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The Creat Catsby Ms. Briggs English 5-6 January — Asienments & due dates are subject to change. Check the calendar in cass for the most up {0 date information. Turning in something late, because it was listed on this calendar 2018 differently than in class on the calendar isnot an excuse. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 3 4 5 No School No Schoo! No School No School No Schoo! 8 9 10 cc 2 ‘No Schoo! No Schoo! No School No Schoo! No School 15 16 7 18 19 Review Moderns vay | Turn in Ch 1-205 No School NF: Roaring Twenties | Read Gatsby Ch 1-2 | Watch Boom to Bust & | Discuss Ch 1-2 -DOK questions complete worksheet | Read Gatsby ch 3-4 22 23 : 24 25 26 Turn in ch 3-4 Q's Turn in VL17 & Ch 5-6 Turn in Ch 7 as Roaring 20's Crash Discuss ch 3-4 NF: Prohibition va17/ VL 18 Course Discuss Ch 7 -DOK questions Discuss Ch 5-6 Read Gatsby Ch 5-6 Read Gatsby ch 8-9 - Read Gatsby Ch 7 29 30 31 1 2 Turn inch 8-9 0's Turn in ch8-9 Q's & VL Gatsby- essay 18 Gatsby: Movie Gatsby: Movie Discuss ch 8-9 prewriting-dueat | va.1s/vLa9 end of class | Work on Gatsby Essay. | Essay due Monday Read Gatsby Ch 8-9 Gatsby: Movie L — Colondor template by ealendarabs com Double Entry Log (Example) Chapter 1 “T’ve heard it said that Daisy's murmur was only to make people lean toward her; an irrelevant criticism that made it no less charming,” (p9) And I hope she'll be a fool- that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” (p17) “ ‘Sophisticated- God, I’m sophisticated!” The instant her voice broke off ceasing to compel attention, my belief, I felt the basic insincerity o what she had said.” (p17) “I lived in West Egg, theswell, the less fashionable’ of the two... My own h@use was an eyesore...” (5) “Across the courtesy bay th es of fashionable East Egg glittere the water...” (5) “A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags twisting up toward the frosted wedding-cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea.” (p7) I chose this quote because I think it shows that Daisy is caught up in herself, and that itis apparent to Nick. It also shows that despite the fact that she’s all about herself, she is still charming and somewhat endearing, This quote shows that Daisy has become cynical and believes that women are better off being fools. I chose it because I think Fitzgerald is making a blanket statement here about women and their roles in society/life. 1 think he is saying that the less ic status and her husband put her in a is looked at as “sophisticated.” This tant to remember as I read that Nick is not like all of the people around him- he does not have money or live in a mansion, he just happened to ‘come upon a cheap little house in the middle of the money and mansions. In this quote Nick sets East Egg apart from West Egg. I chose it because although West Beg has large houses, Nick makes a point to record how much more glamorous East Ege is. I think the setting of the two places says something about the people who live in each place. 1 liked this quote about the setting because it shows how elegant and fancy the Buchanan’s house is. Fitzgerald makes sure that the reader knows that they have money; even the words he uses paint images of wealth: wedding-cake, wine colored, etc. 3. Nick Cxse 1 Jay Gatsby 2. Nick Carraway 4. The Buchanans ST. The Wilsons L = HI The Great Gatsby; Essay Topics Choose one of the following topics and compose a well organizes essay. All essays need evidence and quotes from the book to support thesis statements. fe AY hard copy of the essay is due at the beginning ely Monday asl Essays must also be submitted to on 2/5. 1. Two men capture the heart of Daisy, both for different reasons. Compare and contrast Gatsby and Tom. Which of the two men is the least moral? Explain. 2.Nick titles his story “The Great Gatsby.” After reading, does Gatsby deserve to be called “Great”? In what ways is he great? In what ways is he not? In the end, which wins out: greatness or mediocrity? 3. The American Dream is a prominent theme in this novel. Is pursuing the American Dream necessarily a. good thing, as evidenced by The Great Gatsby? 4, Setting plays a significant role in this novel, to the point where the settings can be viewed as not only symbolic but also essential to the novel’s themes. Discuss how three specific settings function in the novel and contribute to the overall theme of the novel. *Remember that an essay is not a summary of information; an essay has a specific thesis statement and works to further explain, support, and prove the validity of the thesis statement. Gatsby Pre-wri Name: Topic: Why did you select this topic? Notes about the topic/ page numbers to remember: Claim #1 (make an assertion that relates to your topic): Evidence (quote or specific reference to the play): Reasoning (how does the evidence prove or relate to the claim?): Claim #2 (make an assertion that relates to your topic): Evidence (quote or specific reference to the play): Reasoning (how does the evidence prove or relate to the claim?): Claim #3 (make an assertion that relates to your topic): Evidence (quote or specific reference to the play): Reasoning (how does the evidence prove or relate to the claim?) THE GREAT GATSBY Name: READING COMPREHENS eee Chapter 8 25, What would you say the principal reason for Daisy’s appeal to Gatsby? 26. How is Nick's attitude toward Gatsby ambivalent even at the moment when he says goodbye to him? 27. What do the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg symbolize to George Wilson? What is significant about this symbol? 28. How do you think Wilson got Gatsby's name? Does evidence point to a particular person? 29. How does Nick characterize Gatsby’s state of mind before he is killed? Chapter 9 30. Nick says “this has been a story of the West, after all.” What do you think he means by this? 31. How does Nick characterize Tom and Daisy at the end of the book? What has each of them “smashed” during the course of the novel 32. What does the green light symbolize at the end of the novel? Chapter 8 Find, copy, & cite 1 quote that might explain Gatsby’s attraction to Daisy (from ch. 8) Find, copy, & cite 1 quote that clear up a question you had about Gatsby (from ch. 8) Find, copy, & cite 1 quote about Wilson. Chapter 9 Find, copy, & cite 2 quotes that reveal new details about Gatsby in the final chapter Explain specifically why you selected this quote with justification for doing so. | What does this quote tell & how does the quote | change your opinions in any way? What does this quote show about his character? | What is it you learned & why is it significant to the overall story? THE GREAT GATSBY Name: READING COMPREHENSION tl Chapter 7 20. How does Gatsby characterize Daisy"s voice? What do you think he means by this? 2 22 Why does Gatsby lose Daisy during the confrontation at the Plaza? Why does Tom insist that Daisy go home with Gatsby? What does this tell us about Tom’s character and his relationship with Daisy? ‘What indications are there at the end of the chapter that Tom and Daisy are going to stay together despite his philandering and her love for Gatsby? At the end of the chapter Gatsby is standing alone, looking out at Daisy's house. Where else in the novel does he do this? How is it different this ti Chapter 7 Find, copy, & cite 2 quotes that made you question something about the story Find, copy, & cite 2 quotes that show the true relationship between Daisy and Tom. Tell what your questions were and any possible answers you think there may be. Why did you select this quote? What new information did you learn? Why is it important? THE GREAT GATSBY : READING COMPREHENSION Nome: eee _ Chapter 5 13. What is Gatsby’s dialogue like in this chapter? What does it tell us about Gatsby? 14, Why do you think Daisy sobs when Gatsby shows her his shirts? 15, What is the weather like in this chapter? How does it reflect on the emotional climate of Gatsby and Daisy? 16, In this chapter Gatsby"s dream seems to be fulfilled. What indications are there, though, that reality cannot satisfy his dream? Chapter 6 17. Tom, Mr. Sloane, and a young lady visit Gatsby and the lady invites Gatsby to come to dinner with them. What does Gatsby's response tell us about his social sensitivity? What connection, if any, do you think this scene might have with Gatsby's love of Daisy’ 18. What is Gatsby’s view of the past? 19, At the end of the chapter, Nick describes Gatsby kissing Daisy in Louisville five years before. What is Gatsby giving up when he kisses her? Why’? Chapter 5 “I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil business. But I’m not in either now.” (p. 90 or 95) Find, copy, and cite 1 quote about the weather from chapter 5. Find, copy, and cite 1 quote that reveals new information about Gatsby in chapter 5. Chapter 6 Find, copy, and cite I quote that link Dan Cody & Gatsby. Find, copy, and cite | quote that demonstrates Daisy’s reaction to Gatsby's party. What does this information tell you about Gatsby & his “business” ventures? ror the How does this description of the weather n emotions of the characters in this chapter? Be specific. How does the quote affect your opinion of Gatsby? What are your responses, reactions, and questions, regarding this quote AND what new predictions ‘can you make about Gatsby? What does her reaction say to you about her character? THE GREAT GATSBY —- READING COMPREHENSION Nowe: — Chapter 3 8. How does Nick characterize the guests at Gatsby's party? 9. Describe two incidents involving automobiles in this chapter. What role do automobiles seem to play in the novel so far? Chapter 4 10. Aside from the improbability of his story, what other evidence is there that Gatsby is lying when he tells Nick about his background? 11, What does Gatsby’s friendship with Meyer Wolfsheim imply about his background? 12, How does Daisy behave after Gatsby goes over seas? What does this behavior show about her feelings for Gatsby? Chapter 3 ‘What do we leam about Gatsby in ch, 3? Find, copy, & cite 2 quotes from ch. 3 that tell us more information about him. Chapter 4 Read the following quotes, and follow the directions in the left column. “[’m going to tell you something about my life, don’t want you to get the wrong idea of m [I drift here and there} trying to forget something very sad that had happened to me long ago.” (p. 69-70 or 65-66) “I see you looking at my cutf buttons’ nest specimens of human molars,” he informed me” (p. 77 or 72) “He’s an Oggsford man.” (p. 76 or 71) “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay.” (p. 83 or 78) Describe what you think the quote tells about Gatsby and tell why you think it is significant, Respond to the quotes. What are reactions and questions? What si ight these quotes have? How do these quotes ct your opinion of Gatsby? Be specific. THE GREAT GATSBY . READING COMPREHENSION None _ Chapter 1 1, How does the tone of ick’s description of Tom reveal his feelings about Tom? How would you describe Daisy’s state of mind during dinner? What does she say & do that reveal her inner conflict? 3. Nick thinks that, given their state of marriage, Daisy should leave Tom, but it is clear to him that she has no intention of doing so. What indication is there that Daisy and Tom are closely linked despite their marital differences? 4, What indications are there that the green light will have a powerful emotional Chapter 2 5. How does Fitzgerald describe Myrtle Wilson? Does her physical appearance reflect her character in any way? 6. Compare the setting of the party in this chapter to the setting of the party in chapter 1 7. Why does Tom attack Myrtle at the end of the party?” Chapter 1 What do we know about Daisy Buchanan? Find, copy, and cite 2 quotes from cch, 1 that tell about her. Setting Find 1 quote that describe the setting of the story from ch, 1. Copy and cite the quote. Chapter 2 What do we know about Tom Buchanan? Find, copy, and cite 2 quotes from ch, 2 that tell about him, Setting Find 1 quote from ch. 2 that deseribe the setting. Copy and cite the quote Deseribe what the quote tells about Daisy & tell why you selected each. Tell why you selected this quote and what significance you think the description may have for the overall story Describe what the quote tells about Tom & tell why you selected each, nd what n may have for Tell why you selected this quote significance you think the deseripti the overall story

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