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In Tough Economic Times,

It’s Best to Stay the Course
By Tom Ostrander

Vice President, Human Resources
Sparrow Hospital & Health System

An important 3. Make sure your diversity/inclusion goals

aspect of organizational are measurable.
management is learning The saying, “measure what you treasure,” holds
to stay the course in true for diversity. State your objective in measurable
tough economic times. terms. Evaluate results and modify your process to
In the healthcare industry, we are privileged to manage attain desired goals.
and engage a diverse workforce, provide exceptional
4. Keep diversity/inclusion visible through both
health care service to diverse patient populations, extend internal and external resources.
a safety net to many without insurance, and ensure Use your marketing, communication, diversity
appropriate standards of productivity that support councils and others to talk about and restate the or-
excellence in quality. ganization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion;
The challenge for hospital executives is to sustain in tough economic times it sends a strong message.
these efforts and maintain a bottom line that allows
recapitalization of the organization. Although there are 5. Ensure your diversity/inclusion goals and
no quick fixes or best practices that would “fit” every objectives are aligned and support the
strategic plan of the organization.
organization, to ensure diversity/inclusion stays the
course, I offer the following points to consider: 6. Make sure your champions, change agents, and
advocates are at all levels in the organization
1. C
 reate a plan to integrate diversity and inclusion and are being utilized to strategically move the
goals into the organization’s operational goals. diversity/inclusion agenda forward.
The ability to align and integrate diversity and in-
7. Continue to broaden the diversity definition
clusion into organizational life creates accountability
and be as inclusive as possible.
for functional leaders. It positions diversity/inclusion
as part of the decision-making process versus being 8. The best practice that yielded initial results
may not be the best practice for sustained and
an after-thought. consistent improvement. Be open to making
2. A
 ccountability may start at the top but it must course corrections as necessary.
permeate throughout the organization. 9. Create internal and external partnerships/
It is important to have buy-in, accountabil- alliances in the achievement of goals.
ity, and engagement throughout the organization.
10. Your destiny is the journey that you are on…
Just as a leader depends on managers, line-staff,
and others to implement specific tactics to achieve
goals and objectives, this same level of discipline and Stay the course, be encouraged and enjoy
accountability needs to be extended to diversity and the journey. Sometimes it may take more than one
inclusion initiatives. attempt to create the right initiative and/or process
that aligns and embeds diversity and inclusion into
everyday functions. PDJ

56 Pro f i les i n D i ve rsit y Journal March/April 2010

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