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Equalisation; Bandpass Signals & Systems

(Carlson and Crilly pp. 110, sec 4.1; Proakis & Salehi sec. 2.5)

To mitigate channel distortion, we can apply an equalisation filter

before transmission or after reception.

Ideally, want received signal y(t)  ks(t  t 0 )

- j2ft 0
Y ( f )  ke S( f )  H ( f )H eq ( f )S( f ),
 H eq ( f )  ke - j2ft0 H ( f ) 1.

Often not possible to achieve ideal equalisation, due to

equipment limitations, unrealisable transfer function etc.
Must approximate.

L4 1
Eg: Tapped Delay Line or Transversal Filter

Say channel output x(t) is bandlimited to | f | W Hz.

Pick   0.5/W s & find complex exponential Fourier series for
H ( f ) 1 on frequency band | f | 0.5/  .
M M 2M
H (f ) 1   d m e j 2 fm  e j 2 fM   d m e j 2 f ( m M )   e j 2 fM   d M n e  j 2 fn .

m  M R (why?) m  M n 0

2M 2M
  d M n e  j 2 nf 
e  j 2 fM 
H (f ) 1
 Set H eq (f )   d M n e  j 2 nf   e  j 2 fM  H (f ) 1.
n 0 n 0


Equaliser output y(t)   dM n x(t  n)  s(t  M ).


L4 2
Fig 3.2-8, Carlson & Crilly, with M=1. Input = x(t), output = y(t), d m  c -m

L4 3
Band-Pass Spectra
In comms, often interested in spectra confined to  0.5B Hz of a
centre freq f 0 Hz : Band-pass.
If f 0  B, called narrow-band.

 For real signals & systems, spectrum for –ve frequencies is

redundant, since S( f )  S( f )  .

 Convenient to “ignore” f 0 , analyse low-pass version of

spectrum & then insert f 0 in final answer
(cf “phasors” in circuit analysis)

 Lowpass representation/equivalent (=complex envelope)

L4 4
Example Band‐Pass Spectrum & Waveform

(Fig 4.1-2, Carlson et al)

L4 5
Bandpass Lowpass Equivalent Spectrum

Step 1: Suppress –ve frequencies.

Pre-envelope spectrum

Step 2: Down-shift in freq domain: Sl ( f )  Z ( f  f 0 ). (CE)

Note Z ( f )  Z ( f ) , S ( f )  S ( f ) . Implication?
l l

L4 6
Lowpass Equivalent Bandpass Spectrum

Step 1: Shift spectrum up

Z ( f )  Sl ( f  f 0 ).

Step 2: Reflect around 0 Hz, conjugate, add to pre-envelope and

scale by 0.5:
* *
Z(f )  Z(f ) Sl (f  f0 )  Sl (f  f0 )
S(f )  
2 2

L4 7
Bandpass  Lowpass Equivalent in Time Domain

Taking the IFT of both sides of (PE),

 j j s ( )
z (t )  s (t )     s (t )  s (t )    s (t )  jsˆ(t ). (PETD)
 t   t  

The real function sˆ : s  1 =:  Hilbert transform of (more later)


L4 8
BP and LP Forms in Time Domain, cont.

Step 2: Take IFT of (CE),

s (t)  e - j2f 0t z(t)  z(t)  e j2f 0t s (t)

l l

Low-pass  band-pass is easy, from (PETD):

s(t)  z(t) e sl (t).

j2f 0t

L4 9
So What Does All This Mean…?

Write sl (t) | sl (t) | e jsl (t )  A(t)e j (t ) .

As low-pass, A(t),  (t) change slowly with time.

 z(t)  A(t)e j2f ct  (t ) 

= Phasor which rotates at angular velocity  2f c rad/s, but with

slowly varying magnitude and phase:

Real part is s(t)  A(t) cos2f c t   (t) .

Any real bandpass signal can be represented in this way.

L4 10
BP Signals as Rotating Phasors

(Fig 4.1-3, Carlson et al)

L4 11
In Phase & Quadrature Component  BP Signal

Now, write sl  sc  jss . Then

s(t)  Resl (t)e  Res (t)  js (t)e ,

j2f 0t j2f 0t
c s

 sc (t) cos(2f 0t)  ss (t) sin(2f 0t).

sc  Re{sl } - in-phase component of s .

ss  Im{sl } - quadrature component of s .

L4 12
BP Signal  In-Phase & Quadrature Components

Recall sl (t)  s(t)  jŝ(t) e

- j2f 0t

 Get real & im. parts:

sc (t)  s(t) cos(2f 0t)  ŝ(t) sin(2f 0t),

ss (t)  s(t) sin(2f 0t)  ŝ(t) cos(2f 0t).

In-phase & quadrature components are important in quadrature-

carrier multiplexing.

L4 13
Hilbert Transform Filters

Impulse response h of Hilbert transformer is

 H ( f )   j.sgn( f ) .

Amplitude response?

Phase response?

L4 14
Bandpass Channels in LP Form

If  BP signal applied to BP channel,  output is then also BP.
Q: Output LP equiv.  in terms of input and channel LP 

Sl ( f ) : 1  sgn( f  f 0 ) S ( f  f 0 ), H l ( f ) : 1  sgn( f  f 0 ) H ( f  f 0 ),
 H l ( f ) Sl ( f )  1  sgn( f  f 0 )  H ( f  f 0 ) S ( f  f 0 ),

 21  sgn( f  f 0 ) H ( f  f 0 ) S ( f  f 0 ),
 21  sgn( f  f 0 ) Y ( f  f 0 )  2Yl ( f ).

In time domain yl  0.5hl  sl

L4 15

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