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5-Star Safety and Health

Management System
Good Housekeeping
Date: 05/05/2013 Revision: 01 Pages: 4
Element: 1.8 Safety Manual: OHSAS:

To ensure that fire and other hazards are eliminated by good
housekeeping practices
1. Objective
1.1 To ensure a place for everything and everything in its place, always.
1.2 To minimize injuries, losses, fires and pollution incidents as a result of poor
workplace, yard, office, and warehouse housekeeping.
1.3 To provide ample and appropriate storage facilities in all areas, sufficient to
meet requirements. To instruct all employees in the correct use of storage
areas, sheds, storage racks or shelving, bins, pallets, etc.
1.4 Proper training and instructions will ensure maximum and correct utilization
of space, minimization of hazards (included fire hazards) and excellent

2. Physical Requirements
2.1. All superfluous (redundant, not in immediate use) materials must be and/or
repaired and neatly and correctly stored in designated, demarcated areas, and
in manners prescribed by the environmental standards.
2.2. All unusable materials must be disposed of in specifically allocated areas.
2.3. All storage areas are to be demarcated. Labels shall identify materials in
shelves, racks and bins.
2.4. Storage sheds and storage areas must be laid out in an orderly manner and
kept neat and tidy. Sufficient, demarcated, walkways must be provided to
allow easy access to all items and areas.
2.5. Walkways and roadways shall be suitably demarcated, where practicable.
(See SEC Element 1.6)
2.6. All excess spillage or waste to be removed on a regular basis and areas to be
cleaned and returned to their normal condition.
2.7. All items that are no longer required shall be removed from the work place and
stored in the correct area.
2.8. Storage facilities, racks, bins, shelves and pallets shall be made available as
needed to ensure proper housekeeping and tidiness.
2.9. Racks, bins and shelves that are no longer usable shall be discarded and
replaced as needed.

3. Quality Specifications
3.1. Housekeeping: Materials that are to be stored shall not over accumulate and
create hazards such as: dust, ground, air or water pollution, fire, tripping,
explosion or pest harboring, etc.

3.2. Where applicable, vegetation control to be kept under minimal growth.

3.3. All areas are to be given the same consideration pertaining to housekeeping
with consistency throughout all workplaces, warehouses and all offices.
4. Procedure
4.1. Once per month, all offices, work areas and warehouse facilities are to be
inspected and the storage of materials, paper and other housekeeping
issues monitored and deviations noted.
4.2. All work areas, and yard areas, both interior and exterior, including offices,
are to be included in the inspection.
4.3. Managers and Supervisors shall ensure proper compliance to written
standard SEC Element 1.8 and promote the awareness of a clean, orderly
and tidy workplace.
4.4. All Managers, Supervisors, Safety Representatives and employees shall be
accountable for their areas of responsibility. This includes the monthly
checklist and retention of the proper documentation.
4.5. The monthly checklist will list all items to be corrected. The Supervisor will
do the follow-up. He will list the items and the dates by which corrections will
be made by whom.
4.6. Departmental Managers and Supervisors will ensure compliance with
housekeeping standards.
4.7. Supervisors and Safety Representatives (when appointed) shall conduct
regular (minimum monthly), formal and informal inspections of their areas of
responsibility. This will ensure proper compliance with the standard.
4.8. Contractors are to abide by this standard.
4.9. Department safety personnel will offer support and be a resource as

5. Performance
5.1. Follow-up on checklists to be done within one week after the inspection and
corrections to be made by the Manager or Supervisor.
5.2. Regular housekeeping competitions will be held and the judging to be done
according to the attached Housekeeping Competition score sheet.

6. Document Retention
This document needs to be kept in the Safety and Health Management System
(5-Star) files and made available for auditing purposed.
7. Attachment


Are the floors safe and free from slip or trip (cords) hazards? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are they clean, dry, correctly marked and clearly demarcated? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are scraps and refuse bins provided for removal of superfluous material? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Yard, outlying areas
Are they in good order, free of excessive material and junk? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are no parking and no stacking areas demarcated with a standardised colour code? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are the demarcations being adhered to? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Is the demarcation clearly visible? 0 1 2 3 4 5
If demarcation has been carried out by other means are the areas clearly indicated
0 1 2 3 4 5
to eliminate confusion?
Storage of material
Are proper racks provided? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are heavy items stored at the bottom/lighter items at the top of the racks? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Condition of racks -secured to the structure and walls? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Is safe access provided to the racks? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are areas designated for storage? Excessive paper storage? Fire hazards? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Machinery and equipment
Are the machines clean and free of grease? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are machines color coded in an acceptable colour? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Is provision made for oil spills that may run from machines in process? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are the walls clean and painted in a light colour to reflect maximum illumination? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are there adequate windows and are the windows cleaned on a regular basis? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Are the stairs free of superfluous material, not slippery, and are the areas below the
0 1 2 3 4 5
stairways free of stacked material?
Are there any tools or other items stored on work platforms or stair landings? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Has color coding been carried out? 0 1 2 3 4 5
Is the demarcation adequately defined in work areas, storage areas, stacking areas
0 1 2 3 4 5
and no parking areas?
Is there a place for everything and everything in its place? 0 1 2 3 4 5


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