Playground Presentation Rubric

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Creating the best playgrounds: Presentation Rubric

Areas of Growth Strength

- speaks in a clear voice to
share ideas and information
- talks about ideas, experiences
and familiar events
- talks about and explains the
meaning of own pictures and

- speaks in a way that the class
is able to hear and understand
what they are saying:
appropriate voice volume and
pace of speaking
- clearly explains the different
aspects of their blueprint
- Clearly explains what
structures they created and
what materials they used

Supports claim (Critical

- makes statements related to
the content of own and others’
pictures, stories or talk
- shares new learnings with
- compares and contrasts
information provided
- considers ideas and
information from varied sources

- Clearly explains why they used
the materials they used and
what they learned about what
materials worked best
- can give 3 reasons why they
believe their playground is the
- can give one con of their own
playground after considering
the designs of their peers’
Active Listening
- listens and views attentively
- listens to the ideas of others
- asks questions and makes
comments during listening and
reading activities
- makes statements related to
the content of own and others’
pictures, stories or talk

- is quiet while others are
- listens to the ideas of their
- Can make comments related
to their peer presentations
(something they noticed or
liked about their peer’s

- responds appropriately to
comments and questions,
using language respectful of
human diversity
- asks questions to satisfy
personal curiosity
- asks questions to makes sense
of information
- expresses interest in new ideas
and experiences

- answers questions related to
their presentation
- asks questions about their
peer’s playground
- when asking and answering
questions they speak in a kind
and respectful manner

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