Practice Bulletin: Urinary Incontinence in Women

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The American College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists


clinical management guidelines for obstetrician – gynecologists

Number 155, November 2015 (Replaces Practice Bulletin Number 63, June 2005)

Urinary Incontinence in Women

Urinary incontinence, the involuntary leakage of urine, is caused by a variety of factors and may result in a wide
range of urinary symptoms that can affect women’s physical, psychological, and social well-being and sometimes can
impose significant lifestyle restrictions. Identifying the etiology of each woman’s urinary incontinence symptoms and
developing an individualized treatment plan is essential for improving her quality of life. The purpose of this joint
document of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Urogynecologic Society is
to review information on the current understanding of urinary incontinence in women and to outline guidelines for
diagnosis and management that are consistent with the best available scientific evidence.

Background Etiology
Urinary incontinence can be caused by a variety of fac-
Urinary incontinence is a common condition in women. tors. The differential diagnosis includes genitourinary and
Approximately 25% of young women (1), 44–57% of nongenitourinary conditions (see Box 1). Some condi-
middle-aged and postmenopausal women (2), and 75% of tions that cause or contribute to urinary incontinence are
older women experience some involuntary urine loss (3, potentially reversible.
4). The estimated direct cost of urinary incontinence care
in the United States is $19.5 billion (5). Approximately Types
6% of nursing home admissions of older women can be There are three main types of urinary incontinence in
attributed to urinary incontinence (5), with an estimated women: 1) stress urinary incontinence, 2) urgency uri-
cost of $3 billion per year (6). nary incontinence, and 3) mixed urinary incontinence.
Despite the prevalence of urinary incontinence, many Box 2 includes descriptions of these forms of urinary
women are hesitant to seek care or discuss their symp- incontinence as well as other important subtypes to con-
toms with a physician. In a survey of women in the United sider during an evaluation. Correct diagnosis is important
States, only 45% of women who reported at least weekly in the evaluation and treatment of women with urinary
urine leakage sought care for their incontinence symp- incontinence, as is determining the effect on the woman’s
toms (7). As a result, many women with urinary incon- quality of life (9). Depending on the degree of symptom
tinence live with physical, functional, and psychological severity, women may select more or less invasive treat-
limitations and diminished quality of life at home and ment options or no treatment at all. Most women cope
at work (8). Because urinary incontinence can be a dif- better with stress urinary incontinence symptoms and
ficult topic for patients to discuss, physicians should elicit report a poorer quality of life from symptoms of urgency
information from patients and screen for these symptoms. and urge urinary incontinence (10, 11).

Committee on Practice Bulletins—Gynecology and the American Urogynecologic Society. This Practice Bulletin was developed by the Committee on
Practice Bulletins—Gynecology and the American Urogynecologic Society with the assistance of Kimberly S. Kenton, MD, and Scott W. Smilen, MD. The
information is designed to aid practitioners in making decisions about appropriate obstetric and gynecologic care. These guidelines should not be construed
as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure. Variations in practice may be warranted based on the needs of the individual patient, resources,
and limitations unique to the institution or type of practice.


Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Box 1. Differential Diagnosis of Box 2. Types of Urinary Incontinence in Women ^
Urinary Incontinence in Women ^
Chronic urinary retention—involuntary loss of urine
Genitourinary Etiology when the bladder does not empty completely; associ-
• Filling and storage disorders ated with high residual urine volumes*
— Urodynamic stress incontinence Coital urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of urine
— Detrusor overactivity (idiopathic) with sexual intercourse
— Detrusor overactivity (neurogenic) Continuous urinary incontinence—continuous involun-
tary loss of urine
— Mixed types
Extraurethral urinary incontinence—urine leakage
• Fistula through channels other than the urethral meatus (eg,
— Vesical vesicovaginal, urethrovaginal, or ureterovaginal genito-
— Ureteral urinary fistulas; ectopic ureter)
— Urethral Functional urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of
urine that is due to cognitive, functional, or mobility
• Infectious
impairments in the presence of an intact lower urinary
— Urinary tract infection tract system*
— Vaginitis Insensible urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of
• Congenital urine that occurs without awareness
— Ectopic ureter Mixed urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of urine
associated with urgency and with physical exertion,
— Epispadias
sneezing, or coughing
Nongenitourinary Etiology Nocturnal enuresis—involuntary loss of urine that
• Functional occurs during sleep
— Neurologic Occult stress incontinence—stress urinary incontinence
(see below) that is observed only after the reduction of
— Cognitive
coexistent pelvic organ prolapse
— Psychologic
Overactive bladder—urinary urgency, typically accom-
— Physical impairment panied by frequency and nocturia, with and without
• Environmental urge urinary incontinence in the absence of urinary
• Pharmacologic tract infection or other obvious pathology
Postmicturition leakage—involuntary passage of urine
• Metabolic
after the completion of micturition
Postural urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of
urine associated with change of body position
Basic Office Evaluation Stress urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of urine
A basic office evaluation is the first and most important with effort or physical exertion (eg, sporting activities)
step in the assessment of urinary incontinence. Office or when sneezing or coughing
evaluation in all women should include a thorough Urgency urinary incontinence—involuntary loss of
history, physical examination, assessment of symp- urine associated with urgency or a sudden, compelling
tom severity, and goals for treatment. In addition, all desire to void that is difficult to defer
women with symptoms of urinary incontinence should *Data from Abrams P, Andersson KE, Artibani W, Birder L, Bliss D,
have screening for urinary tract infection and postvoid Brubaker L, et al. Recommendations of the International Scientific
Committee: evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence,
residual urine volume to rule out retention and overflow pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence. 5th International
incontinence before initiating any treatment. A simple Consultation on Incontinence. In: Abrams P, Cardozo L, Khoury S,
cough stress test is useful in the initial evaluation, espe- Wein A, editors. Incontinence. 5th ed. Paris: ICUD-EAU; 2013.
p. 1895–956.
cially in women with stress incontinence symptoms.
Data from Haylen BT, de Ridder D, Freeman RM, Swift SE,
Often, a diagnosis is made with basic office evaluation, Berghmans B, Lee J, et al. An International Urogynecological
and therapy can be initiated based on these findings. Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) joint
Additional specialized urodynamic studies may be nec- report on the terminology for female pelvic floor dysfunction. Int
Urogynecol J 2010;21:5–26.
essary if complex conditions are present or the etiology
of incontinence is unclear after a basic evaluation.

VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e67

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Additional Evaluation of urinary incontinence in women. However, cystoure-
throscopy should be considered as part of an inconti-
Urodynamic Testing nence evaluation in women with microscopic hematuria,
Urodynamic testing refers to a battery of tests that are acute-onset or refractory urgency incontinence, recurrent
used to assess lower urinary tract function by measuring urinary tract infections, or suspicion for fistula or foreign
various aspects of urine storage and evacuation. Its pur- body after gynecologic surgery.
pose is to aid in understanding physiologic mechanisms
of lower urinary tract dysfunction, thereby improving the Treatment Options
accuracy of diagnosis and facilitating targeted treatment. Numerous highly effective treatments, which are sup-
Urodynamic testing may be conducted with or with- ported by evidence from randomized controlled trials,
out video and may include the following: are available to manage urinary incontinence in women.
• Cystometry provides a graphic depiction of bladder Treatment options for urinary incontinence range from
(and abdominal) pressure relative to fluid volume conservative to surgical. When women are evaluated for
during filling, storage, and voiding to assess bladder urinary incontinence, counseling about treatment should
sensation, capacity, and compliance and to deter- begin with conservative options (17). Conservative
mine the presence and magnitude of voluntary and options include pelvic floor muscle exercises (with or
involuntary detrusor contractions. without physical therapy), behavioral and lifestyle
modifications, continence-support pessaries, and phar-
• Uroflowmetry and pressure-flow studies measure macotherapy. Surgical treatment options include anti-
the rate of urine flow and the mechanism of bladder incontinence procedures, such as urethral bulking agents,
emptying (ie, presence or absence of coordinated retropubic colposuspension, autologous fascial slings,
detrusor contractions and urethral relaxation) and may and synthetic midurethral slings. Intraoperative or
be useful in the evaluation of voiding dysfunction. immediate postoperative complications of surgery for
• Measures of urethral function, including urethral stress incontinence include direct surgical injury to the
pressure profiles and Valsalva leak point pres- lower urinary tract, hemorrhage, bowel injury, wound
sures; studies have demonstrated considerable test– complications, retention, and urinary tract infection. In
retest variation and overlap of normal and patho- patients who undergo retropubic or sling procedures,
logic urethral pressure measurements (12), which gynecologic surgeons should perform intraoperative
makes their clinical use questionable. Although out- cystourethroscopy to verify ureteral patency and the
comes studies suggest that lower urethral pressure absence of sutures or sling material in the bladder (17,
measurements may be associated with poorer conti- 18). Most of the chronic complications after Burch
nence outcomes, investigators have not found a reli- colposuspension and sling procedures relate to voiding
able cutoff measure to accurately predict surgical dysfunction and urge symptoms.
failure (13). Similarly, although Valsalva leak point Because treatment options vary by incontinence
pressures are associated weakly with subjective type and effectiveness, it is important to first determine
measures of incontinence severity, they do not reli- the etiology and severity of the patient’s symptoms.
ably predict surgical outcomes (14, 15). Therefore, After determining the type of incontinence, physicians
it is unclear how useful these measurements are for should assess each woman’s goals and expectations for
clinical decision making. treatment to help her select the best treatment option.
• Electromyography is used to study neuromuscu-
lar activity, especially that of pelvic muscles and
urethral sphincter during voiding. Its main role is Clinical Considerations
detecting coordination (or lack thereof) between
detrusor muscle contraction and simultaneous ure-
and Recommendations
thral sphincter relaxation. What office evaluation is useful for evalua-
tion of urinary incontinence?
Cystourethroscopy The minimum evaluation in women with symptoms of
Cystourethroscopy is a surgical procedure in which a urinary incontinence includes the following six steps:
rigid or flexible fiberoptic endoscope is used to examine 1) history, 2) urinalysis, 3) physical examination,
the lumen of the bladder (cystoscopy) and urethra (ure- 4) demonstration of stress incontinence, 5) assessment
throscopy) (16). Endoscopic evaluation of the urethra of urethral mobility, and 6) measurement of postvoid
and bladder is not routinely indicated in the evaluation residual urine volume.

e68 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
History severity, and the relative contribution of urgency and
stress incontinence symptoms (17).
The purpose of history taking is to help determine the
Thorough medical, surgical, gynecologic, and neu-
type of urinary incontinence (Box 2). History should
rologic histories also should be obtained. Certain medi-
include characterization of incontinence (eg, stress,
cal and neurologic conditions, such as multiple sclerosis,
urgency, mixed), duration, precipitating events, fluid
diabetes, stroke, and lumbar disk disease, may precipitate
intake, frequency of occurrence, interference with activi-
urinary incontinence (Box 1). A bowel history is impor-
ties of daily life, severity, pad use, and effect of symp-
tant because anal incontinence and constipation are com-
toms on activities of daily living. Questions should
assess symptoms related to bladder storage (frequency, mon in women with urinary incontinence. A complete
nocturia, urgency, and incontinence) and emptying list of the patient’s medications should be reviewed to
(hesitancy, slow stream, straining to void, feeling of determine whether any medications might be contribut-
incomplete emptying, and dysuria). Physicians can use ing to the woman’s urinary symptoms. Agents that can
validated questionnaires (Box 3) to evaluate bother, affect lower urinary tract function include diuretics, caf-
feine, alcohol, narcotic analgesics, anticholinergic drugs,
antihistamines, psychotropic drugs, alpha-adrenergic
blockers, alpha-adrenergic agonists, and calcium chan-
Box 3. Examples of Validated nel blockers (17).
Urinary Incontinence Questionnaires ^ Bladder diaries are useful adjuncts to the history
obtained from the patient. They are simple tools that
• Urogenital Distress Inventory (UDI)*
can provide information about fluid intake, voiding pat-
• Incontinence Impact Questionnaire (IIQ)* terns, and urine leakage episodes, which can assist in the
• Questionnaire for Urinary Incontinence Diagnosis diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence. Over a
(QUID)† continuous 24-hour period, the patient records the timing
• Incontinence Quality of Life Questionnaire (I-QOL)‡ and amount of fluid intake, voids and voided volumes,
• Incontinence Severity Index (ISI)§ leakage episodes, and activity during leakage. Bladder
diaries also are helpful in documenting symptoms,
• International Consultation on Incontinence
which can be useful in initiating behavioral changes and
Questionnaire (ICIQ)||
thus improving patient adherence (19, 20). Recording
*Shumaker SA, Wyman JF, Uebersax JS, McClish D, Fantl JA. Health- for 3–5 days generally will provide sufficient clinical
related quality of life measures for women with urinary inconti- data. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
nence: the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital
Distress Inventory. Continence Program in Women (CPW) Research and Kidney Diseases has developed a daily bladder
Group. Qual Life Res 1994;3:291–306 and Uebersax JS, Wyman diary, which is available online at
JF, Shumaker SA, McClish DK, Fantl JA. Short forms to assess life
quality and symptom distress for urinary incontinence in women:
the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire and the Urogenital Distress bladder-diary/Documents/diary_508.pdf.
Inventory. Continence Program for Women Research Group.
Neurourol Urodyn 1995;14:131–9.

Bradley CS, Rahn DD, Nygaard IE, Barber MD, Nager CW, Kenton KS,
et al. The questionnaire for urinary incontinence diagnosis (QUID): Urinary tract infections should be identified using uri-
validity and responsiveness to change in women undergoing non- nalysis and treated before initiating further investigation
surgical therapies for treatment of stress predominant urinary incon-
tinence. Neurourol Urodyn 2010;29:727–34. or therapeutic intervention for urinary incontinence (17).

Brown JS, Grady D, Ouslander JG, Herzog AR, Varner RE, Posner
A clean midstream or catheterized urine sample should
SF. Prevalence of urinary incontinence and associated risk factors in be obtained for dipstick urinalysis. If suspicious for
postmenopausal women. Heart & Estrogen/Progestin Replacement infection (ie, nitrites, leukocytes, or both are present),
Study (HERS) Research Group. Obstet Gynecol 1999;94:66–70.
a urine culture should be sent and appropriate empiric
Sandvik H, Seim A, Vanvik A, Hunskaar S. A severity index for epide-
miological surveys of female urinary incontinence: comparison with
antibiotic therapy initiated for treatment of uncompli-
48-hour pad-weighing tests. Neurourol Urodyn 2000;19:137–45. cated cystitis (21). If microscopic hematuria is present,
Avery K, Donovan J, Peters TJ, Shaw C, Gotoh M, Abrams P. ICIQ: a further upper and lower urinary tract evaluation with
brief and robust measure for evaluating the symptoms and impact cystoscopy and computed tomography is recommended
of urinary incontinence. Neurourol Urodyn 2004;23:322–30.
(22). The American Urological Association defines
Reprinted from Evaluation of uncomplicated stress urinary inconti-
nence in women before surgical treatment. Committee Opinion No.
microscopic hematuria as three or more red blood cells
603. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Obstet per high-power field on “microscopic examination of
Gynecol 2014;123:1403–7. urinary sediment and not on a dipstick reading” and “in
the absence of an obvious benign cause” (22).

VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e69

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Physical Examination with a cough is a positive test diagnostic of stress urinary
incontinence. Urine loss that occurs in a delayed man-
The primary purpose of the physical examination is to
ner after cough is considered a negative test result and
exclude confounding or contributing factors to urinary
incontinence or its management. A urethral diverticu- suggests cough-induced overactive bladder. The cough
lum can produce incontinence or postvoid dribbling. stress test can be performed in the supine position dur-
Occasionally, patients confuse vaginal discharge with ing the pelvic examination. However, if urine leakage
urinary incontinence. Extraurethral incontinence from is not observed in the supine position, the test should
a fistula or ectopic ureter opening in the vagina is be repeated with the patient standing and with a full
rare but sometimes can be seen on vaginal examina- bladder (or at a minimum bladder volume of 300 mL) to
tion. Therefore, it is recommended that all pelvic sup- maximize sensitivity (17). Some physicians ask patients
port compartments (anterior, posterior, and apical) be to come to the office with a full bladder during an initial
assessed in women with urinary incontinence symptoms evaluation so that a cough stress test can be performed
(17, 23, 24). Prolapse can mask or decrease the sever- before bladder emptying (28). If no leakage is observed
ity of the woman’s incontinence symptoms, especially despite patient symptoms of stress urinary incontinence,
stress incontinence symptoms; this is referred to as the physician may need to retrograde fill the bladder
occult, potential, masked, or hidden stress urinary incon- until the patient reports bladder fullness or has a bladder
tinence. When the prolapse is decreased with a nonob- volume of at least 300 mL of fluid and then repeat the
structing pessary or large cotton swabs, stress urinary cough stress test. If the standing cough stress test result
incontinence may become apparent or worsen (17, 25). remains negative despite patient reports of stress urinary
All patients with urinary incontinence symptoms incontinence, then multichannel urodynamic testing is
should undergo a bimanual examination, including pel- recommended (17).
vic floor muscle examination with assessment of muscle
strength and voluntary muscle relaxation. Motor and Assessment of Urethral Mobility
sensory differences, unilateral defects, and asymmetry Urethral mobility generally is defined as a resting angle
should be documented when present (26). or displacement angle of the urethra–bladder neck with
A rectal examination is useful to further evaluate maximum Valsalva of at least 30 degrees from the hori-
anorectal pathology and fecal impaction, the latter of zontal (29). The cotton swab test has been the traditional
which may be associated with voiding difficulties and method to assess urethral mobility (30), but other meth-
incontinence in older women. Urinary incontinence ods of evaluating urethral mobility include measurement
often improves after treating fecal impaction (10). of point Aa of the pelvic organ prolapse quantification
Rectal examination should assess anal sphincter tone and system, visualization, palpation, and ultrasonography
strength; prior anal sphincter tears; fecal impaction; and (31–33). Continence surgery is more successful in
other rectal pathology, including rectovaginal fistula, women with urethral mobility before surgery. Lack of
tumor, hemorrhoids, or fissure. urethral mobility is associated with a 1.9-fold increase
Urinary incontinence may be the presenting symp- in the failure rate of midurethral sling treatment of stress
tom of neurologic disease. The screening neurologic urinary incontinence (34). Patients who lack urethral
examination should include mental status as well as mobility may be better candidates for urethral bulking
sensory and motor function of the perineum and both agents rather than sling or retropubic procedures.
lower extremities. Sacral segments 2 through 4 contain
the important neurons controlling micturition. Lower Postvoid Residual Urine Volume
extremity motor function and sensory function along The presence of an elevated postvoid residual volume
the sacral dermatomes are important to evaluate. The can indicate the presence of chronic urinary retention.
anal wink and bulbocavernosus reflexes are used to According to the Value of Urodynamic Evaluation trial,
assess integrity of sacral reflex pathways; however, they a postvoid residual volume of less than 150 mL mea-
may be clinically absent in women without neurologic sured by bladder ultrasonography or catheter indicates
disease (27). adequate bladder emptying in women undergoing stress
urinary incontinence surgery (35). Because isolated
Demonstration of Stress Incontinence: instances of elevated residual urine volume may not be
Cough Stress Test significant, the test should be repeated when a single
Stress urinary incontinence should be demonstrated abnormally high value is obtained. An elevated postvoid
objectively before any surgery is performed (28). Vis- residual urine volume in the absence of pelvic organ
ualization of fluid loss from the urethra simultaneous prolapse is uncommon and should trigger an evaluation

e70 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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of the bladder-emptying mechanism, usually with a Are incontinence pessaries effective for the
pressure-flow urodynamic study (17). treatment of urinary incontinence?
When is multichannel urodynamic testing Incontinence pessaries may improve the symptoms of
useful for evaluation of urinary incontinence? stress and mixed urinary incontinence, but objective
evidence regarding their effectiveness has not been
Women for whom further lower urinary tract evaluation reported. Incontinence pessaries are believed to control
with multichannel urodynamic testing may be indicated stress incontinence symptoms by supporting the urethra
include those with an unclear diagnosis after basic office and increasing urethral resistance. Studies on pessary
evaluation (eg, negative cough stress test result, even use have reported patient satisfaction outcomes as a
with a full bladder), symptoms that do not correlate with measure of pessary effectiveness. The results of a ran-
objective findings, failure to improve with treatment, or domized controlled trial comparing behavioral therapy
prior incontinence or pelvic floor surgery. Indications with pelvic floor muscle training, incontinence pes-
for urodynamic testing remain controversial, but most saries, and combination therapy in women with stress-
experts do not recommend urodynamic testing in the predominant urinary incontinence showed that patient
initial evaluation of uncomplicated urinary incontinence satisfaction after 3 months was higher in the behavioral–
(12). physical therapy group (75%) compared with the pessary
The results of an Agency for Healthcare Research group (63%) (37). Patient satisfaction in the combination
and Quality systematic review show that diagnosis therapy group was not superior to single therapy (79%);
by urodynamic testing does not better predict which however, by 1 year, patient satisfaction rates decreased
patients would benefit from nonsurgical treatments when in all groups to approximately 50% (37). Patients can be
compared with diagnosis by patients’ symptom reports counseled that incontinence pessary therapy may be an
(4). Randomized controlled trial results have dem- effective management option for stress urinary inconti-
onstrated that basic office evaluation, including normal nence in women who wish to avoid surgery and who are
postvoid residual urine volume, negative urinalysis not likely to adhere to behavioral–physical therapy or
result, and positive cough stress test result, is not inferior want more immediate symptom control than is provided
to urodynamic testing in women with stress-predominant with behavioral–physical therapy (37).
urinary incontinence undergoing anti-incontinence sur-
gery (35). In women with uncomplicated stress urinary Are behavioral and lifestyle modifications
incontinence, outcomes 1 year after midurethral sling effective for the treatment of urinary
surgery were the same for those who had a basic office incontinence?
assessment performed by trained pelvic floor health care
providers compared with those who had a preoperative Several behavioral and lifestyle modifications, includ-
evaluation that included urodynamic testing (35). Thus, ing bladder training, weight loss, and fluid management,
preoperative multichannel urodynamic testing is not have proved effective for the treatment of urinary incon-
necessary before planning primary anti-incontinence tinence. In one randomized controlled trial, behavioral
surgery in women with uncomplicated stress urinary therapy (including group and individual instruction,
incontinence (defined as postvoid residual urine volume scheduled voiding, diary keeping, and pelvic floor
less than 150 mL, negative urinalysis result, a positive muscle exercises) resulted in a 50% reduction in mean
cough stress test result, and no pelvic organ prolapse incontinence episodes compared with a 15% reduction
beyond the hymen) (17, 35, 36). However, women in controls (38). There were no differences in treatment
who have complicated stress urinary incontinence may efficacy by type of incontinence (stress, urgency, or
benefit from multichannel urodynamic testing and other mixed) (38). Therefore, behavioral therapy and pelvic
diagnostic tests before initiation of treatment, especially floor muscle exercises improve symptoms of urinary
surgery. Determination of the need for additional diag- incontinence and may be recommended as an initial,
nostic testing before surgery should be based on clinical noninvasive treatment in many women.
judgment after completion of the basic urinary incon-
tinence evaluation outlined in this document. Clinical Bladder Training
judgment should guide the physician’s decision to Bladder training, which includes interventions such
perform preoperative multichannel urodynamic testing as timed voiding and bladder drills, aims to increase
or to refer the patient to a specialist with appropriate the time interval between voiding by use of either a
training and experience in female pelvic medicine and mandatory or self-adjusted schedule. Although bladder
reconstructive surgery. training typically is used for the treatment of urgency

VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e71

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
incontinence, it also has been found to be effective in the specific pelvic floor muscle training programs exist; how-
management of stress urinary incontinence and mixed ever, it is unclear which is most effective (47). Treatment
urinary incontinence (39). A Cochrane review tenta- efficiency decreases over time and is most effective when
tively concluded, based on limited and variable-quality initiated under the supervision of a physician.
available evidence, that bladder training may be helpful An Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
for the treatment of urinary incontinence, including urge, systematic review concluded that pelvic floor muscle
stress, and mixed incontinence (40). exercises, regardless of regimen, are effective alone and
in combination with bladder training or biofeedback,
Weight Loss electrical stimulation, or weight loss with exercise to
Obesity is an independent risk factor for the develop- achieve continence and improvement in urinary incon-
ment of urinary incontinence, with obese women having tinence (4). Approximately one half of women with
a 4.2-fold greater risk of stress urinary incontinence stress-predominant urinary incontinence are satisfied
than those with an average body mass index (41, 42). 1 year after starting pelvic floor muscle training (37).
Evidence from several trials demonstrates that moderate However, it remains unclear whether the addition of
weight loss can improve urinary incontinence symptoms pelvic muscle training to a more active treatment already
in overweight and obese women (43, 44). A randomized in place, such as pessary, pharmacologic treatment,
trial comparing a 6-month weight-loss program with a or surgical intervention, is beneficial compared with
structured education program in overweight and obese the active treatment alone (37, 48). A recent trial that
women with urinary incontinence showed a reduction compared pelvic floor muscle training with midurethral
in weekly incontinence episodes (mostly stress urinary sling for treatment of stress urinary incontinence found
incontinence) of 47% and 28%, respectively (43). Mean that 49% of women in the pelvic floor muscle training
weight loss was only 7.8 kg (8% of baseline weight) in group crossed over to surgery, and 11% of women in
the intervention group, which suggests that even moder- the surgery group crossed over to physical therapy (49).
ate weight loss can improve stress urinary incontinence. Subjective 1-year cure rates were 85% in the surgery
Another study of overweight and obese women with group and 53% in the physical therapy group, and rates
type 2 diabetes mellitus found that each 1-kg reduction of objective cure were 76.5% and 58.8%, respectively.
in weight resulted in a 3% decrease in the likelihood of These results suggest that although pelvic floor muscle
development of urinary incontinence (44). training generally is regarded as first-line treatment for
stress urinary incontinence, initial midurethral sling sur-
Dietary Fluid Management gery may be offered as an alternative primary treatment
option in appropriately counseled women.
Women with urinary incontinence should be counseled
regarding fluid management. Those with nighttime
or early-morning incontinence should be advised to
Is pharmacotherapy effective for the treat-
decrease fluid intake several hours before bedtime.
ment of urinary incontinence?
Reduction in excessive fluid intake (eg, to no more than Current evidenced-based medical treatments typically
2 liters per day) and frequent bladder emptying can be are reserved for urgency urinary incontinence. Medical
useful strategies as well. Caffeine intake equivalent to as therapies for treatment of stress urinary incontinence
little as 1 cup of coffee per day is associated with urinary are less effective and generally are not recommended.
incontinence; therefore, it also may be helpful to suggest Available medical treatments for urgency urinary incon-
to women with urinary incontinence that they decrease tinence include antimuscarinic agents (also known as
their caffeine intake (45). anticholinergic agents), beta-agonists, onabotulinum-
toxinA, and estrogen.
Are pelvic floor muscle exercises effective for
the treatment of urinary incontinence? Antimuscarinic Medications
Pelvic floor muscle (Kegel) exercises are performed to Antimuscarinic medications typically are prescribed
strengthen the voluntary periurethral and perivaginal after behavioral therapy, physical therapy, or both for
muscles (voluntary urethral sphincter and levator ani). the treatment of urgency urinary incontinence, but they
Pelvic muscle exercises may be used alone or augmented also may be offered as a primary treatment option after
with bladder training, biofeedback, or electrical stimula- appropriate patient counseling. These agents block
tion. Pelvic floor muscle exercises can be effective as parasympathetic muscarinic receptors and act on blad-
a first-line treatment for stress, urgency, or mixed urin- der M2 and M3 receptors to inhibit involuntary detrusor
ary incontinence (4, 37, 46). Numerous descriptions of contractions.

e72 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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In systematic reviews, use of antimuscarinic medica- with a single intradetrusor injection of 100 units of
tions resulted in clinical improvement and higher conti- onabotulinumtoxinA in patients with overactive bladder
nence rates compared with placebo for reducing urgency symptoms (who had never taken antimuscarinic medica-
incontinence; however, the magnitude of effect was mod- tions and those who had taken two or fewer prior anti-
est (50, 51). Antimuscarinic medications also were asso- muscarinic medications) found that antimuscarinics had
ciated with significant discontinuation rates because of similar rates of improvement in symptoms of overactive
bothersome adverse effects, with dry mouth as the most bladder compared with onabotulinumtoxinA injections
frequently reported adverse event. Numerous antimusca- (55). The treatments resulted in similar reductions in
rinic agents are available, including darifenacin, fesotero- daily incontinence episodes at 6 months; however, 27%
dine, oxybutynin, solifenacin, tolterodine, and trospium, of women in the onabotulinumtoxinA group compared
that have similar efficacy and safety profiles; however, with only 13% in the antimuscarinic group reported
conclusions regarding comparative effectiveness and complete resolution of urgency urinary incontinence
safety are limited by the lack of high-quality evidence (55). Adverse events differed in the treatment groups,
from head-to-head trials between specific agents. with women in the onabotulinumtoxinA group reporting
Because long-term adherence and continence rates less dry mouth but having a higher risk of urinary tract
with antimuscarinic agents are suboptimal, combining infection (33%) and voiding dysfunction that required
antimuscarinic agents with behavioral–physical therapy catheterization (5%).
has been proposed. However, the combination of behav- Therefore, compared with antimuscarinic treatment,
ioral and antimuscarinic therapy for urgency urinary intravesical onabotulinumtoxinA results in similar reduc-
incontinence has not been found to be more effective than tion of incontinence episodes, and more patients report
antimuscarinic therapy alone (4, 52, 53). Further study in complete resolution of incontinence. Thus, intradetrusor
this area will be helpful in directing management. onabotulinumtoxinA may be a treatment option for over-
active bladder in appropriate patients, and consideration
Beta-agonists of its use requires shared decision making between the
patient and physician. Patients should be counseled
Mirabegron is a beta-agonist that activates the beta-3
about risks and possible postprocedure adverse events of
adrenergic receptor in the detrusor muscle, which leads
onabotulinumtoxinA injections, including urinary reten-
to muscle relaxation and increased bladder capacity. It is
tion, incomplete bladder emptying, and urinary tract
approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for
infections (56).
the treatment of urinary urgency and frequency and urge
incontinence. In short-term, randomized, double-blind
trials, mirabegron demonstrated significant reductions Is neuromodulation effective for the treat-
in urge incontinence episodes, with adverse event rates ment of urinary incontinence?
(most commonly, tachycardia, headache, and diarrhea)
Sacral neuromodulation refers to stimulation of nerves
similar to those for placebo (54). Mirabegron is not
that innervate the bladder and pelvic floor to treat lower
recommended for patients with severe uncontrolled
urinary tract dysfunction. The exact mechanism of action
hypertension, end-stage renal disease, or significant liver
remains unknown, but it may modulate reflex pathways
affecting bladder storage and emptying (57). The proce-
dure is performed in two stages: the first, a trial phase
OnabotulinumtoxinA that involves electrode placement to determine if symp-
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved toms are improved sufficiently in order to proceed to the
the use of onabotulinumtoxinA (also known as Botox second stage, implantation of a pulse generator.
A) for the treatment of overactive bladder. Botulinum One prospective clinical trial found a 62% clini-
toxin, a potent neurotoxin derived from the anaerobic cal success rate for treating refractory urinary urgency
bacterium Clostridium botulinum, acts primarily as a incontinence; 26% of patients reported complete dryness
muscle paralytic by inhibiting the presynaptic release of and 36% demonstrated more than a 50% reduction of
acetylcholine from motor neurons at the neuromuscular incontinence episodes (58). Thus, sacral neuromodula-
junction. OnabotulinumtoxinA is administered by cys- tion may be considered for patients with recalcitrant
toscopic injection of multiple aliquots into the detrusor urinary urge incontinence who have failed other conser-
muscle. vative measures, including bladder training, pelvic floor
A multicenter randomized trial that compared the physical therapy with biofeedback, and pharmacologic
effectiveness of 6 months of daily antimuscarinic therapy treatment.

VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e73

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Is there a role for estrogen in the treatment and nonsurgical procedures, surgery is indicated for
of urinary incontinence? appropriately counseled women with stress urinary incon-
tinence who have insufficient symptom control after
Systemic estrogen therapy, with or without progester- conservative treatment. In addition, surgery may be an
one, does not appear to be effective in the prevention or appropriate first-line treatment in appropriately counseled
treatment of urinary incontinence; in fact, several large women with stress urinary incontinence who decline con-
trials of hormone therapy have found an increased occur- servative treatment. For example, initial midurethral sling
rence of stress incontinence in users of hormone therapy surgery results in higher 1-year subjective and objective
(estrogen alone or combined with progesterone) (59, 60). cure rates than pelvic floor physical therapy in women
Locally administered (vaginal) estrogen, however, may with stress urinary incontinence (49). Although surgical
be of some benefit in decreasing urinary incontinence treatments are associated with higher success rates than
(61, 62). conservative therapy, surgery also is associated with
increased morbidity, including the potential for the devel-
Is there a role for bulking agents in the treat- opment of postoperative voiding difficulty and urgency
ment of urinary incontinence? incontinence. Each woman must balance her degree of
A number of bulking agents have been used for the symptom severity, quality-of-life effects, and goals for
treatment of stress incontinence with intrinsic sphincter treatment when deciding on surgical management of
deficiency in women. The bulking agents are injected stress urinary incontinence.
transurethrally or periurethrally into the periurethral
tissue around the bladder neck and proximal urethra Are midurethral synthetic mesh slings effec-
to increase urethral resistance. Urethral bulking injec- tive and appropriate to use in the surgical
tions are a relatively noninvasive treatment for stress treatment of urinary incontinence?
urinary incontinence that may be appropriate if surgery
Synthetic midurethral mesh slings are the most common
has failed to achieve adequate symptom reduction, if
primary surgical treatment for stress urinary incontinence
symptoms recur after surgery, in women with symptoms
in women (67). Synthetic midurethral slings demonstrate
who do not have urethral mobility, or in older women
efficacy that is similar to traditional suburethral fascial
with comorbidities who cannot tolerate anesthesia or
slings, open colposuspension, and laparoscopic colpo-
more invasive surgery (63). However, urethral bulk-
suspension (68–70). Compared with suburethral fascial
ing agents are less effective than surgical procedures
slings, fewer adverse events have been reported with
such as sling placement and are rarely used as primary
synthetic midurethral slings (68). Voiding dysfunction
treatment for stress urinary incontinence. A Cochrane
is more common with open colposuspension than with
systematic review concluded that urethral bulking agents
synthetic midurethral slings (69). For these reasons,
are less effective than surgery, with a 1.7-fold to 4.8-fold
midurethral synthetic mesh slings have become the pri-
increased likelihood of cure with surgical treatment (64).
mary surgical treatment for stress urinary incontinence
The most significant shortcomings of urethral bulking
in women (67, 71). However, in women who decline or
agents are recurrent incontinence and the need for repeat
are not candidates for synthetic mesh slings, autologous
fascial bladder neck slings and Burch colposuspen-
There are several agents that are currently used, but
sion (laparoscopic or open) remain effective treatment
there is insufficient evidence to recommend one in par-
ticular. Glutaraldehyde cross-linked bovine collagen was
Although controversy exists about the role of syn-
the most commonly used agent until it was discontinued
thetic mesh used in the vaginal repair of pelvic organ
in 2011; however, a 2012 systematic review found insuf-
prolapse, there are substantial safety and efficacy data
ficient evidence to recommend an alternative agent (64).
that support the role of synthetic mesh midurethral
Evidence suggests that currently used agents, pyrolytic
slings as a primary surgical treatment option for stress
carbon-coated beads, and calcium hydroxylapatite, are
urinary incontinence in women. For this reason, and
comparable to collagen, with improvement rates ranging
to clarify uncertainty for patients and practitioners, the
from 63% to 80% at 1 year (65, 66).
American Urogynecologic Society and the Society of Uro-
dynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Recon-
When is surgery indicated for the manage-
struction published a position statement recognizing
ment of urinary incontinence?
polypropylene mesh midurethral slings as the “stan-
Although urgency urinary incontinence generally is dard of care” in the surgical treatment of stress urinary
treated with conservative measures, pharmacotherapy, incontinence (72).

e74 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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Is there an optimal type of midurethral sling and low complication rates after urethral diverticulec-
procedure? tomy and placement of autologous fascial sling (76,
Although there are many ways to place midurethral
• Complications from mesh previously placed in the
slings, the main approaches used are retropubic and trans-
anterior vagina (for urinary incontinence or pelvic
obturator techniques. Evidence from a 2015 systematic
organ prolapse). Several case series report good
review demonstrates that these approaches are effec-
outcomes with removal of prior mesh and place-
tive and appear to be comparable in terms of efficacy
ment of an autologous fascial sling (78, 79).
and patient satisfaction (73). Subjective cure rates up to
1 year after surgery were similar and ranged from 62%
What is the appropriate surgical manage-
to 98% (transobturator route) and 71% to 97% (retro-
ment of urinary incontinence with coexisting
pubic route). Short-term objective and long-term (more
pelvic organ prolapse?
than 5 years) subjective and objective cure rates also
were similar. Voiding dysfunction, bladder perforation, Although pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incon-
major vascular or visceral injury, and operative blood tinence coexist in up to 80% of women with pelvic floor
loss were more common with retropubic slings, whereas disorders (80), these disorders often are not equally symp-
groin pain was more common with transobturator slings. tomatic for the patient. In women with bothersome pelvic
Mesh complications (eg, exposures, erosions) were organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence symptoms,
uncommon and did not differ between routes of sling it is prudent to correct both disorders to reduce persistent
placement (2% overall). or worsening stress incontinence after surgery. Because
Single-incision mini-slings are shorter than standard- there is no single procedure that adequately treats pelvic
length retropubic and transobturator slings and do not organ prolapse and urinary incontinence, two procedures
pass through the retropubic or obturator spaces. How- are done concomitantly. Thus, women with bothersome
ever, two meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials stress urinary incontinence who are undergoing pelvic
(74, 75) demonstrated significantly lower subjective organ prolapse surgery should have concomitant treat-
and objective cure rates with single-incision mini-slings ment for both disorders. The type of continence procedure
compared with standard-length slings, with one of the often is selected based on the route of access for the pro-
reviews demonstrating higher rates of reoperation for lapse repair.
stress urinary incontinence (75). Thus, the risk-benefit
profile for each procedure, along with the patient’s goals For patients with pelvic organ prolapse but
and expectations, should be considered in determining without stress urinary incontinence, are
the preferred sling type for each individual. incontinence procedures appropriate at the
time of prolapse repair?
What is the role for autologous fascial blad- Approximately 40% of women without stress urinary
der neck slings in the treatment of stress incontinence develop symptoms of stress incontinence
urinary incontinence? after surgical correction of pelvic organ prolapse (81, 82).
In women who decline or are not candidates for syn- This condition, known as occult stress urinary incon-
thetic mesh slings, autologous fascial bladder neck tinence, likely occurs because the prolapse kinks and
slings are an effective treatment alternative. Autologous obstructs the urethra, and the obstruction is alleviated
fascial bladder neck slings should be considered in when the prolapse is repaired. All women with signifi-
women with severe stress urinary incontinence and a cant apical prolapse, anterior prolapse, or both should
nonmobile, fixed urethra; urethral diverticula or fistula; have a preoperative evaluation for occult stress incon-
or with complications from mesh previously placed in tinence, with cough stress testing or urodynamic testing
with the prolapse reduced. When stress urinary incon-
the anterior vagina:
tinence is demonstrated during cough stress testing, an
• Severe stress incontinence with a nonmobile, fixed increased rate of stress urinary incontinence after pelvic
urethra, requiring a more obstructive procedure. organ prolapse surgery is expected (25). These women
An autologous bladder neck sling can be placed should consider an incontinence procedure at the time of
under more tension than a synthetic sling secondary pelvic organ prolapse repair after appropriate counseling
to risks of urethral erosion with synthetic material. of the benefits and risks of additional surgery.
• Concomitant urethral reconstruction procedures Several large trials have examined the efficacy
(eg, diverticulectomy or fistula repair). Several of a concomitant continence procedure at the time of
investigators reported good incontinence outcomes prolapse repair (81, 82). In the Colpopexy and Urinary

VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e75

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Reduction Efforts trial, women with no reported preop- incontinence (defined as postvoid residual urine
erative stress urinary incontinence who were undergoing volume less than 150 mL, negative urinalysis result,
open abdominal sacrocolpopexy for prolapse repair were a positive cough stress test result, and no pelvic
randomized to receive concomitant Burch colposuspen- organ prolapse beyond the hymen).
sion or no continence procedure (81). Fewer women
Behavioral therapy and pelvic floor muscle exer-
who underwent concomitant Burch colposuspension cises improve symptoms of urinary incontinence
had postoperative stress incontinence compared with and may be recommended as an initial, noninvasive
those who underwent sacrocolpopexy alone (24% versus treatment in many women.
44%). Similar results were found in the outcomes after
the Vaginal Prolapse Repair and Midurethral Sling trial, Moderate weight loss can improve urinary inconti-
which evaluated placement of a prophylactic midurethral nence symptoms in overweight and obese women.
sling at the time of vaginal prolapse surgery (82). Of Compared with antimuscarinic treatment, intravesi-
women who underwent prophylactic midurethral sling cal onabotulinumtoxinA results in similar reduction
placement at the time of vaginal surgery, 24% developed of incontinence episodes, and more patients report
stress urinary incontinence after surgery, compared with complete resolution of incontinence. Thus, intra-
49% in those who underwent only pelvic organ prolapse detrusor onabotulinumtoxinA may be a treatment
surgery. The authors concluded that retropubic midure- option for overactive bladder in appropriate patients,
thral sling surgery at the time of pelvic organ prolapse and consideration of its use requires shared decision
surgery decreases the risk of postoperative stress urinary making between the patient and physician.
incontinence in women without preoperative stress uri- Initial midurethral sling surgery results in higher
nary incontinence (82), albeit with an expected increase 1-year subjective and objective cure rates than pel-
in adverse effects from an additional procedure, including vic floor physical therapy in women with stress
urinary tract infection, bleeding complications, and void- urinary incontinence.
ing dysfunction. Thus, Burch colposuspension at the time
Synthetic midurethral slings demonstrate efficacy
of abdominal sacrocolpopexy and retropubic midurethral
that is similar to traditional suburethral fascial
sling at the time of vaginal surgery for pelvic organ pro-
slings, open colposuspension, and laparoscopic col-
lapse repair decrease the risk of postoperative stress uri-
posuspension. Compared with suburethral fascial
nary incontinence in women without preoperative stress
slings, fewer adverse events have been reported
urinary incontinence (81, 82). Patients with pelvic organ with synthetic midurethral slings. Voiding dysfunc-
prolapse but without stress urinary incontinence who are tion is more common with open colposuspension
undergoing either abdominal or vaginal prolapse repair than with synthetic midurethral slings.
should be counseled that postoperative stress urinary
incontinence is more likely without a concomitant con- There are substantial safety and efficacy data that
tinence procedure but that the risk of adverse effects is support the role of synthetic mesh midurethral
increased with an additional procedure. slings as a primary surgical treatment option for
stress urinary incontinence in women.
Burch colposuspension at the time of abdominal
Summary of Conclusions sacrocolpopexy and retropubic midurethral sling at
and Recommendations the time of vaginal surgery for pelvic organ prolapse
repair decrease the risk of postoperative stress uri-
The following conclusions and recommendations nary incontinence in women without preoperative
are based on good and consistent scientific stress urinary incontinence.
evidence (Level A):
The following conclusions and recommendations
Basic office evaluation, including normal postvoid are based on limited or inconsistent scientific
residual urine volume, negative urinalysis result,
evidence (Level B):
and positive cough stress test result, is not inferior
to urodynamic testing in women with stress- Incontinence pessaries may improve the symptoms
predominant urinary incontinence undergoing anti- of stress and mixed urinary incontinence, but objec-
incontinence surgery. tive evidence regarding their effectiveness has not
been reported.
Preoperative multichannel urodynamic testing is not
necessary before planning primary anti-incontinence Urethral bulking injections are a relatively noninva-
surgery in women with uncomplicated stress urinary sive treatment for stress urinary incontinence that

e76 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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II-3 Evidence obtained from multiple time series with or
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III Opinions of respected authorities, based on clin­i­cal
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Level C—Recommendations are based primarily on con­
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VOL. 126, NO. 5, NOVEMBER 2015 Practice Bulletin Urinary Incontinence in Women e81

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