term in
office was shortened by a military coup led by General Musharraf. The PML-N boycotted the
general elections in 2002. In 2008 elections, PML-N formed government in Punjab province. In
the 2013 elections, PML-N won a majority in the National Assembly. It formed a coalition
government at the center, Punjab and Balochistan provinces, followed by governments in Azad
Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. In 2013, Nawaz Sharif was elected Prime Minister for
the third time. In the 2018 general elections, PTI marginalized it by completely winning seats
and forming governments in the center and three provinces.
Pakistan People's Party (PPP)

On 30 November 1967, the democratic Socialist Party, Pakistan People's Party (PPP) was
founded by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1928–1979). The PPP followed the socialist agenda of roti,
kapra, makan (food, clothing, shelter) in the 1970 general election. It supported relations with
China over western countries and ruled Pakistan after the fall of Dhaka. After the completion of
the first parliamentary term, the PPP was successful in the 1977 elections, but was quickly
overthrown by Zia ul Haq. Under Benazir Bhutto, the PPP became a secular party that promoted
social liberalism as well as privatization to obtain funding from the US and the World Bank.
From March 2008 to March 2013, it was the leading party of the ruling coalition. The party
suffered defeat in the 2013 election.

Awami National Party

The Awami National Party (Popular National Party, ANP) was founded in 1986 by Abdul Wali
Khan. It is a leftist, secular party that promotes Pashtun nationalism, democratic socialism,
public sector government and economic egalitarianism. It supports relations with Afghanistan,
India and historically the Soviet Union. The ANP captured 7 seats in the Senate and 3 in the
National Assembly. Bacha Khan's grandson Asfandar Wali Khan is the outgoing president of the
ANP. Between 2008 and 2013, it was part of the ruling PPP-led coalition. It performs well in
Pashtun-dominated areas in and around the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces.

The state of Pakistan since its infancy has been surrounded by myriad of challenges and hurdles
in its way to progress. Political Parties culture is not that of healthy in Pakistan. Pakistan has
suffered from lack of true political leadership, corruption of politicians, interventions of armed
forces in the politics and other internal and external nuances. Throughout history Pakistan has
been a sort of chaotic state where every beast tries to win power through battles and bloodshed.
Although, many of the problems currently faced by Pakistan and political party culture can be
solved with due diligence but the most important job is to prevent long boots from spoiling the
sacristy of democracy. Political parties in Pakistan face dual challenges both from within and
without. Internal party democracy is rarely a political parties of Pakistan and this in consequence
breeds incompetency, corruption, nepotism, anti-education sentiments and sheer power struggle.
Without correcting first the internal party politics we can’t step furher.

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