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 Question 1

Topic: Global Demography

One of the international issues in global population is the emergence of global civil society.
Which is following is not a characteristic of a global civil society?

Answer: It is a disorganized collection of new groups, organizations,

and movements.
 Question 2

Topic: Contemporary Global Governance

One of the challenges of the United Nations in the 21st century is based on the following
except ___.

Answer: Culture
 Question 3

Topic: The Global Economy

One of the actors that facilitate economic globalization is of an international monetary

system (IMS). Historically, there are three global IMS. They are the following except _____:
Answer: Crypto System(e.g. Bitcoin)
 Question 4

Topic: Sustainable Development

The significance of sustainable development in a globalized world lies on ____.

Answer: The national actions to achieve the sustainable development goals

 Question 5
Topic: Global Citizenship

This is a concept where citizens of the world are members not of a specific country but the
global world.

Answer: Global citizenship

 Question 6

Topic: The Global Divides: The North and the South

According to Claudio, _______ is the antecedent of Global South.

Answer: Third World

 Question 7

Topic: Market Integration

Which of the following is a role of international financial institutions in the creation of a

global economy?
Answer: Facilitator of functionality of global economy
 Question 8

Topic: Asian Regionalism

This village in the Asian nation-state confronted the challenges of globalization by

establishing its local currency. It was regulated by a central bank in their village.

Answer: Santi Suk

 Question 9
Topic: Global Demography

Globalization is related to demography and population. Which of the following

statements best describe this relationship
Answer: Population is part of human demography and since the world is shrinking, this
condition develops a concept of a globalized world wherein a state population
transcends into global population
 Question 10

Topic: The Global Economy

Which of the following is not a dimension of economy according to Benczes?

Answer: Globalization of language
 Question 11

Topic: Global City

The following describe how global cities serve as engines of globalization except __.

Answer: Nationalism and patriotism

 Question 12

Topic: The Global Interstate System

One of the effects of globalization on nation-states is the establishment of economic and

political integrations. Which of the following in a good example of this?
Answer: Establishment of European Union

 Question 13
Topic: The Global Interstate System

The establishment of intergovernmental organization led to facilitations of connections

among nation-states to foster strong intergovernmental relationships in the area of
except ____
Answer: Technology

 Question 14

Topic: Global Migration

Overseas Filipino Workers is an illustration of this type of migration.

Answer: Voluntary economic migration

 Question 15

Topic: Global Citizenship

After learning all the concepts, issues and debates about globalization, one’s personal
definition of global citizenship must be within the context of ______.

Answer: How one related to the world and how the world relates to him
 Question 16

Topic: Contemporary Global Governance

This role of the United Nations in global governance allows the members to manifest their
perspectives through its core organs and committees.

Answers: An actor

 Question 17
Topic: The Global Interstate System

Internationalism is the theory and practice of interdependent collaboration while

globalism is an attitude. Which of the following is not a description of internationalism
Answer: Socialist internationalism is a type of internationalism that is based on the view that
capitalism is a global systems and that the working class must unite as global class to forward
struggle against nationalism.

 Question 18

Topic: Global Migration

The experience of Overseas Filipino Workers has several effects. Which of the following is
not effect?

Answer: There is a rise of brain gain

 Question 19

Topic: Global Culture and Media

The emergence of Korean Pop culture is an example of people with different cultures.
Answer: Cultural Convergence
 Question 20

Topic: The Global Divides: The North and the South

The metaphor for interstate inequality is known as _____.

Answer: Global South

Question 21
Topic: The Globalization of Religion

The following are the effects of globalization of religion except ____.

Answer: Turn of religion to public eye

 Question 22

Topic: Concepts of Globalization

Because globalization is also an ideology, the following are the claims except ____.
Answer: Globalization is inevitable and reversible
 Question 23

Topic: Global City

The establishment of multinational companies (MNCs) plays a pivotal role in both global
economy and international political community. The following are the reasons except ___.

Answer: MNCs threaten nation-states

 Question 24

Topic: Global Migration

According to Huttington, global civilizations are divided into the following categories.
Which does not belong to the group?

Answer: Christians

 Question 25

Topic: Global Culture and Media

Cultural differentialism, cultural convergence and cultural hybridity set the dynamics
between local and global cultural production. This is what we call as ______.

Answer: Glocalization
 Question 26

Topic: Asian Regionalism

Which of the following statements is not a factor that leads to a greater integration of
Asian regions?

Answer: The production networks have not

 Question 27

Topic: Asian Regionalism

Regionalization and regionalism are both related to integration. Which of the following
statements does not refer to regionalization?

Answer: In terms of scope, regionalization is the borderless world.

 Question 28

Topic: Contemporary Global Governance

The existence of nation-states is still relevant in the midst of globalization. This is

because of the following reasons except ___.
Answer: International and multinational agreements are not designed by states

 Question 29

Topic: Concepts of Globalization

Steger defined globalization as the expansion and intensification of social relations and
consciousness across world-time and world-space. One of the attributes that can be
drawn from the definition is globalization occurs worldwide. This can be observed in the
following, except ____:
Answer: The existence of non-governmental organizations

 Question 30

Topic: Concepts of Globalization

Globalization is defined differently depending on the expertise, experience and

perspective of a political scientist, economist, and culture & communication authority. Of
the following statements, what is not true?
Answer: For both the economist and political scientist, globalization is means
organization of worldwide organization like International Labor Organization

 Question 31

Topic: Sustainable Development

This means enjoying or exploiting a resource without compromising the capability of the
future generations to enjoy the same.

Answer: Sustainability
 Question 32

Topic: Global Demography

One of the effects of demographic transition on global population is low fertility rate. This
is caused by the following except ____.

Answer: Political will

 Question 33

Topic: Global Citizenship

This is the concept where the citizens of the world are members not of a specific country
but the global world.

Answer: Global Village

 Question 34

Topic: Food Security

One of the issues hounding food security is armed conflict. Which of the following
statements is false?

Answer: The United Nations sanctions on areas of conflict contributed to food hunger.

Question 35

Topic: Concepts of Globalization

The following statements are true except ______:

Answer: Globalization has five dimensions of global cultural flow. They are
‘ethnoscapes’. ‘technoscapes’, ‘culturescapes’,‘financescapes’, and ‘ideoscapes’
 Question 36

Topic: Food Security

There are many ways to attain food security so that poverty. The following are the
solutions except ___.

Answer: Recycling of food

 Question 37

Topic: Market Integration

It is described as a more complex organizations that have investments in foreign

operations, have a central corporate facility but give decision-making, research and
development, and marketing powers to each individual foreign market.
Answer: Transnational companies
 Question 38

Topic: Global Citizenship

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a global citizen?

Answer: Advocates hegemony

 Question 39

Topic: Food Security

No poverty is one of the ways to achieve sustainable development. This is done via food
security. Moreover, food security can be achieved through ___ .
Answer: The economic and physical access, at all times to sufficient, safe and nutritious
food for people to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and
healthy lifestyle
 Question 40

Topic: Global Citizenship

The importance of global citizenship is not illustrated in a person who ____.

Answer: Keeps within himself his ideas, knowledge and connections

 Question 41

Topic: Global City

Which of the following statements does not describe an attribute of a global city?

Answer: A global city is not base for technological advancement

 Question 42

Topic: Sustainable Development

Which of the following is not included in the United Nations Sustainable Development

Answer: High Gross Domestic Product

 Question 43
Topic: Global Migration

From the rise of the very first civilization, the following are the factors why people move
from once place to another except ____.
Answer: Refugee crisis
 Question 44

Topic: The Globalization of Religion

It undeniably true that religions bring both global peace and global conflict. Global conflict
can be observed in the following except ___.

Answer: The establishment of World Vision in 1950.

 Question 45

Topic: Global Migration

After the Cold War, countries around the world were classified into developing and
developed. Which of the following statements is false?

Answer: Developing countries have developed industrial bases

 Question 46

Topic: Sustainable Development

“Shrinking world” means that the world that we are now living is affected by technology.
Thus, technology-dependent and/or technology-driven lives of people affect how they
promote sustainable development. It can be observed in the following experiences except
Answer: Manual fishing of Filipinos near the Scarborough Shoal

 Question 47

Topic: Market Integration

According to Neubauer, which of the following is not a common attribute of global

Answer: A lender of financial help
 Question 48
Topic: Global Demography

One of the effects of demographic transition on global population is low mortality rate.
This is caused by the following except ____.

Answer: Rearing a child is the grandparents thing to do

 Question 49

Topic: The Global Economy

Economic globalization divides the world further. This can be observed in the following
scenarios and/or experiences except ___.
Answer: Globalization allows a worldwide distribution of incomes.

 Question 50

Topic: Global Culture and Media

The following statements describe the effects of the different forms of media that drive
various manifestations of global integration except ___.

Answer: The delivery of Jollibee by Grab Food from SM Manila to your house before you started this final

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