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Sweet Khenjeza Pornela BSED-II

March 9, 2021 Mrs. Marites Estremadura Vergara

Preparation of Language Learning Materials


Principles of second language acquisition relevant to the development of materials


Materials are prepared by the teachers to ensure that learner can easily understand what
the discussions all about are and its one of the technique of teachers to get the attention of the
students. It helps the students to easily interpret the concepts and also the subject matter.
There is also a principle of SLA which is relevant to development of materials. These principles
will help the teachers what should be done to develop better materials

Material should have impact which means the physical appearance and content
should be attractive so the attention of the students will be caught and in the other
side the students will not be bored.
Materials should help the learners to feel at ease which means the illustrations or
texts should be comfortable to the students so the learners will not be offended.
Teachers should be sensitive so the students will feel relaxed and belong.
Materials should help learners to develop confidence. It is really important to boost
their self-confidence so they can explore themselves. Materials should help
students to develop their skills and talents.
What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful which
means the teachers should know where they are interested in and makes the
materials relevant to what they need.
Materials should require & facilitate learners’ self-investment. The teachers need to
get their attention so they can encourage the students to strive more in their
Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction which means the
teachers shouldn’t force the student to speak or cooperate if they uncomfortable or they
are not willing.
Materials should expose learners to language in authentic use which means the
teachers need to guide their students in the language used so the learners will be
expose and they will understand instructions or what have written in the text.
Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught which means the
teachers should prepare the students to the target language. The teachers need to
provide materials and strategies so the students will not be confused or will make
the students find the target language hard.
Materials should provide learners with opportunities to use target language to
achieve communication process which means the materials should be helpful to the
students and the target language should help the students in communicating.
Materials should take in account that learners differ in learning style which means
the learning style will not be sticking to one. Learning style should be different so
the skills of the students will be enhance in different fields.
The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input which
means the students should taught how to use proper grammar and how they can
apply it in real life situations.
Materials should take in account that learners differ in affective an attitude which
means the materials should expose the students in different kind of text and the
teachers also should be sensitive of the cultural differences of their learners or
Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual, aesthetic
& emotional involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities. Left
and right brain have their own respective field so they both need to use. Materials
should help the students to develop those skills.
Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback, especially feedback
on the effectiveness of use of language rather than accuracy of language which
these materials will use to test the students if they have learned from the
discussion and if the students fully understand the students so they can use it
Materials should not reply too much on controlled practice which means the
teachers should not react too much. They can give opinions but frequently because
some of the students are way sensitive.

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