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NorCal Group 5 News

News For All NorCal CAP Members

July 1, 2002
Volume 2, Issue 3
Chaplain's Corner The Bible is a great book of
inspiration for those who give
themselves in service to others and
George Dawson, Group 5 Chaplain
to great causes. "And let us not
By the time you all read this almost
all the Independence Day
celebration will be over and we will
Inside this Issue be getting on with our busy lives.
However, since July 4th is still fresh
in my experience I want to add just a

1 Chaplain's Corner
few simple thoughts that I hope will
carry us through the "normal
routines" of our daily lives.

2 Group 5 Address Change

First, as a Christian minister and
your Chaplain I would like to lose heart in doing good, for in due

2 NorCal Glider Program

express my Thanksgiving to God for
the privilege of living in this great
land of freedom. Since I have two
time we shall reap if we do not grow
weary." (Galatians 6:9, NASB).

3 ECI Courses
sons serving in the active military,
one in the Army Guard, (he is active
in search and rescue and fire
Growing weary can happen because
we try to do too much, and we try to
do it in our own strength. God

3 Patch Design Winner

fighting) and the other in the Air
Force (he is in pilot training) I have a
great appreciation for all those who
promises that if we will look to him
he will give us the strength to do the
work or meet the challenges before

3 Coming Events
serve. As a retired Air Force
member, I know what it takes to
keep our country free.

"Yet those who wait for the Lord will

gain new strength. They will mount
Growing weary can happen up with wings like eagles. They will
because we try to do too much, run and not get tired. They will walk
and we try to do it in our own and not become weary." (Isaiah
strength. 40:31, NASB).

Second, as a member of Civil Air Third, let us keep in mind the

Patrol, I know the degree of sacrifice heritage we have and the motto of
and service it takes from the civil our country. On all our money we
side of the house to keep our nation have the words "In God We Trust."
free and functioning. So, I thank May that always be true for each of
God for each one of you. It is a us what ever our faith may be. Then
HQ NorCal Group 5 good work you do whether you are a too, our pledge says we are "One
PO Box 60129 pilot, observer, administrator, leader Nation Under God...”what a great
Sacramento, CA. 95860-0129 of cadets, etc. thought. Let us always remember
Web site: that our nation was conceived and
born out of a desire and struggle for

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
July 1, 2002

Liberty. It was Thomas Jefferson on June 28 Group 5, along with Winona Way). They have
who said: "The God who gave us Squadron 14, was required to graciously offered the use of their
life, gave us liberty at the same vacate the building at Executive facility to us, and we anticipate
time." Daniel Webster said: "God Airport that had been their moving in sometime around the end
grants liberty only to those who love Headquarters for the last 2 years. of August or the beginning of
it and are always ready to guard and All equipment and files have been September.
defend it." May we who enjoy the placed in storage until we can
fruits of liberty always be ready to do acquire a new location. Please note that it is anticipated that
the same. our monthly meetings will take place
Until that time, we have a new in their meeting facility beginning
God bless each of you and may the mailing address for you to use in August 1st at the same location.
rest of this year be as successful as corresponding with Group 5. The
you want it to be in each area of
your lives.
new mailing address is:
The NorCal Glider
HQ NorCal Group 5
Post Office Box 60129
Sacramento, CA 95860-0129 2Lt. Todd Sprague, Director of
Group 5 Address Plans are underway for NorCal

Change Group 5 to eventually be moving

into new quarters at the warehouse
NorCal Glider On Its Way!
On July 13th, thanks to Major Dennis
2Lt. Steve Taylor, Public Affairs for the Grant High School District, Parham’s tireless efforts, there will
which is located on the corner of be a glider moving to make its new
Permanent Location Available Soon Winona Way and Roseville Road in home in Northern California.
As most of you are aware by now, North Highlands (entrance on
The Schweizer-SGS 2-33, 2953H,
has a brand-new paint job. The
Contribute to the NorCal Group 5 Newsletter glider is to be used mainly for cadet
orientation rides and glider training
We are interested in receiving articles from all Units on topics that you feel will leading to solo flights. It will be
be of interest to all Group 5 members. available to NorCal squadrons to
have glider days, during which
You may submit articles and pictures (if available) either electronically or by
cadets and seniors can get glider
regular mail. Electronic formats for articles should be in Microsoft Word
rides at little or no cost.
format, or compatible. Electronic photo submissions should be sent in JPG
format. Send electronic submissions to Steve Taylor, Group 5 Public Affairs For each glider ride, Group 5 asks
Officer at that the member donate $5 to the
glider’s maintenance fund. Seniors
If by regular mail, send photos in a protected envelope and provide your name
will pay the towing costs for their
and address for return. Mail documents to Steve Taylor, Public Affairs Officer,
own flights, whether it is at an FBO
at the Group 5 Headquarters address.
or via a tow-equipped corporate
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aircraft. Costs to seniors will be
lower once we have tow pilots for
United We Stand our tow-equipped 182, but initially it
will be FBO prices, about $40 per
tow. National Headquarters will
reimburse the towing cost for Cadet
orientation glider flights.

God Bless America! Cadets or Seniors wishing to take

glider flights or work at glider
operations must pass the Wing

2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NorCal Group 5

Runner test at NHQ. Certificated It is required for completion of Level After reviewing all entries, the
senior pilots can add a glider rating II training and promotion to Captain, reviewing committee selected the
per F.A.R. part 61.109(f). under duty performance. design submitted by 1Lt. Jeff Huber,
NorCal Group 5 Aircraft Manager.
Senior pilots who desire to commit Two other well-known ECI courses
some time and study to becoming a for CAP members are ECI 02130A - The artwork represents Northern
tow-pilot must pass the Wing CAP Scanner Course, and ECI California with a Sierra Mountains
Runner and Tow-Pilot tests and 02130B - CAP Mission Observer and forest background. In the
have at least the following Course. These courses are foreground is a bald eagle in
qualifications: required for those that seek ES majestic flight over the valley.
qualification as a scanner or Wording around the patch states
• Airman Certificate: FAA private observer. ”Integrity*Leadership*Commitment“.
pilot certificate, single-engine
airplane The lesser-known courses are ECI For winning the contest, Lt. Huber
02010 - CAP Public Affairs will receive the first place prize of
• Medical Certificate: 3rd class Officer, ECI 02130D - Introduction $50.00 cash, and 5 Free Patches.
medical certificate to CAP Emergency Services, and
ECI 02170 - CAP Safety Officer The patch has been turned over to
• Total PIC: 200 hours an embroidering company for
Course. So, if you are Public
Affairs Officer, ES Officer, or a production and will be available to
• High performance: 50 hours
Safety Officer, you may want to all Group 5 members very soon.
• Takeoffs & Landings: 25 each enroll in the applicable course.

• Powered Flights: 6 To enroll in any ECI course, mail a

completed ECI Form 23 to ECI, and .
• Glider Flights: 4 mail a photocopy of the ECI Form
23 to Gp. 5/ETS. Please remember
Coming Events
A tow-pilot school and glider that the correct zip code/shred of
orientation day is in the works – a
Test Control Office (box 9 on the July 19-21
day for interested members to come ECI Form 23) for CAWG members High-Altitude SAREX
learn about glider operations. is 914097688-4. Redding Squadron 126
Anyone with questions, comments,
August 5
suggestions, or a helping hand can
Monthly Group 5 Staff Meeting
contact the Group 5 Director of
Gliders, Todd Sprague, by email at Lt. Huber wins Grant School District Facilities
North Highlands, California
Group 5 Patch September 6-8
Happy landings!
Contest EAA Golden West Fly-In
Yuba County Airport
2 Lt. Steve Taylor, Public Affairs Marysville, California

ECI Courses Group 5 is pleased to announce that

it now has it’s own customized
LtCol. John Ching, ETS patch.

Did you know USAF-ECI has Earlier in the year we held a patch
specialized correspondence courses design contest allowing all members
for CAP members? There are six in Group 5 to submit their ideas and
short courses specially developed artwork of a patch that would
for the training of CAP members. proudly represent the members of
One such course is ECI 00013 - Group 5.
CAP Senior Officer Course.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
July 1, 2002

Group 5 Staff

Maj. Dennis Parham

Capt. David Strannard
Deputy Commander
Emergency Services
LtCol. John Ching
Maj. George Dawson
2Lt. Curtis Hensley
Logistics Officer
Capt. Jim Szykowny
Cadet Programs
LtCol. Charles Starr
2Lt. Samuel Jones
Maj. Harry Van Rintel
Inspector General
Maj. Marie Whaley
2Lt. Daryl Kielich
Aircraft Maintenance Officer
1Lt. Bill Slavensky
Aircraft Maintenance Officer
2Lt. Mark Naber
Management Information Officer
2Lt Steve Taylor
Public Affairs Officer

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NorCal Group 5

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