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Safeguarding position statement Page 2

Introduction Page 3
- Safeguarding Structure & Responsibilities

Staff Page 4
- Staff recruitment

Host Families Page 5

- Host Family procedures/recruitment

CRB Statement Page 6

Secure Storage Page 7

Insurance Page 8
- Key Contacts

Appendix 1 Guidelines for looking after a student Page 9

Appendix 2 Responsibilities of safeguarding officer Page 13

Appendix 3 Referral Form Page 14

Appendix 4 Accident Form Page 18

Appendix 5 Other Relevant Legislation Page 19

1. Crest Overseas Guardians - Safeguarding Position Statement

1.1. Crest Overseas Guardians believes that it is always unacceptable for a student (young person) to
experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all students
by commitment to practices that protects them.

1.2. Crest Overseas Guardians recognises that:

1.2.1. The welfare of the student is paramount

1.2.2. All students, regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation
or identity, have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse

1.2.3. Working in partnership with students and with other agencies is essential in promoting a safe

1.3. Crest Overseas Guardians’ commitment is further formalised in our safeguarding policy document which
has taken the procedures recommended by the Child Protection group into consideration.

1.4. The purpose of the policy and its associated documents is to:

1.4.1. provide protection for the students of Crest Overseas Guardians

1.4.2. provide students, staff and host families with guidance on procedures they should adopt in the
event that they suspect a student may be experiencing, or be at risk of, harm.

1.5. The policy applies to all students, paid staff; host families and part-time workers; agency staff; or anyone
working on behalf of Crest Overseas Guardians

1.6. We will seek to safeguard all students by:

1.6.1. valuing them, listening to them, and respecting them

1.6.2. adopting safeguarding guidelines through procedures and a code of conduct for students, staff and
host families or other related stake holders of the guardianship business.

1.6.3. recruiting staff and host families safely

1.6.4. sharing information about concerns with agencies who need it, and involving students and their
parents/schools appropriately.

1.7. We are also committed to reviewing our policy and practice annually.

Signed: (Jayne Drew - Child Protection Officer)

2. Introduction

2.1. Crest Overseas Guardians has a responsibility to protect students that staff or host families of the
organisation may have contact within the course of their duties or being at the organisation. This policy
details the arrangements that the organisation has put in place to provide a safe environment for young
people and vulnerable groups. It applies to all students and staff within the organisation.

2.2. Crest Overseas Guardians activities regularly extend to individuals under the age of 18.

2.3. Certain individuals are disqualified from working with young people and/or vulnerable adults if they hold a
regulated position and/or care positions.

2.4. Crest Overseas Guardians seeks to ensure that its policy and procedures comply with statutory duties,
reflect guidance and good practice in safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and that
safeguarding arrangements are proportionate and based upon common sense

2.5. Crest Overseas Guardians recognises that it has a duty to help host families and staff (through guidance,
support and training), to promote safe practices in order to minimise risk to vulnerable individuals and
protect students and staff and the organisation from the possibility of false allegations. It is not intended that
students and staff should be restricted from normal ways of working, but are advised to consider how an
action may be perceived.

3. Safeguarding Structure and Responsibilities

3.1. Crest Overseas Guardians has in place a structure for safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults.
The Child Protection Officer (CPO) - Suzanne Jayne Drew has designated safeguarding responsibilities.

3.2. Staff, host families & taxi drivers working in direct contact with young people and / or vulnerable individuals
on a day-to-day basis may come across signs of harm and/or abuse. Staff and host families need to
ensure that any concerns for the wellbeing of a student is reported to the Child Protection Office (Suzanne
Jayne Drew) as quickly as possible (at most, within 24 hours).

3.3. The CPO will invoke the appropriate procedures to protect the young person involving Social Services and
the Police if appropriate. Where anyone is unsure and needs guidance about safeguarding issues, they are
encouraged to seek support from the CPO.

3.4. External organisations such as Victim Support can provide support for young people and vulnerable adults
who disclose that they have been or are being abused or are the victim of other inappropriate behaviour.
4. Staff

4.1.1. All Crest Overseas Guardians staff are advised to minimise physical contact with students, except
for reasons of health and safety, or where physical contact may be a necessary part of organisation
(e.g. safe manual handling).

4.1.2. Crest Overseas Guardians has a responsibility for the safety of the organisation community and
therefore reserves the right to deny employment to individuals where CRB checks suggest that
they might pose a danger.

4.1.3. Crest Overseas Guardians reserves the right, in accordance with its employment procedures, to
suspend and/or dismiss staff from employment or from undertaking a specific role with respect to
that employment. This may be in circumstances where the individual acquires or extends a relevant
criminal record, or where they have withheld information about their criminal record at the point of
employment. Disciplinary action may also be taken against staff, in accordance with the
organisation’s employment procedures, for a failure to comply with this policy.

4.1.4. Crest Overseas Guardians will only uses staff members which have enhanced CRB disclosures. If
the potential staff member does not have a current CRB Crest Overseas Guardians will obtain one.

4.1.5. Crest Overseas Guardians will evaluate information about any staff criminal record and make
sensible, fair and consistent judgements about whether the individual is safe to engage (or remain
engaged) in the employment role, office or voluntary activity.

4.1.6. A social services background check will also be acquired for individuals after completing stage one
of the interview process (conditional employment offer). Crest Overseas Guardians will evaluate
information about the staff social services record and make sensible, fair and consistent
judgements about whether the individual is safe to engage (or remain engaged) in the employment
role, office or voluntary activity.

4.2 Staff recruitment (where & when applicable)

4.1.7. Advertising the vacancy to highlight that a CRB check is required for the successful applicant
where appropriate

4.1.8. When short-listing, looking to see what experience/qualification the candidate may have had in this

4.1.9. When inviting candidates to interview, request sight of previous CRB disclosure if available

4.1.10. Requesting suitability of the candidate to the post including safeguarding aspects if appropriate
when seeking references

4.1.11. When conducting the interview, review existing CRB disclosure(s) if available.

4.1.12. Making a conditional offer and carrying out pre-employment checks (Social services).

4.1.13. Induction to include safeguarding training.

5. Host Families

5.1.1. All Crest Overseas Guardians host families are advised to minimise physical contact with students,
except for reasons of health and safety, or where physical contact may be a necessary part of
organisation (e.g. safe manual handling).

5.1.2. Crest Overseas Guardians has a responsibility for the safety of their students and therefore
reserves the right to deny appointment to individuals where CRB or social services checks suggest
that they may pose a danger.

5.1.3. Crest Overseas Guardians wll only use host families with a current enhanced CRB certificate, on all
adults within the household aged 18 or above. Should the host family not have a current CRB one
will be obtained by Crest at a cost of 50% to the host family.

5.1.4. Crest Overseas Guardians will evaluate information about any host family criminal record and
make sensible, fair and consistent judgements about whether the individual is safe to engage (or
remain engaged) in the employment role, office or voluntary activity.

5.1.5. A social services background check will also be acquired for individuals after completing an
application form & signing the appropriate authorisation form. Crest Overseas Guardians will
evaluate information about the staff social services record and make sensible, fair and consistent
judgements about whether the individual(s) is/are safe to engage as a host family.

5.2 Host family procedures/recruitment

5.2.1. On receipt of the signed application form. Both personal and professional references will be sought
by Crest Overseas Guardians.

5.2.2. On receiving positive references and a signed background check authorisation form, Crest
Overseas Guardians will then apply for a social services check on the main carers in the
household. A decision will be necessary as to ascertain whether or not the host family will be

5.2.3. A homestay visit will be arranged by a member of the Crest team. This visit will be used to carry out
a risk assessment of the property, review any current CRB certificates and to speak to the family
about caring for an international student in their home. & to ask any questions on our child
protection policy and to give details of how to contact our Child Protection Officer.

5.2.3. Should the host family not have a current Enhanced CRB certificate for all members of the
household aged over 18, an Enhanced CRB for each individual will be applied for by Crest
Overseas Guardians.

5.2.4. A further fair & consistent decision will be made based on the information provided by the
Enhanced CRB.

5.2.5 Further to consistent positive information being received a Host Family handbook will be issued to
the host family and details of their first student placement will be arranged.
Crest Overseas Guardians - CRB Statement

Crest Overseas Guardians is committed to best practice in staff and host family recruitment to ensure the best
possible use of the information provided by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) to encourage safer recruitment but
to also ensure that people who have been convicted are treated fairly and are given every opportunity to establish
their suitability for positions. Use of the CRB disclosure service will be used in conjunction with obtaining personal
& professional references and a social services check.

6. Policy statement on secure storage

6.1. General principles

As an organisation using the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosure service to help assess the suitability of
applicants for positions of trust, Crest Overseas Guardians complies fully with CRB Code of Practice regarding
the correct handling, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosures & Disclosure information. It also complies
fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe
handling, use, storage, retention, and disposal of Disclosure information and has a written policy on these
matters, which is available to those who wish to see it on request.
6.2. Storage & Access

Disclosure information is kept on an applicant’s HR file which is kept separately and securely, in a lockable
filing cabinet with access strictly controlled and limited to those who are entitled to see it as part of their duties.
6.3. Handling

In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Disclosure information is only passed to those who are
authorised to receive it in the course of their duties. We maintain a record of all those to whom Disclosures or
Disclosure information has been revealed and we recognise that it is a criminal offence to pass this
information to anyone who is not entitled to receive it.
6.4. Usage

Disclosure information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested and for which the
applicant’s full consent had been given.
6.5. Retention

Once a recruitment (or other relevant) decision has been made, we do not keep Disclosure information for any
longer than is absolutely necessary. This is generally for the period of employment in a role requiring such a
check to be made or until a subsequent check is made making due consideration to the Data Protection and
Human Rights of the individual subject before doing so. Throughout this time, the usual conditions regarding
safe storage and strictly controlled access will prevail.
6.6. Disposal

6.6.1. Once the retention period has elapsed, we will ensure that any Disclosure information is
immediately suitably destroyed by secure means, i.e. by shredding, pulping or burning. While
awaiting destruction, Disclosure information will not be kept in any insecure receptacle (e.g. waste
bin). We will not keep any photocopy or other image of the Disclosure or any copy or
representation of the contents of a Disclosure. However, notwithstanding the above, we will keep a
record of the date of issue of a Disclosure, the name of the subject, the type of Disclosure
requested, the position for which the Disclosure was requested, the unique reference number of the
Disclosure and the details of the employment decision taken.

6.6.2. Crest Overseas Guardians has procedures to evaluate information about any staff students or host
families criminal record and making sensible, fair and consistent judgements about whether the
individual is safe to engage (or remain engaged) in the employment role, office or voluntary activity.

7. Insurance

Crest Overseas Guardians has a duty of care to all staff, students and visitors and has in place, Professional
Indemnity Insurance.

8. Procedures to be invoked when harm/abuse is suspected

The procedures to be invoked when harm/abuse is suspected can be found at appendix 1

9. Key Contacts

Safeguarding Title Name Email Contact Number(s)


Child Protection Mrs Jayne Drew 01225 420970

Officer 07502 222075

APPENDIX 1 – Guidelines for staff or host families looking after students

1. Principles

These guidelines reflect the principles that:

1.1. The welfare of young people (students) is paramount.

1.2. All young people (student) should be treated with respect and dignity.

1.3. Staff should understand their responsibilities to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people

1.4. All staff & host families of Crest Overseas Guardians should demonstrate exemplary behaviour when
working with young people and vulnerable adults in order to protect them from abuse and to protect
themselves from false allegations.

1.5. Staff should discuss and/or take advice promptly from the Child Protection Officer (CPO) about any incident
or behaviour which may give rise to concern.

1.6. Any allegations or suspicions of abuse should be reported immediately to the Child Protection Officer.

1.7. Staff & host families should be aware that breaches of the law and other professional guidelines could
result in disciplinary or criminal action being taken against them.

1.8. Staff should know the procedures for handling allegations against staff/host families and to whom they
should report concerns.

2. Working with young people

Crest Overseas Guardians will:

2.1. Maintain a register/database of students, detailing all the necessary important information on the student..
Keep parental details & information of the students.

2.2. Encourage positive open working relationships with our host families & students.

2.3. Keep in regular contact with our students & host families (email, text or by phone).

2.4. Update information held on host families/ students where and when applicable.

2.5. Avoid spending excessive time alone with students away from others unless required for the purpose of pre
arranged one to one discussion.

2.6. Treat all students, host families and clients equally, with respect and dignity.

2.7. Always put the welfare of the student first.

2.8 Maintain a safe and appropriate distance with students. It is not appropriate for staff, or host families to
have an intimate relationship with a student.

2.9 . When feedback is necessary give enthusiastic and constructive feedback rather than negative criticism.

2.10.Keep a written record of any injury that occurs, along with the details of any treatment given.

2.11. Attend relevant training courses.

2.12. Only use host families that have a CRB & Social services check

You should never:

2.10 Engage in rough physical games, or those that could be considered as sexually provocative.

2.11 Allow or engage in any form of inappropriate touching.

2.12 Allow students or colleagues to use inappropriate language unchallenged.

2.13 Make comments to a student, even in fun, that could be construed as sexually provocative.

2.14 Allow allegations made by a student to go unrecorded or not acted upon.

2.15 Do things of a personal nature for a student that they can do for themselves.

2.16 Spend excessive time alone with a student.

3 The 5 Rs Introduction

Safeguarding, if it is to impact on all aspects of the operational life of organisation providers, must become the
informed responsibility of all. All staff, host families, partners and others have a responsibility actively to make
the organisation environment safe and secure for all. To do so they will find it helpful to consider and act on the
5 Rs -

 Recognition
 Response
 Reporting
 Recording
 Referral

4 Recognition

The recognition of abuse is not always easy and Crest Overseas Guardians acknowledges that its staff are
not experienced in this area and will not easily know whether or not abuse is taking place. Indeed, it is not the
place of Crest Overseas Guardians staff or partners to make such a judgement. However, it is their
responsibility to act on concerns in order to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable groups.
Whether the abuse may occur in school, on a field trip or whilst with friends or in any other setting in which the
student may find themselves, all those playing a role in meeting the students’ needs should be aware and
informed so that possible abuse can be recognised, investigated and acted on seamlessly and effectively.

Signs and symptoms of abuse of young people and/or vulnerable adults may include direct disclosure. Other
people in a position to identify concerns include tutors, housemasters, staff, colleagues and peers and those
offering additional services, such as advisory services.

5 Responding to suspicions of abuse

If a vulnerable person says something or acts in such a way that abuse is suspected, the person receiving the
information should:

Not give assurances of confidentiality which cannot be kept but should reassure the vulnerable person that the
information will only be passed on to those people who need to know.

React in a calm but concerned way.

Take what the vulnerable person says seriously.

Keep questions to an absolute minimum only to clarify what the vulnerable person is saying; not to interrogate.

Not interrupt the vulnerable person when they are recalling significant events.

Reassure the vulnerable person that the problem can be dealt with.

Make a full record of what is said and done, though this should not result in a delay in reporting the problem.

6 Incidents that must be reported

If a student is accidentally hurt. For host families an accident report form must be filled in and sent
immediately to Or posted to our office address.

If you are concerned that a relationship is developing that could represent an abuse of trust

If you are concerned that the student is becoming attracted to you or a colleague who cares for them.

If a student misunderstands or misinterprets something you have done.

If you have had to use reasonable physical restraint to prevent a student harming themselves, or another, or
from causing significant damage to property.

If a student makes an allegation of abuse

If you see any suspicious marks on a student

If you notice sudden changes in behaviour

7. Recording (Appropriate for accidents or Injuries)

(Please see example form on page 18). Copies can be obtained from the office or by downloading a copy from
the website.

A record of the accident should be filled in. This must be as accurate an account as you can. If appropriate
ask the person to sign the record and in all cases the person recording it should sign and date the record.

A description of any visible physical injury (clothing should not be removed to inspect the injury).

Any dates, times or places and any other potentially useful information.

If a student has sustained an injury and you are unsure what to do please contact NHS Direct (helpline) on
0845 4647. Alternatively contact the office on 01225 420970.
Alternatively you can call your family doctor if it is within surgery hours and there is an available appointment.
Serious accidents please go straight to your nearest A&E.

8. Referral

Any concerns should be reported immediately to the Child Protection Officer.

The Child Protection Officer will alert the necessary bodies to take the appropriate action using the appropriate
referral processes.

Every effort should be made to maintain confidentiality. Suspicions must not be discussed with anyone else
other than those nominated above.

The Child Protection Officer has the responsibility to act on behalf of Crest Overseas Guardians in dealing with
allegations or suspicion of abuse or neglect. This will include collating details of the allegation or suspicion and
referring the matter to the appropriate statutory authorities.

Under no circumstances should staff or host families carry out their own investigation into suspicions or
allegations of abuse, neither should they question victims closely, as to do so may contaminate evidence and
obstruct any investigation that may be carried out subsequently by the Police or Social Services.

APPENDIX 2– Responsibilities of Safeguarding Officer

1. Child Protection Officer (CPO)

1.1. To be accountable for the organisation’s safeguarding practice

1.2. Ensuring that safeguarding is afforded utmost priority within the organisation

1.3. Ensuring there is a staff structure in place to fulfil safeguarding responsibilities

1.4. To develop organisation wide procedures, practice and guidance for safeguarding, ensuring procedures
are in place for managing allegations, safeguarding, and safe recruitment practices

1.5. Ensuring that secure records of safeguarding concerns are stored and shared appropriately

1.6. Ensuring that monitoring review systems are in place to incorporate new guidance and legislation and to
test out existing systems.

1.7. They should be trained to identify signs of abuse and when it is appropriate to make a referral

1.8. Ensure Crest Overseas Guardians Safeguarding Policy is updated and reviewed regularly

1.9. Refer cases of suspected abuse or allegations to the relevant investigating agencies

1.10 Act as a source of support, advice and expertise within the organisation when deciding to make a
referral by liaising with relevant agencies

1.11. Ensure each student of staff and other relevant partners have access to and understands the
Safeguarding policy

1.12. Ensure all staff have induction training covering Safeguarding and are able to recognise and report any
concerns immediately should they arise.

APPENDIX 3 - Referral Form for Suspicions or Allegations of Abuse of a Young Person or Vulnerable Adult

This form is for CPO use only (Jayne Drew) as soon as possible after receiving information that causes suspicion
or an allegation of the abuse of an individual or vulnerable adult. This must be passed to the relevant authorities as
soon as possible after completion.

Note: Confidentiality must be maintained at all times. Information must only be shared on a need to know basis i.e.
only if it will protect the vulnerable person. Do not discuss this incident with anyone other than those who need to

Continue on a separate sheet of paper if required and attach securely to this form.
Details of person making report

Name: Jayne Drew

(CPO use only)
Position: Child Protection Officer

Contact telephone number: 01225 420970 / 07502 222075

Details of Individual spoken to:


Date of Birth:


Contact telephone number:

Names and address of parents/guardian/carers:

Details of person raising the concern



Date of Birth:


Relationship to individual/vulnerable adult:

If you are reporting this alleged incident on behalf of someone else, please provide details of that person:




Contact telephone number:

Date this person advised you of alleged incident:

Record here the information you were given from this person about the alleged incident:

Details of the alleged incident

Date of alleged incident:



Names and addresses of witnesses:

Describe in detail what happened (Please use additional paper if required):

Describe in detail visible injuries/bruises and concerning behaviour of the individual/vulnerable adult, if
any (use diagrams if this helps you to describe) (Please use additional paper if required):

Was the individual/vulnerable adult asked what happened: YES/NO

If yes, record exactly what they said in their own words and any questions asked if the situation needed
clarifying (Please use additional paper if required):

Details of action taken

Detail what action, if any, has been taken following receipt of this information:

child/ young person/ vulnerable adult’s parent's/guardian/carers contacted?
Details of external agencies contacted

Police Police station contacted:

Name and contact number:

Advice received:

Social Work Dept:

Social Work Department
Name and contact number:

Advice received:

Other Name of organisation:

Name and contact number:

Advice received

Other information

Record any other information you have about this matter (it is important that all information is passed
on even that which you think is not important or helpful).


Print name:


Where a referral has been made to the Police and Social Work Department a copy of this form must be sent
to them as soon as possible
APPENDIX 4 – Accident Report form
Name of Host Family or Staff Member:

Address where incident took place:

Exact area/room where incident took place:

Date of incident/accident:

Name of injured person:

School address of injured person:

Nature of incident/injury and extent of injury:

Give details of how and precisely where the incident took place.
Describe what activity was taking place:

Give details of full action taken during any first aid treatment:

What happened to the injured person following the incident/accident:

All of the above facts are a true record of the accident/incident:

Signed: Date:

APPENDIX 5 – Other Relevant Legislation, Guidance and Codes of Practice

The Children Act 1989

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratified by UK Government 1991)
The Police Act 1997
The Data Protection Act 1998
The Human Rights Act 1998
Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998
Protection of Children Act 1999
Working Together to Safeguard Children 1999
Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000
Education Act 2002
Sexual Offences Act 2003
Every Child Matters 2003
The Children Act 2004
What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused (DfES 2003)
Safeguarding Children in Education (DfES 2004)
Aim Higher....Aim Safer: A Framework for Safeguarding Children and Young People in HEIs

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