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Faculty of Enterprise

Graphic Design Apprentice

Job Description

Reporting Relationships

Responsible to: Head of Commercial Enterprise and Marketing

Job Role

Assist the Graphic Designer in providing a high quality internal graphic design service to support
the marketing team and curriculum areas in the development and production of high quality,
innovative promotional and other related materials including collateral for the website and social
media platforms as required.

Duties and Responsibilities

 Assist the Graphic Designer in the provision of a professional level internal graphic
design service.

 To support the marketing team in the development and production of high quality,
innovative promotional and other related materials on behalf of the college. This
includes developing content for the web site, staff intranet and social media platforms
as necessary

 Assist the Graphic Designer in the design and deployment of high quality, innovative
content for the digital screens across the college and at external events.

 Assist the marketing team with promotional activities across the college – internal and

 Shadow and assist other members of the marketing team to gain knowledge and
understanding of the whole marketing department.

The above list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive, and the post holder will be expected to
undertake any other duties within his / her capability and experience that may be relevant and
necessary to fulfil the post effectively.
Other Information

Equal Opportunities
The College is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity and requires that the post-
holder adheres to the College’s Equality & Dignity at Work Policies. The aim is to ensure that no
colleagues, learners, potential employees, governors, visitors or others are harassed, or receive
less favourable treatment on the grounds sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender
reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity.

Training and Appraisal

Opportunities for training are available to all members of staff, and you may be required to attend,
from time to time, training courses concerning your employment. The College also operates an
Appraisal System, and all members of staff are expected to take part in the process.

Health and Safety

Under the Health & Safety etc. at Work Act 1974 it is the responsibility of individual employees at
every level to take care of their own health and safety at work and that of others who may be
affected by their acts at work. This includes co-operating with management in complying with
health and safety obligations, particularly by reporting promptly any defects, risks or potential

Data Protection
Computer information should only be accessed if this has been authorised and is necessary as
part of the post holder’s work. Unauthorised action being taken, in accordance with the College’s
disciplinary procedure, may lead to dismissal. The post holder’s attention is also drawn to the
Data Protection Act 1998 and the Computer Misuse Act 1990.


The College is committed to the safeguarding of all its learners, staff and visitors and provides a
safe physical environment. The College ensures safeguarding legislation and guidance are
adhered to and considered when developing and revising policies and procedures. The College
has policies and procedures in place to deal effectively with child protection and safeguarding
issues as well as recording and monitoring processes. It is a condition of employment that all staff
are trained to an appropriate level to their safeguarding responsibilities.
Havering College of Further and Higher Education

Faculty of Enterprise

Graphic Design Apprentice

Person Specification

Requirements Essential
Educational attainment  Ideally a minimum 4 GCSE’s C and above Including
Maths, English and ICT.
 Ability to produce graphic and digital content to a high
standard, for use across a variety of media
 Ability to consistently produce work of a high quality
and standard of accuracy
 Excellent attention to detail.
 Maintain quality within tight deadlines
 Excellent inter-personal and communication (written
and oral) skills
Knowledge, Skills and  Proactive approach to work and problem solving
Aptitudes required  Able to work as part of a team and be a real team
 Willingness to learn new skills and consistently keep
up to date with new technology.
 Ability to work at a variety of levels with internal and
external colleagues and with students
 Capable of working under pressure.
 Excellent attention to detail and timekeeping skills

 Experience/knowledge of, or willingness to learn,

Adobe Creative Suite CS6 including InDesign,
Photoshop, Illustrator and Premiere Pro
Experience required  Experience/knowledge of, or willingness to learn,
basics of web design and/or social and digital media,
or proven ability and experience in the use of social
media preferably in a business context.
Circumstances  The ability and willingness to occasionally travel to
meetings and/or tradeshows
 The willingness to work outside of normal college
hours as required
Attributes  Demonstrable commitment to the values of the
college [Passionate, Inclusive, Innovative &
Optimistic], including its commitment to promoting
equality and diversity in employment
Havering College of Further and Higher Education
Enterprise Department

Graphic Design Apprentice

Conditions of Service

Contract: Fixed Term Contract for up to 2 years

Annual Leave: Full time leave entitlement is 24 days per annum. (Adjusted accordingly for part time
roles) Standard public holidays are in addition to this. The leave year runs from 1 st
September to 31st August.

Hours of Employment: 36 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.

Salary: £135 per week. Salaries are paid monthly on the last working day of the month. You
will be required to have an account with a bank or building society, which can accept
a direct credit transfer.

Probationary Period: 6 months.

Location: Staff are required to work on any site as required.

Smoking: A No Smoking Policy is in operation throughout the College.

Termination: 1 month’s written notice on either side.

Medical Report: Upon appointment, you will be required to complete a Medical Questionnaire and
may be required to undergo a medical examination.

DBS Check: An enhanced DBS check is required for all posts within the College before you start

References: The appointment is subject to two references, which are satisfactory to us.

Appointment subject to: The conditions of service for Support Staff as recommended by the College’s
Employer’s Forum as adopted by the College’s Governing Body.

Pension: A pension scheme is in operation through the Local Government Pension Scheme,
but persons appointed may make their own arrangements. The contribution rate for
the LGPS is variable between 5.5% and 7.5% of your Gross salary, dependent on
your earnings, deducted on a monthly basis.

Representation: The College recognises UNISON as the appropriate Trade Union for raising matters
of staff concern.

Car Allowances: A staff travel and subsistence policy is in operation at the College and staff travelling
between sites and on College business can claim a mileage rate for using their car.
The College does not operate a car loan scheme.

Additional Employment: Staff are not allowed to engage as an employee, consultant, partner, proprietor or
director in any other business without the prior written consent of the Principal.

NB: The details shown under the heading “Conditions of Service” are for broad information only and must not be taken as a complete or
authoritative statement. In no way do they constitute a contract of employment.

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