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Ibomcha kolom


The pretty young girl named by Laysana receives the Humanist award from the President of U.N.O. in
the UN—Day celebration. She was selected for her works serving the people affected by Acid Rain
during the last three years. To see the award which is the figure of a young man with a spade she begins
to remember a past life at continues:
The statue of young man has been standing on the mound in a big garden.
Thirty years ago a Japanese scientist discovered a natural wave. He said that this is a rare spiritual wave
originated from decease or living human being. He devised it well to be used in discovering a Super
Computer which was to be installed in a huge spaceship produced by U.N.O. This Spaceship was the
most powerful of U.N.O. It protected the earth from any danger.
An artificial known female entitled Alice handled it. But it failed due to the failure of S.C. (Super
Computer). Manlay, the orphan young man worked alone in a dreadful meadow. There, he had cut off the
head of a big serpent. But the headless body had disappeared in to the water of the moat. Five years
later the meadow had been turned into a big garden.
While he was cleaning the water surface of the moat he had been killed by the headless snake
by coiling his legs with its tail and dragging down under the water. His dying emitted a rare
wave which would be attracted by the receiver that gave rebirth of the S.C. His will never died that
his ghost proceeded his further works and killed the anti social, the magician.
The Acid Rain was falling at different parts of the Earth. It was a great misery. Laysana and her party
served the affected people.
The Spaceship returned and saved the Earth by stopping the acid rain.
At the eve of the perfect world he regained his consciousness that he disappeared. None could see him
His statue had been set standing on the tip of the mound in the garden.
“Why did you come to the world?” asked Laysana as she was looking at the statue, as remembering and
concentrating her mind to spread her love to everybody.
In the mean time She regains her remembrance: the UN—Day celebration. She begins hearing the
clapping sounds.

Non English Words

Herosima: …... Hero this one (hero + sima: this one)
English Manipuri
(Indian language)
Manlay laysana:... : A Manipuri naming word of an orchid flower
Manlay: ...............: A name of a male person
Laysana:………….. : A name of female person
Kailash: ……………. : A name Himalayan mountain
Amrita: …………….: Ambrosia
Indradeva: ………..: The king of god’s kingdom (Hinduism)
Nullah:………………: Drain
Yasoda:……………… : Mother of Lord Krishna(Hinduism)
Jungle: ………………. : Forest
Samtan:…………….. : A name of forestry village
Lamdan:……………..: A name of a peak
Meetiesm:…………. : A religion of Manipur
Pombi:………………. : Swallow, Bird, Soul
Khamba Thoibi:…. : A famous romantic story of Manipur
(Like Romeo & Juliet)
Sagar:……………….. : Sea
Tunggon:…..........: A container for fish, used in fishing

Episode (I)
UN Day

Glitter, glitter
Shining, shining
Let us chant
The name of Mother,
Bluish, bluish
Greenish, greenish
The Earth,
Pigging back her child
Climbs up the hot ridges,
Get down into the cold lake.
Oh Mother worry no more;
The brothers who advertise
To work together without
Charge, racism, religious.
Spray fully the blood rain
Of your sons in the fields;
From old seeds budding
The perfect world.
This song opens the celebration at the place above which the huge spaceship is
at stand as roof spreading vastly upwards the sky and in which the participants
of different people from different countries have already covered fully. The
programmes continue one after another.

At the special programme the sounds of clapping arise as Laysana takes the
award from the President of U.N.O. At once she is attracted to the award: the
bright figure of a young man holding a spade in his right hand. As she is
looking at the thing she remembers a statue which has been standing in the
middle of a large garden. She forgets the other world, the day and the place
adorned with all UN members, Alice: the guidance of the spaceship, Prime
Ministers, Presidents, Secretaries and numerous known persons of the world.
The award received by her is the highest, called ‘Humanist Award’ for serving
the humans who were affected by a series of imbalance natural phenomenon:
high global temperature, ultraviolet rays of the sun, cyclones, earthquakes and
Acid Rain during the period of last four years. Almost she dedicated her life at
the works for the different people who were haunted by Acid Rain. U.N.O. has
selected her for the award as regarding her works.
Laysana, a simple and unfashionable young lady but adorns the snowy-clothes
of perfect womanish styled at a traditional dress of a community remembers a
past life at continue:
*She sees a vision in mind of a large happiness crowd in a garden; the
numerous different people were noising as they gave a look at the flight of the
Spaceship which was flying off the city after the great farewell. She also
joined them happily. Then she turned away from the sky saying “Let’s go .....”
Her eyes searched someone at her right side.
“Hay, where you?” asked her. But she could not see him; she turned around
again and again. She asked some people
“Where is he, the young man who is standing beside me?”
Everybody began to search him as saying
“Where is he, just standing here now and a while ago?”
She called him loudly again and again. Nobody found him.
That time in the garden, on the road of the city everybody moved to and fro,
from place to place and to every nook and corner. At last they gathered
In the meantime an old monk Meeteism (a religion of Manipur) came there
and stood before her and said “My sweet child, don’t call him again. He will
not come again that he was not a human being, he was the ghost that he died
three years ago at the summit moments of rest after the complete performances
of his hard work symbolized the highest peak of human beauty and while the
simultaneously raising of the perfect thought about the modern world, the
creation to judge romance, a deep-shocked with the operating thought about
his unknown mother and the topic about endless different human-societies. All
these combination of his human natures exposed a rare wave in the universe.
But he could not get up again from his rest. But his will got up as the ghost
and went to Samtan for his further work. Today a while ago the ghost regained
the consciousness that he disappeared. And his death body has been lying
under the water of the great moat in the garden.”
To hear those words everybody dumbfounded. She ran madly towards the
garden. The crowd too followed her. The body was found under the water after
a long search. To see the big swollen and spongy figure she could not know
him. But she could identify the belt and the trouser. She neither spoke nor
cried for the moment and for many days.
For the memory of him a beautiful statue holding his original spade was set up
to stand on the little mound in the garden.
One day, on a full moon night she was standing on the top of the mansion
looking at a little distance that the statue was standing bravely and brightly.
Winds from the garden blew her hairs sporadically and echoing the words “I
will see your lovely face when the wind, from the perfect society, blows your
hairs sporadically.”
She was thrilled suddenly and began to cry saying
“I will live for your world, for your aim.”
Her love would not be confined but spray to every human.
Though her romance had broken a new full moon of a universal love shined
vastly above the statue. But the message: the tears of the moon will be visible
in the clear sky:
On the solitary face of
The Kailash Mountain’s cliff
The full moon appears
Hiding half way telling
The message of love

Episode - 2: Enter the king.

Thirty years ago:

Mother lends advice:
Sudden extinction
Of human race, the
Conflagration of
Annihilation this
May happen any time
To be careful
After passing the kinds of numerous events and wars, now the world came to a
halt U.N.O. (United Nations Organisation) was formed. After this all the
countries of the world began to walk in unity on a common platform and many
human welfare programmes were taken up. In order to bring out the special
utility of the so called human race to put a complete stop on further break out
of another global war and also toward off the kind annihilation i.e. to say
imbalance of natural process, the emergence of break down in the
environmental laws and to check the outcome of a dangerous atmosphere
causing flood, famine or others, a new special scientific task took shape for a
highest class of world order. This scientific would come to be known as “The
king from the sky” or “Hero-sima” (hero this one: hero+sima: Manipuri
After a few years, the identity of the Hero-sima had assumed a new outlook:
the goddess of a scientific era in order to save the mankind from time to time.
This king had then turned out to be a great force and a huge antigravity
Spaceship. The making of this Spaceship enhanced beyond measure the power
of U.N.O.
But they had been facing two problems. It took long time. The scientists were
trying to produce the Super Computer and a new system of Secret Writing
system. These two were the requirements in the works or functions of the
spaceship and were the greatest ways of ascent and an unique protective. So a
special meeting was called by the president of the U.N.O.
At the meeting the President called the reports about the Super Computer.
A scientist gave the reports as saying “Sir we have come to a successful way.
We are trying to produce a new element entitled: Gold-leaf which is the only
raw material for making the receiver of the Super Computer. This element
only can receive the said natural wave or the spiritual wave. We know that this
useful device was presented to us strictly by the Japanese scientist for the
mankind. He discovered first it. He was also a famous oracle. He explained
that it might be originated from a rare human being. It is a kind of ghost. It
exists in the world, effects electronically to give extra ordinary or great results.
He began thinking about it and to get a means useful of the wave in electronic
device or work.
I believe that after sometime the Super Computer would be installed at the
All members in the chamber were clapping.
The President said smilingly:
“Today is our wonderful day. We are approaching our goal. After some days
an artificial human being of wonderful female will be presented to the
mankind. It is also a great pride of us.”
Everybody clapped.
“But we are still dizzy” repeated the President “We can’t see any light of hope
for the code writing system. Nowadays we have no any perfect rule to write a
secret writing or code writing on paper for a secret passage, document, the
important plans or devices of the Spaceship. So such ideas are written in
human languages like English, French, Manipuri, Hindi and others kept under
high security are not perfect ones. It may be opened due to lick or stolen. It is
not finalised. For computer also the same may be happened due to reaction of
a scientific virus or stolen the disk or code.”
If we can produce the method of the writing on papers are the final forever and
any sentence or passage or book can be written or kept in papers. The written
papers are logged itself already. It may be kept openly. None can read it except
the writer. We need such system.”
Everybody dumbfounded.
Another scientist said “Sir, we are trying and researching....but we are waiting
the Super Computer i.e. to take some guides of it. It will be the only hope.”
Everybody felt disappoint to hear the last words.
“Let’s see, wait the time” said the President
“Okay, on the best.”
The meeting was broken up.
One month later, the Super Computer was set up successfully and installed in
the Spaceship which being kept rounding the earth’s orbit. Shortly the Super
Computer began working rapidly: it indicated thousands of mistakes existing
in all countries and all identities including acts and personal functions of
different social characters. All began going on true ways. Countries gave up
the aims of arms race. Thousands of anti social peoples came on the way of
the of the spaceship or the U.N.O. And some of others were kept under its
Sometimes a huge anti fume was produced from the surface of the spaceship.
It squashed all kinds of air pollutions and controlled climatic changes not to
happen sudden rainfall, storms and great avalanches of Himalayan Mountain
etc. It kept the ozone layer protectively.
The Spaceship saved previously and smoothly the peoples from any disaster
like fire burnings, earthquakes, volcano eruptions etc.
The Super Computer guided the scientist or the intellectual members to enable
produce the exact practicable theory of the “Perfect Secret Writing System”.
At last they could produce it successfully.
One day the system was demonstrated to the authority of the U.N.O.
The scientist said to the President “Sir, the system or rule is simple and
perfect. There is no letter to use specially in secret writing. For this a rule and
some symbols should be used. So we must learn it first. Let’s learn this,
lesson one and goes on”

Lesson -1, Group word: A Group: It is composed by six words. There are
twenty Groups, each group may be represented by any different symbol like
the twenty signs as follow, and the names are imaginary, not important and

No. Of
Signs Names of signs. Lesson-2
Position of words:
1. . Dot There are six position
2. 0 Degree for a sign 1, 2, 3
positions are placed
3. - Re
imaginary on upward
4. | Ri
and 4, 5, 6 are placed
on downward, for
5. Rin
\ example:-
6. / Ren
7. < Arrow
8. > Alis
9. ^ Arry
10. Any
11. Tik
12. Tak
13. Took
14. Taken
15. Technique
16. Tax
17. Texi
18. Cave
19. Cake
20. Cup
......................a b......................
^ ^ ^

1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6

Writing words:-
All words of a passage are divided into a number of groups. A group is
composed by six words, (1st word, 2nd word, 3rd word, 4th word, 5th word and
6th word)
The letters of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th& 6th word must be written respectively on
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th& 6th position of respective letters on code page.
The sign: ‘.’ 1. Gr. To be marked on no. 1 position for this 1st word.

Similarly, the sign‘.’ is marked on no. 2 position for second word and thus
goes on.
After completing the first six words, the sign ‘0’ of Gr. 2 should be marked on
no. 1 position for 1st word of the group. After completing the 1st word the sign
‘0’ should be begun to mark on no.2 position for 2nd words of the group. Thus
goes on to complete the six words.
After this the next Gr. 3 should be writing similarly and goes on till to twenty
group. After twenty writing should be begun from no. 1 Gr. (making a new
Every word must be written on the page beginning from 1st line goes on to
2nd, 3rd, 4th ... line till to complete the letters of the word.
Example of writing words:
Gr. 1: ab ac bc cd ad bd......
1 2 3 4 5 6
If the above six words of a passage, it can be written on the code page as

Gr.1: by using sign ‘.’

1. (x) 2. (q) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d)......

Gr.2: ‘O’ = ac bd ab bc ad cd.....................
If the above six words are the next six words of the Gr. 2 of the passage, the
writing continue using the sign ‘O’ as follows:-
1(x) 2(q) 3(a) 4(b) 5(c) 6(d)......
o o
o o o O
O o
o o o

Gr. 3. ‘-‘ = cd ad bc ab bd ac...................
Similarly the writing continues:-
1. (x) 2. (q) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (c) 6. (d)....
o - o - - -
o o o - o
- - o -
o o
O - - o o

Thus the writing goes on.
The scientist continued as saying
“Sir, it may be used as general education. Because the rules are generous for
everybody and a person can make his own secret writing system by
exchanging the letters which can’t be known by others except he. Suppose we
can see openly on the code page the two letters “A” and “P” which remain
forever openly, but if we write exchanging i.e. by learning “A” is “P” and
“P” is “A” a sentence or passage others will read it incorrectly at some
words. So, if we exchange ten letters the all words of the sentence or
passage will be broken when read by others.
Everybody felt impressive. The President said “It is our first step of success.
We are happy at this. That “Secret” is a gift of God”
The scientist said “Yes sir, this writing system can be quicker by a computer.”
Everybody clapped with rejoice. The meeting ended.
Afterwards they learnt the writing system well and got more experience in
writing swiftly. All important documents of the spaceship were kept writing on
this code system.
Then, the spaceship was hovering in the sky nonstop dripping down UNO’s
peace programmes over the countries of the world. All the human beings
started flipping the wings of their new hopes,
Thus budding new generation of mankind with floral blooming in their garden
of hope rose up and floating in excitement and the dawn of a super strength
had appeared breaking the binding fetters of the mind by the impact of a sober
force from the Hero-sima, as if the mighty lion was let loose from its cage.
States of the world started embarking on a unilateral step along with the
U.N.O. The love-neighbouring countries increased thus finding new brothers
by pulling down the barriers of obstructions. The day the world had become a
perfect unified world. Along with this new names had been heaped upon “The
king from the sky” or
“Hero-sima” from different quarters of the globe: as
“The Mother Hero-sima” or
“The Ambassador Of God” or
“The Goddess Of Learning” or
“The Flying- Island”
Those titles endowed with the love of the heart are all beautiful and befitting.
By the way a big dream of U.N.O. materialized: An artificial human being
also gave birth on a good day. This artificial human being was a beautiful
female around 25 years. Scientists performed several experiments: all with
success. She had been thoroughly experimented of her heart, brain as well as
the other organs in the computer machine. The meter indicated that man
reached his goal of aims. The scientists named her “Alice”.
Since then she came to be known as Miss Alice.
The story of Alice’s human body was kept by writing the Code Writing
System on the code pages. The story could be read on monitor easily that a
microscopic data automatically turned the written code pages to a languages.
A scientist, doctor read the story about the organs of Alice’s body as
Alice’s human body:
Alice’s heart has abundantly unexplained sympathy, love, generous, noble,
anxiety, weakness, braveness, joyfulness etc.
There is no any cause of heart disease. Aging does not a defect to her heart.
Blood is variable amount percentage of water.
Heart beats varies: each day her heart may beats 100 to 900,000,000,000
times, sending 100 to 3000 gallons.
Her heart does not stop in function at all. And her body would remain active
without sneezing.
The discussion of cardiology is not important for her.
The veins or pipes carry various typical great bloods which unharmed in
poison or in any substance. So Alice can eat any food or anything found. She
can survive in various temperatures, space and poisonous air.
Veins carry impure blood from body to heart.
Blood turns to various colours when it falls with various poisonous gases and
lack of oxygen.
Pulmonary veins carry the pure bloods. The pure blood are divided in two
types : one is red in colour and another is blue in colour. There are four
pulmonary veins i.e. two more than us (natural human being). They are the
largest veins which make blood fastening and running in one direction veins
do have valves.
Variable percentages of blood may be found at any instance.

Alice’s hair is very highly fashionable one. The hair changes in bright
colour from time to time like black or golden or red.
Her hair grows very more slowly than us. There is no any cause of hair loss.
Maximum length of hair is 30 cm. The life span of hair is 500 to 1000 years.
Cutting hair or combing is not important. Her hair tends itself to keep in a
fashion way.
Her mouth has been designated especially for a best speech. The teeth are un
destruct able and can grind anything like human food : fish, meat, bean,
fruit etc; wood, iron, glass, stone .
Alice’s liver is unique. Various chemical reactions take place in the liver. It
produces the important and wonderful resultants as requirements or nutrients.
It has a main chemical fluid which breaks down the requirement substances. It
squashes poisonous or unfamiliar ingredients.
There are four small kidneys. Each is about 2 inches long and weighs 10
ounces. The element of a particular metal are allowed to react with minerals to
produce a new compound which made the body of the kidneys. The fluids or
bloods of such compound organise or help make the kidney body. With the
enhance of the unfailing small machines the blood flow takes place abundantly
as reabsorbing, redistributing an amount of the blood and some amount of
fluid or blood filtered as urine.
Alice’s tongue is very important to human being. It was not based mainly on
for food tasting , but for tasting elements, qualities of metals and for an extra
ordinary power of speaking.
Alice’s nose is also very important to us. Her nose is very powerful. It can
detect all typical things or substances like chemicals, bombs, different
elements, metals. She easily finds out a thing or a thief. Her nose indicates
herself various phenomenon, changing temperatures of the earth and
previously the volcanic eruption, rainfall, storm etc. Her nose is a learned
one of different places with the related things or materials like animals,
persons, plants, vehicles, table, chair and others living in the place.
Specially the nose is related to all works of the spaceship that it can
detect a kind of defect or mistake or resultant of any work in the
spaceship. And it would help to look after the four million- robots and
their works.
Her ear has extraordinary sensitive power of hearing of lowest or noisiest
from short or long distance. The ear can detect even a minute particle
vibrating at a long distance. With closing eyes she can drive vehicles,
bikes swiftly in cities without occurring incidents. By seeing the activities
of Alice’s ears the UNO scientists can invent a new theory of sound.
That, a sound has a spiritual wave which travels to everywhere and to
medium less place(space). It is a kind of unseen and unheard energy. It is
proved by Alice’s ears; that in space the talk can be heard by the ears like a
kind of tiny echo. And at another experiment they get something important;
that with closing up her eyes, the ear can know a small beam of light
when it passes near the ears.
Alice’s brain is the most important organ, making of it was especially
based on unlimited different knowledge, view of goodwill, mankind and
global. There are 500,000 miles of blood vessels in Alice’s brain. Her skill,
thinking power, imagination, logic, memory and other works of brain are can
be thought 100,000 nos. per minute. The life span of it is 500 to 1000 years.
The artificial neurons are the living ones with vital powers actively
forever up to the time period of the life span. The mental power and
skill can’t be disturbed or weakened by any fluid or blood or even a
A special feature of her brain would be seen clearly that she would love the
human race so much and work tirelessly for the said mankind.
Alice’s eyes are the most interesting matter. The eyes are composed of five
millions working parts. Her eyes can process 100,000 bits of information
every minute. The eyes can live without blinking the whole day. The
eyelashes and the eyes can live 500 to 1000 years. The eyeball weighs 40
grams. It can see minute particles and germs. At films she can see clearly
the changing positions of the actor, actress, animals, aeroplanes,
vehicles etc. The farthest sights can be seen clearly by the eyes. She sees the
earth with thousands of colours. In her eyes rainbow is composed of more
than 100 colours.
The most enchanting matter is that her skin and eyes can form herself in
a wonderful appearance of the most beautiful, charming and romantic
woman. But such her rare beautiful romantic eyes can’t be seen by
anybody that her mind keep busy always for serving human race and
her heart can’t be struck that such arrow is not available in the world.
It is very different one.
Alice looked like an attractive human being. She majestic and spoke in a tone
of aristocratic bearing. All her appearance and demeanour are meaning full
and attractive. There were many causes of making Alice. That Miss Alice had
to be worked the Super Computer at the Hero - sima.
And also she made the scientists know of all the critical signals coming from
any place of the universe by analysing them. Miss Alice can survive in the
space and work normally in the extreme climates or in poisonous air.
Alice travelled throughout the countries into contact with different people. She
took part in many social works and spoke at different public meetings. Alice at
most time spent working hand in globe with many people. Everybody loved
her. She had many qualities of which her speech held the key to all. Of course,
her talks were quite interesting and followed mathematically patterns: all these
were highly work related. There might be articulate and argumentative and
famous speech given by expert hands of many gentleman, politician and great
intellectuals. The speeches might be attractive, needful, and truthful and might
also embody several aspects of crying and laughter. Yet all these things
perished in comparison with practical sides or had widening gap or set aside
those works. Such were often come across. Truly it was taken that the rate of
being capable of speaking the right thing in the normal and perfect way
seemed to be wanting much. On hearing Alice speaks it appeared that most
human beings were hardly able to make human speech. It was the right work
of one time. Its formulate ways, its results and the knowledge passing from
another experience that kept Alice’s mouth mobile at length. Hand and mouth
go together forever as interrelate.
Alice’s speeches are like
That of the force emanating
From the flapping wings
Of the bird flying in the air,
When work blossom, words
Glitter on the flower.
Words flowing down from
The cliff of supernal thought
Make the soil of hearts
Fertile thus immersed.
On a good day all the leaders and members of the world and U.N.O.
respectively gathered at New York City. It was a very much excitement. Alice
was amidst many people. Adorned with glittering white garments Alice shook
hand with one after another. All the minds mingled into one. Everyone set
tears of Joy and at the same mourned at the thought:
“Alice’s beautiful face won’t be seen for a long time; her sweet words will no
longer be heard”
Everybody smilingly bade fared Alice looking closely at her face, thus kissed
her bonny fingers hold them tightly at their palms.
The time was sharp 9 P.M. All of the New York came quite bright: the extent
of beauty came down. At this particular moment the Hero-sima, the king from
the sky hurled the New York space. Its shooting glow had engulfed the whole
of New York City. The dreamland started descending from the sky and stood
just above the city. Seeing the glorious configuration of the Hero-sima the
President of U.S.A. exclaimed loudly on having given a new birth of the
human race by the Hero-sima. After this moment the leader of Japan said
looking at Alice “Miss Alice, you have become omnipotent, there is nothing to
say to you, you are adorned all the glory of love of mankind. We have no
doubt that you are competent enough to handle the space ship. It is fully
entrusted to you”.
A small antigravity craft emerging from the surface of the space-ship to was
stand near Alice. The Secretary General of the U.N.O guided Miss Alice
towards the craft bidding farewell to her by waving their hands. Alice cast her
last moment of glance at these same way the people did to her. With this short
moment she remembered a scene of her past life. Alice had travelled all parts
of the world. She had mingled with all people of different nations. She amidst
with the people like brothers and sisters, worked with people from different
walks of life, shared various sumptuous meals with them. Thus she had spent
her life gladly enough with human beings.
Bursting with tears, Alice said herself “I want to be among human beings. I
love you all like the brothers and sisters of the same family, flowers blooming
in the same garden accompanying partner on this worldly path. Don’t cast me
out. Let me stay with you”
Nevertheless she consoled herself words like:
“Weep no more on heart as you love human race now has come responsibility,
waste not any more time, dedicate yourself for the same”.
As the small craft slowly on the ascent, everyone kept all his eyes on Alice.
The wind at the moment was at stand still. Even the leaves stopped flattering.
Everything became all quite. But the soft and sweet words of Miss Alice
began to break the stillness of the atmosphere
“As I do love mankind
I am off today for tomorrow
As I do now good bye”
Causing an echoing rumble amidst the spectators the vision had taken far off
slowly disappearing from sight. Alice has now climbed up on to the platform
of the spaceship began soaring up towards the strata atmosphere: the blazing
light dim. The spaceship had widened its distance having off New York City.
Work: - The spaceship was round in shape. The surface area was around
15,000 sq. Km. And the thickness was around nearly one kilometre. At this
spaceship there was an enormously large artificial fertile field. The area of this
field alone is 10,000sq. Km. and numerous buildings were studded fully in this
field. Each building have more than one hundred storey’s of fertile-surface -
So the total areas were so much valuable, fertile and productivity that its
500sqKm only can annually feed the whole population of the earth. Around
this field there were several extraordinary buildings. In these buildings were
installed wonderful machines and equipments made by the scientists. There
were four millions robots here.
An important thing was that sometimes an exceptional light was sent off from
the very Hero-Sima. This light was focused on the sky in an angular shape just
like a white pall of cloth. On this screen could be seen many clouds of
different colours which the human naked eyes can’t, these were the objects
visualized by the Super computer’s eyes. These clouds were actually formed
by some extra ordinary waves. On examining this wave by the Super
Computer it was found that they were made of other tinier ones varying in
their characteristics from one another. One wave zigzag way, another travelled
without fixed direction, other up and down, again another in a serpent manner
towards a direction etc. These waves are really a kind of super natural form
reflected from human bodies said by the computer. They could be endlessly
examined picking up one by one. From this Alice could research about the
human nature and calculate to understand the conditional human society.
Various works were inside the Hero-sima, the chiefs are:
(1) Wonderful production of food for human consumption and supply in a
gigantic scale to place where scarcity of food occurs.
(2) Ability to scale the minds of the people on Earth by the computer in Hero-
sima i.e. able to understand what a person on this planet through the current of
time and his position in the society. The computer took up many problem able
issues and accurately solves them. The Hero-sima minutely observed the
human beings because to make a united human race was its ideal goal
(3) The temperatures of the earth, its climate was well observed by the Hero -
sima. It destroyed all kinds of air Pollutions and possessed all the power
towards off all forms of probable annihilation. Thus it was the goal of the
Hero-sima to preserve our mother earth and made it float on the vast ocean of
time and set human race in this universe unharmed.
(4) On the other hand also the Hero-sima made investigation about the objects
in the universe - Alice well taken all the signals coming from the space with
the help of the Super Computer and gave out many correct. Sometimes the
Hero-sima happened to leave the domain of the planet, earth and mingled with
the vast space. One day the Hero-sima landed on an unknown planet - a
colossus meteor coming towards the earth from a great distance leaving, a
powerful explosive charge over there, the Hero-sima dashed off at tremendous
speed towards the earth. When the explosive went off half of the planet turned
into a ball of fire and set off towards another direction by breaking its path.
The robots were daily working inside the Hero-sima. There was a big glass
panel room. In this room many experiments were carried out. One day a robot
working here.
It dropped a few paddy seeds on an already made fertile portion. After this it
produced different temperatures and at times reflected a lot of heat around the
room. When Alice read in computer it was seen like this that the radicals of
the seeds slowly took to the soil, after a while many roots began spreading
from the radicals. The fibrous roots were clearly seen sucking up food and
water from the soil. In two hours the germination slowly started and began
wearing leaves. Then the seeds became the perfect rice plants. These plants
then began speaking through the computer language:-
1. Now I need moderate temperatures
2. Supply the heavy solution and water.
3. Now I need dew like rain for six hours.
4. I need triples energy that of sun light one second at
every hour
5. I need the artificial sunlight for twenty four hours.
6. In 24 hours I will start producing paddy flowers.
All these things were carried out right in time. On completion of twenty four
hour time the paddy plants grew in full size and began bearing crops. The
computer declared the experiment all successful.
Vast scale plantation of crops took place at the Hero - sima field. The yield
from the plantations would be kept preserving at the selected chambers. Every
work was done by robots and machines. These were beyond human capacities.
There were changes of temperatures in quick successions on the surface of the
Hero-sima. Sometimes with the making of an artificial sun it gave glowing
heat and sometimes snow rain. Allowing many chemical compound molecules
in the air, it gave chemical rain, water vapour bearing white clouds kept
covering at some particular places amidst the blazing light, the machines and
robots were kept working relentlessly. Thus the Hero-sima symbolized a
burning working site her as no human being could set forth on. All these
things were under the guide lines of the Super Computer. It was Miss Alice
who was behind the computer. On seeing the works carried out by the Hero-
sima everybody began regarding her just like a God. A wonderful or an
unknown thing might be called as a God. Really the Hero-sima kept achieving
many great works. All these things were of the human race. And the glorious
shining peace was studded on the human society. At all times the mother
Hero-sima kept singing the song of peace.
Oh human beings, oh thou sweet
Enkindle the light of peace
In the domain of mind
Allow becoming the white lotus,
The thinker’s revolutions
In the meadows of minds
The Hero-sima spaceship served the world many years at a stretch.
Alice also modified “The Secret Writing System” in more developed way.
Instead of words any secrets or requirements like files, books, persons,
pictures etc. can be appeared in the code pages. And any secret writing could
be made or read easily and quickly

Episode – 3
The super computer and the key wave

One day there appeared come an unbeliever, huge changes. That Alice passed
the wonderful information indicating that certain air had surfaced “Ten year
later: The Super Computer had started mad functioning, owing to this the
robots and the machines functioning beyond the accepted laws of science. By
these all the laws of science have become ceased i.e. all important works have
been failed except some minor ones with mini-computer”
Alice landed down on the surface of the earth and held a large important
meeting with the scientists.
Alice said to them “All sirs, let’s take a discussion on the Super Computer.
Really the Earth is a living satellite, the living things exposed uncountable
waves in the universe. That this computer was made with combined efforts of
renowned scientists. We know that for there was a kind of element or wave in
the earth. Nobody could understand where this so called wave had originated.
This wave is taken as a kind of Super Natural. The Japanese scientist began
thinking to adopt it in a useful way. At last he could invent the means of
making it in a successful way. A kind of special receiver of the computer was
devised. When the said wave banged on the receiver the computer’s main or
brain circuit could function that the main organ of the first cell’s very minute
and sensitive leaf began vibrating in a Super Natural way. These are the
smallest units to build data’s or laws for everything in the earth and the outer
space and any mode of behaviour or characteristic or position of a thing in the
universe. As well as in the earth one can’t hide from those vibrations.

In the circuit the electrons in surrounding begin producing now new kinds of
vibrations under the circuit measure of the leaf vibrations. With the help of a
special amplifier circuit the endless vibrations were converted into endless
forces. Then the all circuit of the Super Computer begins to work all round.
Excepting the key wave any other law or scientific device can produce this
super natural leaf vibration. Thus just like a spark turning in fire the super
natural wave serving like a clue enabled the Computer work in a super natural
way. Thus the Super natural wave was named the Key Wave and the Computer
a Super Computer. Thus this computer could visualize: May secret valuable
truthful things of mankind. It could make faster judgement or calculate right
and wrong, good or bad and began functioning itself of what was supposed to
do with the assistance of robots and the machines.
Sometimes this wave comes like a comet: unlimited tinier minute living
pictures of multi- colours follow it.
In this way the works of the Hero-sima are dependent of the Super Computer.
It is the wonderful demy God like, has about to become blunt. Because the key
wave could not be linked up to our receiver and also could not be imaged on
the white light screen”
On hearing Alice’s words, a scientist spoke “Miss Alice this Key Wave is
taken by us as an unknown natural gift and how it committed air?”
Then Alice replied “No, it is not an unknown one. The Super Computer
indicated that it was something that emerges from someone called a universal
person who is up righteous and philanthropic based on right path of the
That all scientists wonderfully murmured by saying “Oh God”
Then another scientist enquired “If so where was the Key Wave originated
Alice continued further by saying “That it was formed from a deceased great
universal soul. As their living body could not be projected on the white light
screen, the origin of the wave could not be traced. The Computer indicated
that the lost wave would be found in one hundred years’ time. And it was also
indicated that there would several changes on the Earth owing to its failure,
chiefly the ozone layer would become thinner day by day as a result or
wanting in clearing all air pollutions. As a defect to this, there would be a
continuous acid rains for ten years on the Earth after a spent of 19 yrs. If it
goes unchecked there will total extinction of all living beings and plants on the
surface of the Earth. But we have still the hope for the survival of human
beings if we are able to stop this rain for 3 yrs. times at least. If this rainfall
happens for the period of 5 yrs. continuous, then it will become beyond human
beings effort”.
All the scientists cast their glance at Alice struck with wonder.
One scientist asked “What device did the Super Computer show to solve the
said acid rain?”
“It was thus indicated as his last words to find a new key wave” Alice replied
“Only this wave can save the Earth from the annihilation period of acid rains”
The scientist further asked “Can’t we get it now from a living person “
Alice quipped “No, not yet till now. But I will keep continuing experiments “
Composing her appearance she explained
“Every human being on this Earth can be experimented on the white Light
screen by exposing them on it with the help of the specialist telescope camera.
At that moment several innumerable waves of several hues invisible to the
human eyes can be seen. Several waves adorned with different colours
surrounding the human body exist reflecting all the time. It takes different
forms from person to person. These waves emerge from the body pertaining to
the functioning of the brain that is to say the good and evil, thought, joy,
happiness, anger, inclination to weeping, truth, wrong, desire, love, jealousy,
passion etc. the reign of holding the wave of mind and pulses vibrating in
relation to thoughts, the speed of the course of blood running in the veins,
wave surging in the heart various functions done by the organs of which a
relative effect is resulted. Therefore this universe is endlessly provided with
the quality gift of good or evil from a human being. Out of this wave, this said
special key wave reflected like a straight line. While the man concentrating on
right thinking or doing good things i.e. stepping on the universal path, this key
wave, shooting straight, spreads just like the light. And when the man starts
thinking of evil design or committing wrongful acts, the wave becomes
stooping and assuming just like evil spirits in a twisting manner took to its
wings. The all these things can be seen through testing on the white Light
screen “
All the scientists became dumb found and kept looking at Alice and thus felt
in their mind:
“Whether there would have live such a truthful and universal person on this
Earth? Every life tends earning wealth, honour and winner in various kinds of
competitions. But, what is the universal path? This key wave seemed possible
not to be found anywhere”
Alice made extension to her reply as
“I shall continue another experiment and the Hero-sima will shift to another
outer space leaving the sky of the Earth. At the time the Hero-sima will be
with the help of telescope. From there, I will carry out many experiments. In
case the accurate form of the particular person is to be found (as it is still
living) his or her image will be able to get projected on anywhere and the key
wave will directly connect with the circuit to survive all works of the Hero-
sima. At that time it can do everything in the universe and the Hero-sima will
gloriously return to the Earth.”
Then another scientist said
” We can see that the human being is the most exceptional on the Earth.
Though unknown to himself, he is connected with the all reality and all the
good things in this world. To save this Earth is our ideal goal too. Though our
brain fails to grasp, what the Super Computer acquire is a scientifically true
matter. The computer will not able to set on a without this key wave, is will
fail to embark on the course of right thinking. To revive all the functions of the
Hero-sima is his/her soul responsibility, in the Hero-sima can come to rescue
of this Earth. Hence he or she could have been regarded as a God. Now his
memory has been revived. Everybody will thirsty for him as amrita. Now
people will start on the search for him.”
Alice listening carefully to the scientist uttered calmly
“You are right sir, if he existed; it will be able to save all the living bodies on
the Earth and with this man’s identity will have been easily focused on the
white or multi light screen.
When the Hero-sima successfully return on the Earth let the thirst of all the
people on Earth is quenched at the sight of his identity accompanied with
waves beyond the visibility of human eyes”
Thus a great upon Alice’s conclusion, the assembly broke up.
Alice started her another new working by returning back to the Hero-soma
which had shifted to another outer space leaving off the Earth’s sky. She has
become out of sight.
All human beings on the Earth were being tested one by one by focusing them
on the W.L.S. several years had taken place in such a way. But she faced many
lengthy-problems and difficulties owing to the lack of accuracies, robots and
Super computer.
Alice had become quite exhausted while making such experiment. Dark cloud
on the screen had been assuming great proportions gradually. Since the failure
on the part of the Hero-sima a number of sinister began to rise in the human
society just like the rats frolicking when the cat is away. Truly the human
society got entangled in various nefarious acts within these last few years. A
new change had assumed. It served a contradictory turn to Alice. Instead of
attaining her goal, new forms of social corruption had visibly surfaced: Some
of human being had embarked a new life of corrupt practice. Some had
climaxed in the knowledge of evil plans. Some were on the lookout for
selfishness only. Some were on the exhibition of noble works and then pulling
down to meanest level. Many shady characters just like of another and rapist
had appeared in many town and cities. Many officers and Govt. employees
were playing on the surface of corruptions. Many politicians formulated
sinister political games. Business people play different profiteering strategist.
Casting off all obligations for works many people had turned to worshipping
under various religious organizations, they tried to flourish knowledge
unrelated to work laws. The days, religious people earned a distinction for
arguments; the motive of the religions was to divide the human race in
different groups. It is said that all religions have the same-theme but each
religion was in the rat race inviting dooms. The different thoughts or religious
works impact a family or a community to divide:
Religions are the divisors;
Religious peoples are the quotients;
Populations are the dividend;
Generous wises are the remainders.
There had appeared in many countries a new trail of earning easily of money
in large sums. The extent of pleasure increased double fold but the physical
strength decreased. Walking on foot had decreased much. Many crimes and
cases of unwanted events appeared in some places owing to the degradation of
human characters. In some places life relegated to nothingness by committing
suicide. Disgusted will all these things,
Alice switched off the meter band and then said
“The emerging from such people has remained hovering in the sky assuming
the looks of evil spirits. Where I shall find out? Out of these many, there is
one, some unknown.”
Really Alice was at lost. Such a case had taken place twice before i.e. two
events occurred in the past. In various works Hero-sima was victorious, it can
be said that there is nothing what the Hero-sima can’t do. But in these two
events the Hero-sima suffered defeat. Let us just remind these two occasions:
The first was in a place in a dark jungle (forest). The name of this place was
Samtan. Here was sparsely inhabited population. A powerful juggler ruled
over there. He was a famous leader too of the present antisocial of the world.
The people of Samtan lived very miserably, because this juggler encompassed
all doors to the society of this time. The sad news of Samtan reached the ears
of the human beings. But they could do nothing to this magician. After
controlling all the antisocial on the Earth, one day the Hero-sima hurled
towards Samtan sky aiming to save the small human nation. But on
approaching near the place the magician began exposing his might. He made a
screen of some which engulfing, as a result of which the place remained of all
dark just like in a cave and there all the scientific power of the Hero-sima
proved ineffective. Alice was quite struck at the magician’s power.
Afterwards the Super Computer informed her by saying
“We won’t be able to do anything to the magician. But however, someone or a
spirit will be coming. On hearing these words Alice once said wonderfully
“A human being who can he is?”
It was her first important question. Secondly in the centre of a small city, there
had been a vast meadow in fact. Everybody learned that inside the meadow
there was a stock of a huge royal treasure. This no one could extract. The
owner a powerful rich person of the royal descendant set a number of expert
people on to this meadow. But almost of them suffered casualties either being
mad or meet with death on entering the meadow: on committing such thing.
Even his wife picked up a serious disease. At length this owner of the meadow
handed to stock of treasure over to the Hero-sima. The Hero-sima had to
remove all the treasures from the meadow. In this attempt to the Hero-sima
underwent defeat. That a number of robots derived out three small antigravity
crafts from the Hero-sima towards the centre of the meadow. But, when they
were descending over the surface of the meadow a sudden mighty cyclone
arose within few moments, it carried off the crafts away without being able to
trace direction. Along with this the Hero-sima began to shake. The fly had to
The computer then gave advice to Alice like
” In fact this meadow is guarded by a kind of a goddess. This meadow has
been awaiting someone since ancient after her heart. There are numerous
internal laws and qualities of a human being. Such case may be about the
battle amongst the interiors. There is only one way can’t be stepped or done by
even God or any normal one except the purity or nature or rule or thought
gifted by the God to judge or guide a thing. Except this way only, I can do
everything in the universe, so you much think endlessly about the human
On hearing this computer, Alice very much wonderingly uttered
“What a human being! I come across several types of people. But I quests if
there someone unknown”
It was Alice’s second question.
Alice came to remember all the past events one by one. Fumbling
Alice now began putting the 3rd question:
Who are you?
I am going to find?
A politician or an
Industrial or a
Business man or a
Religion man or a
Mighty like Hitler?
Oh Manlay Laysana
A golden flower,
Blooming amidst
The society’s Dark jungle
Today I am waiting
For you never endingly.
One day if elicited
From the dark corner
Of human minds,
Will brighten in the vast sky
With your true identity
It is my pledge.

Episode -4
Two babies (Rising of Moral Pollution)

Does it indicate the

Extremes of difference?
Or the degree of woman society?
In nineteen years the period of acid rain would come on the Earth. To save the
human generation from this coming annihilation, Alice did bravely her duty
undauntedly. Thus the time passed on. Let us wait the time of her success, stop
her story just for a while and turn to a story of our present human society:
Then as the king, the ruler form the sky to take guide of human society was no
more, there had appeared a wonderful change. At such an occasion two babies
were born at the same time and their places were not afar. It was in a place of a
small city.
It was around 7 P.M. of one day. That the city bloomed to its zenith of beauty
when the glowing image of small buildings, an exceptional one which had
doubled its beauty that day and had decorated already with lights of various
colours. There were a number of distinguish ladies and gents. All the world’s
pleasures dawned at this place. A sight into the rising waves of excitement
emanating from this building wore a fixed glance. It was so to say the peak of
human pleasure that even the heavenly celestial beings were subjected to
humiliation. Above all what would have been in the case of the master of the
mansion? The only disappoint of this man unequalled in richness and never
wanting in friend circles was to have spent these long years sadly. But today
after a long time the golden flower which was eagerly awaited had born life.
The owner of the house had got his fulfilment: Studded diamond on gold.
Casting a close glance at his newly born daughter he christened her ‘Laysana
(Golden flower). The baby crying at her mother’s lap was all praised by
nonetheless many a mother.
Even the full moon had shot up from the mountain cliff. The calm light of the
moon had dawned on the baby’s face. The golden lotus had bloomed amidst
the glittering white lights.
Stealing a sight long the glance of the baby the moon whispered
“Laysana is not it that you are coming to put me shame”
The entire universe gave a blessing to the baby.
But at the same moment the multifarious human society began shrieking. The
universal injustice had started holding up its flag. It was wonderfully viewed
by the entire universe and demanded what kind of glory it was.
Then it had become visible of a look of agony and difference at close quarters.
There was at the little distance, a drain out all rubbish of the city. There was
also another baby lying just on the heaps of the dirt collected at the side of the
Nullah (drain). This baby was a male baby. Gathering near him the baby was
picked up by the crowd. Beside that everybody from all sides closely observed
the baby. Someone started scolding the baby’s parents. Such a hue and cry
caused the baby’s awakening.
Then a discussion had come. An old man holding the baby and said
“I am the secretary of children’s Home. Let me adopt this baby in this Home
as though I were his father.”
All gave consent to this proposal.
Still looking at the baby the old man continued saying
”This baby on setting foot in this world will naturally assume the like of an
orphan and his life will be set with thousands of despondency. This baby also
set the mark of society’s backwardness. Let me name him:
‘Manlay’, so as to come to light to the future generation as being able to stand
on its own fact with contributions of possible help from the people- Manlay:
the flower blooming on the tree of society.”
There was none to praise him at his birth. All bore the looks of sadness. The
current of the stream openly ran down with the entire city’s rubbish. But the
dirty current of human ran secretively.
What to say even the brave General of the force of truth: the universal pure
love of the mother became down fall in the society. The so called appearance
of truth had stoop forever.
At the open lake
Of heart hasn’t the
White lotus taken life.
The spreading lights from Laisana’s big mansion fell on Manlay’s
countenance. Everybody too had come alive with thought of returning home.
Carrying the baby the old man too had set course towards his home. Even the
moon had hidden behind the cloud.
Far away, the uniform societies.
Seeing the countenance of the
Two babies being on today
Earth’s surface, the ghostly
Appearance of different societies
We’re shrieking with arrogance.
As the time passed on, the day Manlay had become six years old. He grew up
at children Home where he lived very happily and turned out to be a brilliant
student. But human life had uncertainty. It was not believed that his smooth
life would and up so. That a storm came arrived of all a sudden. The secretary
of the Home who looked after him suddenly bade farewell to this world. This
brought a change on the life of this boy. None there were for him. When a new
secretary of the Home came there took place a change at the Home too. This
secretary was of a very selfish nature. During his tenure many kinds of
corruption flooded into it. Instead of taking development works of the Home,
he took full advantage for his own good only. Many children having no
backing at all suffered badly under him. After the death of the former
philanthropic who looked after him as if he were his father, Manlay been to
receive a blow of being an orphan. He had been living in this Home deprived
of the fulfilment of food and drink. Most of all he feared and hated this
Manlay left the Home four months later after the new secretary had taken
charge. Thus Manlay began wandering aimlessly. The tender boy following
the direction where ever his legs carried him came across a market with a will
of the God. There at the market he could quench his thirst for food and found
up a new ray of hope of the boy.
It was a big market. Just to the North of this market was exhibiting the shining
building of Laysana’s father. As the sight of the building of lofty high, the boy
remained gazing at it closely.

But he could not realize, the magnificent building would one day measure the
limit of his life’s difference.
The goddess of the market embraced him. There he found the soul means of
his subsistence. Then he had embarked threshold of the almighty, the creator’s
workshop. The real form of life began to take shape and taking up worldly
lore. He had begun flexing his tender muscles. During day time he was
moving carrying smaller loads of businessman. He helped even the old man
carrying their luggage. When it became night people move to their homes. He
alone stood at that big market. Taking shelter at the place lying to the north
nearby the building he halted nights over there.
As the darkness of the night grew the appearance of differing society began
shining brightly and also laughing at this lonely boy showing the teeth of
mockery. The boy clearly heard all the voices of Laysana emanating from the
building. When the hour of sleep approached a voice accompanied with
laughter and also with a crying on alternate days. Out of these varied sounds
the voice of ‘mum’ addressed to her mother appealed to Manlay’s heart. This
word ‘mum’ turned out to be Manlay’s first clues to his life’s thinking. Then
the life at late night was nothing but that of waves of thought surging forth by
listening to vision of the lofty building.
Manlay’s life hurled out to be a visionary. In this way he passed one year.
One day a fearful storm rose up. This gave a new pang in Manlay’s life on a
fixed platform. In this city a communal riot took place and it spread like
wildfire. It was a terrible and fearful one. There went on a group wise killing
in which corpse lay on the roads.
The next day the govt. took up measures to control over it and along with it
curfew was declared for five days. Armed personal were reinforced in
countless numbers. The army dispersed the crowd. Owing to the turmoil every
one remained indoors.
The markets wore a deserted look. This brought about a piercing blow to
Manlay. He never forgot such terrible riot. Afterwards in his life he would not
join any religion, the divider but remember the God.
First night of the curfew Manlay spent a sleepless night. He kept looking
fearfully at those armies. On the second day the boy had nothing to eat at all.
As the night grew advancing his burning thirst emanating from stomach
assumed alarming proportion. But nothing had been ordained for him except
that Laysana’s voice.
Thus passing in this way it approached the night of the fifth day. The fire of
hunger engulfed all his body. This boy had been for four days starvation. Now
he was at a very critical moment of life or death. His pale body became
shivering. The ghostly moment appeared. At such timing, Laysana’s crying
persuasion echoed from all the direction of the mansion. Her un-natural and
varying tone had further weakened Manlay. He had lying down on the floor on
his back. At this hour Laisana’s complaint as saying ”No appetite and
unwanted curry” made him startled with shrieking metal sound. A woman
cried, as saying
“Look at this, the child has dropped the disc on the floor“
Another man too continued “Why are you doing like that? If you persist doing
like that my sweet heart, you will be scorned by others. Is there any one?
Bring something to eat for my beloved daughter Laysana”.
Manlay on hearing the sound of voices coming from the building could not
rest in peace. This child still not fully aware of the social life asked himself “It
this the child of God”
He got up slowly shaking his calf completely and he raised his head slowly
towards the top of the building and with that a multifarious voice from the
corner of the heart broke the tranquil of peace.

Oh child, speak
What you are?
You cry for
Sweet meal but
I for a mouthful,
You, on the top
Of the building
I, on the surface.
Parents you have
But none I have.
Who will build?
For me to stand
The boy’s words were heard astonishingly by the people atop the building.
The girl not reluctance to eat the fish in her hand listened to the words and
enraptured. A child ought to know another child’s language. But the girl got
confused the successive words. However hearing the concluding words she
suddenly arose and cried loudly
“Hay child your lofty building. I will build.”
Looking at the top of the building could not last long. It seemed the tall
building almost fell on him and after that his head became reeling under the
impact of that. With his last word ‘mum” he fell down on the ground.
Within these short moments it appeared that the limit of two child’s difference
in a status almost came to an end. If the human society hankers after a superior
form, one of the precious jewels had to be abandoned.
The time had more advanced. All had become quite, even the voice from the
building had ceased to flow down. As the hours passed on the duration of
night came almost to an end.
At the dawn of the next day curfew had also been lifted. The dark phase in the
child’s life too disappeared. The tender souls that had been crushed by the
indiscriminate society could not be actually terminated, there had gathered all
the littered flower petals and restored to the natural form. Manlay had got the
ghastly experience which even the aged people have not at all experience. He
had quite tenderly learned the lessons of life’s bitterness and had been
awakened just like a burning red hot edge of a dagger. Nobody was likely to
give him defeat.
The cool morning air had refreshed his body a bit. The pupils of the eyes too
had slowly started opening. Got up in the trembling manner, started slowly
moving his legs that were hardly immobile. All the small and big buildings of
the city had assumed the appearance of a ball of fire.
The reflected heat scorched the inner of heart. In day’s and the world’s
political arena and abode scientific advancement Manlay had distance him,
from that market with a slow step just like the thirsty pilgrims walked on the
sands of an extremely hot desert. Manlay had ceased to show up himself for
the long time.
Afterwards one day an old monk of Meeteism (a religion Manipur) from
Samtan, the greatest remote village at thick forestry hills met him and took
him away to Samtan.
The old man looked after him like own son. He was spending here many
years. He grew up year with the valuable advices about different knowledge of
humanism, value of life and about modern world.
But he became a lonely again. The monk had been killed by the magician, the
antisocial. He escaped from such men of the magician and travelled by foot a
long journey. He took rest in the forest. He tried to remember the valuable
words and the stories had been told by the monk.
Sometimes his mind was operated to think about his unknown mother, love
relations amongst brothers, relatives of a family. At some moments he wanted
to commit suicide himself when measuring his lowest and lonely life models
amongst such competitions and material worlds.
But he could control himself by following the monk’s advices:
God is the Supreme worker, men are the followers. is the
never ending song of life. Be a sacrifice, be an advertisement of yourself as a
worker but not charge for any works of society: and take this spade, the only
instrument for big bangs to produce numerous stars and visionary lights in
your space.
And he remembered that the monk had narrated him various story based on
moral and social science.
He also remembered a past life with the monk:
The monk had asked
“What do you want now? Do you want work?”
“Yes, I will start from tomorrow” had replied Manlay
“So, father, now please tell me the story based on a family.”
“Why?” had asked the monk.
“We have been living here,” had said Manlay
“This forest near the solitary village: Samtan. We have no a brother, sister,
relatives and friends. And we have never seen or joined the festivals, story’s
and events happenings in families or societies.”
“I understand all” had said the monk
“I am a monk. But I know well about a family or a society. Now hear a story
of Sandrose who is the great worker and lovely girl of a beloved
family. ”
“Thank you father” had said Manlay interestingly.
He heard the story impressively.
Then he was sitting in meditation to concentrate his mind. That, suddenly a Big Meadow could be seen
in mind; as well as he began remembering Sandrose working in the heavy rainfall and in the scorching
heat of the sun.

It started raining fully.

He opened eyes and said boldly “Now, I find my place in the world.”

Without any dullness: With a new bright hope: Aiming the Big Meadow;

he continued his journey towards east.



A meadow speaks:
Come and Play
On my lap
With your
Human beauty.
As the time ceaselessly flowed down all the funs happening on this Earth had
gradually disappeared. Other new happening also came up. The city too wore
a new identity. It became a worthy society in the human civilization. The city
adorned with many buildings was in the same manner a thick jungle: with high
A bit wonder was that a vast meadow had persisted wholesome. This meadow
situated just on the north of the building of Laysana’s father. The correct
posture of the meadow could be appropriately visualized when looked down
from atop this building. This meadow might occupy a space expanded by
almost five polo ground fields. There was a little mound just in the centre of
this meadow. A moat surrounded this mound. There was a pond each both on
the northern and southern sides of the mound. The eastern side was almost
covered by trees and shrubs. The western side was an opened and vast area.
Big trees grew circling the boundary of the meadow. The remaining portions
of the meadow were vast open areas.
This wide meadow belonged to Laysana’s father. But he could not utilize to
this meadow at all. This meadow was guarded by some kind of a goddess. It
had been since years nobody could set foot on this meadow and it still appears
that there would be so in the future too. All the people inhabiting in this area
well knew the might of the meadow. All the folks talked about it. It was
awesome to make even a glance at this meadow leave aside entering there.
Laysana’s father had also well-kept this place under an enclosure. He received
the favour of the goddess too.
Yet this meadow was eagerly waiting someone’s true incarnation. In this way
hundreds of years had gone by. The dumb meadow daily narrated to Laysana’s
shinning lonely atop the tall building. The pulse of the meadow mingled with
the dim and bustle of the city. Laysana who had been deprived of the natures
in ward message got independently to bloom. The day, she bloomed into a
beautiful girl of fourteen. The long frustrated meadow began to accuse the girl
by observing her charming face at the same:
“Oh beauty you seem not to recognize me while you are floating on the
current of the city’s ethereal pleasure. The person who can’t recognize the true
form of nature is a person without life’s genuine identity. Let you too suffer
the same fate as I do from the thirsty burning sensation of the inward mind.
The saddest thing of the entire saddest one’s of this Earth is the waiting for the
one after one’s heart. It is a heart’s burning blazing forth high as continues by.
You too shall meet with such pang as time gathers momentum to exactness. At
that moment you will come to remember of my solitude.”
That day the full grown orphan had once again boldly set foot on this city. He
met the big meadow and kept looking at it for a long time.
He had spent a long time at the remote areas as a work man. Through the time
he rendered help to poor families. But he became a man fully conversant with
the have not societies. He was now coming to this society to earn a typical
comprehensive work and knowledge of the affluent societies. He was coming
towards the resident building of the city’s rich man, Laysana’s father. The
young man took posture in front of the mansion just like the Kailash
Mountain. The building which had caused starting waves in his childhood had
the day turned out to be a beckoning mansion in the youth’s eyes. Entering
through the gate he reached in the heart of the building.


The young man had already taken shelter in to this mighty tall building. He
had lived there almost as a slave to the man who was a royal like personality.
He was at first not using to live here but in course of time he became
accustomed to. After the completion of five months he had settled there in the
guise of a workman. He was devoted to work and had as special in working.
His honesty and a sense of pity struck the people with wonder.
One evening, the young man took his stand on the top of the tall building.
Facing north he kept surveying towards the big open meadow. He seemed to
be pondering about this meadow. He had been working all morning and was
taking respite for a while.
At this instant he heard a calm voice from behind calling
On hearing the girl’s voice the young man turned his head from the front side
and fell eyes on the moon like pretty face.
“Yes have this tea” said Laysana.
Taking the tea with his right hand the young man said
“Thank you. Laysana, you seem to return from College a bit late not at usual”.
“Yes, I was late today, but completed almost half an hour” replied Laysana in
the affirmative.
“Why is it so?” asked the young man
“And what were happening at your college”
“They were doing some social works” said Laysana
“Declared that to do work was tiresome, it would have seemed to be very
exhaustive living a life in working conditions. I am fed up of works and I
would rather read twenty four hours than working even for one hour.”
On hearing these words the young man looked at the girl astonishingly. The
moon like face seemed to have a faint shadow of worry. It was a look of eye’s
satisfaction and added more prettiness to it. Of course the city dwellers are just
like tendrils of pea plants easy to fade.
Then the young man’s real appearance has returned, his smiling lips slowly
and rhythmically said with over flowing look and genuine thought
“Laysana, is work tiresome? Work is not a world of sadness by out of joy and
merriment. A gradual continues work, getting success in return in the face of
many obstacles; attaining added excellence with rising hopes of pleasure is an
enjoyable hope of triumph. Of course the happiness attained at that moment is
a real happiness, a place where the world’s cares and anxieties can hardly
reach. It is not the way to speak exhaustion, set back and desperation at the
slightest effort.”
Laysana was completely struck with wonder at Man-lay’s words. She had
never heard of such wonderful, charming and quite incompatible words to her
a status even from an elderly person. She had never come across of such
young man. Though she had already fixed her eyes straight on him, her lips
failed to spurt even a single reply. She also felt a sense of laughing at the sight
of the young man. She humorously spoke out
“Yes, you are right. But a man too young like you in age speak in the manner
of an aged person. You are a man of work. I know you are at my house to do
manual works. There is a little work in our house but you are on the lookout of
other work also without charges. It is your greatest joy if you find someone at
work, you don’t care for one’s identity but with take your stand by his/her side
as if you were at the theatre. In a few minutes you will start blabbering about
the work and in no time you will get involved in the work. The person too will
sooner turn to you for discussion about the work. You exhibit a funny look.
That is why you become handy of works in doing so.”
The young man had seen of the girl sharing in his plight by from her
demeanour as a girl blooming in city’s light and deprived of the taste of work.
“I am much absorbed in works as you are in books” said the young man:
“What is it for that you read so much?”
At this the girl’s face became blushing and proudly said
“You are very foolish. If I read much, I will become highly educated. I am
going to sit for one of the world’s greatest examination. The name of this
examination is known as W.A.S (world Administration Service). If I pass this
examination, I will become a distinguished person as well as an officer of
great honour. This is the only hope of my life.”
Manlay then uttered
“Nowadays most people have dedicated their lives for the govt. service. It is
only for that many people pursue educated lines. It is not assumed that after
being educated one will take up manual works. You girl good at study, suffer
from fever the whole day at the slightest rain causing you wet. But Sandrose
could work in the rain also. I love her. Will you be able to dig the earth for one
whole hour in scorching heat of summer season? I agree that out of education
knowledge flourishes. The scientific machines too have many faculties. But
education must be established on the foundation of knowledge. The universe’s
extraordinary machine: The human strength also must go along side by side
with modern civilization. Say, whether you don’t like to work”.
Laysana angrily reported
“That is a thing to be committed by a foolish person like you.”
“You will automatically become an officer” Manlay said
“What you like will naturally be attained for you are an erudite person who
has got many as well as friend circles.”
Suddenly the melancholy face shone of life. Laughing aloud the girl said
“That is the value of being educated. What is your benefit and what standard
you are going to attain?”
“This time I win” thought the girl to herself.
The young man in his original guise uttered
“I don’t know what my benefit or profit is, the common one is the real one.
Sitting in the garden one can smell the sweet scents of the flowers, refreshes
both mind and the body. Why are the flowers blossoming in the garden? Why
is it that my mind is at large when the flowers are teasingly at play? Why is the
moon shinning in the sky? Who’s are these that a farmer working for? Why
am I working for? In the midst of the world’s beautiful universal laws one out
of a hundred gives present and another helps another a hundred. My
excellence is yours and your goodness mine.
I have nothing worth to be called my own goodness. A simple or little or one’s
own capacity doing for a good way i.e. at least one can plant a small plant is a
common reality, is more value than the maker of atom bomb and is just like
the moon-light or the ray of the sun. It grows all moon- light facets. What I am
working is only for all.”
The words of the young man proved to be out of place for the young girl. This
time the girl has become quite fed up and had lost her incentives for replies.
The straight eyes had got bending, saying
“No one could be a match for you.”
She turned her face towards the meadow. The girl conceived in her mind that
she had never come across such a young man.
“Whoever young man I found were all lively people with animating talks and I
shared sweets with them and had also a great deal of laughter. His motives
were a common place i.e. out dated. But it seemed that his sayings were found
on truth. He is illiterate. However an educated person like me can’t give a
befitting reply to his words. Am I too an educated one not standing on logic
and reasoning?” thought the girl.
The setting sun had put up a golden screen on the western firmament. All the
beauties had come close in the golden dim. The cold breeze from the meadow
made the girl’s hair all dishevel. The moon like charming had appeared
glowing brighter. Suddenly, the reddish cheek had become faded began casting
a slight glance from the corner of the eye. Eyes stood against eyes. On being
unable to escape the glance, the young man made a straight remark
“Today Laysana you look exceedingly beautiful”
These few words rushing out from the corner of the young man’s heart set the
girl crazy. But within a short few moments a big storm arising out of the
boundaries of human society floated all her heaving waves of sincere thoughts.
As if she was newly awakened she made an attempt to set out her foot. Manlay
confronting hundreds of shyness
“Hay, I have a wish to say something to you”.
The girl read in her mind muttering of her awareness of the young man’s
intention to express his desire for the third time again.
It ought to be conceived as it was a natural feeling. It could be guessed what
was the real significance of the moon like face glance and also the possible
angle in which you with artlessly reveal so far. This, the sensitive girl had
already conceived in her mind.
The strides of the girl suddenly came to halt, turned out her face not blemished
either with the sign of joy or sorrow. The young man’s appearance slightly
seemed to be brushed at the casting of the girl’s glance.
A little while ago in a play of practical mental competition the young man got
the triumph over, but the time the young man had taken posture just like a
defeated soldier. This girl with a triumphant outlook began a self-analysis of
the young man by seeing on him. The young man though courageous as a lion
in works took the form of a rat in front of cat in his attempt to express love to
the girl. But it is an important trial of him for seeking a chance to step along
his goal for which he had aimed and come here.
The girl looking at the young man started slowly
“Hey, Manlay let’s two simply live like friends. You are a man of conscience.
We two have a great difference in our standings. And other chief thing is that
you have no constancy. Moreover I don’t also know what other evidence of
professional competency you have so far, what also more is there to prove
your worth in the public. Nowadays the called love has no place at all. It is not
the age of the famous love story: Khamba-Thoibi. Yet at present love can be
measured by wealth or professional skill. I can see what you have got in your
mind to speak about. You better stop thinking to say out those things. A heart
is just like a flower petal not having been exposed sunlight. Never make up
your mind to fade it way by way of inflicting with heat.”
“All right, please stop” the young man being tired said
“I am all to blame. I will never say again what distracts you.”
“I thank you time and again” the girl said happily
“I wish to award a nice present for fulfilling my expectations. Mention another
more wish of yours.”
“It is the lucky chance” thought Manlay
“But, I will see your lovely face when the wind comes from the perfect
society, blow your hair sporadically. But now I have a special eye on the
female society. A child is the emperor of equilibrium human society of the
perfect world and the love of the best mother is the greatest general of the
force of all truths. For I was born the female society went to its all-time low, I
am always haunted with the idea of creating feminist beauty, to set on the land
of my heart like a full moon. I have kept my heart’s door wide open I had an
inclination to obtain a beautiful adoration of your heart. But you don’t like any
step on the land of heart in which you will see another world of full-various
products which can be used freely.
Now such a door of the heart will be kept closed. When you fully come to
know of life itself and the tie of love existing human beings you would one
day keep enduring about the remorse at the very threshold of the door. I will
never express further words of my heart. I am the solitary like the vast
meadow, one day you will heard the words from the echoing meadow.”
The stillness reigned quite for a while: the young man’s lips had been
completely sealed.
The girl raising her head from the stooping position spoke out
“Okay let’s give no more thought to it. By the way it is better to dwell on other
topic. It may be this or that. There might be several other things to be talked
about you. But you are on the other hand a good man. I would like you to
become a distinguished person in the modern world. I wish to render my help
to you. In this regard I will say to my father.”
This chapter had become a turning point towards his well-being in the future.
It is nothing to the girl’s family to uplift a man like him to the top strata of the
society. But the young man always remained out of self-centeredness. He got
on a life’s visionary aspect of beauty.
Unable to see the sight of the young man, the girl once again said:
“Say, your desire”.
At this the young man enquired if he will be exactly given what he liked. The
girl said
“I will if I have got the power. I promise.”
Thus the chance of a wish came to him.
But other one slipped away. The God’s gift: the tradition for young boys and
girls had been slashed. A universal truth here had become out of place. But the
sun rises in the east only. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. The
lilies and lotus bloom in their fullest at the already full surface of water.
Bumbles have been kept hovering above them all. But a fountain of love: a
kind of love had been covered up by a layer of differing society.

The award

Money is my wife, husband, daughter,

Son,, servant, friend, God, goddess.
Isn’t money wanted?
Is happiness shunned?
Is alms meant for?
Incurring sorrow and fire?
Is work only worship?
Is the award?
As usual around the evening time of the next day, the young man took to
repose being tired of hard works. Looking towards the open areas, he became
pondering about the various ways
“My love is not to include in the list of the wrong. Whether love is the heavier
or the obligation of the society? No doubt the later occupies more weight. But
who is there that does not like to such nectar of love that arises just once
during its budding season of life? As long as life continuous one has not to
waste the flavour and also has to take up social works:
Let the love’s flowers
Have its bloom in the
Garden of society;
Let the streams of society
Mingle with love’s ocean.
All depends on the nature of works. There are all the acts of love for human
beings. Such natures are abounding. The results of good works are enormous
and have unending zenith. When works reach its flowering stages let the scent
of the heart’s air take to its wing. At that time let her golden eyes clearly meet
with the true appearance of my heart. Let the people eat the fruits when works
manifestations got fully ripen.”
The visionary of the young man had become clean; the solitary air of the
meadow struck to his heart and a new spirit of hope had arisen. The mansion
of hope had been created in a lofty way. This was the jewel of his heart. He
had already resolved this to beg from the young girl. At this hour the young
pretty girl as usual had started striding towards him.
“Manlay, what are you pondering about?” called out the girl:
”turn your face up this way. Let’s have a talk.”
The young man turning back his face from the meadow’s side said
“Yes let’s do. But the talk will be about what you once promised me about”
“Of course, I am coming for that only” Laysana said gladly
“Tell me what real desire is. I will no doubt help you.”
The young man thought just for a while. But the girl insisted saying
“Go on and don’t feel any doubt. What do you want-riding a nice car or
money? I will give that also”
“Laysana I don’t happen to be so much in need of money.” replied the young
”Nor I have the desire to ride a car.”
At this the girl fixing her close look at the young man, angrily retorted
“What kind of a soul are you wanting no money and pleasure. Come to the
point as regards you desire. But know this that I will be frowned in case of
your irrelevant or meaningless talks while attempting to fulfil my wishes.”
Unhesitatingly Manlay pointed his finger towards the open areas and then said
”Look Laysana, that the vast meadow is gracefully displaying itself in the
heart of the city.”
Laysana gazed wonderfully towards the meadow. A cool breeze suddenly
carried blow from the direction of the meadow. The young man further said
“Have not you ever experienced of the meadow’s such solitary life?”
The cool breeze and the words from Manlay gave the girl a great thrill. With
astonishment the girl spoke out
“What are you talking about? What matter is it?”
“Doesn’t this meadow belong to you” asked the young man.
“But what happen to it?” replied the girl madly and wonderfully
“Why do you demand it? It is a dreaded place.”
“Let us turn this vast meadow into a beautiful garden” said the young man
“How marvellous and expensive this garden would be in this centre of the city.
The pride of the city too would double. It would become a peace for rest and
repose of many weak and the old. Make I will do such a charming garden and
let it become famous in the world. Let me sacrifice both mind and soul in the
attempt of its being. Let it be handed over to my care. It should become a
priceless possession of yours when it attains full maturity: Your garden. I now
enter this open area and start my works. This is the alms I am begging for.”
Such an unbelievable and contradictory words, but expressive of a clear line of
supernal thinking caused a flutter in the girl’s mind and she was cast in the
wilderness of thought.
The girl said very much astonishingly
“Manlay, what are those things you are blabbering? Have you turned out to be
a lunatic? Aren’t you aware that this meadow is a very dreaded place? None
can set here. It is said here even the powerful Hero-sima met defeat. It is your
building castle in air to think of changing this vast meadow into an enchanting
But the young man kept insisting on saying
“I have no other alternative desire. I will hold the responsibility for its merit
and demerit. I am not going to commit an error in this open land. Please order
me the permit to make an access in this meadow. Let me fulfil my desire and
also keep your promise.”
The girl took the boy’s words as to be impossible matter. However she was at
loss and quite absorbed platitude. Stooping down she began thinking in
various ways “I had a mind to take him a worthy person, but he had now
sailed towards the sea of sorrow. His motive is wonderful. A man he is totally
dedicated to relentless work. But what is his gain? Why is he infatuated with
it? His mind is fathomless. I, on my part have given word but am sorry so
think what to do”.
She had become almost become like a deer about to be cast in net when
pressured by this young man.
“I have already given my commitment and on the same time as you are quite
insistent try your luck, try your tuck: push your way through the meadow. May
your wishes be granted” said the girl.
When given the green signal to go ahead Man-lay gladly said “My wishes are
already fulfilled. Now none cause on upsurge in my way. Look this enormous
land, make I will a beautiful garden”.
At this the setting sun made a smiling face looking at Manlay and said
“The cinema begins.”
On the other hand the girl was now casting her eyes on the young man with
thousands of wonder. She was thinking at her mind that she had never come
across such a man like him. She could not actually visualize the inward current
of this young man’s mind. The young man unwanted all the wealth, riches and
honours, but he could see an inner beauty about the meadow: a vision of future
displaying human beauties in a garden and was attempting to upgrade the
value of life amidst all the glorious life.
The young man lowered eyes towards the meadow, was picturing an image of
a beautiful garden. But the girl was endlessly keeping eyes on him. The sun
being restless, at the sight it hid behind the cliff of a hill.


One early morning before the first sunrise appeared, the young man carrying
spade, digger, a sheet of paper and a pencil made way towards the open
meadow. Entering still he got at the foot of the hillock. There was a beautiful
stone image. This was surrounded on all sides by shrubs. Many creepers
however plants made their coil on those small trees. It looks like a shrine. The
young man closely stared at the statue.
He thought in himself “This is a shrine belonging to the goddess of nature.
The goddess would be annoyed at those who contemplated on destroying
them. The keeps protecting from decay of the natural form of this meadow in
the heart of the city”.
There was none before who wishes to renovate the original beauty of this
place. But that day this young man had ventured into this area with a view to
make this beauty more attractive.
The Youngman made his obedience to the status with folded hands and began
chanting saying: “Oh mother goddess may you fulfil my wishes. Let me frolic
and display life’s drama on your lap, I offer a life’s true form and me a
universal hard worker.”
The young man began making a survey of the area by visiting different
segments and finally made his way towards the top of the hillock.
Several had been rolled on; time to go to college had just come. But the
restless Laysana had got to the top of building with a binocular in hand. She
began inspecting on all sides towards the meadow with the help of the
binocular. She despised what Man-lay was doing by standing on the top of the
Laysana felt very much panicky and laying her hands on her chest began
speaking “He is the first man who can penetrate in this area”
Offering her pray to the deity protecting the area, she had left for college.
Manlay had well taken repose on the hillock to. First he drew the sight of the
meadow on a sheet of paper with a crossing four directions. Each of the
crossing set spread one by one on four directions. The paper had been kept
The young man then began to set the foot of the shrubs. He cleared all the
rubbish and began demolishing those useless creepers. The short grasses had
been mowed down. Two plants had been worn a clean look.
It took an enormous time while doing up only this much work. Collecting all
those cut grasses and other rubbish things had begun tying them up with
strong cords. All together it turned out to be ten bundles.
“I am the first worker” said the young man “That how large were the number
of bundles of rubbish things only for such a trifling work.”
He took hold of a big bundle with his two arms.
“It awfully heavy” said the young man.
His slightly bent down supporting with his knees he again lifted the bundle
and allowed to settle on his head.
“It’s been quite long that I stopped carrying heavy luggage” uttered the young
He returned to the memory in which he had found his fellows going to school
while he was coming towards the market with the heavy luggage on his head.
“The neck seems to be a bit pliant” he said aloud “It swings in a dancing form
just like a film actor. However let it enjoy for a while twice done, it will come
full realisation”.
The young man’s coming had gone to the western border. Setting the down the
river bank he had dropped the bundle in the water. His head suddenly became
quite light just like a truck which soon got unloaded.
“Oh the path you are as longer as the bundle become heavy” said the boy “I
may take a long time for the bundles.”
Laysana then returned from college. No sooner had she got back from college
she got up to the top of the building. She trained her binocular towards the
meadow. At it appeared hollow through the binocular lenses and then again
directed the vision towards the west. Sooner these appeared a blur image on
the lenses and she once more through it by adjusting the lenses.
“What is that he is carrying on the head” pondered the girl.
The young man had thrown out the rubbish things by getting into the bottom
of the river. It was almost over to carry the things. Also he was dumb tired.
Even the steep river bank lamed a support. This young orphan’s community
soon got doubled up. Hard work became multifarious. His body got drenched
with perspiration.
Wiping out the drops of sweating with the cloth slung on his shoulder he
didn’t cease striding too. While his right hand was engaged in constantly
holding the wiping cloth his left hand soon responded to the nature call by
opening the zip of his trousers.
Really the girl attempt was slow or sorry in contrast to young man’s
Laysana had little time to turn away her binocular for it suddenly caught the
appearance of the young man quite a few flickering moments.
Quite startlingly she expressed “How fast it is! I took escaped the notice vision
The sun had also started getting down towards the horizon. Manlay too had
taken repose from work.
Getting nearer the deity he spoke out “Pardon me oh mother goddess the
innocent son of yours and please fulfil my wishes.”
In the meantime Laysana happened to train her binocular once again towards
this direction and imagined in her mind “Might it be the abode of a goddess? It
is a great wonder. He seems to be favoured by the Almighty; otherwise there
would have occurred a ban incident minutes ago. But now he has set journey
back home”.
The young man was coming with freshened mind. Now he did not remember
the other world but he was remembering his world.
He said aloud “I am a worker. But I am not subjected. Now my health has
become more freshened. How happily both the mind & the body are; a tension
free fertile mind is the gift endowed by work. It is life’s genuine happiness”.


On the 22nd day all the trees exhibited a clean growing. Now the young man
started constructing a path. A spade work had drawn straight towards the
eastern originating right from the centre. After finishing that another line was
being drawn at a distance of ten feet apart. Thus the whole was occupied.
The next day the levelling work was taken up in which all the elevating
portions were sliced down. In this work full twelve days were utilised.
As the work continued every day without stop, one day it gave a sight of well-
constructed paths on all four sides. Right from the centre the paths spread
quite a far touching the boundaries of the four sides. Another four small paths
also were being drawn up. These four subways connecting the main circular
paths reflected a view of a network just like a cobweb. He had resolved to
replenish the open areas with selected flowers and beautiful trees as huge part
of decoration under his renovate master plan.
One day a big crisis happened at Laysana’s house. Man-lay spent three nights
hiding in the meadow as though not wanting to see the angry face of Laysana’s
father. But there happened to be no one entering the open area.
That crisis slowly faded down. Nobody could disturb Laysana’s will and few
sweet words could easily calm down her father’s temper.
She thus said to her father “It’s a good thing that Manlay is sets foot at this
open area, not a bad one. The proof of this we can avail within these few days.
If it was a sinister design we would have received a bad result, for the deity
reigning here in of an extremely good one. But many good returns appeared in
our family since the day Man-lay set destiny with life alone in the openness.
That within these short days my father’s business went up by leaps and
bounds. Not only that I too stood first position in my P.U.C.(10+2)
examination held result. Most surprising thing again, is that my mother’s
chronic disease has also got off. I think all these are the goddess’s blessings.
Won’t all my sayings be an act of truth? Am I wrong father?”
To hear the words of Laysana, the father, faded down as thinking that all goods
in his family as a good result: it might be pleased by the goddess of the
meadow. He blessed her daughter to fulfil her wish.
One day Laysana was informing to Manlay for her aim of further education to
outside country. On the next day she will leave her state. They were sitting
together and happily at the meadow. That day was the last day of their union
of a chapter of life.
The young man stood up and began to step as saying “Laysana, let us go,
follow me.”
With a surprise the girl said “Where will you?”
“At the centre of this meadow” replied the young man. They reached at the
foot of the mound.
There are some rocks and stones were lying.
“Do you see these stones and rocks?” asked the young man
“Yes” replied the girl “Ah! How big the stone is”
“Yes it is the biggest stone” said the young man “Now listen to me. On
yesterday of about 2.00 p.m. an event took place here. That I was working to
levelling the upwards steep surface of this mound with a digger and I found a
big stone over hanging on a part of the surface. I tried again and again to take
off the odd stone. At last I could to change its position, the stone moved down
and some rocks followed it and I too moved away a little distance. A line of
rocks fall down next by next and suddenly this biggest stone rolled down from
the top with a great speed and aloud sound and then it beat to break the bottom
rocky surface making a large hole and rolled away two times by the west side
of the hole. Then I approached near the hole, but when I looked at it. I found a
large cave or underground room. Then I entered the cave, found two iron
cages. But I saw a large serpent hissing there. I hardly faced it with my spade.
It grew in size. The snake arose higher than me. The great hood moved
rhythmically at offensive for attacking me. I read my opponent’s position. I
could not face or I hated his gazing and unblinking eyes. I opened fighting. I
bent down, moved fast to his domain as pretending to attack. The great hood
moved down swiftly. Immediately I dashed off at a side, hit the spade on his
neck and jumped out again.
At the same moments I did the similar actions. It hurt and I cut the neck at
She heard the story with a great fear and asked him “Did you kill the snake?”
“Wait, listen to me” replied Manlay “But the headless snake sprang out of the
cave, ran fast. I ran after but I could not. It disappeared behind a bush. I
searched it for long time, but I could not find it again.”
“It will be a bad result” said Laysana
“Okay” said he “Now let us enter the cave, the underground room”
To hear his words the girl felt fear about the meadow and said
“No, no.... let me go outside this meadow”
Manlay dragged her by holding her hand.
“Follow me, come on” said the young man, when they came down in to the
underground room a look of fear on her face saw the young man.
“It is a dirty but it is a room of treasure” said the young man “Don’t you see
these two cages?”
Now the girl saw the two cages of iron, each widths and lengths about 2 feet
and 3.6 ft. respectively.
With a tremor the girl asked “What are these boxes?”
“These are the treasuries of an ancient” said the young man and then he
opened the cages.
With the greatest surprise the girl approached to the cage and began touching
the best things with her bonny figures. She had forgotten all worlds and even
herself. The emitted lights enlightened her lotus face.
A cage was divided in to five divisions. The two sided-divisions were filled
fully with the smallest diamonds, the two other divisions were contained fully
with the larger diamonds and the middle one was contained fully with
diamonds like eggs.
The other cage was contained fully with gold coins. The pretty girl’s tender
hands were playing madly holding the diamonds and the gold’s.
The onlooker had collected well the fruitages - he had drawn the significant
picture on his internal plane.
He thought himself “If I would these diamonds myself I would a great rejoice.
Would not she look at a human being with such rare eyes? You look at the
diamonds and gold’s, but I look at your human beauties.”
“These treasures given to me by the goddess on yesterday” said the young
man, then, he closed the cages.
The poor girl looked at him.
“But I never like it forever, but I think it as a simple one. I like the realities of
human beings. And as a young man I love really you.” said the young man
with despair.
But after a moment with a sweet smile he said calmly “Laysana, these
treasures are all for you. You are the owner of it. Now let us carry it all to your
residence. At first you go and inform it to father”.
She sprang with rejoice and said to him “Please take your share of it. And
forget all past events that now I love you anyway”
Then she ran away madly without a looking behind.
Many hours had gone. It is 11 p.m. Manlay was laying on his bed for sleep but
he did not feel of sleep.
At this time Laysana was talking further “Now I am become a king”
“Yes yes really” replied the father and other members.
Laysana repeated again “I am become the wealthiest man and the king in the
“Who is the queen?” asked the mother, a great noise of laughter was produced.
They have been sitting in front of the treasures since evening.
Thus the rare happen had gone. Then Manlay couldn’t sleep now. He
remembered seeing the enlightened face of Laysana. Suddenly he slept as he
was dreaming:
The all diamonds has turned away into the figure of himself. Such Man-lay’s
appearance is studded with sweats due to hard works, the sweats run down
from his face. At this time Laysana approaches him and then she cleans his
face with tender hands looking eagerly at his face.
Manlay said with wonder “I am not the diamonds. Why do you look at me
eagerly and wonder”?
Laysana replied “Your lucent life is shining alone through the thousand layers
of the Universe. Even the heavenly gods would ashamed you. To see the
feature of your pitiful life, my heart becomes floating on the different colours
of romantic waves. You are the greatest lover. My love is dedicated to you
regarding the truth law of the Universe.”
At this time his eyes opened suddenly. The young man said despair
“Oh! It is a dream”.
He slept again and begins dreaming another.
A woman came suddenly to him and then said angrily “You love her too much,
but neglect me. I have been waiting for you since ancient time, because you
are the purest life one. I don’t wish any defiled life. I want to give the treasure
to the person of lucent life. So I have given you the treasure wishing to
become yourself like a king in the world. But you have given the large
treasure to other person. But I can’t do any anything against you.
Now the treasures have gone from the meadow so I will not give further any
punishment to a man who wants to enter the meadow
But I will give you a curse as a result: That, your soul, the girl will reign in
this modern world, a like a king, but your age will roll in the field of works
without a luxurious life. No one will stand by you, be spend, your life as a
flavourless dirty worker amongst the civilized and debonair people of this
The young man awaked opening his eyes and then thought “She must be the
goddess; I accept her curse like a grade and I that the idea of a mouthful only
is more value than a diamond. How much the value of looking at each other
with love is and enlighten such a face in front of me -- give me your love, but
don’t give the diamonds. In my thought, a paddy seed, a pure word, a good
moral is greater than a diamond and are the facets of human beauty.”
On the next morning of eight o’clock the two beautiful cars are waiting for
Laysana and other members.
When the young man reached there, Laysana had stood near the cars and other
members sit already in the car.
To see him Laysana called “Manlay I am waiting for you. Accordingly to your
wishing I can’t give you the treasure even a little amount, but you can take it
any you want from my father. Okay tell me something that you like. I will
have bought something for you from outside. And you should live happily till
I come back”.
“I am wishing to your success, when you will comeback by a plane will see a
garden and tell me how beautiful it at the centre of this city”. Said the young
“Only that?” asked the girl
“Yes” said the young man
“I like only the pure manner: I love your human beauty, the truth words only.
If you will sing praising the flowers of the garden grown up from my heart
you will see the heavenly face reflected from my internal heaven. Such your
words are greater than the raw of diamonds. Let me wait for it only. Laysana:
my life has been dedicated for such goals.”
”The girl said “I will do it Manlay”
She felt tearing as departing.


After, Laysana had gone, one day 30 big carrier vehicles loading herbs of
flowers and trees would arrived to Man-lay.
Manlay put well the all herbs on a cool surface.
Manlay was going on his works regularly.
He began to dig making a large hole next to next, on the sides of the path. The
holes are distanced of three metre apart each other. Such digging work on the
sides of all lengthy paths had been finished.
He began to grow the trees. After growing after the herbs on both sides he
gave watering them again.
For watering systems the small engines were bought by Laysana. He had
already arranged for watering everywhere by connecting plastic pipes from the
two ponds and the river.
Thus he had completed one year facing rain, hot and cold seasons. With his
habitual good nature, his mental power began to blossom into the most
valuable spirit of persist.
The sun arose looking at him and set behind the peak as watching him.
In this vast meadow, the young man worked alone daily.
Wallowed in the work,
No one stands by him
No one disturbs him,
But a face of leman
Shines time to time.
The sun was declining now.
The sun said “When I come out you live already and when I come down you
still live alone in this vast meadow.”
The sun set behind the peak
Many laws and good things had sunk in to the waves of time. Never ending
lots of new success had sprung up.
The meadow had changing gradually
He had been growing the herbs on the sides of the lengthy paths. The farthest
sights all had arrived now: the small plants had grown in rows by all sides of
the paths. To these works he had taken four and half months.


He loved all works of labour so much. He never learned the highest or
enforced rules of a religion to promote his soul to the heaven. According to the
law of God work and thought is the practicable and closest relation, the
thought of impracticable or without relation to a work is unnecessary like the
starless sky i.e. no benefit or fact of the universe.
A thing is a work and a law or a thing is the God. The thing has been formed
by a law after practicing a particular work. Afterwards the things continue
many works under a no. of laws producing numerous new laws and changes
of its forms or its surroundings. So human beings, living or non living things,
stars, planets, even a minute particle are the works and laws. We can’t chant
completely the names of a minute particle: It has never ending self rules,
theory, laws, history, story, actions, faces as well as it works in times never
endingly: It is a great worker: It has time for its greatest action: God is the
Supreme worker: He follows the rules of the work: His might or magical
powers are not related to the success of the work: The worker brings the
But in the names of religions, politics and various trades many dreams are
related to the successes of their aims. Such dreams are fully shining in the
modern sky: stars are not seen. The unseen thing, the original of a matter: an
atom precedes its works under the law of universe. The nucleus attracts
electrons, electrons revolve round the nucleus: it is a law. If this law is
destructed, another comes out producing a change or a work of good or bad:
that means the nucleus may come out: the atom is broken i.e. turns to a bright
fire: there is no any atom of the earth means the Earth is fire like the sun.
So everything of the universe has a value and responsible for a good, this is
the law of the universe gifted by Him. Only one simple law or path for making
a good is the universal truth: it is available at everywhere in times: These are
blooming numerously.
So the human being who can think has the most value and responsibility.
So a beautiful thought must be turned to a beautiful work. Variety thoughts
produce variety things: a good thought should make a good thing: the statue of
thought and the statue of work must be made the same.
So the shining stars in the sky is not a dream but it is a lot of laws and works:
it is a fact: it is a profit.
So the moonlight face of the leman shining in my heart is not a dream: one day
she should stand in front of me: it is not a dream: it is a fact. Planting a plant
simply is a fact: is not a dream.
Praying after or before practising unlawful: election campaign for an untrained
candidate: The famous economist theory before a beggar or the lowest and
before a lot of guns: are not facts: are dreams.
Working to serve others: to train a candidate completely: to lift up the lowest
to the highest instantly: is not a dream: is a fact.
Thought is related to things or facts. Stars are the facts, not dreams.
The statues of works float in the sky of dreams are the starless in the sky. It is
nothing: it is not value of life.
Humans are dancing in the starless sky
Singing songs in the wave less space;
Playing with the princess of the sky;
Dreaming in the heavenly garden.
Today I remember my leman,
The princes of the Earth.
All are clear: I will see her
The stars: full of meanings
Have shined in the sky
The fruitages of works
Will shine in the sky.
I am a teenager, I eager love, the romantic field of a pure society. So I become
a mad to see the hidden beautiful flowers of works and I am wishing to be a
beauty of the society. Now I am going on my works. Let me free.
He began to plough the vast platform areas of the meadow. He had ploughed
tirelessly and completed with 25 days, the clods floated over the soils. Holding
the digger in his hands he beat with its stalk against each clod and goes on.
The clods are broken in to pieces.
Like a brave soldier’s driving his steps along the battle field, he moved too his
every step in this field of work.
By the time of the evening, the golden rays spread in the sky. The golden fogs
extended from the western sky.
The wind blew the smells of the flowers. The black bees were flying along the
direction of the flowers.
The village girls holding pitchers came to the ponds and the boys were
arriving, going to and fro along the road. The girls adulated to each other:
“Look, he is coming.”
Bees were flying over the flowers. The wind blew making the flowers a wave-
dance. The bees got back angrily to suck the nectars of the flowers.
From the distances of filed can hear the echoing songs sung by the cowboys
driving back the cows and calves.
The living birds on night began to fly out. Bats were flying over the vast
meadow passing away one by one, group by group over the wall of the sight
directing to the hills.
The young man was continuing his works. The sun said angrily:
“I don’t like you such teenager, and odd amongst all. The all things grew with
rejoices in such beautiful evening and had arranged already for night, be stop
and rest. When will you finish such your huge works?”
The young man was breaking the clods. As looking at him the sun turned
down behind the peak.
It is growing dark. The young man looked behind and said
“Oh the progress is very slow”
Holding the spade in his right hand and putting it on the right shoulder the
young man had gone.
On the next dawn the young man had arrived to the meadow and started
breaking the clods.
The birds flew out and saw the young man as chirping to each other.
Sportsmen came out and run along the city streets.
A look of cool felt on every eye to see the shady trees.
Light gradually grew in the eastern sky.
The young man’s works too had been made a more progress.
The birds had fright on the day before then flew back passing over the
meadow and looked at him.
The sun had arisen in the east. The young man had done advance more.
The sun said “You have arrived before... You drive gradually more and more
The sun’s heat grew more and more gradually.
The young man was working at his mental capacity as the stepping of time. To
a rest for a while even in the time of eating he always practiced his mind
producing a new thought and then he performed a new work.
He took all knowledge resulted by various works and never forgot it. He
became rich of such qualities. By and by he broke the clods in the meadow.
The sun thought seeing the young man “He is working regularly without tire.
But what is the benefit? I don’t know for him. But it is an excellent for the
society. It will be eaten by human beings only”.
In the city many customs were blooming. Numerous schools and institutes
were opening the fairs of educations. Various machinery departments were
busy in works. The special contractors were talking with the concern officers.
Restaurants were opening brightly. Pretty girls were shining in cinema halls.
The meadow was at the centre of the city. The young man was breaking the
clods. He looked behind for a while and said
“Oh I have a progress more.”
The sun began quip “Yes you are right. It is only nine by ten to be done”.
The young man said “I have broken well, the flowers will blossom happily”.
The sun quipped “After finish your works, the fruitages will be sucked by the
surrounding bees. You will be driven away and you will see only the bees
hovering above the flowers.”
He is breaking the clods.
“Many times will be taken” said the young man “May I leave some clod? I am
not a contractor. I am striding with styles in the fashion-show before the
numerous universal audiences. I am in the competition among the laws and
works of the God. I will break every clod. It is my benefit”
As saying, he was breaking the clods.
It was the time of setting. The golden fogs spread from the western skies.
The sun hid behind a golden fog and said “The young man is a lawyer of
under metric”
To hear these words the fogs laughed at the sun waving its golden faces.
The time had gone by and by.
Thoughts, persists, gentle, regularity, different knowledge given by works and
all clues for increment knowledge taught by the old monk are the brave
soldiers to drive his work forward.
He had taken five months and ten days to finish this work.
When looking behind the sights of the bigger ones had been turned to little
ones then. All looks of the appearance of roughs had become subtle and fines
extending a far: The seas of soil-portions had been made.
Then the young man was making beds of soil for growing flowers on it.
A bed had four and fifteen metres width and length respectively and was
surrounded by a tiny path of ne metre width.
He had finished one bed of soil. He took out the rubbish things and stones. He
dug holes on the surface at distance of half metre apart to each other. Then he
selected the flower plants. To this work he had taken one day complete and he
continued his works daily.
Thus he completed all: The vast area was changed in to a numerous alluvium
One day he climbed up the mound. Standing on its tip he looked at the
appearances of the beds of soil. He thought:
It is too beautiful.
He began growing the herbs of flowers. He operated with his fore-finger into
the hole, buried the roots into the hole with fine soils. After just completion of
the one bed plantation, he did watering them.
Thus he had completed those works in three months.
As well as, the green plants had grown spreading on the vast surface of the
meadow, taking a new appearance.
The young man looked at the groups of trees growing at the eastern lands of
the meadow.
The young man had started from the northern side, began growing orchids on
the branches of the trees.
He began clinging orchid plants, parasitic flowers on trees: fixed tightly some
amount of cow dung over the roots with the branch.
“Many amount of cow dung will be used, but it is very rare in the city”
thought the young man
“I would fetch it from a great distance and from any brother”
He had completed this work in forty five days.
He thought to construct a numerous flaps with canes and bamboos which
would be supported by the trees keeping at the height of four metres like over-
Then he dug holes on the surroundings of the eastern woods at a distance of
three metres apart to each other and planted some beautiful plants in the holes.
Then the young man was sitting on the tip of the mound and looking at his
To see the young man, the sun derided
“Look at your friends who are sitting in the city restaurants”
In the restaurant, a young man, looking at his mobile phone and said to his
partner girl “I can transfer it to other blue tooth in seconds.”
The girl said to him “Don’t do it, please, I will agree to your proposal.”
The Earth turned away from the sun and said nothing.


Big shady trees were growing on the outskirts of the meadow. He thought “a
numerous people can sit under those shadows, at same time at least five
thousands of man can sit under those shady leaves.
The young man started his works. Planks were brought. Taking two days saw,
chisel, hammer, stack, inch-tap, pencil, jack plane were arranged.
The plank of one foot width was cut at five feet length. One face and the two
edges were cleaned by the jackplane. The wood of two square inches was cut
at six feet and at two feet length. The wood of smaller size was cut three
pieces at six inches long and cut three pieces at eight inches and another three
at five feet which were to be fixed tight the feet of the bench.
He was not a master of carpenter. But he had already used these instruments.
He was a worker of any work.
He thought consciously “It is a work to make a simple bench of one foot width
and five feet length, it must be durable. The woods should be curved or cut
well and shaped by cutting with the chisel to fasten the all parts of the bench. I
will do slowly. It is not a secret of magic. A thief is an astonishing -opened
door. I am the king of this moment of this work. Who is famous one? What is
magic? I don’t know.”
The young man was continuing his works. The wood was cut and curved to a
shape holding the chisel in his left hand beats the hammer on its head. He was
making the foot of a bench. It was not easy to him. But he was working
The sun declined gradually.
“Let a lot of time to be taken” he said loudly
“I never mind, but I will make the best ones. I would cut properly this
The sun declined behind the peak.
On the next morning the young man started his works. He was making some
kinds of shapes of the wood by cutting with the chisel. To this work the time
ran fast. He tried the woods joining each other by inserting to the holes and
tried again and again to keep fix and fasten the woods to each other. The time
shot fast at this.
As the sun had arisen behind his head, then was declining behind the head.
Even the sun’s arising had not been known, the declining was not seen by him.
He got more and more experience of using the tools.
A mistake might come then. A mistake can’t be controlled. But it can be
reduced by taking cares previously. A mistake runs on the path, neglect term.
If we can see the all sides completely and previously, a mistake can’t touch us
easily. The young man was gentle and working smoothly with taking carefully.
There was no any mistake. Every moment, every step was continued by his
self own care and judgement consciously. But, who can look at all sides?
He was working under a tall tree. He had not seen the upper world. A dry
branch fell off the tree that it struck on his left hand with a great force.
Suddenly he gave up the chisel and the hammer. He turned down his face
bearing the ache of the left hand. And then he tried to hold the chisel with the
fingers of the left hand. But it was shaky, he couldn’t act his works.
The young man was facing the ache of his wounded left hand and of stopping
But his face became bright. He gave up the music less song of desires. He was
not a manic. He sat calmly as seeing towards the city-streets.
The sun declined gradually. He thought:
He is working lonely and thinking like a hermit. Sweats run down on his body.
His works are excellences. None can disturb him. His face lights the moon
lights. The flowers of his works begin to blossom gradually day by day. For it
he plays his dreams by working happily. He is the best actor. This meadow is
the film watched by me daily.
He was sitting on the northern outskirt nearby a street.
As looking the tumid muscle, he tried to play moving the left fingers. He was
spending his time as looking at the people who were going on the street. A
group of young girls were coming along the street. They were going smartly
and freely and independently like on their own cartilages. They were coming
with a happy of talking.
As approaching near the young man, one started “The story is very remarkable
and romantic. I regard it as the best of this year”
The second girl nodded “You are right. The hero is the youngest and new
magnificent film star. His name and acts are written in newspaper and
magazines for congratulating and advertising him. The crowd of reporters
gathers around him. I also met him after a long waiting on yesterday.”
They were talking and passing away. Their words reached his ears.
The sun’s rays struck at the glance of the young man.
“Don’t worry” said the sun “I am also a reporter, I am seeing you, I know your
wounded hand.”
After sometime he tried again to hold the chisel with the left hand.
“Ah I can hold it” said he loudly as looking at the shaky chisel.
He continued his works again. He could finish his cutting works. The frame
work with the four legs was set up. Sometimes the blind-wounded hand struck
The frame was fastened. A smooth board or plank was taken, kept fix over the
frame and tacks were browed with the hammer. Making a bench was
Afterwards he had more experience. Six benches were kept at surrounding of a
shady tree. The stem of the tree and the benches had been painted with the
colour of sky blue. In four months all trees had been formed of sitting places.


Many emperors fought for honour and wealth. They made many tombs, tower
with the help of their powers and wealth. The emperor Sahajahan built the
famous TajMahal.
The young man said bravely to TajMahal “TajMahal you are the Mumtaj who
are blooming forever on the immortal palm of workers”.
Such a kind of human being was there that reached the ear of Indra Deva, the
king of gods. His experiment came: the black clouds gathered in the sky and
began thundering over the meadow. Rain poured down. He was disturbed. He
stopped work for two days.
“You make me lazy” said he angrily “You are mad. If you know the best law it
must be rain in time”
Indra Deva got the first reaction. Owing to shame and anger he put the rain
Working in the rain is also an important lesson: he thought:
I may try to get more experience of it. I have finished all works except the
ponds and the moat. This meadow has been forming a huge garden.
“What shall I do? Said the young man “It is raining well. A magician can stop
the rain. What is a magic? I don’t know. Is it a work? It killed an innocent old
monk who was the greatest lover of me”.
It was raining on the third day too. It is early morning. He was sitting,
remembering a wonderful dream of the last night:
The old monk came to him and said “The time comes for your revenge for
killing me. Kill the magician and save the Samtan. You must go there just after
finishing your works in four days only. The chance is the only one.”
“I know the meaning and it is an urgent” he said “But it is raining now. But I
want to complete all my works.”
The young man came out and began working in the rain. He cut the useless
plants growth on the bank of the southern big pond. He cleaned the bank. The
rubbish things were gathered together to a place. It was a big pond but covered
fully with water plants and weeds. He made a raft of timbers. It was dropped
on water surface. He stood on the raft holding the spade. Then he cut the
rough edges of the bank with the spade making a straight level. The bank
became straight and beautiful.
He cut the weeds and driven the raft from place to place on water. The surface
of the water gradually became clear and clear. He jumped into the water for
cutting the roots of the plants.
He put the plants cut on the raft. The day had been completed when he had
seeing none of any single of weed. The pond became enchanting one. It had
been cleared at all sights.
He climbed up the bank drawing up the raft.
“It is crystal clear: the perfect appearance springs up just now. It is my beloved
work” said the young man looking at the surface of the water on which rain
drops were beating fully.
His thought of his work was not related to the rainfall though the rain ran
down fully on his body. His beauty was blooming like the golden orchid
named by “Manlay Laysana” in the deep jungle.
The work of the day is finished. He had left the meadow. It had been raining
On the next fourth day he finished the work of the Northern pond in the rain.
On the fifth day it was raining too. He repaired a path which is heading the
mound. After it, he began cutting the useless plants growth on the bank of the
moat. He gathered the rubbish things to a place. The day was completed when
he finished his cleaning works.
He looked at the full appearance of the meadow which was being covered by
heavy rainfall.
“My works have been already finished except that of tomorrow” he said
“Now this meadow has turned into the form of a huge garden. All the flowers
and trees are at fully growth. Tomorrow is the last day of my work. Tomorrow
is the important day of mine.”
He kept a slow striding towards the building. He felt tire, the rain was beating
on him.
He said again “My works shall be finished on tomorrow. I am happy that I can
do all my works. But I am not a magician and I don’t know about it. What is a
magic? And what is my life? What can I do to a magician? My life is not a
All are nothing, life is nothing, world is nothing but I should go on truth path
and do the universal work. Okay you know a magical advice.”
The young man had left the meadow. It was ashamed to stop that is raining on
the meadow.
It was the heaviest rainfall on the sixth day. In the meadow there was no sight
except the picture of the rain. It was thundering and sounding of the rainfall.
As standing on the raft he was cutting the rough bank with the spade. The
rocks fell off the bank and splashed the water as sounding of jum, jum. These
sounds controlled the sounds of the rains. The bank gradually became smooth
and uniform in a level.
As it was raining fully, the young man’s works too ran fast. The big stone, the
image of the goddess of the meadow was looking at him astonishingly as well
as thought:
“It is a rare game: there is a competition between the rain and the young man.
Who will be the winner?”
It was the heaviest rainfall. And a horrible sound of “ooh--woo” of a wrathful
cyclone wind began approaching. The wind blew operating the woods and
plants. Like a huge demons it hurled the meadow.
The head less snake was moving rhythmically under the water of the moat.
He said with his venture “Come all cyclones and come all suffers of the world.
Be clouded and defeat me. But I am with standing forever: my spirit, my will
never dies.”
The wrathful blast of the strong wind with its blatant invaded on him. He
jumped down the water and began cutting the weeds. It was kept on the raft.
The weeds on the raft were gathered gradually and made higher and higher.
Sometimes the wrathful winds carried away the weeds.
The raft was cruised on the water by holding it with his left hand. Sometimes
his left fingers made loosen the raft and the wind cruises it a far. He swam
after it for a long time and caught the raft again and held it fasten with his left
fingers. The raft couldn’t escape more again.
He worked at a rate of progress. His head was floating on the surface of the
water. All other parts of his body were submerging under the water. His two
legs were kept kicking to and fro under the water. The left hand held the raft
tightly. The right hand cut the weeds and put it on the raft as shot an arrow of
glance to the mighty wind which was operating the trees. The wind was struck
to fall off the trees. The wind was calm down at once and the trees had
freedom as standing perpendicularly. Indra Deva felt ashamed.
“I can defeat the wind” said the young man “I will defeat the magician like
His works ran at a progress more and more. He was working as thinking to
Wind is soul of creatures. But sometimes it destroys houses, plants and other.
Knowledge is the light of mankind, but it destroys the innocent people. The
magician knows very much that in the present day he is a great politician,
lawyer, scientist, networker, businessman and magician. He is the excellent
that none of the world can with stand him. His mighty still continue operating
the people. I am working now. But I can’t forget them that I love the people.
Human being is the only responsibility to protect the mother earth and to
control the all laws. Atoms make molecule which originates a cell which
originates a life of a living body. After millions of years the perfect human
being is formed gradually.
Now the modern world has been brightened more by the roles of electrons.
The sun is shining in the sky. The wind brings the rain. The earth is already
fertile too. Those flowers are blooming with sweet smells. To see the full
moon shining lonely the lovers thrill budding their spring of romance. Who is
dislike to look the moon like face of the leman? All are beautiful laws.
There should become the golden age. All will come in true way. The mighty
law will rule. All things will follow the law. Flowers will bloom tenderly
without falling off. The stream of Amrita will flow everywhere passing all
nook and corners, cheeses will float like bubbles. Jumping down the stream
children will eat it.
Taking all responsibilities as well as seeing the coming generations the steps
of life should be gone on happily and freely.
In the jungle civilization animals live in the bushes of war weapons and
children are playing the dreams of nuclear weapons. Though the thousands
were killed: the land being covered by tempest of fire, there still a human
beauty that while his work the farmer’s mind was dreaming as seeing the
fruitages of the work.
Most of the city’s people are floating on the waves of money. But the
indigenous people are scarcity in the city. The blast of differing communities
make falls off the petals of the smaller community sporadically in the far
jungle, Samtan. The population of Samtan decreases day by day. There is a big
centre of anti-social people. The magician is one of the masters of this group.
Sometimes they use humanism organs for earning lots of money. The Samtan
people are the raw materials of such money plant and they are useful labours
of the magician. For this the magician controls Samtan strictly by his mighty
magic power. His place is always covered by dark clouds of sprites. It is the
story of Samtan I had heard. I promise that I will go to Samtan. My own
knowledge, luck and strength will face him.
I think much and much about the mankind as well as I am working trembling
my heart not to lose the human beauty. I will spend in such life. I should still
continue such works tirelessly. In the thought of works and while sucking the
nectar of my works the burning heat of the summer turns to the moonlight and
the heavy rain to the ambrosia.”
It was raining. The wind blew slowly. A few minutes had gone that his right
hand touched none a single weed. The pressure of cold water for a long time
dazed his whole tiresome body.
The headless snake came, coiled his legs tighten and dragged him down under
the water. That, his head was submerging under the water level, as well as his
left hand was off from the raft.
At these moments there were numerous thundering from the sky. Its lights
struck the meadow. It seemed the lights were reflected as a phenomenon of
waves from the earth that passed upward the sky in seconds.
A sudden impact took place on the Spaceship, the Hero-sima which had been
resting at a far space.
The Hero-sima began tremor and it dashed off the galaxy in few seconds. And
a sudden emanated of new light from the screen that unseen before struck
Alice to fall down unconsciously.
When Alice opened her eyes she could hear “Alice, I am reborn again” says
the Super Computer “My life is given again.”
Alice was tongue tied with rejoices and stood up slowly. Instantly looking at
the screen she was astonished and said slowly “What a nice and perfect! What
kind of this one?”
“I have calculated all that I know his entire long story” replied the Super
Computer “Our key wave is found. So we can continue successfully all works
of the Hero-sima.
A wonderful supernal power brought the spaceship here such a far galaxy
within some hours. Now the ship is at normal that I can guide it on any way.
With the greatest speed we can reach the earth in three years.”
Alice demanded the story.
The Super Computer said “His life story is never ending to tell. When I have
learned about him I can catch some remarkable points that he is the youngest
to know the society perfectly. Since childhood days he has been spending in
the most miseries of life. As he grew on he could learn the feature of life of
himself. At my completion he was the lowest level, he could not follow any
customs or currents of the society. He was the hopeless at all in the modern
society. But he could control all. There are two burning fires (1) the internal
fire grows when seeing the pure a child (2) He was left by his mother that the
only person of emblem for declining woman society. But he praises her
mother and mother society highly:
In the common and
Fertile platform of
Mother’s society only
Can grow up the individual
Pillars to blossom forming
The big garden of society.
He knows too much. His own knowledge tried to fade down his internal fires.
He said boldly that life is a big flame of work; he should grow up it
enormously to burn off all miseries in. He advertises always himself as a
worker or labour of without charging. He begged works and works only. Thus
he is organising such a universal revolution.
Alice, you asked the three questions at past. But you could not get the
answers. Now we have the answers: It is he who is emanating the key-waves.”
To hear those words Alice’s eyes were arisen with tears. Looking at the
wonderful appearance emanating the key waves she said:
“You, the human being: The perfect face of human beauty. I will saw your
appearance to the world. It is my pledge.”
The new space was so nice. Various new planets and stars were shining. Alice
looked astonishingly at the new things of the new galaxy as well as her eyes
were searching the planet of the earth. The Super Computer indicated
accurately the path of the target, the Earth. Now Alice started to move. The
Hero-sima was positioning for its journey as directing to the target.
On the earth, the rainfall began to slow gradually. His stoppage of breathing
seemed a rest under the water. But his will did not rest, was thinking about the
Samtan and awaked from the bottom of the moat. He rode on the raft slowly
and laid against his back on it. He closed his eyes. The wind began to cruises
the raft on the wavy water. It was lighter rainfall. A strong wind began to blow
with its last blast. On the sky the dark clouds were rolling, thundering and
lightening. The strong wind was blowing the clouds towards the eastern sky.
“Garang--Garang” sounded the wrathful clouds were going on and away. On
the western sky the setting sun vivified shooting its rays. The dark- age had
gone and a new age just arrived there. The wind blew calmly singing the prize
of him. On the water surface tiny waves arose. On the sunlight, the waves
were striding reflecting golden rays. The raft too mingled in the lights as it
was rounding the mound.
All trees and plants in the meadow were studded with water drops like
diamonds shooting flashy rays. Like young fashionable ladies the all plants
were standing happily and waiting for him.
The sun, the onlooker said “He has finished all his works. The long time I
have been observing him. A full moon of his beauty glows and a song which
can’t be heard by ears begins to sing sweetly.”
The sky was clear then. Birds were passing over the meadow.
The garden couldn’t bear her persistence she said “I have been waiting such
your human actions since the ancient time. I have seen all with my full rejoice.
Today your all works have been finished. This garden will shine like a blazing
diamond in this city. Don’t go away.”
He was lying. He couldn’t move. He could hear a sound of some dialogues of
drama emanated from the loud speaker of the city temple of Lord Krishna.
“Today is the birth day of Lord Krishna” remembered he:
“It is the nice and beloved drama of the natural stream running between the
mother and the child”
Looking closely at the face of him the sun set near the tip of the western hill
and asked “Are you floating on the water or on the waves of thoughts?
Thinking is not good on repose. Don’t think about anything. The fruits of your
works have been fecundated, miseries have gone, rejoices have arrived. You
have fought smilingly the battle of life. While you are working your face
would bright more and more. Before I have never seen such kind of your face
that tears are running down on your cheek, why? I can’t believe it.”
From the Temple of Lord Krishna a sweet song was emanating as singing the
mother in the drama:
Dance and Dance
With your golden hands
With your lovely face
That enlightens my heart
Ho Krishna, ho Krishna
Ho my heart, my beloved
I, the mother, the lucky
To get such you a son.
“I know why you are weeping” said the Sun “Your tears are not simple. None
of the world can help you. It is the supreme of truths or facts that comes out
from the deepest of the natural law. When reaching the limit of suffers who is
that can’t remember the mother? After a long time you feeling comes out from
your tiresome body that you are thirsting naturally and uncontrollably the
nectar of your mother’s love. Who is.., in the world, that can’t be tearing to see
Looking only at him silently the time went on. Even the sun hid behind the
On hearing the song the young man said “A womanish beauty, calmness and
pure love as a mother are the highest ones in the world. How beauty the
mother’s love is! I am dancing in the sweet music of mother’s love. I am
singing is the waves of mother’s love. Society is covered by the strata layers
of mother’s love”.
“Don’t think the unnecessary things” said he “You are the child who was
thrown on the rubbish by your mother. You would never have the thirsty
nectar of the love in this generation.”
He thought to himself “Woman is the most incomparable beautiful or ugly.
I would not blame her. I was given to birth by her. I am one of the jewels of
mother. When I imagine about her for that time I am thrilled awfully, drops of
sweat are studded on my face and the pulses begin to beat loudly. But I am the
lucky that she left my life, she remembered the golden bed of me. The place of
rubbish was the only one shelter for me like the golden bed of the king. If it
were not there what would be to me. I don’t know. If she could not remember
the place what would be to me. I don’t know. It is my lucky that she came
consciously towards the place.
I have seen the world and I understand all and I have controlled myself all my
miseries. On this hap of such a revolution raising highly that the world tends
the direction of the visionary-feminist beauty with thirst of the nectar, as my
third eye looking at such vision a natural wave arises highly thirsting the
nectar. In this world, at this moment I thirst this nectar only, why? Tears are
emanating like a stream, why?”
“Don’t think the useless thought” said the young man loudly “The mother will
not come forever. You should make your society of perfect one. Think the
essential ones. The water surface of this moat is your mother, the raft is on her
lap that you’re laying and the calm wind is the nectar of your tiresome body.
Pray to God not to submerge this raft”.
At the surroundings of the meadow the city lights had already enlightened the
city. From the top of Laysana’s mansion the lights were emitting towards the
meadow. As well as the moon ascent upwards the sky smilingly. The garden
turned to silvers. On the water of the moat silvery ripples were waving. All
beauties were flying happily like a bevy in such a visionary light of triumph at
these hours. The sweet music was also coming from the Temple.
“Though I am a great thirst the nectar of my mother” said the young man
calmly “I can thank you. A creature tends to his mother only: His mother is the
bigger world.”
“You the motherless boy” said he loudly “Throw away the useless thoughts.”
At this time a sweet song began spraying from the Krishna-Temple: in the
drama the boy Krishna was singing praising his mother, Yasoda Devi:
Is the Earth heavier?
Mother is the heavier
Is the sun higher?
Father is the higher.
He heard the song silently for some times.
“I am also a creature of this Earth” said he loudly “Now the works have been
finished. It has been coming by working this long time of five years more. But
today I have finished all my works. I have to go away from here.
But what is the use to you. What is your next higher stage of life to be
promoted? Your friends have already passed many trades and taken permanent
lives. When will your life stay to your station?”
The time came the night. There was no any single sound at the heart of the
meadow or garden. The music from the Temple too had already ended. The
wave of this tranquil night was impacted at times by the flapping wings of bats
and the crying of owls made a thrill. The waves of his thoughts too came
down. And an image was gradually studded on his mind. From the sky the
charming faces of his love shining vastly descent towards him.
Looking at her he said “While I am working the hot sunlight turns to
moonlight, the heavy rains to ambrosia and the charming face of my love too
bright more and more. But from a far the never ending song of human society
is singing: the chirping echoes from the dark corner of the Samtan society, the
downward breathing along the cliff of the society, the dry air emanated from
the hollow walls of the society, the tardy striding with heavy breathings in the
dark. The air has brought the smells of the small flower that is falling off its
petals next by next”.
The shining face of Laysana came down vastly from the sky to cover the
above of the meadow. Then the young man would say:
Your face is studded dots
Of the broken society.
When the face is enlightened
By the blazing diamonds
And the hairs are sporadically
Blew by the warm winds
From the perfect society
I will see your lovely face.
It was the late tranquil night. All citizens of the city were sleeping well. The
moon too was descent on the western sky. He rescued from his tiredness. His
eyes opened with a new judgement. The full moon calmly smiled at him. The
stars were twinkling. He looked at the full appearance of the universe for a
while. Then he awaked up and sit properly. His face turned around: to see the
silvery vast garden he was encouraged for new hopes of life. His face was
brightened more and more by the silvery rays reflected from the tiny waves of
the moat.
“Ha-Ha, I see” laughed the young man “The tempest has gone. The clouds are
no more in the sky and the weeds too no more in the water”.
When he stood up, the never ending song began to sing loudly from a far.
“The time has arrived” said the young man “Now I am directing to Samtan.”
He pushed up the raft on land, keeps it at a situated place. Then holding the
digger with his right hand saluted the big stone and began striding slowly
towards the eastern gate. The wind stopped its motion. All plants of the
meadow were standing silently, falling off the dew drops like tears. The waves
were no more. The vast water surface of the moat kept in silence and
motionless. The big stone, the goddess of the meadow was looking at him
silently as thinking: “It is ended. The picture will be no more again on my lap
except the sights of memories of all the golden acts.”
The young man had closed the gate behind.
“He has gone. The garden becomes a meaningless and empty now” thought
the entire universe.
The full moon too couldn’t look more at the garden. It descent behind the hill
as saying “The cinema is ended from today”


Owing to the Bird’s flight away
When the Pombi returns
Owing to unknown its bower
The bird has been maddened.
Laysana could pass WA.S examination at the first position keeping a new
world record. Her name spread widely in the world. She became a known
person. And many govt. departments and companies welcomed her.
It is very important to mention about her examination. She could pass it at her
second attempt. At first she had failed this examination due to lack of social
knowledge (Sociology). The subject of General Course includes the
fundamentals all subjects: art, science, mathematics, geography, sociology,
moral science etc. So a question about it may be unseen in books i.e.
numerous unseen questions may be arisen in the examination. So she was in
confusion about sociology for a long time that she could not get the perfect
clue for developing the said knowledge. She had excellent marks of all
subjects except this one.
But she was enlightened by Manlay’s letter which explained:
“....... Laysana, there are numerous poor’s, beggars, handicaps, labours,
orphans and miseries in different parts of the world. You must go to them and
join in their works. Then you can get the exact social knowledge which can’t
be found from your books ........”
She opened her eyes. She began turning her life to a social worker as well as
regained the progressive knowledge of her weak subject, Sociology quickly.
As well as, at her second attempt at the next year she could pass the biggest
examination smoothly.
To mention about her interview examination was the most enchanting
remarkable. There were ten members in the interview-room. The members
asked many kinds of questions to her. And she replied quickly and correctly
the all answers. That was a beautiful chamber in which the flame of education
was burning highly. Many wonderful questions shot like the numerous suns.
But Laysana reflected her answers like the calm and silvery full moons in the
sky of knowledge. Laysana with her high personality faced the all members
respectfully, happily, interestingly and smoothly like a happy journey
approaching to the target.
At last the chairman asked her a question
Chairman : Laysana, please measure rightly the longest distance of the
difference of a society.
Laysana : “Sir, it is the distance between the high less level i.e. the
surface of the Earth and top of the high mansion
Chairman : Explain please
Laysana : Yes Sir, The pretty child is shining on the top of the mansion,
is being shot numerously by a camera from the flying
helicopter while the child is demanding new toys and new
sweets. At the same time a homeless orphan child is standing
on the surface of the earth with his burning stomach for a
mouthful only. As the top of the mansion increase in height
the distance between the two children also will increase in
Everybody’s faces were enlightened
Another Member : A wonderful change i.e. your knowledge ascends so
fast in a short period. A brief explain about it.
Laysana : By remembering a social character: the young man, the
orphan, the motherless, the defeated soldier, the worker . . .
. . . . . His works and typical true words of artless opened
my eyes naturally to look into facets of the modern world
and my life has turned to a social worker. Now my new
winged wishes are flapping eagerly to fly into his world.
(She can’t proceed: tears shows the real answer)
Chairman : Okay, what is your aim after passing this examination?
Laysana : Sir I will try to become a social worker, dedicate my life for
different affected peoples at the upcoming Acid Rain and
to build up the high mansion of the lowest society.
Chairman : On the best and good luck. Thank you.
All members too praised her.
Laysana was arranging happily for returning to home in the hope of meeting
the young man. This new hope made her crazy for a time, a sudden mood of
singing or dancing happily at any time, and place. She bought new special
clothes and other things for him.
With her triumph of education and with the new hope she was directing to her
state on a flight.
The plane was approaching the heart of the city. She was dreaming for making
her new romance with him. But her dream was disturbed by a sight of
wonderful garden. She was maddened as flying over the ocean of garden. She
remembered his some words:
“You would see a beautiful garden and tell me the looks of the garden.....”
Tears ran down never endingly to fall off sporadically over the petals of the
blossoming flowers.
No sooner had she reached home she looked for Manlay. When she heard the
news of Manlay, the blooming hope fell off suddenly, the clothes and the
things fell off sporadically on the ground that she began falling down
murmuring the words “It was yesterday: It was the meadow. The bird has left
its bower, the beloved, it is today. The meadow has turned to a beautiful
garden now I can see your identity. The soul returns remembering its life, the
bower. But the time has gone: the life has gone.”
The garden grew rapidly to bloom all its thousands of faces that impacted the
city. Many movements of people came: Many pressures were coming to
Laysana for opening the garden.
One day Laysana came towards the eastern gate of the meadow. The crowd
followed her. At the top of the gate there were writing clearly some words:
This garden is a love message
The blooming flowers are the words
I am the worker, the maker of this love.
Everybody read the words astonishingly. Laysana couldn’t read the words
completely: tears ran down as seeing the hidden expressions of the young
When she cut the ribbon the people made a lot of sudden noises of happiness.
But she couldn’t hear the all sounds except the echoing words from the
meadow, the garden.
She opened the garden. She said to the crowd “The former meadow is changed
into a huge garden. And the deity welcomes all. Please enter, and take a rest
without fear.”
The peoples mingled in the flowers of the garden.
Peoples eat the fruitages
His works are blooming
She is maddened with the aroma.


Samtan is a small land in a jungle towards the west direction that extends afar
from the city. It is inhabited by a small community which are the origin people
of the city. At past i.e. during the last about fifty years they were driven away
gradually by the outsiders from the city. At first this community settled in the
city with full population. They were spending there happily with simple
livings. They were not skills in various trades and economic lines. The
outsider population increased day by day and they are more skills in all
economic lines and in all trades. They opened numerous business centres in
markets, towns and mobile business men and worker reached every nook and
corners of the city. All the economic lines and the life lines of the state could
be captured by the outsiders. At last they were majority in votes.
Due to the downfall of economic and population the indigenous people could
not compare the non-indigenous people in all trades. The poor people began
stepping towards the western thick forestry hills for their livelihood.
In Samtan the people were facing many problems of wanting foods, oils,
medicines, clothes etc.
At summer they suffered mostly from the malaria’s invasion. And mostly they
were operated from time to time by the devils of the juggler. There was no any
proper door or life line.
At former time the people had lived freely and happily, because there had been
a route connecting the world. The route was the only one to cross a valley of
one square kilometre sized. The other sides were spreader with barriers of high
hills and rough stone buildings. This meadow is the only one door of Samtan.
But the juggler closed the door by making his shelter. The famous juggler had
been setting a fire endlessly producing wonderful and fearful dark clouds of
covering the valley layer by layers. The place turned to a dark place like a
cave. Thus the juggler had been reigning with his mighty in the jungle. None
of the world could reach there.
The young man was approaching Samtan. He had travelled by foot five
hundreds kilometres more from the city. He was mingled in the deep-jungle. It
was beautiful night of full moon. Holding the spade with his right hand he
climbed up the top of a hill. He took rest there seeing the jungle-looks of the
night. It was the highest peak. The valley lands, the city mingled in the stars.
In the silvery waves of the moon the natural beauties created the universal
civilization. The jungle too perfect: on the faces of the hills ignored gently and
calmly with the tall and shady trees. The wavy peaks gradually descent
towards the eastern sky.
The young man was seeking something. But he never found it. He spent ten
days there. He continued his destination. Sometimes he looks closely at dark
or bush direction. He began eating vegetables and fruits found there. When he
heard the sound of roaring tiger he ran fast along the direction of the sound.
But he did not find any tiger.
One day, while he was walking a tiger sprang up suddenly from a bush. It was
an enormous tiger of black coloured. With a great surprise he looked at the
tiger. The tiger too stood in front of him. They could see clearly to each other.
“You the tiger” he said “That none of the world can kill the magician except
you, the black tiger, and the king of this jungle; have a power of a deity: that I
had learned your entire story from a monk. I want to kill the magician. Help
me please”.
At this moment the tiger roared fearfully with its burning eyes and jumped
upon him suddenly. In time he dashed away his step on left. He escaped from
the tiger’s paws. The ghost turned angrily and boldly towards him. Holding
the spade tightly with his right hand he stood carefully looking at the
enormous cat.
He said “A son born on one day; will die never on two.”
The tiger roared like thundering to tremor the jungle. He became angry to see
the enormous reddish teeth and the jaws. His mind controlled the sound and
read the steps and position of the opponent for fighting. The cat shot a jump on
him with the tremendous roared. But the young man broke its target: his left
leg stepped forward advance and simultaneously he blew the spade with his
mighty right hand towards the face of the cat. The paws couldn’t resist it, the
metal struck into the opening mouth of the tiger. At once he gave a force with
the stalk in the cave that the spade was tightly fixed to resist of any movement
of the jaws. The tiger couldn’t escape from the spade and the mouth couldn’t
close or open more again. The ghost cried loudly and nervously, sprang up and
moved backward trying to escape from the spade. In this way the fighting
passed four hours. Sweats ran down on his face. The cat couldn’t do any other
act. The crying of the cat began
slower and slower. He was holding the stalk of the spade very tightly with his
hands as well as looking closely at the face of the tiger. The cat’s eyes began
to slip away from that of the young man.
“I have worked many kinds of works” said he to the tiger “It is also my work
to save the small community of human being. I will kill the anti-social, the
magician, a famous leader of the modern world and I will not leave you”.
The tiger cried a little angrily.
Now the young man had a plan that he could force the tiger to move forward
with the help of the spade. The tiger approached gradually a great steep-
dropping of about one thousand feet depth. At last they were at the edge of the
steep. The tiger cried helplessly. But the young man pushed the spade forward
that the tiger began escaping from the horizontal surface. Now the big tiger
was ready only quietly to fall down of one thousand foot depth. Its half of the
body was hanging with the help of the spade only. The metal of the spade
began clashing the teeth of the tiger. He held the spade tightly and carefully as
looking at the eyes of the animal. He was ready only to drop the tiger. It was
calm down quietly now. Its eyes winkled at his glance and the head shook a
little sometimes, that seemed informing to save its life.
He was looking at the appearance of the tiger for some moments. He could see
tears arisen on its eyes.
“May I be a friend of yours?” asked the young man “Can you help me? Do
you know my destination?”
The great head shook a little as reply. Then the young man drew up the spade
that the tiger climbed up again. He took out the spade from its mouth slowly
and carefully. He treated the tiger like a beloved friend. The tiger jumped,
licked him happily. They took a long rest. Then the cat ran away.
After about half an hour the tiger came back as roaring. When he turned to the
direction he saw a numerous tigers led by the king, the black tiger.
Like a large troop of army, that the numerous tigers covered the jungle
approaching him. The black commander sat in front of the young man as
waiting an order from him. As looking at the tigers he thought:
“All are fit and healthy and intelligent ones. They were at wrong turn that they
never stood against the magician before. But they turn right now.”
The black tiger made a cry when the young man stood up. Then the tigers
began moving towards the west. He followed the tigers. The tigers know the
secret route.
They entered a cave. He couldn’t see anything in the cave. But he rode on the
tiger as riding to protect from any dangers.
At 2 AM they came out at the heart of the camp of the magician. He looked
secretly at the place: he could see the mighty magician was sleeping near a
wonderful huge fire, the numerous armies who were sleeping and the ten
holding loaded guns who were sitting together.
With a sudden thundering roared the tigers invaded the camp in seconds.
Anybody couldn’t remember to use their weapons. He could see clearly how
the tigers were intelligent, fierce, fast and strong, that measured beyond his
mind. The black tiger jumped upon the magician and killed him. The tigers
attacked directly on their necks. The bloods streamed on the vast surface. In
few minutes the whole army had been killed totally. The numerous breeding
corps were lying everywhere. He counted: they were three thousands and
thirty including the magician.
The young man poured down water on the fire. The layers of the darkness
began to break down. The sprites flew away freely as praising him.
The sun of Samtan arose spreading lights. The people could see the dark
clouds flying upwards. And they came there with wonder.
The sun lights spread vastly on the surface of the valley after a long time. The
crowd approached the place. They could see the new era: the valley, the door
had already opened now, the magician had been killed, the numerous corps
lying, the uncountable weapons and guns, a large treasure of money bundles,
gold and precious stones and the most wonderful, the young man with a spade
standing with huge group of tigers.
Afterwards, the door was opened again. He joined the people in all trades.
With the greatest rejoice of the golden era the whole people of Samtan began
working tirelessly with the young man. They learned the morals, nature,
styles, persistence, thinkers and working-habits of the young man. Throwing
the concept of leadership they worked together in different trades with
understanding and unity. They threw the natures of arguments and simple
living with laziness. As well as they thought about the young man as an
ambassador of the God.


Alice’s declaration; the acid rain would arrived shortly. The antediluvians began at
different parts of the Earth. At first the extinction of rain took place in different
countries. As a result famine occurred globally. As well as water problem Increased day
by day. The sky was scattered by the voices of the different countries. The global
temperature increased causing dry wind blows and sudden cyclones.
All leaders, scientists, government machineries, NGOs, companies, defences
(infantry, naval, Air force) businessmen, doctors, engineers, police, sportsmen,
film maker, modeller, designer, medias, politicians and others couldn’t face the
invader. Day by day people increased to die.
The miseries of the world couldn’t be looked at more by a poet that he began
thinking about water for writing.
But the wrathful sky declared “It is the reaction of your action, you the
thoughtful creature. New invaders too will arrive just now.”
A phenomenon occurred on sky. There were lightening on the cloudless sky: It
could be seen clearly at nights. The layers of atmosphere clashed each other. It
was the result of extinction of ozone layer. Creatures on the Earth ran away
from the sunlight seeking shady areas. As well as the hot and dry winds were
blowing everywhere. U.V.R and I.R. rays of the sun invaded freely on the
surface of the earth. Human nations couldn’t escape from the invaders. The
new miseries increased more and more. The increment of global temperatures
caused a fearful change.
Human life is the only up and down. During the reign of the king from the sky
the human nation had a perfect one. Everybody had taken the advice of the
The Hero-sima had advised “We must work happily to result the universal
product. The product is the civilization ignored with natural lights. The peace
is the happiness of life, the nature is the master, the law is the food and
knowledge is the universal power to make the universal civilization. Human
being is the creator of it”.
But after the failure of the Hero-sima the world had changed in various ways
creating enemies and enemies. U.N.O. could not control the all movements of
all the countries. In a country the political parties began to play many secret
roles and unrightfully games for their getting majority and leadership. There
was no any training centre, institute for learning or examination for befitting a
candidate; it is needed in a democratic country. Owing to the dream of money
people played many games and established many systems of business,
factories and industries. The luxurious things, new clothes, latest vehicles, cars
etc and the development of films, sports, education etc increased day by day.
In a city many events of rejoices, crimes, festival had broken out daily. People
had lived happily in latest models of life styles. It had been the happy life of
the day before heaven. In city restaurants had opened daily the great functions
of modern dances and songs. Numerous ladies and gents had joined it. The
ghosts liked figures had dancing and singing. In the Olympic game nations
had united that the flags had flying around the stadium. It had the game spirits
that thousands of voices had clashed the sky of the stadium.
But it was the Hell which was the day. That all the modes of happy, desire,
love, enemy, competitions flew away together. No one came to cinema halls.
Restaurants kept at silent. The romantic echoes no more on sea-shores. The
Miss contest had been postponed. The games were no more in the big
The tiresome legs were going madly for sheltering, seeking water. Animals ran
from place to place. People tended to run off the sunlight. Somebody took
shelter in caves like the ancient age. The wealthy people threw out bundles of
money for the preparation of pulling up the underground water.
Sometimes it was happened: A person asked to a woman for a litre of water
exchanging a lot of money.
But the woman replied “No, I am sorry. I can’t remember of money now.
There is only one litre of water. I remember it only to keep reserve for my
beloved son.”
It was proved that all things stand for love.
A new misery too arrived again UVR; IR rays caused a kind of disease. Plants
had changed in colour. The leaves became dry and twist. Some kinds of skin
diseases spread on human bodies. The disease acted changing skin colour by
spotting numerous whites like that of a leopard. This disease spread to
thousands of people. And in some places the disease of skin cancer was
In a great assembly of U.N.O. had judged that all the human kind couldn’t live
on the Earth except the southern Asia and the southern Himalayas. It was the
time of taking shelter at there.
The time too just came that Alice had declared. The largest invader began
covering the sky to invade on the earth’s surface. It was the enormous flame of
deluge. The atmospheric layers had been being covered by acid compounds
due to the increment of sulphur dioxide, methane gas, chlorides and nitrous
compounds etc. As a result the huge water vapours had formed red clouds
which had covered already in the sky of USA, Japan, Canada, Europe,
northern China, South America and central Asia. Then there was no sight of
sun. The global temperature increased suddenly. Dry winds began blowing
fearfully. The jungles were operated by it clashing the woods. It destroyed,
houses crops and kills animals.
Televisions were announcing:
“Our deluge period has arrived now: The acid rain will pour for 10- 15 years.
After this period the all living things will no more on the Earth for a long
period of fifty years. Thus our great reasoning way of extinction of human
being is in front of us. But such rain may not reach to the Southern Himalayan
lands like the eastern India and the western Myanmar. Because its atmosphere
is clear and the land is surrounded with numerous green hills.”
The reddish clouds descent covering the earth’s surface, as well as the acid
rain falls abundantly everywhere. People had left already their homes,
villages, towns, cities and countries. The India and Myanmar were flooded by
the sea of man. On the sky the huge airbuses and helicopters were approaching
these two countries like bevies. The fleets of ships were directing to the Indian
Ocean. The Indians and Burmese welcomed all the foreigners and took share
of the miseries.
Laysana had set up a great volunteer organisation: “Combine Rapid Force”
which was working with great active and smart by treating or helping the
affected peoples in different ways. Laysana reached recently to every camp
and hospitals to serve and look into the problems foreigners.
After thirteen months the clouds began covering on these two countries. The
masses madly doubt with fear.
Now the millions of people were moving towards the Eastern India and from
the Myanmar the people were travelling too towards the west. All together
directed to a hill land: The numerous helicopters were flying endlessly
transporting the sickness and tiresome peoples to the hill land. The large
troops of various nationalities were travelling a long journey. The tiresome
peoples had crossed many streams and rivers and they climbed up the barriers
of hills through woods. Laysana and her party helped and guided them.
When they had passed the nine barriers of hills, a beautiful green valley could
be seen at a far. All eyes descent downward surprisingly towards the green
land. It was the lap of mother Earth. The blue sky covered such beloved
bower. When the cool air never had found before the day began strike the
tiresome bodies to spring up with a hope of new life. As looking at such land
of natural dream the streams of love ran down from the eyes.
Laysana said
”It is our small valley and also our small city of without fear acid rain or Ultra
Violate of the sun”
Then they returned to such thick forestry hills: the natural beauties leaving
behind their high towers, building, factories, attractive hotels, blazing cities.
From all slopes the sea of people descent downward directing towards the
valley as singing loudly the song:
Oh mother greenish valley,
Colourful natives, cultures
Guarded by green-leaves.
Oh natural civilization
Let us sit on your lap.
Oh mother fenced
By barrier-hills,
Guarded by mighty woods.
Oh bower of mankind.
Let us sit on your lap.
All human beings began to live there peacefully without fear of acid rain,
UVR and IR rays of sunlight. Many organisations and youths of the native
were practicing the social works to help the foreigners in various ways.
After some days the tiresome and illness peoples got improve and live happily.
The most remarkable arose as the moonlit that everybody praised Laysana, the
known learned young girl, the leader of the youths who wore always the
perfect womanish dresses of the custom. That her tireless spirits working
whole days and nights for serving the peoples and the shining eyes of
motherly remembered everybody. Many NGOs and the all national
governments waited always her voices.
Some elder persons said to her:
“You are the same in quality and capacity and in all acts that not a different
from Alice, the supreme social worker.”


At Samtan Manlay had finished the various works. The road construction had
been completed in two years. It was the first communication opened since a
long time. That it could connect the neighbouring.
The young man was looking with a joyfulness spirit at the numerous bullock-
carts which were coming carrying goods and some people of foreigners after a
long journey travelled from the city. Children made noises to see the new
things and the foreigners.
The crowd of different peoples were coming at a procession.
The villagers gave fruits and water to them.
Now the young man could hear the sad news from the foreigners.
“So yours cutting trees vastly, blazing cities, factories of clothes, colour-
paints, cosmetics, vehicles, ships, aeroplanes and many other uncountable
factors were the causes of the coming acid rain.” Said Manlay:
“Didn’t the government make green cities, factories of pure substances, air
ozone, water, plants and animals? Those are the great defence of forces of the
They were keeping their eyes on him with wonder as hearing the words.
He thought so much about the great misery of the world. He wondered about
the acid rain and remembered Laysana and the garden which was the soul
made by him.
“I can’t understand what to do about the acid rain” he said “It is not a magic”
After a great farewell Manlay had left behind Samtan. The Samtan people
couldn’t forget him. As the moon, the sun and the stars are shining in the sky
he will be shining in the sky of Samtan.
He was stepping boldly directing towards the city. The spade was being hold
with his right hand. He travelled a long journey, met many foreigners at
different places of such forestry hills.
He was aiming the garden and the young girl, Laysana. He bore the real face
of the citizenship of visionary society and the thousands of universal status.
He was not alone.
The acid rain continued covering the whole countries. It had destroyed the
cities. Millions of animals were killed. Sometimes the huge acid streams
entered the internal parts of the Earth’s crust. When it reached the internal
molten hot streams of the earth produced a fierce reaction causing a sudden
change of temperature. As a result a series of volcano eruptions and
earthquakes took place in various parts of the world. The earthquakes
destroyed merely various building, towers, and bridges. It destructed a
numerous lakes, rivers, villages, cities and various lands are buried. Cities,
fields, woods are burned by the hot lavas.
On the other hand the Acid Rain eroded numerous upper parts or roofs of
buildings, towers, bridges. And it brought a faint of plants, forests animals and
men. It caused too the increment of atmospheric temperature to produce
mighty cyclones which destroyed and threw apart the things of the world.
Thus the Acid Rain was covering the different parts of the Earth.
One day Laysana was standing on the top of her mansion as looking at the
appearance of the garden. Peoples of different nations were gathering here
happily. As looking at such union she could hear the echoing words messaged
from the garden as remembering the young man.
Tears ran down on her cheeks endlessly as she said “I am waiting you, I am
dreaming a long time come, come to me, you the worker, the maker of love.”
The deluge clouds began approaching this state. The metrological had
declared about the warning of the acid rainfall. The reddish clouds never seen
before the day covered the small city. The dry winds were blowing fearfully.
People felt tremor looking at the fearful mighty enemies on the sky.
At this time, on the top of the mansion Laysana was looking at the garden and
saying “You, the garden that the crystal drops which fell off the lucent body
never endingly that bloomed into flowers. You are the symbol of full sacrifice,
full of expressions, thousands of social status. You are not simple garden. But
you will be vanished: I can’t save you.”
At this zero hour she couldn’t see any human being in the garden and on the
streets. Peoples had already run to their homes. The chirping birds were flying
swiftly from the Eastern sky. Suddenly she saw acid rain at a far of the eastern
side. Like the deluge fire the acid rain fell abundantly spreading swiftly
towards the west. Laysana’s tearing eyes kept a look at the appearance of the
garden and then fell down unconsciously.

The horrible rain spread approaching the garden aiming to vanish it. But at this
moment, “Dung...” the mighty sound of a bomb-blast on the sky startled the
city. At once the acid rain was stopped completely.
Such bomb blasts occurred at series on the sky and continued the blast
spreading on the skies of different countries of the world that the acid rain was
no more again on the earth. Everybody ran out and looked at the sky.
Some phenomenon took place on the sky: as a result of the bomb blasts: There
were thundering on the sky and dancing vastly the lightening. The earth’s
surface was brightening more. The reddish clouds were quashed gradually.
After sometimes, on the sky there were no more thunders, lightening and the
reddish clouds: The sky became blue and clear.
Suddenly all human beings thrilled of something changing that all the tiresome
human beings seemed to revive again. That, the new cool winds began
blowing to everywhere; yielding the aromas of a new life. It was the gift of
perfection of the atmosphere that the ozone layer regains now. As well as the
dark clouds appeared on the sky. After a while the clouds covered the sky.
Something changed in temperature: it was the indication of raining. Suddenly
rains of water poured down on the earth’s surface.
All things lying apart, all lovely creatures and all lost human beings were
startled with the greatest rejoice in life. All the creatures ran out to get the rain.
Youths and children began dancing and jumping in rain happily. Elders too
joined them happily. The cows and calves were running everywhere raising its
tails high like the flags of victory.
The day was the greatest day of unity. It was the natural action. This
joyfulness spirit made the unity. On the broad lawn surface of the garden the
people of all nations and communities were holding their hands to each other
began dancing in the rain at the same wave, at the same face, at the same
glance and at the same voice:
Glitter, glitter
Shining, shining
Let us chant
The name of Mother,
Bluish, bluish
Greenish, greenish
The Earth.
Pigging back her child
Climbs up the hot ridges,
Comes down into the cold lake.
Oh Mother worry no more;
The brothers who advertise
To works together without
Charges, racism and religious.
Spray fully the blood rain
Of your sons in the fields;
From old seeds budding
New Perfect World.
It had been raining fully since morning at different parts of the Earth. All
living and non-living things are awakened. Everywhere the streams of water
had cleared to brighten the surface of the earth.
It was 7 P.M. At the city the rain had been stopped. From the high mansion
Laysana was looking at the people who were gathering happily and noisily in
the silvery garden. Then she looked at the sky. The sky had been opened
clearly. The heavenly stars were shining. Amongst them from the deep sky
saw a ray. She looked astonishingly at it. The ray was gradually crossing the
sky directing towards the city. All noises were ended. With quite silent the
people looked at the wonderful object. The movement of the light was
directing towards the garden, stopped and suddenly it focused a multi coloured
light forming the figure of a young man with a spade like a statue on the tip of
the mound in the garden. The whole people could see it. Within some
moments the appearance became clear and clear to see.
Laysana couldn’t believe her eyes.
“It is he, Manlay, the beloved young man” said she surprisingly:
“Is it a dream?”
At such lightening and golden act: the young man stood bravely holding the
He works in the field
Of the universe
The shining stars
Are emanated from
All parts of his body.
At this time the young man was approaching the gathering place, of the
garden. He too looked at the screen like a dream and suddenly saw too a vision
in mind about his breathless body lying under water.
“What is it?” asked the young man
“It is my appearance! Is it a cinema or a magic beyond my mind?
He became a little dizzy, couldn’t regain any consciousness about the two
different views.
At this moment on the western sky appeared a bright huge star. Everybody
looked at it with a great wonder. It seemed the ray was originated from this
bright star. Within some moments it widened into a huge size on the sky.
Suddenly someone cried loudly
“The Hero-sima! Look, Look it comes back again after a long time. The King
From The Sky, The King From The Sky.”
The thousands of people, all the leaders, the scientists, all the known persons
were gathering together surprisingly and with tearing eyes spread their hands
upward to welcome the Hero-sima.
Then the king from the sky came down on the Earth. With a huge blazing light
the spaceship was descending towards the city. The large ship gradually
covered the whole sky of the city. With the greatest noises the crowd were
praising the Hero-sima as looking at its vast appearance.
The ship moved slowly a little towards the west, changed its position inclining
a little degrees and stood at rest just above the garden and building
Laysana looked at such rare views: a result of his work: the beauties
The statue of light on the mound
Universalities display golden acts
In the garden shining under
The blazing roof
From the surface of the ship numerous antigravity-crafts appeared and all flew
away to different directions. Afterwards a craft too appeared directing to the
garden. The craft descent on the surface in front of the crowd, from it lit out a
beautiful lady who came back on the earth’s surface after a long time. “Alice”
burst the crowd at a union as gathering near her. Everybody was weeping to
see the beloved lady who was the supreme worker of the earth. With their
happiness spirits they welcomed her sweetly.
“Everything is right my brothers” said Alice to the crowd
“Our Hero-sima had been revived to ever success that the Supreme Computer
is fit at all now. The fail will no more again. Mother Earth has been saved by
defeating the deluge, the acid rain. And from the ship the ambrosia will be
poured down on everywhere that all kinds of problems will be measured
merely in short duration, worry no more”.
No sooner had she spoken she saw someone: The young man was coming
towards the direction and then stood, turned again his face at the mound
The crowd too startled as seeing him. They looked at the appearance on the
screen and at him again wonderfully.
“It is he, this young man, the heavenly body” said they to each other.
Alice came nearer him. He didn’t see anybody, his eyes kept looking at
the bright figure which was standing on the tip of the mound. Besides he
could see his breathless body lying under water.
“But it is the mound, not water “thought himself:
“It has disappeared, but appears again. It is an illusion, why? I can’t
remember it. I should try to find it out”
He tried to regain his consciousness, never saw the crowd and Alice. The eyes
kept straight looking at the bright figure standing on the mound.
Alice’s heart was struck to see the young man.
“You, the human being I have been searching since a long time” thought
herself :
“I asked three questions. But I couldn’t get the answer. In my work, only for
searching you, I have been rolling. Today I have found the answer. It is
you. It is you...just now, just standing in front me. I see you clearly and
broadly. You are wandering at your image.
The crowd watched Alice and the young man. Alice was striding rounding
him and dreaming. Her appearance turned to a charming brighten woman. Her
romantic eyes bore the most beauty as earthly princess. Such rare appearance
could be seen at this golden moments by the crowds only.
Manlay suddenly regained his consciousness : he remembered : the fighting
with a snake, the act of cutting the head with his spade and the headless
snake which had coiled his legs, dragged him down into the water.
He was startled with a sudden thrill, became afraid the place and felt a
great shy. He wished to disappear or leave off the garden. He turned away
from the mound and began to move backward.
But Alice moved nearer and stood quietly in front of the young man. She
looked calmly with a sweet smile at him. She kissed his cheek sweetly and
said “My sweet, you are the only key to open the door for measuring the
world. Now listen to me that the narrations.”
But Manlay looked at her astonishingly and thought himself:
“What a beautiful woman! I have never seen her”
Then he said “But I don’t know you. Please tell me your name. ”
“I am Alice” said she with a sweet smile “Well, tell me your lovely name”
“Manlay” said he with a glance her romantic eyes.
“Hey Man lay” said Alice loudly and smilingly “I fall love to you.”
Then he turned up surprisingly. He looked at her face with a distorted
mind, felt love Alice’s romantic eyes and charming face enthusiastically.
She felt love his human identity, nature, reality and beauty.
“You love a ghost” He said, then, he laughed and laughed seriously.
Somebody among the crowd said “He become crazy in love”
Alice said jokingly “Joking me? Naughty boy. If so, you are not a human
“Yes I am not a human being” said he with a great laughter.
“I am also not a human being” said Alice and then joined the laugh.
Manlay stopped laughing and said “Say again what you said”
“Yes I am an artificial human being” said Alice as laughing.
The crowd was startled by his a sudden great laughter.
“Artificial human! Ha ha. Man makes man. You are the great funny. Ha ha,
ha.” He said with a great laughter. Then the two persons laughed tremendously
and endlessly.
Someone said “It is excellent funny”
They too laughed as watching the two.
Then Alice could see the black spot on his left wrist and asked him “What is
this black spot? A disease, is don’t?”
Manlay looked at his left wrist and said “Oh I see, you have introduced a joke
too. It is a hurt caused by an act of a great economic friend. It is a long story of
seven to eight years ago. But I am very tired by great laughing; I can’t tell
the story”
Someone from the crowd said “It seems interesting one, tell the story please”
“Hi my sweet, narrate the funny story” said Alice to him.
Manlay thought himself for a moment “I have never met such funny life. It is
my first and last hour. I should share these guys.”
Then Manlay said with a bright face “Okay, at first I am introducing the
occupation of the friend. That, my friend was a great economic or miser and
was an unlucky businessman. One day he went to northern lands for trading,
reached England. At England met Elizabeth and then, got back.
He bought a set of Walky-Talky from Tokyo; refused to sell it $1 dollar lost
that got back home by charging $3for transportation. He had economically
disliked about being lost $1from capital price.”
They clapped and laughed.
Manlay continued
“One late night I was going through woods without any light. It was
quite dark that I couldn’t walk speedy; as directing towards the beach, the east.
Suddenly I saw a bright light beam of a torch coming towards me from
the southern way. I was very happy, the torch holder was the friend.
When he approached near me the light was off. We were heading together
towards the east. I told him to shoot the light. But he refused, didn’t switch on
the torch again. Because he disliked the light to be lightened towards my
side from the only his torch. While walking at such dark forest I fell
down due to stumble and my left wrist was hurt which is black spot.
At dawn we came out from the forest that we could see the beautiful
beach. I could see uncountable numerous bees were flying in the air
above the seashore. We changed our wearing clothes, then we dived in
to the sea water and played in water for long time. We caught some
At a situated place we arranged for cooking. He brought firewood from the
forest nearby the beach. I made burning the firewood. I have no any pot or
plate. He refused to take out the utensils. I scolded and beat him. At this,
three bees flew down and looked at me for long time . He wept for a
while and then took out the utensils from his big bag.
We took the lunch together happily. Then we took a rest for long time. We
watched the various ships and the boats rowing in the sea.
At evening we amazed to see big crowd on the beach. We could see different
kinds of persons : doctors, engineers, sportsmen, film actors, actresses and
different kinds of peoples : English, Germany, Japanese, French, American,
Indians, Chinese, Burmese, and others of different communities or different
countries : India, Japan, England, Myanmar, America, Africa, Russia, Arab,
Canada, German, France and others.
A large group young men of different countries were sitting together at a
side of the beach. They were drinking wine, as talking together at different
topics. From the group one said:
“Hey, Mr. India. Am I wrong? Those Japanese women are very taking care
herself to useless.”
‘Yes you are right” replied India to America
“But we should regard their traditional dresses”
Then America said slowly
“Yes I regard, we also have many traditional dresses”
They made a noise as clapping.
Then someone looking at the western horizontal sky suddenly cried “Look at
the sky, an amazing cloud. What seems it to look?”
They looked surprisingly at the beautiful cloud.
“It seems Japanese map” said Japan.
“No. It seems spaceship” said Spain.
“It is Asian map” said Asia
“It is Afghan map” said Africa.
“It is Africa map” said Afghanistan.
“It is Indigo “said India.
“It is Rainbow” said Rambo.
“It is Tarzan” said Tanzania
“It is King kong” said Hong kong
“It is Armada “said America
“It is Tornado” said Toronto
“It is Buffalo” said Bulgaria
“It is Cow” said Cowboy.
“It is China rose” said China.
“It is Valentine” said Vietnam
“It is a New Yacht” said New York
“It is Delta” said Delhi.
“It is Polo” said Poland
“It is Washing Machine” said Washington.
“It is Greek Statue” said Greek.
“It is Holy picture” said Holy Wood.
“It is Monk” said Mongolia.
“It is Bomber” said Bombay.
“It is Panda” said Pentagon.
“It is Brinjal” said Brazil.
“It is War “said Warsaw.
“It is Ether Island” said Netherlands.
“It is nothing “said Nottingham
They were arguing and scolding endlessly. Then they began standing up next
by next to fight and gathered pushing each other as shouting:
I am a sport man.
Yes, the champion from Pole?
I am a man.
From the land, Money Poor?
I am a brave man.
...looks: Hitler’s bodyguard.
Zulu stood up as saying
“I am Zuuu luuu”
“I am King kong” stood up Hong Kong
“Fight you at Monkey Style” said Mongolia.
“Do you want a marathon race in Africa forest? Challenged Africa.
“Shut up. It is dangerous. Can you compete to scrub the teeth of tigers in
zoo? Challenged Zulu.
“It is more danger. If you can, let’s compete to polish the skin of cobra” said
“...... Chinese Kungfu” said China.
“....... machine gun” said Michigan.
“........ bomber” said Bombay
“........ up a new film” said Holly wood.
“Top fire” said Tokyo.
“War is declared” cried Warsaw.
“You are. Nothing” cried Nottingham.
They began fighting against each other. But beach’s bees began biting
bitterly. They ran away leaving off the beach.”
They clapped with a great noise and laughter.
“Bravo! You are great entertainer” said Alice “Well, how old are you?”
“I am 18 to 22 years old.” He said “I don’t know exactly. Um I am an illiterate
“Okay” said Alice “Tell me your date of birth”
“Oh God” said Manlay “I don’t know exactly. The date of birth was 31 or
There was a great laughter.
Then Alice asked him “Then, what is the month of your birth?”
Manlay replied “Month! The month was Germary”
He was startled by a great laughter.
“Germary!” said Alice at wonder “Oh God. Don’t you know the names of
“I know six months only” He said.
“Okay count the names” said Alice.
Manlay turned around once and then counted the names “January, February,
Merwary, Deswary, Germary, Punjabi...”
“Okay, okay stop,” cried Alice as laughing.
The crowd laughed loudly He also laughed, as turning his face around the
His eyes were wandering the sights : the crowd including Alice, the bright
spaceship, the mound, the mansion of Laysana and the vast flowers of the
garden. His laughing turned to moistening eyes.
He suddenly remembered something about Alice’s words. He stopped
laughing and said to Alice quietly:
“Hi Alice, I think you said something at first, that you mentioned about a
narration. I can’t understand it”
Alice said smilingly
”Yes I did, I said it. But we were diverted by a new budding of romance
and by your excellent stories. Now listen to me.”
She told the golden story, the relative scenes of past: how to rebirth of the
Spaceship. As appearing a visionary humanism, all seemed like to heavenly
At this time on the Hero-sima numerous robots were talking for supplying
foods for the countries of the world. A robot was talking with the Super
Computer about the matter:
Robot: All are right. And ozone layer is also filled up again, as well as
there is no more any pollution in Atmosphere. Now, what about the food
problem of the world?
S.C.: No problem... that the plenty crops on the Hero-sima can feed the
whole population of the world for ten years. And all crops or plants can grow
properly again on the soils of the earth within three months.
Robot: Have you latest measure or news?
S.C.: I am looking on the earth. And I am calculating about the typical
measures of mankind.
My eyes can see a new phenomenon on the Earth. That can’t be seen by
human eyes:
After a long time
Mother earth emanates
Her lights Transparent
In the Universe.
Something is changed today
Robot: But, how does the light emanate?
S.C.: Earth is the mother of human beings who can think the supernal
thoughts and do with judgements. The light is the indication of perfectness
humanism because the earth’s appearance is the index of human society.
Look at their faces, gladness, speeches, behaviours, minds: that all heavenly
natures generate the supernal acts: Society is perfect: Today is the greatest
day: Universalities are playing the golden drama with their supernal acts.
Alice enjoys with them.”
At the city, at the centre, the young man was wondering to hear the Alice’s
narration and dreaming as looking at the appearance of the crowd, the blazing
spaceship and the lightening image of him on the screen or the mound. He did
not speak a word. He kept himself at silence. But he arose up like the Kailash
Mountain in the sky of the society.
“It is my un ridden” concluded Alice.
At this time Laysana had arrived and kept looking at him secretly from behind
a little girl, to see the face after a long time she was bearing hardly her beating
heart. She couldn’t approach him. She was waiting something and was
searching something in mind and reading the face. But the light became dark;
the moon had been already covered by the dark clouds.
As looking at the young man Alice said to him “I know ManlayLaysana is the
name of a beautiful orchid, parasitic flower of gold colour. Your name is
Manlay. There is a blank of Laysana, where is Laysana? I want to see the
union, the Manlay+Laysana”
“Here is” cried a little girl holding a bunch of orchid flowers. All turned
swiftly their faces to the girl.
For presenting the orchid flower the little girl moved toward Alice opening
behind the hidden face of Laysana:
The charming moon came out from the cloud looking at the Kailash Mountain.
“Laysana” called the crowd sweetly “Great surprise”
Laysana felt a shy, stood up from her sit. With a sweet smile Alice took the
orchid from the little girl and looked at Laysana who was moving towards the
young man.
With the high tides the mighty Sagar flowed over heading the Kailash
Mountain. But owing to a big obstruction the Sagar couldn’t flow forward and
backward again like a shaky tree operated by a storm of remembering a past
event. The on lookers kept at silence looking the tranquil battle of romance.
She was standing like a defeated soldier in front of him who is standing like
the Kailash Mountain.
A while passed, after reading the face of Laysana Alice started to think and
consoled herself:
“Oh Alice, the artificial female, you the great worker for mankind, dedicate
your life to your duty. Look at Laysana who is facing hardly in the battle field
of love. Don’t you see her dully face like a defeated soldier in front of this
young man? Help her, it is your duty now.”
Alice turned up towards the young man and said “Manlay, I have realized that
she loves you. I want to see the union of Manlay and Laysana.”
He appreciated all.
Then he said calmly to Laysana “I always welcome you, come to me Laysana,
my sweet, I give the all rightfully of your humanism. You may open or close
the door. By your feminist beauty open the door which was closed at past and
enter to my world. You should remember that the door can be opened by your
feminist charming face brighten by the blazing lights emanated from wealth,
gold’s and diamonds.
You know: I am the motherless, the child who was thrown behind: I am the
symbol of downfall of woman society in this world. I always create a supernal
limpid face of a woman society. Please show me such the face. Save your
society. Today is the golden day. Good society is the goal of every life. Union
of hearts is the foundation of a good society. Life is the short one. Be a make
the love, the supernal unity.”
Alice and the crowd were impressed to his words. On hearing his words, the
tree would stand properly, the storm was subsided. The tides were no more in
the Sagar. The image of the Kailash Mountain fell clearly on the Sagar.
Now, some persons carrying the two cages arrived there. All eyes kept on the
two cages. They put it properly in front of Laysana.
Laysana moved some steps to the cages and then opened the cages slowly one
by one. The blazing lights of different colours emanated from the gold and
diamonds in the cages as brightening the charming face. Laysana was
blooming in the light of blazing wealth as the wind blew the hairs sporadically.
The all onlookers thought that it was her success of an examination. All waited
the result from the young man.
Looking at the young man a gentleman of middle-aged said firmly:
“Manlay I am ready to give you my beloved daughter who is the lover to you
only and the large treasures of the two cages. That you can marry her and you
become a wealthy person.”
Alice and others praised him agreeing the proposals.
“Announce the result” said Alice to the young man.
“But is not over” he replied looking at Laysana.
All were at dilemma on hearing his words. Now all eyes turned to Laysana.
The girl was still looking at the diamonds and gold’s. Her bony fingers
touched the bright things. Suddenly the diamonds and gold’s seemed change to
the body of the young man.
Laysana stood up and said to the young man “Today I see here, that your
hidden flame. Today’s world is the full result of your hidden flame. I am
reporting it to the unknown world.”
Indicating her finger to the young man Laysana said to Alice “At past he lived
as a simple servant in our home. He had never interested in earning and the
ambition of future life. But his choice was a simple worker.”
As saying these words she looked at the face of the young man and then
turned to the direction of the garden. Everybody too traced to the direction of
her eyes.
She turned to Alice and said “He turned the fearful meadow to a huge garden.
I have seen his world. I am announcing that the hidden flame is nothing but it
is the love-flame of humanism. The time is coming after a long time. My life
did not do anything for him. Now I am wishing something. Alice you have
saved my heart, the garden from the acid rain. You are the social worker of the
world. I am presenting you these two cages that the wealth you may use for
“You give up the large wealth!” said Alice with wonder
“What kind of female you are? A woman always loves money, gold’s, wealth
Laysana replied “My face is brighten by the wealth is the meaning of my
bright works for the human beings by using the wealth i.e. not to use for the
self or myself and is the dependence of his wishful. As well as my love is not
the dependence of money or bright things. Love is the upmost. I give up all to
suck the nectar of my love. The wealth of the two cages are presented to the
Hero-sima is my love presentation and is my love message to him.”
“What a kind of romance!” said Alice “You rise up the woman society. You
are the perfect status of golden society of woman. I agree you. I will come on
your romantic way. The Hero-sima is also going on such high ways.”
Turning to the young man the girl said calmly “Please remember me that while
doing such work your face is smiling brightly in my heart. So I dedicate my
life for the human beings: It is my love message to you”.
She couldn’t speak further words more, but she read the face of the young
man. The Kailash Mountain lit up in the clear sky as opening the door to
welcome her.
The marks were no more on the face of love. It was the perfect result of the
society. As looking at Manlay and Laysana Alice could see in the sky of mind
that all the cloudy-spirits were already vanished, the sky became clear and
clear. In such sky arose the shining human beauty
Now the young man’s shooting eyes struck the gazing of the girl breaking
down the thousands of the dark walls making a new history of romance: the
youth’s generation. The winds brought the never ending song of the society
blowing her hairs sporadically. As gazing to each other, the inner tides rose up,
she couldn’t bear her heart:
The tides of the Sagar
Moves fast, Strike the foot
Of the Kailash Mountain.
When the girl fell down on the foot of the young man, the petals fell apart
sporadically. He took up her forming the petals to jewels glittering in his land
of heart. The girl reclined on him as falling off the fruit of the love. The moon
falls off the sky on the cliff of the Kailash Mountain:
On the solitary face
Of the Kailash Mountain’s cliff
The full moon appears
Hiding half way telling
The message of love.
Alice’s words concluded as seeing the union:
It were the green leaves
It is the unity
It is the love
Love is the Hero-sima
Now Alice’s words were spreading to everywhere “From today human
civilization will set in the golden shadows of natural environments, the
pollution no more, human right will grows freely, all evil political games will
be vanished, unnecessary economic programmes of countries for the arm-races
will be stopped by U.N.O. All the nuclear and chemical plans will be guided
on good ways. Remember that the Hero-sima is the greatest power of U.N.O.
Thank you all. Now the time comes for my duty”.
The two cages were kept into the little craft. Alice was amidst many peoples.
She shook hand one after another.
Laysana guided Alice towards the craft by holding hand. The other people
followed them.
But Manlay’s face changed to a different. His eyes began turning away one by
one from the surrounding things and then turned to far sights.
Alice had now embarked on the craft. People started bidding farewell to her by
waving their hands. Alice cast her last moment glance at the same way the
people do to her.
As the small craft slowly ascent everything become all quite. But the soft
words of Alice began to break the stillness “Now the time comes for my duty
to serve all countries”:
As I do love
I am off today
For tomorrow.
Within a few minutes the lightening statue was off the mound as well as the
Hero-sima began soaring up: the blazing lights dims that it had widen the
distance leaving off the city.
Laysana turned away from the sky and looked at her right side as saying “Let’s
go, Manlay...hay where you?”
Her eyes searched for Manlay. But she didn’t see him. Calling his name she
went from place to place.
The crowd too searched him by going to every place of the garden, to the
streets and to every nook and corner of the city. But nobody found him again.
He had regained his consciousness and disappeared a while before:
At just stopping of annihilation;
At this eve of the perfect world.
Everybody gathered hopelessly.
She continued and called never endingly by:
Manlay, Manlay, Manlay
*She begins to hear the clapping sounds as regaining the remembrance: the
day: The UN-Day – Celebration.
She looks at the happiness audiences; as striding slowly and gently towards
her sit, looks at the award: the bright figure that calls the inner burning heart
again and again: You are Manlay: the young man: the worker: the orphan.
The End

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