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of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

Salt precipitation and scale control in supercritical water

oxidation—part B: commercial/full-scale applications
Philip A. Marrone a , Marc Hodes b , Kenneth A. Smith c , Jefferson W. Tester d,∗
a Geo-Centers, Inc., 7 Wells Avenue, Newton, MA 02459, USA
b Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 700 Mountain Avenue, Room 1A-323, Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA
c Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

77 Mass. Avenue, Room 66-540, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

d Department of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

77 Mass. Avenue, Room 66-454, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Received 28 May 2002; received in revised form 14 March 2003; accepted 16 May 2003


Despite the potential of supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) as a viable technology for organic waste destruction, its
commercial development has been hindered by the problems of corrosion and salt precipitation/solids buildup. The extremely
low solubility of polar inorganic salts in the supercritical water environment causes salts present in the feed, or formed during
reaction, to precipitate inside the reactor. If left unchecked, these salts can rapidly accumulate on reactor walls or process surfaces
and form plugs, causing expensive and frequent downtime of the SCWO system. Other solids such as oxides exhibit low solubility
in water over the range from ambient to supercritical conditions and, although they have much less tendency to adhere to process
surfaces, may still hinder operations if not accommodated. Many wastes will have a combination of salt-type and oxide-type solids,
and may have an intermediate tendency to stick to process surfaces. Many of the companies that have attempted to commercialize
the SCWO technology over the past two decades have developed innovative approaches to dealing with the corrosion and salt
precipitation/solids buildup problems. These are often the distinguishing features of each company’s SCWO process. This
paper objectively reviews several commercial approaches that have been developed and/or used to control salt precipitation and
solids buildup in SCWO systems. The approaches reviewed consist of specific reactor designs and operating techniques, and
include the following: reverse flow tank reactor with brine pool, transpiring wall reactor, adsorption/reaction on a fluidized solid
phase, reverse flow tubular reactor, centrifuge reactor, high velocity flow, mechanical brushing, rotating scraper, reactor flushing,
additives, low turbulence/homogeneous precipitation, crossflow filtration, density separation, and extreme pressure operation.
Recent commercial SCWO applications utilizing these approaches are also discussed. A companion paper by Hodes et al. (J.
Supercrit. Fluid., see this volume) reviews fundamental principles and research pertinent to scale control in SCWO processes.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Supercritical water oxidation; SCWO; Hydrothermal oxidation; Salt precipitation; Scale

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-617-253-7090; fax: +1-617-258-5042.

E-mail addresses: (P.A. Marrone), (M. Hodes), (K.A. Smith), (J.W. Tester).

0896-8446/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
290 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

1. Introduction by the considerably reduced solubility of salts (and

all ionic substances) in supercritical water (see the
Supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) is an effec- companion paper by Hodes et al. [2] for more details
tive technology which can be used to destroy a wide on this behavior). Such low solubility results in rapid
variety of organic wastes, particularly those already precipitation of the salts as soon as they enter or are
in aqueous solution. Above the thermodynamic criti- formed in the high temperature supercritical environ-
cal point of water (374◦ C, 221 bar), nonpolar organic ment within the SCWO reactor. Any solid particles
compounds and oxygen are generally highly soluble present in the fluid phase will tend to contact sur-
and often completely miscible in water, while polar in- faces within the reactor and can remain on the surface
organic compounds such as salts are insoluble. In the if the attractive forces (van der Waals and/or electro-
presence of an oxidant such as O2 , the dense, high tem- static) exceed the hydrodynamic shear stress that will
perature environment characteristic of the SCWO pro- tend to remove them. This surface is often the reac-
cess results in rapid and complete oxidation of organic tor wall, but it can be any surface extending into the
species to CO2 , H2 O, and N2 without toxic and/or reactor chamber (e.g., thermocouples). Solid salt may
undesirable byproducts such as NOx . Typical operat- also nucleate directly on the process surfaces. In any
ing conditions for commercial systems (550–650◦ C, case, the resulting deposit, if left unchecked, can lead
250 bar) often result in reactor residence times of 1 to increased pressure drop and degraded heat transfer,
min or less for complete organic destruction (Tester and can eventually form a plug. The same effect may
et al. [1]). Dealing with the insoluble salts, however, also occur in the feed line leading to the reactor if it
can represent a challenge for many potential SCWO is heated. Depending on the particular salts involved,
process applications. salt plugs can form in as little as a few hours in an ini-
Salts may be present in feeds processed by com- tially clean reactor with a diameter of several inches.
mercially designed SCWO systems for any of several The obvious problem with this occurrence is that the
different reasons. One is simply that they are part of SCWO system must be shut down and the reactor (and
the waste stream to be treated and cannot be easily any other affected piping or components) cleaned of
separated or removed. For organic feeds which con- salt deposits. If performed frequently enough, the col-
tain heteroatoms such as chlorine, sulfur, or phospho- lective downtime associated with system shutdown,
rus, pre-neutralization of the feed with a base such cleaning, reassembly, pressure testing, and restarting
as caustic leads to another source of salt. This tech- can be sufficient to make the use of the SCWO tech-
nique is sometimes used for the reduction of corrosion nology uneconomical or otherwise unfavorable for the
associated with acid formation in the reactor during particular application. Therefore, a key feature of ef-
oxidation of these feeds. The subsequent neutraliza- fective scale control methods is that they minimize
tion reaction between the resulting mineral acid and system shutdown and/or disassembly (i.e., they work
the added base produces the corresponding salt, which online as feed is oxidized without interruption).
precipitates immediately within the reactor (or possi- It is important to note that many potential SCWO
bly the feed line if heated). The result is to reduce the applications involve some solids that exhibit low solu-
corrosion problem in favor of a salt precipitation prob- bility over the entire range of conditions present in the
lem. Finally, salts can enter a SCWO feed by delib- SCWO process, from ambient conditions to reactor
erate addition of a particularly chosen salt in order to temperatures and pressures. The most common solids
create a salt mixture with transport properties that are in this category are silica, alumina, and other metal ox-
more favorable than those of the original salt mixture. ides and silicates. These are frequently encountered in
The purpose is to achieve better overall management the form of sand, clay, and rust. These types of solids
of the precipitation and transport of salt through the are much less prone to adhere to process surfaces than
reactor than could be attained with the original salt are nascent salt particles and of themselves are of little
composition (see Section 2.2.5). concern for scaling or plugging. However, such solids
The need to understand what controls salt precipi- may be present in combination with the more adherent
tation and buildup in commercially designed SCWO or ‘sticky’ salt-type solids and thus be incorporated
operations and why it is an issue of concern is driven into deposits that form. Conversely, a high proportion
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 291

of ‘nonsticky’ oxide-type solids to ‘sticky’ salt-type Table 1

solids can prevent or minimize problems of salt depo- Past and present companies involved in commercializing SCWO
sition in a SCWO system.
Despite the many advantages of the SCWO process Company Year of Establishment
with respect to oxidation of organic compounds (i.e., or First Involvement
single dense phase, rapid reaction, and benign reac- MODAR, Inc.b 1980
MODEC (Modell Environmental Corp.) 1986
tion products), salt plugging and corrosion have been
Oxidyne Corp.c 1986
important factors which have challenged the commer- EcoWaste Technologies, Inc.d 1990
cial development of SCWO. This situation has ex- Abitibi-Price, Inc.e 1991
isted since the inception of SCWO technology and General Atomics 1991
the first attempts to commercialize the process more Foster Wheeler Development Corp. 1993
SRI International 1993
than two decades ago. Consequently, much research
KemShredder, Ltdf 1993
in academia and government laboratories has been de- Chematur Engineering AB 1995
voted to understanding the fundamental principles be- HydroProcessing, L.L.C. 1996
hind these two phenomena as they relate to SCWO a See Table 5 for active Japanese firms who are licensees of
operation. In addition, many companies that have at- processes of several companies listed here.
tempted to commercialize SCWO technology over the b Acquired by General Atomics in 1996 (Waste Treatment Tech-

years have also devoted considerable effort to these nology News [3]).
c Ceased operations in 1991 (Gloyna and Li [4]).
issues because of the critical importance of these is- d Acquired by Chematur Engineering in 1999 (Process Engi-
sues in achieving a viable SCWO process. As a re-
neering [5]).
sult, it is often the specific design or method used to e Sold its SCWO technology to Connor Pacific Environmental
control/eliminate solids plugging and corrosion which Technologies in 1997 (Mergers & Acquisitions in Canada [6]).
f Acquired by HydroProcessing in 1996 (Gloyna and Li [4]).
distinguishes a particular SCWO process developed
by one company from that of another.
The purpose of the present paper is to review and
summarize the various approaches to controlling salt Oxidyne SCWO process was unique in that the reac-
precipitation and solids buildup that have been devel- tor was a cased deep well, as opposed to a standard
oped, patented, and/or used in applications of SCWO skid-mounted vessel. Several additional companies
technology. A companion paper by Hodes et al. [2] re- became involved with SCWO during the 1990s, as
views basic principles and fundamental research per- the potential advantages and difficulties associated
tinent to salt precipitation and buildup under SCWO with this technology became clear. Most of the salt
conditions, primarily in the areas of phase behavior, precipitation and scale control designs or techniques
heat transfer, and salt deposition rates. described in this review article have been developed,
patented, and utilized (in some cases) by one or
more of the companies listed in Table 1. In addition
2. Engineering approaches to salt precipitation to the companies listed, a number of US National
and scale control Laboratories (e.g., Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Lab-
Table 1 lists several companies that have been ac- oratory (INEEL), Sandia National Laboratories) and
tively involved in commercializing SCWO technology other companies (e.g., ProChem Tech International,
on a large-scale. MODAR, which began operations NORAM Engineering and Contractors) have also
in 1980, was the first commercial SCWO company played a role in developing specific designs and/or
and a pioneer in exploring and developing the ba- small-scale commercial applications of SCWO.
sic concepts associated with SCWO operation. Early Although each company has its own specific de-
work at MODAR resulted in the compilation of a sub- signs and expertise, all SCWO processes consist of
stantial database of organic destruction efficiencies the general steps shown in the block flow diagram in
and material compatibility. Six years later, MODEC Fig. 1. The waste feed mixture is first prepared, pres-
and Oxidyne entered the commercial scene. The surized, and preheated (if necessary) before entering
292 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

Fig. 1. Basic SCWO process.

the reactor. The oxidation reaction takes place under techniques developed to manage salt precipitation and
supercritical conditions in the reactor. The effluent solids buildup are associated with the unit operations
leaving the reactor is then usually cooled and depres- upstream of the effluent cooldown.
surized prior to separation of gaseous, liquid, and Table 2 summarizes the commercially designed ap-
solid products (although in some cases, solids may be proaches that have been developed, mostly within the
removed while still at high temperature and pressure). last decade, for salt precipitation/solids control. They
In general, salts will precipitate in the reactor and are arbitrarily divided into two categories: those that
redissolve once the effluent temperature is reduced involve unique system or component designs (usu-
to a subcritical value. Hence, most of the designs or ally of the reactor), and those that employ specific

Table 2
Commercially developed approaches to SCWO salt precipitation and solids deposition control
Approach Method Companies holding patent(s) and/or using method

Reactor designs Reverse flow, tank reactor with brine pool MODAR
Transpiring wall reactor Foster Wheeler
Adsorption/reaction on fluidized solid phase SRI International
Reversible flow, tubular reactor Abitibi-Price
Centrifuge reactor Nonea

Specific techniques High velocity flow MODEC, Chematur, Organo, Shinko Pantec
Mechanical brushing MODEC
Rotating scraper MODAR, General Atomics
Reactor flushing General Atomics, Abitibi-Price, Chematur
Additives EcoWaste Technologies, General Atomics
Low turbulence, homogeneous precipitation HydroProcessing
Crossflow filtration University of Texas, Austin
Density separation Oxidyne, General Atomics, HydroProcessing
Extreme pressure operation Los Alamos National Laboratory, Eco Waste Technologiesb
a Patent owned by inventors (see Section 2.1.5).
b Owns patents for several reactors designed for use at very high pressures.
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 293

Table 3
Classification of salt precipitation and scale control methods according to function
Avoids salt precipitation Allows salts to precipitate but prevents wall surface Removes salts after accumulating
contact and/or accumulation on surfaces
Extreme pressure operation Reverse flow, tank reactor with brine pool Reversible flow, tubular reactor
Transpiring wall reactor Mechanical brushing
Adsorption/reaction on fluidized solid phase Rotating scraper
Centrifuge reactor Reactor flushing
High velocity flow Additives (those which alter properties
of salt mixture)
Additives (those which provide surface for nucleation)
Low turbulence, homogeneous precipitation
Crossflow filtration
Density separation

operating techniques. For each case, companies which temperature (e.g., 300◦ C). The supercritical reaction
hold the patens to the design or technique cited and/or zone of the vessel functions as a continuous stirred
have utilized the design or technique in its process are tank reactor (CSTR), with the agitation provided by
listed. Existence of a patent to a particular design or the feed entering the vessel through a nozzle jet which
technique, however, does not necessarily imply that extends into the vessel from the top (Oh et al. [9]).
the technology is in current practice. Table 3 further Salts which precipitate in the supercritical zone are
categorizes these approaches according to where in
the salt precipitation/scale formation process they are
intended to function. As one can see, the majority of
these approaches do not eliminate precipitation—they
either prevent precipitated salts or solids from con-
tacting surfaces or periodically remove deposits from
Each of the designs and techniques for salt
precipitation and solids control is described and dis-
cussed in more detail below. While some of the de-
signs/techniques cited here also apply to minimizing
corrosion, the focus in this review is on those aspects
relevant to salt precipitation/plugging control. Meth-
ods developed exclusively for corrosion control are
not treated in this review. Table 4 provides a summary
of patents associated with the salt precipitation/solids
control methods discussed.

2.1. Reactor designs

2.1.1. Reverse flow, tank reactor with brine pool

The reverse flow tank reactor (Fig. 2) was originally
developed by MODAR (Hong et al. [7]). It consists
of a vertical pressure vessel with two distinct thermal
zones (Barner et al. [8]). The upper part of the ves-
sel is kept at a supercritical temperature (e.g., 600◦ C)
and is the region where organic species are oxidized. Fig. 2. Reverse flow tank reactor with brine pool (adapted from
The lower part of the vessel is kept at a subcritical Hong et al. [7]).
294 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

Table 4
Summary of patents pertaining to SCWO salt precipitation/solids deposition control
Control method Patent no. Inventors Assignee Date issued Description

Reverse flow, tank 4822497 Hong et al. MODAR 4/18/89 Tank reactor with upper
reactor with brine pool supercritical and lower subcritical
temperature zones; effluent exits out
top while salts are transported to
the bottom and redissolve

Transpiring wall reactor 5387398 Mueggenburg Aerojet-General 2/7/95 Transpiring wall reactor platelet
et al. Corp. liner design
5571423 Daman Foster Wheeler 11/5/96 SCWO process utilizing transpiring
wall reactor
5571424 Ahluwalia Foster Wheeler 11/5/96 SCWO process utilizing transpiring
wall reactor with concentric platelet
liners (reaction zone is the annular
space between the two liners)
5670040 Ahluwalia Foster Wheeler 9/23/97 SCWO apparatus utilizing
transpiring wall reactor with
concentric platelet liners (reaction
zone is the annular space between
the two liners)
5723045 Daman Foster Wheeler 3/3/98 SCWO apparatus utilizing
transpiring wall reactor

Transpiring wall reactor 5384051 McGuinness None 1/24/95 Reactor with porous liner for
related designs introducing supercritical water and
5437798 LaRoche et al. Sulzer Chemtech 8/1/95 Solid wall reactor with subcritical
AG water film

Adsorption/reaction on 5409617 Ross et al. SRI International 4/25/95 Hydrothermal decomposition in the
fluidized solid phase presence of salt catalysts (silicates,
borates, phosphates)
5709800 Ross and SRI International 1/20/98 Hydrothermal decomposition in the
Jayaweera presence of salt catalysts (silicates,
borates, phosphates, and nitrites)
5746926 Ross et al. SRI International 5/5/98 AHO process for halogenated
compounds with sodium carbonate
as solid phase
5837149 Ross et al. SRI International 11/17/98 AHO process with sodium
carbonate as solid phase
6010632 Ross et al. SRI International 1/4/00 Revised AHO process to prevent
sodium carbonate from caking
within reactor
6162958 Tateishi et al. Mitsubishi Heavy 12/19/00 AHO process for PCB destruction

Reversible flow, tubular 5560823 Whiting Abitibi-Price 10/1/96 Tubular reactor with alternating heat
reactor exchange and reaction zones, which
can be operated with flow in either
5667698 Whiting Abitibi-Price 9/16/97 SCWO process utilizing the
reversible flow tubular reactor
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 295

Table 4 (Continued )
Control method Patent no. Inventors Assignee Date issued Description
Centrifuge reactor 5425883 Reid and Halff None 6/20/95 Rotating device which functions as
a combined reactor and centrifuge
5252224 Modell et al. MODEC 10/12/93 Use of process flow velocity
sufficient to avoid solids settling;
use of process fluid propelled metal
brushes for on-line removal of
solids from the reactor wall
High velocity flow; 6264844 Modell et al. MODEC 7/24/01 Apparatus to accommodate use of
mechanical brushing high velocity and mechanical
brushing for scale control in SCWO
Mechanical brushing 5890531 Gairns and NORAM 4/6/99 Use of a process fluid propelled
Joustra Engineering and cleaning device and recycle conduit
Constructors for on-line removal of solids from a
tube without requiring manual
launching or removal of the device

Rotating scraper 5100560 Huang ABB Lummus 3/31/92 Device consisting of rotating
Crest blade(s) for dislodging solids from
reactor wall (designed for reverse
flow tank reactor)
5461648 Nauflett et al. US Navy 10/24/95 Helical rotating shaft for solids
movement through horizontal,
diamond-lined reactor
6054057 Hazlebeck General Atomics 4/25/00 Design for vertical, tubular SCWO
et al. reactor; cites optional cylindrical
rotating scraper device for
dislodging solids from reactor wall

Reactor flushing 5200093 Barner et al. ABB Lummus 4/6/93 Addition of quench flow
Crest downstream of the reactor to
redissolve residual salts in the
effluent; designed for use with the
MODAR reverse flow tank reactor
5501799 Bond et al. Abitibi-Price and 3/26/96 Method using two or more parallel
General Atomics reactors, where cooled effluent from
an on-line reactor is sent to flush
one or more off-line reactors
5560822 Bond et al. None 10/1/96 Apparatus for using two or more
parallel reactors, where cooled
effluent from an on-line reactor is
sent to flush one or more off-line
6054057 Hazlebeck General Atomics 4/25/00 Design for vertical, tubular SCWO
et al. reactor; describes quench section
downstream of the reactor to cool
effluent and redissolve salts
6056883 Bond et al. Abitibi 5/2/00 Use of two reactors where
Consolidated alternately one is oxidizing feed
while the other is being flushed

Additives 5543057 Whiting and Abitibi-Price 8/6/96 Addition of solid particles forming
Mehta a mobile phase to which salts may
adhere in the reactor
296 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

Table 4 (Continued )
Control method Patent no. Inventors Assignee Date issued Description

5620606 McBrayer RPC Waste 4/15/97 Addition of inert solid particles to a

et al. Management feed stream or system to inhibit
Servicesa reactor plugging
5755974 McBrayer RPC Waste 5/26/98 Controlled addition of one or more
et al. Management salts to a feed stream containing or
Servicesa generating a different salt to form a
eutectic blend within the reactor
6238568 Hazlebeck General Atomics 5/29/01 Use of phosphate compounds as
additives to allow precipitating salts
to transport through the reactor
without plugging
Low turbulence, 6475396 Wofford et al. HydroProcessing 11/5/02 Control of operating conditions
homogeneous (e.g., feed component velocities,
precipitation temperatures) to restrict salt
precipitation to bulk process fluid
flow before contacting reactor walls
or solid surfaces
Crossflow filtration 5421998 Li and Gloyna Board of Regents, 6/6/95 Use of metal crossflow filtration
University of element to remove salts formed
Texas System after reaction within the reactor
Density separation 4594164 Titmas None 6/10/86 Design for deep well SCWO
system; describes use of a baffle to
rotate process fluid at the end of the
reaction zone for separation of
solids by centrifugal forces

Extreme pressure 5427764 Barber RPC Waste 6/27/95 Vortex reactor; reactants are
operationb Management injected to form axial vortex at the
Servicesa reactor center, keeping hot reaction
away from vessel walls
5552039 McBrayer RPC Waste 9/3/96 Reactor with cylindrical reaction
et al. Management chamber isolated from pressure
Servicesa shell; turbulent feed injection
through single tube from bottom
5591415 Dassel et al. RPC Waste 1/7/97 Tubular reactor with lined reaction
Management chamber isolated from pressure
Servicesa shell; feed introduced from top;
cool water film injected near bottom
a Parent company of EcoWaste Technologies.
b The patents cited are for reactors designed to operate at very high pressures to maintain salt solubility.

directed to the bottom of the vessel by gravity, inertia, Any residual salts entrained in the effluent can be
and forced convection, and redissolve in the subcrit- handled downstream of the reactor if necessary by sev-
ical zone, forming a dense brine. The main process eral different supplemental techniques. One approach
effluent flow is withdrawn from the top of the vessel is the optional addition of quench water to redissolve
(hence the reversal of flow) and this produces a recir- the salts (see Section 2.2.4). Another is the use of a
culation flow pattern in the supercritical zone. As a zirconium oxide filter, which has been employed for
result, most of the salts are effectively removed from residual salt removal when high purity effluent is re-
the process flow without impeding the oxidation reac- quired (Hong [10]). The materials of construction of
tion or any downstream processes (e.g., cooling and the filter enable it to be placed just downstream of the
pressure letdown). reactor, allowing removal of any entrained salts from
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 297

the supercritical stream before reaching the cooldown on the metal surface. The temperature of the transpi-
heat exchanger. Although used in the past by MODAR ration water can be either subcritical or supercritical,
for specific applications, neither the quench water nor but is usually less than the temperature achieved in
the filter are considered part of the standard design for the center of the reactor where oxidation takes place.
the reverse flow tank reactor. In principle, the continuous film of water prevents
any precipitated salts from depositing on to the sur-
2.1.2. Transpiring wall reactor face by entraining the solid salt particles in the flow
The general concept behind the transpiring wall and/or by redissolving the salts (if the transpiration
reactor is to introduce a flow of solute-free water water temperature is subcritical). The continuous flow
through a porous reactor liner in order to keep salt of clean water through the porous wall also prevents
particles and corrosive species away from the reactor or minimizes corrosive species from reaching the
wall. The most prominent example of this reactor metal surface of the liner. An alternate design devel-
design is the one developed by Foster Wheeler Devel- oped by Foster Wheeler utilizes a compound reactor
opment Corp. (Daman [11,12]) in collaboration with consisting of concentric platelet liners such that the
Aerojet-General Corp. and Sandia National Laborato- reaction zone is the annular region between the two
ries. The liner was designed by Aerojet-General Corp. liners (Ahluwalia [15,16]). A more simple transpiring
using technology originally developed for cooling of wall reactor design utilizing a porous tube within a
high pressure rocket engines (Schoenman et al. [13]). pressure shell has also been developed by researchers
The cylindrical liner, which fits within a tubular pres- at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK) in Germany.
sure housing, consists of many thin metal layers or There are several variations of the transpiring wall
platelets bonded together (Mueggenburg et al. [14]). reactor concept that have been patented. One design
Each platelet is etched with a specific pattern of in- uses a tubular reactor with a permeable liner, through
dentations such that a three-dimensional network of which a mixture of water and oxidant is passed uni-
channels is formed when the platelets are combined formly over the entire length (McGuinness [17]). The
to form the liner. The channels are designed to meter mixture is forced inward toward the center of the re-
and distribute clean water through the liner to its inner actor, where the oxidizer reacts with feed entering
surface, which forms the outer boundary of the reac- from the top of the reactor. This flow through the
tion chamber (Fig. 3). The water exits the liner inner liner prevents salts from depositing on the surface.
surface through pores and forms a thin, protective film Another design under development by researchers in
Prof. Rudolph von Rohr’s group at the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich) utilizes a solid
wall tubular reactor with water film cooling (LaRoche
et al. [18,19]). A subcritical ‘by-pass’ water flow is
injected coaxially with the oxidant and organic feeds
at the top of the reactor. The by-pass water flow en-
velops the supercritical reaction zone in the center of
the reactor and keeps salts from sticking to the reactor
walls. ETH Zurich is also currently pursuing modeling
and testing of a porous liner transpiring wall reactor.

2.1.3. Adsorption/reaction on fluidized solid phase

Ross and co-workers at SRI International have de-
veloped a variant of the SCWO process which em-
ploys a bed of fluidized solids functioning as both a
reactant and adsorptive surface for salt control. The
process is referred to as Assisted Hydrothermal Oxi-
dation (AHO). Early descriptions of the process (Ross
Fig. 3. Transpiring wall reactor (adapted from Daman [11]). et al. [20]; Ross and Jayaweera [21]) suggested a
298 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

wide variety of possible solid phases, including sili- two reaction zones to supply or remove heat from the
cates, borates, phosphates, and nitrites. More recent process, depending on which way process fluid is trav-
descriptions have focused on the use of sodium car- eling through the system. The heat transfer fluid and
bonate as the solid phase (Ross et al. [22]). Com- the process fluid always flow countercurrent to each
pared to conventional SCWO systems, AHO operates other, but the direction of each is periodically reversed.
at milder temperatures (typically 380–420◦ C) which Only one reaction zone is kept at a supercritical tem-
are just high enough to ensure that the sodium car- perature at any one time, whereas the other is kept at
bonate remains insoluble. In the AHO process, a feed a subcritical temperature. In the proposed method of
stream of organic material, supercritical water, and ox- operation, pressurized feed is alternately fed through
idant is fed to a reactor containing a fluidized bed of either end ‘A’ or end ‘B’ in Fig. 4. We arbitrarily start
sodium carbonate (Ross et al. [23,24]). According to with the case of feed from end ‘A’ (i.e., with Cycle 1
the inventors, the organic species adsorb to the car- of the figure). In this case, the heat transfer fluid first
bonate and react with oxygen from both the carbonate passes through Heat Exchanger II in order to cool the
and oxidant. Because the carbonate provides a much hot effluent from reaction zone #1, and then passes to
greater surface area than the reactor walls, product Heat Exchanger I in order to preheat the feed to reac-
salts (e.g., NaCl) are more likely to adhere to the car- tion zone #1. Oxidation of the feed constituents occurs
bonate. Immobilization of product salts within the flu- in the supercritical reaction zone #1 and precipitated
idized bed is therefore the means of salt control in salts are allowed to accumulate on the reactor wall
this design. Use of subcritical pressures and agitation in this zone. The cold process effluent from Heat Ex-
have been found to minimize caking of the carbon- changer II is then used as a purge for salts that had pre-
ate salt, thereby maintaining its high surface area over viously been deposited in reaction zone #2. When salt
time and leading to improved performance (Ross et al. buildup in reaction zone #1 becomes significant, Cycle
[25]). 3 needs to be initiated to reverse the process. However,
it is necessary to first pre-heat reaction zone #2 and
2.1.4. Reversible flow tubular reactor this is accomplished via Cycle 2. Likewise, when it is
The reversible flow tubular reactor (patented by desired to revert to Cycle 1, it is necessary to pre-heat
Abitibi-Price) is a single tube segregated into two dif- reaction zone #1 and this is accomplished via Cycle 4.
ferent thermal zones, through which process fluid can The duration of Cycles 2 and 4 is short. This method
be fed in either direction (Whiting [26,27]). Heat ex- of alternating flow direction and reaction zones (i.e.,
changers are placed at each end and in between the one supercritical reaction/salt accumulation, the other

Fig. 4. Reversible flow tubular reactor (adapted from Whiting [26]).

P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 299

subcritical flushing) has the effect of allowing salts to oxidation in this particular reactor design than in a
be removed without interrupting operation. more conventional SCWO reactor. The significance
of this concern and whether the reactor performs
2.1.5. Centrifuge reactor as claimed is unclear, as we are not aware of any
Most attempts to deal with salt handling in SCWO commercial operation of this centrifuge design.
reactor designs involve modifying a reactor vessel to
accommodate salt removal. An interesting alternative 2.2. Specific operating techniques
is to approach the problem from the opposite per-
spective, namely, modifying a solids removal device 2.2.1. High velocity flow
to function as a reactor. Such an approach has been One way to minimize buildup in a solid wall SCWO
proposed by Reid and Halff [28] with a centrifuge re- reactor is to ensure that the particles are well sus-
actor. In their design, an aqueous waste feed and any pended in a high speed flow. The particles must remain
other necessary chemicals (e.g., caustic) are injected suspended until they redissolve once the effluent is
into a high speed centrifuge. The rotation of the cen- cooled (in the case of salts), or until they can be other-
trifuge generates a pressure above the critical pressure wise removed. This approach has been utilized in the
of water. It appears that their intent is to operate in a SCWO process developed and patented by MODEC
batch, rather than continuous, mode. After achieving (Modell et al. [29]; Modell et al. [30], Modell [31]),
the required supercritical pressure, the centrifuge is and is primarily applicable to feeds with a relatively
heated to bring the contents up to the required super- high proportion of nonsticky to sticky solids.
critical temperature. Oxidant is then injected into the The particular velocity necessary to avoid perma-
centrifuge, initiating reaction. The normal operation of nent deposition of solid particles depends on a number
the centrifuge separates salts as they form during reac- of variables specific to the application, such as the
tion as well as any solids that may have already been reactor diameter and orientation, fluid phase physical
in the feed. Reid and Halff [28] claim that the waste properties, particle size, particle density, and particle
feed is kept at supercritical conditions until an appro- concentration. Thus, necessary velocities will vary for
priate level of organic destruction and separation of different types of feed. For a horizontal reactor with
solids has been achieved. The reactor has two effluent an inner diameter of 6.7 mm, a nominal solid particle
streams: a main, aqueous stream that may be passed diameter of 20 ␮m, particle density of 2.7 g/cm3 , and
to a turbine and heat exchanger for energy recovery, particle concentration of 1 wt.%, Modell et al. [29])
and a solids-laden stream. Removal of the solids in the have estimated minimum fluid velocities of about
latter stream is performed downstream by an unspec- 1–5 m/s for suspension flow of solids under supercrit-
ified means. Temperature is maintained in the reactor ical conditions. This translates to a feed flow rate of
by the heat of reaction, and if needed, can be aug- several liters/minute. As an example of the effective-
mented by auxiliary fuel added to the feed, recovered ness of this approach, MODEC utilized an inlet (i.e.,
effluent heat, and/or an external heat source. ambient temperature) velocity of 0.5 m/s or flow rate
One operating concern with this design is that the of 1.1 l/min for a pharmaceutical sludge feed in a 6.8
inherent nature of a batch-operated centrifuge is to mm ID pilot-scale tubular reactor (Modell et al. [32]).
separate components, which runs counter to the need It is important to note that velocities and volumet-
for intimate mixing of reactants for a rapid and effec- ric flow rates in the reactor under typical operating
tive SCWO reaction. This is particularly true if the conditions are approximately an order of magnitude
reactants (i.e., waste, oxidant, water, fuel) are not fully higher than under ambient conditions due to the de-
preheated and/or are fed separately to the reactor. In creased density. At these higher velocities, settling of
this case, slugs of one or more of the incoming feed solids and scale deposition in the reactor was reduced
components may not get a chance to achieve homo- to between 10 and 15% of the total solids.
geneous mixing in the spinning centrifuge, resulting The downside to this approach for solids control
in the possibility of pockets of higher concentrations, is that the reactor length must be correspondingly in-
which would inhibit a uniform reaction. Thus, it creased in order to maintain constant residence time.
may be more difficult to achieve a sufficient level of The MODEC pilot plant reactor is 144 m in length in
300 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

a horizontal orientation, which is almost 50 times that complete approach to controlling solids deposition. In
of a typical, vertically oriented, large diameter SCWO the same series of tests in the MODEC pilot-scale
reactor not employing high feed velocities. Chematur system cited earlier, settling of solids and scale in the
Engineering AB has also utilized this approach of high reactor was reduced to 1.2% of the total solids when
velocity (subject to the constraint of also minimizing brushing was used in addition to high velocities (i.e.,
erosion) to avoid fouling and plugging in their SCWO 1 m/s at the ambient inlet temperature) (Modell et al.
process design (Stenmark [33]). [32]).

2.2.2. Mechanical brushing 2.2.3. Rotating scraper

This technique involves sending a mechanical de- The rotating scraper is similar to mechanical brush-
vice down the reactor (usually tubular) to physically ing in that it provides a mechanical means of salt re-
remove and sweep downstream solid particles that moval after salts have been allowed to deposit on the
have either settled or adhered to the wall. Brushing reactor walls. The scraper generally consists of one or
(also known as pigging) is performed at regular in- more metal blades connected to a drive shaft, which is
tervals, with its frequency depending on the rate of located on the axis of a cylindrically shaped reactor.
solids deposition expected for a particular feed. For As they rotate, the blades dislodge and/or push the pre-
solids that include various insoluble inorganic com- cipitated salts down the reactor, allowing a maximum
pounds and char, Modell et al. [29] cite a preferred scale buildup which is dependent on the tolerance be-
brushing frequency ranging from 15 min to 20 h. The tween the blade tip and reactor wall. The continuous
type of brush used also depends on the type of the salt rotation of the scraper prevents scale from accumulat-
or solids that is generated and the hardness of the scale ing to the point at which process flow is impeded. The
deposits formed. Examples of acceptable devices for frequency of rotation depends on the nature and rate
brushing that have been used or proposed include wire of buildup of the particular salts formed/processed.
or bristle brushes, metal or rubber balls, and metal or Huang [35] describes a scraper specifically designed
foam cylinders. for the MODAR reverse flow tank reactor. The scraper
There are several ways in which this brushing ap- blades are axially oriented and extend from the upper
proach can be implemented. In the horizontal reactor supercritical region of the reactor vessel into the lower
cited by Modell et al. [29], each end of the reactor is subcritical brine region. Dislodged salt deposits from
flanged to an additional section of tubing which has the vessel wall in the supercritical region fall by grav-
an end cap that may be opened for addition or removal ity into the subcritical brine, where they redissolve.
of the brushing device. With the brush installed in the The blades are connected to a drive shaft at either
initially isolated upstream section, process flow is di- the top or bottom of the reactor. Huang recommends
verted by a series of valve operations so that the feed a rotation speed of 1–10 revolutions per hour. This
enters the reactor through the upstream section con- scraper design was never actually used in operation of
taining the brush. The brush is thus propelled down the the MODAR reactor. A similar design for a rotating
reactor by the force of the process flow, scouring the scraper in a vertical tubular reactor is proposed by Ha-
reactor wall to remove solids along the way. It stops at zlebeck et al. [36] as one possible means of salt con-
the end of the opposite additional section downstream trol in a patent for the General Atomics (GA) SCWO
of the reactor. By another series of valve actions, this reactor and process. In addition to a rotating cylin-
end section is isolated from the process flow, allow- drical scraper, they also suggest several other scraper
ing removal of the brush. In a variation (not restricted geometries, including axially moving, oscillating, and
to a SCWO process) proposed by Gairns and Joustra auger type scrapers. A rotating scraper has been used
[34], a passageway of tubing connects one end of the and demonstrated by GA during testing of a SCWO
reactor to the other end, thereby allowing the brush- reactor system built for the US Navy for processing
ing device to cycle back to the start without the need of shipboard wastes (Elliott et al. [37]). Another vari-
for manual loading and removal of the brush. ation of a scraper device for a SCWO reactor is pro-
The MODEC SCWO process utilizes a combination posed by Nauflett et al. [38]. Their patent describes a
of mechanical brushing and high fluid velocity as its horizontal, lined reactor with a rotating central shaft.
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 301

Baffles mounted to the shaft in a helical pattern allow the salt dissolution time is much greater than the
the shaft to function in a manner similar to a screw accumulation time, more than two reactors may be
conveyor, which helps move settling salts through the needed to ensure that one reactor is always avail-
reactor. able for processing feed. In the earlier patents, Bond
et al. [39,40] specify that the flushing fluid should be
2.2.4. Reactor flushing cooled effluent from the on-line reactor. In the later
The reactor flushing technique involves simply rins- patent (Bond et al. [41]), they relax their definition
ing the SCWO reactor periodically during operation of the flushing fluid to include fluid from any source
with a fluid that will dissolve accumulated salts and and of any temperature (but generally subcritical and
scale. This technique is a more general version of aqueous) in which the accumulated salt is soluble.
the idea employed in the reverse flow tubular reac- A related technique to flushing is quenching. As de-
tor design, but usable with any type of reactor or re- scribed by Barner et al. [42] and Hazlebeck et al. [36],
actor combination. The most common flushing fluid quenching involves directing a spray of cooled fluid
is cool (i.e., subcritical temperature) pressurized wa- (usually subcritical water) into the main process flow
ter, although alternatives such as acid solutions have at the exit of the reactor. The purpose is to dissolve any
also been used. As with other control methods that salt particles that reach the end of the reactor (where
function after salts are allowed to accumulate, the fre- the oxidation reaction is complete) to prevent plugging
quency of flushing depends on the type of feed and of the exit port. While similar in concept to flushing,
the nature and rate of buildup of the particular salts quenching occurs continuously in an on-line reactor
formed/processed. The interval between flushes must as part of normal operations, and has been employed
be short enough to allow removal of salt buildup be- in conjunction with several different reactor designs.
fore the thickness of the deposit begins to impede the The quench design cited by Barner et al. [42], for ex-
process flow and reduce the effectiveness of the oxi- ample, is for use with the MODAR reverse flow tank
dation reaction. reactor. Because quenching is used only to dissolve
While the most straightforward way to apply this salts at the reactor exit, it is not a complete solution to
flushing control technique is to take the reactor salt precipitation control. It therefore must be used in
off-line before switching to the wash fluid, this ap- conjunction with another technique or reactor design
proach can result in undesirable downtime. To avoid that will either control salt deposition in the super-
such downtime, Bond et al. [39–41] have developed critical region of the reactor or transport salts to the
an alternative flushing sequence in a series of patents quench zone of the reactor.
assigned jointly to GA and Abitibi-Price. Their ap-
proach involves the use of two (or more) parallel 2.2.5. Additives
reactors. While one reactor is on-line processing feed Additives are substances that are mixed with the
at supercritical conditions, the other is off-line be- feed upstream of the reactor or at its entrance in or-
ing flushed to remove salt deposits. When the salt der to control salt buildup. Additives generally control
buildup in the on-line reactor is sufficient to require scale in one of two ways: either by providing a sur-
removal (or at a prescribed time before this situation face on which nucleation can occur (with no chemical
is reached), the feed is diverted to the other clean interaction) or by changing the chemical properties of
reactor and flushing fluid is sent to the scaled reactor. the solids mixture. An example of the former is de-
The time necessary to dissolve the scale will depend scribed by Whiting and Mehta [43], where nonsticky
not only on the type and thickness of salt, but also solid particles are injected into the waste feed stream.
on its solubility in the flushing fluid and the flow rate The solid particles are inert (e.g., sand, silica, ceramic)
of the fluid. Once clean, the reactor is ready to come or may be catalytic with respect to the oxidation re-
back on-line when the scale thickness in the second action (e.g., zeolites, metal oxides, noble metals). In
reactor becomes unacceptable. Thus this operating either case, the purpose of the particles with respect to
scheme allows continuous processing of feed (since salt formation is to provide a mobile, large surface area
one reactor is always active) while also allowing for (e.g., more than 1000 times greater than that of the re-
the necessary periodic removal of salt buildup. If actor walls) so that salts will be more likely to adhere
302 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

to the particles rather than the reactor walls or other on chemical agent and energetic hydrolysates for the
components. The adhered salts are then transported US Army (US DOD ACWA [47]). A recently issued
with the particles and process fluid out of the reactor. patent to GA (Hazlebeck [48]) describes the use of
The particles also scour the reactor walls, thereby re- phosphate compounds to aid salt transport through the
moving any salt which may have managed to reach the reactor.
walls. The particles can be injected directly into the
feed stream in a co-current way as described above, or 2.2.6. Low turbulence, homogeneous precipitation
can be added separately to the reactor so that they flow The basic concept behind this technique is to control
counter-current to the process flow. In a proposed ex- operating conditions such that salts precipitate only in
ample of the latter case, the particles would be injected the bulk fluid. Such a technique has been patented and
at the top of a vertically oriented reactor while the pro- employed by HydroProcessing, LLC, in their SCWO
cess flow would enter from the bottom of the reactor process (Wofford et al. [49]). The reason for requiring
and flow upward (opposite to that of the falling parti- salt precipitation in the bulk fluid (i.e., homogeneous
cles), in a manner resembling operation of a stripping nucleation) is the claim that salts which have already
column. One concern with the use of solid particles is precipitated tend not to adhere to surfaces, whereas
that they can cause severe valve stem erosion in a con- salts that are formed via heterogeneous nucleation do
ventional pressure let-down system and may require tend to adhere to surfaces.
an alternate design for reducing system pressure. To achieve the desired conditions, separately pres-
McBrayer et al. [44,45] provide an example of the surized and preheated feed, water, and oxidant streams
second type of additive. In this case, the added solid are fed coaxially into a ‘contactor vessel’ (which es-
is another salt. It may seem counterintuitive to add sentially functions as the inlet portion of a tubular re-
more salt to a system for which salts are problem- actor). In order to ensure that salts do not nucleate at
atic. However, the goal is to choose the type and the walls or on the feed injection surface, it is asserted
amount of added salt such that, when it mixes with that turbulence must be minimized. Thus, it is sug-
the existing or reaction-generated salt in the reactor, gested that feed and water velocities be low enough
the resulting mixture forms a eutectic with a melt- to maintain laminar or low turbulence flow condi-
ing point less than the operating temperature at the tions (contrary to the highly turbulent initial mixing of
system pressure. The resulting molten salt blend will feed components encouraged in most SCWO operat-
thus flow more easily through the reactor, particularly ing schemes). With this approach, the feed is initially
in one which is vertically oriented (due to gravity), contained in the center of the vessel by a surrounding
avoiding excessive buildup that can lead to the for- annular flow of supercritical water. The oxidant, in the
mation of salt plugs. The choice of what salt to add outer-most annulus, must diffuse through the water
depends on the nature of the feed. For instance, when to reach the organic feed. This is aided by the favor-
the feed contains sulfur or chlorine, McBrayer et al. able mass transport properties of the supercritical wa-
[45] cite NaNO3 , NaOH, KNO3 , and/or KOH as pos- ter. Nonetheless, reaction initiation occurs somewhat
sible choices for the added salt. Regardless of which downstream of the injector device as a result.
particular salt is chosen, this approach to salt control Reaction and subsequent salt formation and precip-
provides an excellent example of the importance and itation begin at the zone where oxidant and organic
benefits of research in developing practical applica- meet (defined as the ‘initial contact zone’). By control-
tions; in this case, for quantifying the phase behavior ling feed component velocities and temperatures, it is
of salt–water systems at supercritical conditions (see claimed that the location of the initial contact zone can
Tester and Cline [46] and Hodes et al. [2] for more be positioned away from the walls. Eventually, pro-
examples). Accurate multi-component phase diagrams cess flow from the center will reach the vessel walls
allow one to choose the correct type and concentration far enough downstream. However, the goal is to have
of salt to add to a given feed and avoid choices of salt most of the salt precipitated before this occurs so that
species and/or quantities which would have a detri- adherence of these salt particles to the walls will be
mental effect. GA has employed its own proprietary minimized or avoided. In its patent, HydroProcessing
additives for reliable salt transport in testing performed specifically cites an application of this technique for
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 303

sewage sludge, which typically has a relatively low tube wall. The claimed net effect is that solid par-
salt content. ticles are separated from the process flow without
clogging the filter. By installing more concentric
2.2.7. Crossflow filtration tubes, several stages of filtration could be achieved if
While popular and straightforward for many solids desired.
removal applications, conventional filtration is difficult
to utilize within a SCWO reactor for several reasons. 2.2.8. Density separation
Examples include the likelihood of frequent plugging Density separation is a standard industrial tech-
of the filter element, potential interference with feed nique which separates solid particles from a fluid
component mixing if placed too close to the reac- stream by centrifugal forces. In terms of classification,
tor entrance, and the lack of filtering materials which this technique is analogous to that of the centrifuge
can withstand the combined high temperatures and reactor design discussed in Section 2.1.5. In engi-
pressures and chemical environments encountered in neering practice, this kind of separation is commonly
SCWO processes. In one application which required implemented by using a cyclone or hydrocyclone.
high purity effluent, a dual filter bank of zirconium By causing a solids-containing fluid to rotate within
oxide filters was utilized by MODAR in the hot, pres- the cyclone chamber, the solid particles are forced
surized effluent line of the reverse flow tank reactor outward toward the chamber walls by negative buoy-
system (Hong [10]). This filter design, which required ancy. The clean fluid usually exits through the center
periodic backflushing when tested, is effective only as top of the cyclone, thereby achieving separation. In
a secondary means of solids removal. The primary re- SCWO systems, a hydrocyclone can be placed either
moval step in this case was the specific reactor design before or after an effluent cooldown heat exchanger,
(i.e., dissolution of salts in the subcritical section of but usually before the pressure let-down device. In
the reverse flow tank reactor used). this location, however, an additional control technol-
Li and Gloyna [50] have proposed an alternate ogy may be required in order to ensure that solids are
design to avoid the difficulties of conventional filtra- first transported through the reactor successfully so
tion by using in situ crossflow filtration. The patent that they can reach the downstream hydrocyclone.
claims that crossflow filtration is effective under Several studies have been performed regarding the
SCWO conditions because of the low densities of effectiveness of hydrocyclones in removing solids
the supercritical process fluid. In the simplest em- from SCWO effluent. In pilot-scale experiments per-
bodiment of the stated design, reaction occurs within formed at supercritical pressures (276 bar) and ambi-
the annular section formed between two tubes. The ent to near critical temperatures (25–340◦ C), Laspidou
tubes are vertically oriented and the reactant flow is et al. [51] demonstrated greatly improved separation
down. At some point near the reactor bottom, the of ␣-alumina particles in a hydrocyclone with in-
impermeable inner tube becomes a crossflow fil- creasing temperature. In an early bench-scale tubular
tration element. Typically, this element would be a SCWO system, MODAR utilized a hydrocyclone for
sintered metal tube. Because the main flow is parallel downstream solids removal at supercritical conditions
to the filter element (unlike in conventional filtra- in tests for which the feed to the reactor was dilute hu-
tion), some process fluid (i.e., the filtrate) may pass man waste (Killilea et al. [52]). However, significant
through the element without creating a substantial salt accumulation occurred in the hydrocyclone during
buildup of solids on the surface. With a small pore these tests. Apparently, the tendency for salts to stick
size (0.05–5 ␮m diameter preferred), larger solid to the reactor walls in a supercritical environment
particles will not plug the pores and will instead also causes these salts to adhere to the hydrocyclone
be rinsed away by the force of the fluid flow and walls upon impact rather than sink to the bottom.
gravity toward the bottom of the reactor. These This eventually leads to plugging of the hydrocy-
solids are removed from the reactor bottom through clone. As a result, hydrocyclones are better suited for
a separate line. The filtrate flows up the central non-salt solids removal in SCWO systems. Several
tube, which helps to preheat the incoming reac- companies, such as HydroProcessing and GA, have
tants via heat exchange across the impermeable employed hydrocyclones in their SCWO processes
304 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

before or after effluent cooldown for removal of of Energy facility in Amarillo, TX (Stone & Webster
suspended particles and grit to protect downstream [56]; Shaw and Dahmen [57]). Caustic hydrolysis of
pressure letdown components from erosion. the energetics results in a high salt concentration in the
Another variation of the density separation tech- SCWO feed. The operating conditions are 1034 bar
nique is to impart rotational spin to the process fluid (15 000 psi) and 450◦ C. The relatively low (but still
without the use of a specific unit operation such as a supercritical) temperature was chosen to further im-
cyclone to achieve the same effect of separating solids prove salt solubility in the reactor. To ensure enough
from a fluid. An example of this approach is pro- residence time (i.e., several minutes) for organic de-
vided by Titmas [53]. This patent generally describes a struction at this temperature, the vertical coil tubular
SCWO process using a deep well or hydraulic column reactor is 152 m (500 ft) long (with an inner diameter
as the reactor, thereby taking advantage of the hydro- of 0.953 cm (0.375 in)). The Los Alamos group has
static increase in pressure with depth as the means of also operated a smaller SCWO system for treatment
achieving supercritical conditions at the bottom (this of radioactive contaminated wastes at the less extreme
concept forms the basis of the SCWO process devel- conditions of 462 bar (6700 psi) and 540◦ C.
oped by Oxidyne). Feed streams are transported to Another practical example has been demonstrated
the bottom of the well (≈3400 m (11 000 ft) deep) by the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe in Germany with
and effluent streams are withdrawn back to the top their version of SCWO, which is usually referred to
through several concentric pipes. A spiral rib or baf- by its German acronym, SUWOX. At operating con-
fle in the furthest downstream section of the reaction ditions of 500 bar (7250 psi) and 426◦ C for process-
zone is used to impart spin to the process fluid, thereby ing a feed of leachate water from an industrial dump
forcing solids and particulates toward the pipe wall. site containing halogenated organics, 91% of the
This action segregates the fluid into a particle-rich and salt load was determined to pass through the system
particle-depleted flow, which eventually is separated (Schmidt et al. [58]). To compensate for this low tem-
into two different annular sections of piping for sep- perature, a relatively long residence time of 8.5 min
arate downstream processing. No specific control is was used, resulting in an organic destruction level of
described to avoid accumulation of sticky salts on the greater than 99.2%. Most of the salt not recovered
walls of the pipe, however. This may be the reason (e.g., CaSO4 ) was insoluble under these conditions
behind the stated need for the system to be flushed and accumulated as a thin scale in the heating zone
occasionally with a nitric acid wash to remove ‘ag- of the reactor. This problem was addressed through
gressively adhesive precipitates’. further manipulation of temperature and pressure in
the organic feed line to ‘pre-precipitate’ these salts
2.2.9. Extreme pressure operation before reaching the reactor.
As has already been discussed, most salts exhibit None of the above mentioned examples for extreme
very low aqueous solubilities at typical SCWO op- pressure operation have indicated that the waste feed
erating conditions (e.g., 550–650◦ C, 221–262 bar or oxygen solubility was inhibited at the high pressures
(3200–3800 psi)). However, the solubility of many utilized. In principle, however, conditions which lead
salts increases again as pressure approaches very to higher salt solubility can also result in diminished
high values. This is because density increases enough solubility of oxygen and organic compounds. Thus,
to recover some hydrogen bonding and polar inter- the operating pressure to be used when following this
actions. At pressures on the order of 690–1379 bar approach must be carefully chosen in order to maintain
(10 000–20 000 psi), many salts are at least partially good oxidation while achieving a sufficient level of
soluble. Thus the salt precipitation problem may be salt solubility.
substantially avoided while maintaining supercritical A particular problem with the use of these high
conditions if these very high pressures are utilized. pressures to avoid salt precipitation is the require-
This approach has been used by Los Alamos Na- ment that the reactor withstand the combination of
tional Laboratory (see for example Foy et al. [54,55]), extreme pressure and high temperature. As a result,
most recently for treatment of hydrolyzed energetics the main design concern shifts from salt management
in a SCWO system installed at the Pantex Department to mechanical integrity. Several patents have been
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 305

issued for SCWO reactors designed specifically for and Dinjus [65]). Our purpose here is to briefly sum-
operation at ultra-high pressures to avoid salt precip- marize the current or pending full-scale applications of
itation. Many involve designs that isolate a hot, but several of the companies attempting to commercialize
pressure-balanced, reaction chamber from an outer, SCWO, highlighting the particular design or approach
cooler containment shell. Thus, the reaction chamber employed for control of salt precipitation and deposi-
and pressure shell need to withstand only one extreme tion of solids. Table 5 contains a list of full-scale facil-
(pressure or temperature) instead of two, which allows ities and licensees of the SCWO processes developed
a wider choice of acceptable materials for each one. by several companies, along with recent feed materi-
Such is the case in the SUWOX reactor, for which a als that have been processed.
floating alumina liner (which contains the reaction) is The original SCWO companies, MODAR, MODEC,
held within a steel pressure-containment housing, with and Oxidyne are no longer active on their own. The
a flow of water filling the annular gap between the two MODAR technology was acquired by GA in 1996.
(Casal and Schmidt [59]). Other examples are the tur- However, a full-scale SCWO facility based on the
bulent flow cold wall reactor proposed by McBrayer MODAR process (i.e., reverse flow, tank reactor)
et al. [60] and the lined vessel proposed by Dassel et al. was constructed by Organo Corp. of Japan in 1998
[61]. Both utilize a pressurized inert fluid in the annu- (Oe et al. [66]). Organo, which is a licensee of the
lar region between the outer wall of the reaction cham- MODAR process, had previously built a 2 ton/day
ber and the pressure shell, and both use a form of solid pilot plant in 1995 which they had tested on a variety
insulation. The former patent specifies a porous solid of wastes. The 138 lb/h (63 kg/h) full-scale facility
insulator in the annular region (e.g., beads or powder), was built for the Nittetsu Semiconductor factory for
while the latter patent calls for a non-porous solid destruction of semiconductor manufacturing wastes
insulator or shield (e.g., ceramic). The lined vessel of (tetramethylammonium hydroxide, ammonia, and iso-
Dassel et al. is reported to function at pressures of 690 propanol) (Stone & Webster [56]). Despite using the
bar (10 000 psi) and temperatures from 815 to 1100◦ C. MODAR vessel design, the reactor does not operate
As an alternative to the pressure-balanced liner ap- with a brine pool because this feed produces a mini-
proach, one can use a single walled reaction chamber mal amount of effluent salts. In addition to having a
if the walls are kept sufficiently cool. A high pressure license to the MODAR process, Organo is a licensee
reactor design by Barber [62] has a tangential (with of the MODEC process (i.e., horizontal reactor with
respect to the reactor walls) feed injection system and high velocity and brushing). Two other Japanese com-
effluent is withdrawn from the center of the reactor. panies, Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction
This causes the flow within the reactor to rotate in a Co. and NGK Insulators Ltd, and a Canadian firm,
vortex-like fashion. The resulting centrifugal force is NORAM Engineering and Constructors, Ltd, are also
expected to protect the reactor walls because, with the MODEC licensees. For a few years up until 1996,
normally higher density of cooler fluids as compared MODEC operated a 2000 l/day pilot plant in Ger-
to warmer fluids, the outer regions of the circulating many funded by several pharmaceutical companies
mass will always be cooler than the inner regions. The which was used to process pharmaceutical industry
Barber design is reported to withstand pressures of 690 waste, pulp and paper mill waste, and sewage sludge
bar (10 000 psi) and temperatures from 700 to 850◦ C. (Modell et al. [32]; Svensson [67]). Hitachi and NGK
are interested in developing the MODEC process
further for sewage sludge treatment (Japan Chemical
3. Recent commercial/full-scale applications Week [68]).
Both GA and Foster Wheeler have been very active
Several reviews have summarized the current gen- in recent years with several projects being conducted
eral state of SCWO technology, as well as pilot work for three branches of the US Armed Forces. As part of
recently performed or in progress in support of a num- a team with the Ralph M. Parsons Co., GA was con-
ber of applications (Stone & Webster [56]; Schmieder tracted by the US Army in 1999 to provide a full-scale
and Abeln [63]; Shaw and Dahmen [57]; Tester and SCWO system design for destruction of hydrolyzed
Cline [46]; National Research Council [64]; Kritzer VX nerve agent at the Newport Chemical Depot in In-
306 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

Table 5
Commercially designed SCWO facilities currently in existence
Company Licensees Large-scale plants Applications

MODAR Organo Nittetsu Semiconductor, Japan Semiconductor manufacture wastes

(constructed by Organo)
MODEC Organo, Hitachi, None Pharmaceutical wastes, pulp and
NGK paper mill waste, sewage sludge
General Atomics Komatsu, Kurita US Army Newport Chemical Depot, Bulk VX nerve agent hydrolysate;
Water Industries Newport, IN (design completed) Other feeds processed in
smaller-scale systems: chemical
agent, explosives, and dunnage (US
Army), shipboard wastes (US Navy),
rocket propellant (US Air Force)
Foster-Wheeler US Army Pine Bluff Arsenal, Pine Smokes and dyes; Other feeds
Bluff, ARa processed in smaller-scale systems:
chemical agent and explosives (US
Army), shipboard wastes (US Navy)
EcoWaste Technologies Chematurb Huntsman Chemical, Austin, TX Oxygenated and nitrogen-containing
(EWT) hydrocarbons (e.g., alcohols,
glycols, amines)
Chematur Shinko Pantec Johnson Matthey, Brimsdown, UK Spent catalyst (recover platinum
(under construction) group metals and destroy organic

Japan (constructed by Shinko Municipal sludge

SRI International Mitsubishi Japan (under construction) PCBs, chlorinated wastes
Hydro-Processing Harlingen Wastewater Treatment Mixed municipal and industrial
Plant No. 2, Harlingen, TX wastewater sludge
a Operated by Sandia National Laboratories.
b Chematur acquired rights to the EWT SCWO technology for Europe in 1995; acquired world-wide rights in 1999.
c Has license rights in Asia.

diana (Waste Treatment Technology News [69]). The shredded wood, plastics, and activated carbon. GA re-
design calls for a hydrolysate feed rate of 2092 lb/h cently completed further pilot testing for ACWA in
(949 kg/h), and a platinum-lined reactor for corrosion support of a full-scale design for demilitarization of
control with periodic flushing for scale control. GA chemical weapons stored in Pueblo, CO, and Lexing-
performed testing in support of the Newport design ton, KY (US DOD ACWA [70]). This testing utilized a
on a 1/10 scale pilot system during 2000–2001. GA titanium or Hastelloy-lined reactor for corrosion con-
has also demonstrated successful treatment of chemi- trol, with scale control based on the additives concept
cal agent (HD, GB, and VX) hydrolysate and energet- and periodic flushing with subcritical water.
ics hydrolysate/secondary wastes for the US Army’s GA also designed and tested a compact SCWO
Assembled Chemical Weapons Assessment (ACWA) system for the US Navy in 1999 for destruction of
program (US DOD ACWA [47]). SCWO is part of shipboard wastes (Elliott et al. [37]). The system was
GA’s Total Solution proposed to ACWA for demilita- designed for processing 100 lb/h (45 kg/h) of waste
rization of the complete munition (projectiles, mortars, for 10 h/day, and was tested with several different
rockets) and associated storage and processing materi- representative feed materials including lube oil, halo-
als. The energetics hydrolysate/secondary waste feeds genated solvents, hydraulic fluid, antifreeze, paints,
consisted of a slurry of hydrolyzed energetics (tetry- photographic solution, and black and gray water. GA
tol, Composition B, and/or M28 propellant) along with utilized a titanium-lined reactor with a rotating scraper
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 307

for these tests. GA conducted hydrolysis and SCWO (RFP) will be released to solicit bids (including
testing of rocket motor propellant for the US Air Force SCWO designs) from potential contractors.
in 1995 using a 1 gpm (3.8 l/min) pilot-scale system EcoWaste Technologies (EWT) designed and built
(Spritzer et al. [71]; Defense Daily [72]). The Japanese the first operating commercial SCWO plant in the US.
companies Komatsu, Ltd, and Kurita Water Industries, The plant was constructed for the Huntsman Corp.
Ltd, have a licensing agreement with GA in commer- (formerly Texaco Chemical Co.) in Austin, TX, for de-
cializing SCWO technology in Asia (General Atomics struction of non-halogenated organic wastes produced
[73]; Schmieder and Abeln [63]). on-site at their Austin Research Laboratories (Svens-
Foster Wheeler constructed a full-scale SCWO son [67]). The tubular reactor system began opera-
system based on their transpiring wall reactor design tion in 1994. The waste feed consisted primarily of a
for the US Army’s Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas in blend of alcohols, glycols, and amines with an over-
1998 (New Technology Week [74]; Rice et al. [75]; all organic loading of 10 wt.%, and was fed at a rate
Crooker et al. [76]). The system was designed to treat of 1100 kg/h (2425 lb/h) (McBrayer et al. [81]). Be-
obsolete smoke and dye munitions at a rate of 80 lbs/h cause the feed contains no heteroatoms, salt formation
(36 kg/h) of munitions. It is being operated by San- is minimal and no specific technique has been cited
dia National Laboratories and has been undergoing to control salt buildup. As of February 2003, the plant
extensive systemization with surrogate feed materials was not in operation.
since construction completion. Foster Wheeler has Chematur Engineering AB acquired a licensing
also conducted pilot-scale testing of a transpiring wall agreement for the EWT SCWO process in Europe in
SCWO system for the US Navy and Army ACWA 1995, and acquired the exclusive world-wide rights
program similar to that described for GA. Testing for for EWT SCWO in 1999 (Gidner et al. [82]). SCWO
the Navy was performed in 1999 with halogenated sol- is marketed by Chematur under the trade name
vents and photographic solution feeds at 80–209 lbs/h Aqua Critox® . Chematur built a 550 lb/h (250 kg/h)
(36–95 kg/h) (Crooker et al. [76,77]). The same sys- pilot-scale SCWO system in 1998 that has since been
tem was used for ACWA testing in 2000, in which tested with several mostly nitrogen-containing wastes
mixtures of agent (HD, GB, VX) and energetic (tetry- (amine production wastes, non-halogenated spent
tol, Composition B, M28 propellant) hydrolysates cutting fluid, de-inking sludge, and sewage sludge).
were processed with minimal corrosion and salt These wastes would not be expected to generate high
buildup in the reactor (US DOD ACWA [78]). Foster salt quantities. In past testing, however, Chematur
Wheeler is part of a team whose proposed Total Solu- has utilized both periodic reactor flushing with nitric
tion to ACWA for munition demilitarization includes acid and/or high velocities for removal/avoidance of
co-processing of agent and energetic hydrolysates via scale (Stenmark [33], Gidner and Stenmark [83]).
SCWO as demonstrated. The hydrolysate feed recipes Recently, Chematur announced plans to construct its
were chosen to represent compositions expected first full-scale SCWO facility for Johnson Matthey
from processing actual munitions. Foster Wheeler in the UK (Chematur [84]). The plant, which will
recently completed further pilot testing for ACWA have a capacity of 3 m3 /h (13.2 gpm), will be used
in 2002 in support of a full-scale design for demili- to recover platinum group metals from spent cat-
tarization of chemical weapons stored in Lexington, alysts. Carbonaceous and organic contaminants on
KY. the catalyst will be destroyed in the SCWO process,
Based on the extensive testing conducted for the while the metal will be recovered in its oxide form.
ACWA program and reviews by the National Research No details have been provided as to how the oxide
Council [79,80], the US Deputy Secretary of De- solids will be collected. This application appears to
fense signed a memorandum on 11/20/02 identifying be one of the first in which the precipitation and
‘neutralization’ (i.e., hydrolysis) followed by SCWO recovery of a solid in a SCWO process is the main
as the preferred approach for the destruction of as- focus of the process instead of being an undesirable
sembled chemical weapons stored at the Blue Grass side effect. At the time of announcement, Chematur
Army Depot in Lexington, KY. Once the Record of expected to commission the new plant in mid-2002.
Decision (ROD) is signed, a Request for Proposals Chematur also has plans to build a larger SCWO
308 P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312

plant for processing electronic scrap (Schmieder and (Parkinson [92]). Because of the inherently greater
Abeln [63]), and is pursuing opportunities for con- amount of solids contained in the sludge feed (as
struction of additional commercial SCWO plants in compared to liquid wastes), the process incorporates a
Europe. Chematur has licensed the EWT SCWO pro- hydrocyclone after the reactor for solids removal, and
cess to the Shinko Pantec Co. of Japan. Under this a separate patented downstream system for handling
license agreement, Shinko Pantec has constructed pressure letdown of the solids-containing effluent
an 1100 kg/h (2425 lb/h) SCWO plant for treating stream. Regarding salt handling, HydroProcessing
municipal sludge, which was commissioned in 2000. has recently been issued a patent (Wofford et al.
SRI International granted its first licensing agree- [49]) which describes specific control of operating
ment of the AHO process (i.e., carbonate-filled conditions and feed injection points to keep precip-
reactor for catalytic oxidation and salt product adsorp- itating salts away from the walls until reaching the
tion) to Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) in 1999 hydrocyclone.
(Waste Treatment Technology News [85]). MHI has There are other companies trying to commer-
been working with SRI on commercializing the AHO cialize SCWO technology, as well. For example,
process since 1995, and plans to use it to destroy ProChemTech International, Inc. designed and built a
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) wastes at commercial small tubular SCWO system of 0.1 gpm (0.4 l/min)
facilities. Since 1998, MHI has conducted tests with capacity in 1993 for treating organic-laden wastewater
PCBs in a pilot-scale system in Japan, demonstrat- from a semi-conductor manufacturer (ProChemTech
ing greater than 99.9999% destruction at 380◦ C and [93]). No pre-neutralization of the feed (which con-
270 atm. MHI also owns a patent on the AHO pro- tained halogenated solvents) was performed, resulting
cess as applied to PCB decomposition (Tateishi et. al. in acidic effluent but minimal salt formation. Noram
[86]). MHI is currently designing the first full-scale Engineering and Constructors, Ltd, has recently been
commercial AHO system in Japan for PCB destruc- issued a patent (Boyd et al. [94]) on a process for
tion, with plans to build several more plants for both utilizing SCWO for oxidation of redwater (a waste
government and private clients. The first plant is ex- from the manufacture of nitroaromatic explosive com-
pected to be operational before 2005 (Jayaweera [87]). pounds). Daimler Chrysler of Germany has also been
HydroProcessing, LLC, has focused on the appli- interested in the application of SCWO for the treat-
cation of SCWO for treating municipal wastewater ment of electronic scrap (e.g., circuit boards) and,
sludge (Griffith [88]). Their patented process (Griffith in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute ITC,
et al. [89]), referred to as the HydroSolids® process, has built a mobile plant (20 l/h) containing a tubular
is intended to replace traditional sludge digestion and reactor for treating this waste (Schmieder and Abeln
dewatering units in a standard wastewater treatment [63]). Their design uses high fluid velocities to keep
plant. They have operated a 0.4 gpm (1.5 l/min) tubular solid particles suspended in flow under the conditions
reactor pilot system with this feed since 1996, and have of operation (Pilz [95]).
recently built a full-scale system for the Harlingen
Wastewater Treatment Plant in Harlingen, TX (Grif-
fith and Raymond [90]). The system consists of two 4. Summary
HydroSolids® trains, each with a capacity of 12.5 gpm
(47 l/min) of thickened sludge feed. The system is SCWO is a maturing waste treatment technology
intended to process both municipal wastewater sludge which has been hindered in its development by salt
and industrial wastewater sludge from an adjacent fac- precipitation, solids deposition, and plugging prob-
tory. Operation of the first train began in April, 2001. lems. Nonetheless, a number of creative and effective
At last report, the HydroProcessing plant was still in a engineering solutions have been implemented to ad-
startup mode (Wofford and Griffith [91]). HydroPro- dress the challenges of solids management. These
cessing states that operating costs are about $180/dry include a variety of commercially developed reactor
ton (not including any projected benefits from energy designs and operating techniques to eliminate deposi-
or CO2 recovery), compared to a cost of $275/ton tion or minimize its effects or impacts. Presently, no
for sludge disposal by landfill or land application one design or method has proven itself to be clearly
P.A. Marrone et al. / J. of Supercritical Fluids 29 (2004) 289–312 309

superior to the others, although some are better suited in: W.D. Tedder, F.G. Pohland (Eds.), Emerging Technologies
for certain types of wastes than others. For example, in Hazardous Waste Management III, ACS Symposium Series,
vol. 518, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 1993,
the reactor flushing and quenching technique works p. 35.
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have a high solubility in subcritical water. Tubular Salt precipitation and scale control during supercritical water
reactors operated at high velocities are being used by oxidation—part A: fundamentals and research, J. Supercrit.
several companies for treating sewage sludges, which Fluid. 29 (2004) 265.
[3] Waste Treatment Technology News, General Atomics buys
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MODAR, 12(5) (1996).
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sure operation) require more detailed information wastewater and sludge remediation, in: R.A. Meyers (Ed.),
regarding the composition of the feed and/or salts Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation,
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behavior of multi-component systems is important for oxidation technology process; Connor Pacific Environmental
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concentrations to maintain adequate salt transport in [8] H.E. Barner, C.Y. Huang, T. Johnson, G. Jacobs, M.A. Martch,
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[13] L. Schoenman, M. Young, K.S. Ahluwalia, Use of
Acknowledgements transpiring-wall platelet reactor in hydrothermal oxidation of
organic materials, Proceedings of the International Conference
The authors would like to thank Dr. Glenn Hong on Incineration and Thermal Treatment Technologies,
Oakland, CA, May 1997, p. 321.
and Dr. Michael Modell for providing historical infor- [14] H.H. Mueggenburg, D.C. Rousar, M.F. Young, Supercritical
mation and valuable insights on various aspects of salt water oxidation reactor with wall conduits for boundary flow
precipitation and scale control in SCWO. We would control, U.S. Patent #5387398 (1995).
also like to thank Dr. Robert Shaw of the US Army [15] K.S. Ahluwalia, Internal platelet heat source and method of
Research Office and Dr. Azar Nazeri of the Office of use in a supercritical water oxidation reactor, U.S. Patent
#5571424 (1996).
Naval Research for their support of SCWO technol-
[16] K.S. Ahluwalia, Internal platelet heat source and method of
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sharing data, experiences, and results. #5670040 (1997).
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#5384051 (1995).
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