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Chapter 5 – Part 2

Operant Conditioning

24. What is operant conditioning?

Thorndike’s Law of Effect

25. What is Thorndike’s Law of Effect?

26. What are the three types of responses or operant that can follow a behavior:


27. What does operant conditioning lead to?

28. What are the types of reinforcement?

29. What is a positive reinforcement? Give example.

30. What is a negative reinforcement? Give example.

31. What do negative and positive reinforcements have in common?


32. What is punishment? Give example

33. What are the two types of punishment?

34. What is positive punishment? Give example.

35. What is a negative punishment? Give example.

36. What is time out? Give example.

37. What is the difference between reinforcement and punishment?

Types of Reinforcement

38. What are the two types of reinforcing stimuli?

39. What is a primary reinforcer? Give examples.

40. When do primary reinforcers provide a powerful source of motivation.

41. Why are primary reinforcers are often used in operant conditioning?

42. Why are primary reinforcers powerful?

43. What is a secondary reinforce?

44. Money is a powerful secondary reinforcers. How?

Reinforcement Schedules

45. What are the two major types of reinforcement schedules?

46. What is a continuous reinforcement schedule? Give example.

47. What is an intermittent reinforcement schedule? Give example.

48. Which type of reinforcement schedule is more common in real life?

49. What are the four types of intermittent reinforcement schedules?

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