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SCA 2111

Paradas, Leidimar V-27.524.598

Salazar, Gabriela V-26.976.067




A paragraph it’s the union of sentences that are organize, those sentences are all related
to one topic. In an essay, the paragraph shows the beginning and the end, and also helps
the reader the main subject of the essay.

It can describe a character, a place, a process; can compare two or more thing, or just
describe causes and effects. However, the paragraphs are mostly similar if we’re talking
about characteristics, f.e: A topic in a sentence.

It has 3 (three) parts; Introduction which is the first section of the paragraph; Body,
discusses the main idea with arguments, facts, examples; Conclusion, the final section,
is the connection between the information discussed in the body and the paragraph’s
main idea, the point of it is never lose sight of the topic.


-National Geographic

“The maps here show the world as it is now, with only one difference: All the ice on
land has melted and drained into the sea, raising it 216 feet and creating new
shorelines for our continents and inland seas.

There are more than five million cubic miles of ice on Earth, and some scientists say it
would take more than 5,000 years to melt it all. If we continue adding carbon to the
atmosphere, we’ll very likely create an ice-free planet, with an average temperature of
perhaps 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of the current 58.”

Introduction: Light blue

Body: Green

Conclusion: Pink


Previewing it’s like watching a movie trailer.

Basically, it’s a reading strategy. Readers can use it to recall the main knowledge and
then set a purpose to keep reading, it helps find the topics to decide if they would like to
read it in detail later.
SCA 2111
Paradas, Leidimar V-27.524.598
Salazar, Gabriela V-26.976.067
Previewing a text can prepare readers for what they’re about to read and improve
comprehension. It can be used before and during reading.

Also, it helps figure out what readers know and what they want to find out about a topic
in question.

It can be Fiction or non-fiction:

Fiction: Readers look at the title, chapter heading, for a better understanding.

Non-fiction: Readers look at text features, mostly to determine a subject matter, at the
end make a decision about what they know about it and what they want to find out.


When somebody reads the newspaper. To find something most people read the
headlines and then decide whether to read the whole story or not.


It’s -basically- reading a text really quick to get an idea of the actual meaning. It’s also a
task to encourage speed while reading because when you’re skimming there’s no need
to read every single word to understand.

Is really common skimming while reading the newspaper.


When someone receives an email it -mostly- comes with an Subject which gives
information about the content of the mail so the person decides to skim this content in
order to have a general idea of what it’s the email about.


It’s similar to skimming, the difference it’s that scanning is reading to find specific


Figures or names in a text.

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