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"The Nature of the Educational Profession"

Rizki Ramadhani, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Name : Juwita Pardede
NIM : 4203141020
Group : VI (SIX)


A. Professional Criteria

United States NEA education policy commission (in Kartikawati, 1993: 5),
states that there are six criteria for the educational profession, namely:

1. Profession is based on a number of specialized knowledge, it takes a long time

length of special education,
2. The profession pursues the progress and abilities of its members,
3. The profession serves the needs of its members (for welfare and growth
professional) / rewards based on the services provided,
4. The profession has ethical rules,
5. Profession influences government policy in its field (change in
curriculum, educational organizational structure, professional preparation),
6. Profession has group solidarity.

B. Requirements for a Profession

The I National Education Convention in Bandung (dalan Sutomo, 1999: 3)

professional requirements as follows:

1. Profession is a job that is a person's calling and is done

in a very long time even a lifetime,
2. Profession is a job based on knowledge and skills
special skills learned for it,
3. Profession is work that is carried out according to theories, principles, procedures
and assumptions
universal base so that it can be used as a handle inside
provide services to those who need,
4. Profession is work performed primarily for community service and
provide benefits materially and financially for himself,
5. Profession is a job which contains elements of skill
diagnostic and application competence of the person or institution it serves,
6. Profession is work that is carried out autonomously or based on the principles of
principles and norms whose provisions can be tested or evaluated by colleagues
7. Profession is a job that has a code of ethics, which is certain norms as a guide
recognized and valued by society,
8. Profession is a job done to serve those who are
need that service.
C. Characteristics of a Profession
Stinnet (in Sutomo, 1999: 4) states that the characteristics of a profession as

1. Basically it requires intellectual activities,

2. Requires special knowledge,
3. Requires expansion to become professional,
4. Requires growth through continuous inservice training,
5. Provide permanent career growth and membership,
6. As a basis for recognition,
7. Prioritizing service,
8. Has strength in the form of a professional organization.

D. Different Profession,Professional,Professionalism,Professionality,Professionalization
According to Sanusi (1991: 19) explains:

a. Profession
Profession is a position or job that demands the expertise of its members. That is, it cannot be done by
just anyone who is not trained and specially prepared to do the job. expertise is acquired through what is
called professionalization, which is carried out both before a person has undergone that profession (pre-
service education / training) or after undergoing a profession (in-service training). Beyond this definition,
there are several characteristics of the profession, especially those related to the educational profession.

b. Professional
Professional points to two things. First, people who hold a profession, for example, "He's a professional".
Second, the appearance of a person doing his job according to his profession. In this second sense,
professional is contrasted with "non-professional" or "amateur".

c. Professionalism
Professionalism refers to the commitment of members of a profession to improve their professional
abilities and to continuously develop the strategies they use in doing work in accordance with their

d. Professionality
Professionalism refers to the attitude of members of the profession towards their profession and the
degree of knowledge and expertise they have in order to do their job.

e. Professionalization
Professionalization shows the process of increasing the qualifications and the ability of members of the
profession to achieve standard criteria in their appearance as members of a profession. Professionalization
is basically a series of professional development processes, either through “pre-service” or “in-service”
education / training. Therefore, professionalization is a life-long and never-ending process, as soon as
someone has declared himself a citizen of a profession.

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