Spine 2009 Marks

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SPINE Volume 34, Number 17, pp 1751–1755

©2009, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

The Natural History of Congenital Scoliosis

and Kyphosis

David S. Marks, FRCS, FRCS (Orth),*† and Saeed A. Qaimkhani, FRCS (Orth)*

Congenital Scoliosis
Study Design. Review article.
Objective. To discuss natural history of congenital sco- Prior to Winter et al,5 authors who distinguished patients
liosis and kyphosis. with congenital scoliosis tended to conclude that this was
Summary of Background Data. Review of previously a relatively benign condition. With the study by Winter
published literature on natural history of congenital spine et al came an appreciation for the first time that the
natural history of congenital vertebral anomalies was not
Methods. Medline and google search for congenital
scoliosis, kyphosis, and kyphoscoliosis, congenital spine equal and within congenital scoliosis there was a range of
anomalies, deformities, and pathologies, and congenital risk of progression dependent on factors such as type and
vertebral anomalies, deformities, and pathologies was site of anomaly.
Results. Congenital vertebral anomalies have poten-
tial to progress and careful assessment and monitoring is
essential and early intervention may be desirable. It was the study of McMaster and Ohtsuka,6 that first
Conclusion. Congenital vertebral anomalies invariably concentrated on the natural history of congenital scolio-
result from disturbed asymmetric growth and can have sis and determined in detail the risk of progression re-
serious consequences. lated to 4 key areas: the type of anomaly, the site within
Key words: congenital, scoliosis, kyphosis, parapare-
the spine, the patients age at presentation, and whether
sis, defects of formation, defects of segmentation. Spine
2009;34:1751–1755 the curves are single or multiple.
We will consider these deformities in 4 groups, failure
of formation, failure of segmentation, mixed defects, and
At present more is known about the anomalies produc- complex unclassifiable pattern.
ing congenital scoliosis and kyphosis than the underlying
Failure of Formation
structural changes in the vertebra associated with any
other type of scoliosis. The embryological injury to the Block Vertebra. These are often multiple, have little
developing somites that produces the vertebral anoma- growth potential, and progress at a slow rate (less than
lies is well defined and the pathologic processes behind 1° per annum). The site they occur at in the spine does
these injuries are increasingly being identified. Recent not affect the outcome but if numerous, they can stunt
studies on the genetic causes have implicated a number of trunk height.
genes, particularly those involved in the regulation of Wedge Vertebra. These are concentrated in the lower
somitogenesis.1 Advances in prenatal imaging have fur- thoracic and thoracolumbar regions and exhibit a vari-
thered our detection of anomalies.2 Simplifying and able but relatively slow rate of progression at 1° to 2° per
stratifying syndromic congenital anomalies has allowed annum.
for more meaningful comparison of treatment regimes,
Simple Hemivertebra (Incarcerated/Unsegmented). These
particularly relevant to the emergence of new techniques
have little or no growth potential and hence there is min-
of nonfusion of spine and rib instrumentation.3 Focus on
imal risk of progression. Typically the curves are less
the associated congenital rib anomalies in recent years
than 30° at maturity.
has allowed a more global appreciation of the problem of
congenital deformity and opened up the potential for Semi Segmented/Fully Segmented and Multiple Hemivertebra.
exciting new treatment here.4 The risk of deterioration in curves resulting from these
anomalies is particularly dependent on the site, degree of
segmentation, and number of each. It is therefore useful
to consider these in some detail.
From the *Royal Orthopaedic Hospital and †Birmingham Children’s
Hospital, Northfield, Birmingham, England. Upper thoracic hemivertebra progress at an average of
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical 1° to 2° per annum before the age of 10 and 2° to 2.5°
device(s)/drug(s). after that. They tend to produce cosmetic deformity and
No funds were received in support of this work. No benefits in any
form have been or will be received from a commercial party related shoulder imbalance.
directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript. Lower thoracic have a more rapid progression at 2°
Address correspondence and reprint requests to David S. Marks, per annum prepuberty and 2.5° to 3° afterwards.
FRCS, The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital & Birmingham Children’s
Hospital, Bristol Road South, Northfield, UK B31 2AP; E-mail: david.s. In the thoracolumbar area, the rate of progression is
marks@talk21.com most rapid, ranging from 2° to 5° per annum prepuberty

1752 Spine • Volume 34 • Number 17 • 2009

to 3.5° per annum following it and these curves have the Age at Presentation
potential to produce significant trunk imbalance. Although by definition the anomaly is itself present from
Lumbar hemivertebra have a slower rate of progres- the embryological period, the deformity it produces may
sion than their thoracic counterparts but nevertheless not be apparent for some considerable time after birth.
still have rates of deterioration measuring about 1° per Curves which are evident before age 10 are in general
annum. Puberty has little effect on the rate. terms associated with a worse ultimate outcome due to
Lumbosacral hemivertebra are unique in that, al- their potential for growth.
though they do not deteriorate at any greater rate than McMaster and Ohtsuka6 arbitrarily divided progres-
lumbar ones, they are associated with a significant risk of sion into 2 groups either side of age 10. This they did to
abnormal “take off” of the lumbar spine from the pelvis. define a pre and post pubertal growth peak. They iden-
This can induce severe compensatory curves which be- tified a mean rate of progression in deformities occurring
come fixed and decompensated. before age 10 as between 5° (for lower thoracic anoma-
For all lumbar/lumbosacral curves the degree of trunk lies) and 6° (for thoracolumbar) per annum. In the most
imbalance is determined by the growth potential. severe anomalies (unsegmented bar with contralateral
hemivertebra) the progression in childhood was up to 10°
Failure of Segmentation
per annum. Other authors have considered rates of pro-
Unilateral unsegmented bar: As with failure of forma-
gression in the first 6 years of life, however, the problem
tion, failure of segmentation defects varies in their po-
with this is 2-fold; not all curves present before 10 and the
tential to cause deformity. The extent of the bar and the
elapsed time to chart progress is relatively short. The au-
site in the spine determine its nature.
thors believe that the use of age ten in calculating progres-
In the upper thoracic spine, the rate of deterioration is
sion risk is useful particularly in less aggressive curves.
2° per annum before age often, 4° after. There is poten-
As with other forms of scoliosis, deterioration in the
tial for significant shoulder elevation and head tilt to-
secondary and tertiary curves can also occur with growth.
gether with the ability to produce long distal thoracic/
Progression after skeletal maturity may result in the same
thoracolumbar curves which themselves can deteriorate
way even if the congenital abnormality remains stable.
at twice the rate of the primary ones. In the lower tho-
racic region, the risk of progression is 5° per annum Single or Multiple Curves
before early puberty and 6.5° after it. The majority of congenital scoliosis curves are single,
When encountered in the thoracolumbar region the with secondary curves being initially compensatory and
rates increase to 6° and 9°, respectively, but in the lum- ultimately becoming structural.
bar region these are about 5° per annum. Where 2 or more congenital curves occur, the outcome
The clinical problem is the development of pelvic with respect to deformity is variable and depends primarily
obliquity and trunk imbalance, the magnitude and prob- on whether the convexities are unilateral or contra lateral.
lems they cause being proportionate to the primary curve If unilateral and remote, then the deformity may be pro-
and the structural secondary curves that evolve over found. If contralateral, then a balanced “kink” in the spine
time. may result with little clinical deformity.
Mixed Defects Associated Congenital Anomalies
Unilateral unsegmented bar and contralateral hemiver- Many authors7–11 have sort to identify whether associ-
tebra: Most of these anomalies are located in the thoracic ated anomalies, such as those involving the genitouri-
spine; they are the most aggressive of all congenital sco- nary tract, the Cardiovascular system or the Neurologic
liotic deformities with respect to their ability to deform. Axis have any influence on the progression of untreated
The hemivertebra occur on the convex side and may be congenital scoliosis. All have concluded that these asso-
multiple and remote from the bar. There is potential for ciated abnormalities do not adversely influence the be-
rapid deterioration (in excess of 14° per annum in some havior of the vertebral abnormalities. They may how-
thoracolumbar and lumbar cases) and the secondary ever, affect our ability to treat the congenital curves and
compensatory curves soon become fixed leading to trunk this should be borne in mind when considering where
shortening, apparent limb length discrepancy, and severe and when to intervene surgically.
cosmetic deformity.
Congenital Kyphosis and Kyphoscoliosis
Complex Unclassifiable Pattern
Congenital kyphosis is a sagittal plane deformity character-
Complex mixed pattern anomalies do not follow any set ized by abnormal posterior convex angulation of a segment
course and therefore are difficult to place within the of spine. Congenital kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis results
scheme of predicting progression untreated. Some have from developmental vertebral anomalies that impair longi-
significant potential to deform by asymmetrical growth tudinal growth anterior or anterolateral to the transverse
and tethering, whereas others produce marked loss of axis of vertebral rotation in the sagittal plane.12
height but little coronal or sagittal deformity. In general Von Rokitansky13 in 1844 and Schulthess,14 in 1905,
the thoracolumbar apex curves do worse than the tho- described the typical appearances of thoracolumbar ky-
racic or lumbar. phosis without any scoliosis. Since then isolated case re-
Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis • Marks and Qaimkhani 1753

ports appeared with moderate frequency, particularly in ance or somewhat hypoplastic but not absent. This
German and French literature. Greig15 in 1916 was the anomaly is notorious for causing sharply angulated
first to publish a case report in English literature and kyphoscoliosis.
described a case of congenital absence of the body of first Centrum aplasia (complete absence of vertebral body):
thoracic vertebra. Paraplegia was first mentioned as a This is the most severe form of anterior deficit. Pedicle
complication of congenital kyphosis by Lombard and Le roots persist at the base of the pedicles but they are not
Genissel16 in 1938. Van Schrick17 in 1932 was the first to part of the centrum.
differentiate 2 types of deformities as Group I (failure of
segmentation) and Group II (absence of vertebral body). Another type initially described by Von Rokitansky13
In 1955, James18 reviewed 16 patients with kyphosis at and further detailed by Fischer and Vandemark21 is but-
thoracolumbar junction and 5 with the defect in upper terfly (sagittal cleft) vertebra which consists of a partial
thoracic area. Three of the 5 with upper thoracic defects or complete failure of formation of the anterior and cen-
developed paraplegia compared to 2 of 16 with thoraco- tral portions of the vertebral body, leaving 2 posterolat-
lumbar curves. The onset of paralysis in 4 of the 5 pa- eral fragments of bone attached to the neural arch. These
tients was in later years of growth. This led James to issue residual pieces of bone are wedged anteriorly and medi-
a strong plea for early intervention in the form of poste- ally and are separated by a sagittal cleft.
rior fusion to prevent this catastrophe.
Type II
Studies by Winter et al19 and McMaster and Singh12
have evaluated the natural history of congenital kyphosis
and kyphoscoliosis in great detail. Congenital Failure of Vertebral Body Segmentation
(Anulus Fibrosus Osseous Metaplasia). The outer layer
Analysis of anulus fibrosus retains growth potential in the peri-
Congenital kyphotic deformities are less common than con- chondrium and later the periosteum. At cessation of
genital scoliotic deformities, but can have serious conse- bone growth, ossified anulus bridges 2 or more centra.
quences if left untreated. Paraplegia is more common with The bony transformation of the fibrous anulus is called
failure of formation which gives a sharp angular kypho- osseous metaplasia of this structure.20 Clinical detection
sis. It is also associated with kyphosis in the upper tho- is difficult until ossification of the defective anulus occurs
racic area as this is the part of the spinal cord with poor- in childhood.
est collateral circulation, the so called “watershed” area
of the blood supply of the spinal cord. Paraplegia may Type III
occur early but is more common during the adolescent
growth spurt with rapid increase in the untreated kypho- Mixed. McMaster and Singh12 added the subgroups of
sis deformity and is described as occurring after minor butterfly (sagittal cleft) and anterior and anterolateral
trauma.19 wedged vertebrae and differentiated between an anterior
The vertebral anomalies are classified as per the sco- and anterolateral unsegmented bar. McMaster also
liotic ones: failure of formation, failure of segmentation, added another type to already existing 3 types:
mixed pattern, and unclassifiable. The failure of forma-
Type IV
tion can be purely anterior, resulting in pure kyphosis, or
anterolateral resulting in kyphoscoliosis and these may
Unclassifiable Anomalies. Winter et al19 observed thirty
be multiple.
patients without surgical treatment for an average of 6
Winter et al19 classified these congenital anomalies on
years and the average amount of progression during this
the same lines as earlier described by VanSchrick17 and
time was 44° or about 7° per annum. Progression was
also used by Lombard and Le Génissel.16
more rapid during the adolescent growth spurt. They
Type I could not determine the relative amounts of progression
in the 3 types as there were very few cases of Type II and
Congenital Failure of Vertebral Body Formation (Cen- Type III deformity. Type I lesions tended to produce
trum Hypoplasia and Aplasia). There are 5 commonly sharp angular kyphosis while Type II lesions caused long
recognized forms of centrum deficiencies.20 In order of sweeping curves. Most Type I deformities (80/86) were
ascending severity in the generation of deformity if left in the thoracic or thoracolumbar area and were the most
untreated, these are: severe and progressed most rapidly. Most Type II defor-
mities (14/19) were in the upper lumbar or thoracolum-
Wedge: Posterior hemicentrum (posterior hemivertebra).
bar area. Although most of these were progressive, they
Lateral hemicentrum: This probably results from uni- did not produce the severe deformities associated with
lateral lack of vascularization. Type I defects. Most Type III deformities (12/18) were in
Posterior quadrant Centrum (posterolateral quadrant thoracolumbar region. These deformities progressed
vertebra): Approximately a quarter of the centrum more rapidly and became more severe than those associ-
proceeds to ossify in 1 posterior quarter. The con- ated with Type II lesions but were not as severe as those
tralateral neural arch elements are normal in appear- associated with Type I lesions.
1754 Spine • Volume 34 • Number 17 • 2009

In series by Winter et al, Paraplegia occurred only in mean kyphosis was 64°. An anterolateral bar producing
association with Type I lesions especially those in upper a kyphoscoliosis occurred in only 8% but had a much
part of the thoracic spine. Of the 86 Type I lesions, 16 worse prognosis. In 5 patients who were seen untreated
had paraplegia, 11 with high thoracic and 5 with thora- at skeletal maturity, the mean kyphosis was 92°.
columbar deformities. The paralysis was not seen at A Type III kyphoscoliosis due to anterolateral unseg-
birth and appeared to be related to either growth, or mented bar combined with contra lateral posterolateral
increase in curve, or both. The usual time for onset of quadrant vertebrae in McMaster and Singh’s12 series
paralysis was during the preadolescent growth spurt, oc- was least common occurring in 11% of patients but it
curring spontaneously or in relation to minor trauma. usually progressed most rapidly and produced the most
Although the age at onset of paralysis ranged from 4 to severe deformity. This type of kyphosis progressed at a
19; the average age was 12 years. Once the paralysis median rate of 5° per annum before the age of 10 years
developed, it was always progressive although the rate of and 8° per annum thereafter. Seven patients had arthro-
progression and the severity of paralysis varied. desis of the spine at a mean age of 13 years when the
In McMaster and Singh’s12 study of 112 patients, 63 kyphosis was 92°.
were observed untreated before skeletal maturity for a In McMaster and Singh’s12 study a progressive spastic
mean of 6 years and 6 months and 41 were untreated at paraparesis of the lower limbs due to anterior compres-
skeletal maturity. Sixty-one percent had a Type I kypho- sion of the spinal cord at the apex of the congenital ky-
sis, 21% had a Type II kyphosis, and 11% had a Type III phosis or kyphoscoliosis occurred spontaneously in 10%
kyphosis. In 7% the kyphosis could not be classified be- (11/112) patients, all of whom were neurologically nor-
cause the patients were seen untreated at a stage when the mal previously. Seven of these patients had a Type I
deformity was so severe that it made it impossible for the au- anomaly and 4 patients had anomalies that could not be
thors to classify the vertebral anomaly precisely. The apex of classified because of the severity of the angular kyphosis.
the kyphosis was more frequent between the 10th tho- Neurologic complications did not occur in recogniz-
racic and the first lumbar vertebra. They found that pro- able Type II anomalies because they produced a smooth
gression of kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis continued through- kyphosis in which the abnormal vertebrae were stabi-
out growth and usually accelerated during the adolescent lized by the anterior failure of segmentation. However, a
growth spurt (after the age of 10 years) before stabilizing at posterolateral quadrant vertebra and a posterior hemi-
skeletal maturity. vertebra were unstable and tended to extrude backward
The most common pattern of failure of vertebral body into the spinal canal, causing anterior compression of the
formation in McMaster and Singh’s12 series, causing a spinal cord at the apex of the angular deformity as it
kyphosis or kyphoscoliosis, was posterolateral quadrant became more severe. The apex of the kyphosis in major-
vertebra (seen in 35% of cases). Other Type I anomalies ity of the patients who developed neurologic complica-
included butterfly (or sagittal cleft) in 13%, a posterior tions was in the middle or caudad thoracic regions,
hemivertebra in 7%, and anterior or anterolateral where the diameter of the spinal canal is narrowest and
wedged vertebra in 5%. A kyphosis due to posterolateral the spinal cord has relatively poor blood supply.
quadrant vertebra progressed at a median rate of 2.5° per The onset of neurologic deterioration occurred be-
annum before the age of 10 years and 5° per annum tween the ages of 8 and 11 years in 4 patients, between
thereafter. Ten patients had a spinal procedure at a mean the ages of 14 and 18 years in 6, and at 28 years in 1. The
age of 12 years and 8 months when the mean kyphosis mean size of kyphosis at the onset of paraparesis was
was 81°. Kyphosis resulting from posterior hemivertebra 111° but 1 patient who had a posterolateral quadrant
had only a slightly better prognosis, with those due to a vertebra at the ninth thoracic level had only a 60 degree
butterfly vertebra and a wedge vertebra being the least kyphosis. Occult congenital intraspinal anomaly was
aggressive. A kyphosis due to 2 adjacent vertebral anom- found only in 1 of 51 patients who had myelograms or
alies progressed more rapidly and produced a more se- magnetic resonance imaging.
vere deformity than did a similar single deformity.
Patients with Type II kyphosis in McMaster and
Singh’s12 series had an unsegmented bar of bone extend- Congenital vertebral anomalies invariably result from
ing anteriorly across the intervertebral disc spaces, join- disturbed asymmetric growth and the deformities they
ing a mean of 3.5 vertebrae. These patients had variable produce are essentially “local” spinal problems. They
prognosis depending on whether the unsegmented bar have however, the potential to produce a profound
lay symmetrically in the sagittal plane or anterolaterally. “global” effect on the spine.
Of the patients, in 13% the bar did lay symmetrically The key to management of these anomalies is a thor-
producing pure kyphosis and this usually progressed rel- ough analysis of the type, site, and potential for growth
atively slowly (at a median rate of 1° per annum before which, when coupled with a knowledge of the potential
the age of 10 years). Only 2 patients who were followed outcome of the untreated anomaly, will allow for formu-
after the age of 10 years had a kyphosis that had pro- lation of a treatment strategy. This may dictate observa-
gressed at a rate more than 2° per annum. Nine patients tion (if appropriate) and/or timely surgical intervention
were untreated at skeletal maturity and at that time a (either ablating or modifying growth). It is vital to have a
Congenital Scoliosis and Kyphosis • Marks and Qaimkhani 1755

sound knowledge of the potential for neurologic injury

with kyphotic deformities, a feature not seen with their
Progressive spastic paraparesis: This occurred
coronal plane equivalents.
spontaneously in 10% patients with kyphosis most
Determining the evolution of a particular patient’s of whom were either failure of formation defects or
deformity cannot occur without an understanding of the unclassifiable particularly if apex was in middle or
natural history of the various vertebral abnormalities. caudad thoracic regions. Neurologic complications
To fail to appreciate the potential for deterioration did not occur in pure failure of segmentation de-
and hence miss the opportunity to intervene and mod- fects. Early surgical intervention is needed to pre-
ify the growth of these anomalies to prevent deformity vent this serious complication.
is inappropriate. This can lead to potentially cata-
strophic neurologic complications which otherwise
may be preventable. References
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