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Architectural Acoustic

Acoustic is the science of sound which deals with the properties of sound waves. Some of the
important applications in the field of engineering are electro-acoustics, design of acoustical
instruments and architectural acoustics.
Sound can be described as a disturbance or turbulence which passes through a physical
medium in the form of longitudinal waves from a source to a receiver causing a sensation of
hearing. This medium could be solid, fluid or gas. The speed of sound through these different
media differs due to their molecular composition.

Physical property of sound

Wavelength of sound – This the distance between two pressure peaks or valleys, measured in
metres (m) and represented with the Greek alphabet ‘l’(lambda).
Period – This is the time taken for on complete oscillation. This is measured in seconds(s) and
represented with the letter ‘T’.
Frequency – This is the number of oscillations per second. This is represented with ‘f’ and
measured in Hertz (Hz).
Velocity of sound – This is the rate at which a sound wave travels from a source through a
medium to the receiver. The unit is m/s.
Amplitude – This is the distance between a crest (the highest point) and a valley (the lowest
Pitch – it is the highness or lowness of a tone determined by the rapidity of the oscillations
producing it.
Classification of sound
Sound waves are classified in 3 types.
1. Infrasound (f<20 kHz)
2. Audible sound (20 Hz<f<20 kHz)
3. Ultrasound (f>20 kHz)

Classification of audible sound

Audible sound is classified in two types.
(1) Musical sound :
The sound which produces pleasing effect on the ear iscalled musical sound.
Example : Sitar, violin, flute, piano, etc.
Properties of musical sound
The musical sound wave forms are regular in shape. They do not undergo a sudden change in
(2) Noise
The sound that produces a jarring effect on the ear iscalled nose.
Example:-Sound of airplane ,road traffic ,crackers ,etc.
Properties of noise
The noise waveforms are irregular in shape. They undergo a sudden change in amplitudes.

Behaviour of sound in an enclosure

An enclosed space is a room or area bounded on every of its sides. The materials for enclosure
may be classified into two:
1. Those that allow sound rays to pass through
2. Those that do not allow sound rays to pass through

On encountering barriers posed by the enclosure, sound waves are likely to behave in the
following ways:
◦ Reflection
◦ Absorption
◦ Refraction
◦ Diffusion
◦ Diffraction
◦ Transmission

This occurs when the wavelength of a sound wave is smaller than the surface of an obstacle. In
the case of an enclosed space, the sound waves hit every side of the enclosure continuously
until the sound energy reduces to zero. The amount of waves reflected depends on the
smoothness, size, and softness of the materials of enclosure. The angle of incidence of sound
rays is equal to that of the reflected rays only if the surface of the reflector is flat. But when it is
curved, the angles are different.
When sound waves hit the surface of an obstacle, some of its energy is reflected while some
are lost through its transfer to the molecules of the barrier. The lost sound energy is said to
have been absorbed by the barrier. The thickness and nature of the material as regards its
softness and hardness influences the amount of sound energy absorbed.

This is the bending of sound when it travels from one medium into another medium. The
difference in the composition of the two different media bends the sound i.e. the angle of
incidence changes into an angle of refraction as it travels into the new medium.

This is the scattering of waves from a surface. It occurs as a result of the texture and hardness
of the obstacle is comparable to the wavelength of the sound. The direction of the incident ray
changes when it strikes the surface of the obstacle. Satisfaction is achieved when sound is
heard in all direction at equal level.
When the wavelength of a sound wave is smaller or equal to the size of the obstacle, the sound
rays tend to bend round the edge of the obstacle thereby turning the edge to a sound source.

In this phenomenon, sound wave is carried by molecules of the obstacle through vibration and
re-emitted at the other side irrespective of the medium. It can be structure borne, air borne or
impact sound.

Characteristics of musical sound

The characteristic of musical sound are:

1) Pitch- Related to frequency of sound.
2) Loudness- Related to intensity of sound.
3) Timber- Related to quality of sound.

Absorption coefficient
The sound absorption coefficient ‘a’ of a material is defined as the ratio of sound energy
absorbed by it to the total sound energy incident on it.
Absorption coefficient a=
Sound energy absorbed by the surface/ Total sound energy incident on it.
It is defined as the reciprocal of the area of the sound absorbing material which absorbs the
same amount of sound energy as that of 1 m²
The special materials used to increase the absorption of sound waves or to reduce the
reflection of sound waves in room or a hall are known as sound absorbing materials.

Sound Absorbing Material Properties :

 It should have high sound absorbing efficiency.
 It should be easily available , cheap, easy to fix, durable, Light in weight, good looking
 It should be water proof and must have good resistance to fire.
 It should be efficient over a wide range of frequencies.
 It should have sufficient structural strength.

Types of sound Absorbing

The sound absorbing material are broadly classified into the following four categories.
1. Porous absorbents
2. Cavity resonators
3. Resonant absorbents or panel absorbers
4. Composite absorbents.

This prolongation of sound in a hall even though the source of sound is cut off is called
A sound produced in a hall undergoes multiple reflections from the walls, floor and ceiling
before it becomes inaudible.
Reverberation Time
The time taken by the sound in a room to fall from its average intensity to inaudibility level is
called the reverberation time of the room. Reverberation time is defined as the time during
which the sound energy density falls from its steady state.

Sabine’s Formula
Sabine defined the reverberation time as the time taken by the sound intensity to fall to one
millionth of its original intensity after the source stopped emitting sound.

Factors Affecting Acoustics of Indoor of a Buildings

Reverberation Time
• If a hall is to be acoustically satisfactory, it is essential that it should have the right
reverberation time.
• The reverberation time should be neither too long nor too short.
• A very short reverberation time makes a room `dead’. On the other hand, a long
reverberation time renders speech unintelligible.
• The optimum value for reverberation time depends on the purpose for which a hall is
 The reverberation time can be controlled by the suitable choice of building materials
and furnishing materials.
 Since open windows allow the sound energy to flow out of the hall, there should be a
limited number of windows. They may be opened or closed to obtain optimum
reverberation time.
 In order to compensate for an increase in the reverberation time due to an unexpected
decrease in audience strength, upholstered seats are to be provided in the hall.

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