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EMENg 3131

Electrical Power Systems

Fundamentals of Power System
Lecture 4:

Yoseph Mekonnen

Page 1
Chapter Two

Transmission Line

Page 2
Resistance of Transmission Lines.
Skin Effect and Proximity Effect.
Inductance of Single-Phase Lines and Bundled
Capacitance Of A Line
Equilateral And Unsymmetrical Spacing Effect Of
Earth On Transmission Line Capacitance.

Page 3
Overhead Transmission Line
An overhead transmission line consist of a group of
conductors running in parallel to each other and carried on
supports which provides insulation between the different
conductors and between each conductor and earth.

A transmission line has four parameters resistance,

inductance, capacitance and shunt conductance.

The shunt conductance accounts for leakage currents

flowing across insulators and ionized pathways in the air.

The leakage currents are negligible as compared to the

current flowing in the transmission lines

Page 4
Transmission Line

Page 5
Resistance of a Transmission Line
The dc resistance of a solid round conductor is given by:

For small changes in temperature, the resistance increases

linearly as temperature increases and the resistance at a
temperature T is given by:

Page 6
The resistance R2 at a temperature T2°C can be found if
the resistance R1 at a temperature T1°C is known:

Example: If the resistance of aluminum conductor at 20 °C

is 0.26 ohm find the resistance at 35 °C. (Not real data).
T2 
0  35  228 
R2  R1  0.26  
T1 
1  20  228
 0.276

Page 7
Inductance of TL
A current-carrying conductor produces concentric
magnetic flux lines around the conductor.
If the current varies with the time, the magnetic flux
changes and a voltage is induced.
Therefore, an inductance is present, defined as the ratio
of the magnetic flux linkage and the current.
To determine the inductance of the line, it is necessary to
calculate, as in any magnetic circuit with permeability μ, the
following factors:
Magnetic field intensity H
Magnetic field density B
Flux linkage λ

Page 8
Inductance of a Solid, Round and Long Conductor
Consider an infinitely long, solid cylindrical conductor with
radius r, carrying current I.
If the conductor is made of a nonmagnetic material, and
the current is assumed uniformly distributed (no skin
effect), then the generated internal and external magnetic
field lines are concentric circles around the conductor with
direction defined by the right-hand rule.

Page 9
To obtain the internal inductance, a magnetic field with
radius x inside the conductor of length l is chosen.

The fraction of the current Ix enclosed in the area of

the circle chosen is determined by:

Page 10
The mmf round a concentric closed circuit path of radius x
internal to conductor is given by Amperes law.

Ampere’s law determines the magnetic field intensity Hx ,

constant at any point along the circle.

Magnet flux density Bx:

Page 11
The differential flux dφ enclosed in a ring of thickness dx
for a 1-m length of conductor and the differential flux
linkage dλ in the respective area are:

The internal flux linkage is obtained by integrating the

differential flux linkage from x=0 to x=r

Page 12
External Inductance
The external inductance is evaluated assuming that the
total current I is concentrated at the conductor surface
(maximum skin effect).
At any point on an external magnetic field circle of radius
y the magnetic field intensity Hy and the magnetic field
density By , per unit length, are:

Page 13

The differential flux dφ enclosed in a ring of thickness

dy, from point D1 to point D2, for a 1-m length of conductor

As the total current I flows in the surface conductor,

then the differential flux linkage dλ has the same
magnitude as the differential flux dφ.

Page 14
The total external flux linkage enclosed by the ring is
obtained by integrating from D1 to D2

In general, the total external flux linkage from the surface
of the conductor to any point D, per unit length, is

The total flux linkage and Inductance become:

Where GMR (geometric mean radius) e-1/4r =0.7788r

Page 15
External Inductance

Ltot  2 *10 7 ln( )
Ltot  2 *10 7 ln( D)  2 *10 7 ln( )

Page 16
Inductance of a Two-Wire Single-Phase Line
Consider a two-wire single-phase line with solid cylindrical
conductors A and B with the same radius r, same length l, and
separated by a distance D, where D > r, and conducting the
same current I.
The current flows from the source to the load in conductor
A and returns in conductor B (IA=-IB).

Page 17
The inductance of conductor 1 and conductor 2 is given
L1  2 *10 7 ln( D)  2 *10 7 ln( )
r1 '
L2  2 *10 7 ln( D)  2 *10 7 ln( )
r2 '
If the two conductors are identical r1=r2 ,L1=L2=L the
inductance per phase per meter length of a conductor is:
7 17
L  2 *10 ln( D)  2 *10 ln( )
L  2 *10 7 ln( )
where Ds  r '  0.7788r

Page 18
Conductors 1 , 2, 3, . . . , n carry the phasor currents I1, I2,
I3 … In " The distances of these conductors from a remote
point P are indicated on t h e figure as
D1P, D2P D3P,…DnP ' Let us determine the flux linkage.

The flux linkages with conductor 1 due I2 is:

Page 19
The flux linkages λ1p with conductor 1 due to conductors
in the group but excluding flux beyond point P is:

Expanding the Logarithm:

Page 20
Since the sum o f all the currents in the group is zero,


Page 21
Now letting the point P move infinitely far away so that
the set of terms containing logarithms of ratios of
distances from P becomes infinitesimal, since the ratios of
the distances approach 1 , we obtain:

Page 22
Inductance of Three Phase Line
Consider one meter length of three-phase line with three
conductors, each with radius r, symmetrical spaced in a
triangular configuration.
Assuming balanced phase current Ia+Ib+Ic=0
 1 1 1
a  2 *10 7  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 r' D D
Substituti ng I b  I c   I a
 1 1
a  2 *10 7  I a ln  I a ln 
 r' D
a  2 *10 7 I a ln
Becuase of Symetry a  b  c
a  2 *10 7 I a ln

Page 23
Asymmetrical Spacing
Consider one meter length of three-phase line with three
conductors, each with radius r, symmetrical spaced in a
triangular configuration.
Assuming balanced phase current Ia+Ib+Ic=0

 1 1 1 
a  2 *10 7  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 r' D12 D13 
 1 1 1 
b  2 *10 7  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 D21 r' D23 
 1 1 1
c  2 *10  I a ln
 I b ln  I c ln 
 D31 D32 r' 

Page 24
For a balanced three phase system
 1 1 1 
I b  I a 240  a
0 2 7

a  2 *10  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 r ' D 12 D13 
I c  I a 120 0  a  1 1 1 
b  2 *10 7  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 D21 r' D23 
 1 1 1
c  2 *10 7  I a ln  I b ln  I c ln 
 D31 D32 r' 
a  1 1 1 
La   2 *10 7  ln  a 2 ln  a ln 
Ia  r' D12 D13 
b 7  1 1 1 
Lb  
 2 *10  a ln  ln  a ln2
Ib  D21 r' D23 
c  1 1 1
Lc   2 *10 7  a 2 ln  a ln  a ln 
Ic  D31 D32 r' 

Page 25

Page 26

Substituting the current

Page 27
Transpose Line
A per phase model of Tl is required in most power system
One way to regain symmetry is good measure and obtain a
per phase model is to consider transposition.

Page 28
Since in a transposed line each phase takes all the three
position the per phase inductance can be found by averaging
all the three inductances.   1 1 1 
La   2 *10 7  ln  a 2 ln
 a ln 
La  Lb  Lc
Ia  r' D12 D13 
L   1 1 1 
3 Lb  b  2 *10 7  a ln  ln  a 2 ln 
Noting a  a 2  1
Ib  D21 r' D23 
c  1 1 1
Lc   2 *10 7  a 2 ln  a ln  ln 
Ic  D31 D32 r' 

2 *107  1 1 1 1   1 1 1 1 1 
L  3 ln  ln  ln  ln  
L  2 *10  ln  ln 
3  r' D12 D23 D13 
 r ' 3 D12 D23 D13 

 D12 D23 D13 1/ 3   GMD 

GMD  D12 D23 D13 
1/ 3
L  2 *10  ln
 L  2 *107  ln 
  Ds 
 r ' 

Page 29
Inductance of Composite Conductor
Single phase line with two composite conductors

The current in x is I and referenced into the page and

return current in y is –I. x consists of n conductor wit
radius rx and y consists of identical conductor with radius
ry. T
The current is assumed to be equally divided in the sub
conductors. The current per strand is I/n for x and I/m for
conductor y.

Page 30
The flux linkage in sub conductor a becomes:
I 1 1 1 1 
a  2 *10 7  ln  ln  ln  ...  ln 
n rx ' Dab Dac Dan 
I  1 1 1 
 2 *10 7  ln  ln  ...  ln 
m  Daa ' Dab' Dam 

I 1 1 1 1 
a  2 *10 7  ln .. 
n rx ' Dab Dac Dan 
I  1 1 1 
 2 *10 7  ln .. 
m  Daa ' Dab' Dam 
 n Daa ' Dab' ...Dam 
a  2 *10 I  ln
7 
 m D D ...D 
 ab ac an 

Page 31
The inductance of sub conductor a becomes:

a  n Daa ' Dab' Dac ' ...Dam 

La   2 *10 n ln
7 
I /n  m r ' D D ...D 
 x ab ac an 

Similarly the inductance of sub conductor n becomes

n  n Dna ' Dnb' Dnc ' ...Dnm 
Ln   2 *10 n ln 7 
I /n  m r ' D D ...D 
 x nb nc nn 

The average of inductance any one of sub conductor in

the group becomes: L  L  L  ..  L
Lav  a b c n
Since all sub conductors of conductor x is in parallel the
inductance will be: L 
Lav L 
L  L  L ...  L a b c n
ax ax 2
n n

Page 32
Substituting La-Ln:

a  Daa ' Dab' Dac ' ...Dam   Dna ' Dnb' Dnc ' ...Dnm 
 2 *10 n ln
7  n
La  7  
I /n  m r ' D D ...D  Ln   2 *10 n ln
 
 x ab ac an  I /n 
m r ' D D ...D
x nb nc nn 

La  Lb  Lc ...  Ln
Lax  Lax  2 *10 7 ln
n2 GMDx

GMD  mn ( Daa ' Dab' ...Dam )...(Dna ' Dnb' ...Dnm )

GMRx  n ( Daa Dab ...Dan )...(Dna Dnb ..Dnn )

Where Daa=Dbb=Dnn=rx’

Page 33
Bundled Conductor
 Bundle Conductors

GMR becomes(Ds)

Page 34
Assignment 2
 Drive the equations of TL Capacitance
a) For single-phase line
b) For three-Phase Line
c) Bundles of Conductors

For Example and Exercise: Refere Power System Analysis

by Hadi Saadat

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