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Activity 5- Consumer society

1. Read “What is a consumer society?” from canvas

2. Write an essay that includes introduction, development y conclusion. The essay should
answer the following questions:
 How do consumer goods improve people´s quality of life?
 How hard to find are consumer goods?
 How are luxury products viewed in your society and context?
 How do consumer societies care about the environment?


In this topic we will contemplate what a consumer society is as well as how they improve people's
quality of life, what is the difficulty of finding these goods and if the consumer society cares about
the environment.

What is a consumer society?

It is a consumer society encourages people to buy and use goods. Consumer goods improve the
quality of people since they offer to live comfortably, they have a better variety of food, they tend
to go out for a walk, in addition to buying products that become unnecessary.

Nowadays it is very easy and accessible to have consumer goods since the market for these
products is growing more and more. In a consumer society, people often buy newer and better
quality products.

Society no longer cares about the environment, every time they buy something they discard
something and thus with the whole society, the environment is forgotten.


Personally, consumer goods have advantages and disadvantages:

An advantage is how they make life easier for us, how they make us feel comfortable, how they
keep us updated, but a disadvantage is the impact they have on the environment, each time we
have more and more waste I think it is something that has to be had in the awareness of each time
you make an unnecessary purchase.

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