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Cambridge Advanced Speaking Part 1, 2, 3 and 4

This webpage - – has a lot of very

useful tips, things to do consider etc.
Some general tips
In the speaking exam the examiners are not really interested in what you say. There are no
RIGHT or WRONG answers. If you give justifications for your answer then your answer is as
good as anyone else’s. What is important is:

1. How you give your answers – how you speak.

2. The grammar you use.
3. The vocabulary that you use – is it appropriate for the topic being discussed.
4. Idioms and expressions – used appropriately.
5. Is what you are saying understandable – accent is not important. You do not need an
English accent or an American accent to pass the exam or get the highest mark.
6. Have you done what is required in each part of the exam e.g. Part 2 compare and
contrast and answer the question, Part 3 have you interacted with your partner

PART 1 – Introduction/General Questions

The examiner will ask a couple of questions to each student and the student will
directly answer the question to the examiner. This part will last about 2 minutes.

Questions to help practice with.

Sport and leisure

How often do you get around to working out?
What are the pros and cons of doing physical activity?
Have you ever had an amazing sporting experience?
Are there any times that you would rather relax to unwind from the stress of your routine
rather than be active?
What has been your greatest sporting achievement?

Success and failure

What would you consider to be your greatest achievement?
What is success? Define it.
Is money an essential part of success nowadays?
Can massive failures ever contribute towards a person ́s success?
Have you ever failed miserably at something?

How has the internet changed the way we communicate?

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