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OVERALL AVERAGE OF SURVEY SCORES for Student Survey - Grades 3-6 Note: To be completed, scanned, and emailed to the Director of Student Teaching once all student surveys are completed. Use required file naming conventions. Student Teacher’s Name: _[\C> . ono Grade: 3 ‘Total number of students who completed the survey: | ___ Explanation: Once all students have completed the survey, use this form to calculate the percentage of students who marked Yes, Sometimes, or No. For example, if 15 out of 25 students marked yes for #1 ” (15 divided by 25) under the yes column on the line for question #1, if3 students marked nes for #1, write a 12 (3 divided by 25) under the sometimes column on the line for question #1, and so on | 9. | My teacher helps me know how Tam doing inthis class SKtt 10 | My teacher has a good atitude 65 ]14 = Question Z| W2 \# [2 eg] & [77 [te work ints os helps me am 185/14 [oO My teacher makes learinginerestng 1 ° now what Lam supposed to doin this lass. 71/48] 4 | My teacher helps me see how the things I Team can be usedin ther places. | | 28] 4 | Meecher one lia na tam BOI 14 © [6 [My teacher asks questions hat make me think 66[33| © 7. | My teacher helps me when I don't understand 100] ©| O 8 | My teacher expects me to participate in this class. Gol alo | ° | © | My teacher expects me 10 do my Best i bol © | © [a | Mere Q5l4 | o iy teacher is organized and has things ready forthe Fessons being taught [fo SE ganized and has things ready Tor the k ewe 59.147 | 0 14 | Students behave in this clas. 57/38| 4 [15 tect sate asking my teacher for help if Thave a problem, so lial o | 16 | 1 would ttt my friends that this is a good teacher. i edly Overall average per column Created by Davis School District, Utah (2015). Modified by C. Gould for use with student teachers,

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