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Design and Trajectory Control of Universal Drone System

Article  in  Measurement · July 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2019.07.062


3 394

3 authors:

Sahin YILDIRIM Nihat Çabuk

Erciyes Üniversitesi Aksaray Üniversitesi


Veli Bakırcıoğlu
Aksaray Üniversitesi


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Measurement 147 (2019) 106834

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Design and trajectory control of universal drone system

Sß ahin Yıldırım a,⇑, Nihat Çabuk b, Veli Bakırcıoğlu b
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Erciyes University, 38039 Melikgazi, Kayseri, Turkey
Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Aksaray University, Bahçesaray Mh., 68100 Aksaray, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper, a new universal drone design is proposed to be used in different applications. The drone
Received 22 April 2019 system has a variable number of rotors from four to twelve with portable arms. As a comparative study,
Received in revised form 29 May 2019 a conventional eight rotors (Octocopter) and independently controlled twelve rotors (Dodecacopter) con-
Accepted 14 July 2019
figures are chosen for the proposed universal drone simulations to benchmark the trajectory perfor-
Available online 16 July 2019
mance. Besides, since the arm lengths can be changed in this drone system, the effect of different arm
lengths on this performance is also examined. The comparisons are performed on both systems in five
different working condition, such as without disturbance, with periodic disturbances and non-periodic
Multirotor UAV
Design and control
disturbances. In the simulations, when the amplitude was increased by 100% under periodic disturbing
Dynamic modeling effect, an increase of 69.7% and 47.6% was observed in the root mean square of the position errors of
Simulation the Octocopter and Dodecacopter systems, respectively. Similarly, for non-periodic disturbances, an
increase of %13 and %7 was observed for both systems, respectively. According to the obtained results,
the octocopter system is partially more stable without disturbing effect while the dodecacopter system
is more stable flight than octocopter systems as the disturbance effect increases.
Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction movement from rotational movements is caused by the difference

in angular velocity between rotating motors in opposite directions.
In recent years, multirotor air vehicles have been interested in Pitch and roll movements are caused by angular velocity differ-
academic studies due to increased use and simple manufacturing. ences of mutually positioned rotors. This movements causes trans-
They can be manufactured in many different structures from low lational motion in the horizontal plane (xy plane). The movement
load capacity multicopter for recreational purposes to high load in the vertical axis (z) is related to the total thrust generated by
capacity for military and agricultural purposes. In generally, multi- the rotors.
rotor air vehicles have 4, 6 and 8 rotors and the rotor numbers of In the literature, generally, design criteria such as rotor number,
these vehicles affect both flight capability and load capacity. They arm length and total load carrying capacity of the system are deter-
can move both rotationally and translationally by changing the mined by considering the working conditions and usage areas of
angular velocity of the rotors. These movements are controlled the system [1–4]. In general, while multicopter with four rotors
either by manual or autonomously. A multicopter hardware mainly is sufficient for simple imaging [5–7], the number of rotors should
consists of motor, propeller, battery, electronic speed controller be increased in cases where the load carrying capacity is more
(ESC), frame, controller, sensors. Of these, controllers and sensors important such as professional imaging, agricultural spraying and
are the components that directly affect the vehicle’s flight perfor- cargo [8,9]. However, an approach to the realization of a universal
mance, while other components are directly affect load capacity. and independent system that can be adapted to different working
In addition to these basic components, other components may be conditions is rarely adopted [10,11].
added depending on the intended use and specific requirements. The most important contribution of the new design realized in
The design of a multicopter starts with the determination of the this study is the creation of a model which can be reconfigured
its mass and the total mass it can carry. According to this mass, according to different usage purposes via changing number of
the optimum values of components are calculated or selected. rotors and arm length. Besides, for educational purposes, it is
Fig. 1 shows a multicopter design process. Multicopter can make possible to test the models with different configurations on the
two types of movements as rotational and translational. The yaw same vehicle. Furthermore, the number of rotors up to twelve that
can be controlled independently can perform a more stable flight,
⇑ Corresponding author. especially in the case of bad weather conditions and rotor(s)
ß . Yıldırım).
E-mail address: (S failure.
0263-2241/Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
2 Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834


M mass of drone, kg xb vehicle body angular speed, rad=s

T thrust, N xg vehicle body angular speed according to ground frame,
Te experimental thrust, N rad=s
s torque, Nm Vb vehicle body translational speed, m=s
sr reaction torque, Nm VG vehicle body translational speed according to ground
kf thrust constant, Ns2 =rad frame, m=s
km torque constant, Nms2 =rad Fb force affecting on drone body, N
X rotor angular speed, rad=s Mb moment affecting on drone body, Nm
Xe experimental rotor angular speed, rad=s sgyr gyroscopic torque, Nm
l1 long arm length, mm Fd disturbance force, N
h1 long arm angle, deg BRG rotation matrix body to ground
l2 short arm length, mm nr number of rotors
h2 short arm angle, deg Ud desired system input vector

2. State of the art there is only one study on a multicopter with 12-rotors that are
controlled independently in the literature. Zabunov and Mardiros-
In literature, there have been studies about control on quadro- sian [22] studied on a model consisting of 12 rotors mounted under
tor, hexarotor and octorotor, which are standardized designs the vehicle body. The 12 rotors used were placed in the reverse in
according to rotor number in multicopter [3,12–18]. Apart from the first model under the body. In the second model, the rotors are
standardized configuration designs, different studies have been placed on the body in the same plane. They compared the mass
made [8–11,19–23]. Niemiec et al. [10] proposed a model with ðgÞ power ðWÞ ratio between the first model and the second
interchangeable rotor structure between 4 and 10 rotors. The model. They concluded that the first model had a higher g  W
rotors added in the proposed model are in the same plane. The ratio. Brischetto et al. [11] have proposed a drone model that can
number of rotors is increased by adding more than one rotor to be changed between 3 and eight in modular structure. They stated
one arm. In the study, the 10-rotors model comparison in terms that the structural components of this model can be produced with
of power requirement to others is worse for the hover position, 3D printer.
but they have expressed better results for forward motion. In this novel design, the arm lengths are interchangeable so that
Differences in design can lead to differences in the vehicle per- the propellers mounted on the rotors can be used in various sizes.
formance. The modeling of the vehicle is primarily related to the In the literature, research has been done to investigate the effect of
expected performance from the vehicle. Therefore, in the design arm length in multicopter. Xiu et al. [26] modified the distance of
phase, a precise model of the vehicle is required to obtain the the rotors from the vehicle center by changing the angles of the
expected performance in the end. As it is known, air vehicles are arms to which the rotors were connected. They compared the
able to fly based on aerodynamic principles [24,25]. However, it maneuverability and stabilization. According to their results, they
is almost impossible to obtain the aerodynamic model perfectly. stated that the model with the longest arm lengths gives better
For this reason, the effects that do not significantly affect the results.
movement of the vehicle or which are very difficult to model math- In this study, the main reason for the determination of up to 12
ematically are often ignored. Similarly, with the same justifica- independent rotors configurations is that the vehicle is expected to
tions, similar assumptions are made for the geometrical structure provide more stable flight compared to the model with less motor
of the vehicle or the mechanical properties of the materials used in case of malfunction of the rotors [27–30] or any disturbing
in the vehicles. Therefore, the vehicles are considered to be rigid effects such as wind [31]. Many solutions have been proposed by
and symmetrical. using both software and hardware methods in order to reduce
The aforementioned assumptions were preserved for the novel the impact of such negative situations in multicopter [32–37].
drone system. One of the most unique aspects of the proposed uni- Kuric et al. [34] proposed a new technique based Recursive Least
versal drone system was the independent controllable 12-rotors Squares (RLS) to detection and isolation of propulsion system faults
dodecacopter design. Within the full knowledge of the authors, in octorotor. According to the results, they observed notable

Fig. 1. Design process representation of multirotor drone systems.

Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834 3

body allows the arm length to be changed. Arm length of the center
of the rotor from the center of the vehicle can be changed between
660 mm and 810 mm and the number of rotors can be decreased
by canceling the desired mutual arm pairs.

4. Modeling and control of the universal drone system

The mathematical model expression of the system is obtained

in the next section. There is no specific study on the control
method of the system, since it is not one of the priorities of this
Fig. 2. Solid model of the universal drone system. study. Initially, simulation was carried out by applying PID control,
which is one of the traditional control methods.

tracking performance. McKay et al. [37] examined the performance 4.1. Modeling of the system
of the hexacopter in case of a single rotor failure by changing the
air vehicle configuration. According to the results obtained, the The dynamic behavior of the universal drone system can be
configuration they suggested improved the performance of the expressed mathematically. The mathematical model including
hexacopter. There are many control methods used in the control dynamic variables and constants has been developed with refer-
of air vehicles in literature. In addition, there are studies conducted ence to the Newton – Euler method. To obtain the mathematical
on the comparison of these methods in the literature [38,39]. The model of the vehicle, reference coordinate systems are needed to
most common of these is the Proportional-Integral-Derivative define the movements of the drone system. Thrust forces and reac-
(PID) control method. As a variant of this method, cascade i.e. tion torques produced by the rotors and propellers cause move-
nested PID was preferred in this study [40,41]. ment of the vehicle. The thrust forces depend on structural
properties of propellers. The thrust forces produced by the pro-
pellers are proportional to the angular velocity of the rotors, rela-
3. Mechanical design of the universal drone system tionship between the angular velocity of the rotors and the
thrust forces produced by the propellers can be parameterized
The solid model of the whole system is given in Fig. 2. As can be with a determined thrust constant. In addition, motion of the pro-
seen from the figure, some of the rotors are placed in the lower pellers and the rotors cause the reaction torque, which is opposite
plane and some of them in the upper plane. to the direction of rotation of the rotor. These reaction-torques
In this study, the proposed of the system was designed accord- cause yaw motion of the vehicle and can be parameterized with
ing to the following objectives. a torque constant in same manner as the thrust forces. Both of
these mentioned constants can be determined experimentally. In
 The system consists of up to 12 rotors which can be controlled this design, KDE Direct’s KDE4215XF-465 brushless motors are
independently. used. The graph of the thrust force T e , and the reaction-torque sr
 Eight of the rotors are in the upper plane and four in the lower values obtained from the experiments is given in Fig. 5. Measured
plane. thrust force T e , and measured reaction-torque sr ratios to the
 The number of rotors can be changed according to the purpose square of the angular velocity are the thrust constant, kf , and the
of the system. torque constant km values, respectively. The angular velocity rela-
 Arm lengths can be changed according to the needs of the tionships with the thrust force and the reaction torque are param-
system. eterized as kf ¼ XT e2 and km ¼ Xsr2 , respectively. In this experiment, kf
e e

The physical specifications of the designed drone are given in and km were calculated as 1:0412104 ðrad=sÞ
2 and
Table 1. In there, while l1 is the arm length of rotors on upper 4:052210 6 Nm
, respectively.
plane, l2 is the arm length of rotors on lower plane as seen Fig. 3
The mathematical model was obtained in this study only for the
(a). While h1 is connection angle to body for upper plane arm, h2
dodecacopter, since the mathematical model of octocopter can be
is for lower plane. In this design, the values of which is 22.5 and
created in a similar way with the mathematical model of the dode-
45 degrees, respectively as seen Fig. 3(b). According to the values
cacopter system. Relationship between angular velocities of the
given in Table 1, solid model of the designed system is shown in
motors and the body forces can be formed by a matrix C as in
Fig. 3(a). The figure shows the rotational directions of the rotors,
Eq. (1), while angular velocities of the dodecacopter system
the roll – pitch – yaw motions, the angles of the arms and arm
defined by a vector X. The desired reaction torque and thrust
lengths. Fig. 3(b) shows the three-dimensional view and direction
forces of the rotors and the torque caused by these forces are indi-
of movement of the vehicle.
cated by the U d vector.
It is another feature of this design that the arm lengths can be
changed as well as the number of rotors can be changed. As can Ud ¼ C  X ð1Þ
be seen from the Fig. 4, the connection point of the arms to the

2 3
kf kf kf kf kf kf kf kf kf kf kf kf
6K K D K K D D D C C C C 7
6 7
C¼6 7 ð2Þ
4D D K D D K K K C C C C 5
km km km km km km km km km km km km
4 Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834

Table 1
The universal drone specifications.

Parameter l1 [mm] (min-max) l2 [mm] Propeller diameter [inch] (min-max) h1 [deg] h2 [deg] mass [kg] (min-max) Number of rotors

Value 660–810 450 12–18 22:5 45 12–30 4–12

Fig. 3. Designed model view of drone system for 12 rotors (a) rotor directions, vehicle orientation and arm lengths. (b) Representation of motion direction.

The matrix C is constant and can be calculated according to the accepted in order to the sake of simplicity of the equality of the
vehicle’s configuration as in Eq. (2). rotor speeds to be obtained.
For the sake of simplicity of the matrix, K, D and C given in Eq. (3)  
A¼ sy  kf  l1  cosh1
K ¼ kf  l1  sin h1 D ¼ kf  l1  cos h1 C ¼ kf  l2  sin h2 ð3Þ  
B ¼ sx  kf  l1  sinh1
The motor speeds vector X given as Eq. (4) C ¼ sx  kf  l1  cosh1
X ¼ X21 X22 X23 X24 X25 X26 X27 X28 X29 X210 X211 X212 D ¼ sy  kf  l1  sinh1
ð4Þ E ¼ sx  kf  l2  sinh2
where Xi is the angular velocity of the ith motor. The vector U d is F ¼ sy  kf  l2  sinh2
given as Eq. (5), which includes the needed forces and torques for  2  2  2 
the motion. G¼4 kf  l1  cosh1 þ kf  l1  sinh1 þ kf  l2  sinh1  sinh2
2 3 ð8Þ
6 sx 7
6 7
Ud ¼ 6 7 ð5Þ X1 2 ¼ l2 k
þ l2 skz m þ AþB
4 sy 5 f G

sz X2 2 ¼ l2 k
þ l2 skz m  AþB

where T is the desired thrust force that acts on the body and sx and X3 2 ¼ l2 k
 l2 skz m þ AþD
sy are the desired roll and pitch torques. sz yaw torque, which is the f G

sum of the reaction torques caused by each rotor and propeller. X4 2 ¼ l2 k

 l2 skz m  AB
Required rotor speeds can be calculated by combining Eqs. (1)
and (4). However, the inverse of the matrix C is needed to deter- X5 2 ¼ l2 k
 l2 skz m þ AB
mine the required motor speeds for the desired force and torque
X6 2 ¼ l2 k
 l2 skz m  CþD
values. Since the matrix C is not a square matrix, a precise inverse f G
matrix is not obtained. In this case, the solution can be obtained X7 2 ¼ l2 k
þ l2 skz m  CD
by taking the pseudo-inverse of the matrix C. The pseudo-inverse f

matrix C can be computed as Eq. (6). X8 2 ¼ l2 k

þ l2 skz m þ CD
C ¼ C T  C  C T ð6Þ X9 2 ¼ l2 k
 l2 skz m þ EþF

Hence, the required rotor speeds can be calculated as X10 2 ¼ l2 k

 l2 skz m  EþF

X ¼ CU d ð7Þ X11 2 ¼ l2 k

þ l2 skz m  EF

By using Eq. (7), the angular velocity equations of each motor can be X12 2 ¼ l2 k
þ l2 skz m þ EF
obtained as given in Eq. (9). The following abbreviations were f
Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834 5

This rotation matrix determines the angular position of the

body of the drone relative to the ground reference coordinate sys-
tem. These angles should be limited in order to ensure the stability
of the drone in the flight. Because for a given forward or backward
motion command to the drone, it will want to change the roll or
pitch angle limitlessly. Thus, control of the drone will be difficult
and it may fall out of control. In this study, the maximum thrust
that is produced by all of the propellers and the total mass of the
drone are used as the two main parameters in limiting these two
angles. Eq. (12) is related to the limitation of these angles. This
equation may vary depending on the design of the drone.

p 1 mg
Tiltmax ¼  sin ð12Þ
Fig. 4. Cross section of the novel multirotor system about changeable arm number
2 T max
and length.
The net force acting on the drone consists of three components,
the thrust that is produced by the propellers, gravitational forces,
and disturbing forces. The drag force caused by the drone body is
not taken into account. This equality is given as Eq. (13). The trans-
lational acceleration of the drone is obtained from Eq. (14)
Fb ¼ T  ðBRG  mg þ Fd Þ ð13Þ
F b ¼ m V_ b þ xb  V b ; V_ b ¼  ðxb  V b Þ ð14Þ
where V b is the translation velocity in the body frame and the trans-
lation velocity in the ground frame, V G can be calculated as Eq. (15).
xb ¼ ½pqrT is the angular velocity vector of the vehicle according to
the body frame, which is feedbacking from the Inertial Measure-
ment Unit (IMU).
Fig. 5. Thrust (Left) and Torque (Right) deviations according to angular velocity. V G ¼ V b xGRB ð15Þ

At least two coordinate systems are needed to define the angu- The thrust causes roll and pitch moments in the drone. In addi-
lar and linear movements of the vehicle. The first of these coordi- tion to these moments there are also gyroscopic moments. These
nate systems is the ground coordinate system whose origin is in moments are caused by the change in the axis orientation of the
ground. The second is the body fixed coordinate system, which is rotation of the rotor. The total moments in the drone are given in
accepted in the center of mass of the drone and fixed to the body Eq. (16). Due to the very low value of the gyroscopic moments
of it. The distance between the axis of both coordinate systems caused by the angular acceleration of the rotors, they may not be
gives information about the linear position of the drone in space, taken into account. The angular acceleration of drone is obtained
and the change of this distance according to time gives information from Eq. (18)
about the translational velocity in the three axes. Similarly, the Mb ¼ sgyr þ sx;y;z ð16Þ
angles of these two coordinate systems with each other are related
to the calculation of the angular position of the drone, the variation 2 Pn 3 2 3
ð1Þi  ðIzz  p  Xi Þ sx
of these angular differences over time refers to the angular velocity 6 Pi¼1 7 6 7
of the drone. The rotation matrices for all three axes are given in Mb ¼ 6
i¼1 ð1Þ i
 ðI zz  q  X Þ
i 5
7 þ 4 sy5 ð17Þ
Eq. (10). Pnr i _ s
i¼1 ð1Þ  ðIzz  Xi Þ

Ix _ b ¼ inv ðIÞðM b  ðxb  ðIxb ÞÞ

_ b ¼ M b  ðxb  ðIxb ÞÞ; x ð18Þ
2 3 2 3
1 0 0 cos h 0  sin h h iT
Rx ¼ 4 0 cos w
7 6
sin w 5; Ry ¼ 4 0 1 0
5; Hence, the Euler angles ½whuT and the Euler rates w_ h_ u
_ can be

0  sin w cos w sin h 0 cos h calculated according to the ground frame as in Eq. (19) and after
2 3 ð10Þ some mathematical operations Eq. (20) is obtained.
cos u sin u 0
6 7 h h i h ii
Rz ¼ 4  sin u cos u 0 5 xb ¼ Rz  Ry  Rx  ½0 0 u_  þ Rz  Ry  0 h_ 0 þ Rz  w_ 0 0
0 0 1 2 3
w_  u
_ sinh ð19Þ
6_ 7
The rotation matrices of each axis are multiplied forward to ¼ 4 hcosw þu _ coshsinw 5
obtain the rotation matrix given in Eq. (11). _
u_ coswcosh  hsinw

2 3
cos u cos h cos h sin u  sin h
6 7
BRG ¼ 4 cos u sin w sin h  cos w sin u cos u cos w þ sin u sin w sin h cos h sin w 5 ð11Þ
sin u sin w þ cos u cos w sin h cos w sin u sin h  cos u sin w cos w cos h
6 Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834

Fig. 6. Block diagram of the system.

Fig. 7. Cascade PID control diagrams of thrust, roll, pitch and yaw.

Table 2
Cases of applied disturbance forces to the center of mass of the drone.

Cases Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5

Applied disturbance No Periodic. Amplitude 50 N, Periodic. Amplitude 100 N, Random. Random.
to body disturbance frequency 0.1 rad/s frequency 0.1 rad/s Range (50, 50) N, Range (100, 100) N,
sample time 1 s sample time 1 s

Fig. 8. Trajectory tracking of dodecacopter. Trajectory tracking in 2D (left), trajectory tracking in 3D (right).
Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834 7

2 3 2 3
u_ ðrcos ðwÞþqsin wÞ
cos h
The position control of the drone is primarily about the control
6 _ 7 6 7 of four basic variables: the orientation angles, roll-pitch-yaw and
4h5¼4 q  cos w  r  sin w 5 ð20Þ
the altitude of the vehicle. These four variables used in a cascade
w_ ðp  cos h þ r  cos w  sin h
cos h
þ q  sin w  sin hÞ
PID controller to control the position and speed of the drone. This
control structure is one of the effective control methods for elimi-
4.2. Control of the system nating disruptive effects. The gain parameters of the controller
were adjusted empirically. Block diagrams of this control approach
Air vehicles can be operated in two different ways as manual are given in Fig. 7.
and autonomous. For manual controlled operation, direction com-
mands are entered into the system. In autonomous controlled
5. Simulation results of the universal drone system
operation, it is requested to follow a desired trajectory from the
vehicle. The controller calculates the required forces and torques
Simulation in this study was evaluated in three parts. The first
for the motion of the vehicle according to the desired trajectory
one was the trajectory tracking performance of the dodecacopter,
and the speeds limit. Since this study is related to autonomous
the second one is the trajectory tracking performance of the octo-
flight, the algorithm used for controller design is listed below.
copter and the third was to examine the effect of arm lengths on
The realization of the simulation according to the desired positions
the trajectory tracking performance for both systems. In all three
for autonomous flight can be divided into four stages.
simulations, the controller with the same parameters was used.
The simulations were carried out without disturbing effect and
 Controller calculates the required forces and torques according
under disruptive effect. The simulations were investigated using
to desired drone position and the system feedback
the trajectory for autonomous flight in five different cases. In the
 Controller outputs the speed of the rotors according to the cal-
first case where there was no disturbing effect. In the second and
culated forces and torques, which is the system inputs
third case, periodical disturbance force was applied to the drone
 System model calculates the generated forces and moments due
body. In the fourth and fifth cases, random signal was applied to
to the rotor speeds and external disturbance
the body of the drone as disturbing effect as seen Table 2.
 System outputs the dynamics of the vehicle, which are the con-
troller feedbacks
5.1. Trajectory tracking of the dodecacopter system
The simulation is performed for an autonomous flight, which is
defined as a time dependent trajectory. Thus, translational speeds Total mass of the dodecacopter is 30 kg and 2.5 kg per rotor. The
of the vehicle are also the inputs of the system because the desired simulation for two and three dimensional of desired and actual tra-
trajectory is given as time dependent. Fig. 6 shows the block dia- jectory given in Fig. 8 was obtained for the second case. The Root
gram of the whole system. Mean Square (RMS) of the position errors for each axis in the

Table 3
Trajectory tracking position errors of the dodecacopter systems.

RMSE First case Second case Third case Fourth case Fifth case
Value [m] Value [m] Value [m] Value [m] Value [m]
X 1.521 2.012 2.960 1.545 1.629
Y 1.321 1.742 2.868 1.506 1.644
Z 0.680 0.689 0.730 0.714 0.755
Mean 1.174 1.481 2.186 1.255 1.343

Fig. 9. Trajectory tracking of octocopter. Trajectory tracking in 2D (left), trajectory tracking in 3D (right).

Table 4
Trajectory tracking position errors of the octocopter systems.

RMSE First case Second case Third case Fourth case Fifth case
Value [m] Value [m] Value [m] Value [m] Value [m]
X 1.521 2.500 4.446 1.598 1.809
Y 1.323 2.137 3.832 1.592 1.864
Z 0.656 0.663 0.742 0.686 0.725
Mean 1.167 1.767 3.007 1.292 1.466
8 Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834

tory tracing in both arm lengths. Fig. 10 shows the variation of the
angular velocities for same rotor in two different arm length for
dodecacopter system. Since the results obtained in the octocopter
system were the same as for the dodecacopter system, it was not
necessary to give these results. Table 5 shows the results of the
simulation performed in two different arm lengths in the second

6. Conclusion

This paper presents a simulation approach for 12 and 8 rotors

drone systems trajectory tracking control by using standard PID
controller. As depicted from the results of trajectory of the drone
system, the standard PID controller has satisfactory performance,
eventually high-level disturbances. Two different configurations
were compared as dodecacopter and octocopter systems in the
Fig. 10. Rotor angular velocities and differences for different arm length.
study. In this comparison, an independent controllable rotors
dodecacopter system and conventional octocopter systems were
ground frame were measured for the numerical comparison of the investigated using the same trajectory for autonomous flight sim-
simulation results. The values are given in Table 3. ulation in five different cases. Table 6 shows comparison of simu-
lation results as numerically.
According to the obtained simulation results, when the ampli-
5.2. Trajectory tracking of the octocopter system
tude was increased by 100% under periodic disturbing effect (Case
2 to Case 3), an increase of 69.7% and 47.6% was observed in the
Total mass of the vehicle for the octocopter is 20 kg and the
root mean square of the position errors of the Octocopter and
mass per rotor is kept as 2.5 kg. Simulation was performed using
Dodecacopter systems, respectively. Similarly, when the amplitude
the same trajectory and disturbance effect in the terms of compar-
was increased by 100% under periodic disturbing effect (Case 4 to
ative study. The simulation for two and three dimensional of
Case 5) for non-periodic disturbances, an increase of %13 and %7
desired and actual trajectory given in Fig. 9 was obtained in the
was observed in the root mean square of the position errors for
second case.
both systems, respectively. Therefore, in both periodic and random
The RMS of the position errors for each axis in the ground frame
disruptive force, the dodecacopter provides more stable flight than
were measured for the numerical comparison of the simulation
octocopter as the disturbance effect increases. In the case where
results. The values are given in Table 4.
the disturbance effect is not applied (Case 1), it can be said that
both systems provide the same trajectory tracking performance
5.3. Investigation of the effect of arm length approximately, but still the octocopter gives a better result as
shown in Table 6.
In both dodecacopter and octocopter systems, arm lengths were Another important aspect of this new drone system is the inter-
changed and simulated, the rotor 1 speeds in the cases of the long changeability in arm lengths. Although the main purpose of arm
arm and the short arm are given in Fig. 10 for the simulation. length interchangeability is to allow using different sizes of pro-
Although there are instantaneous angular velocity differences for peller, simulations carried out for the different arm lengths to
the same rotor, the differences have almost no effect for the trajec- determine the effects of the change in the arm lengths on the flight

Table 5
Trajectory tracking position errors of both systems in case of different arm lengths.

RMSE [m] Dodecacopter Octocopter

l1 = 660 mm l1 = 810 mm l1 = 660 mm l1 = 810 mm

Value [m] Value [m] Value [m] Value [m]
X 2.012 2.012 2.500 2.500
Y 1.742 1.742 2.137 2.137
Z 0.689 0.689 0.663 0.663
Mean 1.481 1.481 1.767 1.767

Table 6
Trajectory tracking position errors of both systems.

RMSE [m]
First Case Second Case Third Case Fourth Case Fifth Case
Dodecacopter XX 1.521 2.012 2.960 1.545 1.629
YY 1.321 1.742 2.868 1.506 1.644
ZZ 0.680 0.689 0.730 0.714 0.755
MMean 1.174 1.481 2.186 1.255 1.343
Octocopter XX 1.521 2.500 4.446 1.598 1.809
YY 1.323 2.137 3.832 1.592 1.864
ZZ 0.656 0.663 0.742 0.686 0.725
MMean 1.167 1.767 3.007 1.292 1.466
Sß. Yıldırım et al. / Measurement 147 (2019) 106834 9

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