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World War I at Home Essay

The period that marked World War I from 1914 to 1918 was very drastic. It not only gave birth

to propaganda and unjust policies and laws, but also brought about many changes to the American

lifestyle here at the time due to many sacrifices or decisions made by families and the government. It

also engendered many political, economic, and social ramifications which have still affected us today.

During World War I, the social ramifications propagated mainly targeted African-American’s and

Women of the time. African Americans moved from the South to Northern cities in what is now known

as the Great Migration. Hundreds of thousands of Southern blacks moved to cities up north to escape

racial discrimination and to escape the Jim Crow South. Also the boll weevil infestation of the south

ruined much of the cotton fields, where as in the northern factories there were many job opportunities

that also offered better work environments. Women were also widely affected during this time. They

began working in jobs previously done by solely men (who were away fighting in the war). These jobs

were in fields such as industry, mining, construction, and also areas such as nurses, teachers, and clerks.

The women’s new work helped build support for woman suffrage (passed after the war in 1920).

Economic ramifications that affected both the government and the common people were also

widely evident due to the war. The government tried to maintain trade relations with European

countries at war, but attacks on U.S. shipping changed this perspective. The government now borrowed

money by selling bonds. They also regulated industrial production. This strict regulation and constricted

flow of money propelled the U.S. economy to become the strongest industrial power in the world. As

the war continued, African American’s and Women were all needed in the economic effort. Workers

were needed in all industries and as a result, they were hired. Wages rose due to this demand, but food

and housing costs quickly followed. Large corporations made huge profits as there was a large demand.

However as a result, labor unions also grew and strikes became common.
The last but not least of the major ramifications occurred in the Political sector. There was much

debate before the war about the U.S. role in world affairs. Some wanted to remain isolated, as others

felt the United States needed to act as a World Leader. After the war began, in June of 1917 Congress

passed the Espionage Act, and in May 1918 it passed the Sedition Act. Under the Espionage and Sedition

Acts, a person could be fined up to $10,000 and sentenced up to 20 years in jail for interfering with the

war effort or for saying anything disloyal or abusive about the government or war effort. These Acts

mainly targeted socialists and labor leaders. As the government worked to gain support for war through

speeches, pamphlets, and posters evidently led to the birth of propaganda. Although war was backed by

most, the government at the time took measures now considered unjust to gain support. Propaganda

gave Americans the wrong idea of what was really going on, as the media began to exaggerate the

affairs overseas. This ultimately led to greater support to the government, giving it more power overall.

World War I was an entirely new experience for America at the time and brought about many

Social, Economic, and Political ramifications. This however was very important as it shaped the way we

live today. Women gained suffrage shortly after the war, African-American’s appeared in working

environments with white’s and allowed equality to prosper. Industry boomed and America came out on

top. As unnecessary WWI was, it did play a majorly important role in America’s history.

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