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Education vs Learning

Education can be said to be a process through which a society passes on the

knowledge, values and skills from one generation to another. Learning can be defined as the

acquiring of new skills, knowledge, and values.

Both learning and education has a great influence on the mind and character of an individual.

However, learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals, and, on the the other hand,

education is acquired by individuals.

Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, which can be

beneficial to an individual. On the contrary, learning is the process of adopting knowledge,

values and skills.

Learning is said to be an ongoing process. An individual is always learning, from his birth till his

death. Education is something that one gets at some point in their life. Another thing that can be

said, is that learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process.

Education is something that an individual gets from an outside source. On the other hand,

learning is something that evolves in the inner self. Education is something that one gets from a

school or university; education is related to classroom learning, and some other set standards. On

the contrary, learning evolves at the personal level, for which there are no set standards. A tutor

imparts education, whereas an individual learns from his surroundings.

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Learning is knowledge gained through experience, and education is knowledge gained through

teaching. Education can be said to be well organised, whereas learning is something that is

related to an individual’s perception.


1. Education is the process of imparting knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, which can be

beneficial to an individual. On the contrary, learning is the process of adopting knowledge,

values and skills.

2. Learning is the basic instinct possessed by all individuals. On the the other hand, education is

acquired by individuals.

3. Learning is said to be an ongoing process. Education is something that one gets at some point

in their life.

4. Learning is an informal process, and education is a formal process.

5. Learning is knowledge gained through experience, and education is knowledge gained through


6. Education is something that an individual gets from an outside source. On the other hand,

learning is something that evolves in the inner self.

Read more: Difference Between Education and Learning | Difference


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