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8000 Intelligent Network Manager

Cross Connection Consistency Checker User


Document Information

Revision History

Document No. Date Description of Changes

76.8000-70217C 25.06.2015 Instructions on starting Cross Connection Consistency Checker
have been updated in chapter 2.1.
76.8000-70217B 11.07.2014 The document has been rebranded.

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8000 Intelligent Network Manager 76.8000-70217C

Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual © 2015 Coriant.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents

About the Manual .............................................................................................................. 4

Objectives....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Audience......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Document Conventions .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Documentation Feedback............................................................................................................................................... 5

1 Functionality of Cross Connection Consistency Checker ...................................... 6

2 Using Cross Connection Consistency Checker....................................................... 7

2.1 Starting Cross Connection Consistency Checker ................................................................................................ 7

2.2 Selecting Nodes ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Checking Cross Connections Consistency .......................................................................................................... 8

76.8000-70217C 8000 Intelligent Network Manager

© 2015 Coriant. Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual

About the Manual

About the Manual


One of the most important features of 8000 Intelligent Network Manager is its capability to support
the provisioning of circuits end-to-end via the graphical user interface. The circuit information
stored in the 8000 Intelligent Network Manager database and the cross-connection information in
the actual node should always be consistent. However, sometimes inconsistencies occur.

This manual describes the Cross Connection Consistency Checker tool, meant for troubleshooting
the consistency problems.

Consistency check is supported for PDH 1/0, SDH 4/1 and SDH 4/4 layer connections. The
supported node types include the 8100 and 6300 series nodes.


The Cross Connection Consistency Checker tool is to be used by an experienced network operator
who is already familiar with 8100 Managed Access System nodes and units and knows how to use
the X-Debugger tool.

8000 Intelligent Network Manager 76.8000-70217C

Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual © 2015 Coriant.

About the Manual

Document Conventions

This is a note symbol. It emphasizes or supplements information in the document.

This is a caution symbol. It indicates that damage to equipment is possible if the instructions
are not followed.

This is a warning symbol. It indicates that bodily injury is possible if the instructions are not

Documentation Feedback

Please contact us to suggest improvements or to report errors in our documentation:


76.8000-70217C 8000 Intelligent Network Manager

© 2015 Coriant. Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual

1 Functionality of Cross Connection Consistency Checker

1 Functionality of Cross Connection Consistency

Cross Connection Consistency Checker reads connection information from the 8000 Intelligent
Network Manager database and 8100 or 6300 network element. After this it compares the
connection information and prepares a report. The report lists the connections and their statuses.
Suspicious connections are displayed in red. The status of a connection can be one of the following.

Connection Status
Status Explanation
OK Connections in the network element and in the database are consistent.
Missing from There is a cross-connection in the node hardware that does not have a database
database equivalent. This is an error and the reason for this should be found out. The
probable cause text in the Connection Details dialog may provide the cause.
Missing from A connection that should exist in the network element according to circuit
hardware information in the database is missing. This is an error. The probable cause text
in the Connection Details dialog may provide the cause.
Conflict The connection found in the network element is different from what is expected
according to the database data. This is an error. The probable cause text in the
Connection Details dialog may provide the cause.
Circuit compilation The program failed to get connection information on a circuit from the database.
failed The most common cause for this error is incomplete circuits in the database.
Node internal cross Some connections in the network element are not modelled as circuits. One
connection example of these is the sync byte cross-connections on the GMU and GMX

8000 Intelligent Network Manager 76.8000-70217C

Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual © 2015 Coriant.

2 Using Cross Connection Consistency Checker

2 Using Cross Connection Consistency Checker

2.1 Starting Cross Connection Consistency Checker

Cross Connection Consistency Checker requires specific application-level privileges. First check
that the privileges have been defined for the profile used.

Start the tool by running the following command in Windows.

Alternatively, you can start the program by double-clicking the xconcc.exe icon in the
%NMSINSTDIR%\bin directory.

Cross Connection Consistency Checker privilege allows you to read all node and circuit data
from the database and the network.

2.2 Selecting Nodes

You can select the nodes to be checked in the Search Nodes dialog. You can open the dialog by
clicking the Select button. In this dialog you can enter the node retrieval criteria. The final search
criteria is a combination of the given values; the fields are separated by logical “AND”.

You can search the nodes by using the fields listed in the table below.

Field Meaning
Node ID Node ID in the database. The following characters/operators
are recognized: , - > < => <=
500, 501, 510
5000, 6000-7000
Node Name Node name. The following characters/operators are
recognized: * ?
* matches from 0 to any number of any characters.
? matches exactly one character of any type.
Tampere_* finds nodes whose names start with Tampere_.
*_DXX finds nodes whose name end in _DXX.
Node_50? finds nodes with names Node_501, Node_502
etc. but not Node_50.

76.8000-70217C 8000 Intelligent Network Manager

© 2015 Coriant. Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual

2 Using Cross Connection Consistency Checker

Field Meaning
Node Type Node hardware type. Select the value from the drop-down list.
Area ID Area ID of the node.
Location ID Location ID of the node.
Node State Node state. Select the value from the drop-down list.
Region ID Region ID of the node.
Node Subtype Node subtypes to be selected. Select the value from the
drop-down list. The node subtype is not used with the 8100

The default search criteria retrieve all nodes that are in In Use state.

2.3 Checking Cross Connections Consistency

Step 1 Make sure that there are as few changes in the network during the consistency check as possible.
The ongoing circuit loop tests, circuit recovery and circuit connection operations can result in
conflicts or extra connections in the report.
Step 2 Select the nodes to be checked.
• Click the Select button to open the Search Nodes dialog.
• Specify the conditions for node retrieval (for further information see 2.2 Selecting Nodes).
• Click OK.
• On the Node Selection tab, select the nodes to be checked. You can sort the columns in the
node list by holding the Alt key down and clicking the column header.
Step 3 Start the consistency check.
• Click the Check button.
• Wait for the operation to complete.

8000 Intelligent Network Manager 76.8000-70217C

Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual © 2015 Coriant.

2 Using Cross Connection Consistency Checker

Step 4 Study the results.

• First check the status of the operation for each node in the list. If the operation failed on a
node, you can view additional information by double-clicking the corresponding row on the
Node Selection tab. If the operation was successful, double-clicking the node row opens
the Test Status dialog displaying summary information about the consistency check results.
• Click the Report tab and check the results. You can view additional information on a report
row by double-clicking the corresponding row. This opens the Connection Details dialog.
While the dialog is open, clicking a row on the Report tab will update the dialog with the
details of the row.
• If it is possible that an error in the report results from activity in the network during the
consistency check, rerun the check for the node in question.
• You can save the report or the node list as a text file by selecting the File - Save menu option.
This saves the active view.
• You can print the report and node by clicking the + sign in the right corner of the list view
and by clicking the Print button in the dialog that opens.
• You can sort the report rows by column values by holding the Alt key down and clicking
the column header.
• You can filter report rows using the controls in the View frame of the Report tab.You can
select whether all connections are displayed or only those with conflicts by ticking the ap-
propriate radio button. You can also define a node and/or a circuit whose details you wish
to view from the appropriate drop-down lists.

76.8000-70217C 8000 Intelligent Network Manager

© 2015 Coriant. Cross Connection Consistency Checker User Manual

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