Assignment 3 Differentiate B/W Import and Export?

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Assignment 3

Differentiate b/w import and Export?

Import Export
Definition Definition
Import is when a company buys goods Export is when a company provides
from another country, with an aim of goods and services to the other
reselling it in the domestic market. countries for selling purposes.
Objective Objective
To meet the demand for goods which To increase the market share or global
are not available in the domestic presence
Benefit Benefit
High level of import is an indicator of High level of export is an indicator of
robust domestic demand. trade surplus.

Differentiate b/w Joint venture and Strategic


Joint Venture Strategic Alliance

Definition Definition
A specific type of strategic alliance in Partnerships between and organization
which the partners agree to form a and a foreign company in which both
separate, independent organization for share resources and knowledge in
some business purpose. developing new products or building
new production facilities.

Independent Organization Independent Organization

The entities which come together in a The entities which come together in a
joint venture, do not continue to strategic alliance, continue to operate
operate as independent companies. as independent companies.
Separate Legal Entity Separate legal entity
it has a separate legal entity. Means it does not have a separate legal entity
that this type of organization has means that it does not have separate
separate existence. existence.
Objective Objective
Joint Venture refers to a form of Strategic Alliance implies an
business organization, set up by two or agreement amidst two or more entities
more companies, to carry out financial to work jointly with one another, to
activity. increase performance of both the
Management Management
A joint venture has bilateral A delegated management can be found
management in a strategic alliance.

Differentiate b/w Global business and INVs?

Global business International New Ventures
Definition Definition
A global company is an international An INV is defined as a business
company that centralizes management organization that, from inception, seeks
and other decisions in the home to derive significant competitive
country. advantage from the use of resources
and the sale of outputs in multiple
Attitude Attitude
This approach to globalization reflects This approach to globalization reflects
the ethnocentric attitude. the ethnocentric attitude
Objective Objective
Global companies treat the world INVs main objective is Commit
market as an integrated whole and resources upfront (material, people,
focus on the need for global efficiency financing) to doing business in more
and cost savings. than one country.

Decision making Decisions making

Although these companies may have Normally INVs have decentralized
considerable global holdings, decision making.
management decisions with company-
wide implications are made from
headquarters in the home country.

Differentiate b/w Global multi-international

company and multi-domestic company?
Global Company Multi-Domestic Company
Definition Definition
Any company having operations and trading Any company having operations and trading in
in many countries across the world within many countries across the world within that
that country is known as Global company. country is known as Multi-domestic company.
Attitude Attitude:
This approach to globalization reflects the This type of globalization reflects the
ethnocentric attitude. polycentric attitude.
Decision making: Decision making:
Normally multi-domestic company have Normally multi-domestic company have
centralized decision making. All the decisions decentralized decision making.
are made by centralized authority.
Main focus Main focus
Global companies treat the world market as A multidomestic corporation doesn’t attempt to
an integrated whole and focus on the need for replicate its domestic successes by managing
global efficiency and cost savings. foreign operations from its home country.
Example Example
Examples of global companies include Sony, PepsiCo
Deutsche Bank AG,


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