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Rey Elijah T. Bautista

Rico Justine N. Vicedo

An undergraduate project desgin presented to the faculty of the Department of

Information Technology, Cavite State University – Trece Martires City Campus, Trece
Martires City, Cavite in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation with degree
Bachelor of Scrience in Information Technology, with contribution No._____ prepared
under the supervision of Ms. Pamela Daphne R. Busog


Ben Sezer (2014) emphasized that mathematics course designed for Computer

Science majors in which the investigate large scale examples based in discrete

mathematics. This course was developed in response to the need to strengthen the

theoretical content of the Computer Science curriculum. The design of this course

supports better learning and using good programming practice.

The researchers conducted an interview with instructors and students of Cavite

State University – Trece Martires City Campus that has discrete structure subject. The

problems encountered by the instructors is that having a resource constraint and lack of

alternative teaching materials. Thats why some of the students are not able to grasp the

lesson for they have hard time to analyze and understand more the lesson. While the

problems encountered by the students is having a hard time to cope with the lesson

because of too much logical abstractions, combination and computations.


The researchers decided to develop an application of android based m-learning

system for the portability and learning tool of students. It will contain various lessons of

discrete structure that has its video tutorials and quizzess. Since android phone have a big

demand in present and almost of all teenagers using it, implementing educational

application can be more reliable and useful anytime and anywhere.

Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to develop a Discrete Structure M-Learning System

using Android Applicaton for Cavite State University Trece Martires City Campus.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the design of the application?

2. What are the materials needed to create the application?

3. What is the result of testing in terms of;

a. functionality; and

b. portability

4. What is the result of Cavite State University Trece Martires City evaluation


Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study was to develop a Discrete Structure M-learning

System using Android Application for Cavite State University Trece Martires City City


Specifically, the study aimed to:

1. design a mobile application capable of:

a. providing lessons:

b. providing video tutorials:

c. providing examples for lessons: and

d. providing quiz for lessons

2. create a mobile application using the following materials:

a. Adobe Captivate 2017;

b. Adobe Photoshop; and

c. HTML5.

3. test the application in terms of:

a. functionality; and

b. portability.

4. evaluate the application using the Cavite State University Trece Martires City

evaluation instrument.

Significance of the Study

Discrete structure m-learning system using android application contain a lesson,

example, video and quiz module. The beneficiaries of the proposed system are the

students and instructors who are taking difficulties on the discrete mathematics by having

an efficient and easy to use android based e-learning system of discrete math subject. It

will help the student with Discrete Structure subject to engage more to the subject to

learn and get better understanding it. The application will also lessen the resource

constraints of teachers when trying to tailor teaching to their students’ individual abilities

and learning styles. Discrete structure m-learning system using android application was

conducted in Cavite State University – Trece Martires City Campus.


Furthermore, the study will help the researchers to enhance their knowledge. It

will also serve as a tool to sharpen their knowledge and ability in developing an android

based e-learning system..

The availability of discrete structure m-learning system using android application

is for first year bachelor of science in information technology students under the second

semester and for those instructors that has the subject of discrete math. The discrete

structure m-learning system using android application was based on the course syllabus

and book about discrete mathematics.

Time and Place of the Study

The study developed a discrete structure m-learning system using android

application subject. The gathering of data and development of the application was

conducted from March 2017 – March 2018.

The first two months of the development was data gathering and project planning

of the software application. The researchers interview some students and intructors who

has the subject of discrete structure to know the problems that they always encountered

when learning and teaching discrete structure.

After the researchers gathered some data for their requirements gathering, they

proceed to develop the software application by the use of Adobe Captivate 2017 and

HTML for coding. The the last two months of the development, the researchers

implemented the application.

The application was tested and evaluated by ten (10) IT experts, ten (10)

instructors and thirty (30) students.


Scope and Limitation of the Study

Development of Online Market Place in Trece Martires City Cavite. The

application focus on the development and design of a discrete structure Online Market

Place system for mobile phones. It was developed for consumers purchasing their needs

and wants physically caused by lockdowns and preventive measures to contain the virus.

The application used are Flutter and Android Studio that includes animation, the

slides, videos, images coded with HTML5.

The system was intended for Trece Martires City only. The application focus on

the development and design of a discrete structure Online Market Place. using android

application. It was developed for students who are experiencing difficulty and poor

understanding of discrete structure subject. And for the instructor who lacks materials

and modules for tailoring students.

The application used Adobe Captivate 2017 that includes animation, guides for

installing the slides, videos, images, lectures and quiz coded with HTML5. The

application could teach the students on how it works for example when they pick the

lesson module, the lesson module will proceed to the lesson discussion with example and

video button. If the user pick the example button, they proceed to the examples according

to the lesson discuss. If the user pick the quiz button, they proceed to the quiz according

to the whole lesson that discuss. The video module will teach the students and subject

instructor to proper understand how to solve and show solution of the specific topic


Defenition of Terms

To make the study clear and understandable, the following terms as used in this

study are defined:

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment for Google's

Android operating system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed

specifically for Android development.

Flutter. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google.

It is used to develop applications for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google

Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. The first version of Flutter was known as

codename "Sky" and ran on the Android operating system

Android OS. Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based

on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as

smartphones and tablets.

HTML5. It is a programming language use for Android Studio and Flutter.

ICT. Information and Communication Technologies is the infrastracture and

components that enable modern computing.


Mobile Learning or M-Learning. An education using personal mobile devices,

such as tablets and smartphones to obtain learning materials through mobile apps, social

interactions and educational hubs. It is flexible, allowing students access to education

anywhere, anytime.

Syllabus. A list of the topics or books that will be studied in a course.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework includes the knowledge, hardware, and software

requirements for input, design, development and testing of the project for the process and

evaluation for the output.


Knowledge Requirements

 Discrete Structure
 Video Tutorials
 Discrete Structure
 Software
 Android Requirements Discrete Stucture M-
Gathering Learning system using
Hardware Requirements
Android Application for
Design strategy
 Desktop computer Cavite State University
 Laptop Implementation Trece Martires City
 Cellphone Campus
Software Requirements

 Adobe Captivate
 Photoshop


Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of Discrete Structure M-Learning System using

Android Application for Cavite State University Trece Martires City Campus

Figure one shows the conceptual framework of the Discrete Structure System

using Android Application wherein it contains all the necessary information in the

operation of the application. In the input column, there were three categories namely the

knowledge requirements, hardware requirements, and the software requirements. In

knowledge requirements contains all the major topics of the study. The hardware

requirements contains all the necessary hardware peripherals needed to develop and test

their study. And, the software requirements which contains the different software needed

to develop the study. In the second column namely the Process column, it contains the

different stages wherein the researchers followed as a guide to conduct their study. The

output is the mobile application developed by the researchers.



This chapter includes some related literature that helps the researcher to build an

evidence for the proposed study. It gives the readers a better understanding about the

inventory system and discusses its importance in any organization or business.

Cavite State University

The Cavite State University (CvSU) has its humble beginnings in 1906 as the

Indang Intermediate School with the American Thomasites as the first teachers. Several

transformations in the name of the school took place; Indang Farm School in 1918,

Indang Rural High School in 1927, and Don Severino National Agriculture School in

1958. In 1964, the school was converted into a State College by virtue of Republic Act

3917 and became known as Don Severino Agricultural College (DSAC).

On January 22, 1998, by virtue of Republic Act No.8468, DSAC was converted

into Cavite State University. In 2001, Cavite College of Fisheries (CACOF) in Naic,

Cavite and Cavite College of Arts and Trade (CCAT) in Rosario, Cavite, were integrated

to the University by virtue of CHED Memo No. 27 s. 2000. Since then, additional

campuses in the province were established through memoranda of agreement with the

LGUs. At present, CvSU has 11 campuses in the province. The main campus,

approximately 70 hectares in land area and named as Don Severino delas Alas Campus,

is in Indang, Cavite.

CvSU is mandated "to provide excellent, equitable and relevant educational

opportunities in the arts, sciences and technology through quality instruction, and

responsive research and development activities. It shall produce professional, skilled and

morally upright individuals for global competitiveness."

Cavite State University – Trece Martires City Campus

The operation of CvSU- Trece Martires City Campus started at Brgy. Osorio

Trece Martires City, Cavite with Dr. Alexander F. Ferre as the campus dean, during that

time there are 19 students enrolled from First Semester SY 2005-2006 with the following

course offering: Associate in Computer Secretarial (7), Diploma in Computer Technician

(8) and Diploma in Hotel and Restaurant Management (4) students respectively. In SY

2006-2007, the campus offered additional three (3) courses: Bachelor in science in

Business Management, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Restaurant

Management. By then, there were 52 students enrolled Dr. Ferre was a vital factor in the

success of the TMC Campus his vision during that time is to transfer the Campus at City

Proper because of the high fare that the students are facing it will be difficult for them

and the campus to increase the number of enrollment. With his hard work and constant

communication with the City Mayor, he succeeded with his dream. Because of the

reshuffling of the Campus Deans, his goal was succeeded by Mr. Isaac V. Mahinay on

April 2006 he then continued the goal of Dr. Ferre. Because of his constant follow up

with the City Mayor, he has given two rooms at Loren Buiding beside the City Hall and a

Computer Room located at the City Terminal. In August 2007, Dr. Celso S. Crucido was

designated as TMC- Campus Dean. His major objective in this operation of the campus is

to increase the number of enrollees and be transparent cooperation to all staff and faculty


In November 2008, Dr. Celso S. Crucido was replaced by Dr. Ma. Corazon Y.

Mercado. She continued to operate the growing population of Cavite State University-

Trece Martires City Campus in Brgy. Luciano temporarily while Trece Martires City

College were not yet established. In 2009, the campus transferred to Brgy. San Agustin

and occupied the Loren Building and the former police station of Trece Martires City.

From 19 students in 2005, the campus has increased its number of enrollees to four

hundred sixty seven in 2010. In effect the university has boosted its mandate to further

provide quality education by providing the needed classrooms and laboratories needed

for each courses offered.


Mobile learnng (m-learning) is educaiton via the Internet or network using

personal mobile devices, such as tablets and smartphones to obtain learning materials

through mobile applications, social interactions and online educational hubs. It is flexible,

allowing students access to anywhere, anytime. Mobile learning provides a way for

educational institutions to deliver knowledge and educational content to students o any

platform, any place and at the time of need. Students use mobile applications and tools to

complete and upload assignments to teachers, download course instruction and work in

online social groups to complete tasks.( by Vangie Beal)

Haruki Ueno (2016) stated that e-learning system becomes the popular way to the

lifelng education. By using mobile technology, m-learning system extends the range of e-

learning system to enable learners to learn anytime and anywhere.


Uses of M-Learning

Abbreviation of mobile learning, which means learning using portable devices

that allow the student to learn in different environments and whilst on the move instead

of being restricted to a classroom setting or tied to a desk. Mobile learning is, of course,

by its electronic nature, a subset of e-learning, but it refers far more specifically to these

handheld devices and portable technology. The term has grown enormously in popularity

in the past few years, with the advent of handheld wireless devices such as iPads and

tablets and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones such as iPhones and android

handsets expanding the potential applications of the concept exponentially.

M-learning is best used in scenarios where there is concrete gain to be had from

the potential for mobility. On class field trips, for example, allowing students to use

mobile devices is a fantastic way to keep them engaged and working whilst still giving

them the freedom to explore. Brilliant new innovations like the Scavenger Hunt app

present exemplary opportunities to take advantage of roaming whilst learning.

It is also extremely effective to use m-learning in classroom environments where

modern technology may not be available to all students, or in schools where there are not

sufficient resources for all students to be able to use a device. In such a situation, using a

mobile learning device like a single tablet, which may be passed easily from hand-to-

hand or shared amongst a group of students, is a great way to ensure that pupils are still

able to benefit from the diverse opportunities presented by education technology. An app

like Mind Snacks, which presents language learning in simple, digestible chunks with

fun, easy-to-use games, is a great example of an m-learning solution that can be simply

and quickly passed between students as they reach new levels to enable successful team-

based learning (Bates, 2016).

Importance of M-Learning

The small size smart mobile phones are now the vast canvas of knowledge. With

purposeful digital applications a learner can earn enormous learning opportunity. The

easy and simple to use applications is emerging as the new-age popular learning tool.

Mobile handset has made learning enticing and stimulating. New ingenious and

interesting applications have made learning simple. With rapid technological

advancement students have greater and easy access to the study resources with the aid of

mobile learning applications. Students living in districts or remote areas where compact

study materials are not easily available can take help from similar applications. This

digital learning tool can be very effective to retain students to the learning process. Read

on (Morgan, 2016).

In the modern world learning with fun attracts students. They tend to participate

with great enthusiasm in a learning paradigm which incorporates new and advanced

technique of learning. Pupil always quest for additional knowledge resources to support

learning. Since smart-phones are easy to access, students of different age group are using

more education applications. Hence, the trend for application based learning is growing.

This popular trend has resulted in introduction of more unique learning applications.

These applications has bought many benefits for the students. Students can ask subject or

topic based questions to clear doubts through online discussion’s forum. With the help of

similar mobile learning applications students can access virtual classes at any time from

any remote location (Morgan, 2016).


Types of M-Learning

If you work in the construction industry, you’ll be familiar with the prevalence of

training. Due to the vast array of ever-changing rules and regulations, staff on every

branch of the company tree regularly have to take long, arduous training sessions in order

to remain compliant and up to speed with best practices. Such learning is often taken

traditionally, be it in a classroom environment or on-site at the manufacturing plant, but

regardless of the location, the type of training on offer is usually the same; long, complex

and ultimately difficult to engage with. Investing in training that does nothing more than

turn off learners is a poor way to spend a company budget, which is why mobile learning

is rising in popularity. In this post, we’re going to demonstrate why it should be of

particular interest to manufacturers (Siekmer, 2015)

A form of micro learning, mobile learning is the process of gaining knowledge in

a chosen subject no matter where you are, who you’re surrounded by or which device you

have to hand; it can be undertaken on your laptop while your partner enjoys their

favourite boxset or on your smartphone while riding the bus to work. Mobile learning is

delivered in bite-sized chunks, making it easy to digest, simple to refer to in the future

and, crucially, addictive. For mobile learning to be effective, it must lean on modern

forms of content that are designed to engage learners. Thankfully, there are plenty to

chose from, and we’ve picked out 5 of the best types of content for mobile learning in the

construction industry:


Blogging has long been a practice on the web for self-publishers, hobby

enthusiasts and, more recently, business marketing departments. Most of us read


blogs whenever we’re searching for an answer to a question, even if we only scan

for the relevant information. Blogs are a fantastic tool for micro learning. Just as

with this piece, where we’ve focussed on one particular area of mobile learning,

course material can be broken up into individual blog posts that follow a similar



If you want to capture people’s attention, use video. Still the stickiest form

of content on the web, video is used copiously in mobile learning. Split a large

course into individual, short videos (30 seconds is often ample), and you’ll build

an audience that devours whatever it is you’re trying to teach them.


Imagery is powerful, and the rise of the infographic proves that it doesn’t

have to be of the moving kind to be captivating. Typically constructed vertically,

infographics tell stories. They’re a brilliant way to make statistical information

more interesting and visually appealing and in industries such as construction

where data is a key component of learning, infographics will receive a far better

reception than endless Powerpoint slides of graphs.


The gamification of learning refers to the increasing prevalence of video

game-like features in course material (the ability to ‘level up’, gain points and

beat fellow students). Quizzes are a perfect example of this, and what better way

to encourage learning that to introduce a healthy dose of competition between



Podcasting has been around for an awfully long time, but it has enjoyed

something of a renaissance recently. You can think of it as traditional radio

programming, albeit in a form that can be listened to at the audiences’ leisure.

In learning, podcasts are treated identically to video; course material is

broken up into chunks and then delivered verbally by one or two presenters. The

more the better in fact; if a podcast features a roundtable discussion over a

particular topic and only lasts for around 30 minutes, learners will quickly be

drawn in. The fabulous thing about mobile learning is that it is accessible to all.

Traditional classroom-based tutoring requires dates in diaries and alternative

arrangements to be made for the mass exodus of staff. With mobile learning, you

can pick it up any time, anywhere and instantly enjoy the benefits of bite-sized

course material.

Different Effects of M-Learning

With the shift of educational environments from traditional teacher-oriented

learning to individual self-directed learning-reflecting the constructivist paradigm-

contemporary nursing education has become increasingly digitized. Rapid advances in

information and communication technology (ICT) and various applications have led to

the advancement of interactive learning environments with immediate content-related

feedback (Kyung Lee, 2015).

Discussion is a representative teaching and learning method in nursing education.

Learners who have different thoughts experience cognitive conflicts through

comprehensive discussion, expand their cognitive capacity through negotiation with


others, recognize the existence of others, and experience collaborative learning through

interaction with others. The strengths of discussion might be obtained in a virtual space

created on a computer network or the Internet with worldwide access independent of time

and place (Kyung Lee, 2015).

With their popularity, mobile phones are expected to play a role in collaborative

learning, as mobile phones have made it easy for users to stay connected, and this

increases interactive learning. Thus, mobile phones may have educational potential for

discussing teaching and learning methods. On the other hand, computer-based web

learning has been utilized longer than has mobile learning, and it has been supported as a

successful learning tool in nursing education. In addition, during text-based

communication through computers or mobile phones, learners can search for various

information on a discussion topic, thus allowing for discussion that is more in-depth than

typical face-to-face discussion (Kyung Lee, 2015).


Michael Halper (2014) stated that mobile devices have become fixtures of our

everyday lives. As such, it is sensible to deploy them in the IT curriculum where they can

help students attain their core competency in programming. Android has been adopted as

the platform for an advanced programming course in which students are using Java

(Android's native language) and XML to build apps. Many subtle issues and common

pitfalls have been encountered when transitioning this programming course to Android

apps from traditional Java programs. Gathered from over a year's experience teaching app

development, these issues are discussed, and suggestions and tips beneficial to IT

instructors and students for working with Android are presented. Overall, the issues dealt

with range from setting up devices and emulators to subtleties in linking Java and XML

to quirks of the Eclipse IDE. Accessing the Internet is also covered. Some additional

benefits of Android development for the undergraduate IT curriculum are discussed.

The Android OS is an open source operating system primarily used in mobile

devices. Written primarily in Java and based on the Linux operating system, it was

initially developed by Android Inc. and was eventually purchased by Google in 2005.

The Android operating system is symbolized by a green colored Android Robot logo.

Android operating system

It is one of new types of operating system in mobile communication device. This

operating system has a Linux base. Android provides an open platform for developers to

create their own applications to be used by any varied mobile devices. The update

features and specifications of OS Android include application framework, Dalvik Virtual

Machine, integrated browser, optimized graphic, SQLLite, media support, GSM

telephone, Bluetooth, EDGE, 3G, WIFI, camera ,GPS, compass, and accelerometer.

Operating system of Android principally is based on 2.6.x version Linux kernel that is a

monolithic kernel. This kernel consists of driver used to hardware on mobile devices such

as screen, keyboard, and camera, USB, WiFi and Bluetooth. The kernel also provides

interface on hardware and memory management. The Library available in this kernel also

supports the 2D and 3D graphic display, multimedia, security and WebKit used in

browsing. Figure 2.3 shows the architecture of Android operating system. Figure 2.3 The

Android Architecture Android Run Time Layer is a layer that makes the application of

android able to be run in which in its process, it can be done using the Linux

implementation. Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) is a machine that forms the basic frame

of Android application. Android runtime is divided into two parts:

Core Libraries

The application of Android built in Java language. Meanwhile, Dalvik is

functioned as its virtual machine not Virtual Machine Java. Thus, a library is

required to translate Java language, which, in this case, is handled by Core


Dalvik Virtual Machine

Register based Virtual machine optimized to run the functions efficiently

in which this is a development that is able to make Linux kernel to do threading

and low-level management.

Generation of Android Operating System

Android was born on November 5, 2007. Since then, it’s grown up to be one of

the most dominant operating systems in the world. But that didn’t just happen overnight.

Like of us, android went through some awkward years and learned some hard lessons

before becoming the OS it is today (Darren Orf, 2015).

Android 1.5 Cupcake (mid-2009). Cupcake was the first major overhaul of the

Android OS. The Android 1.5 SDK was released in April 2009 and brought along plenty

of UI changes, the biggest probably being support for widgets and folders on the home

screens. There were plenty of changes behind the scenes, too. Cupcake brought features

like improved Bluetooth support, camcorder functions, and new upload services like

YouTube and Picasa.


Android 1.6 Donut (late 2009). Donut, released in September 2009, expanded on

the features that came with Android 1.5. While not very rich in the eye-candy

department, Android 1.6 made some major improvements behind the scenes, and

provided the framework base for the amazing features to come. To the end user, the two

biggest changes would have to be the improvements to the Android Market, and universal


The devices released with Android 1.6 cover a wide range of taste and features,

including the Motorola Devour, the Garminphone, and the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10.

Android 2.0-2.1 Eclair (late 2009). Eclair was a pretty major step up over its

predecessors. Introduced in late 2009, Android 2.0 first appeared on the Motorola Droid,

bringing improvements in the browser, Google Maps, and a new user interface. Android

2.0 quickly gave way to 2.0.1, which the Droid received in December 2009, mainly

bringing bugfixes. And to date, the Droid remains the phone phone to have explicitly

received Android 2.0.1.

HTC's Desire and Legend phones launched with Android 2.1 later in the year,

touting a new and improved Sense user interface.

Android 2.2 Froyo (mid-2010). Android 2.2 Froyo was announced in May 2010

at the Google IO conference in San Francisco. The single largest change was the

introduction of the Just-In-Time Compiler — or JIT — which significantly speeds up the

phone's processing power.

Android 2.3 Gingerbread (late 2010). Android 2.3 Gingerbread came out of the

oven in December 2010, and like Eclair had a new "Googlephone" to go along with —

the Nexus S. Gingerbread brings a few User Interface enhancements to android, things

like a more consistent feel across menus and dialogs, and a new black notification bar,

but still looks and feels like the Android we're used to, with the addition of a slew of new

language support.

Gingerbread brings support for new technology as well. NFC (Near Field

Communication) is now supported, and SIP (Internet calling) support is now native on

Android. Further optimizations for better battery life round out a nice upgrade.

Android 3.x Honeycomb (early 2011). Android 3.0 Honeycomb came out in

February 2011 with the Motorola Xoom. It is the first (and only) version of Android

specifically made for tablets, and it brought a lot of new UI elements to the table. Things

like a new System bar at the bottom of the screen to replace the Status bar we see on

phones, and a new recent applications button are a great addition for the screen real estate

offered by Android tablets.

Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (late 2011). The follow-up to Honeycomb

was announced at Google IO in May 2011 and released in December 2011. Dubbed Ice

Cream Sandwich and finally designated Android 4.0, ICS brought many of the design

elements of Honeycomb to smartphones, while refining the Honeycomb experience.

The first device to launch with ICS was the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. The

Motorola Xoom and the ASUS Transformer Prime were the first tablets to receive

updates, while the Samsung Nexus S was the first smartphone to make the jump to

Android 4.0.

Android 4.1-4.3 Jelly Bean (mid-2012). Jelly Bean arrived at Google IO 2012

with the release of the ASUS Nexus 7, followed by a quick update for unlocked Galaxy

Nexus phones. Later in the year, the release of the Nexus 10 and Nexus 4 updated things

from 4.1 to 4.2 and on to 4.3, but the version remained Jelly Bean. The release polished

the UI design started in Ice Cream Sandwich, and brought several great new features to

the table.

Android 4.4 KitKat (late 2013). Google in September 2013 announced that that

fall's new version of Android would be named for their favorite confectioneries — Kit

Kat bars. A couple months later we saw its release with the LG Nexus 5.

KitKat brought a lighter, flatter and far more colorful look to Android, but many

more changes were under the hood. These were the foundation for things like the Google

Now launcher, SMS integration with Hangouts, and easier and faster use all around.

Android 5.0 Lollipop (late 2014). Google released Android 5.0 Lollipop with the

Nexus 6 and Nexus 9, and it ushered in a new design language and support for 64-bit

devices. It's also the first time Google has provided developer beta previews of the

software, so that the applications can be ready when the new version drops.

There were big changes under the hood as well, and a plethora of new API

changes in addition to forward-facing features like a new interface. Google has updated

its own Nexus 5, Nexus 4 and Nexus 7 to Lollipop, and other companies like Motorola,

Samsung, HTC and LG have been relatively quick to follow.

X.X Nougat (2016). In March 2016, Google released the N Developer Preview a

full month and a half ahead of the yearly Google I/O developer conference. This gives

application developers (and hard-core nerds) the opportunity to taste the next major

flavor of Android before it's actually released. On June 30, Google gave us the nickname:


New in this iteration — so far — is the long-awaited native support for

multi-window, so applications can live side by side. Google's also adding in direct-reply

notifications and bundled notifications. That is just the start, of course. There will be

more additions as we get closer to release.

Android 6.0 Marshmallow (late 2015). Google released Android 6.0

Marshmallow with the Nexus 6P and the Nexus 5X. Along with some visual changes —

like a new launcher and refined notification panel — we saw a couple under the hood

changes and new features (as always).

Android 6.0 gave us better control over permissions, allowing you to control what

parts of your data apps can access, rather than approve it by simply installing the app in

the first place. That's just the beginning, and features like app linking and the new Assist

API allow developers to build better and more powerful applications.

Android Application

An Android application is a software application running on the Android

platform. Because the Android platform is built for mobile devices, a typical Android

application is designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC running on the Android OS.

Kinds of Mobile Application

Sanjoy Paul (2010) stated that mobile handheld devices have been

changing form and functionality over the last decade. It has changed from a

limited-function device, with the primary function being making phone calls, to a

multi-function device that morphs into a media device for watching movies, or

into a remote control for home appliances, or into a wallet for making payments.

Developing intelligent mobile applications, such as, augmented reality, that


optimize use of context information, such as, location, time, network connectivity,

device capability, user behavior, etc. will also become important. That smart

experience and not processing power will be the key to success for any mobile

device/application. This will require new perspective on how to approach

designing mobile solutions. Another viewpoint that will be covered in the

presentation is that of using mobile devices as the "gateway" between the physical

world and the inter-networked world. This is starting to happen with the explosion

of sensors embedded in the physical world, advances in ultra low power short

range RF technology and the ubiquity of mobile devices bridging the physical

world with the Internet. In that context, It will discuss how mobile devices, in

conjunction with sensors, are now providing context based services to the user,

managing their health, providing advisory services, and enabling the "Internet of


Native Application or Generic Mobile Application

A mobile website that will work with all mobile phones. In the

early stages of the Smartphone market, most applications were tailored to

the iPhone. However, the market share for Android phones grew, thus, the

need for cross-platform functionality became an issue.

Native Application has been developed for use on a particular

platform or device. A native mobile app is a Smartphone application that

is coded in a specific programming language, such as Objective C for iOS

and Java for Android operating systems. Native mobile applications

provide fast performance and a high degree of reliability. They also have

access to a phone’s various devices, such as its camera and address book.

In addition, users can use some applications without an Internet

connection. However, this type of application is expensive to develop

because it is tied to one type of operating system, forcing the company that

creates the application to make duplicate versions that work on other

platforms. Most video games are native mobile applications.

Usually, when people hear “Mobile Application” they assume you

mean Native Application. This is a program that runs on a handheld

device ( iPhone, tablet, etc) which has a “smart” operating system which

supports standalone software and can connect the internet via wifi or a

wireless carrier network. Usually people download native mobile

applications from application stores such as the apple application store or

the Android market. A Native application can only be “Native” to one

type of mobile operating system: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Symbian,

Windows phone, WebOS, etc. If you want to also make your application

experience available to Android or Blackberry users, you will need to

develop and maintain a separate piece of software. That gets complicated

and expensive. Companies that are looking to promote themselves to the

Smartphone market have other options beyond native mobile applications

(Mallikarjun M.K ,2016)


Web Application or Dedicated Web Application

A website that is tailored to function on a mobile device. These are

tailored to a specific platform and will not work on other smartphones or

feature phones.

Web Application stored on a remote server and delivered over the

internet through o browser. Web applications are not real applications;

they are really websites that, in many ways, look and feel like native

applications. They are run by a browser and typically written in HTML5.

Users first access them as they would access any web page: they navigate

to a special URL and then have the option of “installing” them on their

home screen by creating a bookmark to that page.

In contrast, a mobile web application is software that uses

technologies such as JavaScript or HTML5 to provide interaction,

navigation, or customization capabilities. These programs run within a

mobile device’s web browser. This means that they are delivered wholly

on the fly, as needed, via the internet; they are not separate programs that

get stored on the user’s mobile device. Web applications became really

popular when HTML5 came around and people realized that they can

obtain native-like–functionality in the browser. Today, as more and more

sites use HTML5, the distinction between web applications and regular

web pages has become blurry. Mobile web applications can be designed to

run reasonably well via almost any smart mobile web browser — from the

full-featured browsers such as the ones available for iPhones and Android

phones, to the mid-range browsers such as you see on many BlackBerry

phones. (Mallikarjun M.K ,2016)

Hybrid Application

This type of application has cross-platform compatibility but can

still access a phone’s hardware. It is developed using platforms such as

Sencha, PhoneGap and Mosync.

Hybrid Applications are like native apps, run on the device, and

are written with web technologies (HTML5, CSS and JavaScript). Hybrid

apps run inside a native container, and leverage the device’s browser

engine (but not the browser) to render the HTML and process the

JavaScript locally. A web-to-native abstraction layer enables access to

device capabilities that are not accessible in Mobile Web applications,

such as the accelerometer, camera and local storage.

Hybrid, by definition is anything derived from heterogeneous

sources, or composed of elements of different or incongruous kinds. A

hybrid application is one that is written with the same technology used for

websites and mobile web implementations, and that is hosted or runs

inside a native container on a mobile device. It is the marriage of web

technology and native execution.

Often, companies build hybrid applications as wrappers for an

existing web page; in that way, they hope to get a presence in the app

store, without spending significant effort for developing a different

application. Hybrid applications are also popular because they allow cross-

platform development: that is, the same HTML code components can be

reused on different mobile operating systems, reducing significantly the

development costs. Tools such as PhoneGap and Sencha Touch allow

people to design and code across platforms, using the power of HTML.

(Mallikarjun M.K ,2016)

Androids Function and Capabilities

Android phone will prompt to the user to download and install the update as soon

as it becomes available. As previously noted, T-Mobile is expected to start deploying the

updated operating system to U.S-based Android G1 owners this coming Monday. The

roll-out will be delivered in phases. As the wait for the update, the distilled top 10 new

features that make the Android 1.5 a mandatory install for every Android user out there

(Thomas and Stash, 2013).

Features about android phones

Smart Virtual Keyboard. The addition of a virtual keyboard means that Android

1.5 devices can support both physical and virtual keyboards, packing the best of both

worlds. It is up to them to use whichever input method fits user in a specific scenario.

Android is virtual keyboard is provided in portrait or landscape orientation and works in

any application, including Gmail, the browser, SMS and even in third-party programs. It

comes with an auto-correct feature, suggestions and user dictionary for custom words. It

can also set it up so that it gives user tactile feedback by vibrating the screen. Unlike rival

mobile platforms, Android 1.5 supports user installation of third-party virtual keyboards

(Thomas and Stash, 2013).


Home Screen Customizable with Widgets. The user can now customize Home

screen with widgets, basically small web applications that pull and display live data from

the Internet. Android 1.5 comes preloaded with five bundled Home screen widgets

(analog clock, calendar, music player, picture frame and search). Unlike the iPhone,

Android 1.5 supports additional third-party widgets via the built-in application bazaar

(Thomas and Stash, 2013).

Live Folders for Quick Viewing Data. Similarity to OS X Leopard’s Quick

Look feature, Live Folders in Android shows common data items, such as contacts,

favorite applications, email messages, playlists, bookmarks, etc, without having to run a

system application that handles a specific data item. The content of a Live Folder updates

in real-time as new data is created on the device or in the cloud. The best part is that the

developers can extend the built-in support for common data items and register new data

types. For instance, Twitter client application might register tweet as a new data type with

the system, thus enables to create Live Folders of tweets from friends. Android 1.5 comes

with a couple of Live Folders preset on Home screen that provide quick, convenient

access to the contacts, stocks, bookmarks, etc (Thomas and Stash, 2013).

Video Recording and Sharing. Android 1.5 finally adds the ability to record and

share videos, in addition to improve playback and better support for MPEG-4 and 3GP

video formats. It can share recorded videos via email Multimedia Messaging Service or

upload them directly to YouTube, with privacy controls to choose between making

uploaded videos available to everyone or just a subset of invited friends. Uploading

happens on the background so continuation of phone using is possible, even recording

and uploading video is allowed (Thomas and Stash, 2013).


Picasa Image Uploading. Sharing images online requires fewer clicks. After

taking an image, just tap “Share” when viewing a photo and choose Google’s online

image service dubbed “Picasa” that comes with 1GB of free storage for user photos

(Thomas and Stash, 2013).

Video Search. iPhone users were first treated with Google’s mobile search with

voice recognition technology as far back as November 18, 2009. Nevertheless, the

inclusion of a voice search feature in Android 1.5 does enhance default search

capabilities beyond pure text search. The move should delight users who prefer to speak

their queries aloud in either British or American accent voice search works pretty

straightforward. The software uploads digital recording to Google’s servers. From there,

state-of-the-art voice recognition technology turns audio into a regular text search and

press it to the Google search engine. Textual results are then tailored to your current

geographical location and beamed back to user device (Thomas and Stash, 2013).


Software is the instruction for hardware that is on the computer side of the five

component framework of developing and using an information system. The system

usually runs on a remote server and then the data is delivered to clients via the internet. A

software solution has a flexible scalability so as the business grows, so can the inventory

control solution (Parenas and Potante, 2017).

Importance of Software

People live in Era of Information Technology. Software is a program which

performs some specific operations. There are two types of software. The system software

is a part of operating system which interface with the hardware for specific operations.

Drivers, IDE, firmware etc. are the example of system software. While application

software is for enhancement of computing. It is based on need of users (Meet Shah,


Adobe Captivate. Adobe Captivate is an authoring tool that is used for creating e

learning content such as software demonstrations, software simulations, branched

scenarios, and randomized quizzes in Small Web Formats (.swf) and HTML5 formats.

It can also convert Adobe Captivate-generated file formats (.swf) to digital MP4

(.mp4) formats which can be played with media players or uploaded to video hosting

websites. For software simulations, Captivate can use left or right mouse clicks, key

presses and rollover images.

HTML5. The post Message mechanism in HTML5 enables different webpage

origins to exchange information and communicate. It becomes increasingly popular

among the websites that need to import contents from third-party services, such as

advertisements and preferable recommendations. Ideally, a receiver function should be

locally implemented in the hosting page that needs to receive third-party messages.

However, in the real world, the receiver function is usually provided by a third-party

service provider, and the function code is imported via the HTML "script" tag so that the

imported code is deemed as from the same origin with the hosting page. In the case that a

site uses multiple third-party services, all the receiver functions imported by the hosting

page can receive messages from any third-party provider. (Chong Guan &Kim Sun 2016)


Hardware is defined as, “the mechanical equipment necessary for conducting an

activity, usually distinguished from the theory and design that make the activity possible”

(Smith, 2013).

Related Studies

Development of E-Learning material in Proramming 1 (C++ Programming

Language) for Cavite State University Trece Martires City Campus. The thesis

entitled “Development of E-learning Material in Programming 1 ( C++ Programming

Language) for Cavite State University Trece Martires City Campus” conducted by

Divino, Lincuna Jr. and Lubigan (2013) at the Cavite State University Trece Martires

City Campus, Cavite. The project was developed using Html, Css, Php, Adobe

Dreamweaver, and Adobe Flash Professional for coding and Xampp for database

connection with the use of developmental method and Data Flow Diagram for the system

analysis. This aims to deliver the subject using new teaching method in Programming 1

course and provides the accessibility and conveniency of learning.

Development of Health Care Mobile Application For Trece Martires City

Health Office. The thesis entitled “Health Care Mobile Application For Trece Martires

City Health Office” conducted by Berana, Abigael R. and Lajato, William P. (2017) at

the Cavite State University Trece Martires City Campus, Cavite. The project was

developed using Android Studio flatform. The project aims to develop a health care

mobile application for Trece Martires City Health Office using the fishbone diagram to

analyze the problems encountered with each process. The beneficiaries of the projects are

the patients in the area of Trece Martires City, Cavite. This study could help them

provide health care throught their mobile application.

Android-Based E-Learning Materials for Basic Computer Troubleshooting

and Maintenance. The thesis entitled “Android-Based E-Learning Materials for Basic

Computer Troubleshooting and Maintenance” conducted by Latosa, Paul Irris M. and

Tolentino, Christopher Matthew S. (2017) at the Cavite State University Trece Martires

City Campus, Cavite. The project was developed using Adobe Flash CS6 for main

function of the application and Adobe Photoshop for designing. The project aims to

develop using fishbone diagram to analyze the problem encountered by the respondents

who experiencing difficulties in basic computer troubleshooting subject. This project

helps the beneficiaries to better understand and engage more in subject by using

interactive android-based e-learning material.


Rouse (2008) stated that testing is finding out how well something works. In

terms of human beings, testing tells what level of knowledge or skill has been acquired.

In computer hardware and software development, testing is used at key checkpoints in the

overall process to determine whether objectives are being met. Testing is important to

check the quality, functionality, usability, reliability and efficiency of the project.

According to Jonas Boberg (2008), current and future trends for software include

increasingly complex requirements on interaction between systems. As a result, the

difficulty of system testing increases. Model-based testing is a test technique where test

cases are generated from a model of the system. In this study we explore model-based

testing on the system level, starting from early development. We apply model-based

testing to a subsystem of a message gateway product in order to improve early fault

detection. The results are compared to another subsystem that is tested with hand-crafted

test cases.

Based on our experiences, we present a set of challenges and recommendations

for system-level, model-based testing. Our results indicate that model-based testing,

starting from early development, significantly increases the number of faults detected

during system testing.


The evaluation form consists of sets of criteria for the respondent to assess the

projects. The first criterion is the Functionality which includes ease of operation,

provision to comfort and convenience, and user-friendliness. Second is the Aesthetics,

which has the color appeal, attractiveness of design, and appropriateness of size. Next is

Workability that has the availability of materials, technical expertise, and tools and

machines. Durability includes the quality of materials, workmanship, and design, while

Economy is assessed in terms of materials, and in terms of time/ labor spent. Last

criterion is the Safety, which assesses if the project has the absence of hazardous/ toxic

materials, and provision for protection devices. Respondents are also asked for an

optional further comment regarding the project.


As the researchers gather some information from the libraries and journals that

will help in their study, they come up with the idea that making alternative learning

material such as mobile application. All related literatures by Divino, Lincuna Jr., Health

Care Mobile Application For Trece Martires City Health Office conducted by Berana,

Abigael R. and Lajato, William P. (2017) and Lubigan (2013) and Android based E-

learning Materials for Basic Computer troubleshooting and maintenance Latosa, Paul

Irris M. and Tolentino, Christopher Matthew S. (2017) helped the researchers to create

the M-learning for Discrete Mathematics, to help the students to maintain their interest on

the said subject and to have more efficient time to understand and cypher the lessons of

discrete mathematics. However, this application will help also the teacher to have source

of teaching and better way of discussing the lesson in the easiest matter of time.

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