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Colón 1

Daniel A. Colón
Professor Tim Watson
CLAS 315
12 March, 2021

Clash of the Titans (2010 Film)

This movies was a remake from the original movie made in

1981. I haven’t seen the original movie, but the remake was
very successful and I believe is great film of Mythology
Greek. The movie is about the hero Perseus, is it not exactly
the same story from the original mythology greek, but it was
very similar. Basically the original story is about a king had
a prophesy that his grandson will kill him. So the king lock
up his daughter so she doesn’t have any sexual relationship
with anyone. So the daughter had nothing to do but to pray to
Zeus for freedom. It seems like the Zeus really liked the
daughter of the king, so he pregnant her with a son. Then the
King find out she is pregnant, so he decided to throw her
daughter and grandson in the ocean inside a box. But the gods
protected the box and lead it to some fisher man. After that
the grandson gets adopted by one of the fisher man. The story
continues with the grandson named Perseus! Something happen
that the king locks up her daughter again after many years
when Perseus is already a grow up man. Perseus says that he
will gift him the head of Medusa if he free her mom and the
king agrees. Perseus goes for an adventure with the help of
some gods to find Medusa. Fast-forward, Perseus finds the
Medusa and cuts her head. Then while Perseus is heading back
to the king, something happen in the kingdom that the king
needed to sacrifice a beautiful women to Poseidon’s sea
monster. So while Perseus is walking, he sees that beautiful
women chain up in the sea and a sea monster is going to eat
her. Perseus kills the sea monster and save the women. Then
Perseus gets back to the kingdom and he finds out that her mom
was treated bad, so Perseus instead of gifting the head of
medusa, he gets army and attacks the kingdom. Perseus uses the
head of medusa’s power to turn people to stone who looks at
her. In the end, Perseus turns the king in stone, safe her mom
and conquer the kingdom.
The movie has a very similar story, but the bad guys is
the god Hades. The daughter of king is pregnant with the son
of Zeus, so the king them to the ocean. The mother dies, but
the baby survives and becomes fisher man! Since the kingdom
has been disrespectful with the gods, they will release a
Kraken to destroy the kingdom. The kingdom needs to sacrifice

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the king’s daughter to the kraken to save the kingdom. But

Perseus decides to go find Medusa’s head because that will
stop the Kraken! Fast-forward, Perseus has the head of Medusa,
then he stones the Kraken and save the princess!
They change many stuff that could be cool for the movie,
but as you can see is similar. They also use some part of the
story for the second movie with is Wrath of the Titans.

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