Evaluating Sources

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Learning Targets
I can evaluate an online source to determine its

I can create a checklist to help others evaluate

online sources.

Waterfall Chat

Why is it important to think critically

when you read information online?

Internet Sources

- Sources are where we get our information.

- Some sources are more reliable than others.
- During your research, it is important you think
critically about the information you are reading to
make sure you use factual, accurate information in
your research report!

Evaluating Internet Sources

- Is the source published by experts?

- If it is a website, is it trustworthy?
- .edu - educational website, such as a college
- .org - nonprofit organization website
- .gov - government website
- Does the article have a purpose?
- Is the source current? Tip: Don’t always go with
- Is the source relevant? the first website that
pops up on Google!
- Is the source unbiased?
Let’s Evaluate!

- Your group will be given a webpage and a guided

Google Doc.
- Explore the webpage with your group, and answer the
questions in the Google Doc
- Draw a conclusion - Can this source be trusted?
Support your answer with 3 reasons!

Group Roles

- Navigator: share your screen, click on the website,

and control the movement as your whole group reads
and observes.
- Recorder: type the answers to each question on the
Google Doc, based on your group’s answers.
- Presenter: share your final conclusion and evidence
with the class at the end!
- Facilitator: keep an eye on the clock and keep your
group on-task with reminders, if necessary
Let’s Evaluate!

- Your group will be given a webpage and a guided

Google Doc.
- Explore the webpage with your group, and answer the
questions in the Google Doc
- Draw a conclusion - Can this source be trusted?
Support your answer with 3 reasons!

Present Your Findings

Closing: Waterfall Chat

Share one thing you learned in today’s lesson.

Share one thing you saw that surprised you.

Share one question you still have.


- Burmese Mountain Dog: http://descy.50megs.com/akcj3/bmd.html

- Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus: https://zapatopi.net/treeoctopus/
- Gharial: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/animals/gharial
- Rennets: https://savingtherennets.weebly.com/index.html
- Jaguarundi: https://wildcatconservation.org/wild-cats/south-america/jaguarundi/
- Markhor: https://www.oneearth.org/species-of-the-week-markhor/


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