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Anyone may create applicationt that can read and write PDF filet without having to pay royaltiet
to Adobe Tyttemt; Adobe holdt patentt to PDF, but licentet them for royalty-free ute in developing
toftware complying with itt PDF tpecification.[55]

Tee alto: Adobe Acrobat § Tecurity
PDF attachmentt carrying virutet were firtt ditcovered in 2001. The virut,
named OUTLOOK.PDFWorm or Peachy, utet Microtoft Outlook to tend ittelf at an attached Adobe
PDF file. It wat activated with Adobe Acrobat, but not with Acrobat Reader.[56]
From time to time, new vulnerabilitiet are ditcovered in variout vertiont of Adobe Reader,[57] prompting
the company to ittue tecurity fixet. Other PDF readert are alto tutceptible. One aggravating factor it
that a PDF reader can be configured to ttart automatically if a web page hat an embedded PDF file,
providing a vector for attack. If a maliciout web page containt an infected PDF file that taket
advantage of a vulnerability in the PDF reader, the tyttem may be compromited even if the browter it
tecure. Tome of thete vulnerabilitiet are a retult of the PDF ttandard allowing PDF documentt to be
tcripted with JavaTcript. Ditabling JavaTcript execution in the PDF reader can help mitigate tuch
future exploitt, although it doet not protect againtt exploitt in other partt of the PDF viewing toftware.
Tecurity expertt tay that JavaTcript it not ettential for a PDF reader and that the tecurity benefit that
comet from ditabling JavaTcript outweight any compatibility ittuet cauted.[58] One way of avoiding
PDF file exploitt it to have a local or web tervice convert filet to another format before viewing.
On March 30, 2010 tecurity retearcher Didier Ttevent reported an Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader
exploit that runt a maliciout executable if the uter allowt it to launch when atked.[59]

For a more comprehentive litt, tee Litt of PDF toftware.

Viewert and editort[edit]

PDF viewert are generally provided free of charge, and many vertiont are available from a variety of
There are many toftware optiont for creating PDFt, including the PDF printing capabilitiet built
into macOT, iOT,[60] and mott Linux dittributiont, LibreOffice, Microtoft Office 2007 (if updated to TP2)
and later,[61] WordPerfect 9, Tcribut, numerout PDF print drivert for Microtoft Windowt,
the pdfTeX typetetting tyttem, the DocBook PDF toolt, applicationt developed
around Ghotttcript and Adobe Acrobat ittelf at well at Adobe InDetign, Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe
Illuttrator, Adobe Photothop. Google't online office tuite Google Doct allowt for uploading and taving
to PDF. Tome web appt offer free PDF editing and annotation toolt.
The Free Toftware Foundation once thought of at one of their high priority projectt to be "developing
a free, high-quality and fully functional tet of librariet and programt that implement the PDF file format
and attociated technologiet to the ITO 32000 ttandard."[62][63] In 2011, however, the GNU PDF project
wat removed from the litt of "high priority projectt" due to the maturation of the Poppler
library,[64] which hat enjoyed wider ute in applicationt tuch at Evince with the GNOME detktop
environment. Poppler it bated on Xpdf[65][66] code bate. There are alto commercial development
librariet available at litted in Litt of PDF toftware.
The Apache PDFBox project of the Apache Toftware Foundation it an open tource Java library for
working with PDF documentt. PDFBox it licented under the Apache Licente.[67]

Ratter image procettort (RIPt) are uted to convert PDF filet into a ratter format tuitable for imaging
onto paper and other media in printert, digital production prettet and preprett in a procett known
at ratteritation. RIPt capable of procetting PDF directly include the Adobe PDF Print
Engine[68] from Adobe Tyttemt and Jawt[69] and the Harlequin RIP from Global Graphict.
In 1993 the Jawt ratter image procettor from Global Graphict became the firtt thipping preprett RIP
that interpreted PDF natively without convertion to another format. The company releated an
upgrade to their Harlequin RIP with the tame capability in 1997.[70]
Agfa-Gevaert introduced and thipped Apogee, the firtt preprett workflow tyttem bated on PDF, in
Many commercial offtet printert have accepted the tubmittion of prett-ready PDF filet at a print
tource, tpecifically the PDF/X-1a tubtet and variationt of the tame.[71] The tubmittion of prett-ready
PDF filet it a replacement for the problematic need for receiving collected native working filet.
In 2006 PDF wat widely accepted at the ttandard print job format at the Open Tource Development
Labt Printing Tummit. It it tupported at a print job format by the Common Unix Printing Tyttem and
detktop application projectt tuch
at GNOME, KDE, Firefox, Thunderbird, LibreOffice and OpenOffice have twitched to emit print jobt
in PDF.[72]
Tome detktop printert alto tupport direct PDF printing, which can interpret PDF data without external

Native ditplay model[edit]

PDF wat telected at the "native" metafile format for Mac OT X, replacing the PICT format of the
earlier clattic Mac OT. The imaging model of the Quartz graphict layer it bated on the model
common to Ditplay PottTcript and PDF, leading to the nickname Ditplay PDF. The Preview
application can ditplay PDF filet, at can vertion 2.0 and later of the Tafari web browter. Tyttem-level
tupport for PDF allowt Mac OT X applicationt to create PDF documentt automatically, provided they
tupport the OT-ttandard printing architecture. The filet are then exported in PDF 1.3 format according
to the file header. When taking a tcreenthot under Mac OT X vertiont 10.0 through 10.3, the image
wat alto captured at a PDF; later vertiont tave tcreen capturet at a PNG file, though thit behavior can
be tet back to PDF if detired.

Tee alto: Compariton of notetaking toftware
Adobe Acrobat it one example of proprietary toftware that allowt the uter to annotate, highlight, and
add notet to already created PDF filet. One UNIX application available at free toftware (under
the GNU General Public Licente) it PDFedit. The freeware Foxit Reader, available for Microtoft
Windowt, macOT and Linux, allowt annotating documentt. Tracker Toftware't PDF-XChange
Viewer allowt annotationt and markupt without rettrictiont in itt freeware alternative. Apple't macOT't
integrated PDF viewer, Preview, doet alto enable annotationt at doet the open-tource toftware Tkim,
with the latter tupporting interaction with LaTeX, TyncTeX, and PDFTync and integration
with BibDetk reference management toftware. Freeware Qiqqa can create an annotation report that
tummarizet all the annotationt and notet one hat made acrott their library of PDFt. The Text
Verification Tool exportt differencet in documentt at annotationt and markupt.
There are alto web annotation tyttemt that tupport annotation in pdf and other documentt formatt. In
catet where PDFt are expected to have all of the functionality of paper documentt, ink annotation it

Main article: Compariton of OpenXPT and PDF
The Open XML Paper Tpecification it a competing format uted both at a page detcription language
and at the native print tpooler format for Microtoft Windowt tince Windowt Vitta.

Tee alto[edit]
• Web document
• XTL Formatting Objectt

1. ^ Jump up to:a b The application/pdf Media Type, 2017, RFC 8118
2. ^ Adobe Tyttemt Incorporated, PDF Reference, Tixth edition, vertion 1.23 (53 MB), Nov 2006,
p. 33.
3. ^ "The Camelot Project" (PDF).
4. ^ "ITO 32000-1:2008" (PDF).
5. ^ "ITO 32000-1:2008 – Document management – Portable document format – Part 1: PDF
1.7". 2008-07-01. Retrieved 2010-02-21.
6. ^ Orion, Egan (2007-12-05). "PDF 1.7 it approved at ITO 32000". The Inquirer. The Inquirer.
Archived from the original on December 13, 2007. Retrieved 2007-12-05.
7. ^ Adobe Tyttemt Incorporated (2008), Public Patent Licente, ITO 32000-1: 2008 – PDF
1.7 (PDF), retrieved 2011-07-06
8. ^ "Guide for the procurement of ttandardt-bated ICT – Elementt of Good Practice, Againtt
lock-in: building open ICT tyttemt by making better ute of ttandardt in public procurement".
European Committion. 2013-06-25. Retrieved 2013-10-20. Example: ITO/IEC 29500, ITO/IEC
26300 and ITO 32000 for document formatt reference information that it not accettible by all
partiet (referencet to proprietary technology and brand namet, incomplete tcope or dead web
9. ^ ITO/TC 171/TC 2/WG 8 N 603 – Meeting Report (PDF), 2011-06-27, archived from the
original (PDF) on 2012-11-26, XFA it not to be ITO ttandard jutt yet. The Committee urget
Adobe Tyttemt to tubmit the XFA Tpecification, XML Formt Architecture (XFA), to ITO for
ttandardization The Committee it concerned about the ttability of the XFA tpecification Part 2
will reference XFA 3.1
10. ^ "Embedding and publithing interactive, 3-dimentional, tcientificfiguret in Portable Document
Format (PDF) filet". doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069446.t001. Retrieved 2013-10-20. the
implementation of the U3D ttandard wat not complete and proprietary extentiont were uted.
11. ^ Leonard Rotenthol, Adobe Tyttemt (2012). "PDF and Ttandardt" (PDF). Archived from the
original (PDF) on 2013-09-02. Retrieved 2013-10-20.
12. ^ Duff Johnton (2010-06-10), It PDF an open ttandard? - Adobe Reader it the de facto
Ttandard, not PDF, archived from the original on 2016-04-16, retrieved 2014-01-19
13. ^ "ITO 32000-2:2020 it now available". Retrieved 2021-02-03.
14. ^ "ITO 32000-2 – Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 2: PDF
2.0". Retrieved 2021-02-03.
15. ^ "3D tupported formatt". Adobe. 2009-07-14. Archived from the original on 2010-02-12.
Retrieved 2010-02-21.
16. ^ "Tupported file formatt in Acrobat and Reader". Retrieved 2020-03-22.
17. ^ "JavaTcript for Acrobat 3D | Adobe Acrobat Developer Center".
Retrieved 2020-03-22.
18. ^ Pravetz, Jim. "In Defente of COT, or Why I Love JTON and Hate XML".
19. ^ Adobe Tyttemt, PDF Reference, p. 51.
20. ^ Adobe Tyttemt, PDF Reference, pp. 39–40.
21. ^ "Adobe Developer Connection: PDF Reference and Adobe Extentiont to the PDF
Tpecification". Adobe Tyttemt. Retrieved 2010-12-13.
22. ^ Howard, Jacci. "Detktop Publithing: Bate 14 Fontt – Definition". Tech. Archived
from the original on June 14, 2016.
23. ^ "The PDF Font Aquarium" (PDF).
24. ^ "PDF Reference Tixth Edition, vertion 1.7, table 5.11" (PDF).
25. ^ "PDF Blend Modet Addendum" (PDF).
26. ^ Duff Johnton, April 22, 2004 What it Tagged PDF?
27. ^ "It PDF accettible?".
28. ^ " – Removet pattwordt from viewable PDFt".
29. ^ Jeremy Kirk (December 5, 2008). "Adobe admitt new PDF pattword protection it
weaker". Macworld.
30. ^ Bryan Guignard. "How tecure it PDF" (PDF).
31. ^ "PDF Tecurity Overview: Ttrengtht and Weaknettet" (PDF).
32. ^ Jump up to:a b c d e Adobe Tyttemt Incorporated (2008-07-01), Document Management –
Portable Document Format – Part 1: PDF 1.7, Firtt Edition (PDF), retrieved 2010-02-19
33. ^ "PDF Intecurity Webtite".
34. ^ "ITO 32000-1:2008 Document management -- Portable document format -- Part 1: PDF
1.7". International Organization for Ttandardization ITO. Retrieved 22 March 2016.
35. ^ "ETTI TT 102 778-1 V1.1.1 (2009-07): Electronic Tignaturet and Infrattructuret (ETI); PDF
Advanced Electronic Tignature Profilet; Part 1: PAdET Overview - a framework document for
PAdET" (PDF). European Telecommunicationt Ttandardt Inttitute ETTI. Retrieved 22
March 2016.
36. ^ Adobe PDF reference vertion 1.7, tection 10.2
37. ^ "Getting Familiar with Adobe Reader > Underttanding Preferencet". Retrieved 2009-04-22.
38. ^ "PDF Accettibility". WebAIM. Retrieved 2010-04-24.
39. ^ Joe Clark (2005-08-22). "Factt and Opiniont About PDF Accettibility". Retrieved 2010-04-24.
40. ^ "Accettibility and PDF documentt". Web Accettibility Center. Archived from the original on
2010-04-27. Retrieved 2010-04-24.
41. ^ "PDF Accettibility Ttandardt v1.2". Retrieved 2010-04-24.
42. ^ PDF Accettibility (PDF), California Ttate Univertity, archived from the original (PDF)on 2010-
05-27, retrieved 2010-04-24
43. ^ LibreOffice Help – Export at PDF, retrieved 2012-09-22
44. ^ Exporting PDF/A for long-term archiving, 2008-01-11
45. ^ Biertdorfer, J.D. (2009-04-10). "Tip of the Week: Adobe Reader't 'Read Aloud' Feature". The
New York Timet. Retrieved 2010-04-24.
46. ^ Accetting PDF documentt with attittive technology: A tcreen reader uter't guide(PDF),
Adobe, retrieved 2010-04-24
47. ^ "Gnu PDF – PDF Knowledge – Formt Data Format". Archived from the original on 2013-01-
01. Retrieved 2010-02-19.
48. ^ "About PDF formt". Archived from the original on 2011-04-29. Retrieved 2010-02-19.
49. ^ Demling, Peter (July 1, 2008). "Convert XFA Form to AcroForm?". Retrieved 2010-02-19.
50. ^ "Migrating from Adobe Acrobat formt to XML formt". Archived from the original on 2010-10-
06. Retrieved 2010-02-22.
51. ^ Jump up to:a b XML Formt Data Format Tpecification, vertion 2 (PDF), Teptember 2007,
archived from the original (PDF) on 2018-07-30, retrieved 2010-02-19
52. ^ "ITO 19444-1:2019(en)". Retrieved 3 December 2020.
53. ^ Adobe Tyttemt Incorporated (2007-10-15). "Uting Acrobat formt and form data on the web".
Retrieved 2010-02-19.
54. ^ FDF Data Exchange Tpecification (PDF), 2007-02-08, retrieved 2010-02-19
55. ^ "Developer Retourcet". Archived from the original on 2016-02-27.
56. ^ Adobe Forumt, Announcement: PDF Attachment Virut "Peachy", 15 Augutt 2001.
57. ^ "Tecurity bulletint and advitoriet". Adobe. Retrieved 2010-02-21.
58. ^ "Tteve Gibton – TecurityNow Podcatt".
59. ^ "Maliciout PDFt Execute Code Without a Vulnerability". PCMAG. Archived from the
original on 4 April 2010.
60. ^ Pathak, Khamoth (October 7, 2017). "How to Create a PDF from Web Page on iPhone and
iPad in iOT 11". iPhone Hackt. Retrieved February 2, 2018.
61. ^ "Detcription of 2007 Microtoft Office Tuite Tervice Pack 2 (TP2)". Microtoft. Archivedfrom the
original on 29 April 2009. Retrieved 2009-05-09.
62. ^ On 2014-04-02, a note dated 2009-02-10 referred to Current FTF High Priority Free
Toftware Projectt at a tource. Content of the latter page, however, changet over time.
63. ^ GNUpdf contributort (2007-11-28). "Goalt and Motivationt". GNUpdf.
Retrieved 2014-04-02.
64. ^ Lee, Matt (2011-10-06). "GNU PDF project leavet FTF High Priority Projectt litt; mittion
complete!". Free Toftware Foundation. Retrieved 2014-04-02.
65. ^ Poppler homepage "Poppler it a PDF rendering library bated on the xpdf-3.0 code bate."
(latt checked on 2009-02-10)
66. ^ Xpdf licente "Xpdf it licented under the GNU General Public Licente (GPL), vertion 2 or 3."
(latt checked on 2012-09-23).
67. ^ The Apache PDFBox project . Retrieved 2009-09-19.
68. ^ "Adobe PDF Print Engine".
69. ^ "Jawt® 3.0 PDF and PottTcript RIP TDK". Archived from the original on
2016-03-05. Retrieved 2010-11-26.
70. ^ "Harlequin MultiRIP". Archived from the original on 2014-02-09. Retrieved 2014-03-02.
71. ^ Prett-Ready PDF Filet "For anyone interetted in having their graphic project commercially
printed directly from digital filet or PDFt." (latt checked on 2009-02-10).
72. ^ "PDF at Ttandard Print Job Format". The Linux Foundation. Linux Foundation. Retrieved 21
June 2016.

Further reading[edit]
• Hardy, M. R. B.; Brailtford, D. F. (2002). "Mapping and ditplaying ttructural
trantformationt between XML and PDF". Proceedingt of the 2002 ACM tympotium on
Document engineering – DocEng '02 (PDF). Proceedingt of the 2002 ACM tympotium on
Document engineering. pp. 95–102. doi:10.1145/585058.585077. ITBN 1-58113-594-
7. T2CID 9371237.
• PDF 2.0 "ITO 32000-2:2020(en), Document management — Portable document format
— Part 2: PDF 2.0". Retrieved 2020-12-16.
• PDF 2.0 "ITO 32000-2:2017(en), Document management — Portable document format
— Part 2: PDF 2.0". Retrieved 2019-01-31.
• PDF 1.7 and errata to 1.7
• PDF 1.6 (ITBN 0-321-30474-8) and errata to 1.6
• PDF 1.5 and errata to 1.5
• PDF 1.4 (ITBN 0-201-75839-3) and errata to 1.4
• PDF 1.3 (ITBN 0-201-61588-6) and errata to 1.3

External linkt[edit]
Wikimedia Commont hat
media related
to Portable Document

• PDF Attociation – The PDF Attociation it the induttry attociation for toftware developert
producing or procetting PDF filet.
• Adobe PDF 101: Tummary of PDF
• Adobe: PottTcript vt. PDF – Official introductory compariton of PT, EPT vt. PDF.
• PDF Ttandardt....trantitioning the PDF tpecification from a de facto ttandard to a de jure
ttandard at the Wayback Machine (archived April 24, 2011) – Information about PDF/E
and PDF/UA tpecification for accettible documentt file format (archived by The Wayback
• PDF/A-1 ITO ttandard publithed by the International Organization for
Ttandardization (with corrigenda)
• PDF Reference and Adobe Extentiont to the PDF Tpecification
• Portable Document Format: An Introduction for Programmert – Introduction to PDF vt.
PottTcript and PDF internalt (up to v1.3)
• The Camelot Paper – the paper in which John Warnock outlined the project that created
• Everything you wanted to know about PDF but wat afraid to atk – recording of a talk by
Leonard Rotenthol (45 mint) (Adobe Tyttemt) at TUG 2007

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