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And nothing secret but it will be known and brought to light

I celebrated the Mid-Autumn Festival with some colleagues over a spread of

mooncakes a few days ago. This night in particular was extremely cloudy – although
we all knew that we could expect to enjoy the view of a full moon. Several times,
we only caught glimpses of its luminous glow as the shadows of clouds obscured the
moon’s face. We were just about to wrap up our nighttime picnic by the park
connector, when I looked up and saw finally, a serene and perfectly round mirror of
moonlight, beautiful like the Eucharist. I had never looked upon the full moon and
felt so touched by its presence before – this night I saw something special that
spoke to me of God.

The moon revealing itself from behind the clouds reminds me of a beautiful piece of
writing by Catholic writer, Flannery O’Conner. She says this,

“Dear God, I cannot love Thee the way I want to. You are the slim crescent of a
moon that I see and my self is the earth’s shadow that keeps me from seeing all the
moon. The crescent is very beautiful and perhaps that is all one like I am should
or could see; but what I am afraid of, dear God, is that my self shadow will grow
so large that it blocks the whole moon, and that I will judge myself by the shadow
that is nothing…”

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