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Tenth Level Spells

Rules of Casting
These spells harness such power that no mortal can easily wield them on their own.
Many involve multiple casters, others can be cast by one spellcaster but at great cost. To be
able to cast any of these spells requires a 9th level spell slot. Warlock (17th level) that lack a 9th
level spell slot can entreat their patron for the power needed. But magical strength is not
enough. Intimate knowledge of the rituals around casting the spell must be possessed too.
Enough time under the instruction of someone capable of casting this spell, studying an ancient
scroll or tome with their secrets, or receiving divine inspiration are possible ways to gain this

Table of Spells
Wyrmwood Star evocation Unleash the ultimate destructive power of the Wyrms

Wall of Priam abjuration Form the perfect defense for an entire city

Omniscience divination Know the outcome of rolls before they even happen

Halt Entropy necromancy Pause the universe’s effects on you and your allies

Divine Binding enchantment Take an infinitely powerful being and bind it to your will

Apotheosis transmutation Become a Demigod

Greater Demiplane conjuration Create a realm of your own invention

Rewrite History illusion Change the past on a universal scale

Wyrmwood Star
10th level evocation
Amount of Casters: 1
Components: 33.3 gallons of Wyrmwood water, 33.3 pounds of Wyrmwood Earth
Casting Time: 1 action

The greatest destructive force in the world was only wielded by Wyrms, the greatest of
the dragons. For a mortal to be able to wield this power they must tap into Wyrmwood. When
the lifeblood of an Ancient dragon spills onto earth it forms Wyrmwood, a toxic substance. When
it falls into water, it too forms Wyrmwood.

During the casting of this spell, all creatures besides the caster within a radius of 33.3
feet die. The Wyrmwood water and earth then use that life force to create the Wyrmwood Star,
the greatest force of destruction. The caster also expends a 9th level spell slot.
The caster then launches the Wyrmwood Star at a point within 333 feet. Wherever it
lands, causes an explosion in a sphere with a radius of 33.3 feet. All creatures make a Dexterity
Saving Throw. It deals fire damage equal to the hit points of the creatures killed by the creation
of the Wyrmwood Star or half as much on a successful save. This damage cannot be reduced
by resistances, immunities, or class/monster features like Evasion.

Wall of Priam
10th level abjuration
Amount of Casters: 3
Components: A diamond worth 5,000 gp, diamond dust worth 15,000 gp
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: As long as concentration is maintained

While powerful Abjuration spells can protect a single individual perfectly, the Wall of
Priam defends entire cities. With the combined magical power of three casters perfectly
focused, a magical wall springs into being able to stand against even the Tarrasque. The true
mastery of this spell is that those allowed by the casters are able to walk through the wall as if it
was just a strong breeze.

Diamond dust must be spread at the four cardinal points around the central diamond
which shall be the center of the spell. The dust can be as far as 2 miles from the central
diamond but must all be the same distance from that diamond. The three casters must focus on
the diamond, using all spell slots above 5th level and maintaining concentration on the spell.
Concentration may be maintained for as long as is wished, but those casters do not regain spell
slots above 5th level for the duration and cannot leave the wall. The wall can be maintained for
1 hour by two casters if one breaks concentration, and 1 minute by one. Those casters can
regain focus on this spell provided it does not stop.

Once the spell has been cast, a sphere centered on the central diamond is formed. It
creates a dome over the location and cannot be tunneled under. This wall cannot be breached
by any means. However one of the casters can give permission to creatures (or constructs) to
freely pass through the wall.

10th level divination
Amount of Casters: 1
Components: An astrological chart perfectly predicting and detailing the star’s movement for
the hour this spell is used
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: 1 hour

With enough study of the stars, it’s possible to predict the changes of the world around
you. While this is useful in helping plant crops or reading palms, it becomes an awe-inspiring
ability when perfected. Eventually, you’re able to know the outcome of anything that occurs in
around you.

This spell expends a 9th, 8th, 7th, and 6th level spell slot. For the duration of this spell,
you can choose the number rolled of any d20 for an event within 50 feet of you. Furthermore,
you know the thoughts of any individual within 50 feet of you and they are not aware you are
reading their mind. Finally, you know if anything you read is true or not.
After this spell ends, you are under the effects of Feeblemind. The duration of this effect
cannot be shortened by any spell.

Halt Entropy
10th level necromancy
Amount of Casters: 1
Components: Stardust
Casting Time: 1 action
Duration: Up to 10 hours

The two great rules of the universe are expansion and decay. Order and Entropy. For a
brief moment, you can cause the universe’s demise around you, but forcing this order
necessitates a return to entropy Even as you stall the chaos for some, it will claim all in it’s own

This spell requires the use of stardust as an arcane focus, material that has flown
through space, affected only by those two great principles of expansion and collapse. The spell
consumes a 9th, 8th, 7th, and 6th level spell slot. The caster may select as many targets within
25 feet of them as they want, including themselves. Those creatures are immune to all damage
and status effects.

Once this spell ends, either through the concentration breaking or duration ending,
entropy resumes. For every minute the creatures remained affected by this spell they are
weakened for 1 month. In this weakened state, they have vulnerability to all damage and
disadvantage on all saving throws. This time cannot be shortened or circumnavigated.

Divine Binding
10th level enchantment
Amount of Casters: 10
Components: The Blood of a good-aligned deity and evil or neutrally aligned deity. The true
name of the entity you seek to bind, the true name of the primary caster, an empty lich’s
Casting Time: 1 minute
This spell taps into the very weave of the universe by fusing somatic magic incarnate
through the blood of gods, and vocal magic incarnate through the true names of the target and
casters. This spell endeavors to bind an entity, even greater deities, to one fixed point in the
multiverse, trapping it until equally cosmic power is leveled to free the entity.

During the casting of this spell, 9 casters must stand on the points of a nine-pointed star
with the primary caster in the center, the target must be within eyesight for the full casting
duration. All casters expend a 9th level spell slot. The primary caster must take the empty
phylactery and mark it with runes of binding with the divine blood. The caster must then invoke
the true name of the target and then utter their own true name.

When this spell is completed, the soul of the target is ripped from its body and forced into
the phylactery. The entity has true sight and the ability to speak into the minds of creatures
within 120 ft. It has no other powers and loses any godly abilities to reach out in dreams or grant
powers. Only this spell, cast the same as described above, but destroying the filled phylactery,
can free the entity. The direct action of three greater gods could also free it. The primary caster
loses all spellcasting ability, as all their magic goes towards this spell. When they die, their soul
is trapped in the phylactery with the entity.

10th level transmutation
Amount of Casters 9 and 1,000 worshipers
Components: A holy site that is under the effect of Hallow
Casting Time: 24 hours

Throughout the ages the greatest of mortals have ascended to even greater power. As
Demigods, they reign as immortals over small followings of dedicated followers. While they can
never attain the powers of a true god, they do gain immense control over their realms.

The casting of this spell must take place in a Hallowed area that is not already dedicated
to a God or Archfiend. Nine of the casters arrange themselves in a nine pointed star around the
primary focus who will become the demigod. The primary focus does not have to be a spell
caster. For the next 24 hours the nine casters pray, expending all spell slots, while the primary
focus enters a meditative state, they cannot take a turn for the 24 hours and any damage to the
primary focus stops the spell. The final requirement to this spell is 1,000 worshipers who believe
in the divinity, or deserved divinity, of the focus. This does not mean dedicated follower, but
merely believer.

At the end of the spell the primary focus becomes a Demigod. They gain the stats of an
Empeyrean in addition to any racial or class features. If they wish to be good aligned the stats
same the same, if they wish to be evil aligned replace “celesestial” with “demon” and any
mention fo radiant damage with necrotic. That Hallowed site becomes their new Holy site and
have complete control over it and anyone inside it. They also gain a mirror realm in either
Celestia or Avernus that they also have complete control over. One additional ability they gain is
the ability to create one warlock, cleric, or paladin. As your number of followers/believers
increases you gain additional bonuses. If the number of followers/believers drop below 1,000
you lose the ability to travel outside your Holy site and mirror realm

2,000 followers +100 Hp and +2 AC

3,000 followers Additional warlock, cleric, or paladin

4,000 followers New Holy Site

5,000 followers +2 Solars or Pit Fiends to serve you

Repeat this Pattern So at 6,000 gain Hp & Ac, etc

Greater Demiplane
10th level conjuration
Amount of Casters: 1-10
Components: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water from the Elemental Planes, a tuning fork
Casting Time: 24 hours
Duration: 1 year times the number of casters, if cast with 10, permanent

Any wizard can wave their hands an create a normal Demiplane, a small room to hide in
for a time. But only the most adept can create a Greater Demiplane, something capable of
lasting for eternity and containing truly impressive wonders.

Casting this spell requires components of each of the Elemental Planes in order to
provide and arcane focus to place your Demiplane between the Planes. Depending on how
many spell casters aid in this process the size of the Demiplane is also affected. One spell
caster can create a sphere with the diameter of 1/10th a mile. 10 spell casters can create a
sphere with a diameter of 1 mile. After the 24 hours has been completed the Demiplane springs
into existence, and the portal to that demiplane may be created in any way the casters wish.

The Demiplane itself can be designed however the casters wish, inorganic materials and
plant life can be created at will. Animals and non sentient creatures can also be created but they
are unable to exist outside the demiplane and the casters must be familiar with those creatures.
Sentient life cannot be created nor can life created by this spell be given sentience like with the
spell Awaken.

Rewrite History
10th level illusion
Amount of Casters: 1
Components: Dependent on which effect is chosen
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Until Dispelled

This spell does what most illusionists only dream of doing, rewriting the very nature of
the universe to fit with your narrative. It is unclear how many times Rewrite History has been
used due to history being rewritten every time it’s been employed. While this great illusion can
do many things, it cannot change the actual nature of things, the dead stay dead and events still
occurred. But what does it matter when no one believes the dead ever existed in the first place?
Or the event in question is thought to have a totally different outcome? Below are the options for
Rewrite History but at the DM’s discretion, different versions can be made.
Any creatures within 25 feet of you when casting this spell are unaffected. There is a
cost to this spell. Whenever someone detects an issue with the illusion or experiences cognitive
dissonance from the change, you take on the psychic damage they would experience. Take
10d10 psychic damage when this occurs, this damage cannot be reduced.

Change Person: Requires the True Name of the person changed by this spell
You rewrite who a person is. The personality, abilities, and biography you give the
person replace their true nature in the minds of all who know them, including themselves. While
you cannot grant abilities the person does not have the capacity to use (magic, class features,
etc.) they can forget they possess those abilities or give them abilities it’s possible to have. You
can also change their status in society, from king to pauper or vice versa, any additional
changes needed to make this illusion occurs.

Conceal Location: 50,000 gp of Diamond Dust

After marking the cardinal points around the location you wish to conceal, you cast the
spell and delete a location from history and the minds of all. All sentient creatures at the location
at the time of casting are unaffected by this spell and are aware it was cast. A greater being with
a direct tie to this location (like a Holy Site) is unaffected and aware of the spell but cannot share
this information. All physical indications of the location are deleted like maps, roads, and
writings. Travelers go around this location without even realizing it. All changes to history
needed to conceal this location are carried out.

Alter Event: An object considered the focal point of the event

You destroy the focal object of an event in history, thus altering the event in the minds of
those who know of it. Events can be things like battles, reigns, or inventions, while the object
must be something that is inextricably linked to that event, like the sword of a general, crown of
a ruler, or original prototype. In changing how people remember the event you cannot change
the physical outcome, but you can alter how people behave in relation to the event. The
parameters for altering the event are similar to “Change Person” and any additional changes
needed to make this illusion occurs.

Know the Truth: The true name of a Changes person, knowledge of a Concealed Location, or
the remnants of a focal object,
You’ve started to unravel the mystery of a Rewritten past. By getting to the fringe of the
spell you’re now poised to reveal what really happened. You become aware of a past casting of
Rewrite History and know the circumstances around why it was cast. If you so choose, you
dispel the effect. Doing so would repair a destroyed focal object. After being dispelled all
individuals affected by this spell are aware of the original history and the Rewritten History.

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