Your Hidden Powers Intercepted Houses and Retrogrades

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re Di ~ yl OP a -COVVERSS AEA — YOUR HIDDEN POWERS Intercepted Signs and Retrograde Planets by Joanne Wickenburg Copyright 1992 by Joanne Wickenburg All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permis- sion from the author and publisher. Requests and inquiries may be mailed to; American Federation of Astrologers, Inc., PO Box 22040, Tempe, AZ 85284-2040. ISBN; 0-86690-405-0 LCC Number: 91-77412 First Printing 1992 Current Printing 2001 Cover Design: Lynda Kay Fullerton Published by: American Federation of Astrologers, Inc. PO Box 22040 6535 S. Rural Road Tempe, AZ 85285-2040 Printed in the United States of America This book is dedicated to Sharon Gillum There is nothing so special as friendship Other Books by Joanne Wickenburg Journey through the Birth Chart In Search of a Fulfilling Career co-author of The Spiral of Life The Digested Astrologer When Your Sun Returns Joanne has also designed a complete Corresondence Course in Astrology. See back page for further details. TABLE OF CONTENTS To the Reader... ..... eee cece ee ee eee cern eens INTERCEPTED SIGNS--Environment versus Destiny INTRODUCTION TO INTERCEPTED SIGNS . CHAPTER I: What's it all About? House Systems CHAPTER II: Getting Started CHAPTER III: Polarity of the Signs Aries/Libra Polarity Taurus/Scorpio Polarity Gemini/Sagittarius Polarity . Cancer/Capricorn Polarity . . Leo/Aquarius Polarity Virgo/Pisces Polarity ........ CHAPTER IV: Rulerships and Retrogrades . . CHAPTER V: Duplicated Signs or Intercepted Houses Intercepted 1st House Intercepted 2nd House . Intercepted 3rd House . Intercepted 4th House Intercepted 5th House Intercepted 6th House . Intercepted 7th House . Intercepted 8th House . Intercepted 9th House . Intercepted 10th House . Intercepted 11th House Intercepted 12th House CHAPTER VI: Are You Out Of Your Element? . CHAPTER VII: The Planets . Sun . Moon Mercury Venus... Mars. . Jupiter . Saturn. Uranus . . Neptune . Pluto CHAPTER VIII: Aspects . Phases .. Planetary Polarities . CHAPTER XI: Relocation Charts . CHAPTER X: Transits and Interceptions Inner Planets . . . Outer Planets .. : CHAPTER XI: Environment versus Destiny Charts . CHAPTER XII: Interceptions in Review RETROGRADE PLANETS--Your Hidden Powers INTRODUCTION TO RETROGRADE PLANETS ..........4. 113 CHAPTER XIII: How Planets Retrograde . CHAPTER XIV: The Retrograde Dilemma. ie »+. 123 CHAPTER XV: Eight Stages of Cyclic Unfoldment + I31 CHAPTER XVI: The Planets . . oe ... 141 Mercury ....---.-0-- . ... 141 Mercury’s Retrograde Transit . Venus Venus’ Retrograde Transit Trans-Earth Planets .... Mars wo... eee eee Mars’ Retrograde Tran: 167 168 - 175 - 178 Jupiter Saturn 182 Collective Planets 185 Uranus ... 187 Neptune . 188 Pluto... 190 -. 192 - 195 197 - 199 Retrograde Transits of Trans- personal Planets . Progressions CONCLUSION .. APPENDIX TO THE READER Because of the limited published information on intercepted signs and retrograde planets, their significance is often either misunderstood or over- looked by students of astrology. In many texts, both interceptions and retro- grades are clumped together with scanty, incomplete, or superficial definitions. Often both "conditions" are defined as weaknesses in the chart, suggesting repressions or "hang-ups." It is not unusual to find only one brief paragraph in astrological literature addressing life issues brought to play because of retrograde planets and intercepted signs. The advise frequently given regarding both factors is: Develop the functions of your retrograde planets and intercepted signs within. But what does that mean? I have included both retrogrades and interceptions in this book not because they function the same way, but because many people believe this to be the case. My intent is to define how they differ, and to introduce some new ideas about retrograde planets and intercepted signs with hope it will be useful in your astrological work. While there is "nothing new under the sun," I hope the material intro- duced in this volume will give you some food for thought. You might find that some of the information I have presented, especially on retrograde planets, seems incongruent with what you have read elsewhere. In reality it neither negates nor contradicts their generally accepted interpretation. It does, however, encourage you to view their functioning from a perspective seldom suggested in other literature. Much of the material I offer here is not new. Many of the ideas I am presenting on retrograde planets, for example, originated from the works of Dane Rudhyar, offered in his books as brief statements packed with substance that provided a whole new way of perceiving the significance and power of retrograde planets. I have expanded on his observations. Regarding intercepted signs, even less concrete information has been handed down by the "masters." To a large degree, the conclusions I have 2 / Your Hidden Powers reached regarding their significance in a horoscope are based on theory and observation, This book is not designed to simply look up the meaning of a particular intercepted sign or a retrograde planet in a particular house. It is important that you read all materials prefacing each such section in order to understand the full significance of the astrological premise being discussed. Many wrong conclusions can be formed if you reach only for the "trees" in a chart and miss the "forest" entirely. Isolating specific features, and making judgments on them without taking the entire chart into consideration, can be dangerous. This is a trap many students fall into when relying on "cookbook" definitions of any kind. For example, some definitions of how retrograde or intercepted planets might operate when located in a specific house or sign are offered through- out the book. This, in itself, is "cookbook" astrology. I have made consider- able effort to make these examples as universally significant as possible. You should realize, however, when reading these sections, that each individual experiences a specific planetary placement in his/her own unique way, as shown by other features in the horoscope. This is where experience in reading the whole chart becomes essential. While specific examples are necessary as part of the educational process, they must be considered only as guidelines. A point you will find emphasized throughout both sections of this book is: Don’t take for granted the power of retrograde planets or intercepted signs. They make the chart unique. They make life complex. They describe powers and potentials waiting to be unleashed. While it is true that in some way you will stand apart from the "norm" if you have interceptions or retro- grades, who wants to be lost in the masses? PART ONE INTERCEPTED SIGNS: Environment vs Destiny INTRODUCTION TO INTERCEPTED SIGNS Intercepted signs...they presented such a dilemma to me when I first began my trek into the world of astrology. Wherever and whenever I looked for information regarding their interpretive significance, I’d only find a sentence here, a paragraph there, in the many books I reviewed. Nothing of substance was available regarding their importance in chart interpretation. In my early years, the only books covering interceptions presented them in such a way that readers were left feeling inadequate, seriously handicapped or in some other way cursed if intercepted signs were in their charts. The general consensus on interceptions was enveloped in one or two sentences. b Interceptions were said to create limitations and delays. 2) They had "karmic" implications. The reasons given for these beliefs varied from author to author. Some authors suggested that intercepted signs describe qualities that have been developed in past lives. For that reason, they are held in abeyance during this incarnation until you equally develop other personality character- istics. Other authors suggested the opposite, implying that intercepted signs describe qualities that were nor sufficiently honed in previous lives and therefore are difficult to access in the current incarnation. Information presented in still other literature suggested that intercepted signs describe “sins from the past” catching up with the individual in this life time. So many contradictions! And all are abstract. In all cases one factor remained constant. Intercepted signs were considered taboo. They were said to cause frustration and inhibition in the areas of life described by the house in which they were "trapped" and in the expression and development of the sign qualities. Planets in intercepted signs were considered to debilitate the chart further. Fortunately astrology has evolved over the last few decades. We no longer look at isolated facts in a chart and consider them benefic or malefic. For

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