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Commentary V Erva Bulut

I believe that this week’s assigned reading’s (The Pilgrim’s Progress) themes are
the hardness of reaching eternity, the celestial city for a true Christian, and also the
insight gained through the pilgrimage in the light of the book, the Bible. Because in the
book, Christian abandons his family for this pilgrimage journey and faces many
distracters during the pilgrimage, it is not easy to be a true Christian reaching heaven.
About the text, what I liked most is the personifications such as Evangelist. Christian
talks to them, and that makes the text easier to understand the mindset of him. He talks
to many spiritual things in the text and thus, we, as the reader, know the reasons for his
doings. When it comes to what I did not like much about the text, I can say that I would
not want it to be a ‘’dream’’ that the author dreamed. When it is a dream, the need for
further proof is no longer required. In other words, the only explanation for a possible
question about the subject matter is ‘’It is a dream’’; however, if it were in first-person
narration, it would be more effective and emotional, I believe. The expression that stood
out for me in this text is ‘’…this burden that is upon my back will sink me lower than the
grave.’’. This burden and the description of it as something that pulls him down stood
out for me a lot because I think the burden on the back is a perfect example of the
challenging side of the pilgrimage. Christian continues his journey despite that burden,
and it shows the power he has as a good Christian.

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