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BP Signals and Modulation

Envelope or Group Delay

(ProSal Qn 2.57; Carlson et al pp. 148-149)

In comms, complex envelope usually carries info. Q: By how

much does channel delay this info?

Assume that signal is narrowband & H l is differentiable. Taylor:

dH l (0) dH ( f 0 )
H ( f )  H (0)  f  H ( f0 )  f.
l l
df df
 dH ( f 0 ) 
j H ( f 0 ) f 
Hence H l ( f )  2 | H ( f 0 ) | e  

L5 1
Envelope Delay, cont.

2  g
 
dH ( f0 )
j f
jH ( f0 )
Yl (f )  0.5  2 | H (f0 ) | e e df
Sl (f ),
 y l (t ) | H (f0 ) | e jH ( f0 )sl  t   g 

I.e. complex envelope is delayed by amount

1 dH (f0 )
 g :  (also called group delay)
2 df

L5 2
Phase vs. Group Delay

Reinserting carrier:

Write s l (t )  a(t )e j (t ) , then

y (t )  Rey l (t )e j2 f 0 t 
 
2  f 
0 p
j (t - g ) 2 f0t  
 Re | H (f0 ) | e j H ( f0 )
a(t   g )e 
 
| H (f0 ) | a(t   g )cos  2 f0 (t   p )   (t - g )  ,

H (f0 )
where  p :  (phase delay)
2 f0
L5 3

If LP message fed directly into BP channel, spectrum will be severely

 Shift message spectrum to lie within channel pass-band.

Other reasons to shift or up-convert:

 For wireless, antenna length  1/ f c  smaller antenna
 Mixers, filters, amplifiers etc. often optimised for operation in given
high freq. bands.
 In practical systems, 0.01  B / f c  0.1
 Large bandwidth usually requires large centre frequency.
Modulation: any procedure by which a characteristic of a carrier wave
is varied according to some signal.
We say message modulates carrier, not vice-versa.

L5 4
Double Side-Band Suppressed Carrier Modulation
(ProSal pp 70 - 74; Carlson et al pp. 154 – 157)

To up-convert, multiply message by carrier wave Ac cos(2f ct):

s(t)  m(t)Ac cos(2 fc t),

 m(t)Ac (e j2 fct  e -j2 fct ) / 2,
 0.5Acm(t)e j2 fc t  0.5A cm(t)e -j2 fct ,
 S(f )  0.5Ac M(f  fc )  0.5Ac M(f  fc ).

i.e., DSBSC modulation shifts message spectrum left & right by  fc

( scaled by half the carrier amplitude).

L5 5
DSB‐SC Modulation in Time Domain

(Fig 4.2-3, Carlson et al)

L5 6
Complex Representation

Observe that
s(t)  m(t) A {e j2f c t }  {A m(t)e j2f c t }.
c c

From this, can verify that

z(t)  Ac m(t)e j2f ct , sl (t)  Ac m(t).

i.e., low-pass equivalent of s(t) contains the message.

As s is real  s s  0. i.e. in DSB-SC, pre-envelope z is always in-

phase with carrier phasor.

Is this efficient use of channel BW?

L5 7
Quadrature Carrier Multiplexing

(ProSal p. 95; Carlson et al p. 145, p. 271)

Recall that complex envelope can contain 2 real LP signals,

sl (t)  s c (t)  js s (t),

with the BP signal s then given by

s(t)  Re{z(t)}  s c (t) cos(2f c t)  s s (t) sin(2f c t).

Can double efficiency by modulating both sine and cosine

I.e., set s c (t)  Ac m1 (t), s s (t)  Ac m2 (t), where m1, m2 are two
unrelated messages.

L5 8

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