Chan Kuko

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1- hello my name is Edward and this is my presentation.

One of my memorable vacations was five years ago when I went to the coffee
park, as an uncle had invited I went with two cousins and my brother and we
stayed at his house in Armenia,

2- before going to the coffee park we walked around the city for a few
days knowing some shopping centers, squares, tourist sites and some
other places.

3- My uncle had a car so we moved there everywhere, we kept eating

junk food and trying some typical dishes from there.

4- Armenia was a very beautiful city, thick with trees and surrounded by
fertile lands, it was a destination with the aroma of coffee, where the
green stood out and endowed with many wonderful landscapes to

5- The climate was very cool and temperate that I even got sick, due to
the low temperature people often dressed in busos, jackets or coats.

6- Then finally we visited the coffee park, we arrived a bit late but the
experience was unique, when we entered the place was spacious and
surrounded by trees and mountains, there was also a cable car that
took us to the attractions, when we landed in the first thing that
Mount was on a roller coaster that was not that far on the map, it was
my first time on a roller coaster so I enjoyed it a lot, then we went to
other attractions and along the way I could see that there were people
from other countries who they were also sightseeing. And finally, along
the way, I could see the coffee crops.

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