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Group 2: Chap 4 – Emotions and Moods

In chap 4, there are three terms to consider one’s emotion: Affect, Emotion and Mood. Three
generic definitions consecutively are: Effect is a range of feeling that people experience, which
encompasses both emotions and moods. Emotions are intense feelings that are directed someone
or sth. Moods are feelings that tend to be less intense than emotions and it often lacks a
contextual stimulus. Through many controversies about trying to identify the emotion, many
researchers agree on six universal emotions – anger, fear, sadness, happiness, disgust and
surprise. Emotions are action-oriented in nature, therefore they tend to be expressed by facial
expression and vocalization. But throughout history and diverse cultures, as well as personal
characteristics, they can be conveyed differently. Moral emotions are emotions that have moral
implications, and it’s not universal because moral emotions are usually learned in childhood.
There are two categories of mood: Negative and Positive. Positive emotions such as joy express
a favorable feeling, Negative emotions such as sad or guilt express the opposite. Rationality and
our emotion provide important information about how we understand the world around us.
There are some main sources of moods, though a lot of these sources also affect emotions: 1.
Personality predisposes people to experience certain moods and emotions. We also differ in how
intensely we experience the same emotion, while those who are affectively intense, experience
good and bad moods and emotions more deeply. 2. Moods vary by the time of day. People are
generally in lower spirits early in the morning. During the course of the day, our moods tend to
improve and then decline in the evening. 3. Day of the Week: most people tend to be in their
best moods on the weekends. 4. Evidence suggests that weather has little effect on mood.
Illusory correlation explains why people tend to think that nice weather improves their mood. 5.
Stressful activities at work affect moods adversely. Over time, the effect of stress also builds up.
6. Social activities: physical, casual or epicurean activities are more closely correlated with
positive mood improvements than formal or sedentary events. 7. Sleep quality affects moods and
decision making, and increased fatigue puts workers at risk of sickness, injury, and depression. 8.
Exercise enhances peoples’ positive moods. 9. Age: negative emotions seem to occur less as
people get older. 10. Gender: Women experience emotions more deeply, tend to "hang on"
feelings longer than males, and show manifestations of both positive and negative emotions more
often, except for anger.
The third thing is “ Emotional Labor”, which an employee expresses organizationally desired
emotions during interpersonal transactions at work. Every employee expends physical and
mental labor by putting body and mind, respectively, into the job. But jobs also
require emotional labor, an employee’s expression of organizationally desired emotions during
interpersonal transactions at work. Emotional labor is a key component of effective job
performance. Moreover, to analyze emotional labor, we divide emotions into felt or displayed
emotions. When employees have to project one emotion while feeling another, this dis-parity is
called emotional dissonance. Deep acting is trying to modify our true inner feelings based on
the display rules. Next is affective events theory (AET) in case workplace events cause
emotional reactions on the part of employees. In sum, AET offers two important messages. First,
emotions provide valuable insights into how workplace events influence employee performance
and satisfaction. Second, employees and managers shouldn’t ignore emotions or the events that
cause them, even when they appear minor, because of the accumulate. Then Emotional
intelligence (EI) is a person’s ability to perceive emotions in the self and others, understand the
meaning of these emotions, and regulate his or her own emotions accordingly, as shown in
Exhibit 4-5. Although the field is progressing in its understanding of EI, many questions have
not been answered. One relates to proving what EI many predict. A second question is about the
reliability of EI testing.
Emotional control depends on people's nature. Besides that, the workplace environment effect on
tendency to control emotion and relies on the diversity of a community. Thus, people insist on
measuring the balance of sentiment can be exhausted or make the feeling stronger. 
Speaking of emotion regulation techniques, firstly, surface-acting or create proper
expressiveness but it can be exhausted and fewer OSBs come with frequently repeat lying
reactions, also decreasing job satisfaction. Secondly, deep acting is actually attempting to
experience the emotion, which is less psychology cost than surface acting and brings a positive
result. Thirdly, emotional suppression curbs the primary sentiment, especially in a crisis
situation, however, this action might take a roll in mental ability, emotional ability, health, and
relationship. Next is cognitive reappraisal, which speculates the event separately from their
emotions to reframe the problem and brings the best outcome. Finally is social sharing, which
means venting the sentiment to social to get sympathy, but publishing is infrequently improved
things another way might lead to negative emotions sharply. 
Emotion regulation also has significant ethics. While some individual claims that controlling
emotion is unethical, others said that it would take a calm outlook. Therefore, both arguments
should be better in evaluating the pros and cons. In addition, researchers assume that the great
idea to put yourself cheerful is acting like you are happy.
An understanding of emotions and moods can affect many aspects of organizational behavior.
For example, the selection process, employers should consider putting EI like a factor in hiring
employees, especially in social jobs. Also, positive emotion or positive mood can lead to better
decisions and increase flexibility, openness and creativity. In studying the effects of mood on
motivation, several relationships are apparent. For example, individuals in a good mood tend to
solve a difficult problem easier, when compared to those with more negative moods. Next,
emotions and moods also influence on leadership, leaders are perceived as more effective when
they share positive emotions. In negotiation, negative emotions may limit the ability to be an
effective negotiator. However, creating the appearance of negative mood, while maintaining a
positive effect, may create an advantage in negotiations. Moods and emotions are particularly
significant for those in customer service jobs, customers “catch” emotions from employees,
called emotional contagion. In terms of job attitudes, research has shown that emotions at work
get carried home but rarely over to the next day. In the end, negative emotions can lead to several
deviant workplace behaviors. Because of these and other negative consequences of negative
emotions, managers should endeavor to improve the mood of employees.
In Reflection, I have learned that we all experiencing mood and emotions differently, and found
that many negative emotions can build-up to negative mood, and they are somehow affect each
other. For example, mood can amplify emotions, when we are feeling depressed and at the same
time facing problems that may evoke our guilt or anger, we have a tendency to conduct self-
destructive behaviors. When I face a problem that may evoke intense emotion and causes a long-
term effect on my mood, the feelings may never go away, and turning into fear. I would consider
it as my limits, and laid out self-principles to prevent me from experiencing those emotions
again. It is crucial for me to be able to identify the sources of emotions and moods, so that I can
be able to predict my behavior and regulate my mood that suits a professional workplace by
applying Cognitive Reappraisal, Surface Acting and Deep Acting. Moreover, I know when to
inflict positive moods and emotions and how much display rules to ensure a high job
performance from everyone as a leader.

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