Valley Journal, May 2008

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10 May 8 - 14, 2008 • Valley Journal

Ashamed to say it, but slavery does still exist
It’s so easy to forget or to be completely everyone owes them some- to say about the modern-
A Side of
unaware of everything going on outside my thing, or that they are enti- day slave trade: “The thing
tiny little sphere of life. tled to something that
that struck me more than I just simply was not
Preoccupied with gas prices, shopping everyone else isn’t; but to anything afterwards was aware that with $50 and
lists, birthdays, soy lattes and all the other make that leap into actual- how incredibly banal the a five-hour plane ride to
trappings of what the majority of us con- ly believing in owning an- transaction was. It was as if
sider everyday life; immediacy, familiarity other being — that is By I was negotiating on the Haiti I would be
Christopher street for a used stereo.”
and routine is generally in sharpest focus, something new altogether
practically guaranteed
with the horizon of the rest of the world for the psyche. Apparently in London one
mostly a distant blur. This life is generally I’m well aware of peo- can get a slave for about to have a slave.
just too big for my little mind to wrap it- ple actively trying to screw 7,000 pounds.
self around most of the time. It’s a bit like poor people out of the little money they I get so caught up in all the frivolities of
trying to think of how many grains of sand have, trying to get something for nothing. my life that that fact these things are hap- stunningly out of touch with reality I seem
there are on all the beaches in the world, or Earlier this year Elizabeth Hurley and her pening nearly in front of all of us, and I to be.
stars in the sky — it just makes my head husband, both multimillionaires, were wouldn’t notice a thing. Even if I did, I It is our education and awareness that this
hurt trying to quantify everything. So caught paying their full time, live-in maid lead a fairly insular existence from that atrocity is still a vivid reality for many peo-
when I step outside myself to try and ab- about $200 a week. Yes Virginia, there are sort of life, so it’s fairly unlikely I would ple that will shine a light on the horrors of
sorb a bit more, the task can be a bit plenty of greedy bastards out there. I know even realize this if it were looking me in human trafficking and slavery.
daunting. a few myself. the eye. I would invite you to take a look at
I recently learned that there are more I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised as Now, I’m not naive enough to think that to educate your-
slaves on the planet today than at any other greed and evil and hate seem to be so om- corporations have anyone’s interest other self and help bring a permanent end and
time in human history. This is so impossibly nipresent (as is kindness and virtue and than their own in mind, and that they will turn the page on this awful stain on human
monstrous, I cannot even absorb it. That this hope, of course) as to be almost numbing. happily put a price tag on human life. The history. If there is only one thing that I am
vileness still exists; what it would be like to Things have to be especially horrific to Ford Pinto was sold for years while that au- not ignorant of, it is simply that there is al-
live as someone enslaved. make the major newswires, it seems. I just tomaker knew that hundreds of people ways hope, there are always good and kind
The fact that we are developing vaccines simply was not aware that with $50 and a could and would die because of a design people among us, and their light will not be
to be delivered via nanotechnology and hu- five-hour plane ride to Haiti I would be flaw. The cost benefit calculations of this extinguished.
man beings are using one another as slaves practically guaranteed to have a slave. Or, little disaster pinned a human life at a nice (Christopher Mullally of Carbondale is a
this very second is simply too much for me that sex slaves are being sold at Gatwick round $200,000. columnist for The Valley Journal and the
to compute. How exactly does one “own” Airport in London, as was announced by I was naive enough to think that slavery Glenwood Post Independent, and welcomes
another? Of course, we have all met those Scotland Yard yesterday. An investigative did still exist, but likely in small pockets, far comments at: christophermullally@gmail.
special people who seem to think that journalist named Benjamin Skinner had this far away. I’m ashamed and horrified at how com)

Arbor Day thanks Great principal Cliff, and all of our deserving
leaders in their tireless quest to ed-
Public Works: Smiley Wise, Tony
Coia, Jack Bowman, Larry Cheney,
Dear Editor:
Many thanks to the people
choice ucate the children of the valley. Brian Brown, Steven Frick, and bodyworkers
Sincerely, Carlos Loya-Rico; Finance Depart-
who came out to make our 14th Dear Editor: Dear Editor:
Denise Moss ment: Santana Schumer and Sandy
annual Arbor Day celebration Thanks to the selection com- Carbondale Thanks to all the massage thera-
Joyner; Colorado Resource Man-
such a success. We planted four mittee who chose Cliff Colia to pists, yoga/pilates instructors and
agement: George MacDonald, Dan
beautiful Schubert Canada Red be the new principal at RFHS, trainers who came in for body-
Schwartz, Don Boynton, and Gus
Cherry trees in front of the new and to the new school board who Garden of thanks Bellm. workers week at Sopris Chiroprac-
recreation center. They look let the decision stand. Five years Dear Editor: Thanks again, tic. It was great seeing so many fa-
great and make a huge differ- ago, 200 people let their voices On behalf of the Carbondale Lark Anderson miliar faces and meeting so many
ence in the feel of the whole be heard at a school board meet- Community Garden, I would Community Development Dept. new ones.
block. ing when the former president like to thank John and Teresa The residents and visitors of our
Kudos and thanks also to Grana and former superintendent were Nieslanik for again helping us valley are very lucky to have such
Bakery, The Village Smithy, attempting to remove Cliff from obtain manure for our gardens Fire response a talented and dedicated group of
the district. practitioners who care for their
Swiss Gourmet and Peppino’s
Pizza for their delicious culinary A community stood up then,
this year.
Teresa helped by obtaining the
thanks well-being.
contributions. You kept the crew and has continued to stand up in assistance of Smiley and the Car- Dear Editor: Dr. Scott Tesoro
fed and happy. We would like to order to get the leadership they de- bondale Public Works Depart- We also wish to sing the praises Sopris Chiropractic
thank the rec center for their gen- serve. ment, since John’s dump truck of the Carbondale Fire Depart-
erous contribution of a 20-punch Now, with Cliff hailed as a suc- brakes were out of order. ment. When our barn went up in
pass as our raffle prize. Congratu- cessful and beloved principal, we John gave his time and skill flames this past weekend, they Children’s librarian
lations to Joanne Teeple, our
lucky winner. See you all next
can move forward to build the in-
novative and responsive high
operating a front-loader shovel
to load the truck provided by the
couldn’t have responded faster or
done a better job of protecting our
year for another Arbor Day cele- school programs our kids are enti- Carbondale Public Works De- house and then putting the fire Dear Editor:
bration. tled to. partment. John also was respon- out. We are certainly lucky to have By now some of the wonderful
Kay Hannah I would encourage the commu- sible for accumulating manure such a really super fire depart- people of Carbondale have noticed
Carbondale Tree Board nity to participate in supporting that improves as fertilizer over ment. that I am no longer at the Gordon
time. Mary and Clay Boland Cooper library.
They think you’re an airplane... Thank you, Smiley, for pro- Carbondale I am sorry I had to leave the po-
sition of youth services librarian
The Valley Journal ...and you’re really a bird
viding your time and expertise
getting the truck loaded and de-
livering the manure to the gar-
More fire dept. on short notice. I truly enjoyed
meeting many new faces in town
den. thanks and getting to know you and your
children. I also enjoyed seeing my
Established in 1974 Through your combined efforts
Andrea Porter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .publisher Charles Stannard . . . . . . .advertising director Dear Editor: old friends again.
the soil in our gardens again has
John Stroud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .editor in chief Kendra Jones . . . . . . . . . .Carbondale ad sales As I took a trip out of the Valley I would like to thank each
the organic enrichment that helps
Trina Ortega . . . . . . . . . .writer/photographer Charlie Wertheim . . . . . . . . .page production on Tuesday, April 15, I got the call and every one of you for mak-
Jeremy Heiman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .reporter
the plants grow so well.
that all people hope they never
Fred Pulver ing my employment at the li-
Carbondale get; that there’s a fire heading to-
Contributors: brary such a pleasure. The li-
ward my house.
Vicki Browne, Rachel Connor, Gina Guarascio, Carolyn Hardin, brary has many fun programs
Barry Maggert, Christopher Mullally, Jeannie Perry, Geneviève Joëlle Villamizar
All I could do was ask Higher
planned for the summer for pa-
POSTMASTER: send changes of address to the Valley Journal,
Cleanup Day Power for help. And to hear talk,
trons of all ages.
boy did he. He sent firefighters
467 Main St., Carbondale, CO 81623. Member of the Colorado
Press Association, serving Carbondale, Basalt, and the Roaring thanks from far and near, as well as all Please plan on attending some
Fork, Fryingpan and Crystal River valleys. Published weekly on
emergency responders, neigh- of the activities and having the
Thursdays by Colorado Mountain News Media. Subscriptions Dear Editor:
$35 per year - call 963-3211, ext. 2.
bors and friends were also there children participate in the summer
I would like to thank everyone
for helping make Carbondale’s to help. So to all, a huge thank reading programs. I hope to see
Main Office and Mailing address: The Valley Journal, you soon.
467 Main St., Carbondale, CO 81623. Cleanup Day a great success. We you. It was nice to come back to
had a wonderful team and that this wonderful valley I call Susan Emenaker
Phone: (970) 963-3211 Fax: (970) 963-3259
E-mail address: made all the difference in the home. Carbondale
Letters: world. It was a pleasure working Carol Jo Walsh
with all of you. 100 Road • SEE LETTERS NEXT PAGE

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