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Practicum week : 1

Date : 1/3/2021 - 5/3/2021

Title : Preparation for practicum

1. Focus issue:

It is a big challenge for me since I know what we have to go through practicum for
this PITO TESL as I am the training teacher and academic teacher at the same time. It is
really burdensome. It is like a huge rock falling upon my head. All those paper works are
insignificant for me.

2. Analysis of focus issue:

I need to fulfil the tasks given by school at the same time completing all the tasks
in practicum. I need to prepare myself to accept this challenges with a positive mindset.
Fortunately, school admins and mentor are giving me a lot of support and cooperation in
this period, I do appreciate them.

3. Literature Review on the issue:

According to Alistair Cox (2019), to be successful in today’s world of work, and in

the future, we must all get far better at flourishing in these sorts of challenging situations,
instead of letting the narrative in our heads take over. We must get better at persisting
with those problems we would have once stalled over – giving up in the end. We must get
better at seeking inspiration from the people we would have once shied away from.
Essentially, we must all shift our mindset to see the world and everything in it as a never-
ending opportunity to learn. Because, when we do, we’re far more likely future-proof our
skills and expertise.

4. Suggestion for Follow-up Action

Based on the analysis, I need to build a good mindset and prepare myself to
accept all the challenges. I need to have a check list to ensure I complete all the tasks
without ignoring my pupils.
5. Time Duration for Solution

1 week.

6. Follow-up Action

I need to build up a good mindset to be ready in accepting challenges and try my

best to fulfill the tasks of practicum.

7. Date that conduct Follow-up Action


8. Efficiency of Suggested Solutions

I become more self-aware and ready to challenge myself to take up all these tasks.
I will spend my time wisely.

9. Conclusion / Reflection

I am ready for this practicum. I will do my best to fulfill tasks as academic teacher
at the same time complete the tasks in practicum. I wish to pass this practicum and gain
more knowledge from all the senior teachers and mentor. I will always be humble.

Cox, A. (2019, June 28). This important mindset will make you more successful. Retrieved from Linkedin:

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