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IEEE Corporate PowerPoint

Quick Start Guide

(For Windows)
Create new presentations or refresh old ones by using the branded
IEEE Corporate PowerPoint template and this Quick Start Guide. With
the step-by-step instructions, tips, and frequently asked questions
included in this guide, and the new template, you’ll find it really easy
to bring your presentations to the next level.

The new IEEE Corporate PowerPoint template Contents
includes these updated features: 2 Introduction

3 Template Versions
• Fresh, bold design with a variety of content slides
4-5 Themes
• Contemporary look and feel with options for divider slides
• Compelling imagery that you can keep, or edit and replace 6 Layouts and Formatting

• Improved usability and flexibility when working with templates 7-9 Placing Images

• Better accommodation of content and visual elements 10 Utilizing Elements from

Master Slides
• Accommodates wider aspect ratio
11 Best Practices
• Adaptable to any audience and subject matter

Which version of the Fullscreen, Thin Footer Widescreen, Thin Footer
PowerPoint template
should I use?
• Choose the widescreen (16:9
aspect ratio) or fullscreen version
based on the computer or monitor
on which you will present
• Choose between the Thick
Footer version and the Thin
Footer version, depending on the
amount of content and number
of screenshots that you foresee
being included on each slide

Fullscreen, Thick Footer Widescreen, Thick Footer

Google and Keynote

PowerPoint is the best format for your presentation. You can export to
Google Slides or Keynote, but formatting will need to be adjusted. Stay
3 tuned for future iterations of the template in other formats!
How do I save the
presentation as a theme?
• Under the Design tab, click on
the Bottom Arrow to expand
your Themes carousel
• Select Save Current
Theme... at the bottom
• Name the theme “IEEE
Master Brand Template”
• Click Save; your presentation will
be saved in your theme bar

How do I apply the theme
to an existing presentation?
• With your existing PowerPoint
open, in the carousel under the
Design tab, right click on the
“IEEE Master Brand Template”
• Select Apply to All Slides
• You may have to re-apply the
Layout function to override
old bullets and text styles
−− To do so, select the slide you want
to update from the slide view
−− Then, under the Home tab, click
on Layout then select a layout
to apply to your content
NOTE: This will only work on content
within default placeholders. You will
have to reformat all other content
manually as well as delete unnecessary
design elements from your old layout.

Textboxes with bullets use custom

bullets that are not available when
creating new textboxes. To retain
these custom bullets, duplicate
existing textboxes instead of
creating new ones.

What’s the difference between
a presentation slide, a divider
slide, and a content slide?
• A presentation slide is to be used as
a cover for your presentation. Your
new presentation will automatically
populate with the “Presentation
Title…” slide (additional options
can be found in the Layout
section under the Home tab)
• Divider slides are to be used to
break up content sections. There
are also two options for the divider
slides within the Layout section
• Content slides — there are a variety
of content slides also preloaded
in the Layout section for you to
choose from depending on the
content you wish to show in
that slide (copy only, copy with
images, multiple images, etc.)

How do I copy and paste

text into the template?
• Copy text from original document
(Word or old PowerPoint)
• In the new template,
right click on the copy block
where you wish to add text
• Under Paste Options select
Keep Text Only to retain the text
formatting of the template
• You may need to adjust and
reformat some text and bullets

How do I customize the
images on the cover page?
• When starting a new presentation,
the default cover page has
uneditable images. If you prefer a
cover with customizable images,
you can choose a new cover layout
• Under the Home tab, click on
Layout and select the second layout
• This version allows you to replace
the images by clicking on the
icon within each image block
• This will open a
File Explorer window
• Browse and select the
appropriate image
• Click on Insert
• Your new image will be
automatically cropped to fill the
placeholder. To adjust the cropping,
select the image. Under the
Picture Tools and the Format
tab, click on Crop. You will now
be able to move the image
within the placeholder

Which layout should I use for
content slides with images?
• Not all slides have editable
images. Those that are editable
will have image icons within the
slide templates under Layout

How do I insert an
image into my slide?
• Click on the icon within the
image block; this will open
a File Explorer window
• Browse and select the
appropriate image
• Click on Insert
• Resize image appropriately
• Hold Shift while resizing the
image to retain its aspect
ratio and avoid stretching
NOTE: When using imagery on a slide with a colored
background, it is best to use PNGs and PDFs with
a transparent background to avoid white boxes.

How do I replace an existing
image in my slide?
• Click on the image you
want to replace
• Under the Picture Tools and the
Format tab, click on Change Picture
• This will open a File
Explorer window
• Browse and select the
image you want to use
• Click on Insert
• You may have to resize the
image appropriately

What if I have more images

than the layout allows?
• Should you need to add more
images in addition to the ones
housed in placeholders, simply
drag the new images into the slide
• Resize appropriately

NOTE: Avoid using copyrighted/restricted

imagery from outside sources to avoid
legal or financial repercussions.

How do I copy and paste design
elements (such as the wedge) 1

from the master slides?

1 Under the View tab,

click on Slide Master
• 2 Master slides will populate
on the left hand side
• Select the master slide that
contains the design element
you’re looking for
3 Click on the design

element (hold Shift Key to 3
select multiple elements) 2

• 4 Right click and select Copy

5 While in the Slide Master

tab, click on Close Master
• 6 Select the appropriate slide
• 7 Right click and select Paste

Best Practices for Creating Keep It Simple
• Limit one message per slide
a Better PowerPoint Presentation. • Write short, powerful headlines that summarize each slide
Clip art. Fancy fonts. Animations. Charts. Graphics. Sound. A wide variety of • Decide what information to show on each slide and what to speak
color schemes. PowerPoint provides a lot of creative options for creating a
• Use the “seven by seven” rule: no more than seven lines of
more exciting presentation. But don’t be tempted to use them all or your
text on each slide. No more than seven words per line
message could get lost.
• Create a script that fills in or elaborates on the important points
Here are a few helpful tips when creating a PowerPoint.
• Combine visuals with text for added interest/impact

Before You Start • Avoid any visuals or “chart junk” that don’t add to message

• Think about your audience • Present data in an easy-to-understand, uncluttered way

• Decide what you want them to learn from your presentation • Use consistent messaging and images

• Avoid telling them what they already know • You can use photos, but if you use an outside source there could be
usage fees per photo as well as usage permission
• Organize your information so your presentation
has a beginning, middle, and an end • Keep design elements and colors consistent from slide to slide;
avoid using too many colors
• Make sure slides will build on/follow each other to deliver message
• Use Calibri as your typeface; it is a universal font that is compatible
on any device
• Use upper and lower case — not all caps
• Review all content for proper branding

Get Ready to Present

• Practice
• Show the presentation to someone not involved
in the project to see if they understand it
• Think about how you can keep your audience involved;
prepare some challenging questions you can ask during
your presentation to encourage participation


Need more help working with PowerPoint?

The UX lab has a subscription to where you’ll
find a number of video tutorials with additional PPT tips.
11 Contact the Digital and Creative Innovations team at and we will help get you started.
IEEE Corporate PowerPoint
Quick Start Guide
(For Mac)
Create new presentations or refresh old ones by using the branded
IEEE Corporate PowerPoint template and this Quick Start Guide. With
the step-by-step instructions, tips, and frequently asked questions
included in this guide, and the new template, you’ll find it really easy
to bring your presentations to the next level.

The new IEEE Corporate PowerPoint template Contents
includes these updated features: 2 Introduction

3 Template Versions
• Fresh, bold design with a variety of content slides
4-5 Themes
• Contemporary look and feel with options for divider slides
• Compelling imagery that you can keep, or edit and replace 6 Layouts and Formatting

• Improved usability and flexibility when working with templates 7-9 Placing Images

• Better accommodation of content and visual elements 10 Utilizing Elements from

Master Slides
• Accommodates wider aspect ratio
11 Best Practices
• Adaptable to any audience and subject matter

Which version of the Fullscreen, Thin Footer Widescreen, Thin Footer
PowerPoint template
should I use?
• Choose the widescreen (16:9
aspect ratio) or fullscreen version
based on the computer or monitor
on which you will present
• Choose between the Thick
Footer version and the Thin
Footer version, depending on the
amount of content and number
of screenshots that you foresee
being included on each slide

Fullscreen, Thick Footer Widescreen, Thick Footer

Google and Keynote

PowerPoint is the best format for your presentation. You can export to
Google Slides or Keynote, but formatting will need to be adjusted. Stay
3 tuned for future iterations of the template in other formats!
How do I save the
presentation as a theme?
• With the IEEE Master Brand
Template open, on the top
navigation, click on View,
Master, then Slide Master
• Under the slide master tab, select
Themes, then Save Current Themes
• Name the theme “IEEE
Master Brand Template”
• Click Save; your presentation will
be saved in your theme bar

• How do I apply the theme
to an existing presentation?
• With your existing PowerPoint
open, in the carousel under the
Design tab, control click on the
“IEEE Master Brand Template”
• Select Apply to All Slides
• You may have to re-apply the
Layout function to override
old bullets and text styles.
−− To do so, select the slide you want
to update from the slide view.
−− Then, under the Home tab, click
on Layout then select a layout
to apply to your content
• NOTE: This will only work on
content within default placeholders.
You will have to reformat all
other content manually as well
as delete unnecessary design
elements from your old layout.

Textboxes with bullets use custom

bullets that are not available when
creating new textboxes. To retain
these custom bullets, duplicate
existing textboxes instead of
creating new ones.

What’s the difference between
a presentation slide, a divider
slide, and a content slide?
• A presentation slide is to be used as
a cover for your presentation. Your
new presentation will automatically
populate with the “Presentation
Title…” slide (additional options
can be found in the Layout
section under the Home tab)
• Divider slides are to be used to
break up content sections. There
are also two options for the divider
slides within the Layout section
• Content slides — there are a variety
of content slides also preloaded
in the Layout section for you to
choose from depending on the
content you wish to show in
that slide (copy only, copy with
images, multiple images, etc.)

How do I copy and paste

text into the template?
• Copy text from original document
(Word or old PowerPoint)
• In the new template, click
on the copy block where
you wish to add text
• Click Edit on the top navigation,
select Paste Special, then
Unformatted Text
• Click OK
• Resize copy to preference

How do I customize the
images on the cover page?
• When starting a new presentation,
the default cover page has
uneditable images. If you prefer a
cover with customizable images,
you can choose a new cover layout
• Under the Home tab, click on
Layout and select the second layout
• This version allows you to replace
the images by clicking on the
icon within each image block
• This will open a Finder window
• Browse and select the
appropriate image
• Click on Insert
• Your new image will be
automatically cropped to fill the
placeholder. To adjust the cropping,
select the image. Under the
Picture Format tab, click on Crop.
You will now be able to move the
image within the placeholder

Which layout should I use for
content slides with images?
• Not all slides have editable
images. Those that are editable
will have image icons within the
slide templates under Layout

How do I insert an
image into my slide?
• Click on the icon within
the image block; this will
open a Finder window
• Browse and select the
appropriate image
• Click on Insert
• Resize image appropriately
• Hold Shift while resizing the
image to retain its aspect
ratio and avoid stretching
NOTE: When using imagery on a slide with a colored
background, it is best to use PNGs and PDFs with
a transparent background to avoid white boxes.

How do I replace an existing
image in my slide?
• Click on the image you
want to replace
• Under the Picture Format tab,
click on Change Picture
• This will open a Finder window
• Browse and select the
image you want to use
• Click on Insert
• You may have to resize the
image appropriately

What if I have more images

than the layout allows?
• Should you need to add more
images in addition to the ones
housed in placeholders, simply
drag the new images into the slide
• Resize appropriately

NOTE: Avoid using copyrighted/restricted

imagery from outside sources to avoid
legal or financial repercussions.


How do I copy and paste design

elements (such as the wedge)
from the master slides?
1 Select View from top navigation,

then Master, then Slide Master
• 2 Master slides will populate
on the left hand side
• Select the master slide that
contains the design element
you’re looking for
3 Click on the design

element (hold Shift Key to 5
select multiple elements) 2

• 4 Control click and select Copy

5 While in the Slide Master 3 4

tab, click on Close Master
• 6 Select the appropriate slide
• 7 Control click and select Paste

Best Practices for Creating Keep It Simple
• Limit one message per slide
a Better PowerPoint Presentation. • Write short, powerful headlines that summarize each slide
Clip art. Fancy fonts. Animations. Charts. Graphics. Sound. A wide variety of • Decide what information to show on each slide and what to speak
color schemes. PowerPoint provides a lot of creative options for creating a
• Use the “seven by seven” rule: no more than seven lines of
more exciting presentation. But don’t be tempted to use them all or your
text on each slide. No more than seven words per line
message could get lost.
• Create a script that fills in or elaborates on the important points
Here are a few helpful tips when creating a PowerPoint.
• Combine visuals with text for added interest/impact

Before You Start • Avoid any visuals or “chart junk” that don’t add to message

• Think about your audience • Present data in an easy-to-understand, uncluttered way

• Decide what you want them to learn from your presentation • Use consistent messaging and images

• Avoid telling them what they already know • You can use photos, but if you use an outside source there could be
usage fees per photo as well as usage permission
• Organize your information so your presentation
has a beginning, middle, and an end • Keep design elements and colors consistent from slide to slide;
avoid using too many colors
• Make sure slides will build on/follow each other to deliver message
• Use Calibri as your typeface; it is a universal font that is compatible
on any device
• Use upper and lower case — not all caps
• Review all content for proper branding

Get Ready to Present

• Practice
• Show the presentation to someone not involved
in the project to see if they understand it
• Think about how you can keep your audience involved;
prepare some challenging questions you can ask during
your presentation to encourage participation


Need more help working with PowerPoint?

The UX lab has a subscription to where you’ll
find a number of video tutorials with additional PPT tips.
11 Contact the Digital and Creative Innovations team at and we will help get you started.

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