Cardio Pulmo Soal

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1. Man, 50 years old, with history of exercise for reduce his angina, his take one
nitroglycerine tablet daily. In the last 5 days, his angina increased with his activity daily
living, the pain was radiating to his left arm. The pain reduce with two tablet
nitroglycerine for short time than before. This patient most likely has :
a. Stabil Angina
b. Unstable Angina
c. New onset congestive heart failure
d. Acute myocardial infarction
e. Variable threshold angina
2. The following possible indication to resistance training in cardiac patients :
a. Diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg
b. Systolic blood pressure ≥ 160 mmHg
c. Unstable Angina
d. Severe valvular diasease
e. Two weeks after acute MI
3. Exercise program for cardiovascular conditioning should involve the following,
except :
a. Cycling
b. Jogging
c. Isometric exercise
d. Swimming
e. Circuit training
4. Absolute contraindications for exercise tolerance testing :
a. Controlled diabetes mellitus
b. FEV1 > 60% of perdicted heart failure
c. Chronic compensated heart failure
d. Unstable Angina
e. Retsing blood pressure 140/90 mmHg
5. Energy requirements for swimming slowly activity is :
a. 3.0 METs
b. 4.0 METs
c. 5.0 METs
d. 3.5 METs
e. 4.5 METs
1. A 60 years old man with history of COPD, was reffered to the pulmonary rehabilitation
program to obtain an evaluation of his current physical capabilities and to increase his
exercise tolerance. Chest x-ray demonstarted hyperinflated lungs. Resting ECG was
normal. Six minutelk test result : distance walk 420 meter, HR 120 bpm, BP 160/100.
The management option for this case is :
a. O2 suplement if SaO2 95%
b. High intensity of strength exercise
c. Fat supplementation 1,7g/kg of body weight
d. Carbohydrate supplementation 1,7g/kg of body weight
e. Medication with β2-adrenergic agonist
2. For pulmonary patients, clinical exercise testing have all benefit below, except :
a. To determine function of the lung
b. To monitor the result of rehabilitation program
c. To prescribe the intensity of exercise program
d. To rule out the presence of significant cardiac disease
e. To rule out the presence exercise induced bronchospasm
3. Sign of improvement from pulmonary rehabilitation program :
a. Increase strength of respiratory muscle
b. Decrease of dyspnea and increase in exercise tolerance
c. Increase pulmonary function test
d. Increase work of breathing
e. Increase chest expansion
4. Strategies for decreasing dyspnea during eating in patient with pulmonary disease that
include the following, except :
a. Using O2 during meal
b. Using pursed lip breathing
c. Eat high carbohydrate and gas forming foods
d. Using liquid supplements between meals
e. Assuming a body position that minimizes preceived work of breathing
5. A good measure of lung obstruction in COPD patients is :
a. Forced expiratory volume at one minute
b. Maximal voluntary ventilation
c. Forced vital capacity
d. Forced expiratory volume at one second
e. Residual volume

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