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Ryobi Geotechnique International Pte Ltd SBR Sung Kadot Loop, RYOH Tndstral Bg, Sngapore 729505 Ter G5 63D 7100 Fax: 65 6361 SHS ‘SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS “eases AVA [36 months SI Term Contract for AVA at Neo Tie Crescent (SBMS) 178 BOREHOLENO. Ez SAMPLE NO Di | sero | two | seros | two2 | seroy | srvoe San DTA m | 200 | 00-445 | eon 00 [1.0012 00-180] 10 00-18.5]20 00-2024 ra erate dat % - 23 | 189 | 28 : 227 BULK OFNSITY 7 : oan Non? 205 [ 210 | 207 191 [oevonery ioe |= 7 a : = 5 aRTice DeNSTTY : : = ean 266 | 263 | 266 2.65 exw ane : ~ | a o ° focam size anauysts [sano % zi 3 | «© [2 z i fs Fre 2 1999 rinse eer % 2 «0 | oh ar * | zi «| 2 |» 38 er » | - [we [ws | - | a0 | 26 | - Jes v7 rar 2iss0: [rasnicun ~ | - | wa [os | - | we | asa | - fen fraser meee z a | 2 z | zi [esr ne z 7 z ww. a : Luna conpression |TOTACORESION we 5 5 ws | = fs [sre 5 ow E : : [trier ae s00% lereemvecomson wa | =~ [07 = : : frrecre mamas degree] —- ne 5 = 2 Jconsouoarron Test |PRECONSOUDATION tay | _- E 5 z 4 5 fesse rans too; ERESSURE stor) lcomaessionnox | : : 7 : 7 : eis | : : 2 é Jrock rest ux ens rd = = 5 = 2 E arcane mas 7 : 7 7 lcovonessve saan pie 5 : Joremncaconrenrs [ore Gre %| 2007 — a : : E JavaLrsts foosne conten [02 E = : : : ips contr %_[-<0.01 = = = = —} LEGENDS REMARKS Uv Unconsoncatee Unaraned es (a e008) ‘CU -Consotdated Unrained Test arene 7) (D - Consotdte Draed Test Fat eros PREPARED BY creo BY of x Le ATE — Ule 6 fief (ove yy He {Si Keon Kon) ‘Tis inkeralry& aowedid und: te Shgopore Rowodiaton Counel Sngapor Laboralary Aszediatin Scheme (SAC SINGLAS) and has mel he requrenes of 80 EC 17025 2006, The resus reported herein have been performed naccordance wih the aberatons arms of accreditation undor the SAC-SINGLAS, Page 87 of 208 Ryobi Geotechnique International Pte Ltd EA Sungei Kadt Loop, Ryo Indust! 6g, Srgapore THSSOS Tek 65 6355 7100 Fax 65 GSI SHS MI Lagoral SST RESUL “pce wn 1 eo reer a HEN ers oy SOLE Te [sn [em [wi ees T Roaalaon claw] wae TRE COT : se [esnecoTT * | 185 7as_| Sele vain? | 205 1 | Ec oer etesee PAROLE DES U7 Patt 2: 1990; Maths 8/ Sal Pyinometer) Mali aa 7 2.60 on «fa pe va sze mas lane = pm pe or eRe fae = aps ey «f+ pfs cmuncues Ses ~ [ae pas >] Gunma ee: pusncuNt [ase ae2 | Pee [Pyasticrry INDEX 25 2 = * = wy = Lav comeessow (EMCEE ww | ane [> : Ie = = ee a a recmie rine epee 2 t=) i oa — |] -— 4 — Soa ee foe am eT pain a — Seat eeeten [INDEX I = ocx rest cee tes eer ee soar sma a

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