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oF DRusreuBHA(spAsrlclTy oF THETHIGHs)
Verse Page
Parigraph Number
Introduction t- 2 1
Prologue 3-4 1
Diciple'sQuery 5-6 2
Dialogue I z
Etiology & Pathogenesis of }rustambha 8 - 1I a
Simileof Pond I2 4
Subsequent Developments 13 4
Definition of 1rustambha l4 )
PremonitorySigns& Symptoms 15 )
MistakenIdentity 16 )
Signs& Symptomsof lrustambha l7-18 6
Prognosis t9 6
Reasonsfor Prohibitins.Pafica-Karma 20-24 7
Line of Treatment 25 I
Food & Vegetables 26-27 9
Drinks 28 9
S.amafigadi-Yoga tlz2g 9
SrlveqlakadiYoga 29112-r/230 9
Kalkas (Recipesin the form of Paste) 30112-11233 9
Cltrnas(Recipesin the form of Powder) 33112-rl23g t0
NourishingTherapy 39t12-11240 1t
Oleation& FomentationTherapies 4Otlz-tl24l I2
FtluparnyadiTaila 41112-42 l2
KusthyadyaTaila 43-44 t2
Saindhavadya Taila 45-46 13
Aqnkanara Taila 47 l3
External Therapy 4g-t1260 l4
Line of Treatment 60112-61 I6
To Sum up-Summary 62 16
Colophon t7

Verse Page
Pardgraph Number
Introduction t-2 l8
Importanceof Vayu 3 L9
Longevity& Vayu 4 19
Five Divisionsof Vdya ) 20
Location& Functionof Prdrla-Vayu 6 20
Location& Functionof Udana-Vayu 7 20
Location& Functionof Samana-Vayu 8 2l
Location& Functionof Vyana-Vayu 9 2l
Location& Functionof Apana-Vayu 1 0 - 1I 2l
Functionsof [mpaired Vcyn t2 22
Number of Vdtika Diseases 13-14 ))
Etiology of Ailmentscausedby Vayu rs-t/zLg 23
PremonitorySigns,etc. l9tl2-tl22a 74
Signs& Symptomsof Vatika Diseases 20t12-t l' 24 25
Aggravationof VayuLocatedin Kostha 2 4 t l, - t 1 , 2 5 26
Aggravationof Vayuin theEntireBody 25t1.-11,26 26
Aggravationof Vayuin Rectum 26t12-t1227 27
Aggravationof Vayuin Stomach 27Llz-tlz28 27
Aggravationof Vdyuin Colon 28t12-t1229 27
Aggravationof Vayuin Ears,etc. 29t12 27
Aggravationof Vayuin Skin 30 28
Aggravationof.Vayuin Blood 31 28
Aggravationof Vdyuin Muscles& Fat
Tissues 32 28
Aggravationof Vayuin Bones& Bone-
JJ 29
Aggravationof Vayuin Semen& Ovum 34 29
Aggravationof.Vayuin Ligaments& Nerves 35 29
Aggravationof Vayuin Vessels 36 30
Aggravation of.Vdyuin Joints 37 30
Ardita (FacialParalysis) 38-42 31
Antarayama(Emprosthotonous) 43-31445 32
Bahirdydma(Opisthotonous 45t12-48 32
Hanu-Grahc(Lock-Jaw) 49-tl?50 JJ

Ak;epaka (Convulsions) 50112-tlz5l 33

Verse Page
Pardgraph Number
Dandaka(Staff-likeSpasticityof the Body) 5Lrl"-11252 34
Specific Featuresof Ardita, etc. 52tl2-t1253 34
Pakgavadha(Hemiplegia), Ekanga-Roga
(Monoplegia)& Sarvahga-Roga
(Paralysisof the EntireBody) 53t12-55 35
Grdhrasi(Sciatica) 56-tlz57 35
Khalti (Twisting Painin Upper& Lower
Limbs) 57t12 36
Other Vatika Diseases 58 36
Aggravation& Occlusionof Vayu 59-tl26l 36
Occlusionof Vayuby Pitta 6lrl,-r1262 37
Occlusionof VayubyKapha 62112-t1263 JI

Occlusionof Vayuby Rakta(Blood) 63t1,-11264 38

Occlusionot YayubyMdrysa (Muscle-Fat) 64112-rl'65 38
Occlusionof Vdyuby Medas(Fat) 651/2-11266 38
Occlusionof Vayuby Bone-Tissue 66tlz-t/267 39
Occlusionof Vayuby Bone-M:urow 67t12-tl26g 39
Occlusionof Vayuby Semen 6gtl2 4A
Occlusionof Vayuby Food t|269 40
Occlusionof Vayuby Urine 6gL/2 40
Occlusionof Vayuby Stool 70-11272 40
Prognosis 72-74 41
OleationTherapy 75-t1478 43
FomentationTherapy 78314-I/279 43
Effectsof Oleation& FomentationTherapies 7grl2-tl2g3 44
EliminationTherapy 83t12-r1289 45
Treatmentof SpecificAilments 47-52
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Gastro-
IntestinalTract 89t/|-tl|ga 47
Treatmentof VdyuLocatedin Anus & Colon gorlz 47
Treatmentof VdyuLocatedin Stomach 11291 48
Treatmentof VayuAfflicting Whole Body gltlz 48
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Skin tlz92 48
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Blood 92t12 48
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Muscle-Tissue
& Fat t/293 48
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Bones& Bone-
Marrow 93Ll? 48

Verse Page
Pardgraph Number
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Semen 94-11295 49
Treatmentof Foetal Affliction by Vayu 95t/2-t/296 49
Treatmentof VayuAggravatedin Heart 96t12 49
Treatmentof VayuAggravatedin Umbilicus 11297 49
Treatmentof Cramps& Contractures 971/2-t1298 50
Treatmentof VayuLocatedin Arms, Head,
etc. 98r12-L/299 50
Treatmentof Ardita (FacialParalysis) g9r/2-t/2100 51
Treatmentof Ar dhahga-Vata (Hemiplegia) 100r/2 51
Treatmentof Grdhrasl(Sciatica) 3/4101 5l
Treatmentof Khaltl rDltl4-tl2102 51
Treatmentof Hanu-Gralra(Lock,Jaw) t02tl2-103 52
SpecificTherapies tlzlo4 52
Line of Treatmentin General l04tl2-tl2106 52
Meat Soup for Vatika Diseases l06t/2-tl2l0g 53
Hot Poultice l08L/2-t/2109 53
MedicatedBath 10gtl2 53
Affusion L/2110 s3
Nafi-Sveda& Upanaha tlOLlz-lt2 54
Recipefor Upanaha(Hot Poultice) lt3 54
Applicationof Thick Paste 11 4 - 1 6 54
Pradeha& Upanaha ll7 -\/2118 55
MedicatedGheefor Vatika Diseases r18tl2-t/2122 55
Recipeof MedicatedGhee L22tl2-112123 56
MedicatedGheefor InhalationTherapy 1231lz-112124 56
MedicatedBone-Marrow 124t/2-r/2129 56
MedicatedMuscle-Fat l28rl2-112129 57
Maha-Sneha L29112-rl2134 )t
Nirgury$-Taila l34tl2-135 58
Mulaka-Taila l36t/2-t/2138 59
Sahacara-Taila l42r/2-t/2146 60
Svadarpqyadya-Taila l46tl2-rl2148 6i
Bala-Taila L48tl2-t12157 6l
Amytddya-Taila l57tl2-164 63
Rasnd-Taila 165-166 64
Mulakddya-Taila 167-169 65
Vr;amtuladi-Taila 170-17| 65
Verse Page
Pardgraph Number
Mulaka-Taila t72-175 66
Recipesof MedicatedOil 176-178 67
Agurvadya-Taila 179-180 68
Importanceof Oil in Curing VatikaDiseases r8l-182 68
Treatmentof DiseasesCausedby Vayurn
Associationwith otherDoqas 183 68
Treatmentof VayuOccludedby pitta 184-186 69
Treatmentof VayuOccludedby Kapha 187-1/2188 69
Associationof Kapha& pitta lggr/2 70
Treatmentof VayuAssociatedwith Kapha&
Pina 189-tl2rg4 70
Treatmentof VayuOccludedby Blood lg41l2 7l
Treatmentof VayuAssociatedwith Ama tl2lg5 71
Treatmentof VayuOccludedby Muscle-
Tissue lgsLl2 72
Occlusionof Vayuby Bone-Marrow& Semen tl?196 72
Occlusionof Vayuby Food lg6L/2 72
Occlusionof Vayuby Urine Ll2lg7 72
Occlusionof Vayuby Feces 1g7t/2 73
Treatmentof DoqasLocatedin their own
Habitat lgg_t/"199 73
Mutual Occlusionof Five Varietiesof Vayu l99tl.-1/"202
Signs& Treatmentof Vyana-Vayu Occluded
by Prana-Vayu 202t/2-t/2203 t)
Signs& Treatmentof prana-VayzOccluded
by Vyana-Vayu 2o3tl2-t12204 75
Signs& Treatmentof Samdna-Vayu
Occludedby Prarla-Vayu 204tlz-r/7205 75
Signs& Treatmentof Apana-Vayu
Occludedby Samana-Vayu 2051/2-L/2206 76
Signs& Treatmentof Udana-Vavu '
Occludedby Pra4a-Vayu 206tl2-207 76
Signs& Treatmentof prana-Vayu
Occludedby Udana-Vayu 208-tl2209 76
Signs& Treatmentof Apana-Vayu
Occludedby It dana-Vaya 20gtlz-tl2210 77
Signs & Treatmentof Ililana-Vayu
Occludedby Apana-Vayu 2l0t/2-t/2211 77

Verse Page
Pardgraph Nurnber
Signs& Treatmentof APana-VaYu
t zlltl2-tl2212
OccludedbY VYana-VaYu
Signs& Treatmentof VYana-VaYu
2t2tlz-tl2213 78
Occludedby APana-VaYu
Signs& Treatmentof.VYana-VaYu
2l3rlz-tl2214 78
Occludedby Samana-VaYu
Signs& Treatmentof.VYana-VaYu
2l4tlz-tlz2l5 78
OccludedbY Udana-VaYu
2l5ll"-tlz2l7 78
Effectsof Occlusionin General
2l7tl7-t 122L9 79
RemainingTwelveTypesof Occlusion
Line of Treatmentof Five Vayusin General 2r9tl|-tl2z2t
22ltlz-112222 80
KaPha 222112-112223 81
Occlusionof Prarya-VaYubY
Pitta 223112-112224 81
KaPha 224t12-t12225 8l
Pitta 225112-t12226 81
Occlusionof Samana-VaYubY
KaPha 226t12-t12227 81
Pitta 227t12-t12228 82
KaPha 228t12-t12229 82
Occlusionof VYana-VaYubY
Pitta 229Llz-Ll2230 82
Occlusionof APdna-VaYubY
KaPha 230t1,-tlz23l 82
Occlusionof APana-VaYubY
z3ltlz-tl2232 82
Occlusionby Both KaPha& Pitta
Locationof Pitta & Kaphain the Habitat
of Vayu 232t12-tl2233 83
Prognosis of Occlusions 233t12-t12236 83
ComplicationsArising Out of Occlusion 236rlz-t12238 83
Line of Treatmentof Occlusion 238112-245 84
Need for ProPerExamination 246-247 85
To Sum Up-SummarY 248-249 86
t- 2 87
3-4 87
Agnive5a'sQuery& Preceptor'sReply
& SYnonYms 5 - 11 88
t2-15 90
Partsof Body Affected by Vata-Rakta
1 6 - 1 8 9L
PremonitorySigns& SYmPtoms
Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Varieties of Vata-Rakta t9 92
Signs & Symptoms of Uttana & Gambhlra
Varieties of Vata-Rakta 20-23 92
Classification of Vata-Rakta 24 94
Signs & Symptoms of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Vayu 25-26 94
Signs & Symptoms of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by vitiated Blood 27 95
Signs & Symptoms of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Pitta 28 95
Signs & Symptoms of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Kapha t|229 96
Signs & Symptomsof Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Two or Three Doqas zgtl2 96
Prognosis 30 96
Complications 3r-34 97
Need for Blood-Letting Therapy 35-40 98
Line of Treatment in General 4l-31442 99
Specific Treatment of Vata-Rakta 42t14 100
Specific Treatment of Uttana Vata-Rakta t/243 100
Specific Treatment of Gantbhira Vata-Rakta 43t17 100
Specific Treatment of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Vayu 44 101
Specific Treatment of Vatu-Rakta
Dominated by Pitta & Rakta 45 101
Specific Treatment of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Kapha 46 101
Specific Managementof Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Kapha & Vayu 47 101
Precaution in Treatment of Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Rakta & Pitta 48 r02
Prohibition s in Vata-Rakta 49 102
Wholesome Food & Drinks for Vata-Rakta 50-54 r02
Sravanyadi-Ghyta 55 103
Bala-Ghyta 56-51 103
Paru;aka-Ghrta 58-60 104
Jlvaniya-Ghrta 6t-70 104

Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Recipes 7l t06
Recipe Containing Four Types of Fat 72-75 106
Sthiradya-Ghrta & Taila 76-78 107
Recipes of Medicated Milk 79-81 108
Laxative Recipes 82-87 108
Medicated Enema 88-90 110
Madhupan.ryadi-Taila 91-95 ll1
Sukumdraka-Taila 96-t02 111
Amytadya-Taila 103-109 113
Mahapadma-Taila 110-113 ll4
K hu$Qdka-Padmaka-Tail a 114-t./2115 ll5
Madhuka-Taila Il5tl 7-l16 115
Sat apaka-M adhuka-Tail a 117-118 116
Sahasrap dka & Satapaka-B al a-Taila r19-120 116
Recipes of Medicated Oil r2l-122 r17
Pinda-Taila t23 118
Recipes for Affusion 124-3/4135 118
Recipes for External Use in Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Vdyu 135t14-r44 t2L
Recipes of Poultice for Vata-Rakta
Dominated by Kapha r45-148 124
Poultice for Vata-Ratta Dominated bv
Vayu & Kapha 149 124
Tagaradi-Lepa 150 125
Recipe 151 125
Recipe for Vata-Ratta Causedby
Predominanceof All the Three Dosas-
Triphaladi-Kalka tsz-t54 125
Line of Treatment 155 t26
Therapy for Vdta-Raktc Caused by Occlusion 156-159 126
Treatment of Deep-seated Vata-Rakta 160 127
Treatment of SuppuratedVata-Rakta 161-162 127
To Sum Up-Summary 163-165 128
Colophon. 128
C H A P T E R .X X X
Introduction t-2 129

Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Prologue 3-6 t29
Preceptor'sReply 7-8 130
Vatika Yoni-Roga 9-L/2ll 131
Paittika Yoni-Roga lltl 2-12 131
Kaphaja Yoni-Roga l3-1lzl4 132
SannipatikaYoni-Roga l4Ll2-15 132
Rakta-Yoni 16 133
Arajaska Type of Yoni-Roga l7 133
Acara4tdYoni-Roga 18 133
Aticara4a Yoni-Roga 19 r34
Prdkcara4ra Yoni-Roga 20 t34
Upaplutd Yoni-Roga 2I-22 134
Pripluta Yoni-Roga 23-24 135
Udavartini Yoni-Roga 25-26
Kar4ini Yoni-Roga 27-11228 136
Putraghni Yoni-Roga 28t12-tlz29 t36
Antarmukhi Yoni-Roga 2gtlz-tlz3l 136
SuclmukhiYoni-Roga 371/,-L/,32 r37
SuskaYoni-Roga 3Tl;tl;33 137
Vaninl Yoni-Roga 33112-t/234 138
$an(hi Yorti-Roga 34tlz-tlz35 138
Maha-Yoni 35tlz-11237 138
Complications of Yoni-Roga 37tlz-11239 139
Predominanceof Doqas in Yoni-Rogas 39t12-tlz4l r39
Line of Treatment 41112-46 141
Treatment of Vatika Yoni-Roga 47-t1249 142
Bala-Ghrta 49t12-t1252 r43
KaSmaryadi-Ghrta 52t12-r1254 r43
Pippalyadi-Yoga 54t/z-t/256 144
Vy;akadi-Cun1a 56tlz-tlz57 r44
Rasnadi -D ug d ha -Paka & GuQucyadi -Pariq eka 57 L/ z-t/ 258 144
Saindhavadi-Taila 58llz-rlz59 145
GuQitcyadi-Taila 59Llz-tlz6l 145
General Treatment for Vatika Gynecic Disease 6lrl,-1/.62 t45
Pastes 62213 t46
GeneralTreatmentof Paittika Gvnecic
Diseases 63-t1264 146

Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Byhat-Satavari-Ghyta 64112-rl269 146
Recipeof MedicatedGhee 691/2-11270 147
Treatmentof GynecicDiseases Causedby
K apha Var ti (W ick-Bougie) 70112-t/273 148
Udumbaradi-Taila 73rlz-Llz77 148
Udumbara-Dugdha 77| l2-11279 149
Dhatakyddi-Taila 7gtl2-tl2g2 149
Recipefor Douche 82112-11294 150
Recipeof Iron g4rl2 151
Recipefor Enema g5-'/296 l5l
Trsatmentof Rakta-Yoni 86t/2-t/290 151
Puqyanuga-Curna 90t/2-r/296 152
Recipesfor Rakta-Yoni(Asrgdara) 96t12-LllaO 153
KaSmaryadi-Gh7ta l00r/2-tl2101 154
Treatmentof Arajaska 707tl2-tI 2102 155
Treatmentof Karninl, etc. l02r/2-t/7103 155
Treatmentof Acara4a l03tl2-104 155
Treatmentof Prdkcara4ra& Aticarana 105-r/2106 156
Treatmentof Vamini l06tl2-t12107 156
Treatmentof Vamini& Upapluta l07t l2-t/2109 156
Treatmentof Vipluta l08t/2-tl2l0g 156
Treatmentof Karnini Kuqthadi-Varti l09t /2-rl2ll0 157
Treatmentof Udavarta 1l0t/2-t/2ll2 157
Treatmentof Maha-Yoni ltztlz-t/.173 158
Treatmentof Prolapse Uterus 713t12-rl2ll4 158
Importanceof Vayu-Alleviationin Gynecic
Diseases ll4Ll2-tl2116 158
Treatmentof Leucorrhoea ll6tl2-tl2127 159
Thus It is said l27tl2-tl2I2g t62
DialogueBetweenDisciple& Preceptor lzgt/"-132 162
Importanceof Semen 133 163
Infertility of PollutedSemen 134 163
Etiology of SeminalPollution r35-tl4t3g 164
SeminalMorbidities 139314-t12140 165
SeminalMorbiditiesCausedby Vayu l40tl2-t/2141 165
SeminalMorbiditiesCausedby Pitta 74Ltl2-t12742 166
SeminalMorbiditiesCausedby Kapha 142112 166
Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Semen Associatedwith Blood r43 166
Avasadi Type of Semen r44 166
Conclusive Statement tl"l45 166
Signs of Pure Semen l45tl2-Il2146 r66
Line of Treatment of Seminal Morbidities l46t/.-l4g r67
Treatment of Seminal Morbidities Caused
by Vata 1/ t67
Treatment of Seminal Morbidities Causedby
Pitta l4gtlz 167
Treatment of Seminal Morbidities Causedbv
Kapha 150 168
Treatment of Seminal Morbidities Causedbv
Associationof other Tissue Elements 151 168
Treatmentof SeminalMorbidities in General 152-t/2153 168
Varietiesof Impotency I 53tI ,-rI .155 169
Signs & Symptomsof Impotencyin General tsirtr-t57 169
Etiology & Signs of Bijopaghataja Klaibya 158-3/0162 170
Etiology of Dhvajabhafigaja Klaibya tl4162-Ll3l68 171
Signs & Symptorns of Dhvajabhafigaja
Klaibya 168213-rl7l76 t72
Jaraja Klaibya 176112-tl4lgl r74
K1ayaja Type of Impotency 3/4181-1g7 175
Prognosis 188-'/2191 176
Line of Treatment of Impotency tg7tl2-lg5 t77
Pafica-karnta Therapy 196-t/2198 178
Treatment of BijopaghatajaType of
Impotency l98t/2-t/2lgg t79
Treatment of Dhvajabhanga Type of
Impotency l99tl2-201 179
Treatment of Jaraja & K;ayaja Impotency 202-t12204 180
Introduction 204t/2 180
Etiology, Pathogenesis & Signs of Pradara 20s-209 181
Varieties of Pradara 2r0 182
Etiology, Pathology & Signs of Vatika
Pradara 2tt-213 r82

Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Etiology & Signs of Paittika Pradara 214-314216 183
Etiology & Signs of Kaphaja Pradara 2r6tl4-t/2219 183
Sannipatika Type of Pradara 2l9t/2-220 184
An AssociatedAilment 22t-224 r84
Characteristicsof Healthy Menstruation 22s-226 185
Treatment of Pradara 227-228 185
Introduction 229-231 186
Etiology & Pathogenesisof Eight Lactatial
Morbidities 232-236 r87
Morbidities of Breast-Milk Causedbv
Different Dosas 237 -tl423g 188
& Signsof Breast-MilkVitiated
by Vayu 238314-242 189
& Signsof Breast-MilkVitiared
by Pitta 243-245 189
& Signsof Breast-MilkVitiated
by Kapha 246-250 190
Affliction by Other Ailment tl225l 191
Emetic Therapy 25ltl2-t12252 191
Recipe of Emetic Therapy 252t12-t12253 191
Purgation Therapy 253112-t/2254 792
Recipe of Purgation Therapy 254112-255 192
Food & Drinks 256-tl2260 r92
Recipes for Treatment of Polluted
Breast-Milk in General 260t1,-r12263 193
Recipes for Correcting Distaste of
Breast-Milk 263112-t/2265 t94
Treatment of Frothy Milk 265112-269 194
Treatment of Ununctuous Milk 169-270 195
Treatment of Discoloured Breast-Milk 271-272 195
Treatment of Foul Odour in Breast-Milk 273-275 t96
Treatment of Unctuousnessof Breast-Milk 276 196
Treatment of Sliminess in Breast-Milk 277-278 t97
Treatment of Heavinessin Breast-Milk 279-t/2291 197
Conclusive Statement 28ltl,-tl,2g2 r98

Verse Page
Paragraph Number
Thus it is said 288 r99
Portion of Treatise Supplementedby
DrQhabala 289-290 200
Treatment of Unnamed Diseases 29r 204
Line of Treatment in General 292 20r
Appropriate use of TherapeuticMeasures 293 202
I DeSa (Administration of Drugs Through
Particularchannel) 294-295 243
II Kala (Time of Adminisrrarion of Drugs) 296-307 204
Aggravation of Doqas in Different
Seasons,etc. 308-3r2 208
III Dose (Quantity) of Medicine 3r3-3r4 209
lY Satmya(Wholesomeness) 315.1/2320 209
Mistakes Committed by Ignoring DeSa, etc. 320112-t/2321 2rr
Usef,'l:ressof TherapiesGenerally
Considered as Harmful 32ltl2-112326 2t2
Need for Proper Examination of DeSa, etc. 326t12-t12327 213
Reoccurrenceof Disease 327112-tl2329 214
Effects of Wholesome Food & Regimens 329r/,-1/2331 215
Management of Aversion fbr Wholesome
Items & Liking for UnwholesomeOnes 33It/2-t/2334 2t7
Summary 334112-339 219
Importance of the Knowledge of Scriptures
& Their Interpretations 340 220
Colophon of the Chapter 221
Colophon of the Section 22r


srerrasowqfrffif En@rruzrFtr: n l tl
Efr a rqra rrrorqT+q:
| | R| |
Now, we shall expoundthe chapteron the "Treatmentof
0rustamblra(Spasticityof the Thighs)"
T h u s ,s ai dL o rd A tre ya .
t l_2l
In the previouschapter(no. XXVI) dealing with the treatmentof
diseasesreiatedto the threevital organs, patica-karlna (five elimination
therapiis) is describedas a remedy for severalailments. Keeping this in
view, the preceptorin this chapterexplains the diseasetirustambha
(spasticity of the thighs) for the treatment of which
these verv five
elimination therapiesQtafica-karnrct) arc contraindiclted.It is natural
that while witnessingan event.anotherevencontraryto it comesto the
mind automaticaliy. For example,witnessing a lnongoose(which is
inimical to the snake)brings to the mind the pictureof a snakewhich
inimical to the former.
Ftqr qrqqr qr{qr rft.fT q iltr;Drqr r
sr&i T{Wftqi gW{ r*r{rr a tr
err?rat{tntqfl t.t{il-tchft(|qqTelqq I
sffi V{i Ere TivrdrrR-qwqn y tl
Once upon a time, AgniveSaaskedthe preceptor(Lord
Punarvasu)who was endowedwith the superberegance-
both of brahminic knowledgeas well as penanc",*ho *u,
like the Mt. Sumeruflanked by the sun and the moon, and
who was also the abode of wisdom, patience, memory,
m u n d a n e k n o w l e d g e ,s p i r i t u a l k n o w l e d g e ,f a m e . a n d
forgiveness,the following questions.

$rrrq rrg: Erqffrr lrrwrfr yer{ iTsnI
FTfffi fd rrffiE irrqql lqll
ffiqarqq: tRE€rer 616 ft1vret !t
=T€: vrfiTh ?Tq+ trtqg fu{rqr Fa: l l E l l
O! Lord,all thefive eliminationtherapies(pafica-kurma)
are described jointly and severallyas therapeutic measures
for the treatmentof all the diseases. Is thereany curable
diseasecausedby dosasfor thealleviationof u'hichthesefive
elimination therapies Qtafica-karma)are contra-indicated.
Diseasesare broadly classitiedinto three follows :
(l) agantu or exogenous;
(2) nitnasa or psychic.;and
(3) do;aja or causedby do.yas,viz.. vavu,pittu andkapha.
(five eliminationtherapies)
Pnitcu-kornta.r arenot of much usetbr
the treatmentof the first two categoriesof diseases.Theseare useful
only for the diseasesof the third category.To emphasisethis. the term
'do;aji (causedb"ydo;us) is usedin the above verse.

These do;aja diseasesare again of two sub-categories.viz.. (l)

sadlryas(curable),and (2) asadhyas(incurable).Pnltca-kurntctherapies
are of little use for the treatment of incutable diseases:these are
effective only for the treatment of curable diseases (sadlil'as). To
',sadhyasya'(treatment of the
ernphasise upon this point, the term
curable lype of do;aja diseases)is used here.
By implication, qsafica-kttrnmtherapies are useful tbr all the
curabletypesof do;ajadiseases.notwithstandingan exceptionalcaseto
which a referenceis made in Agnive5a'squery in this chapter.
srFIFKr$T Fq.+ T€un irer ?5,I{ur{l
TlFtr$'tiFi TIT: : ll e ll
To the abovementionedqueryof AgniveSa,thepreceptot'
replied, "There is sucha disease(for which pafica-karmars
contra-indicated),and it is called ltru-stamhha(spasticityof

the thighs). AgniveSaagain enquiredabout the etiology,

symptomatologyandtreatmentof this ailment.The preceptor
againreplied[as follows]. t,7I
Etiol.ogt,and Pathogenesisof 0rustarnbha

@ ffiuT rrrrrrkT:l

: I
Fr€iqreqPFn{TruI$iq*rtfqqndt: ilq tl
+dr€rlf Fqif Effi ererft*qsr F6r
€-dqrssq rts€r{F zrreTefrr}:
fufliftFr: | | qoll
Wrt Ff{qctEim *.} tdrerdcs?: I
e{r{rffi q-rrq'scqAArqu qt tt
}rustambira (spasticiryof the thighs) is causedby the
following factors :
(1) Intake of unctuous,hoq,.light and cold ingredients
when the ingestedfood is partially digested and
(2) Intake of liquid and dry ingredients;
(3) IntakeoI yoghurt,milk andmeatof animalswho are
gramva (domesticatedanimals'),dnupa (anirnals
inhabiting marshy land) and audaka (aquatic
(4) Intake of pastriesand polluted alcohol;
(5) Excessivesleepduring the day time and remaining
awakeat night for a long time;
(6) Fastingor takingfood while thepreviousmealis not
d i g e ste d :
(7) Overexertionand exposltreto Iearful situations;and
(8) Suppressionof the manifestednaturalurges.
On accountof unctuousness, theama (uncookedmaterial)
located in the gastro-intestinaltract, along with fat causes

obstructionto the movementof vd1,11,etc. Again on account

of heaviness,it immediatelyreachesthe thighs through the
downward moving vessels,etc., and being provokedby the
powerful fat, thesedosas(morbid material)fill up the lower
limbs includingthethighsandcalfregionsto causeinvoluntary
spasmsand immobility in theseparts. [ 8- 11]
Ama is produced becauseof improper digestion. In the present
case,however, the food is partially digestedand partially (not fully)
undigested.The digestedpart of the food producesruso (nourishing
ttuid). and only the undigestedpart producesrJna which is called ra,sa-
Sesa(anu which is the residueof the r(tsaor nourishingfluid). This 1nut
getsidhered to the wall of the gastro-intestinaltract.andgetsaccumulated
there. While moving to the thighs. this rJlrtrgets associatedwith the
threedo;as, viz., vet,u,pittu andkapha.
Movement of theanruto the thighs,etc..takesplacethroughblood
vessels like .siras (veins) a,ndtlhumunT"r (arteries).and other Jr(/ra.r
(channels)like lymphatics.
'Sakthi' generally
The term ret'ersto the leg as a whole which
includes jartgha (calf region) and uru (thigh). Therefore.mention of
.jaftgha and uru along with ,sakthiappearssupertlous.But these trvo
partsof the body arespecificallymentionedhereto emphasisethat both
the juigho and uru in the ieg get specially filled up with the do;as.
Simileof Pond
rr6Frrfu rFrfrt WT"g fiKFmi qsn I
ftTEFd fierrqqfr€ ilffit,'{tT: E't6: n tR | |
As in a pond which is large,deepand full, the water
remainsmotionless, stableandunagitated, similarlythekapha
shiftedto thethighsremainsmotionless, stableandunagitated
frn urttstambl'tal. lt2)
The abovementionedsimile implies the predominanceoI kapha in
the pathogenesis(sarprapti) of the disease,notwithstandingthe fact
that this ailment (rtrustanbha) is causedby the aggravationof all the
threedorsa:;asdescribedin Su/ra l9:4(8).
Subsequent D evelopnxe
slqF6r,rre{g g-fr\ fd Frcsq1n qQ| |

This ailment (urustambhaor spasticityof the thighs)

thereafter,getsassociatedwith heaviness,fatigue,contracfure,
burning sensation,pain, numbness,tremor and breaking,
twitching andpricking typesof painleadingto the deathof the
patient. t 13 l
D eJinitionof 0 rustanrbha
ss-c+qr ffi eraFr*.sF+Efq
€: ll tY ll
Kapha associatedwrth medasafflicts vayu andpittct to ,
causespasticity(stambha)of the thighs (uru) characterized i
by their stiftnessand coldnessbecauseof which the ailment
(spasticityof the thighs).
is called trru-stantblra t 14 l
I In thc reading" r'dtupitte' b hib h ut,tt'.the tenn' r,atap itte' beinglf'-
dual number should not have undergoneany sandhi (oined) with the
subsequent term' ub lti b h u1,
a' 6u" to thep r akr t rbhfrva of the fi nal' e' ; but
the present compound (sandhi) form is an exception to the general
sandhi rules. This has been noted by Gangadharain his Jalpa-kalpa-
taru commcntary ].
The spasticity (stuntbha)is associatedwith stiftness (sthairytt) and
coldness (Saitya) which are the attributes of kapha. This implies the
predominanceof kaphu in the pathogenesisof this disease.
P rentoniton,Signsond Svtrtptoms
ffis EFdtisrS#: s+f aernt\rr
F i x e d ga ze , e xce ssi vesl e e p, excessiveindolence,
anorexia,fever, horripilation, vomiting and astheniaof the
calf region as well as thighs are the premonitorysigns and
symptomsof ttrustambha(spisticity of the rhighs). t 15 l
Mistaken Id.entitt,

rrrqeil,€Eq gfra: g=Srgqrw iTsn| | qq| |
Mistaking it asanailmentcausedby theaggravate dvayu,
becauseof ignorance,if oleationtherapyis administered,then

thisresultsin ag"lheniaaswell asnumbness

lifting of the legs becomesdifficult. [16]
Some of the manilestationsof this ailment like ,rrpti (numbness)
and,saiftocn(contraction)- vide verse no. 13. are similar to those
causedby the aggravatedva)'r. Therefbre.out of ignorance.this ailment
may be misdiagnosedas the one causedby viit,u,and to alleviateyrJ-r,lr,
oleationtherapymay be administeredwhich causesf urtherdeterioration
of the condition.
Srgnsand.Symptomsof }rustantbha
Vfetf?fl-elf€Efflf I
qE q qQrt qtd vfrdspT q ifu q n qe | |
1f{qr+ ffi rsr qre* iilrzr*cqT: r
s{?T*fr fE {iw{r{s, qrd q l+zr} | | qe | |
The signsand symptomsof 0rustatnbhaareas follows:
(1) Excessivefatigueof the calf musclesand thighs;
(2) Constantpain with slight burning sensation;
(3) Feelingof pain while puttingthe feet on the ground:
(4) Insensitivityto cold touch;
(5) Lack of control over the functions like standing,
pressingthefeeton theground,walkingandmovement
[of the lower limbs]; and
(6) Feelingas if the limbs arepropelledby someoneelse
(not by himself)and as if theseare broken.[ 17-18]
Somescholarsinterpretethe abovementionedsignsandsymptoms
as those causedby the administration of the oleation therapy indicating
the incurability of the condition.
The term ",iaSvaccdddha-vedana " mentionedin the verseno. l7
is interpretedby some scholarsas "constant pain without any lrurning
rr<r qrcrfrt+Er-dT
iqr: gtd srt(r
uScrrqKEr FzTr( rcrqil qq | |

I1'thepatientis furtherafflictedwith burningsensation,

pain and tremors,thenthis diseaseurustamblra(spasticityof
the thighs)leadsto his death,i.e.he is incurable.If suchsigns
and symptoms are absent,and if the ailment is of recent
origin, then sucha patientshouldbe treated,i.e. he is curable.
Reasons.f'or P ro hibit ing Paficct-karma
ifiq r riai q,rd T eRRd futffiql
q +E q*i rrtqrqffiem qT$rr{u Rotl
q16fr lM Frdi fu qR<rq;{ ql
aerfu +{ { rrqrf frt=Fqn Rqtl
6rs mm1ermrnf firf, q qqqr( goqp
q wwmqwamil RRtl
rr*sfu <krFnffiarqr
pT€n T itnrrtsA$EnR6sn w$ffifRardr: il ?? tl
qrreefi+ : Rr$ilrET d{rRfir I
T yrflt:Egg-€d qet ffi<q rPt-dr(il Ry tl
The reason for which oleation, enema,purgation and
emetic therapiesare contra-indicatedin the treatment of
urustamblta(spasticityof the thighs) is being explained
which you (addressedby the preceptorto the disciple) may
Oleation and enematherapiesalways aggravatekapha.
Purgation therapy is also too ineffective io remove kapha
localisedthere(in the thighs).
Kaphalocatedinits own place(i.e.amaiayaor stomach),
andpitta canbeeasilyremovedby emesis.Both of these,viz.,
lapha andpittu, locatedin the antasavaor stomachcan be
eliminatedby purgation.When locatedin pakvaial,a (colon)
all the threedosas,viz., vd\tu,pittu andkapha can be rooted
out by enematherapy.But whenassociatedwithanta(product
of improper digestion)and fht, and speciallywhen theseare
firmly locatedin the thighs,it is impossibleto eliminatethem
by the above mentionedtherapies.

Since theama andmedasare lodgedin the abodeof vdt,u

which is cold by nature.and sincetheseare finnly localised
there,it is not easyto eliminatethemjust as it is difficult to
lift water locatedat a lower level. 120-24l
The reason for which therapieslike oleation. enema. etc.. are
contra-indicatedin the treatmeut of urrstutnbhu (spasticity of the
thighs) is explainedin the aboveversos.The inadvisabilityof oleation
therapyin the treatmentof this aiimcntis alreadymentionedin thc vorsc:
no. 16.But the reasonf'orwhich this oleationtherapyis contra-indicated
is explainedin the above verses.
The.yrchaua or oleationtherapycan be adrninisteredto a patient
in two diffbrent ways. viz.. ltthm or taking ghee.etc., internally. and
abhayaftguor externaluse of oil, etc.. fbr rnassage.Both thesemodes
of oleation therapyare contra-indicatedin the treatmentof this ailment.
Pafica-kan rdJ or five elimination therapiesare as follows '
(l) Vunmnaor emetic therapy;
(2) Virecand or purgation therapy;
(3) Niruha basti or medicatedenemapreparedof oil. decoction.
(4) Anuvasanobasti or medicatedenemapreparedof fat only; and
(5) Nasva or inhalationtherapy.
The last one, viz.. nes\,(tor inhalationtherapyhas absolutely no
relevancein the treatmentof such ailmentslike urustutttbha:hence its
contra-indicativenatureis just ignored. and not mentionedherc.
The niruho type of medicatedenemais inciuded in v,irec'uttu
purgation therapywhile describingits contra-indicatorynature.
Line o.fTreatment
ircq rfyrrf ftef $qsf vfrqtri HsnI
Since kapha andanm (productof improperdigestion) are
predominantin the pathogenesisof urustantbha(spasticityof
the thighs), the physician should constantly administer
appropriatealleviationtherapiesfor their ksapa,?d(complete
extraction)and iosana (absorptionof the liquid fraction).
l2s l

Food and Vegetables

v(r Fq*Tqrtrq rrdryqrrmrqtiFrtl
: lRqtl
The patient of urustambltashould be constantlygiven
ununctuous regimens. So, vava (barley), Syqmaka(mlllet)
andkodrauaalongwith.vegetables cookedwith water and oil
without adding salt, leaves of sanlsaryr.taka,
nintba, erku,
vetru, aragvadha, vayasl (kakamacl), vastuka and bitter
vegetableslike kulaka(karuvellaka)arcr.rseful
for thepatient.
[ 26-27 ]
E rrrR€gr*rfiS Efrfl€FR?tE ial
rq{69 frurdqr s€,Rrr{FflTrlT: il R4 tl
Administrationof alkali preparations,arista (medicated
wines), harltaki, water addedwith honey and pippatl cures
trustamblta (spasticityof the thighs). t28 l
{rcrF.r vrTiEd frFq qg-{r 116 qr ftr&qr
The patient suff'ering from urustambltc should take
samangd,ialmalT (gum-resin)and bilva along with honey.
I ]
lSfivestakadi Yogal
iTen ffillRqll
ril+i errdr*TEE nr€fri rrrq mrr r
The patient may also be given irlvestaka, uclicyu,
devadaru, nata, candana,dhdtaki, kustha, tal.isa and.nalada
[along with honey]. tl2- tl230
l29 )
Kal.kas(Recipesin thefrtrrn of Paste)
gci afrilfiT Filet rr{rdi tanr*Mqt I to tl

t+qF6 €R? e qqi

firqmT fiFrfuf vci irtr€ qll lq ll
qaj fu*qqrrFt t{qr6 atcEfrqt
qq-dr ra firurfr q:a drt firdrqtI ?R| |
ffi ifiFrrTrTdrqartl
The following five recipes cvre furustantbha(spasticity
of thighs) :
(l) Musta,hantakl, lodhra,pudntakuandtiktu-roltinl;
(2) Devadaru,haridra, daru-hariclru,vuca and kutttka-
(3) Pippall, piltpati-mula, sarala and deva-dartt:
(4) Cavt,a,root of citraka, tleva-daru and haritakl; and
(5) Bhallataka, pippall-mttla andpippall-
All the abovementionedrecipesin the form of pasteare
ti, - t1,33 ]
t o b e t a k e na l on gw i th h o n e y. [ 30
Cftrnas (Recipesin theJbrm o.fPow'cler)
vrr$qf Tfi <<T aIFIEFFT qei qqrql | ?? ll
q.dtrTrrqet' qrdi u,'tsf g;.tr{i ?rerrI
fir+;cg5f E-*f R"f qr qrR'unssqrqu RYtl
€qfti r
q.dfiqFdM EE furqi aEfrffiql r?q tt
T+*qtri € rfiRcraqrnfu qTl
qstq+ffirffi gkf ffi Erdr{l | ?q rl
grft ftrfii g;Ei rTrdretg*tffiqt
ffiqg.{r qsf €q** qr qfnqlil{u ae rl
rrfr qrr{q tq fir+dr qgi'gilql
ffi fiTqifi gqf l6d 656'*Futqu Retl
kgrdr qg{r qqtqrwrr{rffr T{: I
The patient sufferingfrom urustambltashould take the
following recipes:

(1) lSarhgestadiYogal
Sarhgesta (gufija), n'tadentt,clantT,fruits (seeds) of
vatsaka,vacd,mltrt,d,aragvadha,patha, karaii.iaandkulaka
(karavellaka)- all theseingredientstakenin equalquantities
shouldbe madeto a powder.This shouldbe takenalong with
honey addedwith water.Alternatively,this powder may be
addedwith honey and whey, and taken.
(2) lMtrrvddi Yogal
In the abovementionedmanner,[the powderofl m-urvd,
ativisa, kustha,citraka andkatu-rohirylmay be taken.
(3) Guggula shouldbe soakedovernightin cow's urine and
(4) lSvarnakslry,adiYogal
The powder of svarna-kslri, ativislt, n1,usta,te.iovatl,
vaca, surahva, c itaka, kustl'ta,p atha andkatuku-r ohinl should
be rnadeto a powder.It shouldbetakenin theform of a linctus
made by adding honey. Alternatively,the powder rnay be
mixed with water and honey, and taken.
(5) [The powder ol phall (n1;agrodltu), vtaghr"a-ttak|taand
hema (naga-kesara)may be takenby the patient.
(6) [The powder of) t r ip hala (han takl, vi bhl taka andamal.akl ),
pippall, musta,cavva andkata*a-rohini may be made to
a linctus. and taken. tl2- t1239
133 l
[Cakrapani.while commentingon theseversehasidentified a drug
'svadu-katfioka'as vikailkata.But this drug is not mentionedin these
recipes.Perhapsthe text of Carakaon which he commentedwasslightly
different from the present one.l
Nourishing Therapl,
3ffi{ sr*q: ri-d{tk trqt t?t tl
gwr : grT**E qnfrFr;l
I If the disease ttrustantblta is caused by opatarpana
(depletionof tissues),then the patient shouldbe appropriately
given santarpanc(nourishing)therapyconsistingof the meat
of animalsinhabiting.jangaladeia (the land with shrubsand
small trees)and old Sali rice. tl2- tl'40]
Oleation and F ontentationTherap ies
: llYoll
*At*Cs.qffi q.rqT ErrarrrdfiqE:I
If because[of excessiveuse] of ununctuoustherapies,
vayu getsaggravatedcausingtherebyinsomniaandpain, then
for the alleviationof the ailmentscausedby vat,u.
tl2- t:241
t 40 )
As a generalrule, oleation therapyis prohibited in the treatmentof
urustanbha. But while treating urustambha,if there is any aggravation
of vayu becauseof excessiveadministrationof ununctuoustherapies,
then oleation therapy should not be talien as a contradiction of the
general rule.

[Plluparnt,adi Taila]
frqvufi q€retr q rren rilgr*} qqn t yq tl
s{FnEF',qrdr8 ffifi+Fffiqr
Hqe{ y$t mqrewfo ersfr =nfq*qr I yRtr
Oil should be cooked by adding piluparnl (rnrtrata),
payas\td,rdsnd, goksuraka,vacd, sarala, aguru andpatha.
one prasrtd or oneafiiali of this medicatedoil shouldbe taken
by additrghoney(one-fourthin quantityof the medicatedoil).
[Kusthadl,a Taila)
qT€ $trr{ql
srcrr;efiseFFen ril fui *: Tnd{ virqil y? n
Eqtt{ qrrrTr ffarqc€ilr{rF{4, fir*qr
Ghqr-;rm g,r<rrqrflTel v fagaty n yx tl
Mustardoil shouldbecookedby addingkustha,Srwestaka,
otdlcytt,sarula, devadaru, kesara,a.iagandha(ajctntoda)and

a3vagandha.The patient sufferingfrom u ntstambha (spasticity

of the thighs) should take this medicatedoil in appropriate
quantity by addinghoney.This recipemakesthe patientfree
from ununctuousness leadingto the cure of urustambha.
| 43- 44l
e ve fu.rdrr{q:a quqqruRrqfu*o'rqr
e e qffirrfirufrh fffirt Rerrsr6*| | y\ | |
3{rf{rf,r( y{et' ffi*tqrrqr
"AE ilYqll
Oneprastha of oll shouldbe cookedby adding two palas
of saindhava,five palas of Suntli, two palas of granthika,
two palas of citraka, twenty fruits of bhallataka and two
adhakasof aranala (sour vinegar).Intake of this medicated
oil helps in the procreationof offsprings.It cures sciatica,
urugraha(spasticityof the thighs),piles,pain andall typesof
diseasescausedby the aggravated vayu. | 4s-46l
q t r nq f@:l
*dTgTer:gfr q?dr rJsleI6'[6rcrd:| | ye | |
rsur*q*r*oq r
Oneprastha of oil shouldbe cookedby adding two palas
of pippall-mula andnagara takentogether,eight prasthas ot
katvara (takra or butter-milk) and oneprastha of yoghurt.
This medicatedoil curessciaticaandhrustambha(spasticity
of thighs).
Thus, ends the descriptionof Astakalvarataila. l,47 )
For the preparationof this medicatedoil, eight times(asta-gurya)
of ktttvara (takra or butter-milk) is addedto oneprdJf ha of oil because
of which it is calledAsto-katvur-o-taila.
External Therapt,
vfuor: q+crut
d{r€rdi fFg fuffird{n yz t I

qii emawer rmi rrqqr

Fqa,rqr raqpT, Eqtil€r"f TyrrT| | Yq| |
{Msqrqrr;trTrn fftq qT fi+trql
firwts qT q*rcrqr tprelrowr,I I \o I r

qagssrdFi Eqfqffirl ffit t\qil

@ EFmr
T{qcw-ffif ,lFrgsr q irqrqr
ftrea E rrtr 1Fse€fufsrq y&rtqr t\R u
q*t-fi: gr{f EE rnrrqquFrgat I
qdgfi'r: ll\Y ll

(g,'slirrs{kinTrrq farwr qFrdr F,qA I l \\ rr

yfu lqf{{ frF{ qr6Ffr 6ssffi1
s{Frrl;arq,rd q qfrfusreq ffiEr
rtrfr @;rr\rgil
q,mq{rrpf Prcdg qnn*egdrw}qr
q-rd rdTT: fuqarwen | | qz | |
e"in+( qftrffi Tfr vfoffiiri @r
rrt*I fuRi vfti furred gr: ga: n \i rl
nrn farqut*a q.+ vnf<qg,rd gtqr
In the abovementionedverses(nos.25-471,the recipes
to be usedinternallyfor the cureof urustambhaaredescribed
in brief. Hereafter,recipesto be administeredexternally for
thediminutronofkaphawlllbedescribedwhichyou (addressed
to Agnive6aby the preceptor)may hear.
lV alni ka-mrt t i kadyutsatlanuf
The nrud of ant-hill, the root, fruits andbarksof karafija,
and bricks shouldbe madeto a powder.This shouldbe used
(dry rubbing) fi'equently.
tor uttsaclana
x x v r rl CIKITSASTHANA 15

A l t e r n a ti ve l y, th e p h ysi ci a n s hould administerthis

tttsatlanatherapy with the help of the root of aivagandha,
arkd,picumarda(ninfia) or devadaru.Any oneof thesedrugs
may be mixed with honey,sarsapaand mud of ant-hill before
being used as thick utsad.ana(dry rubbing or massage)or
p ral eltana (externalapplication).
A wise physician may also appty the paste of dan(i,
clravantl(a variety of cl.anti),surosltandsarsapafor the cure
of ,rltstamblta(spasticityof the thighs).
Thc warm decoctionpreparedby boiling waterwith the
leaves, roots and fruits of tarkarl (.ja1,antl), sigru, surusu,
viiva, vatsakaandnimbcrmay be sprinkledover the affected
Mustard shouldbe made to a pasteby trituratingwith
cow's urinekeptovernightanduscdfor externalapplication.
Vatsuka,surasa, kustlta, aromatic dmgs (ltke agurtt),
tttnrburtt, Sigrtt,himsra, root of arka, mud of ant-hill and
kutheraka (pantasa) should be made to a paste by adding
yoghurtandrock-salt.A physicianconversant with theline of
treatmentshouldadministerthispastefor externalapplication
for the cure of ttrustantbltc(spasticityof the thighs).
lSt,onakacti - Pa ri seka-Pru I ep al
St,onaka, klmdira,bilva, hrhatl,kantakafi,sarala,asana,
3obhafi.jana, ta rkar7,3vaclamst t"d, sur as(t, a fi aka, ag ni ntantha
andkaraitja shouldbe boiled in water.This decoctionshould
be usedfor sprinklingover the affectedpart.
The abovemcntioneddrugsmay be madeto a pasteby
triturating them with cow's urine, and appliedexternallyfor
the cure of urustambha(spasticityo1the thighs).
To alleviate kapha, the able bodied patientsshould be
engagedin physicalexercise,and they shouldbe made to
walk over the ground coveredwith gravelsand sand in the
The patient should be madeto swim fi-equentlyagainst
the currentof a river with cold waterbut harmless(free from
dangerousaquaticanimals).He mayalsobeadvisedswimming
frequentlyin a pond having clean,cold and stablewater.
[ 4 g - ' / , 6 0]
}ru.rtanfuha is causedby the aggravationof vrlvn and kuphu.
Contact with water as it happensduring swimming should normailv
aggravatekapftc aswell asthe disease uru,stambhn.But while swimrning.
the physical exerciseproducesheat.and this heatcannotget dissipated
becauseofthe cold watersurroundingthebody.The heatthus.generated
remains (enters) inside the body to dissociatekopha fi'om the adhered
tissues resulting in its alleviation. Thus. swimming in cold water
ptoducesoppositeeffect,i.e. insteadof aggravation,it causesalleviation
of kapha. In spite of its contradictory nature, it actually cures the
disease, and thus, serves as an appropriate therapy. Keeping this
phenomenonin view. it will be describedin Cikitsa 30 : 322 that at
times, therapies having opposite effects becorne conducive to the
treatmentof diseases.
Line o.fTreatment
gfuor: q{qui T{ rFIr* ra rrrcaqrqtqn qo I I
ir( Trd Trtqr u.r*{swlsns irrqrfr
yrfri qirqF{ q m.r{qr rqrf,r F*-qr| | qq | |
All the therapeutic
measures whichalleviatekaphabil
do not aggravateyd,la should always be employed tor the
treatmentof 0 rustambha.Thesetherapeuticmeasurcsshould
however,be administered to the patientwhile protcctinghis
ph y s i c a l s t r e n g th a n d a g n i (p o wer of digestion and
me t a b o l i s m ). tl, - 6l
[ 60 ]
To Sum up
irjr {r*q':-
tg: qr{@ qqt*r{trfirrtrr{l
In this chapteron the treatmentof ilrustambha(spasticity
of the thighs), the following topics are discussed:

1l) Etiology of the disease;

(2) Premonitorysignsand symptomsof the disease;
(3) Signsand symptomsof the disease;
(4) Unsuitabletherapeutic and the reasonfor
their unsuitability;and
(-5)Two categories (viz., internal
of therapentic
and externaltherapies). l,62l
gaqorQn+ fqf6?{TRqAg,owrs{Fqffi f
{rc rgqTRifrs€atq:
| | ?e | |
Thus, endsthe twenty sevcnthchapterdealingwith the
treatment of 0rustarnbha (spasticity of the thighs) in the
(Ciftitsa-sthana)of AgniveSa's
secticnon treatmentof diseases
work asredactcdby Caraka,undbecause of its non-availability
supplementedby Drdhabala


srerr* qrilqrfsrfukF€if qr@mzlfq: llq ll
Efr a gra srrrEmr*T:| | R| |
We shallnow expoundthechapteron the"Treatmentof
causedby Vayu".
Thus,saidLord Atreya. t I-2 )
Therapeutic measuresprescribed in the previous chapter for the
treatment of firustantblra (spasticity of the thighs) may cause
ununctuousness in the body lbadingto the aggravationof vtlya.Therefore,
in the presentchapter,the tleatmentof the diseasescausedby vayu is
being described.
The term "vatn-vvadhi" is in a compound form. It may be
interpretedin two ditf'erentways, as foliorvs :
( I ) " V a t a - s v o - r ' 1 ' a d h i h "i ., e . v a y u i t s e l f i s t h e d i s e a s e .B y
implication, the aggravated vayu itself after afflicting the
concerneddusyas (tissue elements)pervadesthe entire body
or a part of it to give rise to ditferent types of pain for which
the ailment is called vata-vyadhi(r'ara-disease); and

Q) "VAfid-vyadhil1", or the disease caused by vayu. By

implication, other dosas and the dusyas(tissue elements) are
vitiated in a special way by vAyu b produce diseasesin the
entirebody or in a part of it which is cailedvsga-Ytyadhi
No doubt, fever, etc., are also causedby vt1yu.But they cannotbe
called vata-vyadhibecausethereis a possibility of suchdiseasesbeing
caused by other dosas also (without vayu). Therefore, in the present
context, such diseasesare not to be designatedas vattt-vyadhi.
In this chapter,(vide versenos.22ltlz-tlz231).ailmentsarisingout
of the occlusionof vayuby pitta andkapha are alsodesignatedas vata-
vltadhi because such diseases are never manifested without the
predominantinvolvementof t'ayu.

Treatmentof.vatikadiseasesof nanatmajatype (thoseinvariably

causedby vayu) is describedin this chapter.But the treatmentof such
nanatmajatype of diseasescausedby pitta (thoseinvariably'causedby
pitta) andkapha (thoseinvaliably causedby khapa)is not describedin
this text becausetheseare not so importantas thosethat are invariably
causedby vata.
In this chapter,the treatmentof the most comnlon (at,iskrtatama)
diseasescausedinvariabiyby vavu(uanatmu.ja-vata-v-vddhi) is described
separately.The treatmentof suchdiseasesas are invariably causedby
kapha andpitta canbe donethroughtherapiesIike ernesisand pulgation
Intportance of Vqtu
qrg{r5tr qgdtsf-dT vrfifilunql
qTgFd!ffi rrd n3-dfs afrftla:ll ? ll
Vayu is the elan vitae, vdyu is the strength,vayu rs the
sustainerof the body of living beings,vayu is all-pervasive,
and vayu is reputed as the controller of everything in the
universe. t3l
Before ascertainingthe morbidities, it is necessaryto know the
normal natureof a substance.Theretbre,beforedescribingthe diseases
causedby vi,vu. the normal and natural functions of v,ayuare being
describedin the above vet'se.
lyrs or elott vitue is defineclin Sutra 7 : 44 to be the union of the
physique.senses,mind and soul. Vavt in its normal stateplays an
importantrole in bringing aboutthis union.Theretbre,vilyuis described
above as the 'ayu$' or elan vitae.
Vayu is the substtatumof the constitutes
the basis of baltt or strensth.Becauseof this" I'cv..a
is describedhere as
'viivatd' 'prabhutd' (all
The or pervasiveness)
of l,r7ytis already
describedin Sutru 12.
Longevitt, lnd Va1,sg
gF.* fterfr;I
er-qrfrrrfu+F{ Tpjrr;r€et":
I qrg: srFtrsRrfi *+ffiq: FrrT:flrr{n y tl
If in a person,vdlty 1t'tou"s
unimpaired,it is locatedin its

own site, and it is in its naturalstate,then he lives for more

than hundredyearsfree from any disease. t4]
"Unimpaired movementof vayu" ref'erredto above implies its
circulation throughits own channel,and not througha divertedcourse.
"Natural state" implies that vayu is neither in a diminished nor in an
Five Divisions qf Vd1,tt
{5 ilaq+ r$Tq. n \ rl
With its five-fold divisions,viz., prdna, uclona,sontirna,
vyana andapana, vdylt appropriatelycontrols(sustains)the
(functions of the) body by its unimpairedmovementin the
locations concerned. tsl
Location and Function ofPrana Vayu
rerFi gFrr€q qpik: :l
q.{ qilqil

Prdna-vdyais locatedin the head,chest,throat,tongue,

mouthandnose.Its functionsarespitting,sneezing,eructation,
respiration,deglutitionof food, etc. t6l
The term 'ahara'implies deglutition.retention(dhara4u),etc.. of
the ingested food.
Location anclFunction of Udana ValLt
$t: wr{ ;ITr{t: isT?t qE \a I
qrggh: y+cfldqreqrfQ EFf que||
Udana-vqrais locatedin the umbilicus,chestand throat.
Its funciions are manil'estation
of speech,effort, enthusiasm,
strengthand complexion. t7 l
Chestis describedto be the locationof bothprarut-va),u(vide verse
no. 5 above)andudanu-vdytt.As dnmlikira (makerof flower garlands)
anda kumbhakdra (pot maker) may stay in the samepremises.but retain
their own identities(tunctions).sirnilarlyboth thesevayus,viz.. pranu
and udanu,eventhoughshatingthe samelocationlike chest,havetheir
own identitiesbecauseof'their distinct and different functions.

Location anclFunction of SamanaVayu

ffi'{rr$drdfr #fu sqFrftera:I
erfrrr+g qrcdTq: rrqFftsFqftrrq: n 4 ||
s antdna-vayu pervadingthesveda-valta-srotas (channels
carrying sweat),dosa-vctha-srotas (channelscarryingdosas)
andambn -vaha-srrtras(channelscarryingaqueousmaterial)
is located in the neighbourhoodof antaragni or jatharagni
(seatof digestiveenzymes).It promotesthepowerof digestion.
svedu-vahu-src,tos(channels carrying sweat) and unbu-t,ahu-
sroto:t (channels carrying aqueousmatcrial) are already described in
vilnana 5 : 8. It is also statedthere(vinnnu 5 :7) thattlo;as. viz.. vrjvu,
pitto rnd kuplru circulate all over the body through all the channels of
Location and Function of Vyana Vdyg
ta er"16 w* g EFT:vffictunqr
The Vyana-vdyu moves very swiftly and pervades the
entirephysiqueof a person.It alwaysfunctionsin the fbrm of
motion, extension,viksepa(suddenmovements),winking of
the eyes and similar other movements(contractions,etc).
Location anclFunction.ol'Altana Vdyu
Equli qRa+d q rnqn qi{uil URr
3{ttFt{9n=IstERsr: qltqotl
EqgredFTqTv gifi'r: rcrrqfi*raw t I
Fa6{ !6dt id end* t€rrm: | | qq| |
Apana-vayuis locatedin thetwo testicles,urinarybladder,
phallus,umbilicus,thighs,groins,anusandcolon.Its functions
are the ejaculation of semen, voiding of urine and stool,
elimination of menstrualblood and parturitionof foetus.
These five types of vdyu, located in their respective

abodesin normal state,perform their fgnctionsproperly in

order to sustainthe physiquein a healthystate. [ 10-11]
Fttnctionsof Impaired Va1'4
Mren Agffil qr ii\: rqerrq6{+: t
vrfr{ ffit grunrr{ Etffr ErttqRll
When these five types of vayu get located in a place
which is different from their own and when impaired, they
afflict the body with diseasesspecificto their locationsand
firnctions.This may alsoleadto instantaneous death' I 12l
Different locations and functions of the fivc types of t'nt'tt ate
already described.The morbid condition of these I'a)'tt.rgivc risc ttt
diseaseswhich are connectedwith their locationsand tunctions. Such
diseasesmay alsobe of seriousllatureleadingto instantancous deathof
the patient.
Five divisions of I'ayl are elaboratelydescribedabove because
they causeseveraldiseases,and suchdiseasesneedspecific and different
therapeuticmeasures.Being not very essential.suchdivisions of plrrrt
andkupha are not elaboratedin this text. However. in other texts. five
divisions eachof pitta andkapha are also described.
Five varieties of ltittu arepacaka, rafijuka, .sadhuku,dlpcuku and
hhraj aka.Thesearelocatedin.iathuru(gastro-intcstinal tract). AnrA!ut'u
(stomach),heart.eyesandskin respectively.Five divisions of /rnpltrtarc
tlolttntbrtkct,kledaka,bodhaku,tarpukaand.fle.snftn. Theseare locatod
in theheart,stomach. tongue. headandjoints respectively.The functions
of thesetive types oaikaphu areuvolunbcrttt (sustenance of the bgdy).
kledanrt(renderingthe ingestedlbod into pasteform) . rasu-bodhanu
(enabling the perceptionof taste),akrsi-tarpana(noutishment of the
eyes) and Sleqana(greasingof the joints so as to reducefriction while
keepingthem in compactform) respectively.[Thereareprinting mistakes
in the Cakrapdni'scommentarypublishedby NirnayaSdgaraPress,and
so we have foliowed the C. K. Sen's edition. Even in the latter. the
functions of the five types of pitta are not describedl.
Number of Vatika Diseases
qe'il qqRr_ffiI{T Tqr{r fr gqrora, t
srvfrk{q+qrsr rtqr, q} FrEffrm:llql ll
xxvlrr I crxrtsAsrgAul 23
ilrFrq|rTq qqt*, T{|iilqF.qrqt I
*aei qrggFffi l qy tl
Diseasescausedby these [five varieties of va.1,ufare
innumerable. However, the principal ailments caused by
them are eighty in number,vrz., nakha-bhetl.a (crackLngof
nails),etc.,which areenumerated in the sutra section(vide
sutra 20 : r I). Now, listen! to thedescriptionof thesynonyms,
etiology and treatment[which will be describedhereatter]of
theseailmentscausedby vayy alonewhich are classiliedon
the basisof their differentlocations,and thosecausedby the
occlusionof vayu [by otherdosas).
t 13_14]
Etiologv oJ'AilmentsCausedby Va1,u
f*qqrggqrFa *qrqE;s{unfdn iq rr
qr([Tr n tE rr
€:swqnrtr( @r

iA FHfiq ffi Aqfuerm qefrlqatl

e-frFdf{Fctrq ansfr1rreFffiEmrlt
Vayu gets aggravatedby the following :
(1) Intakeof ununctuous, cold, scantyand light food;
(2) Excessivesexualindulgence;
(3) Remainingawakeat night in excess;
(4) Inappropriatetherapeuticmeasures;
(5) Administrationof therapieswhich causeexcessive
elimination of closas(including stool) and blood;
(6) Keepingfastin excess;
(7) Swimmingin excess;
(8) Resortingto wayf'aring,exerciseand otherphysical
activitiesin excess;

(9) Loss of dlrutus(tissucelernents);

(10) Excessiveemaciationbecauseof worry, griel'and
affliction by diseases;
(11) Sleepingover uncomlortable beds,and sittingover
(12) Anger, sleep during day time, tear and suppression
of naturalurges;
(13) Formation of Ama (product of improper digestion
and metabolism), suffering from trattma and
abstension from food;
(14) Injuries to murnles(vital spotsin the body); and
( 15) Riding over anelephant,camel,horseor fastmoving
vehicles,and lalling down from the seatson thcse
animalsand vehicles.
Becauseof the abovementionedfactors,the aggravated
vdyu, while filling up the channelsof circulation which are
empty or havebecomeweak(tuccha)in quality becauseof the
lackof unctuousness, etc.,producesdiff erentkindsof ailments
affectingthe whole body or a part thereof. I l5-'/, 19 ]
'apatonJsilttc'mentioned in the vsrseno. 18. generally
The term
meansa fall tiom theriding animalsor vehicles.Accordingto Kharanlda.
this term also implies excessivedrying of the dhurus(tissucelements).
P remonitorr-Signs, Etc.
3rqtri Ec[ui N qAsan* lTdql I t3 t t
sTricr6,dE T{qffrqrfr F|lfilr ${: I
Indinstinctmanifestationsof the signsand symptomsof
theseailmentsconstitutetheirpurva-rftpa (premonitorysigns).
When these signs and symptomsget distinctly manif'ested,
they arecalledr-upa(actualsignsandsymptoms).Diminution
(l.aghuta)of these signs and symptoms indicates that the
diseasesare going to be cured (apaya).
'Iaghut[t' mentioned above has been interpreted by
The term
Cakrapini asgiven above.Hehasalsogiven an alternativeinterpretation

of this term to mean "lightness of the body". BY implication. f'eeling

of lightnessof the body indicatescure of the diseasescausedby I'r?r,a.
.Signsand.Syryttoms of Vatika Diseases
F$ilq, qfu Kss+ lHsFHf qduTrqfr11 Qotl
eirqirei: FnrT€I
Wd yNr$iqrrTF+E.dr| | Rq| |
qqqfiTq1"Tr{r: H({ IT6$ilf,r1
ffi EusqllRRll
+amqnr qtr \erl
qqfqsnR s,nfrr EFnfd Efu*fiar: | | Rl tl
t$ernffiqra qffirrfqr
. Aggravationof vayy givesrise to thefollowing signsand
( I ) Contraction,stiffnessof joints andpain in the bones
, as well asjoints;
(2) Horripilation,delirium andspasticityof hands,back
as well as head:
(3) Lamenessof handsand feet,and hunch-back;
(4) Atrophy of limbs, and insomnia;
(5) Destructionof foetus,semenand menses;
(6) Twitching sensationand numbnessin the body;
(7) Shrinking of the head,nose,eyes,clavicular region
and neck;
(8) Splitting pain, pricking pain, excruciatingpain,
convulsions,Llnconsciousness and prostration;and
(9) Similar othersignsand symptoms.
The aggravatedvayuproducesspecificdiseasesbecause
of the specificnatureof the causativefactorsand the seatsof
manifestation. tl2- t/224]
Sarikoca(contraction).etc., describedabove as rhe signs of the
aggravated vayu are themselves disease-entitiesalso (Vide Nidana
8 : 40).

The term 'hwltlatm' statedabovemeans'shrinking'.Alternatively.
in relation too diff'erentqualifying *uid.. it hasdifferentmeanings.For
example, 'Siro-hu4(arrn'irnplies "cracking of the scalp forming the
base of hair and pain in the temporal region as well as fore-head";
"nasd-hut1(ana" implies lossof olfactory sensation''; ' 'akqi-hunSanu',
implies "wealness of the eyes"; "jatru-hundann" implies .,stiffness
of the chest"; and " griva-hwtduna" implies "stitfness of the neck".
The term "hetu-sthana-viSe.sat' '
lneans"becauseof the specitic
nature (visesa)of the causativetactors (hetu) like occlusion of pittu.
etc.. and the seatsof affliction (sthann)like ko,sthaor abdominal and
thorasicvisceras".Alternatively.this term implies "the specificlocation
of the disease(sthana-vi{e.ra)causedby diff'erenttypes of etiological
factors (hetukrta) - vide Vinulnu6 : 7.
Aggravation oJ Vays T,rrutedin Kostha
@f qqr:otr
Aggravation of vayu locatedin the kostha (abdominal
and thorasicvisceras)gives rise to the following signs :
(1) Retentionof urine and feces;
(2) Enlargementof the inguinal glands;and
(3) Heartdiseases, tumour),arias(piles)
andp ar 3va-i ula (pleurisy). tl2- tl,'25
t24 l
Aggravation of Vayu in the Entire Body
Fdffirt qrt rrmre{unr$q+n?\ tl

Aggravation of va,vu all over the body produces the

following signs :
(l) Twitchingsensation
andbreakingpain in the body;
(2) Affliction of the entirebody with differentrypesof
pain; and
(3) A f-eelingas if thejoints are getting cracked.
tl, t1"26
125 - l

Aggravation of Va1,vin Rectunt

trd@ :llRQll
\ilEffi*Erqrqqffi gfrftr
Aggravationof the vayurnrectum(uttara-gudz)produces
the following signs:
(1) Retentionof stool,urine and flatus;
(2) Colic pain and flatulence;
(3) Formationof stoneand sandin the urinary tract; and
(4) Diseases in andemaciation of thecalf-region,thighs,
trika (sacro-iliac legs and back.
L l 2 -t l ' 2 7
[26 ]
Aggravation of Vayu in Stontach
: ll R\9ll
EF'RI:E,trdrFTvilqgl qrgr:mqrvrqfu[+ r
Aggravation of the vdyu in the stomach (ama|ava)
producesthe following signs :
(1) Pain in the cardiacregion, umbilicus, sidesof the
chestand abdomen;
(2) Thirst, eructationand choleric diarrhoea;and
(3) Cough, drynessof the throat as well as mouth and
dyspnoea. t/.,-11,281
Aggravation ofVityn in Colon
q€rvrqtPrtF{trf YF{rffi q.frfr qil ?etl
@ ffiflrqr
Aggravatedvayu locatedin the colon causesrumbling
sound in the intestine, colic pain, tympanites,dysuria,
constipation,flatulenceand pain in the lumber region.
tl2- t1229
128 7
Aggravation of Vayu in Ears, Etc.
ffiqffiqeei ffirq: n R3tl

Vd1,11 aggravated in the ears and other sense organs

causes impairement (destruction)of the functions of the
re s p e c t i v e
s e nseo rg a n s. tlr ]
Aggravation oJ'Vaysin Skin
EUin reFdrTr EwrFvnFEn agutr
qr6q+ rrrrrrr q rrdrq ir{fi*r*sFr& | | ?o| |
Va1,uaggravatedin the skin produces the following
( 1) Dryness,cracking,numbness,shrivellingandblack
colorationof the skin;
(2) Pricking pain in the skin;
(3) Stretchingand rednessof the skin; and
(4) Pain in thejoints. t 30 l
Aggravation of Vayy in Blood
v.s*qr: qdrur M Furrst,fu: I
rrd qrsfr $6Tq Rrr{gqfrrtsFre| | tq | |
Aggravationofvay,uinthebloodgivesriseto thefollowing
(l) Acute pain, burning sensation,discoloration[of
skin], emaciationand anorexia;
(2) Appearanceof rasheson the body; and
(3) Stiffnessof the body after raking lbod. t 3l l
Aggravation oJ'Vd1,yin Musclesand Fat Tissues
gd$ gartssrf qrrqFa=dnenr
F6A eftartqef ffisnre | | ??I t
Aggravationof vdyyin the musclesand fat tissuesgives
rise to the following signs :
(1) Heavinessof the body;
(2) Excessivepain in the body asif the personhad been
beatenwith a staff or with fist-cuffs: and

(3) Excessivef'atiguealongwith pain. f,32l

Aggravation oJ'Vayttin Bonesand Bone-nxarrow
rHftrqfu HFqqFi rTi{rcrrsf,{T:
tffiffi; d?rfrrEE q rttcnRer$FTtsFre
t | ?? t l
Aggravationofvavuin thebonesandbone-marrowgives
rise to the following signs:
( I ) Crackingof the bonesand.joints;
(2) Piercingpain in thejoints;
(3) Diminutionof muscle-tissue
and strength;
(4) Insomnia;and
(5) Constantpain. t 33 l
Eventhoughthe aggra'iationof viyrr, both in the bonesand bone-
rnarrow.are describedaboveas a causativefactor of similar signs and
syrnptorns.the distinctive f-eaturesof these two conditions are to be
ascertainedon the basisof thc speciticnatur€of thesetwo typesof tissue
elementsas describedin Sutra 26: l6-18.
Aggravaion of Vat,uin Semenand Ovutn
W 5-gfr ffanh g.*i rrrfqqrfr qTr
ffii trqffi {ir'€er: EffisFftr: | | ?Y tl
Aggravationofvdlu in thesemenandovum (Sukra)gives
rise to the following signs :
(1) Prematureejaculationand undue retention of the
(2) Prematureexpulsion and undue retention of the
(3) Morbiditiesof the semenand foetus. f,34 )
Aggravatictnof Vayu in Ligamentsand Nerves
rqfu qwala vr
lrdtWs EqfEr{rg{t*sFTfi:| | t\ tl
Aggravationof vayuin thesnayu(nervesand ligaments)
gives rise to the following signs:

(1) Opisthotonous and emprosthotonous;

(2) Khal.l.i(neuralgicpain in feet,shonlders,etc.);
(3) Hunch-back;and
(4) Vatika diseasespertainingto the entire body or a
part thereof.
t 35 l
Signs and symptomsof opisthotonous(Iraft-r,atanta).
etc.. will be
describedlater in this chapter.
Aggravation of Vays in Vessels
vrfrr qqr-wilq; gE{Fd rwq+ dqrr
gEilFFa+ q€Ffr qr ftm qT* ffin ?q tl
Aggravationof vatu in siras (vessels)givesrise to the
lbllowing signs:
( I ) Mild pain and oedemain rhe body;
(2) Ernaciationand throbbingol'the body;
(3) Lack of pulsationin the vessels;and
(4) Thinnessor excessivethicknessof the vessels.
l36 l
Aggravation oJ'Vayuin Joints

Usrqt: Vqtfla s*eFT | | ?\e| |

Gqm rtrn*tr qnfuftfur*e q) r
Aggravationof va'a in thejoints givesriseto thefbllowing
(l) Oedemaof thejoints which, on palpation,appears
as if it is a leatherbag inflated with air; and
(2) Pain while riraking efforts for extension and
contractionof thejoints.
Thus, the signs and symptomscausedby aggravated
vftru,on thebasisof its locationin diff'erentpartsof thebody,
are described.
| 37 l

Arclita (Facial Paraltsi s)

srFd{€: yrft{ref**i arg: grtrt r
?rEr IITE'€ q Eil1 ?IIRAII
dRryt W ffi EFtfr iaTl
--*imr1fr @iltjtl
dfr qfi rffi q?Fqrk*,.ql
rr6si H tne'ERT: qrEg€r Frfdt | | yo | |
t{r fugr FgfqrqTr E6 qq1fr qrFr qr{l
qjilrgek qrslt $rquft fttat er{: | | yq tl

srrl nfiq-{srsi qr *{& sT-{qF+dqtI yRrl

When excessivclyaggravatedvdt,uafflicts half of the
body, then it dries up the blood, and causesexcessive
contractionoI the arm, foot and knee of that part. It causes
dtstortionin half of the face and curvatureof the nose-eve-
brow, forehead,eye and rnandible.
Becauseof theabove,ingestedfood movestortuouslyto
the one side of the mouth (instcadof going straightto the
gu l l e t ) .D u r i ng th e u tte ra n ceo f sp e ech,the nose' becomes
curved and the eye remainsfixed. There is suppressionof
sneezing.His speechbecomesfaint,distorted,imperceptible
and interrupted.His teeth become loose, his ears ceaseto
function,andthereis hoarseness in his voice.Thereis pain in
foot, hand, eye, calf, thigh, temple,ear and cheek.
Thesesignsandsymptorns appearin thehalf of his body
or in the half o1'hisface only. This ailmentis calledardita
(facial paralysis). [38 - 42]
Use of the term 'iruvu!.tuu'(ears)in dual number indicates that
both the earsare afflictcd. Though the diseaseardita atflicts only one
half of the body. the morbidity occursin both the ears as the specific
natul'eof the disease.
In addition to ardita, there is anotherdiseasecalled ardhaftga
Qtaksavadhc- vide versenos.53-55) in which also only the half of the
body is afflicted by va1,u.There is, however, a diff'erencebetween
two ailmentsinasmuchasardita afflictsthe individual only temporarily
fbr a short period. but urdhaitga brings about permanent
Besides. both these airments have ditf-erentassociated
signs and
symptoms.i.e. all the signsand symptomsof arditttare not
in ardhailga (hemiplegia).
Ant araydma (Empr ost hotonous)
F+ rftrdq e*r<dqr qr*: qqEr* r
qamm+r irqr
3{<r{rqE{e fiqr q;qT q Rrrr*
FTtqf ffi ilFT ysr{nrT: fu}m: il yy tl
Yll{r TdiT{rs.@l
(Fqfsc*il{rqr* ...) rr
when the aggravatedvayulocatedin the sterno-mastoid
area afllicts the internal channels(nerves)of this region, it
causesmanya-stambhaor spasticity of the neck (sterno-
mastoid muscle) which is called antardt,dma (empros-
totonous).The neck becomesbent forward and the sterno_
mastoidregionbecomesexceedinglystiff. Thereis clenching
of the teeth,salivation,contractionof theback,stilfnessof the
head,yawning and rigidity ol'the face.This ailment is calred
antara)tanra(emprosthotonous). Thus, ends the description
of emprosthoronous.
t 43 _ 3l;45 l
(spasticityof theneck)is of two types.Attt(tru7,t1rrttt
(forwardcontraction)is oneof them.Theother typ. if ,rn,rya-.stanrbrtu
is calledbahirayanm(backwardcontraction) whichwill be described
B a hi rdy Anta ( Op i st ho t o.nou.s)

s"{*) | | y\ | |
gs+qtemr Eil-flr:VMrar lsrr qefrr
a$: €qfqwni qf6Trqrq{iirq'{1 yE,tl
qrurrarqqng ffi frT: r
s{ itFdfrzr} rrrTr Rr6e[r *enr*Eu* | | ye | |
xxvIII I crxtrSASrHAx,l 33
Rr-{i qwf yr+Tr drmr€Tra€tqrrq6: I
qrfr*ril F Fdq dq.Fd qT yqrryfr | | ye | |
is now being described.
The aggravatedvalts loruted in the back side of the neck
causesconstrictionof theexternalsiras(vesselsor nerves)as
a result of which the body bendslike a bow which is called
bahiravanlxe or opisthotonous.while bendingbackwardslike
a bow, the head moves towards the back, the chest gets
protrrrded,the manyas(sterno-mastoid muscles)becomerigid,
the neck gets squeezed,and the teeth becomeclenched.In
addition, thereis yawning, salivationand aphasia.when the
attackbecomesacute,it eitherleadsto the deathof the patient
or causesseriousdeformityin his body.
[ 45 tl^_ 4g ]
ln buhirayarrra (opisthotonous),both the.sruayu (nerve) andsirit
(vessel) are afflicted by the aggravatedvayu.
Hanu-graha (Lock-.jaw)
EEqFfiprfr qqr{{w+aF*fr r1t
F{sdrsiqqrrqT!6qh n yq tl
E3'IA ra €Fils'tTAtfprifr+marqr
The aggravatedvdyulocatedat theroot of thejaw causes
dislocation[of thejaw bones]from the binding ligamentsin
which case,the mouthremainsconstantlyopenwiih stiffness
but without any pain. Alternatively, it may causelock-jaw
becauseof the stiffnessof its joints when the mouth remains
closed,and cannotbe opened. tl25a,)
[ 49-
Therearetwo typesof /rartu-graha.Inone type,the mouth remains
constantlyopen. and in the other type the mouth remainsclosed.
Aksep aka ( Convul.sicttts)

3.gnffid lEd rrr*ruqrMsfro: u qo tl

fu ? rfvfrc{ frra: vFTEIquETT;
when the aggravatedvdttucausesfrequentconvulsions
in different parts of the body, then the ailment is cailed


aksepaka (convulsions).If the ailment is caused by the

constrictionof [the musclesofl the handsand legs as well as
vessels,ligamentsandtendons,thenit is calleddat.tdak;epaka
(convulsionswith stiffness). 1/,-tl,5r]
[According to Cakrapani,this versedescribestwo ailments.viz..
ak;epaka and da4dak;epaka which latter is a variety of the former.
However, according to some scholars.the whole verse representsthe
description of only one ailment, i.e. aksepaka. We have followed
Cakrapini in our translation.l
DanQaka(Staff-Iike Spasticityof the Body)
RraIFd Hrttr: ll \q ll
q'rrg=rdFircsrqnt3T(rr385': *sJ.rfl;q, r
When the aggravated.vayucausesrigidity of the hands,
legs,head,backand hips in a personresultingin the stiffness
of his body like a staff, then the ailment is called dandaka
(staff-like spasticityof thebody).This conditionis incurable.
tl, - tl252l
| 5l
Specific Features oJ'Ardita, Etc.
€{et: sreFffi Egdt rrtfitll \R ll
When the frequent paroxysms of diseasesllke ardita
(facial paralysis) subside,the patient becomes normal.
However, if these paroxysmsdo not subside,the patient
continuously remains afflicted with the pain (signs and
symptoms) of the respectivediseaseswhich indicate their
incurability. The physician should not treat such patients.
t l 2 - 1 1 2 5 I3
The above verse describesthe common characteristicfeatures of
t/,52. viz.. urdittt (tacial
diseasesdescribedin the verse nos. 38 to
paralysis), antaraydnta (emprosthotonous),bahirayann (opisthos-
tonous), hanu-graha(lock-jaw). ak;epaka(convulsions)and dandcka
(staff-likespasticityofthe body).All thesediseasesarecharacterised by
ttequent paroxysms.

r -' ) and
Sarvdnga-roga(paralysis of the'nwiri
E# rrr€?r: .TeT qQrur qrrr+E En
l \l t l
gn+-tasnqm Fau,ldEnERrrEr+E ql
rIfr€Nd vr€TFrflqn: rarqHrfrq qt
| \y | |
-nt ffi ila ar atcv1.crgqr
\r€rFnri R F€r( Fqf# wdt*{-, | \\ r r
When the aggravatedvattu.paralysing
one side of the
body - eitherright or left -.uur., immobf,ity
rrr", side in
associationwith-painand lossof speech, "r
[then the ailment is
By afflicting half.of the body, the
aggravatedvayu may
causeconstrictionof the vesselsand
rigirients as a resurtof
which there will be contracture,either
of one leg or one hand
along with aching or piercing pain.
This ailment is ca'ed
ekdnga-roga (monoplegia).
If, however,theabovementionedmorbiditypervades
entirebody,thentheailmentiscalled the
of the enrirebody).
I s3 t/z_ 55 ]
[According to Cakraplni, three different ailments.
vndha' ekaftga-roga and.sarvahga-roga viz.. paksa_
l";;i;"J'r"',n" above
versesand translation is done accorOirigly.l
Grdhrasi (Sciatica)

W@*rTrel *qt
"3errfr gg,-,,re,,
ln grdhraslcaused by aggravatedvdyu,firstof all, thehip
is afflicte.d by stiffnerr, puin and pricking
sensationin the
waist, back, thigh, kneeand calf reiion.
All il;"ig"r, g",
twitching sensationfrequently
If the ailmentis.caused by both, the aggravatedvdyuand
kapha, rhen the parienr suffers rto,n
and anorexia[in addition]. ,
t 56 _ t/,57 l

Gydhrast(sciatica)is of two types: one causedby the aggravation

of vayu alone, and the other causedby the aggravationofboth vayu and
kapha (vide Sntra 19 : 4 (7).
Khalll (Twisting Pain in Upper and Lower Limbs)
Khalll is characterisedby the twisting pain of the feet,
calf regions,thighsand shoulders. L57
Other Vatika Diseases
rrrmnrrgsts ffi, vlqq ffiFd*qr
sHtS ff nnrftreertqn qe t l
Other vatika diseasescan be determinedon the basisof
the signs and symptomscommensuratewith their locations.
In all theseailments,the combinationof aggravatedpitta,etc.
may also be observed. t58 l
The aboveversedescribesthe methodof diagnosingotherviu'ieties
of vatika diseaseswhich are not describedby namehere.Namesof such
diseasesare, however. describedin Sutra 20 : I l. For example, the
diseasenakha-hhedctakesplace in the nakha or the nail (which is the
location of thedisease)in the form of thebhedaorcracking of the nails.
The term "sthananamanurupaifi"in the first line of the versehas
a variantreading.vi2., "sthdna-ndmdnurupaily".If this variantreading
is accepted,the term will imply "symptoms in accordancewith the
sthana (location) andnanmn (name)of the disease.
Aggravation and Occl.usionof VaYu
erdq|gq.rqr(affi qrffir ra Cer)I
qrdFrr66'q'r iB rffis$flRqr: l | \R | |
qtrS-q R @:t
EFffidt rngqq a:r irtr tfqt rrqrtll Qoll

Vayu gets aggravatedin two different ways, viz., (l) by

the diminution of tissueelements;and (2) by the occlusionof
its channelof circulation.
In the body of the individual , vdytt,pitta andkapha move

throughall the channelsof circulation.Amongstthem, vdvLt,

becauseof its subtlenatureimpels the remainingtwo doqas,
(viz., pitta andkapha).The aggravatedvayahuring provoked
thesetwo dosasgetsthemscatteredinto diff erentplacesof the
body, and obstructsthe channelsof circulationleadingto the
manifestationof various diseases,and drying up of tissue
elementsllke rusu (plasma),etc. [ 59 - )
Vfryu,as describedabove, gets aggravatedin two different ways,
viz.. (l) by the diminution of the tissue elements which plovide
nourishment(sara)to the body, and (2) by the occlusionof the channels
of circulation.Becauseof this occlusionor obstruction,the speedof the
movement of vayu gets arrestedwhich leads to its aggravation.
All the do;as move throughall the channelsof the body. But vrlylr
has a specificpropertyinasmuchasit can mo-veeventhroughthe subtle
channelsin the body. Thus. among the three dosus, vayu is the most
powerful one. Therefore.the aggravatedt'Zyll,even though occludedby
pittu andkapha, has the power to get the other two dosas scatteredinto
different parts of the body to cause diseases.This aggravated vayu,
though occludedmay also dry up plasma.etc.
Occlusion o.fVq,u by Pitta
ffi fuilr{t Er6qun vpi qqwq: n eQtl
q€cerffiuNig I
fuEra: vfrtrcn"Tfrtrr
Occlusionof vayuby pittaproduces
(l) Burning sensation,morbid thirst, colic pain and
(2) Tamas(a feeling as if enteringinto darkness);
(3) Burning sensationby taking pungent,sour, saline
and hot ingredientsof food; and
(4) Cravingforcoldthings. t6lt/,-tl262l
Occlusion of Vayu by Kapha
Occlusionof vayu by kapha gives rise to the following

(1) Feelingof cold and heaviness;

( 2 ) C o li c p a i n ;
(3) Considerablerelief by the intake of pungent and
such other ingredients;and
(4) Desirefor fasting,exerciseand ununctuousas well
as hot ingredients. t/, - t/263
[ 62 7
Occlusion o.f Vayu h), Rakta (Blood)
FFr{* @ twpTllq?ll
qr+q rnrrT: vae3crfir* qufi{rh q I
Occlusionof v7vu by rakta (blood) gives rise to the
following signs :
(1) Excessivepainassociatedwith burningsensation
the areabetweenthe skin and muscletissue:
(2) Oedemawith reddishness; and
(3) Mandala (circulartype of rash). [ 63 tl, - tl, 64 7
Earlier the signs and symptoms of aggravatedvdyn located in the
blood, etc., were described(vide verse no.31). The presentone.
however,is difl'erent.inasmuchas it describcsthe signsand symptoms
which are manif'estedby the occlusion of yc),aby aggravatedrakta. etc.
qFcqrg F€qfg frgq'r: ,qqeJaerr | | qy | |
td: firfrftrerrqi? rfirn EE :rnrt r
Occlusionof va,vubymantsa(muscletissue)givesrise to
the following signs :
(l) Appearanceof hard and discolored pimples and
(2) Horripilation; and
(3) Formiculation(a feelingasif antsare moving in the
body). tl, - 11,65
[64 )
Occl.usionof Vayu b), Medas (Fat)
wT. fuafr 1g: rfrfi: vms$wfu*aenu e\ rr
3rre=tEtkTEfr iq, € FEil tEsss{rr l
xxvtrr l CIKITS.[STHANA 39

Occlusion of va_yuby medas (fat) gives rise to the

fbllowing signsand symptoms:
(1) Appearanceof oedemain thelimbs which is mobile,
unctuous,soft and cold; and
(2) Anorexia.
This conditionis calledddhya-vatawhich is difficult
of cure. t/,- t1266)
Arlht,u-vdtois an dyurvedic technical term which describesthe
ailment causedby the aggravatedurn,uoccludcdby fat tissue.
h), Bone Tissue
rqvftrtumsr{twcrr+sfqfilq<hu qq| |
$rqt {ffi a qflfirR-a ger*r
Occlusionof vdyu by the bone tissuegives rise to the
following signsand symptoms:
(l) Liking for hot touch,and pressure(kneading);
(2) Experienceof breakingpain and depression;and
(3) A f'eelingas i{ prickedwith needles.
tl2- t1267
[66 ]
Occlttsionof Vayy by Bone-nxarrow
Tqrgt fuqn{: erqu+w qfinrq{qt tqe tl
Ttd il ffi q tnFnqr m{t $eq|
Occlusion of vayu' by bone-marrowgives rise to the
following signsand symptoms:
(l) Bendingol the body;
( 2 ) Y a wn i n g ;
(3) Twisting pain;
(4) Colic pain; and
(5) The patientgetsrelief if pressedwith hand.
tl, - '/, 6g
[67 ]

Occlusion rtf Va1,11

by Semen
g-*.rffifiTm er Ftw,,ffii ? {o'}t I qa tl
Occlusionof vayu by semengives rise to the following
signs and symptoms:
( 1) Non-ejaculationorexcessiveejaculation(premature
ejaculation)of semen;and
(2) Sterility. '/,
[ 68 ]
Occlusiono.l'Vayltb), Food
$ fS q wff vnqoxrg*sFr&r
Occlusionof thevavuby food givesriseto the following
signsand symptoms:
( I ) Painin thepelvicregionafterthe intakeof food; and
(2) Alleviation of pain after the digestionof food.
Itl,69 ]
OcclusionoJ'Vayuby Urine
q*rrgFffrrrr=icd a*@sfren eqr I
Occlusionof vayuby urineriseto thefollowing signsand
(1) Retentionof urine;and
(2) Distensionof urinary bladder. |
[ 69 l, ]
Occlusiono.l'Vaysb), Stool
qft.ftF*q*rtsq, € ren+ qfi'FilFdl
rqsrq wri tr .E-+ qrtg* T{: | | eo rl
Fanrqfikrr*q g:u quai vr5-( g*qr
eilTfuiailrr5e'g tffieg r{r€Tt:| | eq rl
srs{et' €{q *q Erdqr aqtsFr&r
Occlusion of vayv by stool gives rise to the tollowing
signs and symptoms:
(1) Absoluteconstipation;
(2) Griping pain in the colon (abodeof stool);

(3) Instantaneous digestionof the ingestedtat;

(4) Abdominaldistensionafterthe digestionof food:
(5) Becauseof thepresstlreof the [undigested]food, the
patient voids after a long time. The voiding is
painful and the stoolis drY;
(6) Pain in the hiPs,groin and back;
(7) Upawardmovementof v7vu (flatus or gas) in the
(8) Uncomlortablesensation in the cardiacregion.-
[70 -
rrfu=gRrf$Rr$r: E*f qqfrrsFtd: lleR ll
qEnqrtr.q.rivilq: qtFi gsqrrfrr I
Rrrtri qaqrmEl tqr qqrfierns i t t e? t t
qt Tqrtg rrnrffi'rirr( fu?afril qT rr qTI
T4r1 qc*tr*ert errlr*wr*qrtl I eY ll
The tollowing diseases(becattseof their deep-seated
obstinatenature) may get cured only by carelul treatment;
otherwisethesediscasescannotbe curedat all;
( l ) D i sl o ca ti o no f j o i n ts;
(2) Lock-jaw;
(3) Contracture;
(4) Kub.jata(hunch-back);
( 5 ) F a c i a lp a ra l ysi s;
( 6 ) H c mi P l cg i a ;
(7) Atrophy of limbs;
(8) Pahgutva (inability to walk becauseof muscular
(9) Khudo-vatata(affhction of the anklejoint by vayu
or arthritis):


(10) Stiffness;
(1D Alhva-vata (an ailmentcausedby the occlusionof
valtuby fat - vide verseno. 66); and
(12) Diseaseslocatedin the bone-marrowand bones.
The above mentioned diseasescould be treated onlv
under the following circumstances:
(r) If theseailmentsare of recentorigin;
(2) If the patientis strong;and
(3) If theseare not associatedwith complications.
Some of the abovementioneddiseaseslike kubjatva andpahgutvrt
arenot elaboratedin this chapterdirectly. However,an indirect reference
to theseis rnadeby the useof the term 'iesan' meaning,,the remaining
ones" in the verseno. 58 above.
The term "roga mui.iasthigarr"meaning 'diseaseslocatedin the
bone-mamowand bones' (vide verseno. 73) implies the occlusion of
vdyu by bone-manow and bone-tissue.
The treatmentof thesediseasesbecomesdiftlcult becauseof their
deep-seatednature as they get firrnly located in these seats of
Thesediseases may getcuredonly when treatedcarefully; otherwise
they may not get cured at all. This statement,however, does not imply
a doubtful situation about the successin the treatmentof thesediseases.
These two alternativesare given here simply to indicate that efficient
and experiencedpreceptorscan cure them becauseof their expertise.
ordinary physicians,however,do lack in that type of profoundknowledge
and expertise,and their attemptsto treatsuch patientsmay or may nor
be successful.
In the last line above, theseailments are statedto be treated only
when they are free from complications. such complications of these
diseasesare not elaboratedearlier. This statement,therefbre. refers to
the complications in general. Alternatively, this statement refers to
thosecomplications which are to be describedin the verse nos. 236-237
of this chaprer.
fm,'qrra. rrr ftr€T qrd+{nr6i vlE I
# t+oq+arlqqF+ T+t€qr"rt-{neq;1 -,.
qi ffi diT:l
ffi qgneqrF{q*F+: #{ y.r; | | eE tl
$6t'9*: r
FUt, srrffia-{+.3eTTr+:
| | ee tl
..... ................r
Now, listen to the exposition on the effective line of
treatmentfor the cure of the diseasescausedby vata, which
will be descrbiedhereafier.
If the diseaseis causedby vata exclusively,and if no
occlusion is involved, then in the beginning, the patient
should be treatedby.oleationtherapyfor which ghee,muscle
fat, oil and bone-marrowshouldbe administered.Thereafter,
when the patient gets disgustedwith the intake of oleation
therapy,he should be consoled(restedfbr some time), and
again oleationtherapyshouldbe administeredwith the help
of milk, vegetablesoupandsoupof the meatof domesticated.
aquaticand marshy-land-inhabiting animalsafteraddingfat.
He may be given pavasa (preparationof rice and milk) and
krsara (a preparationof rice, legumes,etc.) addedwith sour
ingredientsas well as salt.He may also be given anuvasana
type of medicatedenema,inhalationtherapyand refreshing
f.j5 _ t/47g l
In the placeof 't utu'(refreshingfood) mentionedin the last rine.
Cakrapanihad the text'pana' meaning.refreshingdrink,.
Fonterfiation Therapl,

gR"rrei*friT3 |
rqr+tri @:ileztl
nensdftlfr'd': @r
After the patientis properlyoleated,he shouldbe given

fomentationtherapy.Beforetheadministrationof fomentation
therapy, the body of the patient should be properly oleated
and thereafter, fomentation therapies, vrz., _nddi-sueda,
prastara-sveda,suhkara-svedaas well as other types of
appropriatefomentationtherapiesshould be administered.
[vide Sutra 14 : 39-67 for details of these fomentation
therapies.l 178?14-
In Sutru 14 : 39-67, fomentation therapy is described to be
administeredalier oleationtherapy.The satnestatemcntis repeatedhere
becauseof contextualpropriety.
Effects of Ol.eationantl Fomentation Therapies
fu firir-rg E TiF Wo$qerrfrEnu eq tl
ffi vr*d qN {qqT6T(I
ngxerg yvnEqFfr qrdd *q!ilrq+ |
r*ts errq$gtfiqgurrcqr{ FdfrkT: tt eq ll
qocFrfti gfu grungrqFrEd+(r
3rs{ar ${: dtt *tgrgqrqr*{l leRll
d?n dr65d aH q ftrq<Frarqqr: t
As a dry wood can be slowlybent,as desiredsby the
applicationof unctttoussubstanceandfomentation,similarly
even a curved or stifl'limb can be slowly brought back to
normalcy by the administrationof oleationand fomentation
So, tingling sensation,pricking pain, ache,contracture,
and the body is softenedby the administrationof fomentation
Oleation therapy, when administered,instantaneously
provides nourishmentto the emaciatedtissue elements.It
promotesstrength,agni (enzymesresponsiblefor digestion
and metabolism),plumpnessof the body and elan vitae.
The patient should be given oleation and fomentation

therapiesrepeatedlyas a resultof which the kostha(viscerap

in the abdomenand thorax)becomessoft, and the diseasesof
vat,udonotgetanopportunityto getlodgedtherepermanently.
t l , 1 1 , 8 37
179 -
El.imination Therapy
Ta+{ FfrwdEr{ EF*tn :r qvnqfr | | zR| |
Fgft1, $5{-g*-M{Tf ffier}qt
qri ftrrqqM q1 g55qtFFq+E qt | | eY | |
v{*trski qt lwqqt
ffi rr6{ts?.il 4\ |I
ffi 2ilsfu, sril ll aq ll
dqf€df€rt qrr+ rffid
Fdtf g;T: I
Trd*&{qAs €qfffi{.tLLtl
Efr srrrrrra: ff ercffiFqFstqt
If becauseof inappropriateadministrationof [the above
mentioned]therapies(oleationandfomentation)the ailments
[cansedby vayu] do not subside,then the patient should be
given eliminationtherapywith the help of mild drugs added
with unctuousingredients.
For this purpose,the patientshouldtakemedicatedghee
preparedby boiling, either with til.vakaor satalit or he may
take castor oil with milk. They help in the elimination of
morbid material,and producebeneficialeffects.
On accountof the intakeof food which is unctuous,sour,
saline,hot, etc., the morbid materialgetsaccumulatedand it
obstructsthe channelsof circulationleadingto the occlusion
of the [movementofl ua.r,ll.Therefore,lhe patientshould be
given elimination (purgation)therapy.
If the patientis weak,and is therefore,unsuitablefor the
administrationof purgationtherapy,then he shouldbe given
1q\ul'ta type of medicatedenemaprepared with ingredients
which arc pacanr.l(carminative) and cftpana(stimulant of
He should also be given fbod added with ingredients
which are pacana (carminative) and crrpana
After the body is cleansedof morbiditiesas a result of
which thereis stimulationof agni (enzymes),it is beneficial
to administeroleationand fomentationtherapiesagain.
In addition,all thepatientssuff'eringfrom diseases caused
b y v a y 1 1s h o ul d b e co n ti n u o u sl yg i ven diet contai' i' g
ingredientswhich aresweet,sour,salineandunctuous.All of
them should also be treated with inhalation and smoking
Thus,the treatmentof diseases
causedby vdvuin general
is described.
I g3 tlz _1/, S9 1
The term the verseno. g3. may refer to l,av, or the
relatedtherapeuticmesures.'Ifthe former interpretationis accepted
this implies "the associationof other do;as, viz., pitta and
since contextually,the treatmentof diseasescausedby vay,
arone is
described, the question of the other r/o..rn,r being ass'ciatetr with vrryr
does not arise.Hence.this interpretationis not appropriate.Here,
term 'sadoqatvdt'refersto taulty or inappropriatetherapies.
the very therapeuticmeasures,even when appropriately administered,
causeaccumulationof morbid matterwhich is describedin the
85. This morbid matter,whetherproducedby appropriateor inappropriate
therapies. has to be eliminated for which itre.apeutic -"u.u.",
described here.
If the term 'sadoqatvat'is interp.etedasreferri ngto ,,vayu" which
is in associationwith otherdo;as, viz.,
ltitta andkapha, then ihe earlier
statementin verseno. 75 is to be construedas referringto
the vitiation
of vayu alone, and the presentin verse no. g3 is to be construed
referring to the vitiation of vdyu in associationwith pitta and
If the patient is very weak, then purgation therapy is contra-
indicated for him. Even for such patientr,
therapy is

contraindicated(vide siddhi z : 14). Therefore.a special recipe of

medicatedgheefbr niruha type of medicatedenemais describedabove.
The recipe of medicated ghee to be used for medicated enema
should be prepared by boiling with ingredients which are pltcatut
(carminative)anddipurtn(digestivestimulants).Somedrugs Iikeptttola
are only pacana and not dtparLa.and some others llke triphaltl are
dtpana lrut not pacona (vide srinr ta : sutra 3g : 57). In ttre present
recipe of medicated ghee fbr medicateclenema therapy. ingredients
which are both ttrpano andpacana are to be used.Ingredientshaving
similar propertiesare to be usedfor cooking fbod preparationstbr the
Treatntentof SpecificAilments
Treatmentof vayu Located in Gastro-intestinal rract
fe*,Ertrq Ent qrri fir*xr: n zq | |
[Now we shalldescribethetreatmentof specificdisorders
causedby vavu.l
rf vavu is locatedin the kostha(thorasicand abdominal
visceras),thepatientshouldtakea potion of alkalies(k$ara=
v-evaksdra.).Alternatively, the morbid material in his body
may be metabolically transformedby a potion containing
ingredients which are pacanr.r(carminative) and trtpani
(digestivestimulants)addedwith sour ingredients.
I gg 1/2- t/290 ]
Alkali preparationof vavak;firu is to be used in this casebecause
of its proven effectivenessas a drug tor pacanu (vide sutra 25 : 40).
Alternatively, the recipes of alkali described for the treatment of
grahanl (sprue syndrome),etc., (vide cikifia l5 : l6g-93) ar-e
to be
Treatmentof Vayu Located in Anus and Colon

x.<T€rvr{{e} g q,qtqrTdEf€artil jo tl
If the vitiated valta 6located in the anusor colon, then
therapiesprescribedfor the treatment of uddvarta (upward.
movementof wind in the abdomen)are to be used.

Therapios for the treatment of udovnrtu are described in Cikitsrl

26: ll-31.
TreatmentoJ'VayuLocatedin Stonmclt
artqwFrc*g.AFr qerr+q6fr: fu-er: t
If the [vitiated] va.vuis locatedin the stomach,then after
the administrationof eliminationtherapy,the patient should
be given appropriatethcrapyfor alleviationof the concerned
closa. | |1 . , 9 1l
Treutmento.f'VavuAlJlicting WhttleBodl'
Fetg.qt*s+gi trkrrt: TTTgRFIr:tt 3t tl
If the wholebody is afflictedby [vitiatcdf vat'u,thenthe
patient should be given massageand niruha as well as
anurldsonctypesof medicatedenematherapies. [9]
Treatnxentof Vavu Locatedin Skin
ta qta iqrnffir
If the [vitiated]va.vais locatedin theskin,thenthepaticnt
shouldbe givenfomentation, massage andmedicatedbath.In
addition, he shouldbe given lood plcasingto the heart'
[ )
Treatnxento.l'Vaw Locatetlin Bl.ctod
vfrar: gt6r rFffi€* ffi tt RRtl
If the [vitiated] r'd-\'nis located in thc blood, then the
patient shouldbe given coldpradeha (ointmentfor external
application),purgationand blood-lettingtherapies.[ 92

Treatmentof'Vatu Locateclin Mttscle-TissueanclFat

fqH qiq+(:Te) FrsEr: vrrtrh q I
If the [vitiated]vavuis locatedin the muscle-tissttes
fat, then the patient should be given purgation and niruha
type of medicatedenema.In addition,he shouldalsobe given
therapiesf or the alleviation(Samana)of the dosas. | 1,93l

Treatnxentof VAysLocatedin Bonesand Bone-nxarrow'

qr€nurfrrfr' Tittftrrr-ilrki cr*qll 3t ll
If the [vitiated] vayu rs located in the bone and bone-
marrow,thenthepatientshouldbe givenoleationtherapies-
b o t h e x t e r n aal n d i n te rn a typ
l e s. tl2]
TreatntentoJ'Vay1s Locatedin Semen
5eTssrqri {ffi* qer{p.fir t*rqr
lffi ffir qr gai qanFftrrqn jytl
fffiyt.e q.fu u,rt}qF*ertr
If the [vitiated] vayu is locatedin the semen,then the
patientshouldbe given therapiesfor sexualexcitement.Food
and drinks which promote strengthas well as semenshould
also be given to him.
If there is obstruction in the seminal channel, then
purgation therapy should be administered.After purgation
therapy, the patient shouldbe given food, and thereafter,the
earlier mentioned therapies (for sexual excitement and
promotionof strengthaswell assemen)shouldbe administered
(vide Cikitsa 2). 1 9 4-
Treatmentof Foetal A.ffiictionb),Vayu
tT$ lg+ E qt+{ qrfirri qrfr qqcrqn R\ tl
V{T: I
If the foetus [in the womb of the mother] or the child
[after delivery] gets emaciatedby (aggravated)vayu, then
administrationof milk boiled by adding sugar,ka|ntarya and
madhuka [to the pregnant woman (in the case of foetal
emaciation)or to the childl is beneficial for the restorationof
their normal growth. tl,- tl296l
_ TreatnxentoJ'VayuAggravateclin Heart
EFqv€FTt nrqrfuftqr .r* tecqn qqtl
If the valtuis aggravatedin theheart,thenmilk boiled by
adding antinnmti (SalaparnT) is useful. tl,l
| 96

Treatmentof Val,uAggravateclin Untbilicuts

FNqrEnF{stvR*firdr1 furryF+: r
If the vayu is aggravatedin umbilical region, then the
patientshouldbe givenfish preparedwith slicesof unripebel-
Signsand symptomsof aggravatedvayuinthe umbilical region are
not describedearlier.From the symptomslike colic and piercing pain
in this region, affliction of the umbilicus by agglavatedvu1,ucould be
Treatmento.fCrampsand Contractures
qrgTr M E rn* FTrgq{r6rq1 qe ll
ief riqFdtssq5il qrqffircqr
If thereare crampsbecauseof aggravatedvd,1,11, then hot
poultice[preparedof vayu-alleviating drugs]shouldbe applied
all over the body.
If therearecontractures by aggravated y,itvLt,
[of the body or the aff-ectedpart] should be done with thc
medicatedgheepreparedby boiling wrthnnsa and rock-salt.
Treatntentof VayyaLocated in Arnts, Heacl,Etc.
ergyfr{'rrt Tei rrFf | | qe | |
qR<rfi{ d* qr+: yrert qrqfrgq.: r
If arms and headget afflicted by aggravatedvayu, then
the patient should be given inhalation therapy with the
medicatedoil preparedby boiling it with nrasaand rock-salt.
The same medicatedoil administeredinternallv after the
intake of tood (uttara-bhaktika).
If the abdomenbelow the umbilical regionis afflicted by
the aggravatedva1tu,then the abovementionedoil prepared
by boiling with mdsa and rock-salt should be used for
medicatedenema.This oil shouldalsobe giveninternallyjust
before the intake of food (avapidaka). t/, - tl" 99
[ 98 )
For the preparationof the medicatedoil with na;a androck-salt,
the decoctionof the former and the pasteof the latter should be used.
x x v r r rl CIKITSASTHANA 5l

Av,upldakarnethodof taking rncdicatedoii i n v o l v e s t h e i n t a k e o f

oil first. and taking tood that the food exerts pressut'e
Qtrdurtu)over thc oil.
Treatnxentof Ardita (Facial.Paralvsis)
snF{i :ilq=f q.F"Ttr dfur+q q n qq t l
For the treatmentof facial paralysis,nourishingtype of
inhalation therapy should be administered,and the head
shonldbe anointedwith medicatedo1l.Nadl-sveda(atype of
fomentationtherapy- fbr details vide Suta 14 : 43) and
upanaha (applicationof hot ointment or poultice) prepared
with the meat of animalsinhabitingmarshylands are useful
for the cure of this ailment. t/, 100
[99r/z- ]
Treatmentof Ardhanga-Vata(Hemiplegia)
T*g{ s5gigm qqnqrt frtqrqn qootl
Fomentationaccompanied with oleationand purgation
therapiesare useful fbr the treatmentof hemiplegia.I l00t/"]
Treatment oJ'Grdhrasl (Sciat ica)
3rffr.Fr€RTTtri flTr{r ETrqM qr
r3el$g trgxfrd, ...... | | qoq||
For sciatica,venesectionshouldbe performedover the
vein locatedbetweenthetendo-achilles
side). The patient should be given medicatedenema and
cauterizationtherapies. 3 / 41 0 1
[ ]
The term 'grdhrusistt'is the plural fbrm of 'grdhrasT,in locative
case.use of this plural form implies ditferent varietiesof this disease
fbr which the prescribedtherapiesare to be used.
Treatmentof Khalll
Er6t-n qsrrrrr€:qll tot | |
rnq*: SrdqFS: vr<f
For khalll (videverseno. 57 lor its signsand symptoms),
hot poultice preparedof milk pudding,kriara (a preparation

of rice and pulses) and meat added with oil and ghee are
beneficial. t 101111-
TreatnxentoJ'Hantt-graha (Lock-jatv)
qrilrr\ ei Fs"rr€Enqr g+st ?n toR tt
stffitqr **rq fuE*tinwf ftqt
HFf € rrq+d€en=f
rcd H ffiqt I qo?| |
In lock-jaw, if the mouth remains open, then the
mandibularjoint should be fomented.Thereafter,with the
help of thumbs (insertedinto the mouth), the mandibular
joints should be pressed,and with the help of index fingers
(keptoutside)themandiblesandchin shouldbe elevated.The
dislocatedmandibularbone will then slide into its normal
position. If thereis stiffnessof the mandibularjoint, then it
shouldbe fomented,and then presseddownwards[to ensLlre
mobility of thejointl. | 102'/, - 103l
Specific Therapies
Dependingupon the locationof vd.vr(in stomach,etc.),
tissue elements vitiated by vavu and such other factors
(occltrsionof vayu,etc.),eachpatientshouldbe given specific
therapies. t l ?1 0 4
I )
Line of Treatnrcntin General
: llloYll
Frelr: *Er Frdni :a rsn=fyr€rtunfr q I
rqr: qqfr $ffi rqrgEf,Trqunf ? | | to\ t t
tiauf @ irq F{ svrqt EnadfrFrnql
Ghee, oil, muscle fat, marrow, fomentation,massage,
medicatedenema,fomentationaccompaniedwith oleation,
residencein windlessplace,coveringthe body with blankets,
meat-soup,differenttypesof milk, food ingredientswhich are
sweet, sour and saline,and such other measureswhich are
nourishing - all theseare beneficial for the patient suffering

from diseasescausedby the aggravatedva1,s.

, / r - , 1 r 1 0 6]
[ 104
Meat Soults.forVatikaDiseases
trrf{n: dqTmg EYFrfig qt lt t t qoq t t
@: !|ir{l
r$qfu€r rrsq li=rrqr<eqqefrq{iF-dqt I qoe | |
ffi flffi{rqr
Soupof the meatof the headof a goator meatof aquatic,
rnarshy-land-inhabitingor carnivorous animals should be
preparedseparatelyby boiling it with the decoctionsof bala
9r paiica-mul.aor daia-mrla. Thesesoupsshouldbe added
with fat (ghee),andsizzledwith yoghurt,souringredients and
trikattr (|untli, pippali and nrurica). Added with liberal
quantity of salt, thesesoupsshouldbe given to the patient
s u se db y vavu. [ 106 ' lr - ' 1r 108 ]
s u f f e r i n gf r o m d i se a seca
Any one of the tour typesof meatdescribedaboveareto be cooked
with anyoneof the threetypesof decoctions.Thus. therewill be twelve
types of soup which are usef'ultbr the treatment of vatika diseases.
Hot Poultice
gti*tr{r6ts firffi: riqffi+(iltoarl
{a*erg*: rsrd; quufiwdnfurF+:r
The abovementionedtypesof meat(vide verseno. 107)
shouldbe madefree I'rombones,cut into smallpieces,steam-
boiled and addedwith ghee,oil and sour ingredients.These
recipesshouldbe appliedin the lorm of hot poultice [for the
, 1 , , 1 , 1 0 9]
cure ol'diseasescausedby va"vul. I log -
The patient suffering from diseasescaused by vayu
should take bath in a bath-tubfilled with the decoction of
vdvu-alleviatingleaves,milk and oil. I 109 lzl

For the patient suff'eringfrom vatika diseases,affusion

after proper oleationis useful. I/" ll0
I ]
Nadt-Svedaand Upanaha
ifirqFi vrdrE{ail iQo r l
qer<q1rrrord: 116 Errqr ffiqil qqqI t

tg ftr€ Td *dqr+s rrm+q q | | qqR| |

In a pot, the meatof marshy-land-inhabiting
and aquatic
rdsnd, yava andbala shottldbe cookedby adding muscle fat,
yoghtrrtand sourvinegar.Nadi-sveda(vide Sutra 14 : 43 for
detailsof the method)should be given with this decoction.
Upanaha(hot poultice)shouldbe appliedwith the paste
of the abovementionedingredients.
Medicatedghee and medicatedoil preparedby boiling
with the abovementionedingredientsmay beusedlor massage
andpana (internalintake). t/2- 112]
[ 110
Recipefor Upanaha(Hot Poultice)
EfRfF*,rd frsr: qUEg1n* Fqui rrd{l
<Rr$rrrqgd*, ffi rrlrgtrqraqt I qqt ll
Mttsta, kinva, til.a, kustlta, surdlwa, lavuna and nata
shouldbe cookedwith yoghurt,milk andfour typesof fat (oil,
ghee,muscle-fatand bone-marrow).This recipe should be
usedas hot poultice. I u3l
Application oJ'Thick Paste
rrdt, rrsci rrnqrfuq eFi firrqr
@ qiei ffiqriEnqr\rl
fu;n ra: ffi grffidqr
5.ffi l?1ar*q qdfi{s rr*rrFr: n qqqtl

Utkurika(pan-cake),vesavdra (a typeof meatpreparation

with hot spices),milk, n1asa,tila,bolledrice,seedsof eranda,
wheat,barley,kola,sthira, etc.,shouldbe addedwith fat, [and
madeto a pastel.The physicianshouldapplya thick layer of
this pasteover the painful part of the body at night. It should
be bandagedwith leavesof eranda.In the next morning, the
bandage,alongwith thepaste,shouldberemoved.Thereafter,
the affectedpart should be sprinkled with milk and water.
Again, during theday time,hot poulticeshouldbe appliedand
bandagedby leathercontainingfur. This bandage[alongwith
the pastelshouldbe removedat night. [ 114 - 116 ]
Pradeha and Upanaha
qanrf @gyfrrortr
5{6r3tr;Tr6t5 T|;effirfuil qq\etl
qrq$: 5'{r\*d a.n+( riadg*: r
Oil bearingfmits (seeds)shouldbe madeto a pasteby
triturating them with sour ingredients,and be allowed to
cool down [beforeapplication].This pasteshouldbe applied
irr the lorm of'pracleha(thin poultice).
Aromatic dmgs having va,-u-alleviatingproperty (like
aguru, etc.), milk pudding and kriara (a preparationof rice
and pulses)shouldbe addedwith fat, and appliedin the form
' / 21 1 8l
of upanalra(thick poultice). I tt7 -
MedicatedGheeJ'or Vatika Diseases
@, *ar1 gqqrrtiltterl
ftfdqq @t
ffi$r{q. q+{r{Frq<wr[drql6rfiqt I qqj | |

qrq*s {S fin*ffi*, rrrrdt: u q?otl

rr$t, qFfiq: wsr: fuA: *{trqra3qu qRqtl
fr{Frel: FftFaT: qrqrqqq{qlKq r

For the treatment of different diseasescaused by

ununctuous vayualone,we shallnow describepieparationso f
medicatedfat which are like ambrosia.
In one drona of water, fourpal.asoI da1a-mula,and one
p rastha of eachof yava, kola andkul,attha shouldbeboiled till
onefourth of waterremains.To this decoction,the pasteof the
drugsbelongingto Jlvanl\,agroup(vide Sutra4 :9 : I ), sugar,
kharjfira, kasmary-a, draksa, hadara andphalglr should be
added.By addingmilk and oneprastlta of ghee,it shouldbe
cooked.This medicatedgheecuresdiseases causedby vfit'tt
alone(not associated with other clrtsas). This medicatedghee
hasno advcrsecl'fects.It shouldbe takeninternallyand used
tor massage e n em a.[ 118 ' lr - ' lr l22]
a s w e l l a s me d i ca te d
Recipe o.l'MedicateclGhee
flqrrqi TrR TrFr M fiTqd wdqtltRR ll
fuq*r Fc''{rdil( ffi q{ql
Ghee cooked with the pasteof citraka, nItg,ara,rasna,
puskara-mula, pipltafi and Saylis excellent for the cure of
tlr - tlr I23l
d i s e a s ecsa u se db y t'a t'u . I l22
MedicatedGhee.f\tr Inhalation Therapl'
qink€rlt St Edqci ffiqn q?Qtl
T{q {fu', Uq55* er rrei qffisFr&t
Milk shouldbe boiled by addingbala andbilva' Ghrta-
rnaryQa (upperpart of the ghee)shouldbe cookedby adding
this milk to it. One Sukti(half pala) ot prakufica(onepala) of
this medicatedghee shbuld be used for inhalation therapy
which cures the diseasescausedby the aggravatedvayu
afflicting the head. [ 123'lr-',lrl24 ]
unqr{+{firtf g ftrersefifr qffillqRx ll
d T+6 EyrIId{Tqq,qrtur gF: q}qt
: llqR\ll

q-dt+qt{+*ry qe*Fd$n+rfurqt
fu qrf,{ttrrflfl?rr qrilEqnFrr-{ttt?q tl
ffirqtsa+cj rotdrq qr€Al
i rg, gqfrurrqn: a*urg*tww i r r qts I r
Tmffi ArnFf( sr<rfftrq{.r
Bonesof thc domesticated, marshy-land-inhabiting and
aquaticanimals should be crushedand cooked by adding
water. The fat (bone-marrow)thus obtained,is again to be
cooked by addingthe decoctiono1 dasa-mula,the pasteof
.ilvaku, rsahhaka, asphotA,viclarl, kapi-kacchu, group ot
vavu-alleviatingdmgs (vide vimana B : 139) and drugs
belongingto Jtvaniyagroup(videSutra4 :9 :1), anddouble
the quantity of milk. This medicatedbone-marrowshouldbe
usedfor inhalation,massage andmedicatedenema,andtaken
internally which instantaneousry curesdiseasesof vessels,
joints, bone and gastro-intestinaltract caused by
alTlictionwith aggravatedvdvu.
In thc patientshaving diminishedbone-marrow,semen
and rlas ( vitae), this recipe promotes strength and
notrrishmentlike ambrosia. llZ4 t/, - t/, I2g )
g€qr fuftI{rs+r =r€{qr+Swst r
Freshly collectedrnrscle-lat fl'om nakra.,fish, tortoise
andculuka(iiiumara) shouldbecookedwith thedecoctionof
the above mentioed drugs (bata and,bilr,u according to
cakrapani - vide versc no. 123).This recipeof mcdicated
muscle-latshouldbc usedfbr inhalationtherapyand taken
internallywhich is immenselybeneficial. [llg t/, _ tl, l2g]
F{er: lFlrnqq,onrrtg g'iaicrir-s{dq{t I qR3| |
Swrrnrrcrrrae+: rJsr{irrgrrf r{+t r

{rgrFffq,*il e wrwi qeilF{dqllq?oll

EffiN q+( qr{it} q{rfrFqif rrsrds'l
fu q{ri Td{l
Nri'€r qq*q ffi qllq?Rll
a-€i gr q5Pfr5 €E{Ff ffiqt
ffii+ qrf ilql?tl
In one clronaof water, oneprastlta ol triphal(t(haritakl,
bibtrltaka andamalalc7), two kurlavasol kulattlta, five palas
of eachof thebark of krsna-gandha(Sohhaniana)anda(hakl,
two of each of rasna and citraka, and one pala oI
dasantula (bilva, Syonaka,gambhdrl, patala, ganikarika'
Salaparnl,priniparryl, byhatl,kantakafi andgoksura)should
be cookedtill onefourthol waterremains.To this decoctiotl,
oneprastfuaof eachof suru (alcohol),aranal.a(a preparation
of sourgruel),souryoghurt, sauvTt"aka (vinegar),tusrtdaka(a
,o.r1.p."purationof paddy),j r'riceof-koIu, dadi nru andv rksamla'
oil, muscle-fat,ghee,bone-marrowandmilk, and the pasteof
srxltalas of drugs belongingb rivanlyu group (vide sutra
4 : 9 : 1 ) s h o u l db e a d d e da n dp ro p e rlycooked'
and bone-mafrowtakentogether)shouldbe usedfor massage
which curesdiseases causedbytheafflictionof vessels, bones
and bone-marrowby aggravatedvayu, sarvdnga-roga
verseno. 55), ekdnga-roga(vide verseno' 53-55),tremors'
convulsionsand colic Pain. ll2gtlr-'lrl34l
Ghee. oil, muscle-fat and bone-mamowtaken together are called
Mahd-sneltcor great fat.
f{qwr {irr*vr rldar €tri ikr: llq?x ll
+{ fiGi qi ki =nstgilsrF-inFdqI
qrqrT;h{i ia q|dnrytrflIrur{n q?\ ll

Oil should be cooked by adding equal quanrity of the

juice of the roots and lcaves of nirgwtt[r. lntake of this
medicatedoil, and useol'this oil for massageas well as ear-
drop is beneficial fbr curing fistula, kustha (obstinateskin
diseases includingleprosy),diseases causedby vayu,scabies
andapacl(adenitisin thesubmandibularand axillary regions).
I r 3 4t l , - r 3 5)
Ntkltvrarla (fistula) is of five types according to SuSruta (vicle
Nidaua l0 : l0).

Oil cookedwith the decoctionof cottonseedandkulattha
curesdiseasescausedby the aggravated vayq. ltl,136 l
Tiaq-gr+ ffi rerruziu€ Srrrq?q tl
iftqFcrpt frfi+: yteh+drtrr ffiqt
: ilqietl
gFTd: qftr*: rrTffiEr+$rEq cnq(l
One prastha ctfthe juice of ntulaka and one prastha of
milk should be addedwith oneprastlxaof yoghurt, and kept
for threedays.Oneprusthaof oil shouldbe cookedby adding
threeprastlxasof this solrrpreparation,and the fine pasteof
one pala of each of yasti-ntadhu,sugar, rdsnd, salt, fresh
ginger (ardraka) and dry ginger (nagara=iuntli). This
medicated oil taken internally, and used fbr massageis
c u r a t i v eo f d i se a seca
s u se db y va yu . [ 136 tlr - tlr 138 ]
For the sourpreparation,rnentionedabove. oneprasthu of eachof
the juice of nuluka, rnilk and yoghurt al-e to be used which is
recommendedalso by Jat[karna.
q-glftr"5,er+nr {iffi TcdTfur{n q?all
q?sGnd{q {{i qqr ifis{pt fqq|EiEl
Er{rffrsq++dE Irfficq'r{-E(il 1?3 tl
riqn) "*qm +ildrt wtd ffiqn: r
In the decoctionof pufica-mulamany-years-old

(oil cake or pasteoI seedfrom which oil hasbeenextractcd)

shouldbe cookedandthe decoctionshouldbe strainedout. In
this decoction,oneprastlxaof oil shouldbe cookedby adding
eight times of milk. This medicatedoil cures all the vatika
This oil is speciallyusefulwhenvdyuis associated with
'lr- tlr l40 ]
vitiatedkaphato producethe ailment. [ 138
According to some scholars.the decoction of paftca-nrula and
pinyaka (oil-cake) should be preparedseparately.This, according to
grammaticalconstructionof this not coruect.Jatfikarnahasalso
clearly stated that the pi4tl'dkashould bc cooked in the decoction of
rqatcqcrcrmt*qgr: {qlfdqr(l I tYo | |
+{ ftt' q;q.r}qr q'fird: anmm I I qYq| |
fird: ffi rarerM, vfrt q+q+(l
Oneafijali of eachof vavu,kola,kuluttha,Sret'asl(gu.itt-
pi1tpat.l),dryradish andbilvashouldbe cookedby addingsour
liquids (like sour gruel and curd). With this decoction,oil
should be cooked by adding the paste of sour fruits (like
pomegranate,etc.) and pungentingredients.This medicated
oil, while cool, should be used for the treatmentof patients
sulfering from serioustypes of vatika diseases.
[ 140'lr-
wdqrdF{firtruri *ar;zrqrqa: eInTilqYRtl
iail qxl ll
FrfiilqIfr ftrarF{ f f i r ? l
Ir6rq{gmrqra R tetraq qlqn qyx tl
qir€i-5,r({rftf q* Fr qilfttrql
fisd@i fi{q{llqY\rl
ffiq @ drqlqt
x x v r r ll CIKITSASTHANA 61

Now listento thedescriptionof othertypesof medicated

oil usetullor the treatmento1'allvarietiesof vdtikadiseases.
These(oil-types)can be usedin four dilferent modes(viz.,
internal intake, massage,inhalationand medicatedenema).
They promotclongevity,strengthandcomplexion.They cure
morbiditiesof menstruation(ovulation)and semen,and help
i n t h e p r ocre a ti o no f o ffsp ri n gs. These ar e har mless,
therapcuticallyefl'ectiveand alleviatorsof all the [three]
One Adhaka of oil should be cooked by adding the
decoctionof one tula of suhacara[wholcplant],the pasteo1'
tenpalus of the root ol' sahacaru,and four atlhakasol'rnilk.
After the oil is cooked, cighteenpalas of sugar-powder
shouldbe addedto it by the physician.This medicatedoil is
l42tlz- tlr 146]
u s c l u ll o r s e ri o u styp e so f va ti kad iscases.I
According to Jat[karna.the pasteof nftlaka (radish)is to be used
in the place of the pasteof the root of .suhacaru.
adanrsyr ad w -Tai Ial
d rgrfrrr€ftrr116| | qyE,| |
qEtrci TFars gsF{rwci a?rTl
*firtq fqr*i t{ar(rrdfFrfirf*g | | qxe | |
*d *t :a tr+{ tqtfier: ysr€qt I
One prasthu of oil should be cooked by adding two
prasthasof eachoI thejuice (decoction)of ivudamstrd, and
milk, sixpalas ol irhgaverut,andeightpulas ofjaggery. This
nredicirtedoil can be used fbr all types <>fvatika diseases.
When the oil is digestedafter its intake,the patientshouldbe
given peycl(thin gruel) preparedby adding milk.
tlr- ,lr 14g
L 146 l
Giving pe1'n(thin gruel) preparedby adding milk constitutesa
wholesomesupplementto this recipe.
rdwrif nq;arg qrq rrsraawprrqt I qye tl
wn?r6vrdT qvn+;qRert rir
r r * : t l q Y Rl l
qlE €rqq*seff*: qrdifi+s qfrftqft;l
il qqRrl
Tr;Trrr*vrt: R 1Manq\yu
F*tFFfi ..i.: Td frRrrr ir{ ffi( I
,qrti q.rri qt f6Esr BrF{g6q51 q{d qrq{ l l q \ \ t l
q€nftfr }qi q6qrfuFfir1'1aq i l q \ q rl
lelHvrra 1u'qn 5,qlf+ur rrfutr{) I
Efr Tnrfd{ l l q \ q l l
One hundred adltukasof water should be boiled by
adding one hundredpalas of bala, 25 palas ol' gadlcl and
121/,palas of rasna till one tenth (ten udhakas)of water
remains.One adhakaof oil shouldbe cookedby adding the
above mentioneddccoction,ten adhakasof each of whey,
sugar-cane-juice and vinegar,five adhakasof goat-milk, and
the pasteof one pal.aof each of latl, sarala, devadaru,ela,
mafiiistha,agltru, cendana,padmaka,atiy,isit,nxusta,surpa-
p arni (ntasa -p arni and mudga -p a r ni), hur enu, ),a$t i -tttadhu,
suresd, v),aghra-nakha,rsabhaka,.ilvaka,juice of palaia,
kasturl, nalika,.iati-kosu(mace),sprkka, kunkurna,iaileva,
.iati (phala), katu-phala (lata-kasturi), ambu (netra-bala),
tvak, kunduru, karpura, turuska (silhaka), itinivasaka,
l.avanga, nakha (svalpu-naklfi), kakkola, kustha, ntantsl,
priyahgu,sthauneya,tagura,dhvama,vacd,leavesof ntaclana

andnaga-keiara.When the oil is fully cooked,the container

(oil-pan) sholld be takenout of the flre, and the oil shouldbe
addedwithpatra-ka|ka(pasteof aromaticdrugs)andfiltered.
This medicatedoil shouldbe administeredappropriately
which cures bronchial asthma,bronchitis,fever, hiccup,
vomiting, gulma (phantomtumour),phthisis,consumption,
This is called Bala-tuila which is the best for curing
This recipe was taught to AgniveSaby his preceptor
Thtts,endsthe descriptionof Bala-tail.a.
t l r - ' 1 r . 1 5 7]
[ 148
' (vide verseno' l5-5)impliesimpregnation
Thc tt:rm
of the rncilicatedoil with aromaby strainingthe medicatedoil through
the pas.,'of argmaticingredients.The rnethodto be fbllowed in this
cgnnectiorris elaboratedin Guilha-{i.stru (scienceof perturnery).
According to tltis sciencc, after the medicated cril is prepared,the
cooking pan should be taken out of the oven. and the oil should be
allowed to cool down. Then aromaticingredientsareto be addedto the
'ltatra-pakc'. In the presentrecipe, theretore,the
oil which is called
same procedure should be followed and aromatic ingredients like
carnphorshould be addedto the oil after removing the pan from the oven
[and atler the oil is of normal room temperature].
rr!il afuq€qi
srTdrxTr€gdr: qlqtll\e ll
qrqd+ Hqqfli *iis f..rraEi q*qt
l l t q , al l
: llt\ill
EFrfr*: I

qFcrsarqfirro$ur qn qqRtl
qar*{ir( @:r
@ ryRi q+qu qq?rl
ercqrftrar N *fltrqq.rdr6qRl
15wn+iur IFun qrfuf dm{fffiA) rr qqx rr
fisrlqmi i€qt
Eight tlronasol'water shouldbc boilcd by adding I'ive
tttlasof umrtl (guducl)till onc fourthol'waterremains.Two
adhakasol oil should bc cookedby adding this decoction
(two dronas),two dronaso1'milkand the pasteof one karsa
of eachof ela (brhudela),ntantsl,nutu,uilra, sariva,kusthu,
canclana,bula, tamalakt, ntetld, Satapuspa,rddhi, .jlt,aka,
kakoll, kslra-kAkolI,i rdv,an\,utibala, nakha,maha-fravunl,
(nmha -mttndi t i ka),.iIvant|, t,i da r7,kap i kacch u,i atdvan, mahd-
mecld,karkatukln,a,hareryu,vac7,goksuraku,eraryQa, rusnd,
kAlA (kAl.Anusariva), sahdcara, vira, iullakT, musta, fvak,
patra, rsabhako, balaka, saha, ela (ksutlruila), kunkunta,
sprkka andtridaiahva (deva-daru),threekarsasof mult.iistltu
and eight palas of ntadhuku6,a;li-ntadhu).
This medicatedoil causesrestoration of normalhealthof
patientshavinglessof potency,lesspowerof digestion,less
of strength,less ol' intclligcnce,and thclsesuflering frorn
insanity,deprcssion(urati), and epilcpsy.It is the foremost
among the rncdicatedoils uscd for curing v,utikadiseascs.
This is calledAmrtd railu lwhich is held in high estecmby
physicians.[t was propoundedby the preceptorKrsnatreya].
Thtts, endsthe descriptionof Amrtudl,a-yo17o.
' /,
[ 157 - 164)
rrFRrdFrF{{a W fu'rrd+(I
W ilqq\rl
qFmprrP€Ftqr€n grrRrqf erilrfr+I
ffi rirrffi lr*a g?rq i l q q q r l
Efr rrar*dq I

Oneclronaof oil shouldbecookedbyaddingthedecoction

ol' one thousandpalas of rosn7, and the paste of aromatic
drtrgs available in the Himalayas (like agurlt, kusyha and
ksemaka)and ela, etc.,.(vide drugs prescribedin the verse
nos.I 58 |l, - |/, 162).Thismedicated
oil curesvdtikadiseases.
Followingtheabovementionedprocedure, medicatedoil
shouldbe preparcd of aivugundhaor prasara4rT
or two types
of bul7.
Similarly,medicatedoil canbeprepare
andairlaganclhaseparatelyby addingthe decoctionandpaste
of thesedrugsalongwith nrilk.
Thus, endsthe descriptionof Rasna-taila.[ 165 - 166 ]
rftrfisr{f qfr{ fu qeaFraFnkdF{r
Eei ffi( ffi:nqeetl
i l q q zr l
fu +drr"5gqfr qrirrffd6qrr{Rt rqqqtl
FFd {irffirs i!r{l
Jirice of mul.aka,milk, oil, curd and sow kanjT (a
preparationof sourgruel)takenin equalquantitiesshouldbe
cooked by adding the pzrsteof bala, citraka, saindhuy,a,
ltippctll, ativ,isa, rdsnA, cuv,ikd,agltu, 3igru, bhal.lataka,
va cd, kust |ru,lv adantst ra, vi 3va-bhesa.ja, p uskara-milIa, 3ati,
bilva. iatalwu. natu and deva-daru.Internal intake of this
medicatedoil curesevenserioustypesof vatikadiseases.
Thus, endsthe descriptiottof Mttlakadt,a-taila.
gsqdg-$s F6{16s v*r€q ql
Fdf,firq €Ilqq:etrt/t[ €p] ft611-6$ qikfrt qeo tl


€qfrt qrr rr'+ qsrqdRt Rsnl

ffi q llqeqll
Ffd EqqnrF{tirql
One adhaka of oil should bc cooked by adding the
decoctionof two hundredpalas of eachof the root of vasakrt
andguducT,andonehundredpalasof citraka andaivaguncllta
(takentogether),andmilk. This medicatedoil shouldbe r-rsed
for the treatmentof bonc-fractureandosteoporosiscausedby
If this medicatedoil is cookedby addingthepasteof the
ingredientsmentionedin connectionwith the medicatedoils
describedbefore,then it becomesvery effective.
Thus, endsthe descriptionof Vrsa-mulakddya-taila.
If this Vr,ra-nfiladva-tailois preparedwith the above mentioned
decoctionsand miik along with the pasteof drugs describedt"retorefor
11"- rl" 169)-
tlre preparationof Mulakadl'a-tailu(vide versenos. 167
then it becomeshighly effective.
: llqsRll

\tqr E{rrf,q lTFrrl i5,qrqqqttr+ql

Tdrfr q.qrlsr rrdrFs)ry 6.rffi: | | qe? tl
{+: I
y?rq urpfrFrr*:*t** ftfficr ffiqtlq\eY ll
qqt ffiT{t tq\e\ll
Vfr Nr*,,*eqt
Decoctionshouldbe preparedof tenpalas of eachof the
itmthl, sahactra, unlilA,
(root of rasna,Sinsu,),aqli-madhtr,
s),ondka,deva-dartt,Sampaka,haya-gandha ( aSva-gandha)
and tri-kantaka. One prastha of oil should bc cooked by
addingthis decoction,oneprasthaofeacho1'yoghurt, aranal.a

(sour gruel),decoctionof masa,juice of radishand sugar-

canejuice, and fthe pasteof-] one karsa of each of sarva'
gandhu(groupof aromaticdrugs)'
This medicatedoil cnressplelic disorders,retentionof
tuLinc,asthma,brolchitis,anddiseases causedby uaya'ffiis
is called promotescomplexion,longevity
and strength.
Thns. endsthc clescriptionaf Mul.aka-taila'
1 1 7 2- t T sl
This rne{icate{ oil is statedto be cookedby addingthe pasteof the
gr.oup of arornatic drugs (,survu-gandlra)which are described in
corrnection with the preparationof Bula-tallc (vide versc nos.
1 5 0r / , - l - 5 4 ) .
This medicatedoii is calledMutaktt-tuilcbecause the roots(nula)
of risrrc. etc..areto be usedtor the decoctionfor the preparationof this
Reciltes o.f'MedicatedOil
r**ierWcrm rdwrmi flwgftre*d:r
{+{ q.fffirtr ? c$rqdF{d{llqeq ll
qrerfrTaf Frdqnnrr{Trtrd1l
rrtm€rt *anfi{s
fisE qrqEl I q\eell
qrqaiT ql
frarsqcqM fr e*arsfr w{h( E?rqtl qee ll
Oil shouldbe cookeclwith the decoctionof yava,kola,
kulattha, fish,.iigryt, bilva and radish by adding yoghurt and
rnilk. The physician should administer this medicatedoil for
the cure o1'all vatika diseases.
Similarly, oil cookedwith the abovementioneddecoction
(of lavn, kolq, kulattha, frsh,iigru, hilva and radish) and the
.juice of garlic curcs vatika diseases.
Thcse medicatedoils should be administeredinternally
after the purificatory bath on the cessationof menstruation,to
a wotnan. By drinking these medicated oils, even a sterile
woman becomescapable of giving birth to a son. [ 176-178]

?Tcr vffi *ffrgqtsgEr6trql
fui srdrilfrrrJ-{n qeq| |
eer* qrfr ffi qravfrftatr*sfuqr
tnfr qrFrcVrFesJfqfui*rc: gffi(u tZo tl
Agurvadl,a-tailadescribedfor thetreatmentof Stta-.ivara
or cold fever (vide Cikitsa3 : 267)shouldbe cookedhundreds
of times (by using the sameingredientsand samemethod).
This medicatedoil curesvatikadiseases.
Medicatedoils to bedescribed in thenextchapterdealing
with thetreatmentof vAtu-raktaor gout (vide Cikitsa29 : 88-
129) may also be used lbr the alleviation ol vavu by o
physiciandesirousof prof'essional excellence.I I79 - 180 ]
Intportanceof Oil in Curing Vatiku Diseases
Trfu Fdr( qr f*Hqer qF6ilrr6ql
Tiw'rtr€ir-f,iR{il lat rl
fird ffi tFa qRqqFfurdq rr{rtllqaR tl
Thereis no medicationwhich excellsoil in curing vlfika
diseasesbecauseol its vvavayi(which pervadesthe body
beforegoingthroughthdprocessof digestion),hot,heavyand
unctuousproperties.When cooked or processedwith other
drugs,it becomesmore powerfultherapeutically.
Therefore,oil shouldbe cookedfor hundredandthousand
times with the group of drugs which alleviate vayu. Such
medicatedoils curediseaseslocatedin the minutestchannels
of the body quickly. [18]-182]
Treatmentof DiseasesCauseclby ltaru in Associationwitlt
Other Dosas
fq-qr qrerrrufrFqt {'ge qrfu vrsir
qrt firmF<fu; *a:rgn{tg ffi'qil: n qet rl
x x v l r rl CIKITSAS'THANA

All thegeneraltherapiesdescribedabove(fbr the treatment

o1'disezrses causedby vavu alone)arc also useful when ua.l,u
is associatedwith other closas,and specially when it is
o c c l n d e db y p i tta , ctc.,i n th e ch a n nels
o1' cir culation.
Treutmento.l'Vat,uO<:cluclecl hy Pittct
qsnTr{ u.rc+( rsffi{ \a wTqt | | tay | |
erqqruf qqt. TnftTqfET: qfilqgrr: r
frt*.: Srqri ? rgqfifuffirr1-d{uqz\ tl
qgl[e?Fqfqur vfroqrRunnqeqll
If the ailmentis causedby theaggravate d vuvuoccluded
by pitta, then the patientshouldbe speciallygiven cooling
a n d h e a t i n g th e ra p i e sa l te rn a ti vely.Administr ation of
Jivaniya-gllrto (ghee cooked by adding Jivanrva group of
drtrgs- vide Stttra4 : 9 : l) is beneficialin this condition.
Thepatientshouldbegiventhemcatol animalsinhabiting
arid zone,barley andiali type of rice as lbod. He should be
giverrtapana-hasti,kslra-ba.rri (two typesol'medicatedenema
to be describcdlater videSiddhiI 2 : l6), purgariontherapy
and rnifk boiled by addingpafica-mttlaas well as bala to
His body shouldbe sprinkledwith the oil, gheeor milk
boiled by adding the decoctionol yasti-maclhu,bala or
pafica-mula,or by simplecold water. [184-186]
TreatmentoJ'Vd1,11Occludefl bt Kapha
E'rFr{+qer*rh qrs.mrT{FrRrur: I
ffieun Frsara qrt qFcrtwr{n qaen
!fruf rrtrFrcn5 ffiwf Rtrqr
If the ailmentis causedby thc occlusionof veq,ubykaphu
then the patient should be given barley and meat of the
animals as well as birds inhabiting arid zone as food. He

n, niruhutypeo1'medicated
shotrldbe givenstrong[brncntatio
enemaand emetic as well as purgationtherapies.Old ghee,
sesameoil and mustardoil are usefulin this condition.
r / , 1 8 8]
[ 1 8 7-
Associationo.fKaplta and Pitta
riqte a,qfirmrqr firilrTrd fqFrd+(tl q4e ll
It kapha andpitta,both areassociated with i''allt to cause
the disease,then in the beginning,therapiesshouldbe given
for the alleviation of pitta land kaplta should be subdued
la t t e r l . [ 198 ]
Between the,s.viz.. kuphu and pittu. the latter is a,(ukdri
(producesrnorbidity i nstantaneously). Therefore,therapiesshould be:
administeredin the beginning to alleviatepittu, and only thereafier,
therapiesfor the alleviationof kapha should be given.
Treatmentof VayuAssociatedwith Kapha and Pitta
eilqrYrqt?f rcfi EF[F' qt|=Fr|-d.El I qai ll
q{qrsr} FdU E fir+ Feril ir?rrI
€tffia: sfur r{r q€rvr} fi*m: llRio ll
frt' qr qvire qfiRFFd aFr€tqt
c+qunsgrkt qrdgd'FTrdg*: ||tillI
Frs*, finftfget f{€tq fi{dg*: I
qr{itqrffi i+FrqTqrcrt(n qiRn
ffi g F*,+ ,{r+{qrR o,rr*qt
E* Fr+ q'* q: srgr:ffi.8+sF{c{: ll li? ll
lrfrq, sr(t*,qr ilr 6rqt *qrrqrftr6htI
If the aggravatedva\tu, in associationwith kapho gets
located in the stomach,then the patient should be given
emetic therapy. If they are located in the colon, then the
patient should be given purgation therapy. ll' vavtt. in
association withpirfa,pervades theentirebody (includingthe
stomachand colon), then also purgationtherapy should be
It kaphaliquetiedby fomentationtherapygetslocatedin
the colon or if the signsa'd symptomsofpir ta aremanif-ested,
then both thesemorbidities are [o be eliminated
by enema
rf vay11is associatedwith kapha, then nirr.trta
type of
medicatedenenashouldbe administered with a recipeadded
with cow's warm urine. h'vfi1,vis associatedwith
pitta, th"n
niruha type of medicated shouldbe administeredwith
a recipeaddedwith milk."n"iou
To sucha patient(r,dvnassociated
with pitta), anuvdsanatypeol medicatedenema
may also be
given and fbr this purpose,medicatedoil prepared
ui uoitirrg
with the grorp of sweetdrugs(vide vimana
s : t39) should
rf vavu associatedwith kaprtdgets rocatedin
the head,
thenthe patientshourdbe givencrhttntu (r'migation therapy)
and inhalationthcrapies.
If after the eliminationof pitta andkapha, the
valtv g"1t locatedin the channelsof the chest,
then therapies
prescribedIor vayu alone shouldbe administered.

[ 1 8 9_ t / 2 1 9 4 ]
If 'rJ,r'rr'in associationwith pittu. pervades
both the stomachand
colon' then purgation therapyis suggeited
to be given to the patrent.
According ro generalrule. normattyn"ropies
fot eliminating the rocar
do'ra, shouid tre administered. rn itre present
case, therefore, emetic
therapy (for the erimination of kaphi located
in the stomach) and
medicatedenema(for the eliminationof vayufi-om
the colon) appearto
be morc appropriate.But as.aspecialrule,
however,in the p."r"n,
purgation therapvis prcscribcd(vide verse "ur",
no. I90).
Treatntentrt'Vat,u Occlucledbl, Bloocl
vilfrr@ get6rmrmrnem
&rqtqtI tqy tl
rf vavu is occrr'rde
d by rakta (brood),then the therapies
prescribedfbr the treatmentol'vata-rakta
orgout (in the next
chapter)are to be administered.
I lg4 t/2]
Treatntento.f'VayuAs,yociated with Anm
72 C A R AK A - S AI \ t H I ' f A t CH.

lf vat'u is associatedwith ama (uncookedproduct of

digestion ancl metabolisn), then therapiesprescribed for
ltranteha (obstinateurinary disordersincltrding diabetes),
vatika disordersand adiposityare to be administered.
' / , 1 9 5]
[This descriptionof anu-vata sccmsto lre rnisplaced.Thcre is a
'itlhya-vuta'(an ailment causedby the
variant readingof this tcrm as
- vide verseno. r/" 66). This appears
attliction of ntedasor fat by r'(r'f'rr
to be the appropriatereading.andthis linc shouldcomeafterthc Iine no.
195 |l,l.
Treatntentof' Vdt'u Occlutledbv Muscle-tissue
qRT|gt f6flT: il tiq t t

lf vat'u is occludedby nt1msa(muscle-tissue), then

fomentation,massagc,meat-soup, milk atrdI'atarc usel'ul.
' /,
[ 195 ]
Occlusionof Vayu bv Bone-nlarrow'and Senten
FffisnPrrrcR l t
It vavu is occludedby boneand bone-marrow,then the
patient should bc given Maha-sneha(vide description in
v e r s en o s . 1 29 1 l-, 1 3 3 ).
lf vat,uisoccludcdby scmen,thenthetherapiesprescribed
earlierlor the treatmentol al'tlictiono{'scmcnby uala (vide
r / , 1 9 6]
verseno. 94) shouldbc given. I
Occlusiono.fVat'u bl Food
3rrr.{t Tgd.q: qr*f frwi r|g | | qqq| |
lf va.tu is occlr.rdedby food, then emesis, ltucanu
(carminative),dlpana (digestive stimulant) and light diet
should be given. [ 196 )
Occlusittnrtf'VAvt b)' Urine
I[{Frrh E {i.r dEr: *rtqwq: t
It vayu is occluded by urinc then diuretics, fomentatitln
and uttara-basti (urethral douches) should be given. [1], I97]

Occlusion of Va1,11
rrsin ffi fuaffiqnttqetl
lf vd1,11is
occludedby feces,then castoroil and oleation
therapyasindicated f or udavarta(upwardmovementof wind
in the abdomen- vide Cikitsa 26 : ll-44) shouldbe given.
| 197
TreatmentoJ'DosasLocatedin Their Own Habitat
s{errre* q* drq: er{, if r*Ndnqr
qqH Fdtd;qf' qfikrf\: {rrTh Efi| | qqa | |
€qtFq'g* qr* frmFqfirfurqsrq) r
A morbid dosa locatedin its own habitat becomesmore
powerful.Therefore,first of all suchdosasshouldbe subdued
by the administrationof appropriatetherapieslike emesis,
purgation,medicatedenemaand alleviationtherapies.
Tlrus, ends the treatmentof diseasescaused bv vayu
being occludedby pitta, etc. [ 1 9 8- ]
To subduea doscr,two types of therapiesareused.viz., (I) Sodhana
or elimination therapieslike emesis (for kapha). purgation (for pitta)
and medicatedenema(fo r v ltyu), and (2) 3anuum or alleviation therapies.
Afier the administrationof eliminationtherapies,alleviationtherapies
may be administeredfor subduingtheresidualtlosas.For somepatients.
elimination therapicsal'e contra-indicated. To such patients. only
alleviation therapiesshould be given, as describedabove.
Mutua[ Occ:lusiono.l'Five VarietiesoJ'Va_y-u
qr5ilrTf E qgrTFr+qrT{d eJuJil q3j t l
fttF ryt s{rsFrrTll
gruil EuilqEtqr4lgrof gtrqFd*sfr:a11qoo | |
rrffnsrFTrrs+d Fd gE qq*n{l
@ Roqll
trrsdni f6 qsmi arfr vrzq yrd'iqr
The signsand symptomsof the mutualocclusionof five
varietiesof vd,-uwill be describedhereafter
in extensoaswell
asin brief.O ! Sinlessone(addressed
to thediscipleAgniveSa),
Listen to thesedescriptions.

Pr a n a - va t'ao ccl u d e so th e rfo u r var ictiesol va,Lt,viz..

ttcluna-vAyLr, etc.,andthey in turn occludcprana-vayu.These
lour types of vdyu (viz., ttcldna,sanlana, v),ana and altana)
also occlude each other. These live types of vavu, when
aggravatedoccludeeachother,thus resultingin twenty rypes
of occlusion.The physicianshouldprclperlyunderstandthese
conditions. ,l=- tl1202
I l99 ]
In the vatakaLukall1'achapter (stttru lz). t,r7t,Ltis descritredas
amurtu or tormiess. [Cakrapaniperhapshad a diff'erentrext of this
chaptcr. In the extanf text r'1i,]'ais dcscr.itrctjonly as .tt,sttigltattt,.
H<rrvevcr.ttnturtutv'uof yrl-r,rr
is describedin strtru 20 : l2.l rhis
ilnturtotvdor fbmlessnessimplies absenceof hartJness or colnpactness.
and not the absenceof its type of
vdvilcancauseocclusionor obstructionto the movementof anothertype
of yrTl'u.This phenomenais observedin Naturewhen one streamof air
obstructsanotherstreamieadingto the manif-estation of cyclones.
Twenty typesof occlusioncauscdby the tive types of 'r7],u.rvhile
occluding eachother are. as follows :
(1) Occiusionof utl[mu-y(1\,u by prilttt_t,at,u:
(2) Occlusionof .santutu-r,r7),uby pru4ttr_t,t1t,u;
(3) Occlusionof I'r,(lfa-vtlt,ubypriit.ttt-vtlvu:
(4) Occlusion of apanu - v tlvttby p rdryu - t,ultu;
(5 ) Occlusion of p raryu - vr1yu by utluat - v,lt y u:
(6) Occlusionof prana-vdwr by vyana_va1,u:
(7) Occlusion of pranu-t,ayuby sutnana_vavu;
(8) Occlusion of pranit-vayuby altdtttt-rluvu:
(9) Occlusionof utlana-vavuby santitm_v,t1yu:
(i0) Occlusionof udrTna-vayuby \t1t(1116-1,A1,1ri
(l l) Occlusionof udanu-t,tlyubyaltdttu_r,uvu:
(12) Occlusionof snmana-vt1yu by utlfrna_vayu:
(13) Occlusionof samdna-vayubytyana-vd1tu:
(14) Occlusionof ,rumana-vayubyapana_vayu;
( l-5) Occlusionof v1,arua-vcyu
by udana-va1tu:
(16) Occlusionof yletttt-vavuby,sanmno-vtDnt:
x x v l r rl CIKITSASTHANA 75
( I 7 ) Occlusion of y,t,t1nu - vayu by u1tt7rtu _va1,u:
(l 8) Occlusionof rqtanu-vavuby udanu_t,r1ytt;
(19) Occlusionof apdna-vayubysanmrtu-v,ayu: and
( 20 ) OccI u si o n of opatttu - \'(1\t uby r.,t,11
tt u - r.,
When one type of I'r7),uis occludedby two, three or four of the
remaining varietiestogcther.this numberof occlusionsmay far exceed
the above describednumbcr of twenty. The twenty varietiesdescribed
abovc. however. are the commonly tbund (aviskrtatanrn)ones; hence
o.f'Vvana-vq,u bt,prana-vayu
fu vE.trd Frdr qFflffiq{qqn ?oRtl
qA srun$ kgi 6{ F*sd'Eqqql
It v,ydna-va.t,u
is occludedby pranu-vdylt,thentherewill
be lossof thefunctionsof all thesenses,
andtherewill be loss
of memory as well as strength.
This conditionshouldbe treatedby the administrationof
therapiesprescribedfor supra-claviculardiseases.
[ 2 0 2 ' l r - t / r 2 0 3]
Signsand TreatmentrJ'Prana-vq,u Occl.uclecl. bt, V),dna-vit),r,r
T++.t€d ffirar+q: gkrrrr:kn| | Ro?| |
srm qmr{t rx r+6gn' fEtr+qr
lf prana-vavuis occludedby vt,ana-vd,u,thentherc will
be excessive sweating, horripilation, skin-diseasesand
numbnessin the body.
To such patients,purgationtherapywith medicatedoil
s h o n l db e a d mi n i ste re d . tlr - t/r 204l
signs and Treatmento.fsanruno-vd1,u
occluclecrbt, prana-
grtrrr.qt Trqr+ TTSgrrErrET*dT:| | ?oy | |
Eq*m: vrs* r+6rffi TrerrFtT:r
If sanruna-va\tuis occludcd by pranu-vu7,Lr, then there
will be dilliculty in speech,slurring speechand even dumbness.

For such patients,vapana-basri(a type of medicated

enema)and administrationof medicatedIat in lour dift'erent
ways are beneficial. tlr- t/r205l
Signs and.TreatmentoJ'Apona-vayuOccludedby Semtltna-
qrcnfTr{*s{r+ T6uftrnrd6qn<r,
p11oq| |
qfd rEnqryr*T* *rf qftfMr
lf apana-vd),ttrs occludedby samdna-vd1'tt,
then there
will be diseasesof grahanl (dudenum),sidesof the chestand
heart, and colic pain in the stomach.
To suchpatients,Dlpana-saryis(medicatedgheeprepared
by boiling it with digestivestimulants)shouldbe given.
t/r- ,/1206
[205 ]
SignsandTreatnxentof Udana-vdt,uOccl.udedby Prdna-vayu
ffim: gfrrvqr* fr:qr*qerrrrira: n ?oqtl
Efr'il YItrR*Tt I
r#rryFrEi q,{ q,r{qlrqrrri aer | | Qoe | |
is occludedby prarya-vdyu,thentherewill
It ud.ana-vd),u
be stiffnessof thehead,rhinitis,obstructionto inspirationand
expiration,heart-diseases and drynessof the mouth.
For suchpatients,therapiesprescribedfor the treatment
of the diseasesof head and neck should be given, and the
patient should be comforted. [206tt2-207 ]
Signsand.Treatmentof Prana-vayuOccludedby Udana-vayu
r{r+Trgt yrd i vA: vffiwt I Roa| |
fis*qrrqrTT++i gq +*qrnEarEr
lf prdna-vdyuis occludedby udana-vd1tu, thentherewill
be loss of the functions [of different parts of the bodyl, o.jas
(vital essence),strengthand complexion.Theremay even be
the death of the patient. I
x x v r r rl CIKITSASTHANA 77

He shouldbe slowly sprinkledwith cold water,consoled

and comforted. [ 208 - ]
Signs and Treatment of Apana-vdyu Udana-
sffisqr+ gHrqRTr{* 'rEr:u ?oqrl
Pfct* ffi q{alrR $ilqi *€nr*q=rrTl
Il apana-vq,uisoccludedby,
like asthma.
be vomiting and diseases
To such patients,medicatedenema and such food as
would causedownwardmovementof vayu shouldbe given.
l20g tt, - tlrzn 1
Signs anrl Treatnxentof Udana-vdytt Occl.udedb), Apana-

ffiseftsF,+rfrqm Esft$rm{iTt | | ?qo| |

qr* s.A*i il* {wi TG qrvFqr
If udana-va),uisoccludedby apana-vdyu,thentherewill
be unconsciousness, suppressionof the power of digestion
and diarrhoea.
To such patients,emetic therapy,digestive stimulants
and astringentingredientsshouldbe given. [2101/z-t/22L17
Signsund TreatnxentoJ'Apana-vayuOccl.udedby Vyana-ven,tt
: llRqqll
re En{r{tsvr+d ffiqdnriqr
If apana-vdytrisoccludedby vvana-vd1,u,thentherewill
be vomiting, abdominal distension, udavarta (upward
movementof vd,r,a), andparikart ika
(sawing pain in the abdomen).
To suchpatients,unctuoustherapiesshouldbe given for
the downward movementof the wind in the stomach.
t / "- t l , 2 l 2 ]
Signs a ncl T r eatm ent o.f'Vya n a -va.t,uO c c I ud ecth t,A p d na -y,d t,rt
s{qr@ qA Er*ffimmqil RqRtl
erffircunn *d srcur Ff,{l
If vy6ne-ra),ttisoccludedby upana-,y,it,u,
be excessivedischargeof stool, urine anclsemen.
For suchpatients,all typesof astringenttherapies should
be given. t l r - t / r213
[212 )
^lignsantl Treatmentef V),ana-vat'uOcclucleclht, Samanu-
T€f Tqrrdnfrsg.vnfrsrfficaq{q: n Rt?| |
wr@ arA qrqr+ qriwrqr
It vyana-va-'t'u
is occludedby satnanu-vevlt,then there
will be f'ainting, drowsiness,delirium, prostration and
diminutionof agni (digestiveenzymes),o.jas(vital essence)
as well as strength.
Such patients should perform physical exercises,and
they should eat light food. tl, - t/,214
[213 ]
,Signsand Tr eatnxent o.fVyans -, d),u Occlu rtectbv (Jclana -v at,u
Fqr+rr{t En+ ir:T qerj fu d{1
If vyana-va.t,u is occludedby udana-vit1,y, thentherewill
be stiffness,lessof agni(digestiveenzymes), lessof sweating,
lack of efforts and closureo{ the eyes.
To such patients,wholesomeand light diet should be
g i v e ni n l i m i t e dq u a n r i t y . [2I4 rl,_ tl,Zl5 ]
Effects oJ Occlusiortin General
q-gr;@f anrrl$r aq+d, n Rtq tl
qqi lTqilftrn ArFdftfaisr*tt rrcr r
@qd €qrEslrlr gF€T6}I
Thus,mutualocclusions of five typesof ,r,d),u

diagnosedIrom theirsignsandsymptoms.In theeventof such

an occlusion, there is either increase or decreaseof the
functions (actions)of that particulartype of vd\tu.
Theseeight typesof occlusionalongwith their signsand
trcatment are described lbr the proper understandingof
intelligentphysicians. ' l r .- t l r 2 1 7
| 2)5 l
[In the verseno. 216, eight typesofocclusionsare statedtc have
already been described.and the remaining twelve types. as wilr be
mentionedin the subsequont verseno. 218. areto be ascertained by the
phvsicianhimsclf. signs. ctc..of occlusionof dift-erenttypesof r,dr,!rare
turnishedin thc verscnos.203 - tl"2l5.In theseverses,in fact. twelve
(and not eight) different typcs of occlusionsare described.Thus, there
apearsto be some unauthorisedinterpolationsin thesetexts.l
If a type of vrlva is ocbluded(avur-vu)by another type (avuraka)
rvhich is stronger.thenthe occludedone(dvarya)losesits function and
therc is increasein the function of the occiuser(at,aruka).If. however,
thc occludod (dvaryu) type of r,rivu is stronger than the occluser
(avuruku). then there is incrcascin thc functiorrsof the former. and
decreasein thc functions of the latter.
According io sornescholars.tlre decreasoof the functions of the
occluded <tne(ivaryu). and increasein the functions of the occluser
(rlvaraku)happensto be the generalrule.
RemainingTwelveTvpes oJ'Occlusions
qrdmi EG 6fi q Er&rn{n Rqetl
@ fi+qFqir{r

T[etTI:ll ?qe ll
F.ErgErrrgsi ETT qsrcrq{qr{a(r
Alter examining the locationsand increaseas well as
decrcaseol the lunctions, the remaining twelve types of
occlusionsshouldbe ascertained. For theirtreatment,massage,
drinking of unctuouspotions,medicatedenema,etc., should
be used in their entirety. Hot and cold therapiesshourdbe
administeredto suchpatientsalternatively.l2l7t/z-tlz21g )
Dependingupon the placeof manifestation<lfthe ailment,the type
of yzJJ'aaffected could be ascertained.Hot therapies are generally

indicated for vntika diseases.If, howevor.blood. etc., are afflicted by

vfiyu, then it is necessaryto administer cooling therapiesalong with the
hot therapies.Thesehot and cold therapiesshould,however,be given
Line of Treatmentaf' Five Va1,usin General
TE=f ffi*dlrqr{ q€Fffi{t I Rqqtl
sqFi yrq+r*q t{qr qFf E drqr*qr
gTqfr rffigrqfsfr rqA Atq fi.rrFdrfdr | | ?RoI I
Fi r?rFf rrq+lri qqr+dq ffirrrtr
For the morbidityof uddna-vd1,u,
upwardmoving therapy
(emesis)shouldbe administered.For themorbidity of altana-
vdllt, downward moving therapy(purgationand medicated
enema)should be employed.For the morbidity of samdna-
vdyu, the therapywhich causesstability in the abdomen(by
alleviation)shouldbeused.For the morbidity of vydna-vdt,u,
all the abovementionedthreecategories ol'therapiesshould
be employed.Prdna-vayuis more importantthan thesefour
types of vayu: henceit shouldbe protectedwith priority. Its
stateof equilibrium helpsin the sustenance of life.
Thesevdyus,whenoccluded,go astray(movein different
channels).Therefore,they should be brought to their own
habitat. rlr- rlr22l
[2lg ]
Occlusionof Prana-vuy,Lt
6, Pitta
{atqr* rrq, vFiF{dX€:vffian t RRq
d{ q fqct"rtq srd fq*glngtr
lf prat.ta-vayuis occludedby pitta, then this gives rise to
fainting,burningsensation, giddiness,colic pain,indigestion,
desirefor cold things and vomiting of undigestedfood.
[22] /, -
Occl.usionoJ'Prana-vayuby Kaplru
**f qrer,Itrmf{;&En$rq*rcr$r€: | | RQR| |
grd q,lm,r{t lnrnnqffita ?r
x x v l r rI CIKI'TSASTHANA 8l

It prdna-va_t'a
is occludedby kapha, then there will be
excessivespittingof saliva,sneezing, eructation,obstruction
to inspirationand expiration,anorexiaand vomiting.
rlr- t1r.223l
Occ:lttsiono.f Udana-vayuby Pitta
q-€ffir q rarnfur e5$ <ngrq: RrrT: n RR?tl
efuhrwg €rq:rrg-qT+ l@r
It udana-vayuis occludedby pitta, then there will be
lainting,ctc.,(asdescribed in verseno.22l l/, above),burning
sensationin the umbilicalregionand chest,exhaustion,loss
of ct.jas(vital essence)and prostration. [ 2231/z- t/, 224 J
Occl.usionof Udana-vayub), Kaphu
3{r{t rW M errpg=d:1 ??y tl
tdFd @r
lf uclanu-vtl1,u
is occludedby kupha, then there will be
discolorationof the skin, obstructionto speechand voice,
weaknessand heavinessof thc body and.anorexia.
OccIusionoJ'Samana-vdvubt, Pitta
srfrdeKqr <rd {6i qrcferte qn R?\ rl
@ qr{r} FngqEnilRQfrqur:I
lf samana-vdt,uis occludedby pitta, then therc will be
excessivesweating,thirst, burning sensation,Iainting, anorexia
a n d l o s so l ' bo d y-h e a t. [225'lr- rlr226]
When sunmna-va),rr is obstructedby pitta, then the ttgtti(which
normally producesheat) does not get stirnulatedas a result of which
there is loss of heat of the body.
Occlusion o.fSamana-vaysby Kapha
sr€H qFdqrd q FilTtdRetE qn RRqtl
E6rttr{t Eqr+ gr<rrr*ruri rilrfryfrffir I
11'samana-vdlugets occludedby kapha,then therewill
suppressionof thepowerof digestion,


horripilationand excessivecold feelingin the body.

tl, t/,2271
1226 -
Occ|usirtnoJ'Vltsna-vayafry Pitta
qr+ firilgt iT Tar€f,a: FEtflL twrrT:n RRsrl
rrsRqsga rrcfilrq: rr*c: t
rs occludedby ltittu, then thereis burning
If v,),ana-va),u
sensationall over the body, exhaustionand arrest o1' the
mobility in different parts of the body accompaniedwith
burningsensationand pain. 1 2 2 7, l r - , l r 2 2 gl
bv Kapha
Tsdr qffi wdwcqfiPrqr 5tr: lrR?e tl
qr+ a,w,qt ffi ffirrg.wnsfua,:r
It vydna-vayuis occludedby kapha, then there will be
heavinessall over the body,pain in all thejoints and bones,
and excessiveloss of mobility. 1228'lr-'11229 )
Occlusionof Apana-vavuhy Pitta
ETREq-tr*Ff itrcrer 1qW: n RRqtl
ftrS @sqr+ rqsrftrqdqqr
If apana-vayuis occludedby pilta, then thereis yellow
colorationof the urine and stool.sensationof heatin the anus
' lr . ' /1230
and phallus, and menorrhagia. [ 229 - ]
OcclusiortoJApana-vdr-uby Kapha
@: r r E d T { n??otl
x*qqn riEtsqr+ 6rnt6Fr ?rrFT: I
If apana-va),uisoccludedby kapha,thenthe patientwill
void stoolwhichis loose,mixedwithanra(mucusorundigested
food) and heavy. There will be kaphaja-meha(obstinate
tl, tl2231
urinary disorderscausedby kapha) t 230 - l
Occlusionbt, Both Pitta anclKapha
rrqrunqi g fiuai firrg Er qrh€r q | | R?qI r
s{dF fi{qFrdr-t fqryqtewi qt(r

When any one of thesevarietiesof vayu is occludedby

bothpitta andkaphatogether,thenthe wise physicianshould
ascertainthis conditionfrom the signsand symptomsof both
pitta andkaphaas describedbefore. t/r.232)
Location oJ'Pitta and Kapha in the Habitat of Vd1,11
?r€rpt qrdFtF{6?i rerFf dH fur* | | R?R| |
*qt qgfuq qTft qvt'H qcrlp'-q'=l
It pitta andkaphaget locatedin thehabitatsof vdyu,then
this causesmanifestationof variousdisorders,characteristic
of each one or both of them. rlr- tlr233l
P ro gnnsi s of Occl.usi ons
s{tFf effiflTeqi yrri ffiE \an R?l tl
qffir qTqk fi+qq: flRzrd{w;1
ffiF*f srm TEr+ dErd ilcr{n ??y tl
IqFil*: ffirrgeg qerFr ql
wtsdtsqRgrcr: qR'dqdw{rwerntRt\tl
Bqq{qrrffir?r{r: gGrn g€tE5Tr; I
Expert physiciansview the obstruction(occlusion) of
prana-vat'a and udana-va1,u by both kaplta and pitta as a
seriouscondition. The elan vitae is dependantupon prana-
vd1tu,and the physical strengthon uclana-vdy,u. Therefore,
theseocclusionsleadto lossof lif'eand vitality.
If undiagnosedor if diagnosedcorrectlybut not treated
properly or if the treatmentis neglectedfor more than a year,
then all theseailmentsbecomeincurableor difficult of cure.
tlr- r/r2361
ComplicationsArisittgOut of Occlusion
E-*'il fqqF: +6r ff*sArrrt gq qn R?qtl

nrcrqt-{ui *at qr{dqfief+(n R?\etl

IF IFFfiFT qTAq fr+{ seurrunsfu qr r

Neglectof theseocclusionsleadsto complicationslike

heart disease,abscesses,splenicdisorders,
tumour) and diarrhoea. Therefore, the physician should
properly examineand ascertainthe occlusionof thesefive
varietiesof vavu by other varietiesof vay1s,
pit.ta andkupha.
'1, 'lr 23g
[ 236 - ]
Line of Treatmento.fOcclusion
fi+qFqrrn: rgrqqtrqzT qqr*qil Rla tl
Errnfirfliqtd qaEr EI|aEFTrr{r(n R?j t l
€d1rrmr{tsang rq EFr{ rnrfr l6dql
qrqil ERtF€t: 9nff rT$tr:eeffirTr: il Ryotl
ggfrqq qefir*i Tg En rf{r{ f6flAl
wffiq: Y{FF{*il?Yqrl
vterF[ ETrSsq q{rgr XrgFnecnl
+d En $rFtefru,quriE qfrrtsfn: n RyR| |

srqnErr{t vd frrf trrF irqr I RYttl

qriltrfu FEt qsrvrqffierqRr
Efr d$ra, fumrqrtRyytl
srurrffi ff{qt, Eqfffi *ryc*e ir(r
ftrnr{t ffi:n
6q.rEt :ilRy\tl
After proper examination,the patient should be treated
with therapies which are anabhisyal4i (do not cause
obstructionto thechannelsof circulation),which areunctuous
andwhich help in the cleansingof thechannelsof circulation.
lf vayn is occludedin all its locations,then prompt
administrationof therapieswhich are not antagonisticof
kapha and pitta, but which causedownward movement of
va,r,uis beneficial.
Yapcna type of medicatedenema prepared of sweet

drtrgsaccompaniedwith anuvdsanatype of medicatedenema

is generallyuseful.If the patientis strong,then mild laxative
is beneficial.
Administrationof all typesof rejuvenatingrecipes,
and guggula along with milk is useful in this ailment.
The patient should take Cyavana-praia (describedin
CikitsaI : | :62-74)prepaledwith onethousandonchundred
palas of sugar,regularly along with milk as food.
If the occlusion occurs due to apana-va1,a,then all
therapieswhicharestimulantol digestion,whichareastringent,
which causedownwardrnovementofvayu,andwhichcleanse
the colon shouldbe given.
Thus,in brief,thetreatmentof varioustypesof occlusions
by prana-vdvlt, etc., are described.The physicianhimself
shoulduse his own discretionto lind out the detailsof the
If thereis occlusionof vdyuby ltitta, thentherapywhich
alleviatespitta but does not work againstyd..r,u should be
given. If the occlusionof rlat,uby kapha takes place, then
therapieswhich alleviatekapha,and which causedownward
movementof vayu shoul! be administered.L 238 |l, - 245 l
Need.for Proper Examination
eH qrqeirilqmi EF*furqsrrrrfr: I
derr vritt qkr€r ia tFq'Fr iET
| | Ryq | |
q{.Tgf;a €qti q d*Erqrur firrqr
F{srq qr{rffi =r gggFd a,+g | | Rye | |
As the movementsof the wind, sun and moon in the
macrocosmare difficult of comprehension, similarly, the
activitiesof vayu,pitta andkaphain the body(microcosm)
are dil'l'icultto ascertain.
The physician, who after ascertainingthe states of
diminution, aggravation,equilibrium and occlusionof these

do;as, administers[appropriate]therapies,never fails to be

successfulin his efforts. [ 2 4 6 - 2 4 7]
To Sunt Up
Tf s*d}-
rGEl-GFf:rqrrevrafrt rPrFTrR qqffrr q t6err*: I
y*iqtg: qEfu€ +.rq rrn+g qr+g g*.s5en?yerl
Erfrran:gnrn!-drq-frfr Fs-qrq ffiqr frct, r
In this chapter, in view of contextual propriety, the
following aspectsof thesustainerof life, i.e.vayuwith its five
varietiesare described:
(1) The locationsand functions;
(2) Causeof their aggravation;
(3) The diseasescaused in living beings by these
aggravated varietiesof vayuin theirown locationsor
in other locations, and while being occluded or
otherwise(not being occluded);and
(4) Detailsof the therapeuticmeasuresfor the treatment
of thesediseases.
For the treatmentof thesediseases,the physicianshould
administerappropriatetherapi"rguid"d by the descriptionsin
ayurvedic scriptures after examining the habitat,
wholesomeness,seasonaleffects and the strength of the
patient. t248 - 249l
Fqfuilren+ ercanFrfuffif : n R4rl
Thus, ends the twenty eighth cfapter dealing with the
"Treatmentof Vatika Diseases"in the Cikitsa sectionof the
text by Agnive6awhich wasredactedby Caraka,and because
of its non-availability,was supplementedby Drdhabala.



q?rT-frffif En@rFtnT: | | q | |
Eft a tqrd $Frqr{r*q:ll Rll
We shallnow expoundthechapteron "the Treatmentof
Vdtc-rakta (gout and arthritis)".
Thus, said Lord Atreya. f,t-2l
Vata-rakta (gout) is a variety of. vata-roga (group of diseases
caused by vdyn). Therefore. the presentchapter on "the treatment of
t,attt-rlkta" follows the chhpter dealing with "the treatment of vata-
rogds" irr general.
The diseasewhich is causedQanita) by both, vata an9-ralta is
called vata-raktu.Alternatively.the very attainmentof the stageof the
morbid transformat ion (avast han t a r a -p r ap ti) of vitiated vay u andr akta
is called vatu-raktcr.[Though generallyinterpretedasgout, this disease-
complex also includesdifferent typesof arthritis.l
Agnivefa's Query and Preceptor'sReply
sTF"Fngilgtrs t'qrftpqTRfirg*; 1
1urg+(ll x ll
While the preceptor Punarvasu,glowing like fire, was
seated in an attentive mood surroundedby saints after
completinghis agnihotra (ritual of offering oblation to fire),
Agnive6a requestedhim to explain the etiology, sympto-
matology and treatment of the ailment caused by the
simultaneousaggravatibnof both vdta and rakta (blood)
which is like the combination of the wind and fire. The
preceptorreplied to him as follows : 1,3-4 1

The sirnileof the wind andfire impliesthat this ailment vuto-rnktu

(gout) is difficult of cure. and it rnanit'ests
Etiol ogy, Pathogenes
is and Synonyms
gr€t{t: Eqgrrrtrtrri@iletl
3{-{,quxpfrdrrT€qt qrdvnfirrfrql
s{fi{flTr{{qqr q trge yilfr,rt {qnrT| | e | |
qrgF@ g*{ TtrrarR'il; qRr | | !o | |
FFi ffi ilfr qrtrvilfirrd{l
Generallypeopleof tenderhealth who indulge in sweet
food, leisurely eating and sedentaryhabits get afflicted by
vata-rakta (gout) becauseof the following :
(1) Excessiveintakeof saline,sour,pungent,alkaline,
unctltous,hot and uncookedlood;-
(2) Intakeof putrified or-drymeato1aquaticor marshy-
land inhabiting anirnals;
(3) Excessiveintakeof oil-cakcpreparationor radish;
(4) Excessiveintake of kulattlta,nxdso,nispava,leafy
vegetables,etc.,meatand sugar-cane;
(5) Excessiveintake of curd, aranala &Anfi), sauvira
(sour preparationof dehuskedbarley, etc.), iukta
(vinegar),butter-milk,alcoholand wine;
(6) Intakeo{ mutuallycontradictoryfbod;

(7) Intake of lbod beforethe previousrnealis digested;

(8) Resortingto angerin excess;
(9) Sleepingduring day time and remaining awake at
In a personwhoseblood is vitiatedby theabovementioned
causativeIactorsof vata-raftla(gout),getsaggravated
of the following :
( 10)Ah lriShata (injtry) ;
(ll) Aiudd&i (omissionof the purification of the body,
i.e. omission of the use of elimination therapies
which are supposedto be done in routine during
different seasons):
( l2) Excessiveintake of astringent,pungent,bitter and
ununctuous ingredients;
( 13)Intake of lessof fbod or abstinencefrom food;
(14) Riding over horses,camelsor on vehiclesdrawn by
(15) Resortingto aquaticgames,swimmingandjumping;
(16) Excessivewayfaringin hot season,which disturbs
the equilibrium of vdyls'
(17) Indulgencein sexualintercourse;
( l8) Suppressionof the manifestednaturalurges.
Becauseof the aforesaidfactors(listedin item nos. 10-
l8), vdvu gets aggravated.Being obstructedin its courseby
the vitiated blood (causedby factors listed in item nos. 1-9
above), the excessivelyaggravatedvayu vitiates the entire
blood. The diseasethus, causedis called vdta-rakta (gout).
It is alsoknown by the synonymslike khud.a,vdta-balasa
and aQhva-vata. ls-lrl
Personshaving tenderhealth,indulging in sweetfood and leisurely
taking food. and with sedentaryhabits are more prone to be afflicted


with this diseasev[tta-raktu(gout) if they resortto the causativcfactors

Vdta-ruktuis causedby two groupsof tactors.Thosedescribedin
item nos. I to 9 above vitiate blood (specially leading to gout). and
othersdescribedabovein item nos. I0 to I8 causeaggravationof vayu.
Description of these tactors in two separategroups implies that the
morbidities in both vdyr and rakta (blood) take place independently to
ultimately give rise to vdtu-roktc (gout).
The diseasevata-raktais describedwith severalsynonymsin other
classicalworks. Becauseof their practicalutility. thesesynonyms art:
also enumeratedhere.It is calledkhutlabecauseit is morc prevalentin
the country called khuSa (''!).Vatu gets excessivelyaggravated(bala)
becauseof its occlusion by blood for which it is called vdta-haldsu.
Sincethe diseaseis moreprevalentamongrich people(i{hya), it is also
Parts o.fBody Affected by Vata-rakta
rg rsrri m+ .r<r*ge; s{sa1q;1
F.arsr+ E6qrt E {n id FderrdFd
| | tR r r
rihgr( vdsctqr€ qfierrgcrcren I
tr€{i{r(rr{Gr|=a H qstfirrrq*: | | lt I r
ql6rr Ertrrr€frTEdfl
nerd ffiqrtget irr<rr: FqFd *qqr: n qy tl
a.frfr g:ro Ra irsrqgr*ur qRre r
rcFil +fir<rwr srdqefg:€6r TqnqrI q\ | |
The siteswherevata-raktais manifestedarehands,feet,
fingers including toesand all thejoints. In the beginning,the
handsand feet are afflicted. From this base,it-spreadsto all
$r-9 other partq of the body becauseof the subtle pervaqi.v,.9_
natureof vdta andraktu.Becauseof their fluidity and mobility,
they (vata and rakta). while moving through the vessels,_get
obstructedin thejoints which makesthemfurtheraggravated.
Becauseof the tortuousnatureof the coursein thejoints, the
morbid matter gets lodged there.
Being lgcalisedin the.joints,they get further.associated
with pitta. etc., (i.e. kcpha and,vdyu aggravatedbecausedf
other etiologicalf'actors),and.producedit-ferenttypesof pain
characterisedby the natureof theseelements.Therefore,in
general,the diseasegives-risgto pain in all thesejoints. These
difl'erenttypesof prih'becomeexcessivelvunbearablefor the
afflicted persons. I 12-15)
Prenronitor"y ^Signsand Sym.ptonts
€dsfld:r qr q,rcr{ {qyrffid ertsftTtQ,r
€Pr*ftr6ryqrir€{ Ffi fits*t{rrq: | | tQ | |

Fr*E' r5{qr € g'trei gFaiq qn qe tl

6u{: trrs 5,qsr Tsr =TYqFdqr*F-(l
M ttqall
The premonitorysignsandsymptomsof vata-rakta(gout)
are as foll6ws :
(1),Excessor absenceof perspiration;
of the joints ;
(3) Insensibilityto touch,and excessivepain if there is
injury to the afflicted part;
(4) Looseness of joints, indolenceand asthenia;
(5) Appearanceof pimples;
(6) Pricking pain, twitching sensation,splitting pain,
heavinessand.numbness in the knees,calf region,
thighs,umbilicalregion,shoulders,hands,feet and
joints in the body;
(7) Itching;
(8) Frequently,the pain while appearingin the joints
(9) Discolorationof the skin, andappearance
of circular
patchesover the body. [ 1 6 - 1 8]
Excessiveperspirationor absenceot'perspirationis also described
sign of ku:;thu(dbstinateskin diseasesincluding
as the,_premonitory

leprosy - vide Nidana 5 :7). This apart. vfita-rakta has several other
premonitory signs and symptornswhich arediffbrent t}om liaslfta. From
the associationof thesead{itional premonitory signs and symptoms.
difrerential diagnosisof thesetwo ailments. viz., vuta-rakta andkustha
could be made out.
Varieties oJ'Vata-rakta
siTt=FTsrrrFfiT FdFceirq Frq{t r
aq'ttrtmlq${Ff rrrflt fd{pr{T{1 qq tl
Vata-rakta (gout) is of two varieties, viz., uttana
(superficial) and gamblira (deep seated).The former is
locatedin the skin as well as muscletissues,and the latter is
locatedin deepertissuesof the body. tlel
Su|ruta (in Nidana 5 : 3) has reputed the view regarding the
existence of two types of vata-rakta. According to him,.like kuqtha,
vata-rakta, in the beginning, remains superficial (uttana), and during
thecourseof time, the samevdta-raktabecomesdeep-seated (gambhi ru).
Since both caraka and Su6ruta arc the preceptors of repute, it is
advisableto reconciletheseapparentlycontradictorystatements.Susruta
has simply statedthat like kustha,vata-rakta,in the beginning appears
as uttfrna (superficial). thereafter,it becomesganbhira (deep seated).
This is a generalstatement.and it doesnot imply that all thevata-raktas
tbllow the sarnepathogenic process,and thus a variation is possible.
caraka has never said that the uttuna type of t,ata-rakta continues to be
so (superficial) all through the courseof the diseases.In other words. it
can become gantbhira (deepseated)during the courseof the diseaseas
stated by susruta. Hence according to caraka, sometimes the disease
t'dta-rakta originatessuperticially (uttana,which may becomegambhira
or deep seated in course of time). but at times. this disease also
originates deep seated or gantbhlra. Thus. there is no contradiction
between the staternentsof these two preceptors, viz.. caraka and
signs and svmptomsof'Ilttdna anclGambhrravarieties of
ilrqr d M n R ot l

ffiE *nrtu RRt l

Er'nf,d swf vrfrt Fr+€ql
ffi qrdrwqqrsEr{il R? t l
The *luperficial or externar(uttdna or bah\a) variety oI
vrrta-raktagives risc to the following signsand symptoms:
(l) Itching,burningsensation,ache,extension,pricking
pain, throbbingsensationand contraction;and
(2) The skin becomesbrownishblack,red or copperyin
The deepseated(gumbhtra)type of vata-raftragivesrise
to signsand symptoms,as fbllows :
( I ) Oedema,stiflness,hardness andexcruciatingpain in
the interior of the body;
(2) Blackish brown or copperycoloration
[of the skin];
(3) Burning sensation,
and suppuration[of thejoints].
If the vata-raktais locatedboth in the exteripr (uttdna)
and interior (gambhira)of the body, thenthe following signs
and symptomsare rnanifcsted:
( I ) The aggravate d va,u while causingpainand burning
sensationconstantly,moveswith high speedthro'gh
thejoints, bonesandbone-marrowasif cutting them
to make the joints curved inwards;
(2) While moving all over the body, this aggravated
ya.r,umakes the person lame and paraplggic;
(3) atl the signs and symptomsdescribedabove (in
respectof uttana andgamblra typcsof vata_rukta)
are manifestcd.
C A R A K A - S A] \ I H T ' t A I CH.

In Srrtru 19 : 4 : 7 . vdta-ruktnis descrihedto be of two varietics

only. In the abovevetses,alongwith the signsand symptomsof uttAttd
(superficial) andganbhlra (deepseated)types of vatu-rakta. those of a
third variety located both in exterior (utturut) and interior \ganblira)
are also described.There is no contradictionbetweenthe statement
made in Suffa 19 : 4:7. and the afbresaidstatementbecausethe third
one the signs and symptoms of which arc describedabove does not
constitutea separatevariety inasmuchas it is only a combinationof the
two varietiesof this disease.(viz.. uftAna andganrbltira).
Class it''icat i on of Vatu-ra kta
Tr qrfrsRtrter srfS fir* ;r*sfr qr r
rfqr*g vrrfr zret rW EqrurqttRYtl
Now listen to the signs and symptomso[ vLtu-rakta
classifledon the basisof the following :
( 1) Predominance
of vd1,11;
(2) Predominanceof pitta;
(3) Predominanceof kapha:
(4) Predominanceof rakta (vitiatedblood); and
(5) Causedby the predominanceof two or threeor all of
the above mentionedfactors. t24)
The uttfuru (superficial) and ganbliru (deep seated)varieties of
t,iitu-ruktu are further classiflcd on the basisof the one. two. three or all
the tour of the atoresaidfactors. viz.. v'a)'u.pittu, kapha and raktu
(blood). Thus. accordingto sotnecommentators.v'ita-rakta is of forty-
five varieties. Kharanddahas gone to the extent of describing many
other varieties of vfitu-raktu. [The text of the commentary in this
connectionseelnsto be corrupt.]Descriptionof theseadditionalvarieties
of vtTtu-raklcis not much of practicalutility; hence.such details are
o.l'Vata-raktaDominatedbv Vat'u
Signsand S),,lxptoms
rt+i q yq|trdrgfrfd|=rq: | | R\ | |
qr1qgfmr6tr xrffisg.rgsnro-qr
E.s+*a.qi ffillRqll

Vata-ra ktadominatedby aggravatedvd1'uis characterized,

speciallyby the following signs,
( 1 ) D i l a ta ti o no f ve i n s;
(2) Colic pain, throbbingpain and pricking pain;
(3) Blackness,
of oedema;
(4) Increaseand decreaseof the oedema;
(5) Contractiono['vessels,lingers(includingtoes)and
j o i n ts;
(6) Stiffnessof the limbs;
( 7 ) Ex ccssi vep a i n :
(8) Contractures
and stiffness[of joints]; and
(9) Disliking for cold things. [ 25-26 ]
Slgns a,Ld S\tnxptontso.f Vata-rakta Dontinated by Vitiated
,qqr${vFFq ffit
furels'$:vr{ +fr @trR'etl
Vata-raktadominatedby vitiatedblood is characterized
by the following signsand symptomsin special:
(l) Oedema,excessivepain and pricking pain;
(2) Copperycolorationof the skin;
(3) Tingling sensation;
(4) Not yeilding to therapieswhich are either unctuous
or ununctuous:and
(5) Itching and sloughing. | 27 )
Signs and Svmptonxs
oJ'Vata-raktaDontinatedbv Pitta
ffi +fir T6f Taffirun rrd rlq, r
Vata -rakta dominatedby aggravatedp itta is characterized
by the following signsand symptomsin special:

(1) Burning sensation, pain,fainting,sweating,morbid

thirst,intoxicationand giddiness;
(2) Redness,suppurationand bursting open of the
afllicted joint; and
(3) Emaciationof the atflicted limb. l28 l
Signs anelSvmptomsoJ Vdtcr-raktaDontinated by Kapha
rtfird riltei ri€: EFir{<r ? E-q q* r
Vdta-raktadominatedby kaltha is characterizedby the
following signsand symptomsin special:
(1) Indolence,heaviness, unctuousness
and numbness;
( 2 ) L e s so f p a i n . I t / , 2 9)
Signs untl Symptontsof' Vata-rakta Dominated by Tn'o rtr
Vata-rctktadominatedby two or threeof the aggravated
closasis characterizedby the etiological factors as well as
signs of two or threeclosastogetheras describedabove.
Va1'u,ltittu and kapha are the three r/asas.The fburth variety of
vatu-ruktucauscdby tho prcdominanceof vitiatedblood (which is not
a do,ya)is also describedabovc.This fourth factor. i.e. raktt (vitiated
blood) is also to be takeninto account.and includedin thesecombined
varieties because raktu rctnains in these combincd groups as an
ortubttutlhu(sutrsidiarytactor).Thus. the statementmade in the above
verseirnplies the combinationof thc two. three or all the four tactors,
viz.. vltytt,pitta, kapha ,nd ruktu describedabove.
q*-dqr$f vrui q4, qref ffiqqqr
Hqeqgr€d Fr€rtr q rgwr(Er: n Qotl
11'vdta-raktetrs causedby only_oneclosa,and il it is of
racentorigin, thcn it is curable.lf vail-iaftZiii causedby the

combinationof two tlosas,thenit is only palliable.If, however,

it is causedby all the threedosas(includingthefourth one,i.e.
rakta - vide commentaryabove),then it is incurable.
If the curablevarietiesare attendedwith complications
(to be describedhereafter),then they alsobecomeincurable.
t30 l
Tridosaja type of vdtu-raktu is described above as incurable.
[Obviously there was no need for describing the treatment of these
incuratrle types of vata-raktal. But in verse nos. 76-78, the recipe has
been described for the treatment of (incurable) type of this
disease. This implies that vita-rukta even if dominated by the
simultaneously aggravatedthree tloqasis curable provided this ailment
is not associatedwith all the signs and symptoms.and also if it is of
srtrdT*-dr r6tar qrE'cr*r6dEr:| | ?? | |
q$T{*tr ft*r qrstu rr(r
dssrh M q wq€-{qFa qqn ?r ll
qd* {@l
qnzi €ruj tznF{trrflqt | ?x | |
Patients of vdta-rakta having complications like
sleeplessness,anorexia, asthma, sloughing of muscles,
stiffness of the head, fainting, intoxication, pain, morbid
thirst, fever, unconsciousness,trembling,hiccup, lameness,
erysipelas, suppuration,pricking pain, giddiness, mental
tatigue, curvature of fingers and tocs, pustular eruptions,
burningsensation,al'flictionof vital parts,andtumour should
not be treated.Even association of mohu (unconsciousness)
alone as a complication,rendersthe patient of vata-rakta
lf vata-rakta is associatedwith fluid-exudation [lrom

the wounds in thc afl'lictedjoint], vivarnct(manif-estation

oppositeccllour)ol the skin, stiffness,tumour,contraction
and affliction of thc senses,thensuchpatientsshouldnot be
If theailmentis associated
with only someol the afbresaid
complications,then thc patient is palliable; and if there is
none of thesecomplications,then the patientis curable.
If all the complications described above excluding mrshu
(unconsciousness) are manifestedtogether.then the patient becomes
incurable.Manifestationof ntoha(unconsciouness)
also makes the patient incurable.
In theplaceof "ntohenuikena"rneaning"by only onecomplication.
viz.. unconsciousness", solne scholars read "nrcltenaikena"meaning
"only one complication. viz.. meha or obstinate urinary disorders
irtcludingdiabetes".For thetreatmentof vcfc-raktu,generallytherapies
which are sweetand cold are administered.If the patierrthas lrela as
complicationthenthe line of treatmentof v,utu-raktaandnehu lrccomes
mutually contradictory.That is why the patientof vata-raktrrhaving
ntehuas its complicationbecomesincurable.
The term "vivartltt" mentionedin the velse no. 33, ret'ersto the
n of viparita or oppositecolour, andnot merelydiscoloration
lrecausesuch discolorationappearsin all the patientsof y,ata-raktuin
Need For Blood-letting Therapl,
ffiqFf Fr6€rS ynqrsFru {r€tT:I
F{FgqrrmFqqrqr{ *e{fir€t<q.trrt\ rl
irr gd?K{ VJ-fftr*€:{rq.ngFr-,
y€H' fuefirqi qrrr+q rrsrrqFTqtI lq tl
Hrai qeilifiiln I
v$.q+€tq @nt\erl
eFntvrrqE €rai funnr: ltEE+{ qr I
3r$.rFil-+T E Hrai rn$ qrffi ? ?r(n ia rl
rrrrfu g-qg Fr$t 6lq T{rgfuflqqral
renFi qrfr sqgM Eqiilg{gqq{qr(il 13||

ror,^qrft qrrirng F{ qrdmFd{F(t

EqfTsr( IrrTr+{ frqrerr*ri frFrftqu yo | |
The aggravatedvdyu located in the iakha (peripheral
tissues)andjoints causesobstructionto thechannelsof blood
instantaneously.Then the va1,uand blood enter into, and
caLrseobstructionof eachothergiving riseto pain and [even]
death [of the patient].Therefore,dependingupon the dosas
involved and the strengthof the patient,blood-lettingshould
be done with the help of horn, leech, needle,gourd or by
If thereispain, burningsensation,colic pain andpricking
pain, then blood-lettingshouldbe doneby the applicationof
If thereis nq.mbngss,
itching and tingling sensation,then
blood-lettingshouldbe doneby the applicationol horn.
If the pain movesfi'om one part of the body to the other,
thenblood-lettingshouldbedoneby venesectionor pracchana
(scratchingwith rough surfacedleavesor instruments).
However, blood-letting should.not be done if there is
emaciationof the limbs and if thereis ununctuousness of the
body bccauscof the predominance of the aggravatedvavu.
Blood-lettingshouldbe avoidedin suchcasesbecauseas
a.resrrft of the depletionof blood,the aggravated
rise to deep-seated ocdema,stilfness,trembling,diseasesof
the vesselsand ligaments,astheniaand contractures.
Excessiveblclod-letting givesrise to lameness, diseases
of vdyu, and may even causedeath.Therefore,it shouldbe
d o n e i n a p p r o p r i a t em e a s r l r co n l y i n p e r s o n sh a v i n g
unctuousness. [ 3s-40]
Line r4l'Treatntent
in Generul
friEq: ffisnsrd
rKN Tgfr{: VRirqqr{;ARirc'{ q1 yq tl

@: sr*sF.rflfr:tll
qnrt yrnrsfr...
In the beginning,_oleationtherapyshould be given to the
patient suff'ering from vdta-rakta. Thereafter,he should be
given."purgationtherapy with unctuousingredients(if the
patient is slightly unctuous)or with ununctuousingredients
(if the patient is excessivelyunctuous).These purgatives
shouldbe o1'mildnature.[Sharppurgativesmay excessively
provoke vdyu for which these are contra-indicatedfor rhe
treatmentof patientssuffering from vata-rakta.lThe patient
shouldbe given medicated*9l.ema therapies(both nirftha and
antwdsana types) frequently.
H e s h o u l d b e g i ve n a ffu si o n , massage,pr adeha
(applicationof thick ointments),food andunctuoussubstance
which do not causeburning sensation. [41 -3/442]
Specific Treatmentof Vata-rakta

;;;H,:"H*:: iin",orvdta-
rakta (gout) will be describedwhich may be listened to.
SpeciJicTreatementof Uttana Vdta-rakta
Uttdna (superficial) type of vdta-ral<rc(gout) should be
treated with_,glepana(application of ointments), massage,
affusion and upanaha (application of hot poultice). I tlr 43 7
Specific TreatmentoJ Gambhlra Vdta-rakta
Gan&hira (deep seated)type of vdta-rakta should be
treatedwith purgation,dsthapana(atype of medicatedenema
containing decoctionof drugs among others)and intake of
unctuouspotions. I 43
xxrxl CIKITSASTHi,NA 101

of Vata-raktaDominatedby Vayu
gffi6qar*s Elr#flggrqfqt I YY tl
Vata-rakta causedby the predominanceof aggravated
va,yashould be treated with potions containing ghee, oil,
muscle-fatandbone-marrow,massage, medicatedenemaand
applicationof luke-warmupandha(poultices). 1.441
SpeciJic Treatment o.f Vata-rakta Dominated by Pitta and

ffi'rtnfir*nr crlquy\rr
lf vdta-rakra(gout)is dominatedby vitiatedrakta (blood),
and aggravatedpitta, then the patientshouldbe trcatedwith
purgation, potions containing ghee and milk, affusion,
medicated enema and cooling niwaparya (application of
ointment for the alleviationof burning sensation). t 45 l
Specific Treatntentof Vdta-rakta Dominated by Kapha
qrr;f Ig =rrdqdffi feungrql
E*En *'{rg rrrq* erdrrt Erqiffit I I xE | |
lf vata-rakta (gour) is dominatedby aggravatedkapha,
then the patientshouldbe treatedby mild emetics.He should
not be given oleationand affusionin excess.He shouldkeep
fast, and luke-warm ointment should be applied over his
bodv. t46 l
Specific ManagementofVota-rakta Dominatedby Kapha and
qqqr** vftt: sfrr* qrilrifu*l
@:grraq16i*(1 y\etl
If vltta-ralcra(gout) is causedby the predominanceof
kapha andvlvu, then applicationof cold poultice will cause
stantbhana(astringentaction)as a result of which there will

be aggravationof burningsensation,
oedema,pain anditching
sensatlon. 1 4 7l
Precaution in TreatmentoJ Vata-rakta Dctminatedby Rakta
and Pitta
rnnfrrffi dr*ef€: ffis*qnurqr
ffit g-*arss*'fg.qnqt I ya | |
lf vata-raktais causedby the predominancc o1-vitiated
rakta and aggravatedpitta, then the use o1heatingtherapies
may causeburningsensation, softness of tissuesandbursting
of the wounds.Therefbre,the physicianshouldadminister
ap p r o p r i a t c th e ra p i e s a fte r d e te rm ining the str ength
(aggravatednature)of the dosas. t48 l
Prohibitions in Vata-rakto
Fcgrgtd rrdilr{ qrqri +eri dErl
a-{si TdF+qf< F{unFf q qtiEn yi n
Sleepduringday time,exposureto heat,exercise,sexual
intercourse,and intake of pungent,hot, heavy, ahhtsyunt[t
(ingredicnts which cause obstruction to the channels of
circulation),salincandsouringredientsshouldbe avoidedby
thc patient suffering fr<>mvata-rakta(gout). l.4el
WholesomeFooclund Drinks.forVata-rakta
g{run rr*rh{c+{rtr: ynfhqfb{'r: I
$iwTd Tsrtf er fefuTrgEr FiTr: tl qo tl
3lr@FElurfrr gfrr qqn: HuIlEEFt: I
q6nf q€rrffqT: ryrmn ercvilfirrt | | \q | |

qrq'{ffiffi Vrrd ffi rrsnn\Rtl

Bffirf€ VTr6rn€rq qrqht
qqqrd, iTsnrraj qrRqrti qd Frqn ql tl
Ffr ri*ra' *d qrrffiFqfuflscqr
qdte gr: Trd arr{kT: ffitrqxtl

For the patient suffering frorn vata-rakta (gout), the

lollowing are useful :
( I ) Cerealslike old barley,wheat,nivara(a typeof wild
rice), and1al.ias well as sastikatypesof rice;
(2) Soupo1'themeatof ylskira(gallinaceous) andpratuda
(3) Soup of aclhakT,canaka, muclga, masfura and
makusthaaddcdwith gheein liberalquantity;
(4) Leaty vegetablesbke sunisanryaka, tenderbranches
of vetra, kakamaci,Satavan, vastuka, upodikd and
sat;arcala (sltr\qy6rtta)sizzledwith gheeandmeat-
soup. Theseare to be given to the patientswho are
habituatedto vegctablediet lor makingsidedishes;
(5) Milk of cow, buffalo and goat.
Thus, the treatmentof vata-raktais describedin brief.
Theseare to be elaboratedhereafter. i 50-54 l
' gt:t
fir€ rgqJ-t, €fif' Rqfr{qr?q(l I q\ tl
Ghee cooked by adding milk (l'our times of ghee in
quantity)and [thepasteof munclitika(iravani), kslra-kakolt,
.ftvaka,rsabhaka andmadhuka- all takenin equalquantities
[in total one fourth in quantity of ghee] cures vata-rakta
(gout). tssl
Since no other liquid is mentioned in the above recipe. milk
(though the quantity is not specified) has to be taken four times in
quantity of ghee.

qencfrqf,f +<rqtqERf vrar*frql
q,,rffi ffirrqEaqHEn\qtl

Ed :rg{qqfu *, fis4i and{in:lql

A pasteshouldbe preparedofbal.a,atlbald, ntedd.,dtma-
guptA, 1atdvar|, kdkol-t,'kqlra-kakol\,rdsnd and rddh.i. Ghee
should be cooked by adding milk, four times in quantity of
ghee,andtheafbresaidpaste.This medicatedgheecuresvata-
rakta (gout), heartdisease,anemia,erysipelas,jaundice and
f'ever. [ 56-57 ]
q,Mur EF-*Fr: q+{Fdqr | \a | |
Wfi,a<rqt: rg*rqi aerTq*{ qg{ur{r | \q | |
\ril( grdFrEi sff: qrqq-urqflqfr
qffi{t er} Srd ffi tffi qtllqott
Vfr rnsT{i Tdql
Ghee should be cooked with the paste of trdyantikd,
tamal.akl,kako[i, ksira-kakofiandiatdvarl, and the decoction
of ka1eruka by adding thej uiceof p arit saka,d.rdksd, kdSmarya,
sugar-cane andviclafi,t:ikenin equalquantity,separately,and
tour times o1'milk. This rnedicatedghee should be taken
regularly(pruyogika)whichcLrres vutu-rakta(gout),phthisis,
consumption,erysipelasandpuittika type clf fever.
Thus, ends the descriptionof Parltsaka-ghrta.[ 58-60 ]
This recipe is also describedin the text of jatdkarna.
A t r tr-a'{e qqfttiw€ {gr{Erqr
rrdqqtr T6fu r{TrrwrT vrmqfrtr I qqtl
Y€gufrra1.qufi rrqrqFcqar q-crql
Wrffiq; q€r Ererffi F+rrqlqn qR| |
qrE** rrrrrt qfr{rJrry€urtrc{q r{Trtl
Tdrdt{ {+q vr+{6Frtr qiqr I qt rl
x x r xl CIKITSASTHANA 105

aq,qfrfifiTq€fiErqnrr+ftf g+ierqtt qx ll
rnrm ffi q+qi qrfrrerqt
ff vfgrdni Fr*tffiqll q\ rl

ffi qU vfrt yErq*(r I qq tl

€Eqqffi q F€rq ggq dFnnqtqt
q.-fiqrFqRi ** srvrAqqwiFrtr{lI Ee ll
qr5+'i =q{ ffi wtqE srrr<T{t
qrffi erd q,r+i !fltdrf qrtrv*FlT-qll qe ll
M yr# iprTl
lrdt$idnFirmry {;rFS q qrvraqtl qq ll
qcquk srei qeffitrtrVmqt
ffi €m"*d E*qrgilfEqt teo tl
Two ltalasof eachof hilva,iyonaka,gan*har|, patall,
gaqikurik6, Sala-parnl,prini-1tttrn|,brhatl, kantakarl,
goksura,varsabhu(white varietyof lsunarnava), erandu,
punarnova (rcd variety), nttttlga-parn|,maha-meda,milsa-
1tarnt, iatava r7, iafi kha-p usp t, uvuk-pttsltl ( adha17-1t
r'ts ),
rasna, atihala andbula should be added with onc clronu ot
waterandboiledtill one tourthof waterremains.Along with
this decoction,equalquantities(oneadhaka)of eachof milk,
juice of dhutfi, sugar-cane juice and soupof the meatof goat
shouldbe addedto oneaelhakaofghee,andcookedover mild
fire. This one aclhakaof ghee should again be cooked by
adding thc pastc ol' metld, mahd-ntetla,fruit oI kilSmarva,
Lttpala,tvak-ksln (vumiu-locana),pippull, draksa, seedsof
lottrs, pLtnurnuvl, nugaru, kslru-kafutl7,padmuku, brhutl,
kantukarT,vlrd (vrtltlhi), irhgataku, hhav\'{), urunldnu,
nikocaka,khari*ra, cksota,vhttma, mufijatakaandabhisttka
(pista). After it is properly cookedand cooled, honey (one
lourth in quantity of ghee) should be added. This recipe
should be kept in a clean pot in a well protectedplace (free

l'romwind) afterpcrtormingprotectivcrituals(raksa-viclhi).
This nrcdicatedgheeshouldbe takenin the doseol'one
aksa whichcuresanemia,lever,hiccnp,hoarseness of voice,
anal fistula, pain in the sides of the chest,consumption,
c o t r g h , s p l e n i c d i s o r d e r s ,v a t a - r a k t a ( g o u t ) , p h t h i s i s ,
emaciation,epilepsy,stoneand sandin diff-erentparts of the
body, paralysisol the whole body or only onepart of it, and
urinary obstruction.
It is an excellentpromoterof strengthand comlexion.It
destroyswrinklesandgreyhair.This Jrv'anrva-girrta promotes
v iri l i t y , a n d h el p si n th e f-e rti l i tyo f ster ilcwoman.t6l- 70 l
Drugs ,r*",r116tt,t,u,
ctc.. are fbund in (/ttarrl-prrtftrr(northernparr
of the country).
qqncg(Au*anar fuan qr rrffiwrqr
fir\5f aen Sr 3.q*rart yJcqrI eqn
Thepatientsufferingtromvata-raktu(goutlmay takethe
following recipes:
( I ) Ghee cooked by adding the juice of draksa or the
decoction of mudhuka, and added with sitopala
(sugarof big crystals);or
(2) Milk boiledby addingrhejuice of gucluc| andadded
with sitopala. tTl J
RecipeContainingFour TypesoJ'Fat
ffirqqt +qrTqM vrar+frqr
qg{i qqutr q q,lqtfrf€r+d qn \eRtl
Sdqrqr@Tqfui WrWf qqfrm'
cergtrn*<rnA qpgrr*ngqftltrl: | | e? tl
q6niFqr{rffisTlari Htr*d:a rneriqr
FrntiT*r @t textl
ir$t+{ Tdr*n il( k qrcqr}furfr'{r
vdeerDrt Ek qrsftt ffs qrrqrtt I e\ rr

Musclefat aswell asbone-marrow of animalsbelonging

to the groupof clhanva(inhabitingdry landforestsor deserts),
prutudu (pecker birds) and uisftjra (gallinaceousbirds)
whatever are available should be collected. Ghee and oil
along with the aforesaidrnusclefat and bone-marrowshould
be cooked by adding the decoctionand paste oI fivaka,
rsahhaka,rnecld,rst,a-prutkta (atibala), Satavan,madhuka,
mad htt-p arn| ( vi kankata), kakoll, ksrr a-kakoII, mudga -p a r ni,
masa-parn1,bil,va, it,onaka,gambhafi, pAtula, ganikarika,
Sa l a - p a r n | , p ri n i -p u rri , b rh a tl , kantakar l, goksur a,
p Ltnu n1eva, bala, amrtA, vi tlafi , aiv agandha andai mabhedaka
by addingmilk (four timcsin quantityof ghee).
This recipeol'rnedicated fat (containingfbur typesof'fat)
curcsv,dta-rukta (gout)pervadingthe wholebody, and other
seriotrsdiseases causedby the aggravate d vat,u. t 72-j 5 I
lSthi radva - Ghrta antl Taila)
furrr r<qr 86fr srRdr rryrfir+frl
qrfuun q €fr i q-e iTentI eq | |
qsr sT* K,St yqR fui gerTflqr
: n\egtl
qEFIr ET?T ikr:
rr+{ qftrtrr }qr qrtrr+ ffin ee tl
Oil or gheeshouldbe cookedby addingthe decoctionof
sthira, Svadamstra,h7'hat|,sariva, Satavan,kairnan,s, dtnta-
gupta, vrscTra,hala and ntaha-bala, andmilk (four times in
qtrantityof gheeor oil) alongwith thepasteof meda,Satdvan,
yasti-madhu,.iivanft, .frvakaand rsabhaka,One dose of this
medicated ghee and medicated oil (both taken together
accordingto cakrapani)shouldbe addedwith threetimes in
quantity of milk, and one and half times in quantityof sugar.
This recipe shouldthen.bcchurnedwith the help of a khaja
(churningstickor handwith fingersspreadout).Intakeof this
recipe cures vata-raktu(gout) causedby the simultaneous
aggravationof all thc threeclosas. 176-78l

Recipesof MedicatedMilk
*d qq, vrclTi q rnciar gqFrd{r
ffit qlsfr ftr*{.rrer:ne3tl
sitr iqr lffi: rre;r: tr{r* frfi5*ua: r
qr+ yvr€q+ rgq ffi.: r!fi: u eo tl
@: €rfrqFr:l
vqr$crsfurtrF{s qrdrfu {iT TeT:n aqtl
The patientsufl'eringlrom vata-rakta(gout) should be
given the fbllowing recipcswhich alleviatcv,avlt'.
(l) Oil, rnilk and sugarmixed together;
(2) Milk addedwith ghee,oil, sugarand honey;
(3) One prastha of milk boiled by adding amsumati
(3ala-parn7),and addedwitth two palas of sugar;
(4) One prastha of milk boiled by addingpippali, and
fur1thr,and addedwith two palas of sugar;
(5) Milk boiledby addingbald,iaraval(r)7,rasna,hilv,a,
prini-parnl, brhatT,kantakarT,goksura and pilu;
(6) Milk boiled by adding i),amA, eraryclaand sthiru
(3ala-parn|). [ 7 e - 8 1]
The unit quantitydescribedabovefbr the preparationof recipenos.
3 and 4 is to be taken in one dose providedthe patient has uttunrugni
(strongpower of digestion).
Laxative Recipes
qriui lprg-tr qT qfr{ tqqFfrrrl{l
fir+dT rlFrrfqof @rcr: u 4Rtl
qftffif ErT y+tq fifiq-1,;
qrgN f{tqlef ff stt<wm: n 4? rl
qqreimwrr;ri qT Eilrq ftrlar: I
qftrEqFf |*5rqrf qrqrntT qn tay tl

e.rvr{ @ <rqrf
yfd nraQfo.rq ilz\tl
frqarqr: u,qni qr firiq qffAurr*gaqr
affc<rg€nf q'qrri qr q'qnFrq': n zq tl
zilful qefqFaM Fffiqt
rreFr: er*if+n*ar qrif rrcTrgilqr
I ee | |
[The patientsuff'eringfrom vfrta-raktaor gout shouldbe
given the following laxativerecipes]:
(l) Milk which is dhdrosna(freshly collectedand still
warm) should be addedwith cow's urine (in equal
q u an ti ty), a n d ta ke n w h ich causes downwar d
rnovementof morbidmatterfrom the colon;
(2),The powderof trivrt may also be takenalong with
clhdrosnamilk ;
[Both theseafbresaidrecipescvrev,ata-t'aktarI catsed
'by the occlusionof vitvttbypitta andrakta or blood].
(3) Eranda-tailu (castor oil) may bc taken habitually
with milk lor the purgation(elimination)of morbid
matter.After the digestionof this potion, the patient
shouldbc givcn rice with milk to eat;
(4),The decoctionof ubhavusizzleclwith ghee;
(5) The powdcr of trivrt along with grapc juicc; as a
post-prandialdrink, milk should be given to the
(6) Thc decoction of kAintarva, trivrt, draksa,
hafitaki,vibliltaka, dntal.aklandparttsaka should be
taken after adding salt and honey for purgation;
(7) The dccoction of hafitak|, viblituka and amalaki,
n r i xe dw i th h o n e y;
(8) Decoctionol' tlhatfi, haridra andmusta:
The abovccitcd two recipcs(no. 8 & 9) areusel'ulin

thc treatmentof vata-rakta(gout)if it is causedby

the perdominanceof kapha.
(9) The recipesto be describedin Kal.pasectionwhich
are mild should be administeredafter adding fat to
thepatientsufferingfromvata-rakta (gout)Iiequently
for purgationif vdyu i" occludedby laeces.
[ 8 2 - 8 7]
Medicated Enema
FrdtFr qpf 6s rrg*, q*rrqmr: r

ufldt q IrF{* FrsAr: \ftnrrn: n eq tl

(ilri(ilF{ ffi effir EFqqql
=ftqnqg{W <t€q-q'*qvrrtr*1sio1
If in vata-rakta(gout),vnlu is occludcdby facces,then
the fecalmattershouldbe eliminatedby Ks|ra-busri(a recipc
of medicatedenema containingmilkin largequantity)prepared
by addingghee.Thereis no therapeuticmeasurecomparable
to basti (medicatedenema)for the cure of vata-rakta(gout).
Niruha(atypeof medicatedenemaprepared of decoctions,
etc.) along with.anuvasana (anothertypeof medicatedenema
preparedof oil, etc.,)is usefulfor pain in theurinarybladder,
groin, sidesof the chest,thighs,joints, bonesand abdomen,
and in udavarta (upward movement of the wind in the
For the cure of burning sensationand colic pain, a wise
physician should use the medicatedoils to be described
hereafter, for medicatedenema, inhalation, massageand
affusion. t 88-90 l
M adhupa rUyadi -Tai|a

w i5'Gra rTrEifqtl
M rrqqfuqftqd; qpfrfiqS;
n qt tl

Tgqr*rrrirqf;a *d qraavnfrrqu jy t I
lrtrr5q qr-S.{Ff fu irenl
@i qilqufF-{uq\tl
Efr qgqrqiF{krq r
Onetula of nrudhu-),a{tishouldbe boiled (by addingone
drona of water), and reducedto one fourth. To this (one
adhaka of) decoction,one adhaka of oil and one acthakaof
milk shouldbe added,and cookedby addingthe pasieof one
pala o1'eachof iata-puspa,iatavan, nxilrvd,payasva,agurlt,
cunda,a, sthird, hamsa-1sacll, ntamsi, ntetld, maha_ntecla,
nruclhu-p ctr fi , kak, li, ksir a -kako li, tamaIa kI,r clcll.ti, p admaka,
.j7vaka, rsabhaka, .ilt,ant\, tvak, patra, nakha, balakct,
prapaunrlarika, mafi.iistha, sariva, ainclri and vittutnaka
use of this medicatedoil in four differentqays (internal
intake,massage, medicatedenemaandinhalation)curesvata-
rakta (gout) accompaniedwith complications,pain in the
limbs and allliction of the whorebody. It also curesdiseases
catrsedby vavu, rakta (vitiated blood) andpitta, burning
painandf'ever.It promotesstrengthanclcomplexion.
Thus, ends the descriptionof Maciltuparnyaii-taila.
I e1_es
qsJ6s VFi ffqrTrqffir q€r*,tl
qs{c#fiq|wt ril gTet'E.srilfiq qn qq tl
@ q*Eqrqr
itseqr.f q* a Hffi qtqu je tl

aqr@: Irt;l{ rr€RrrEGi Ear rdP{il{ll qe | |
, TS.aRv{ui firqfiT firdrqt I qq| |
ffi*ry ffi qr't{q{*{ gg*qt
Tqrsrys{qr+g Er€* qrfr FnMqt lQooll
enrarnry Tt*g lrqrwrsl qGt
:a qrdqffi qrf,tqt | | tol | |
€.rdstqit @nQoels
One hundrcdpalas of madhukr.t, one ltrastha of each of
clrakser,khafi ura, parusaka,madhuka,odana-pakl(atibala)
andntufrjataka,and oneaclhakaotkasntaryashouldbe boiled
by adding four clronas o[ water till one-eighth of water
remains.The decoctionshouldthenbe filtered.One aclhaku
of oil shogldbe cookedby addingthe aforesaiddecoction,
f.our aclhaftasof milk, one dclhakr.r of each of the juicc of
dmalakT,kaiman,a, vidafi and sugar-cane'and the pasteof
onepala of each of kadamba,urnalak{t,Qksoya,lotus-seed,
kaierttka,Srhgataka,Srhgavera,lQvana, pippall, si/4, andten
drugs belongingto JlvanTtLd gloup (jlvaka, rsabhaka,meclu,
maha-mecla, kako /1,ksl r a-kako /7,muclI a -p a r n|, nrusa p u r nl'
.jlvant| andntaellruka).Atter the oil is properly cooked,
prdsrhaoI honey shouldbe addedto it. This rnedicatedoil
.should be used for inhalation, massage,potion (internal
intake) and medicatedcnema.It curesall diseasescausedby
vd\tu,ntanyd-starnbha (torticollis),lock-jaw, paralysisof the
whole body or one part of it, phthisis and tever cagsedby
This is calledsukunmraka-taila,and it curesvata-rakta
(gout). This medicatedoil promotes voice, complcxion,
positivehealthand robustness of the body.
Thus,endsthe descriptionof Sukumaraka-taila.
I e6-1A2l

6€ qat3i gr{qrql
qffi ET$Iit: il toQ ||
qfrrqf ffi iTen 1
qrWrqh gUq.TUri*ur duryr*srqncr
srerkqdi end Erif"f ? Nqr tfo\ rr
W q++{ Fr Tg-gur Ir{[: I
frs-* F*{ha +E l*trm*vnqu toerl
q*drgtr€safr f,rR qs{qfua,r{ I
qFsgrg,rd da rq k sr+*nrr*.ql l t o \ s l l
qrdr+ fdqfrm qrr[ ffiafu I
*,arrqlqw-naf FdiSelg.tFrsnqtIQo4,
@ ssqqilFtl
Fqrq lrs-*i +dfurqqfdt€€rqn to3 rr
FilSTFs *eqr
one h'ndred palas of each of guducr, macrhttka,sara- prini-purnl, brh't\, kantakarl, goksura,punurnevd,
rasna' root of erancla,and availabledrugs belonging to
Jivanlva grolrp (viz., .iivaka, rsabhuka,ntecra,ntahi-mecra,
kakolI, ksiru -kakr,tli, nutl ga -p arnr, musa -p a rryi, jrvanti and.
madhuka),five hundredltal,asof bal.u,oneatlltakaof eachof
kola, bilva, \'uva, mdsa andkurattha, and onecrrctnaof weil
dried fruits of kairnad should be coarserypounded and
washedwith water.This coarsepowder shouldbe boiled by
adding one hundreddronasof watertill four rlronasof water
one droryaof oil shouldbecookedby addingtheaforesaid
decoction,Iive clrrnasof milk and the pasteof threepal.asof
each ol' cunclana,uiira, keiara, petra, ela, agu,r, knstha,
tagara and la,r/i-madhu,and eight palas of mafijistha.

This medicatedoil should be used in the form of pana

(potionfor internalintake),mzrssage,
It cures vata-rakta(gout), phthisis,ailmentscausedby
fractures,paralysisof the whole body or a part of it, ailments
of the lemalegenitalorgans,epilepsy,insanity,lamenessof
handsand legs,and ailmentscausedduringparturition.
This is and excellentrecipeo1'rnedicatedoil, and it is
Thus, cndsthc dcscriptionol'Amrtuclys-yoi1r,.
[ 1 0 3 - r 0]9
: llqqoll
w& t*, *ffia1l
: ltqqqtt
: lltl?ll Tf,Tfr qFqrrn: q*r qr
€'T{fu{ fu qrf,rg..qgrgrlqil qq?tl
Five palas ol'eachof padnta,\,etasa,t,asti-madhu,phenila
(upodika), padmaka, utpala, clarbha, hala, canduna and
kimitrka should be boiled by adding water. One prastha of orl
should be cooked by adding the afbresaid decoction, orie
prastha of sat:Ira, and the pastc of each of lotlhra, kallvuta.
uilru, .jivaka, rsabhaka, keiara, muclayantl, /atr7, 2,rt,. \ . -iF*

paclmu-keiuru,pudmuku,prapuuntlur|ku. kuinturt u. ntunts7.

mecld, privahgu and kuftkunta, and one pulo ol' rnurljisthil.
This is calledMahapadnru-tailawhichcuresvdtu-ruktu (gout )
and fever.
x x r xl CIKITSASTHANA ll5

Thus, cnds the dcscriptionof Mahapadma-tail.a.

[ 1 1 0 - l 1 3]
Drugs for pastc.viz., from lodhru upto lrrivdligu should tre taken
in the quantity of one karsu (ll4 pulu) each.and only kuitkunmshould
be taken in the quantity of two kur;u,r(l/2 pula).
K huclclaka-Padmaka-Tai Ia
g$l*ilr<rffi fr{ qrtrrwdf6SEl
Efr q-gr*.rr{i furql
Oil shouldbecookedby addingthedecoctionotpadmaka,
u31ra,),a$li-maclhuand hariclra, and the paste of sarja,
mafijistha, vlrd (kslra-kakoll), kakoli and candana. This
nredicatedoil is called Khuclclaka-paclntaka-taila,
andit cures
vata-raktu(gout)and burningsensation.
Thus, endsthe descriptionof Klrudclaka-Padmaka-taila.
t/, tls
[ 1 1 4- ]
The tcrrn to putlnmku-taila implies 'alpa' or
minor varietyfor the convenienceof thephysicianto identify this recipe
as different from Mnha-padmu-tailc describedearlier in verse nos.
I l0-l13.
gfu vnznga,rqsrsrdqgrgqrrdt: 1 qq\ tl
ak*e q-g.d") qsJ€s qtr gr
ffi qgq.q,lvffi qrdq(pqqqrl
One hundredltalas of yasti-ntaclhu should be boiled by
addingten times(onc thousandpalas) of milk (till one fourth
.l of milk remains).In lbur r/ronasof oil, theafbresaidmedicated
milk and onepala of nruilhuka(in pasteform) shouldbe added
and cooked.
Similarly, oil may be cookedby addingthe decoctionor
juice oI ntadhukaor kaintafi fand the pasteof madhuka].

Thesemedicatedoils cure vata-rakta(gout).

Il,- It6]
I li5
Satapaka-M aclhuka-Tail a
nguuef: wi ftrq_qr*mnri a{fr r
qft qrod vni F'ar rtE rTg-q'r€t| | qq\e| |
fird tq ffin srdnilrd SRFFrIEEI
Vfr vmqr*l qgEdnr{l
Oneprastha of oil shouldbe addcdwith fourTtrasthasof
m ilk, andonep al a ol'thepasteof ntatlhult u n.i . Thi s medicated
oil should againbe addedwith lbur timcs ol'milk, and the
pastcof onepulu <tfntutlhuparryt (yaq17-^adhu). This process
of cooking (by addingf our timesof rnilk, and onepala of the
paste of vastj-ntadhu)should be repeatedfor one hundred
timesin total.As a resultof this repeatedcooking,the paste
of one hundredpalas of vastl-ntadhu will be consumed.This
medicatedoil curesasthmaandcoughin tridosa.ja vatu-ruktu,
heart diseases,anemia,erysipelas,jaundice and burning
Thus, ends the descriptionol'Satapuka-Mudttuka-taila.
I n 7 - t 1 8l
The tcrm '.fnfc'thoughgenerallylneans"onehundred". is alsoused
to mean'many'.Sincein the aboverecipc.the pastcof yustt-nratlltuis
specifiedto be taken in the quantityof onc hundredpulus in total (one
pala for eachtime of cooking).obviouslythe cooking hasto be donefbr
only one hundredtimes. and not for unlimited times (many times).
Suhasrupaka anclSatapuka-Bal a -Tai ta
Ft€ Yrf,dr{ En il ttq rr
rlrrrqF( *etn*fznqt Y{nq;1nl
\fr{i @ Hd q-*rqr.+Emrvmqu
tRo| |
EFawfq.rr* Vrfrqr*i er qtTrhctql
oil should be cooked by adding the decoction of bar,a
(four times in quantityof oir), pasteof bar.a(one
quantityof oil), a'd mirk (in equalquantityof oil)
fbr one
thousandor oneh'ndred times.This medicatedoit
iboth the
types)curesvata-raktu(gout).This is an excellentrecipe
the rejuvenationof the body, promotion of clarity of
p e r c e p t i on , l o n g e vi ty, ro b u stn essand voice.
It cur es
morbiditiesin semenand menstruation.
Thus, ends the descriptionof sahasra-pakaBara-taira
I I 19_DA ]
since boiling andfilteringtheoil fbr onerhousand
or one hundred
times may reduce the quantity .f oil when the
tinal paka \stage ot
cooking)is achieved.sorncphysicians suggesr thatthis medicatedoil be
preparedby cooking with one thousandor ore
hundredtimes of liquids
in one sitting. But to avoid such an eventuality.
viz., complete
consumptionof oil by thc time the rinar stageof
ctoking is reached
(becauseof filtering, etc.), it is necessary
to take rargequ-antityof oil
right in the beginning.The milk which is addedin
eo.r,,toge of'cooking
will alsoadd to the fat contentof therecipeasa result
of which comprete
consumption of oir (fat) is not possibleby cooking
this recipe. one
thousarrd or onehundredtimes.Thcrcfbre,theafbrcsaidstatcment
of thc
pfcc.]ptorto thousandor onehundred
no modificationis necessary.
I n a d d i t i o n .i t i s n r t r e c c s s a . yt ' t u l r y c o o k
t h e o i r c a c ht i r n e .
cooking should be stopped when the r.ecipe
has still somc warer
(moisture) in it, and the next cooking should
be resumedafter.adding
[of course.the cooking in the final
stagc.i.e. during the thousan<Jth pitku or hu'dredth paka,t-hemoisture
contentof the oir shouldbe completelyevaporated.]
Thus, evcnthough.
sorneoir is likely to bc Iosttry cookingandfiltering..the
totalf at conrent
ir iil rr't be substantialry .cducedcvenafierprocessing therecipefbr one
thousandor ol)ehuntrredtirnes(bccauscof thc ghec
in ttrcrnllk which
\r ro bc addcdevery time).
t c'i1te,so.f'Meclicctted Oit

S**tssqnqr *ti ErerRt{ qrr

fuq qgerfirw+dqf qr-iltlEqn qRqtl
Oil shouldbe cookedwith thejuice of gutluci and milk
or with thejuice of clraksaor with the dccoctionof madhuka
and the juice of kaintari. These medicatedoils cure vata-
rakta (gout). I l}l )
For the preparation of these rnedicated oils, according to the
general rule (paribhasa), the liquid should be fbur times of the oil. By
implication, one prastha of oil should be cooked by adding fbur
prastha.rof the liquid (s).
s{rfrrf,ria+ ft{ qr<Ffu T?rql
sqft rekf d+ =qc<rrffi3-qqnlu qRRtl
Oil (one7rrastha)shouldbe cookedby adding oneatlhaka
of aranala (sourvinegar)andonefburth of aprastrtaof sarja-
rasa. This medicatedoil should then be addedwith riberal
quantityof water,andchurned.This is an excellentrecipefor
the cure of fever, burning sensationand pain. [1221
ffiWt tq?ttl
oil should be cooked with the paste of madhucchista
(bee's wax), manjistha, sarja-rasa and sariva [the paste
should be one fburth in quantity of oil], (and water which
should be four times of oil in quantity).Massageof this oil
curespain in vata-rakta(gout).
Thus, endsthe descriptionof pinda-taila. L lZ3 l
Use of the prefix 'pi\Qa'meaning 'bolus' to this medicatedoil
implies that after paka (cooking). the paste of this oil should not be
filtered out, i.e. the oil and the paste should be taken together for
Jatfikarnaholds a diff'erentview about the tecipe of this rnedicated
oil. According to him, one udhakaof aranara (mentionedin verseno.
122 above)should be cookedby addingsaria-raso,and churned.This
should subsequentlybe addedwith nrudhrtcchi,rtu (bee'swax) andsar.ja-
rasc, and used for massage.[Thus. according to hirn. the recipe of

Pinda-tailais only a variantof therecipeof medicated in

oil described
verseno. 1221.
Recipes.for AJJusion
E{rTdrl?i qfrt €EI: VIfiqr{qRl
qRffisFrosr+ Td-{ qM{ strqr | | qRy| |
Milk shouldbe boiled by addingtlaia-mula(bilva,
S),onaka,ganfuhan,patala, ganikarika,fal.a-pornt,prfni-
parni, brltatl, kantakanand gofrsuru).Affusion with this
medicatedmilk instantaneouslycllrespain [in vata-raktaor
Similarly,affirsionshouldbedonewith luke-warmcow's
gheeffor thecureof pain]in vata-raktaor goutcausedby the
of aggravated
vayu. l t24l
€t$gsnrdqt qgFt: rrRffiqr
Krs{r&rqvIrrs qtuiEft E vffi, n qR\tl
Oil, ghee,muscle-fator bone-marrowshouldbe cooked
by addingdrugsbelongingto Sweetor Jivanna group(ilvaka,
rsabltaka, meda, maha-meda,kakoll, masa-parnl, mudga-
p u r nl,.jIvant7andntadhuka).Theserecipcs,whenluke-warm,
shouldbe usedfor affusionif thereis stiffness,convulsions
and pain in vata-rakra(gout).If, howcver,thereis burning
for affusion. I12s)
rgrq|M, qfrffiqfrffi3 I
€reH ffiqFTr trgTiftq qr ftrqqn qRqtl
Oil mixcd with the milk of cow, sheepor goator with the
decoction of drugs belonging to Jlvann'a group Qtvaka,
rsabhaka, meclir, ntaha-meda, kakol.l, kslra-kakol.l, masa-
parn|, mudga-parni,jivant| and madhuka) or with the
decoctionof pafica-mttla(bilva, Syon1ka,gcnnbharl,pafal.a
and ganikarika) may similarly (luke-warmor cold) be used
for aflusionin the abovementionedconditions. t 126l

+drr} arrg@ q yrstn qR\etl
Juice of draksa, sugar-cane juice, alcohol,cladhi-mastu
(whey), sotv kafij\ (gruel), rice-waterand honey should be
mixed with wateror sugar-solution. Theserecipesare useful
for affusion in vata-rakta(gout). lrz7l

vfra#qr3Ht *erxrirqvfi Frcqn q?ell

A{fusion or touch (externalapplication)of cold water
soakedwith kuntucla,
utpala,podmu,etc.,necklaceol gems
andcandanais bencficialfor curingburningsensation.
[ 1 2 8]
tarwrqrgdlRr+ Mr
{rq+ ffinqRjlt
ilfir{Rffi{r: fgrqr =ndr frriqEr: r
Evfvfrilr: E-qgryrt E{k Er6 Ed ?$Frtrtt I t?o I I
The patientshouldlie on a bedspreadoverwith fine silk
cloth and leavesof lotus, sprinkledwith water impregnated
with the rays of the moon (dew water)and thnnedby the cold
breezesblowing from the water of a river in company of
beloved women, who speakpleasantly,whosebreastsand
handsaresmearedwith thepasteof sandalwoodandcold and
pleasingin touch.This regimencLlres burningsensation, pain
and mentalfatigue (kl.ama)lin v7ta-raktaor gout].
I r2e_130
s{rt Trt.+<rt w; f{Hrq *rr}qr
: n??ttl
ffi rrqqilr6qdrT*:l
qtrqr *T{tdei findffisffiarf,J-{u qtRrl
If vata-rakfnis associated
with redness,painandburning
be done with the pasteof madhuka,aivatthe, tvak, rndmst,
x x r xl CIKITSASTHANA t21

vira (kslra-kakol.7),udunthara,Sadvala(durva) and kamala,

or with the pasteof barley-powdermixed with .t'asri-ntaclhtt,
milk and ghee.
The ghee preparedby boiling with the paste of drugs
belongingto Jlvanltragroup Q|vaka,rsabhaka,meda,maha-
medd, kdkoli, ks1r u -kako ll, mudga-p a r nl, nta; a-p a r ni, .iivantl
and mad.huka)may also be applied which cures burning
sensationand pain lrn vata-raktaor goutl. [ 13I -I32 ]
ftrer: ffi qg-{i Ffif qgi q *arcr{r
3Tr+{ q{r*,r fi1e: g-ffi Eilqlqn q??tl
Tila, prirala, nruclhuka,bisa and the root of vetra should
be madeto a pasteby trituratingwith goat'smilk. Application
of this pastecures burning sensationand redness[in vata'
rakta or gout]. t1331
: llqlYlt
firwtntatet,.... ||
Application of the paste preparedol prapaundafika,
of big crystal), eraka (hoggala grass),saktu (roastedcorn
flour), nros-uro,u|lra and padntaka cures pain, burning
sensation,erysipelas, rednessand swelling.
The above mentionedrecipes(describedin verse nos.
728-3lol35l are useful rn vata-raftra(gout) dominated by
aggravated pitta and vitiated rakta (blood). | 134 - 31
4 135 )
RecipesJ'nr External Use in Vata-rakta Dominated by Va1,s
..eqq qrffi 'JUJllt?q lt
qrd: qrftm: firrer: €q*{gEiqr€r{r:
@ rssTtq6:nqQqtl
Now, listen to the descriptionof lepas (poultices) for
vdta-rakta causedby the predominanceof vdy11.

The pudding of mudga(greengram) and milk shouldbe

prepared by cooking with the dccoction of drugs which
alleviatevd\u, and addedwith fat (oil or ghee).Application
of this pudding as hot poultice (ultanaha)curespain.
Similarly, the applicationof the bolusof tila andsarsalta
as hot poultice cllres pain. I r35t/4- 136l
: gderTr: I
ffidqr): *6gffi'r: qsrmr5}n q?etl
ffidqsl: fuar *,wrr-T qil r q?atl
VeSavaras (typesof meatpreparation)shouldbe madeof
the meatof animalsbelongingto thegroupof auclaka(aquatic
animals)andprasaha(animalsandbirdswho eatby snatching
their food) andanupa(animalsliving in marshyland).These
recipesare to be well sizzledby adding the drugs belonging
to Jivanlyd group (jivaka, rsabhaka, medd, mahu-meda,
kdko1.7,kslra- kakoli, nrudga -p arrfi, ntasa -p arnl, frv ant| and
madhuka)and fat (oil or ghee).Application of theserecipes
ashot poulticescuresstiffness,prickingpain,ache,stretching,
oedemaand immobility of limbs.
Muscle-fatshouldbe cookedby addingdrugsbelonging
to JTvanlyagroup,andmilk. Usc of this recipeashot poultice
cures the aforesaidailments. I r 3 7 - 1 3]8
Tfi rFr{qliT]5i !ffi r6trq1f TdT:I
tq: @: qqfuFrfm,nq?qtl
The root of yahacara and.jtvanti should be made to a
pasteby adding gheeand goat's milk. This pasteshould be
r.rsedin the form of hot poultice.
Similarly, seedsof tila shouldbe roastedand immersed
in goat'smilk. A pasteof theseseedsshouldbe preparedby
triturating with the milk (earlier used for immersion).
Application of this paste as hot poultice is also useful for
ailmentscausedby the predominanceof aggravate d valty i11
vata-rakta. tl3el
x xr x l crrrrsAstHAnn 123

E-qtqfrF+Tflrf qrdrdrqFresFr+| | qy o | |
For the cure of pain causedby the predominanceof vayu
in vata-rakta, the physician should apply the paste of untd
(atasT),fruits of erancla or Satahvaprepared by triturating
with milk. t1401
@ ffird T?rqil
Td fr{ qgr FtT qr{rgrrqftWnqu qYl t I
ffimrel ffi Taf qfrrqmqq,{l
i l q Y Rr l
fqcqcr*qyerqgq e,r{rr qrfr wreriqr
qgffii eg-Fdts{dfifrp qx? tl
vFSfu tq, qRrr*sFr&r
qms# Et rr'+ q$ Ed q vrstnqyytl
Two prasthasof eachof ghee,oil, muscle-fatand bone-
marrow of animalsand birds inhabitingmarshyland and arid
zoneshouldbecookedby addingthedecoctionof the root and
tender leaves(collectedfrom the top of the tree) of eranQa
(four times in quantityof fat), and the pastepreparedof one
bilva (palu) of eachof the drugsbelongingto J|vanil,c group
Qlvaka, rsabhaka,ntedd,maha-meda,kakoli, kslra-kakol.7,
mudg a -p a rryl,nruqa -p a r ni, jlv antl andmadltuka), cow-milk,
goat-milk, haridra, utpala, kustha,ela, iatdhua, leaves of
aSvahano(karavlra) and flowers of kakubha (arjuna). After
the medicatedfat is cooked,thepot shouldbe takenout of the
oven, and made to cool down. Thereafter,eight palas of
matlhuccltisra(bees'swax) should be added, and mixed
\\. together.This medicatedfat shouldbe appliedexternally to
cure pain in a patient becauseof ardita (tacial paralysis),
location of the aggravatedvayu in the joints, vatct-rakta
(gout), dislocation of joints, fracture of bones, khunjct
(lameness) and kubja (hunch-back). [ 141-r44)
Vata-raktaDominatedby kapha
x*erFg{rr"d TilTr{rg+ feaqlt qyq,tl

Massagewith the medicatedghee preparedby boiling

with cow'surine,ksarodaka(alkalinesolution)and alcoholis
useful in vata-rakta (gout) causedby the predominanceof
kapha, and when the ailment is associatedwith oedema,
heaviness,itching,etc. t 145 l
rr+ei dq sqg* {rRqr ift Wtqt
ffi sqs5$fiisr(+6Trq$ q,ffillqYq ll
Ghee shouldbe boiled with the pasteof padmako,tvok,
madhukaandsariva, andvinegarperparedof honey (nuclhu-
iukta).This medicatedgheeis usefulfor alfusionandmassage
in vata-raftra(gout) causedby the predominanceof kapha.
I 1 4 6l
qlrrtr rtar {* crei q E*: Tdql
qRffi y'Vffi qmrt qffinqY\etl
Kqdra (alkali preparation),oil, cow's urine or water
shouldbe boiledby addingdrugshavingpungenttaste'These
tiquids are usefulfor affusionrnvata-rakta(gout) causedby
the predominanceof.kapha. [ 147 i
*q, ffi:r
*s: fsq' qFrdr€tFaqfrt: WFr: | | qYall
Applicationof thepasteof sarsapa,ninxba,drka, hintsra,
mitk and tila is useful in vata-rakra (gout) causedby the
predominanceof kapha.
Application of the poultice prepared of the bark of
kapittha, ghee, milk and saktu (roastedcorn-flour) is most
useful in the treatmentof the aforesaidailment' [ 148 ]
Poul.ticeJ'or Vata-rakta Dontinateclby Vayv and Kapha
r5q+ war qei {rdrdr 6-frgu{t
y&q, v1.dgdrd{t qnrqqRllqYi ll
Application of the poultice prepared of grha-dhttnta
(kitchen-soot), vacd, ku;1ha, Satahvo, haridra and daru-
haridrd cures pain in vata-rakta (gout) caused by the
predominanceof vayv vn6 kapha. lt4el

ir{r{ iqq vrdreRTEqf gFi ftm r
Erc-qrT{q qrdftTte @rqll Q\o ll
Application of the poultice preparedby tagara, tvok,
Satahvd, ela, kustha, rnusta, harenuka, cleva-daru and
v),aghra-nakhaby triturating with sour liquids (kany, etc.)
curesvdta-rakta(gout)causcdby thc predominance of vdlu
and kapha. t 1s0l
qsJMF&f dglfti srrqrrcrtigil{t
g.q$fcrwqdrr nrffit-ctr|q\t ||
Similarly,pasteshouldbe preparedof the seedsoI sweet
variety of iigru by triturating with tlhanvanila(sour liquid
preparedof cerealswith husk).It shouldbe appliedfor some
time over the affectedpart, and thereafter,the part shouldbe
affusedwith sour liquids (kAfii|,etc.) which is beneficial in
vdta-raktadominatedby va,-uandkupha. I r51]
RecipeJ'or Vatu-rakta Causetlby Predominanceo.l'ull the
i F{rql
ffi FrcErdqri fu grfi-dq{n q\R rl
Ene ilqe*tr qai vqqrtnfr tq*qt
q.Fi ftawffisr) qrare rlqr+tra;n q\? ll
Td+qfugffi,rfr q{r{ *frftrmFq ql
qrar* rrfr+sfu ffi vIgrHi qtqt tt\Y ll
Triphala (huntakl, vibl'itaka andanulakl), trikatu ( Suntli,
pippali and marica), patru, ela, tvak-ks|fi (vuntia-locana),
citraka, vctcd,vidahgo,ltippalT-ntftla,romaia (kaslsa),bark
of vatsaka,rddhi, tamal.akiandcavyashouldbe takenin equal
quantities,and made to a paste.In the morning, this paste
should be smearedover an iron pot, and the food kept in this
pot shouldbe takenby the patientduringthe noon time. The
patientshouldavoid taking yoghurt,iuktu (vinegar),alkalies
and mutually contradictoryingredientsof fbod. This is an
excellent recipe for curing vdta-rakta (gout) even when
causedby the predominanceof all the three dosas. and is
associatedwith excruciatingpain. '
| 152-154l
Line of Treatment
gqqr rsrnffi AqFrri q ftnqerql
effiwtq @1 q\qrl
The physicianwell versedin appropriatepermutation
andcombination of therapiesshouldapplytheabovementioned
therapeutic measure s (forvdta-raktctor
its locationand.relative'strength
of thedosasresponsible for
the causationof the ailment. tlssl
Therapv.forVata-raktaCausedbt, Occlusion
EFT* qr,tgfurffi En E6tnF{rerl
s{Fqqlqrsffi=rrdvRrf r+6{{,Eurrft I q\q | |
tr*nr6 qrq+( q,EFWn q\e tl
*Agqr*qrui E yRq5{r 116l
qrrt*i q€rdqr$ ffi Etrur{n qqa tl
frrarwgr*b grg.iHftr+q quq\etl
Because of the obstruction to their course by the
aggravate d vayu,themedasandkaphagetprovokedin excess
in vata-rakta (gout). In suchan event,oleationand roborant
therapies should not be employed in the beginning. The
provoked fat and kapha should be brought to their normal
state by exercise,by elimination therapy,by the intake of
wine andurine,by purgationtherapyandby theadministration
of butter-milk as well as abhayd(hantakj).
Intake of the decoctionof bodhi tree along with honey
instantaneously curesvata-rakta(gout),evenif it is of serious

naturebeingcausedbythe simultaneous aggravationof all the

three doqas.
Intake of old barley or wheat,sldhu andarista types of
wine, sura (alcohol), asava (a type of wine), or Sildiatu,
gugguluand honeyalsocuresvata-rakta(gout).[ 156-159]
Tr eatnxento.fD eep -Seated Vata-rakta
rrrrrttrc-crfi t<igr*tr6m-v\a+(l
qsrfrrh ffi @lltQoll
If in the deep-seatedtype of vata-raftra(gout) blood is
vitiated,then for its cure,in the beginning,vd1'ushouldbe
alleviated,and thereafter,the treatmentfor the alleviation of
vata-raktashouldbe given. [160]
The seatof rakta (blood) is the secondlayer of the skin. i.e. in the
exterior. Theretore,generallyin the uttana(exterior) type of vata-rakta,
rckti: {i;lood) is considerablyvitiated, and in thegamblira (deepseated)
type of vata-rakta, normally blood is not muih affected. If, however,
blood is.considerablyvitiated in the deep seatedtype of Y'ata-rakta
(which is an abnormalsituation),thenthe skin (seatof blood) being the
locationof vayu.treatmentshouldbe given in the beginningto alieviate
yavrr.anclonly thereafter.treatmentof t'uta-raktoshould be done.
Treatntent of Suppuruted Vata-rakta
rmnmncgqar E qrfiqrq Fr+afrt
fiFi FcFd En tri @ W+{ qn tqqqn
r*, ffizTr frerrrqr +Evilsrrfrqot:I
Eq|gtrrerrrriqEqf srerfficrqnqqRtl
If, in vata-rakta,pitta and rakta are vitiated in excess,
then this may leadto suppuration,burstingopenof the wound
and dischargeof putrid blood as well as pus.This condition
should be treatedby incision, purification and therapiesfbr
the healingo1'thewound.
Complicationso1'vata-raktashould be treatedon the
lines prescribedfor the respectivesignsand symptoms.
[ 1 6 1- t 6 2 ]

To SumUp
irr r*r['r:
tE: rermrfr qii a utqr( sr+ur uFq t
q6u{Fd91{' q r{q Fdfus ril irqrur{t I qqt tl
gerftrrrs G ? Mrrygqqqr:r
{rui qrqrtTreri ia Eqr €reurelqrFscn| | qqx | |
Eflifiifiel f{HEr Trrlr€rarr{rir€renI
rrtffqmsHdvnq aeffir*1 Ffiqn ttqq ll
MaharsiAtreyaexplaincdto AgniveSa,in brief aswell as
in detaif, the following topics relatingto vata-rakra(gout) :
( l ) E t i o lo g y;
(2) Locationol'the disease;
(3) The base(root)of the disease;
(4) The reasonlor which the diseasegenerally gets
aggravatedin thejoints;
(5) Premonitorysignsand symptoms;
(6) Signs and symptomsof the two varietiesof vata-
(7) Signsand symptomsof differenttypesof vata-rakta,
(8) Signs and symptomsof the diseasecausedby the
predominanceof different closas',
(9) Complications;
( I 0) Curability,palliabilityandincurabilityof thedisease;
(l l) Detailedtreatmentof curabletypeso1 the disease;
(12) Trcatmentol differentstagesof the disease.
[ 1 6 3 - 1 6] s
frffigtrtpn+ ffit ffieqrq: | | R3| |
Thus, ends the twenty ninth chapterof Cikitsa section
dealing with the "Treatmer{of vata-rakta"ol'Agnive6a's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecauseol'itsnon-availability.
supplementedby Drdhabala.
A N D L A C T E A LM O R B I D I T I E S )
srerrfrzilFrqrqffif Err@rFTrrT:
n t rl
Efr e gra qrrqrqrlq: tt Rtl j

Now we shall expoundthe chapteron the "Treatment of

Thus, saidLord Atreya. t r-21
After the chapter on the treatment of vata-rakra (gout including
othcr forms of arthritis). the treatment of the remaining important
disease,i.e., yoni-vyapat (gynecic morbidities) which is also causedby
the aggravatedt,dyuin generalis being describedin this chapter.As it
is (will be) said, "the genital organs of women do not get afflicted
without the aggravatedv?tla''(vide verseno. I l5).
I Although thetitle of this chapteris " Yotti-vyapalortheTreatment
of GynecicDisorders". many otherrelatedtopicslike seminaldisorders
includingirnpotency(videversenos.127-204), pradaraor menorrhagia
(vide verse nos. 204-228) and staila-do;o or lacteal disorders (vide
verse nos. 229-282) are also included in this chapter. Many of these
versesare consideredas unauthenticby Cakrapanieven though he has
commentedupon someof theseversesin brief becauseof their inclusion
in the Kashmir recensionof this text (vide commental'ieson the above

W* Eqqa: qe't g{FfrqFinffi n ? r l

tu6cf @l
T*rrtil Y||
l{rrdt! w qrd, rrt Tqrql
dfrrfr rreFqnriffi dFrqrer*:u\rl

drqr+[ri vsffriEtr"rrT =r FTqrorql

dqsi rqEtrdq,rqqntqtl
Punarvasuwho was self-controlledand who was the
perceiveroftheobjectsof theuniversein theirrightperspective
by virtue of his penanceandmeditationwas taking a stroll by
the slopesof the sacredHimalayaswhich aboundsin celestial
and sacred river, medicinal herbs and stones containing
varieties of metals of variegatedcolours, and which is the
abodeof thegods,sidclhas(personswhohaveattainedspiritual
perfection)and saints.At that timc, AgniveSasolicited as
follows :
"O Lord ! amonghumanbeings,womenaretheexcellent
reison cleetre (lit. root) of progeny.It is the diseasesof her
genitalorganswhich causeimpedimentsin thisregard(forthe
procreationof progeny).Therefore,I want you to explain me
theorigin (etiology),signsaswell assymptomsandtreatment
of thesedisordersfor the welfare of humanity. t3-61
Ganga (the Ganges).etc.. are the sacred rivers florving in the
Himalayas.Thesemountain-rangesare the naturalhabitat of celestial
plants like brahma-suvarcala and ahttlrl.
Ffr ffiur Kl I
ffi ffiT ffinerl
ft?arqrtq rT: rfu qgerrrf*{ .iaI
qrq* ffiqrq kr€ rlur irT:Earqn 4 rl
Being thus askedby the disciple.Atreya,the foremostof
the sagesreplied,"ln Siltra 19 : 3-4, gynecicdisordersare
specifiedto be of twenty varieties.Theseailmentsare caused
by wrong regimen, menstrualmorbidities,def'ectivegenes
andclaivaor karma (resultof the evil actionsof the pastlife).
Now, listento theirdescriptionindividually(whichfollows) :"
The term 'daiva' implies the eff'ectsof the sintul acts of the
previous life. It, of course,is the common causeof all the diseases.
However, when a specific etiological factor of the diseaseis not found,
then tiom the effect (i.e. manifested disease)one can infer its being
causedby daivu or karnra.

.Vatika Yoni-roga
qffflr6|-t*w€n EflaFtT€II: lr*tur: r
ftrTd ffis Eilffiq s*fiqltq tl
rwsf frrfrFffirrgfrilfuq q-fu rterl
a.frfr gfuqrqrut qrcrqia?rq{q rrqr{u qo||
vT srq l
If a womanhavingvatikaconstitution Qtrakrti)resortsto
food andregimenswhich causeaggravatio n of vd1,u,thenthe
aggravatedvayu getslocatedin thegynecicorgansto produce
pain, ache,stiffness,formiculation(a sensationas if ants are
crawling),dryness,numbness, fatigueandsuchotherailments
causedby va1,uin that place (gynecic organs).Becauseof
aggravate d vayu,shegets(untimely)menstruationdischarge
which is frothy, thin and ununctuous,and is associatedwith
soundand pain. ttzlt
[9 - ]
This yatika type of -toni-roga is also called vatika_
prudura.Similarly, paittika,voni-roga, kaphaja yoni-roga and
stlrutipdtikuvoni-rogn (rvhichare to be describedhereafter)are called
p aitt ika p radara, kaphaj a p radara andsannipatika p ratlar arespectively.
Rakta-"voni(asrja = vide verseno. l6) wiil similarly be describedas
asrgdura while explaining the therapeuticmeasuresfbr its cure (vide
verseno. 116). This is also a rype of pradara.
According to somescholars.thesefive ailments,viz., vatikayoni-
roga. paittiku 1,6111-rota,
kaphja yoni-roga, sarunipatikayoni_roga and
raktu-yotti-rogo arediff-erentfrompradarc. Therefore,a separatetopic
on thepradara and its treatmentis describedin this chapter(vide verse
nos.204-224). [caklapdni Datta doesnot appearto favour the inclusion
of this additionaltopic in this chapter.Still he hirnselfhas commented
upon it though in brief - vide verse nos. 204-224 and their
Paittika Yoni-roga

qraqr*'qM {mffiqrr
Paittika type of yoni-roga is cuasedby the intake of
pungent,sour,saline,alkalineand similar othertypesof food
ingredients as a result of which the woman suff'ersfrom
burning sensation,suppuration,fever and heatingsensation.
Her menstrualdischargebecomesblue, yellow or black in
colour, and in largequantity,hot and having off-ensivesmell
of a deadbody (kunapa-gandha). tlltl,-Izl
Kaphaja Yoni-roga
€ E+qfrffi vfcra'rslrwtq*flr{ll ql rl
qrrsqqf asn @t
If by the intake of ctbhis,vanditngredients(which cause
obstructionto the channelsof circulation),the aggravated
kophavitiatesthegynecicorgansof the woman,thenit causes
sliminess,cold, itching, mild pain and pallor of her genital
organ. Her menstrualdischargewill be pale in colour and
slimy. I r3-tl2l4l
grtsr€rT TqqFEfqqfudr x* qar' ll qY ll
zilfrrTqtvr€rtrn,fffi 5€F;il aqrd: r
€T qtarqrdvFdrdicffi | | q\ | |
If thewomanindulgestnsantaiana(intakeof wholesome
and unwholesomefood together-videCikitsa 15 : 235) of all
the rasas (tastes), then all the three dosas located in her
genital tract and uterusget vitiated to causemanifestationof
the signs and symptomsof all the threedosas(as described
above in respectof t'atika, paittika andkaphqia )'oni-rog(ts).
Shebecomesafflicted with burning sensationand colic pain.
Her menstrualdischargewill be white in colour and slimy.
I l4tl, - 15l

mffi {fti firfu ficqr
efdgr+dtfuT re* rFIsfr qrqlilr| | qq| |
If the womanresortsto (food andregimens)which cause
rakta-pitta (anailmentcharacterised
by bleedingf rom dilferent
partsof the body), thenherblood beingvitiatedby pitta flows
in excessquantity through the genital tract, and the blood-
flow doesnot stopeven when the woman becomespregnant.
t16 l
In this type ofpatient, even after conception,the pregnancydoes
not continuebecauseof the excessiveflow ofblood. The term'sdsyjd'
implies rakta-yotti.
In the place of 'sasfilt'. some scholarsread 'sapraja. The latter
readingimplies'absenceof progeny'.Accordingto them.the nameof
this ailment is to be derivedfrom its sign. viz.. "excessive
bleeding from the genital tract".
Ara.jaska Type oJ'Yoni-roga
+FFrqfvrq{ri +( firt fqriqffir
q15rq66.rrrcr qnfdffi Tyr{n te tl
lf .pitta located in the vaginal tract and uterus vitiates
blood, then therewill be no menstruation.In addition, there
will be extreme emaciationand discolorationof the skin.
[This ailment of gynecic organs is called Arajaska or
amenorrhea]. t17 l
Acaruna Yoni-roga
c,usi vt?tr: €dFd wIEt: I
qT trr€{sn 6uq{r{Ti@ilvfril qe | |
If the genitaltract is not washedproperly,then microbes
grow there to cause itching. This ailment attended with
itching is called Acarana. The woman suffering from this
ailment has excessivedesireto have sexualintercoursewith
man. t 18l
The term 'cararya' means 'performance'.Since this aihnent is
causedby the nonperformance(acara4a)of the routine washingof the
vaginal tract, the woman sufferingfrom it is called Acarmla.
Aticarana Yoni-roga
q.frFdq[Fre zil* sr qrFdrd{unqdr | | qq| |
Becauseof excessive sexualintercourse,the aggravated
vdlty s^rtes swelling,rumbnessand pain in the genital tract
of the woman.'Thisailmentis calledAticarand. t lg l
The term 'caratla' as stated above means 'perfbrmance'. This
ailment is causedby the excessive(ati) performance(cararya)of sexual
intercoursebecauseof which the woman sutfbringti'om this ailment is
Prdkcarand Yoni-roga

Fqqrqf *fi arg: yrqril{un tA sr | | Ro| |

If a girl befbre attaining appropriateage (puberty),
indulgesin sexualintercourse, the aggravatedvat,uvitiates
her gynecicorgans,andcausespain in her back,waist, thighs
and groins. This ailment is calledPrakcarana. 1201
The terrn 'carat.ta' as stated before means 'performance'. This
ailment is caused by the performance (carana) of sexual act before
@rip the girl attains appropriate age for which the patient suffering
fiom this ailment is called Prdkcararla.
Upapluta Yoni-roga
a(J: E-€: E,EF' *Rgtr*q r{r*(r r??rl
qr.Rt €d FdFd qr irqRl
cl?l{rcu (|| qq{cE{l KlI TTr TrrdksqqtTil | t? tl
If a pregnantwomanindulgesinkapha-aggravating food
andregimens,andsuppresses the manifestedurgefor vomiting
as well as deepbreathing,thenthe vayuinher gynecicorgans
getsaggravated.This aggravatedvdyu g^trting kapha to the
genital organsvitiatesthe latter.This gives rise to discharge
of yellowishandwhitecorour,and
o'mucus arongwith pain.
This ailmentin which her genitaltract
is pervadedwith the
morbidities causedby aggravated
kapha inA ,Ar_uis called
Upuplura. '.21-22l
Since the gynecic organs are afflicted
(npapluta) by kapha and
t,u1,tt,the ailment of the woman
is called Upoptuta.
Paripl.uta yoni'-roga

q -TfiqFfr qnr1qrerrrurrql
ffi{fu+ er$ilFt {r",h fuF, n ?i rl
v1rrers*erqrFrm+a+crgq -.TREtnlr?yrl
If a woman of paittika constitution
manif'estedurgefor sneezingandeructation
during the sexuar
intercoursewith man,thentt uggruu
atedvayubeing afflicted
by pitta vitiates This causes-oedema,
. tendernessand pain in her geniLl organ, and disfi"-r€"
bluish as we, as yerowish brood.
she suffersfrom pain in
waist' groin and back, and f'ever.
This airment is cared
i 23_z4l
Since rhere is arr round
Qxtri) affriction (prutu) of her gynecic
organs by 'rl-r,lrandpittu. thc ailrncnr
is called puriptutrt.
Udavartini yoni-roga

Tn E'{nilf re: E-QnilErgfl F{gsaFd| |

?\' | |
sTrt+vr fu* g ilqrof-alv}:Ergrqt
{qril rrrtrqd ffi+
€*; | ?q| |
If in a woman the course of the
natural urgesare reversedand made [downward moving]
to move upwards,then
the aggravated'va\tucausesupward
movementof the gynecic
organs'This makesthe woman
affricted with pain. si" g"t,
painful menstruationbecauseof
the tendencyofithedischarge
to move in the reverse direction.
Immediat"ty urt",. trr"
dischargeof menstrualbrood,she
gets rerief fiom the pain.

flow (avarta) to
Becauseol this tendencyof the r-nenstrual
move upwards(urdlwa), the wisephysicianscall this ailment
as Udavartini. l2s-26l
Karninl Yoni-roga
s{q,re qrflInrqr rrrTurfi1ffi5fa63 I
a,fu v{}eiH} rffiq afuc'tt?\etl
rtrrrrrfr*frRren FI rrqr q'ffi qcr r
If the pregnantwoman strainsprematurelyto expel the
foetus,thenvayain her gynecicorgansgetsobstructedby the
foetus. Being afflicted with kapha and rukta (blood), this
aggravate d vayu gives rise to karnika (polyp or nodular
growth) in her gcnital organ.This polyp obstructsthe course
of blood flow, and the ailment is called KarninT.| 27-tI 228l
Ptttraghni Yctni-roga
tqzlrdrdEr rrf qrd qrci ffiqll RZll
gtevilF rcf =rrqtr g.{* lFt rn qfrr I
When the aggravatedvayu,becauseof its ununctuousness
destroyseach and every foetus producedfrom the polluted
tlz - tl
ovum, the ailmentis known as Putraghnl. | 28 ,29 l
In this ailment. the ovum gets polluted also by the aggravated
'putro'used abovemeans"a male progeny". In this
The tcnn
ailment.the fbetusesget destroyedby the aggravatedui),l irrespective
of their sex.Since.a malechild is moresauglttattcrby the parents.the
ailment is called Putraghni (destroyerof male progeny) only in a
Antarmukli Yoni-roga
wcrerrrcEarar Ercar*r*xfrFgc: | | ?3l l
qfiTsn"f *qr: qrsRsrqffifiT: ll lo ll
@ qatl
I1' a woman after a heavy meal cnters into sexual

intercoursein improper'posture, then the vayu locatedin the

channelsof her gynecicorgansgetssuppressed by the fbod.
This aggravated ya-t'a
causesdistortionof the cervix (mouth)
ol the uterusas a result of which shesuffersfrom pain in the
bonesand muscles.Becauseof excruciatingpain, sexualact
becomesintolerablefor her.This ailmentof thegynecicorgan
ii calledAntarmukhl. t/, - t/,31
1i9 )
ttrf+srrqr:nrytn rtFrdrgdti yqqrrtn Rt tl
r+tgfrqr{u3.drtrEqfE q-*gd E rf,rl
If a pregnantwoman resortsto wrong regimens,then
va-vuin her gets aggravated.Becauseof the ununctuousness
of this aggravatedvayu, the genital organs of the female
foetusin the womb of the motherbecomeniurow in opening
(stenosed)[andcontinuesto be so evenwhenthe girl is grown
upl. This ailment of the gynecic called Suclmukhi
(needle-likeor narrow openingof the genital tract).
This diseaseof the woman originatesat the stagewhen she as a
foetusrvasin her mother'swomb. If thepregnantmotherresortsto vli_va-
aggravatingfood and regimens.then thc aggravatedvn,r,abrings about
morbidity in the developinggynecicorganof the foetusresultingin the
stenosisof the openingof the latter's genital organs.
q{ITfiTe E?er;Fn*lTqr€ffisFr€: il ?? tl
qutFduqruq{ffi vN *Frgqs :al
If during the sexualintercourse,the woman suppresses
her natural urges, then the aggravatedvayu causespain,
obstructionto the passageof stool and urine, and drynessof
the opening of the gynecic organ. [Becauseof this dryness
(fuska) of the gynecic organ (yoni), the ailment is called
Suskrt-1,s1xi.1 tl.'33
[32t/2- ]


ssflq €qnrrrdr {T. rnqfTt'drrd{l | ?? ll
rg€cffu ilsfr qr s*qrn E qrfir+ |
If the semenwhich is depositedin the gynecicorgan of
the woman for six days or sevennights is excretedwith or
without pain, then the ailment is called Vaminl.
Since the semen is thrown out or vomited out (r,untutra),the
ailment is called Vuninr.
Sandli Yoni-roga
ffi ffin?Yrl
Talirutrrrfr*{ lru* Fnqfrtr'qrl
Becauseof gynecic morbidity, the vdvu rn the foetus
destroysits developinggynecic organsin the womb of the
mother. In the later stageof her life, this offspring develops
aversionfor men (sexualintercourse),and her breastsdo not
grow. The womanhaving this ailmentis calledSary/h1,and
treatmentof sucha patientshouldnot be attempted,i.e. this
ailrnentis incurable. tl, - 11235
[34 ]
The genetic morbidity describedhere specifically refers to that of
the mother. i.e. her ovum. The geneticrnorbidity of the ovum is stated
to be responsiblefor the destructionof the uterusof the t'emaief oetus-
The woman who takes birth with the genctic morbidity of the
motheras describedabovemay havcno developedbreastsor her breasts
may only be developedslightly.
F{qd €:qwqrqr tg-{r( EFrtrsFrd:| | ?\ ll
rnrfvr€reT+jqrg gd frqrqaE k{Tr: I
str{i5gd qrdT rsqr*TrF{TF6+| | ?q | |
qfr€f,r qtrdfr: v*iegurvlffit
If the woman sleepsin an irregular posture or on an
uncomfortablebed during sexualintercourse,then the vavu

gets aggravatedto causedilatation of the openingsof her

uterus and vagina. Since the dialated openingsdo not get
closed,shesuffersfrom pain anddischargeof ununctuousand
frothy blood from thegenitaltract.Therewill beprotuberance
of the muscles,andshesuffersfrom plicking pain in thejoints
and groins. t/2-tl237
135 l
ConrpI.icati ons of' Yoni - roga
i-tl ffi+er rF(f:ll?\9tl
T {.,F @r
irsTEFf T :'I6[Fdd rrwsrqqrt Er(-{il ?z tl
gwrvt:yErr{g erm*srftrfrsqrtr
Thus,alongwith afbresaidsignsand symptoms,twenty
varietiesof diseasesof gynecicorgansin womanaredescribed.
when the gynecic organsof the woman are afflicted with
theseailments,shebecomesincapableof retainingthe semen
asa resultof which shedoesnot conceive.she becomesliable
to many diseaseslike gulntc (phantom tumour), piles and
menorrhagiabecauseof the excessiveaffliction bv vavu. etc.
[37i/2- t/'39 ]
The term 'dosa' in verse no. 38 above means 'disease' (vide
Vintdna6 : 4).
The term 'pradara' (menorrhagia)describedabove refers ro a
specific type of gynecic disorder which is causedby the aforesaid
twenty varietiesof diseases.
According to some scholars.the ailment 'pradara'is different
from the above mentioned twenty varieties of gynecic disorders.
Therefore.according to thern,thedescriptionof p r atlar a asa complication
of thesegynecic disordersdoes not involve any contradiction.
Predontinanceof Doqas in yoni-rogas
slrgr !ftsyr ?rRFrrFTr
sTrat ffit I lq tl
qRrq-dr qTFrqt ? ercfinnfrr* qtr
fu qrrdFq,r$qrug ?Titcrr:n yo tl
ta qrcr<qtaFgi dffi$, ftgqFa f6 r

Among the aforesaid [twenty] gynecic diseases,lthe

predominanceof dosasf, in the last sixteen varieties is as
follows :
[Of theselastsixteenvarieties],the first two, viz., Rakta-
)toni and Arajaska varieties are caused by the aggravated
pitta, Paripl.utir and Vamin1 varieties are caused by the
aggravatedvayu andpitta; Karninl andUpapluta arecaused
by the aggravatedvdyu andkapha,.andthe remaininggynecic
disorders(viz., Acarand, At i carana,P rakca r ana, (Jdava r t i nl,
Putraghn|,Antannuklfi, Suclmuklfi,Suska,Sandlti andMaha-
1,oni)are causedby the aggravatedvayu.
The aggravateddoqas,vrz., vdyu, etc., afflict the body
(gynecicorgans)of thepatientwith their respectivesignsand
symptoms. tl, - tl,4r
[39 ]
The term 'deho'mearsthe 'body'asa whole.From the signsand
symptomsmanit-ested in the body. the narurcof the aftl ic ting tktsul can
be determined.Some schoiars,horvever,interpretthe term ,dehu' as
organ'. According to them. these cause
manifestationof their characteristicsignsand symptomsin the gynecrc
[Predominanceofdosasin the twenty varietiesof gynecicdisorders
is as follows:
Name of the Gynecic Disorders Predominance of Dosas
0) VAfika yoni-roga Vayu
(2) Paittika yoni-roga Pitta
(3) Kaphaja yoni-rogu Kapha
(4) Samipatika yoni-roga Vayu, Pitta &. Kapha
(5) Rakta-yoni Pitra
(6) Ara.iaska Pitta
(7) Acararya Val,y
(8) Aticararya Vayu
(9) Prakcararya Vayu
(10) Upapluta Vayu and Kapha
(17) Paripl.uta Vayu and pitta
(12) Udavartini Vayu
(13) Karyinl Vdyu and Kapha

(74) Putraghnr Vayu

(15)Antarmukltt Vayu
(16)Sucinrukhi Vayu
Q7) Su;ka
{18) Vanini Vayu andPitta
(19) Sa4fir Vayu
(20) Mahayoni Vayul
Line of Treatntent
ffi qrdi,ilrtqFrdrrdqt I Yq | |
ffi{+{qfir€i vfti firir{-drg ql
s+wng iEr FqfrEf e'4 EqfFfr"rq{ur:n yR ||
lrffi frFrrj g riFqrg q qniqr
fu*rffi n?n *f{ g:fiFmf Trrrr+gr: u yQ tl
xnfurrT irrrlFilgi Tifdr qrf*q gqr l
qlvrlh:Vtrr q @ qfiIad*qr txx tl
*fr: Tqrrrr.{fir fa Vro*qm qar fuqr: I
FEf antr*dFf E 6{fi{dwnFdFr: | | y\ tl
TgFr: wsnrqkT @r
: pN q,.{ Fdsffin Yq tl
For the treatmentof gynecic diseasescausedby the
aggravatedur7-\'u, the patient should be given oleation,
fomentation,"enema and suchothertherapieswhich alleviate
va1,u1*irn recipescontainingvdyu-alleviatingdrugs).
For the treatment of gynecic diseasescaused by the
aggravatedpitta, the patientshouldbe given therapieswhich
are cooling and which are curativeof rakta-pitta (an ailment
characterisedby bleedingfrom different partsof the body).
For the treatment of gynecic diseasescaused by the
d kap ha, a wi sephysicianshouldadministertherapies
which are ununctuousand hot.
If the gynecicdiseases are causedby the aggravationof
two or all the threedosas,thenthe therapiesprescribedabove
shouldbe combinedandadministered. If thereis displacement

of the uterus,then the patient should be given oleation and

fomentation therapies,and thereafter,the tortuous uterlls
should be pressedby the hand and brought to its normal
If there is stenosisin gynecic diseases,then after the
administration of oleation and fomentation therapies,the
genital tract shouldbe dilated (elonged).
If the uterus is prolapsed,then after the oleation and
fomentation therapies,it should be pushedinto its normal
If theorificeis dilated,thenafteroleationandfomentation
therapies,the passageshouldbe constricted.
If the uterusis displacedfrom its normalposition,then it
behaveslike a foreign body in the woman.
In all the varieties of gynecic diseases,after giving
oleation and fomentation therapies,pafica-kctnna(five
eliminationtherapies)like emesis,etc.,shouldbeadministered
in a mild form.
When her body is clean of the morbid material, the
remaining therapeuticmeasures(to be describedhereafter)
should be administered. tl, - 46l
Treatnrentof VatikaYoni-roga
ercqrFrAt a,'{ qrf,rdfu g4 f{il{l
, S, Yftrcaugd:nyetl
srf,ri vqq**q :ilya||
kxf qiurn€FtrgT qndrf,srlqt, r
For the woman sufferingfrom gynecic diseasescaused
by aggravatedvdyu,therapeuticmeasureswhich are curative
of vatika diseases,are alwaysuseful.
Her body shouldbe smearedwith oil mixed with rock-
salt, and thereafter, nA/i, kumbhi,a,Sma,
prastara andsankeira

types of fomentation therapies(fbr details vide Sutra 14)

should be administeredwith the recipescontainingthe rn-eat
of aquaticandmarshyland-inhabiting aniqrals,milk, delusked
tila andvnya-alleviatingdrugs.
After fomentation,her body should be sprinkled with
warm water, and she should be given to drink meat-soup
preparedby boiling with va.r'a-alleviating
1 / ,- 4 9 ]
qmr*tt6tr€1e) rrnql yq tt
: tgqoll
fui tri qerwf,{u \q tl
armftrir€ilqftTq Esr r$ qrfr rqr
Oneadhakqof eachof gheeand oil shouldbe cookedby
addingtwo droryasof the decoctionof bala, thepasteof sthira
( idla-purnl), payast,a(arka-pu$pl),jTvanti, vtra (iutuvarl),
r sabhaka, .i7vaka, 3ravani (murlQl), 1tipp al\, ntudga-p a rnl,
p1l.u-parni(moratA or murva), mdsa-parn\, sugar, ksTra-
kakolTandkdka-nasaandmilk (fbur timesin quantityof ghee
and oil, i.e. eight adhakas).
This medicatedfat should be taken in appropriatedose
according to the strengthof the patient. It curse diseases
causedby aggravatedvayyandpitta, andhelpsthe woman to
concelve. t/2- tl252
| 49 l
: ll\Rll
vrdrEqf' gqE{rg y{alqsilFi*n(il \t tl
TTrfufr*fteraef q*{ qrrf fir*qr
One prastha of ghee should be cooked by adding [the

pasteofl one aksa of eachof kaiman,u, harltakl, viblitaku,

amalak|, draksa, kasamarda,parltsake,punarrtavd,hariclrd,
dartt-haridra, kakandsa,sahacara,Satdvun andguducl. Thrs
medicatedgheeis an excellentcurativeof gynecicdiseases
causedby vays.It is alsoan excellentpotion fbr the woman
Io concelve. t l z - t l 25 4
| 52 )
@; +*rii rrdr{n\ytl
qeafrrqrilt ET yr# ffi ?tcrTl
@{r strfr Tqrh qr*+d y+ta-qTu\\ tl

The pasteof pippal-t,kuficika(ky;4ra-jlraka),a.iAji(Sveta-

jiraka), vrsaka (vdsaka), saindhava, vacd, )tova-ksdra,
a.jamoda,sugarandcitraka shouldbe sizzledwith ghee.This
potion should be taken along with prasanna (a type of
alcohol)for thecureof painin thegynecicorgans,sidesof the
chest,heart-diseases,gulnc (phantomtumour)and piles.
Es{i reqlgg qrrfr weFrFffirqu\q tl
fir+{. Firqdd+: frrqfrEH aenr
The powder of vrsaka (v,asa),root of matuluhga,
madayantika,piltpalr and kuficika (krsna-.j1raka)should be
taken with alcoholaddedwith salt [which curespain in the
gynecicorgans]. t l 2 - t l 25 7
[ 56 ]
lRasnadi -D ugdha-p aka and Guducyadi-Par i seka)
t frr}q} {iT ver:n \s tl
@ qRrHqr
Intakeof the milk boiledby addingrasna,ivadamstra
(goksura)andvysaka (vasa)curesthepainin gynecicorgans.
Affusionshouldbedoneoverthispartwith thedecoction

of guduci, haritaki, biblitaka, amalakt anddantl.

t l z - r / 25 g
157 l
+Td iFrt E a E€* ila<rr qt | \z p
vqisl: rTrFeltf qrd wrqa{r
Oil shouldbe cookedby addingthe pasteof (quantity to
be equal to that of oil) sainclhava,tegare, kustha, brhatT and
deva-claru.This mcdicatedoil [soakedin tampoon]shouldbe
kept inside the vaginawhich cureslocal pain.
t / 2- t / 2 5 9 ]
: il\qtl
*drpt' rrqi {} qfrt q frgfr q*qn eo rl
qriTk#tr: frAi qEnd+ q yorrha: r
One prastha of oil should be cooked by adding two
prastlxasof eachof cow's urineandcow's milk andthe paste
ol'onekarsaof eachof guduci,nulat\, rLsnd,bal.a,rnaclhuka,
ci t ra ka, ni di gdhika, tleva -cla ru andv utltikA. Atampoonsoaked
with this medicatedoil shouldbe insertedinto the vaginaand
this oil may be administeredin the form of douchefor curing
gynecic diseasescausedby va-yu. tl2- tl267
159 l
General.Treatment.for Vatika Gynecic Diseases
qrarat=rfq dtr fuilrryffi*.qr:netrl
(sru6rftrrqr: ffit fr6qfr qy I
For the patient suffering from vatika type of gynecic
diseases,affusion, massage and picu-kriya (insertion of
tampoon soakedin medicatedoil in the genital tract) shourd
be given with recipeswhich are hot and unctuotis.For the
purposeof oleation,medicatedoils shouldbe used.
tl2- rl"62]


E anrmf th\srqEr€T elrt+(t
| | qR l I
vg|trctsrr fimrdf' T€nqrftf ifi,tF,rETT
The patientsufferingfromvatikatypeof gynecicdiseases
shouldbegivenmassageover thegenitalorgans,andthereafter,
she shorrldkeep.warm-paste of himsra in her vagina.
The patientsuff'eringfromtrtaittika typeof gynecicdisorder
shouldsimilarly be given massage,andthereafter,sheshould
keepthepasteof p afica -valkala (barkof nvaI r odha, uduntbar a,
aivattha, parisa andplaksa) in her vagina.
The patient suffering from kaphaja type of gynecic
disordershould keep the pasteof iyama, etc., in her vagina
(vide Vintana8 : 136)similarlyaftermassage. [622/^]
General Treatmentof Paittika Gt,necicDiseases
g zi=frrf *q'nqftFxqr: r
vfrm, fqrtrn: qrqf, *flrd TdrF{ r r qt I I
For the patient suffering from paittika type of gynecic
diseases,affusion, massageand picu-kriya (insertion of
tampoonsoakedin medicatedoil or gheein the genital tract)
shouldbe given with thehelp of recipeswhich arecooling and
alleviatorsof pitta. For the purposeof oleation,gheeboiled
by adding pitta-alleviatingdmgs should be used by the
t 63 -
@: TigffiqnqYr l
T+{ Srg.& qR{ Tilran1l
ffi*: Vrdwqt TfrfirFr: Ts,rr*: n qq tl
fir*: r
ffi vfrt q €T: fiTq€qrgrmrq€qu qq rl
drq${gx-frqEi g*i $rtri ? ir{n qe tl

q{a qd ltiffiFrfi qni ,qri E*Tfi{l

qr{mf qm{iri q ff tWmqu qa tl
sqr<lTFilr{IT|-trt ffiqr
The expressed juice of four tulast>fthe root of iatavafi
should be addedwith equalquantityol milk and one adhaka
of ghec. This should be cookedby adding the pasteof one
aksaof eachof thedrugsbelongingto Jlvanlva group(Jivaka,
rsubhaka, mecll, maha-meda,kakoll, kslru-kakol.1,mudga-
parnl, ntasa-parnl,.jlt,untl andmadltuka),iatavari, mrdvlka,
pa r u s a k a , p ri ta l a , j u l .a j a -ya sti ntadhuand sthalaja-
yastimadhu.After it is cooked and cooled, eight pulas ot
honey,eightpalas of pippall (powder)andtenpalas of sugar
s h o u l db e a d d e dto i t.
This medicatedgheeshouldbe administeredin the dose
o f o n e p a n i -ta l a (to l a ).,It cu re s gynecic diseasesand
morbiditiesof menstruationand semen.It promotesvirility,
and helpsthe womanto get a maleprogeny.It is a curativeof
phthisis,consumption,rakta-pitta (an ailment characterised
by bleedingfrom diff-erentpartsof the body), cough,asthma,
halimaka (a serioustype of jaundice), kamala (ordinary
jaundice),vata-rakta(goutincludingotherformsof arthritis),
erysipelas,stiffness(sluggishness) of the heart and head,
insanity,orati (depression)and epilepsycausedby vdyu and
Thus,endsthe descriptionof Brhat-Satavari-ghrta.
tl, - tl,69
[64 ]
Recipeof MedicatedGhee
Fr}E @nqqtl
rnfr<nnrarqf q ++rf rqrFmqfrstr{l
In the aforesaidmanner(i.e. by addingtheiuice o1'lour
tulas ol'theroot of .faravarl),kslra-sarpi(gheecollectedfrom
the cream of milk) shouldbe cookedby adding the pasteof
drugs belonging to Jivaniya group (jlvctku, rsabhaka,meda,
mahd-medd, kdkoli, mudga-parni, ntdsa-parrli,jivantl and
madhuka). It helps in the conception,and cures gynecic
diseasescausedby aggravatedpitta. tl, - t1270]
Treatment of Gynecic DiseasesCausedby Kapha
Varti (Wick Bougie)
+rri ptqrgqrqr eFS:rfpt*rfr frarr I eo tl
qrnt tTQSr:ffi cnF{ffi: gtrrt
qrFcif qr€rstFq €Wf Tr+"m{t I uq tl
aFt: gm g.€edqfiftT: *qr Eqf{rl
frqer qR*qt+: Vrrr6r€st*r*: n eRtl
effiqen sefrrqr qnrt dAAwlqqt,
Forthe gynecicdisorderscausedby kapha,applicationof
wick-bougiein the genitaltractfor cleansingit, is useful.It is
to be preparedof a rolled pieceof cloth (laktaka)which is to
be impregnatedfor severaltimes with the bile of wild pig.
The varti (wick-bougie) preparedof barley-flour and
reck.salt should be impregnatedwith the latex of arka. lt
should be kept in the genital tract for a short period, and
thereafter,removed.Then the genital tract shouldbe douched
with luke-warm water.
A varti (wick-bougie)of the shapeand size (length and
thickness) of the index finger should be prepared out of
pippa[i, ntarica, ntaqa, Satdhva,kustha and rock-salt, and
should be inserted in the genital tract which cleansesthe
gynecic organs. uUtl2- t|2737
Egrwflc{ra^{r ileltl
ffi rsntq qA dRr*fir€et' ffiqr I ev | |
fi1d:fu€s *crs fudd+ ffiqr I e\ | |

*rvrdt, qqrb vfr*: q.da twtqr

fqbin F*TdrqreTgqrfu qrsvnn eq tl
vw6rgn ftfrqqFd :ilfq ffil
One drona of the Saldtu(tenderfruit cut into thin slices)
of udumbara,paiicu-valkala (barksof nyagrodha,uduntbara,
aSvattlta,pdrisa andplaksa), and leavesof kulaka (pcttola),
malatTandnimba shouldbe keptsoakedin onedronaof water
fbr whole night. In the next morning, the water should be
strainedout. with this water, one prastha of oil should be
cookedby addingthepasteof ldksd,andtheextractof the bark
of dhavaandpalasaandthegum-resinof idlmala. A tampoon
(picu) soakedin this medicatedoil shouldbe kept insertedin
the genitaltract.Thereafter,thegenitaltractshouldbe douched
with the cold decoctionof the afbresaiddrugs (ucrumbara,
etc.,)mixed with sugar.
This therapyhelps in quickly cleaningthe genital rracr,
which is slimy anddilated,andwhich is afftictedwith chronic
aswell asserioustypesof gynecicdiseases within sevendays.
Thereafter,thewomanbecomesquickly capableof conception.
tl, - tl277
[73 I
Egrqr{q graT q€d rrrmtqrqn \e\etl
fui €T*r il*E ffi qr{ q q*+qr
zila should be impregnatedfor six times with the latex of
uduntbara. The oil extractedfrom theseseedsof tila should
be cookedby addingthe decoctionof udumbara.Thetampoon
soakedwith this medicatedoil shouldbe keptinsertedinto the
genital tract in the aforesaidmanner [for the cure of gynecic
diseasesl. tt, - t/,78
I|i l
: ll9all

: ll\e3ll
qft ? tgfr qiqr
fi€ qsr€n-+ ia gur}rfr: tt eo| |
er@m+g rHw q qrtr+qt
flqfumr Hrffi nern t 4q tl
siTFtt **ilr y5rr fte+q*rw@t
One prastha of oil should be cooked by adding two
prasthasof eachof goat's urine andgoat'smilk, and thepaste
of one aksa of each of dhatakl, leavesof antalakl, srotoja
(srotdfiiano),matlhuka,utltala, pulp of the seedsof .iambu
and atnra, kaslsa, loclhra, katphala, tinduka, sattrastrika
(tuvarl), bark of dadima and Salatu(tenderlruits into thin
slices) of udumhara.T.ampoonshould be soakedwith this
medicated oil, and kept inserted into the genital tract.
Thereafter,massageshouldbe done over her lumber region,
back and sacral region, and the patient should be given
unctuoustype of medicatedenema.
This cures the sliminessas well as exudationfrom the
genital tract, gynecic diseasesbke vipluta, upapluta,uttand
(prolapse of uterus), unnatd (upward displacementof the
uterus) and oedemaaccompaniedwith pustular growth as
well as pricking pa1n. lTgt/2-
RecipeJ'or Douche
: nARtl
qtr*Ht*f @nzerl
qqf-( F66'nrgr*ei ffi3;
Douching of the female genital tract with the decoction
of kafira, dhava,nim.ha,arka, ventt,koiamra,.iantbu,.iinginl
and root of vrsa (vasa),Mdrdvika as well as Stdhu types of
wine alorrg with Sukta (vinegar) cures morbid vaginal
xxx l CIKITSASTH.[NA r 51
Similarly, douching could be done with butter-milk,
cow's urine, Sukta (vinegar) or the decoction of triphald
[which curesmorbid vaginal discharges]. | 82 |/, - |/ , g4 l
Recipe of lron
frqg*re:qellrtr*rn qsJqTRilT: n ay tl
The potion containingpippal.i.powder (bhasntct) of iron
and harltakTshould be mixed with honey and given to the
patient [which is useful in curing kaphajatype of gynecic
disordersl. t/2]
[ 84
yeqdrqi irewqr: wf* qK+ frm: r
fir+ Eqr$qfr{r qrt : n d\ t l
gkqrdg_Tdrrqr: qd Flerrfiri Feaqr
In kaphaja type of gynecic diseases,enemaof recipes
containingpungentdrugsin generalandcow's urine is useful.
ln paittika type of gynecic diseases,enema of recipes
containingsweetdrugsand milk is useful.
In vatika type of gynecic diseases,enema of recipes
containingoil and sourjuice is useful.
ln sannipdtikatypeof gynecicdiseases,
all the aforesaid
therapiesmixed togethershouldbe administered.
t g 5- t l , g 6 l
Treatmentof Rakta-yoni,
R*ql{ ?lleqll i:
irrT: Erqiucntr Ttr-rrrFrrftqq{l
Ffir*rf qft Ed rn,rfu?fyM EFFnnee | |
qniur rigil tci erffgrq{{nrr{ql
q{r6grs}}s, ffinaatr
g-d trr
Isqq:vr*trq*E tFil*sgd fq&qr

In rakta-1,onitype of gynecic disease,the physician

should ascertainthe associationof other dosas from the
colour of the blood, and hemostaticmedicamentscontaining
ingredientsforthe alleviationof theseassociated
be administered.
Intakeof thepotioncontainingthepowderof tila, yoghurt,
ghee,phar4ita(penidium)andpig-fat mixed with honeycures
risit{dara(rakta-.voni)causedby the associationof vayu.
Intake of the soup of fatty meat of pig and kulattha is
useful for curing rakta-vonitype of gynecicdiseasecausedby
the association of vayu.
Similarly, intake oI yoghurt mixed with sugar,honey,
tasti-nrudhu and nagara (iuryyhl)is useful in this condition.
II the rakta-yoni(asrgdara)is causedby the association
of pitta, then the patient should takepa,,-arya(k$ira-vidari),
nllotpala, Saluka(rhizomeof lotus),Disa(lotus-stalk),kaliynfta
Qfita-candana)or antbuda(musta)mixed with milk, sugar
and honey. I g6 t/,-
qrar qqrg*{si Qr+{${ rrrFq{qll9o ll
3dr6r€n vrFFrfrre{ TII|gi qffiFt{q{l
qTqffidR ki gtf tr stiR'qqn Rl tl
u,,qfg qREi tlod Ttrdf r?tqqr{r
Epro,ilqcr EFrF{ q1s{qTifr qrrtqr
iTrfr qtigr ri*cil ftrAfficgerqrRun | | qt | |
ervf''E :alftfiTti'g lffi' ffir
*tnrtE.$.dr t q qrfirti arg qwriqn qy rl
ffi Tffi v*f fti q+ffiql
Tfu {qrdrsqi q@ y{ra ffiu q\ rl
Rrf $lrrgrf rTFT @wcqt
gft Suqqrrqyfqr

P atha, seed-pulpof j ambu andamra, 3il odbhava (pdsdna-

bheda), rasdfijana, antbastlta(a type of patha), resin of
3dLmali,samangd, bark of varsaka,bahllka (kunkuma),a t i vi sa,
b ilva, nxusto, Iodhra,gai r i ka, katvahga (aral u),nter i ca, 3urytli,
mrclvikd, rakta-canclana,katphala, vatsaka (fruits), anantA,
dhdtakl, nuclhuka andarjuna. all in equal quantities, should
be culled when the moon is in Pas-yaconstellation,and made
to a fine powder.This powder shouldbe mixed with honey,
and taken along with rice-water(tanSula-vari).
It effectivelycuresarSas(piles)anddiarrhoeaassociated
with bleeding, and diseasesof infants caused by dosas
(endogenous)and exogenousfactors. It effectively cures
gynecicand menstrualdisordersassociatedwith white, blue,
yellow, brownish,black and pinkishdischarge.
This useful recipe called Pusyanvfa-currya,is held in
high esteemby Lord Atreya.
Thus, endsthe descriptionof Pusyanttga-cltrna.
t / 2- t / 2 9 6 l
In the above recipe. palhA and amba;thi, among others. are
describedto be used.Since both of them are synonymous,in order to
avoid duplication.untbastfti may be treatedasvarietyof payha.According
to some scholars.mention of the samedrug twice in a recipe is not a
mistake.This simply irnpliesthat the samedrug is to be takendouble in
Culling these drugs when the moon in Puqya constellation is
significantinasmuchasit inculcatesspecialtherapeuticattributesto the
recipe. and makes it more beneficial.
Recipesfor Rakta-yoni (Asygdara)
nrE.fu*.qif E q?ftd augarqqn tqq | |
rtTrtrf q Hrqrf? Er+r rr€rmfir*qr
rtrdtcqt gfr Td rrqrq{6fircr+: il te | |
nrffi, *+ rrdrffiqr
qr3.{iffi *i g€i ffi qgnq4u
qsfiiqgqs En E6q;}sgrqt firnqr

Fcta{ r6ffi tfiil*sqrR fir+qt I qq| |

kf rnSqRrrrt qalm rq q,rlqt
For asrgdara, the following recipesshould be used :
( I ) The paste of the root of tandul.n,akamixed with
h o n e y sh o u l d b e ta ke n along with r ice- water
iQ) Rasdfijana and laksa should be taken along with
goat's milk.
(3) The paste of the leaves of rajadana and kapittha
sizzledwith ghee.This recipealleviatespitta and
(4) In paittika type of asrgdara, the pasteof madhuka,
h a r lta kT , b i b h rta ka , a n talakl, Iodhr a, m usta,
saurastrika and honey should be taken. It cures
rakta-pitta (an ailment characterisedby bleeding
from differentparts of the body).
(5) ln kaphaja type of asrgclara,nintba and guducT
shouldbe takenalongwith alcohol.
(6) ln paittika type of asrgtlaru,purgation with trivrt,
etc., should be given, and the patient should take
Maha-tiktaka-ghrta (vide Cikirsa7 :144-150).
(7) Therapeuticmeasures describedf or themanagement
of garbha-srdrla(threatenedabortion) should be
used (vide Safira 8:24). '/,'100]
Gheecookedwith the decoctionof kdsmaryaandkutaja
shouldbe usedfor vaginaldouchewhich is beneficialfor the
freatment of gynecic diseaseslike rakta-yoni, arajaska and
putrctghni. [ 1 0 0, / r - t l r l o l ]
'- : ''
Treatntentof Arajasku i i
srsrerr fir&( fir€ Effi*: rrdsfr EtTI
The woman suffering from arqiasftd(amenorrhoea)type
of gynecicdiseaseshoulddrink the blood of deer,goat,sheep
and pig mixed with yoghurt,juice of sourfruits and ghee.She
may alsotakethemilk boiledwith drugsbelongingto Jlvaniya
grolrp (jlvaka, rsabhaka,meeld,maha-meda,kakoll, kslra-
kafut 11,rnuclga -p a r ri, n'tdsa -p ar nl, .iivantl and mad huka).
'/., tl,102)
[ 101 -
Treatment o.l'Karninl, Etc.
?lltoR lt
6qqr+ \a <rtrd{ *flgilqRffirl
In gynecic disorderslnkekarninl, acarar4d,Sttska-yoni,
prakcarana andsuchotherdiseasescausedby kapha as well
^s vdyu,the patientshouldbe given vaginal douchewith the
medicatedoil preparedby boiling oil with dnrgsbelongingto
Jivanlt,a group (i|vaka, rsabhaka,medd,mal'ta-medd,kakoll,
ksIr a -kako[i, nt uclgu-p u r nt, mdsa-p a r nl,jlv ant| andmadhuka).
tlr- tlr 103
[ 102 ]
ftffi TdsFr+ qr qftd F:sqqrfuaqu to? tl
qgqr F*uqErf qr qqr€{omrr6ql
fu yilq{ qlrqdtrfuFat q trd.uqoYtl
For lhe cureof gynecicdiseasecalledacaraltd,apiece of
silkencloth impregnatedfor twentyonetimeswith cow's bile
or fish-bile,andkept insertedinto the vaginaltract.Similarly,
for the cure of this ailment, the powder of yeastmixed with
honey may be kept insidethe genitaltract. This cleansesthe
genital tract, and removesitching, slougheningas well as
oedemain the vagina. [ 1 0 3t l 2 - l o 4 ]
Treatmento.fPrakcaranAand Aticarand
qrd: Vrdqr*g *&, srrfiEfi:rftr
qRqTqr q€qFF{r \il l*sr il qo\ tl
!fma: r
ln prakcarana andaticarana types of gynecic diseases,
the patientshouldbegivenasthapanaand.anuvasana typesof
medicated enema with the medicatedoil cooked for one
hundred times with vavu-alleviatingdrugs. Thereafter,
fomentationtherapyshouldbe appropriatelygiven with fat,
fbod preparationsandupanaha(hot poultice)preparedwith
drugs which alleviatevayu. t/, t06
[ 105 - ]
Treatmento.f Vaminl
The samydva(utkarikaorthick gmel) preparedof iatdlwa,
barley, wheat, yeast, kustha,pri.vangu,bala, akhu-parnikd
and fry'fifuva(gandlta-viroja)shouldbe kept insertedin the
genital tract [which helpsin the embedmentof the embryo in
theuterusof thewomansufferingfrom vaminitypeof gynecic
diseasel. [ 106 ,1,- t/", 107 ]
Treatment of Vaminl and Upapluta
anfu3uqartfrffiq.: F-rr:nqo\etl
In vamini and upapluta types of gynecic disorders,
therapieslike oleation,fomentationandsuchothersshouldbe
given. Thereafter,the tampoonsoakedwith the medicatedoil
should be insertedinto the vagina for providing nourishment
to the genital tract. [ 1 0 7t l r - t l r l 0 g ]
Treatment of Vipluta
: lltoatt

Oil should be cooked with the decoction of iallakl,

jinginl and the barksof jambtt, dhava,nyagrodha,uduntbara,
a|vattha, parisa and plak;a. Tampoon soaked with this
medicatedoil should be kept insertedinto the genital tract
which curesviplutit type of gynecicdisorder.
'/r-'lr lo9
[ 108 ]
Tr ea tnxent of K a rn i nI lKusthadi -Va rt ij
qkr*rsdr errqtrrd \il Pfu3fui?rql
Varti (medicatedbougie)shouldbe preparedof kustha,
pippali, buds of arka androck-saltby trituratingwith goat's
It should be kept insertedinto the vagina which cures
karnini type of gynecicdisease.All the therapeuticmeasures
prescribedfor the treatmentof diseasescausedby kapha are
also beneficialfor the cure of this ailment. I I09tl,-tl,l10 ]
Treatmentof Uddvartd
+grf +fi fr ulFqr1$ffir r€T: n qqo| |
Brr3-drsr q ffi:utt?tl
q3+E T6rfu HRTqf q Fqrffir
In uddvartatypeof gynecicdisorderandin vdtikatype of
pain, oleationtherapywrthtraivyta(ghee,oil and musclefat),
fomentationtherapy,and soup of the meat of domesticated,
marshyland-inhabitingandaquaticanimalsareuseful.In this
disease,enema with the milk boiled by adding dafa-ntula
(rootsof bilva, 3),onaka,
gambhdrl,patala, garyikarika,Sala-
parnl, prfni-parni, hrhati, kantakdri and goksurz) is also
The patientshouldbe givenanuvdsanatypeof medicated
enemaandvaginaldouchewithtraivrta(ghee,oil andmuscle
The aforesaidtherapeuticmeasuresarealsoto be adopted
for the treatmentof mahd-t,onitypeof gynecicdisease,and
for prolapseof uterus. [ 110 - ,/, ll2 ]
Tr eatment oJ'M alta-),oni
qsr Tqatrdrun gf a ue3!: vl7rtt I qqRtl
Wfu€r rar"ilfr qe;fur( S\rrmrfi*:I
Vasc (musclefat) of bearsand pigs, and gheeshould be
cooked by adding the drugs belongingto sweetgroup (vide
Vimana 8 : 139).This recipeof meclicatedfat shouldbe kepr
insertedinto the vaginaof the woman sufTeringtrom maha-
1,onitype of gynecicdisorder.The vaginashould,therOafter,
be bandagedwith a pieceof silkencloth. t ll2 ,/, - tl.,I l3 l
Treatntentof Prolapse Uterus
trwwi sFfqrsrqtq q+{M yavq qu tqt tl
firulrTrqrem, r
In the caseof prasrasta (prolapseof uterus),the uterus
shouldbe massaged with ghee,fomentedwith warm mirk and
insertedinto its norrnalposition.Thereafter,thevaginashould
be tied with a padof veiuvara(a typeof meatpreparation)till
therc is the urge for mictur-ition. [ 1 1 3' l r - r l r . r l 4 l
Importanceof Vdt,u-Alleviation in GynecicDiseases
T€ qrilF{srrn ri qrqH maa qrriEil qqy tl
Fdqrq€ qnrqrq€FM frr*qa: r
q F6 qr-drd rfrgerfr | | qqq| |
Eqt*qs Srrqqr
In all typesof gynecicdisorders, andspecialtyin maha-
yoni variety, a wise physicianshould administerall the
therapeuticmeasuresprescribedfor the treatmentof diseases
causedby vayu.
A woman never suffersfrom gynecicdiseasesexceptas
a result of alfliction by the aggravate
d vaya.Therefore,first
of all, the aggravatedual,s should be alleviated,and only

, thereafter,therapiesshouldbeadministeredfor thealleviation
of other tlosas. t/, - t/, I 16
I II4 l
Treatment of Leucrtrrhoea
qrrr$sgrd fq*q1 ttq rr
qtqrrtt*ffif q€i ETT {TRcrdrqgql
ng.{rssErffirqqf rrf En @a fir{t tqqe tl
;"freraqarqr+ur tileruei iTsn fir&Er
arr€r+ qfu qT qrFd?it{ errriqu qqatl
wqrq6-ryfftrrd qT srg*r1g.{r F?r{l
*qr *6rt-ql tilerfua-{.qeg-6sqTl qqstl
srrqf qggar qftt, q,qrqT,rrfq rrdVr:r
srr$Erefqr+trf qq+dr grrq*r | | t?o | |

*,r*i Fdq.ETq,r$ vrg*surnu qril+tn qRqtl

s{tfgm{ril *vrqq,c*':r
: llqRRll
ffi: ffiEF Eqtr
rreqnf q.drn=ri q q,rd qr+Tq,,Ru'qnqR?tl
errraM ETr qrrr€ Fv|Tr i|gnl
gftqmi tF'ETrI: Iqrtiten: EGF' g€[ Elr | | q?x I I
q"f qr Ftqqm XFcrrr;srrrqa{''rrqr
F Eilf{g {f€rg 'rsf ffi rilfua, n qR\rl
sr6e qr{+ *+ ffrerqm rrfrr
S5.s€Trfr frq(n t?q tl
q€qq eoTdqnrn g€ rffiqr
For the cttre of_pan(4ra.asygdara(leucorrhoea)and for
its associatedailments,the patientsholuld usethe following
( 1) Pasteof the root of rohltaka shouldbe mixed with
sugar,and takenalong with water.
(2) Pasteof theseeds(pulp)of dmalaklshouldbemixed
with sugarand honey,and taken along with water.
(3) The powderor thejuice of amalaklshouldbe mixed
with honey and madeto a linctus which the patient
(4) In the aforesaidmanner,sheshould take the pasteof
lodhra along with the decoction of the bark of
(5) If thereis profuseexudationfrom the genital tract,
then a piece of silken cloth impregnatedwith the
decoctionof the bark of nvagntdhashouldbe kept
insertedin the vagina.
(6) The powdero1the barkof plaftsashouldbe madeto
a lump by triturating with honey. This should be
kept insertedin the vagina after anointing the part
with fat.
(7) The powder of lodhra, p r iyangu andmadhuftashould
be rnadeto a lump by triturating with honey. This
shouldbe kept insertedin the vaginaafter anointing
the part with fat.
(8) Thevarti (medicatedbougie)preparedof astringent
drugs and honey should be kept inserted in the
(9) For checkingthe discharge,the vagina should be
oleated,andthereafter,fumigatedby sarala,guggultt
and barley mixed with butter, or by bitter fish
(iaphari) mixed with oil.
(10) If thereis sliminessof vagina,then the powder of
kdsisa, harrtakl, biblitaka, dntolakl, kahksl,
samahgd, seeds of dnra and dhdtatl should be
mixed with honey.This shouldbe kept insertedinto
the genital tract which makesit non-slimy.
( t 1) If there is sliminesi and stickinessof vagina, then
the pasteof pal.dia,sarja, bark of ianrhil,suntangd,
,noca and dhatakrshould be kept insertedinto the

genitaltractwhich is stamhhana(arrestsexudation).
( l2) In the caseof stiflnessand roughnessof vagina,
solteningrernedies shouldbeused.For this,veiavdra
(a type o1'meatpreparation), pdttasa(preparationof
milk and ricc) and kr{ara (preparationol. rice and
pulses)shouldbe kept insertedin the vagina.
( l3) If thereis loul smellin vagina,the decoctionor the
pasteof tuvaraka or the powder of sarva_gancth7
(group of aromaticdrugs)shouldbc kept inserted
into the genital tract which works as deodorant.
when the gynecic organsget cleansedby the albresaid
measures, thewomanbecomescapableof conceptionprovided
the spermof her husbandand her own ovum are unpolluted,
and possessedof naturalattributes,and thereis entrv of the
Evenif the manis cleansed of his physicalmorbiditiesby
theadministration of 1tufica-kornto (live eliminationtherapies),
his sernenshouldbc examined,antllklm its colour,thenature
of the al1'lictingtlrsa,s(il'any) shouldbe ascertainccl. Il any
morbidity ol' dosasis l'ound,then it shouldbe correctedby
a p p r o p r i a te
th e ra p cu tinctca su rcs. t ll6 ,lr - r lr 127 )
For is necessary that the spermand the ovum .shourd
be free from any morbidity. and they should bc endowed with their
naturalattributes.In addition. tltcJivdtnruor the individual soul enters
into this union of sperm and ovum to createthe embryo. A paticular
type of.lTrz?tnrienters into tht: womb being propelled by
(actionsof the past lif'e) when it finds an opportunity (srr;,r.rgn).
Unpolluted spcrm is one of the essentialfactors fbr conception.
Theretbre.cvcn if the body is crcansedby the administration of paftca-
kurnru (five elimination therapies).the semcnof the male panenerhas
to be examined rvith retbrenceto its colour to ensurethat the spcrm
(sernen)is frec from any fonn of morbidity. If such
morbidities arc
found. then appropriatetherapiesshould trc given to the man.


Thus it is ,said
$TEFJil qFT-
rrFcsrqrqd *i: ffiffim: | | tRe| |
316r fuqirm: Trrqs-gfuTtrsEffr;n r
Thc great Sagehaving spiritualinsight has explained
abovein detailthesignsandsymptoms, ctiologyandtreatment
of varionstypesof t'oii-r'r'apat(gynecicdisorders).
I r27 -,lr l28 l
Dialogue Betv'eenDisr:ipleuntl Preceptttr
g-ffirq qr€ firqEri et{n qRatl
3{TTqgEr{rf,'q {m-ftrrcaqrs€! |
+rrn:n+ rrgRqr Ed ggrqfrffi: n tRRtl
N &i fi{Tq}€ ! gergw qrEFcqr
fuffif q qmrdT daj va 4ffierqt tlQo tl
s@ ++rf y{fr r{aEr *Ha: t
N Fr{ri ffi q fiaffi *e ffir?r: n q?qrl
TrtTr€rarGnreFT firqqrqr !r
ilC gl1rrrunq fr{rq gF*gg.a:u qtR| |
Again,AgniveSa approached Atreya,theforemostamong
the physicians,and askcd,"O, Sinlessone and Foremost
among the physicians!,in the Sutrusthanal9:3, you have
statedin briel'thatthereareeight typesof morbiditiesof the
semenin the man. Pleascexplainus the etiology,signsand
symptomsof normal and abnormalsemen,and the treatment
in their entirety.
Similarly,O ForemostPhysician! kindly explainus the
etiology, signs and symptoms, and treatmcnt of kl.aibva
(impotency)whichis described to beo1'lonrtypes(videStttra
l9:3),and praclara(menorrhagia)which is cnumeratedto be
one ol'thc complicationsol'gynecicdiseases (vide verseno.
39) appropriatelyboth in briel'andin detail."
To the disciple dcsirous of' hcaring these details, the

Foremostamongthc Physicians(Atreya)rcplied as lb[lows

verses): [ 128 tl, - 132]
(to bc describedin the subscquent
[According to Cakrapdni.therearc two schoolsof thought about
thc text beginningwith verseno. l28r/,. Sornescholarsconsidcrthis
text as authentic.and somc othersconsjderit asspuriousor unauthentic
(andrsa).According to the scholarsof fhe latterschool.thc treatmentof
seminal morbiditics is already described in Cikirsn 2 (chaptcr on
aphrodisiacs).and that of kluibtu or impotencyis describedin Sartru
2:17-71. Prutlaru is already describedin this chaptcr along with its
trcatmcnt (vide vcrse nos. 86-89). Thercforc. rcpetition of sirnilar
dcscription here is inappropriatcaccordingto thcm.
Accolding to scholarswho acccptthe authenticityof this text. rvhat
rvasdescribcdbeforeorrthcsetopics.viz. scminalrnorbidities.irnpotency
inttlprudaru (rnenorrhagia)rvasonly in bricf. The presentdescriptiorr
providesdetailson thcsctopics.
Eventhouglrtherc is controvcrsyabout the auJhenticityof these
tcxts. thcse are described in the Kashmir recensionof this classic.
Therefbre.someexplanationsale providedon thesetextsin Cakraprni's
I ntp o rta nc;eo.f Senten
fti qsr<qert E Ef*F{qEFern{l
{si qffig-tr irsr6ewrfr irqn q??tl
During the sexualintercourse,scmengetsejaculatedas
a resultof excitement. It is thesignof masculinity.The reason
fbr which it is called bija or seed( the ingredientof procreation)
will herealter be explained by me which you may hear
(addressed by Atreya to discipleAgnive(a) t 133 l
I nl4rt i I itv of' Pol l.uteclSenten
Etsn r
q ffi rigce derr{Fi vrfrRunqnq?y tl
As a seeddoesnot grow when intpairedby unseasonal
implantationand when afflicted by water microbes,insects
and fire, similarly the vitiated or polluted semenin human
beingsdoes not heip in the procreationof an olfspring.
I r34]

q tal=rrqr
srfire erscr** qr +er{ q q rre fi: n tl\ rl
ffi rrtrilEr(€rT irsnil qQqrl
@ ?uq?etl
AFnqrdr{ qrdrarfr €rt-6r drpurrql
*qr, Ecrq r$RirTqr qtul i*q61r ftT{r:| | qle | |
Sm riqr€tqql
Factorswhich causescminalpollutionare as follows:
( 1 ) E x c e ssi ve
se xu a il n d u l g e n ce;
(2) Exccssivephysicalexercise;
(3)-,tntakeol unwholesomcfood;
(4) Untimely sexualintercourse;
(5) Sexual intercoursethrough tracks other than thc
I'emalegenital organ;
(6) Abstinencel'rom sexualrapportduring appropiate
:,,(7),iIntake of food which are exceedinglyununctuotts.
bitter, astringent,saline,sourand hot;
( 8 ) S e x u a l i n t e r c o u r s ew i t h w o m e n w h o a r e n o t
(9) Old age.worry, griel'andlack of conl'idencc[in the
(10) Injury by sharp instruments,alkalies (ksara) and
cauterizatron (ag ni karma);
( l l ) F e a r , a n g e r a n d a p p l i c a t i o no l b l a c k m a g i c
( l2) Emaciationby diseascs;
(13) Suppression ol'the manilcstcdnaturalurges;and
(14) Injury to and vitiationof tissueelements.
Becausc of the abovc mentioned factors, the dosas
individuallyor.jointlyget aggravated, and reachthe seminal
channelsinstantaneonsly to vitiatethe semen.
tl, t3g
[ 1 3 5- I
ildqqrfr faqT|Tgr.,
Qfu q s.qi q M {Fd frrbdqt rq?j tl
eruqrqf€igw{srF{ nensqrrqt
Now the difl'erenttypcs of seminalmorbiditieswill be
describedby me (Atrcya). [Theseare of eight types as
followsl :
( I ) Ph e n i l a(l ro th yse me n );
(2) Tanu (thin semen),
(3) Rtrksa(ununctuoussemen);
(4) Vivarna( discolouredsemen);
(5) Pttti(semenwith putrid smell);
(6) Picchila (slimy semen);
(1\ Anta-dhatu-sanlsrsta (semenmixedwith othertissue
e l e me n ts); and
(8') Avusarli(sernensinkingto the bottomwhen placed
.l ,lr l40
on water). I I 39 o - ]
SentinulMorbidities Cuusetlby Vavu
ffi ir3 s,qr u qf+nrff q rnftrr(n lyo tl
gfr q iTqFryf{i 4.@ftTI
When the semenis vitiated by ud_r'u,,
it becomes1rothy,
thin, andununctuous.It getsejaculatedwith pain,andin small
quantity. This type of vitiated semen does not help in
conception. tlr- tlr141
I l40 ]
SeminalMorbidities Causedby Pitta
Tr+f,qqqr +flr€Iof {frrrfiqr q n qyq t l
{6f6tr fqffi {x' fir+r qfraqr

. If the semenis vitiated by pitta, then it bccomesblue or

yellow in colour,excessivelyhot andputrid in smell.It causes
burning sensationin the phallusduring ejaculation.
t l . , -|I
I l4l ,142 )
SeminalMorhidities Cuusedb), Kapha
,A6qsTTqtrrrf E r*terudnrfglqu qyR tl
If the semenis obstructedby thc aggravatcdkupha,thcn
it bccomesexceedinglyslimy. [ 142
SemenAssociatedwith Blnocl
g*i y{t} tilril' yrtor F&Tt"€qt{tI qy? | |
Becauseof excessivesexualintercoursewith women,
injury or ulceration,the semengets ejaculatedgcnerally in
associationwith blood. [143]
Avasadi Type oJ'Senten
*trtienttrrr€ri qrg.{r Fffi qFrr
qf-Aur qfr yftrarruG nenssEm(n qyy rl
Becauseof the suppressionof the manif'estedurge for
sex,the semengetsobstructedin its courseby the aggravated
vd1,tr,thtrs making it grathita (knotty) and avasadi (which
sinks when placedover water).This semcnassociatedwith
the eighth type of morbiditygetsejaculatedwith dil'ficulty.
fr Aqr: Esrf@rfilT: tgfi.grqt €Fftf,qrr: I
Thus,theeight typesof mo'rbidityol semenaredescribed
with referenceto their signsand symptoms. It|2145 ]
Signs of Pure Semen
ficild wf ftFtri q qgr ffi iau qYq I
ta, gq @Ff erftrqqF*rqt
The semenwhich is unctuous,dense, slimy, sweet,non-
irritating and white (transparent)
like a crystalis to be linown
as purc or normal. tlr-'1,146 ]
[ 145

SeminalM orbidities
Line rt' Treatntento.t''
: ll qYE,ll
ffidmcn r
g€ qEr rr+qqi il{r il( Frgqt?t(il qYe | |
gi v ffi{i qarcrrgrn ga rill
fiTq'q{q y*rr"q ffi | | tye | |
For the treatmentof the vitiatedsemen,the following
be taken :
( l) Aphrodisiacrecipeswhich are pleasantto use and
(2) Therapeuticmcasrrres describedlor thc treatmentof
rukta-pitta (an ailment characterisedby bleeding
from dil'ferentpartsol'the body- vide Cikitsa 4):
(3) Therapeutic measuresdescribed(earlier in this
chapter)for the treatmentof t'onl-u.t,apat (gynecic
(4) Jlvanha-glxfta(ghcepreparedby cookingwith drugs
bclorrgingto Jivanlt'd group- vide Sutra 4:9)
( 5 ) C v a v,a n a -p ra (vi
i u d e C i ki tsal:l: 62- 74) ,and
6 ) S i l a j a ra(vi d e C i ki tsal :3 :4 8- 65) .
Treatmentof'SeminalMorbidities Cuusedby Vata
ermFat fdar: {* FrsAr: qqlErrcrrr.l
If the seminalmorbiditiesare causedby the aggravated
v-dylt,then the patient should be given niruha as well as
anuviisunatypesof n'redicated enema. tl.' 149l
Morhidities Causeclbt' Pittn
qqqq€did q ++ vnn rsratqu qYq rl
In the scrninal rnorbiditiescaused by the aggravated
1titta,the patientshouIdbe givenAhltat,antalakIya-rosdlurru.
(v i d e C i k i t s aI:l : 76 -7 7 ) t/,1
I l4g

Treatntentof SeminalMorbidities Causedhv Kapha

qmq-qatrrrr f*rarqr {{nr{ql
qtnlFcrtf{.s-+{ Errr{r{ffirdrfizr ier| | qqo| |
Pippalt-rasitvuna(vide Cikitsa I : 3: 32-35),Amalukl-
rasdyavq(vide CikitsaI :l:75), Loha-rasayana (vidc Cikitsa
1:3:15-23)and Bhal.l.araka-rasayene (vide Cikitsa I:2:13)
cure seminalmorbiditicscausedby the aggravatedKapha.
I lsOl
Treatmentof SentinalMorbidities Causeclhv Associationo.f
Other TissueElements
{rri H€qq gFtn: I
?nrr*q ygg+d tqerrgF{qFq-d{n q\q rl
If seminalmorbiditiesare causedby thc vitiatedtissue
elements,thenaftel ascertainingtheirnatureandthoseof the
vitiated dosas, the patient should be given appropriate
therapeuticmeasuresfor the correctionof the conccrned
closasand tissueelements. I l5l ]
TreatntentoJ'SentinalMorbidities in General
EVt-FIr:{x.+*S qRqra,,{ffiqa, ll qq?| |
Fqrfi+smm gFr+c. feF*fuqt
Ghee, milk, meat soup, fbod ingrcdientslike Sali rice,
barley, wheat and sasli,ta rice, and medicatedenema in
specialare very useful for correctingthe treatmentof eight
types of seminalmorbidities. | 1 5 2- t l , t 5 3 l
Va r i eti es r2l'I mpote nctt
tfrffiqlrd *d qsrqqe+q ftFqfr | | q\? | |
?r* qqqrfu f TrqrrFr{*vr! qerrfrcryt
*ceacilqqmrurr qf{rT lg.*,tiqrqr(t I qqy | |
Edd ffi aqar {JsJ Trrrr;qcrqro'r{l

Since impotencyis causedby the seminal morbidities,

and it getscorrectedby the purificationof the semen'now' O
Rgnive6a!I Shall appropriatelydescribe[the etiology' signs
and treatmentofl this diseasesystematically'
Impotencyis of four typesdependingupon its causativc
factorsas follows:
(l) Bliopaghata.ia klaibva(impotencycausedbyseminal
d i mi n u ti o n );
(2) Dhvaiabhcthga.iu klaiht'ct(impotencycausedby non-
(3) Jara.iakluibva (impotcncycausedby old age); and
&) S u k ra -ksa t'a .i akl a i h t'a (impotency caused
excessivelossof semen,i.e. by sexualintercourse).
Now listen abottt their general signs and symptoms
tlr - ' lr .l55 ]
t rses]. [ 153
[ w h i c h f o l l o w si n su b se q u e nve
oJ'lmltotenct'in Generul
Signs ancl S1'11711tctnts
Fr€i ffi qy?Trqh fiwcqtl q\q ll
q qrfr fttg*Frtur( qqrFasrFdqr Gl
q1gt.d; Rqxrnesq : ll t\Q ll
wr<Rpqrq Frdq: srtr( E*6{fiqur{l
€rrrr:ri{qTt'r rEFdllq\ell
Eventhougha man is constantlydesirousof sexual
intercoursewith the partenerwho is cpoperative,he, because
of the lposeness(absence ol erection)ol'thephallusbecomes
incapableol performing the sexual act. Even if he rarely
attemptssexualact,he getsafflicted with dyspnoeaaswell as
perspirationin the body, andgetsfrustratedin his determined
!ffoi6. His phallus becomesloose (becauseof the lack of
erection),andhe doesnot ejaculateany semen'Theseare the

1 generalsignsandsymptomsof impotency.Specificsignsand
Jy-ptoror of impotencywill, hereafterbe,describedin detail.
[ 1 5 5 - 1 5 7]


Etiologl, and Signsr4f'Bliopaghdta.iaKlaiht,a

@ q dqrqr{r
qtnrtrtr q ?q3rr
qrtcrrcrr$rerq r*mrqtqrqna: r
ffiryrerr{rdFd qrugqut! ggda:1 iEo tl
ercqqruhsetErd*fq g-q-{rg rr*m: I
frfua: n qqttl

ffiwrrcf dai,.
ln biopaghata.iatype of klaibva (impotencycausedby
the diminution of semen), the semen gcts vitiated and
diminishedin quantitybecauscol'the following:
( l ) I n t a ke o 1 'co l d ,u n u n ctn o us,
mutuallycontradictoryingredicntsol' I'ood:
(2) Intakeof l'oodbefbrethepreviousmealis digested;
(3) Grief, anxiety,f'earand terror;
(4) Excessiveindulgencein sex with woman;
(5) Ahhicara (afflictionby black magic);
(6) Avisranthlra(suspicious nature):
( 7 ) D i mi n u ti o n o l ' ru su (p l a sma) antl other .tissuc
e l e me n ts;
(8) Disharmonyamongvutcrttndothcr closcts:
(9) Fastingand latigue;
(l0) Disliking fbr womcn;and
( l l ) I m p ro p e r a d mi n i stra ti o noI pafica- kar m a( livc
Bcc.use o1'the scminal destructi.n (diminution) as a
rcsult ol'thc afbresaidlactors,thc patientbccomespale in
colour,vcry weakandlow in vitality.Hc getslow exciterncnt

while meetingfbrnalepartencrs. He sulfersliom heartdiseases,

anaemia,asthma, jairndice, physicalexhaustion,vomiting,
d i a r r h o e ac, o l i c p a i n ,co u g ha n d fe ver . [ 158 - 314162]
Etiol o gt,o.fDlwuiabhahga.iaKl aibt u
....rrilffrs-'q?i elqrllqqR | |
s{qqnrFpwrq fiTetrgsr#fir{il qqt tl
ffir'ri +E ffiuqExll
g'ften gq*F{ q ne}q q fiEirr{n tq\ tl
ffi srqT ffi 'rdEq'rraffa: I
: llqqqll
3{qltr{r6r +(;-s vrsffi{qqrilr(l
@ E n F d*r { r ( ttqqstl
tilqara rfrqrdr{dilqrr$, r+di t
Now hearabouttheimpotencycausedby dlwqia-bhanga
(non-erectilephallus) which takes place becauseof the
following l'actors:
( I) Intakeof exccssively
antagonisticandunwholesome ingredientsof food;
(2) Intakeof waterin excess;
(3) Taking mealsirregularly;
(4) Intakeof pastryand heavyfood habitually;
( 5 ) I n t ake o f yo g h u rt, mi l k and meat of anim als
(6) Emaciationbecauseof discases;
(7) Cohabitationwith young virgin girls;
(8) Sexualintercoursein partsother than vagina;
( 9 ) Be c a u seo f' e xci te me n tand ignor ance, sexual
intercoursewith a woman who is suffering from
chronic diseases,in continuation

who hasshunnedsexualrelationshipfor a long time,

who is in menstmation, andwhosevaginais off'ensive
in smell, aff'lictedwith diseasesand has profuse
(10) Sexualintercoursewith quadrupedanimals;
( I l) Trauma to the phallus;
(12) Not cleaningthe phallusproperly;
( l3) Injury to thephallusby wcapons,teeth,nails,beating
by a stick or comprcssion;
(i4) Excessiveuse of ffikas (a typc of insectwhich is
appliedfor the elongationof the phallus);and
(15)Suppressionof thc urge for seminal ejaculation
during sexn:rlintercourse. tl4 162- r/i 168
I ]
Signs and Synxptomso.fDhvajabhanga.jaKlaibvu
(erqk ?TrR Gqrfur ir{zr nr$ryrrkT: qqt)
}} rrrrst*qaegt n qqe t l
pterrq **r qrrt ftr$.qrr*} cgf,Fqr
E!TT: m $r.rjFqrqtIqqq||

Fg*tut qrfr qFcqr,q frm:nteorl

q{qwn g* q;oi wffrqrffir
F6. qEt er*anq 'ffifecqnq\eqrl
grFtr ? qTsjrs ffi (16: rr*<l: I
qdi Equr*dtsfr {iqi{r €$rmg ?n qeRll
e.E1funqffi qTsfr arug: €meiErqrqtr
rr€: fiqFrtrssqfiqe: il teQ | |
fu{ra rnqi rqfr vfrd qNPr Ea}r
tilrrr* fucoqfu frFrs* {Rrqfu qt I quYtl
ffidA rrfrrr:are +d gqrqerrfr iErl
e{qrrs.Eni Trgqr€tr{tI qe\ | |
\tiT qsqfuf

I shall,hareafter,describethe signsandsymptomscaused
by dlwa.jctbhahga (morbidity of the phallus) [which are as
followsl :
(1) Swelling,pain and rednessof the phallus;
(2) Scrioustypcol pustularcruptionin andsuppuration
o l 'th e p h a l l u s;
(3 ) Fleshygrowthin thephallusandits cluickulceration;
(4) Exudation which appears like ricc-water
(pulakodaka)or which is brownishblack or pink in
(5) Circularandhardindurationbelow the glancepenis;
( 6 ) F e ve r, mo rb i d th i rst, giddiness, fainting and
v omi ti n g ;
(7) Dischargeof red,black,blue.turbidandredcoloured
liquid l'rom the urethra;
(8) Acuteburningsensation asil'burntby lire, andpain
in the regiono['urinarybladdcr,testicles,perineal
sutureand groins;
(9) Dischargeof slimy andpaleyellow liquid at times;
(10) Mild swelling,numbnessand scantydischargc;
(11) tt takeslong tirne to suppLlrate
and may get abated
q ui ckl y;
(12) Appearanceof nraggotsin thc phallus;
(13) Sloughingand loul smell o1'thephallus;and
(14) Droppingo{'theglancepenisor of the whole penis
or ol the tcsticles.
Thtrs,the irnpotencycauscdby dhvajabhahga(morbidity
of the phallus) is cxplained.
Accordingto somephysicians,this type of impotency
causedby dlrujahhahga is of [ive varictics.
rlr- rl, ]76
I 168 l
The five varietiesof dhv,ujatthuriguarcas follows:
(I) vdtiku variety having thc signs and syrnptoms
abovcin item no. l:
(2) Pdittika 'ariety having thc signs rnd symptoms
above in the itsm no. 2:
(3) Kuphqid variety having the signs and symptrms
abovein item nos.3_-5:
(4) Rakta.iu variety having the signs and syrnptoms
above in item nos. 6-7; and
(5) sfuuriltatikovarietyhavingthe signsandsymptoms
abovcin item nos. g-14.
Jaraja Kluibya
qfud qrrriqe Fa vaqqrqer ilW | | qeE,| |
lT€r-Tqe4gqt aaffieerSat r
eftrq{sT g*i wwr: qffi Trnqt tqee tl
lqrfr Tiqrqra iT*qrg6q+fl{r(l
qr*{F<qnrn q i5tdq I qsz tl
q{n{$c|ci q\eqtl
qrq* *{ +sseJ grurwrg: ggda: r
ffi Efr {q, ffi qrRrqcrr€*n qaot l
Now I shalldescribethe typeoI impotencycausedby ord
age which you may hear (addressed by thc preceptorAir.yu
to the discipleAgniveSa).
Age of a personis dividedinto threeparts,viz.,jaghau,e
(childhood),madhta (adulthood)and pravara (old age).
the old age, generallythe semengets diminished.
Impotency takes place in the old age becauseof the
following :
(l) Diminution of tissueelementsrike rasa (plasma),
(2) constantuseol'ingredients which arc dctrimentalto
the vitality of a person;

(3) Gradualdiminution of strength,energy,power ol

sensesand spanof lit'e;
(4) Inability to take nourishingfood, and
(5) Physicalas well as mentalfatigue.
Becauseof the aforesaidfactors,the tissueelementsof
the old man becomesdiminishedand excessivelyweak; his
complexion becomesperverted;he becomesphysically and
mentallyweak; andhe succumbsto diftrcnt typesof diseases
of geriatricimpotency.
t l r - t l o 1 8 1l
t 176
It is stated above that in the old age. generallythe semen gets
diminished.Useof thervord'generally' Qtrul,uialr)is significantinasmuch
as at times. the sernendoes not get dirninishedeven in old age if the
person i,c |ukra-sara (having the excellenceof semen). and if he
habitually takesaphrodisiacdrugs.
Kqayqia Tvpe o.fInxpltencv
=rgd q{ftf ,Iq t
srfrE ffiq ttq4qll,t
q'vil qr H Fsfraur=f a?r\qer{ll qeRll
E-d-irrq'Fcr.*a Frrrdrfr ffit
Siffir{ irfr Trnq 1
{frTR sa qffi EmErFRzr tFeqrllqaYll
ffi ersftrt*qr qEFi ffisFd rt: n td\ tl
Fsr{ qfrqt gr ra, srdFd dqr{Tqt
*r qr|trrre|dFc qrui qr q rrEftn qzq tl
{.g^ itsrffi*q rq{qrffisdrl
dozi agffiqqn qaetl
qd Fr{r=rFiTg.nqr5i
Now hear about the fotrrth typc of impotencywhich rs

causedby the diminutionof semen(ksctt,uja). The semenin a

man gets diminishedbecauseof the following factors:
( I ) Constantexposnreto worry, grief, anger,lear, envy,
anxiety,intoxicationand nervousness;
(2) Intake of ununctuousfood, drinks and drugs by an
(3) Fastingby a personwho is weak in nature;and
(4) Intakeof unwholesome food.
By the afbresaidfactors, rasu (plasma) which is the
prinary tissueelementandwhich is locatedin the heart,gets
diminishedsoon.As a result of this, other tissueelements
beginning trom rakta (blood) upto semenget diminished in
that person.Among all thesetissueelements,semen(|ukra)
which is the final productis the most important.
If a person becauseof excessivemental excitement
indulges in sexual intercoursein excess,his semen gets
diminishedsoon, and he gets emaciated.He succumbsto
and evendeath.
Therefore, a pcrson desirous of good health should
speciallypreservehis semen.
Thus,the etiologyandsignsas well assymptomso1'f'our
types of impotencyare described. 3 / 4- 1 8 7
I lSi ]
*Fqq# r6r€TAi ryffr$ql+frel
qqfril @ quqazrl
q*enq rrqr *rqr: $q t#€r: furr: | | quqtl
irr d{risdfs: rr qqa{gqq gqrtt I tio | |
qt iilgrqr etrGrrrilT:gfsqrircrgqtr-(r
Accordingto somephysicians,impotencycausedby

dh aiabhanga (morbidity of phallus) and ksaya(diminution

of semen)areincurable.In this context,dhva.iabhahga caused
by amputationof the phallusand testiclesis to be considered
'/<scya'in this context of incurability
as incurable.The term
refersto the conditionwhen becauseof the morbiditiesof the
spermof the father andovum of the motherand becauseof the
sinful actionsof the pastlife, during the embryonicstage,the
aggravated doqas afflict the channel carrying sperm, and
make it atrophied.Becauseof this, [in the later part of life] the
process of semen formation in the offspring is inhibited.
Thus, the man though having full physical development
Different typesof impotencydescribedbeforewhich are
causedby the simultaneousvitiation of all the three dosas
r l , 1 9 7]
(sannipata)arealso incurable. [ 1 8 8-
Line of Treatmento.fIntpotencl'
Eqnrarqir: I!q!l I tqq I I
g{fis FTfr r}mt' zr;rrquqq!l
Eat( qfrqrq?rFddEr ?rql I q3R| |
ErRf.t: qffi Eqfrtns
E q EilT; I

T€rfirftn€I qqtifft y€nEr{r{t I q1? tl

€*qq Arffi+mt tMcql
ffit"rtg$ # Rsn qrgMqrEn qqYrl
elrdlqrsrd +{ *wi zfisqr+1
qqrfirgF s}wi *qvrr;rlnqq\tl
O ! Sinlessone (adderessed to AgniveSa),hereafterwill
bc describedthe treatmentof impotency in brief as well as in
detail which you may hear. These therapiesfor the cure ol
impotency,in brief, are as follows:
( I ) Remediesdescribedby mc (Atreya)for thetreatment
of seminalmorbiditiesin this chapter;
(2) Therapeuticmeasuresdescribedearlier(in the chapter
XI) for the treatmentof kqata-kqlna(phthisis);and
178 CARAKA-SAr!{HITA t cH.
(3) Medicatedenema,medicatedmilk, medicatedghee,
aphrodisiacrecipesand rejuvenatingrecipes.
To the patient suffering from impotency as a result of
,sexualindulgence(vyqyayahetuja),and disharmonyamong
thi dhutas(doqas),the physicianwell versedin medicaments
(bhesaja)and time (kala) shouldadministerall the afbresaid
therapeuticmeasureskeeping in view the strength of his
bgdy, doqa; andagni (power of digestionand metabolism).
I1 the impotencyis causedby abhicaru (black magic),
then such a patient should be treatedwith religious prayers
and rittrals (daiv a-v\tap ai ra t,a -r:i kit su).
Thus,in brief,theremediesfbr thecureof impotencyare
Use of the term 'vvavayahetuin'(caused by sexualindulgence)in
thc verscno.194 is significantinasmuchas it excludesthe treatrnentof
impotency causedby geneticdctbctsrvhich is inherited(bccauscit is
Pafica-Karnta Therapy
ffiuryeeqrfufu *mt'qq:r
gRcildRilrnm fu F*Tqn qqqtl
3l-*rfl=f RtT: Eqtqerqrs$qrrf 33: I
Yqar{ftrqq @lqqetl
rdr*trsrgRrs: rT$nqTrerFtr*fliT:l
Now, thetherapcuticmeasures for the cureof impotency
will be describedby mc (Atreya)in detail.
After giving proper fomentationtherapy to the patient
whosebody is oleated,he shouldbe givenpurgationtherapy
with a recipecontainingfat. This shouldfollow the patient's
taking appropriatefood (accordingto prescribedprocedure).
Thereatter,the wise physicianshouldadministerasthupantt
type of medicatedenemafbllowed by arutvasanatype ot
enema.Asthapanatypeof enemashouldbe given againwith
[the decoctiono1]the leavesol palaia, eraryQa, etc.,or with
'/, lgg
t'txusto,etc. [ 1 9 6- ]

The term "palaiairarltla-nmstadynllr" should be intcrpreted as

"erotltlu-palaSa",i.c. leavesof ertu.ulu.ctc., and nrusta,etc. The first
recipe containing the lcavesand roots of eranda will be describedin
siddhi 12:16:2,and the secondone called yaltana-bastris describedin

The tenn "palaiairntldunrustadyaill" refers to two recipes of

medicatedenerna.Thus, the casc-endingof this term should have been
in dual number.and not in plural as is done here.However.this prural
fbrm is usedhcre in order to indicaterecipeswhich are more than one
in number.
Tr ea tnxent o.l'B i op ag hata.ia Tvp e o.l'I nlpot enc\)
qrifrfi{qr*rner n TTgffiiTr: n qqa | |
fi{qqr; n2fuwr:B' doi *cilqElrtr+l
Aphrodisiactherapiesdescribedearliermay be used by
the physician to cure impotenccycausedby btjopaghata
(pollutionof semen). ,/r-'lr 1gg
[ 198 ]
Treatmentof Dlwajabhahga Type qf Inlpotencv
emFrg.qif E*6E[ Frdr irsTqt{ftrqr{il qjj tl
e+6q qR'Wq Eqi6r vmrilqrqrqr
fu ia q-fid €d;6 q Fd-m{11qootl
3€qrg di[: E6qfErrqlss{rnrf gT: I
E.urq@ fmqr: IIqftil* €qfFf{q.rsr; 11Qoi tl
If the impotencyis causedby dhvajabhanga(morbidity
o1thephallus),thenthepatientshouldbe treatedwithpradeha
(applicationof warm pasteof drugs),ltariseka(affusionwith
thedecoction oI drugs),qgllya-mok; ana (blood-letting),sneha-
puna (administrationof ghee, etc.) and_purgation with a
recipecontainingf at.Aficr that,unuvitsanatypeof medicatetr
enema followed by asthaltuna type of medicated enema
should be administered.The intelligent physician should,
thereafter,adopt all the therapeuticmeaslrresprescribedfor
the trcatmentof wounds. [ 199t/2- 20r ]

Treatment of Jura.iaand Kqat'aio Lnpotenc)'

wrciwqQ # qrqi *e qtrtAEt
rffiqqErs F*d vfrT{ feqtt Ro?| |
qfillqffi.ffi{n qwdq r{TtFtT:
TgTEr{r*fng d rfrq tgqtllloltI
If the impotencyis causedby iara (old age) and ksara
(seminaldiminution),then the patientshouldfirst o1'all be
oleated and fomented.Thereafter,purgation therapy with
unctuousingredientsshouldbe administered.
These two types of impotency should be treated with
, medicatedghee,aphrodisiacrecipes,)'dpanatypeof medicated
enema(vide Si(tdhi12:16)andrejuvenatingrecipes(described
ii Cikftsar).
Thtts, I (Lord Atreya) have explainedthe trcatmentol'
t l , 2 A 4]
lmpotency. [ 2 A 2-
Two types of enema are described here in plural (bastayah).
becauseof multiplicity. Even though, according to grammatical rules.
dual number should have been used.

q3 q*gm: 9(t: qql tlarftnr*g ir{l I QoY| |
Now listen (addrcssedto the disciple AgniveSa)to the
etiology,etc. of prutlaru which has beenmentionedearlier
( v i d e v e r s en o .r/,3 9 ). | 204
The earlier statement<tfprudura ref'erredto above is actually a
Whilc describingthe treatment
descriptionof cotnplicationof ruttta-"t,rrlri.
of rakta-yor1, this aihncnt is already describedby the nameasygdnra.
Depending upon the involvement of different do.sns,this diseaserakttt-
yotti, inthe form of usygdurais already explaincd there. Therefore. the
description of this ailment @ratlaru) again here is not accepted as
authenticby theearliercommentators of this text.Thosephysicianswho
acceptthe present text as authentic consider thc presentdescription as
a supplementof thc carlicr one providing further description of this
ailmentin dctail.

Since this text is fbund in the severaleditions of this classic, we

(ret'ersto Cakrapar.ri)
areproviding its commentary.[Obviously Cahrapdni
had reservationsabout the authenticity of this text.l
Etiology, Pathogenesisand Signs of Pradara
qrs€d ffi .rrfr dqurFqlqfrr rill
Eqrlq ffiF{ ffi firffi:arrrRoqtl
wffi twR q,vr(i qrqi cFr
q.trFq11f{rfrh $Firarr: Efr'*sFffi: n RoE,
$il' rltrur5ffilq rF{tvrqtrdr: fun: r
rtilqar: wqfimq rifi-rrrETq irfrcr: | | ?os tl
qsrffir$ rm{rcffir+trrl
TFTr{gr{t 9r&rraFqvrrrEr:n Rozrl
rc: lrddt rrtsr( v<{*{ {T r{rr: I
qTqT=ra: qgFEtd q,rrq W{ ?il?oqtl
If a woman takesexcessof saline,sour,heavy,pungent,
irritant and unctuous ingredients as food, fatty meat of
domesticatedand aquatic animals, kyfara (a preparation of
rice and pulses),pd),asa(a preparationof milk and rice),
yoghurt,vinegar,whey,sura (atype of alcohol),etc.,then the
rlat'u in her body gets aggravated.This aggravatedvayu
causesincreasein thequantityof blood,andgetslodgedin the
channelswhich go to the (areconnectedwith) uteruscarrying
menstrual fluid. Since by propelling blood of the body to
thesemenstrlralchannels,it (the aggravatedvayu) augments
the quantity of rnenstrualfluid immediatelybecauseof the
liquid nature of the former (blood), it is called asrgdara
(menorrhagia) by the experts in this field of speciality
Since the quantity of menstrualfluid is augmentedor
expanded,it is calledpradara.
Thus, the etiologyand signsof pradara are explainedin
general. t 205-2A9l
The aggravatedvd-ylr.causes
increasein the quantity of the blood
of the body. and this excess blood gets addcd to the qllantity of
menstrualfluid. Becauscof the involvementof a.rrA(blood) of the bodv
which is increasedin quantity(rltr1,ate),
this ailment is called asrg,dara.
Since. ultimately thc menstrualtlow is augmentedor expan<led,
this ailment is calledpratluru.
Varieties o.fPradara
T-dHd Eqr€?rq qrcr*, *rflxqrra: t
sriT:rrtyeqqrfrffidF{qFffi{il Rto tl
Regardingthe dctailso1'thisdisease, pratlara is of lour
varieties, viz., vatika pradara, paittika pratlara, kapha.ia
prudara and sannipatikapratlara (the lastone causeclby the
simultaneous aggravationof all the threc tlosas). t 210 ]
Hereatter,I shall describetheir etiology, signs. symptoms and
Etiologv, Pathol.ogt,andSignsof Vatika pradara
6q{TF${qfTr?rq {ifi'qrilq g*+qr
qfra: 5fl Eqt-€qrnr irs t plg I I ?qqil

+tu qa=T s.qr

qtrei I9
q yqr?i ?r6uriq q I
f*q*tq*wgrw Ft-d qrsq trFqqnRtRtl
XT€?: I
5,€t H fu€: n Rq?tl
Becauseof theintakeof ununctuous ingredients,etc.,the
aggravatedvdvu havingpropelledthe blood in the aforesaid
manner(vide verseno.2A5-209above)causesprddara. Nou,,
listento its signsandsymptoms(addressed by Lord Atreyato
If the menstrualdischargeis frothy. thin, ununctuoLrs,
brownish black, pink or like the juice of kimiuka (palaia),
which may or may not be associated with pain, and il'the
aggravatedvayu causesexcruciating painin thewaist,groins,
Cardiacregion, sides of thc chest, back and hips, then this
ailment is to be diagnosedas vatika type ol' trtradara.
[211- 213)
Etiol.ogt'untl Signsqf'_paittiku
srdTqffiqqflt: ffi ytfu ?rqrl
Adaq tr E'qfE tFrt$ flarg.a;p.rrg| | ?qy | |
rrftTErQrEr +irrqurqRqd iTet11
F+aranvt rrdfr gg{gtenmrqn Rq\| |

srgrfitRr{irqr(. ...... n ?qqtl

When the pitta aggravatedby the intake of sour,
salincandalkalineingredicnts causesp raclarctin theaforesaid
manncr' thcn it is calredpaittika pracraru.Now, listen
to its
signsand symptoms.
If the menstrualdischargeis blue, yellow, excessively
hot, black or red, if it I'lowsIrequentlyaisociated
with pain,
and il'the patientsuff'ersfrom burning sensation,
thirst,unconsciousness, f'everandgiddiness,thenthis is to be
diagnoscdaspuittika typc of asrgdara(praclara).
[ 214 _ 3/^216 ]
Etiologt tutd Signsof Kctphu.ia pradara
.v&fu*igrqqq*n R?qtl
g-cfF{Fr€g|arsTdT{ qfra: ?F'tE^:
Y{t EF* i[Fr dqTur ffikT: Tq I r ?q\e| |
frkf qrrr$ruf q gu, lTTat q vfrftnl
,fu q q=f Tq€'qrfirqlRqetl

Herealterwill be describedkaphaja type of prad.ara.

Kapha aggra'atedby the intakeof ingredientswhich
heavy,etc.,causespracrarain themannerstated
listen to the characteristicfeaturesof this type
of pradara.
In this type oI pradara, the menstrualdischarge
is slimy,
pale in colour,heavy,unctuors,cold,mucous
or d"nr"; there
is dull pain, and the patientsuff'ersfrom vomiting,
nausea,irsthmaand cough. 216 t/ _ |
t 4 /, 2lg )

ceFt ffisrqrqFrfq,r{urtl I Rqq| |
ETag q,nur lrqrer El)
eecr*i5i @llRRoll
The factorsin generalto be describedasthe causesof the
morbidity of mother'smilk (vide versenos.232-235)are also
the causativetactorsof sannipatikatype of pradara. In this
type of praclara,all the signsand sympomsof the aforesaid
tirieetypesof praelaru(Viz., t,Atikapraclara,paittika pt"udara
andkaltha.ialtraclara) aremanilestedin completeform. This
sannipatitcapradara is not characterisedby the signs and
,y-pio^t of only one of them. L 2I9 I z - 224 l
An AssociatedAilntent
qrft aftrqRkqr rrEr gsmFrfirt
: llRRtll
TffiaTilur VqFd gsfufti isqql
Ef" firFari ftf @ firtr*qcrllRRRll
q{ri *qg qrEf;A qqrqrq *rrertl
vrrqEwqtqerrsrri @t
qffi Etr rr Ersrcnqiffi*qtlR?Yll
If a woman who is excessivelyexhaustedand who is
excessivelydepletedof blood, resorts to all the aforesaid
l,actors(describedin respectof vdtika, paittika and kaphaia
types of pratlara), then thevat,uin her body getsexcessively
aggravated.This aggravate d vdt'upropells the kaphahaving
o[posite artriburesthroughthe channelsof blood. The kapha
u"ing afflicted (lit. burnt) by the heat of pitta becomestbul
smeiing, slimy and yellow. The aggravatedv6t,u moving
rapidly rut"r this kaphu (ftuid) along with vasd (muscle fat)
uid niurtos (adipose tissue) to be discharged through the
vaginal tract. The fluid, thus discharged,appearslike ghee'
nta.i.ier(bone- marrow) and vasa (muscle- fat)'

This discharge from the vaginal tract takes place

constantly,andthepatientsuffersfrom morbidthirst,burning
sensationandf'ever.This patientwhoseblood is depletedand
who is very weakis incurable,andthephysicianshouldavoid
treatmentof sucha patient. L221-224l
to anassociated
Characte rislics of H eal.tht,Menstruation
qrqrF*fu€Erdrffi' rownEarRr q r
ffirrg qrnrerrqdd tr€qrF<t(lt ?R\ tl
gETrtF-m{tquf q qqrr*qqhr+qr
{€qrF(sEil RRqrl
The menstruationwhich appearsevery month, which is
free from sliminessof discharge,burningsensation andpain,
which continuesfor five nightsandwhich is neitherexcessive
nor scantyis to be consideredas normal.
The menstrualdischargewhich is of the colour of gufija
fruits or of lotus or of lac or of indra-gopa (trombidium)
sholuld be consideredas unpolluted. l22s-226l
The urtavu-kulu or the time of t-ertilityin a wornancontinuesfbr
twelve nightsaftertheonsctof menstruation.B ut the menstrualbleodin g
takcsplaceonly for five nightsin a healthywotnan.
According to dyurveda.the periodof t'ertilitycontinuesfol'twelve
nights after thc onsetof menstruation.but the menstrualbleedingtakes
placeonly fbr five nightsin a healthyperson.B'oththe periodof fertility
andperiodof menstrualbleedingarecalledurtava-kalu.Useof the same
tenn fbrboth of theseeventssometime causesconfusionandcontroversy.
The healthy menstrualblood is describedaboveto have ditfbrent
typesof colours,like that <>fgufija-seed,
ctc. becauseof the variation in
constitutionof the woman.
erdc{rsrrf TEt,fud Sqqqr
T$rrf Tqruri q il( rrd e,rrlkqqn R?eI r
rtnTfd€TRqriqwr ?TsnvilftrrdFrRmrql
-m,rvtgiq T( ffi ,}wf ira Hrr*qu RRZtl

The therapeuticmeasltresprcscribed before for the

dltat (gynecicdisorders)
treatmentof differenttypesof rioni-r'.r'
in this chapter should be used by the physician lor the
treatmentof [four types off pradatz (menorrhagia).
Similarly, ftbr the treatment ol these lbur types o1'
pradaraf ,the therapeuticmeasuresprescribedfor raktatisara
or diarrhoeaassociatedwith bleeding (vide Cikitsa l9:71-
100), raktapitta (an ailment characterised by bleeding from
difl'erent parts of the body- vide Cikitsa 4) and raktarSa or
bleedingpiles (vide Cikitsa l4) shouldbe used. 1227-2281

qr*ffiwarciq$rr F*irra: g{Tl
wq*isr+f +E Rr:qq q Mer.rqn RRq| |
frilrff n rqd ffiqr: sefifrTr:n R?otl
Ffdsn€ znt: ftrrelrw* eaFrrfrfuwotn Rlqtl
Earlier, detaileddescriptionhas alreadybeen provided
on tHe following topics:
(l) DhatrTsarlxpat (characteristicsof ahealthywet nurse)-
vide Sarlra 8:52:
(2) Stana-sanxpat (qualitiesof well lormed breasts)
vide SarTra8:52:
(3) Stanva-sarlxpot (qualities of healthy brcast-milk)-
videSanra 8:53-54;
(4) Stam,a -sanl ananu ( galactogoguedrugs)- vid e Sutr a
4:12 andSAfira 8:57;
(5) Sran.t,a-vifodhana ( drugsfor purificationof breast-
milk) vide Sutra 4:12 andSAfira 8:56;
(6) Signs of breast-milkvitiated by vity,11, etc.,-vide
Sarira S:55:

( 7 ) Trcatmentol' diminishedbreast-milk-vide Slttra

4 : 12 a n dS A n ro8 :5 6 ;a n d
( 8 ) Eight types of morbidities of breast-milk -vide
S u tra l 9 4 :1 .
The aforesaideight morbiditiesof breast-milkare also
causedby vavu,etc.,which an ablephysicianwell versedin
the scripturesshouldknow.
Disciples are of three difl'erent types, vrz., prevara
(superioror moreintelligent),madlD,q(mediocreor moderate
in intelligence) and avara (inferior or of low
for thecomprehension of all (including
thosediscipleswho are of low intelligence),detailsof these
eight types of morbidities of breast-milkwill be described
hereafter. 1229-23r)
Etiologt,and Pathogenesiso.fEight Lactatial Morbidities
@ ?' *+trqnR?Rrl
oq.ffi ftr;nqr(t
ffi ?ilR??ll
q{qr* T-sfi q[{r{i qfu q{eF,{r
srF{q€R Erhmfr urrqrTM{ :an R?y tl
3il-rnqrfrrEsfurdrr( *rrE| lt Rl\ tl
frvr: Sr+5r: grq flFn: rrai yqq ql
€{{uefut' qtr ftqawffiq irr rrq rr
In a woman, dosas get aggravatedbecauseof the
following :
(l) Intakeof food.beforethepreviousmealis digested;
(2) Intake of unwholesome,irregular and mutually
(3) Intakeof food in excessquantity;

(4) Intake of saline,sour, pungent,alkaline and pasty

(5) Atlliction with mentalaswell asphysicalmiseries;
(6) Remainingawakeat night and worry;
(7) Suppressionof the manifestednatural urges, and
forceful excitationof the unmanifestedones;
(8) Sleep during day time after the frequent intake of
paramanna(milk pudding),preparationofjaggery,
kriard (a preparationof rice and pulses),mandaka
dadhi (yoghurt not lully l'ermentedor matttred),
ingredientswhich are ahhist'antfi(which cause
obstructionto the channelsof circulation)and the
meat of domesticated,marshy land-inhabiting as
well as aquaticanimals;
(9) Excessiveintakeof alcohol;
(10) Lack of exerciseand affliction with trauma and
( I 1) Excessiveemaciationbecauseof chronicdiseases.
The tJosasaggravatedby the above mentioned f'actol's
reach the galacticchannelsto vitiate the breast-milk,thus
causingeight types of morbidities[as describedrn Sutra
Hereafter,the signs of the vitiation of breast-milk by
different dosas will be describedwhich you (addressedto
Agnivefa) may understand. 1232-236l
Morbi'ctitiesof Breast-milkCausedb), Dtfferent Dosas
Atpd +E{r$.rfrrtqaifut
firtrBgrdff;sn ddffi€{t I R?e| |
E.qrgqra, ...................
If the breast-milkis vitiated by vitllt, then it becomes
distasteful,frothy and ununctuous.Breast-milkvitiated by
pitta bccomesdiscolouredand loul smelling . If it is vitiated

by kapha,then the breast-milkbecomesunctuous,slimv and

heavy. 1 2 3 7- t t 4 2 3 8 )
and Signso.fBreast-mil.k Vitiatedby Vayu
..lnfrrffie: T*: fE*trd: I
E€: Srr{r{i yrq rrr Fr;zrtt qq*(1 R?etl
fu qrd@ q.e'furqfr rq frclr
q qnq €qt qfr{ qE*ur q fuesJ+n ?tq t l
iretE ang: qfra: *aqrr<r&frsrtr
q-frFd +qrcr$,rd Fqdt | | Ryo| |
+{ qrFqwfr qrd qqfruqrqrtrT: r
qrftrqi vfrdnFiqr trqtf qr.sffin ?yqtl
q.*'q qFra: ril* r+6 vilqeitsfua: I
s,qr il( ffi *q3rfr.€r6r€:Fnq+n Ry?tl
By the intake of vayu-provokingingredients,like those
which areununctuolts,etc.,the vayag"1t aggravated.Having
reachedthe breasts,it afllicts the tasteof the breast-milk.
By takingthistastelessmilk, thechildbecomesemaciated.
He doesnot relish this type of milk, and thus,his growth gets
impaired.In addition,the aggravatedvayu chtrnsup the milk
insidethe breasts,andmakesit a massof frothy substance.As
a result of this, the milk flows out of the breasts with
By taking this pollutedmilk, the child becomesweak of
voice, and sufferslrom stasisof stool, urine and flatus. He
rnayalso getvatikatypeof head-discases andplnasa(chronic
The vayu-aggravated by the afbresaidfactorsdries up the
unctuousness(sneha)of the milk, and makesit ununctuous.
By taking this milk, the child gets reducedof his strength
becanscof ununctuoLlsness. [2383/4-242J
Pctthogenesisanci Signs o.fBreast-milk Vitiatecl bt, pitta

W<Fr: E€ trqryrurqF{Kilql
q-frfr qr;qM ffiOnRy?n

ffirnr: fux: rzrr{ErqFffi{c. flvrg: r

trcgurrvrtw qTFrr<fr d RFr{n RYYtl
AdT( EFrt fir+ *,i=sd @t
qT[rq{rr€rRFffid: Efi'l-fl!6 q' ffi: ll RY\ | |
Pitta aggravatedby ingredientswhich are hot, etc.,
afflicts thc breastsof a woman. As a result of this, the milk
becomesdiscoloured,blue, yellow, black, etc. In the child
who takesthis milk, therewill be discolorationof the body,
perspiration,morbid thirst and diarrhoea.His body remains
w-armconstantly,and it dislikesbreast-l'eed.
Thc ltittcragglavatedin thealoresaidmanncrcausesfoltl
smell in the breast-milk,and the child taking this milk gets
afflicted with anaemiaandjaundice. | 243-24s l
Pathogenesisand Signsof Breast-milkVitiateclbt' Kapha
Ed gatFcFr:c+qr ftrvrwn: fu€n: t
ffi u-nfr guRYqrl
st{. €rQmfr Erarg.qfq} fu{: I
Fffii$: ffi:ll?Yell
pqrg.5,reqfrfq yffia:r
firF: wei ftf@d E,E* ?rEr| | ?Ye | |
FTrfr[: Yfr{€rftil-ds: r3ll1r(fireF€{: r
EFr6': M 1tar( qfui€ql l?Yqll
e.ffd g€ il( *iqr qrd Eirr-T€frl
3f,efigl I1Q\otl

Kupha aggravatedby the intakcol'ingredientswhich are

d kapha,the afflicted
the unctuousattributeol' this aggravate
The child Ieeding on this breast-milk suff'ersfrom
vomiting, griping pain and excessivesalivation.Since the
channelsin his body remain constantlysmearedwith this
aggravatedkapha, the child constantly feels sleepy and

latigued (inactive).He suff'ersfrom.fyasr.r

dribbling ol'saliva andtamaka(asthma).
Because of the affliction by kapha, the breast-milk
becomesslimy. The child f'eedingon this type of breast-milk
suff'erslrom excessivesalivation,swellingof the face aswell
as eyesdull.
When the aggravatedkapltr.rwhich is heavy in attribute
afflicts the breasts,the milk alsobecomesheavy.The child
taking this milk suffersfrom heartdiseases
typesof diseases causedby the pollutedrnilk. t 246-250l
A.fflictionb), Other Ailments
qftc emrfqfir{* dqqFa ir(fFF.Fr:I
When the breast-milkis afflictedwith aggravatedvd,Lt,
specificto thesedosasalsoafflict the
chiici. I t 1 , 2 5 1]
Emetic Therapv
il{t-d lwqsqqrf errfi ffiin{n Rqqt l
rfr+€r Anre*eil qqidqqr{+ql
For thc purilicationol'the polluted breast-milk,in the
beginning the wet-nursc(or the mother) should be given
oleationand f-omentationtherapies.Thereafter,the physician
should appropriatelyadministeremetic therapyto her.
[251 '/r-'/r252]
Recipe of Emetic Therapv
: ll?qRtl
Thc patientsufferinglrom the pollution of breast-milk
shouldbc givcn emctictherapywith a recipecontainingthe
pasteof vacd,privaitgu,),a;lintadltu,madana-phala,bark of
kuta.iaand sar;apo, andthe dococtionof nimba as well as
patoIa mixed with salt. 1 2 5 2r / r - t / r 2 5 3 l

Purgation Therapt
qrErr{raf q-riqr*rf iftr: n R\t ll
t'rq,roqartefr ffid{r fqtq+ql
After proper emesis, the patient should be given
satpsa rj ana-kamta(rehabilitatingdiet).Thereafter,depending
upon the natureof the aggravate d doqas,seasonalnatureand
strengthof the patient.sheshouldbe given purgationtherapy
precededwith oleationtheraPY. rlr-'11254]
Recip e of' Purgation TheraPt
f*g*rewr qtsfr txm,trrrs+fgdrqt
I Q\Y tl
1uralqlrtigffiT ffurrf q$raF{d) | | R\\ ll
The physicianproficientin scripturesshouldadminister
purgationtherapyto the patientwith the following recipes:
(l ) Thepasteof trivrt or abhavamixedwith thedecoction
of triphal,aor honey; or
(2) Only harltakl mixed with cow's urine.
1 2 5 4 - 2 5 5l
Frtotl and Drinks
rrqffi qFdrTr{ 5:l
dfr ffiltR\qtl
PTIFI€T:qfrzq'r qt B: v{Irtr€rr $q+ FaIIT:t
fir+ga: E*tq*r rrqr llRr{\9tl
d'yr**ffiryrqrg vrrfrrsl $6fqar: r
g-ff1 rrq|rt q"rs yqeq*qt I R\e ll
ywrt;1 cFrotrdr+urq dFryfrraq vqrrr+ql
After proper purgation,a wise physician should again
give sanrsafiana-kranta (rehabilitatingdiet) to the patient
and, thereafter,lor the alleviationol'the residualr/oscs,she
xxx I clKmsAsTHANA 193
should bc treatedwith diflbrcnt types ol'lood and drinks
[which are as follows]:
0) Sati and sastiftatypes of' rice, i),amaka, ltrit,angu,
- kodrava, barley and venu-J,uya(seedsof bamboo)
are usehll as food;
(2) Bamboo-shoots,vettraand kulut,a sizzled with fat
shouldbe given as vegetablepreparation;
(3) Vegetable-souppreparedol ntuclga,ntasur{t and
kulatthamay also be given;
(4) Vegetable-soups preparedby boiling tendcrlcaves
of nin*a and vetra, kulaka (karavel.laka),vartdka
and dmalnftl,and addedwith ginger, black pepper,
long pepper and rock-saltmay bc given for the
purificationof breast-milk:and
(.'t) The meat ol iaia, kapifijula and ena may be given
r zzl i n g ,to th c p a ti e ntto take.l257 - t/.,26A1
a { ' te si
Recipes .for Treatntenfo.l'PollutedBreast-trtilkin' General
l-d Er€r{l 1QQotl
rrrcr+frrcrqrwqr$-q+ tffig"Rrqr
+{ 15nrrfr{t I Rqq||
@ n?qRll
qtHd Krr+6nun T?rrr;d Fr*era r
For the puril'icationo1' the polluted brcast-rnilk,the
patientshouldbe given the lirllowing recipes:
(l) Decoctionol' Sdrngesta,bark of saptaparna,and
.(2) Decoctionof rohini (karuki)',
(3) Dccoctionof antrtu (gucluci)and the bark of sapta-
(4) Dccoctionol'ginger;and
(5) Decoctionol' kirdta-tikta.

Thus. thc recipcsfor thc purilicationol'pollutedbreast-

rnilk in gcncralaredcscribed. Hcrcal-ter, trcatntentol'specil'ic
morbiditicsol'thebrcast-rnilkwill bc described which nraybe
tl, tl2263
li s t e n e dt o ( a d d rcsscd to A g n i ve S a ). t 260 - I
Recip es .l?ty. Ca.r- -
r ect i t1gD i sI q$|9-llf' B r eust nti Ik
qnrnFfreqfur qrq{rqsrfrFnRqr:il RQIrl
,equrM q{gi ? vrncilsa Eqrrl
qemiqe*ry fiTfrr#( rr*n Rqy tl
{w,t gen€ f{d@Tf,erTwaf fageaFaI
Il'thercis distastc thenthe
) ol-thcbreast-milk,
patientshcruldbc madcto drink thc finc pasteo1'clruksu,
matlhuka,sariv,rland mixed with warm water.
The paste ol_11q!ca-lg!g(pippa\7,1ti1tpul7-mhltt,
citraka andn7gara) and kulattlta shouldbe applicd over the
breasts.Af'tcrit is driedup, thc.breastsshouldbe washed,and
the q-ccumulated milk shotrldbe squeczedtlttt. Thtts, thc
breast-rnilkgcts purificd [and the bad tastco1'the milk is
t l . ,- t | , , 2 6 5
removed]. [ 263 )
Treutment of Frothv Milk
+Frwgrcaiqfr' q€Enwi xnqlE flscqt I Rq\ tl
. flqqqr gqrrl
srffi TrrR <r€ F{€{Fi fuag'a: | | Rqqll
w;rd: fru,rd fu Sitsilertqt
ffimei {"6T €Wr €T?r}Fffiqt I Rq\sll
if €rq qrtraar*f wqffiurqt
Rrti qffiq firdriflhtmT{t: llRQ4 ll
If the breast-milk is like thick fbam, thcn the woman
shotrldbe givento drink thepastcof pathA,nug,ara,iurngestu
andmurva along with luke warm water.
In thc al'orcsaidlrlanncr,hcr brcastsshotlldbc anointed
with the pastc o1-aiiiana, nAgaru,clevatlaru,root of hilva and
prit,uitgu.[Atter thc pastcis dried up, the breastsshouldbc

washed,and thc accumulated milk shouldbe squeezedout.]

This purilies the polluted breast-milk[and trothinessol the
milk is correctedl.
The dccoctionofkirata-tikta,iuntlfi andamrtashouldbe
given to thewet-nurscto drink which purifiespolluted[frothy]
[In thealoresaidmanner],the breastsshouldbe anointed
with thc pasteo1-barlcy,wheatand mustardseed.[Aftcr the
pastc is dricd up, the brcastsshould be washed,and the
accumulatedmilk shouldbe squeezed out. This purifiesthe
polluted(lrothy) breast-milk.l 1265 t1,,- 268 1
Treatmento.f'Ununctuou s Milk
@; q1qsfufi;p
r6qr${r fir*( Si H k Td fir*qr I Rqqtl
{ffi{€6t q q.5-*i s*o-{ql
rtrqd: CFnrrcq gff n Reotl
N4ilkboiled with the drugsdescribedtn Sutra 4:12,.1'or
thc purificationol'breast-milk,
shouldbetakenby the woman
who has ununctuousbreast-milk.
Ghee cooked with thc abovementioneddrugs is also
useful in this condition(ununctuollsness
of breaqt-milk).
In the aforesaidmanner,the lukc warm pastedf jlvaka,
etc., (frvaka, rsabltaku, medl, mahii-medu,kakoll, kslra-
kakoll, muclgu-parn|,mdsct-purnl, .jlvanti and macllruka)or
paficumtrlu(hilv,a,S),onika,guntbhafi,pAtufi andganikarika)
shouldbeappliedoverthebreasts. [After thepasteis driedup,
the breastsshould be washcd and the accumulatcdmilk
should be squeezedout.l This purifies the fununctuous]
breast-milk. [269- 270]
Treatntent oJ'D i scolo urecl B reast-mil k

vfliq,n fir*cmei qlq+drrdTrwTtt I Reqtl


sfi qp*r: qdrcr+ql

Fqrr€ qrFsn fu fnfen* gl: ga,n RsRtl
Intake of the paste ctt vastintaclhu,mrdvika. pat'asya
(ks7ru-vidafi) and sintlhuvdra (nirgundl.) along with cold
water correctsthe discolorationof breast-milk.
The breastsol'thewomanhavingdiscoloured milk should
be snrearedwith the pasteol'rnadhuka.[Atter the pastegets
dried upl, they should bc washcd with water, and [the
accumulatedrnilkl should bc sc;cczcdout repeatedly.This
helpsin correctingthe pollutcd(discoloured)breast-milk.
[ 2',7
t-272 ]
TreatmentoJ'Foul Odcturin Breast-tttil.k
firer*q.{r fiTq.{r qffiFhunrffiqn Re?t I
twrarsmrcrWf Fdd qrRrmqaqt
ffi+effirrn f €rr+ qeqrffi iren| | Rex | |

Intakc ol the pastet>fviiaryiku(me;a-Sfngt),a.ia-srngl,

huritakt,bibliltakl,antalakl,haritlrAandvacdalongwith cold
water curesfbul odour of the breast-milk.
The wet-nurseshouldtakethcpowdcrof abhat'd,funth|,
pippctllandntaricamixedwith honeyalongwith wholesomc
diet for the removalof ['oulodourin hcr breast-milk.
Thc brcastsol'the womanhavingloul odourin her milk
shouldbe zrnointed with thc pastec>l' sariva, uiTra,mafiiistha,
SI esnti toku, kucantlana,p utru ( tanruIa-pcrtra), anthu ( hfiv era ),
canrlarutand u31ra.[Alter the pastcis dried up, the breasts
should be washedwith water, and the accumulatedmilk
shouldbe squeezed out.] 1 2 7 3 - 2 7l s
Tr eatr?xe nt rt.l'UnctuoLrs,Iesx o.l'B r eust -mi Ik
nmqqfr{r ?ffiqtaqrar: fiTqxr g€nq{r|
*tqr F*;ercIT:fq{q ffirqrgqrqt tR\eqtl

The woman having very unctuousbreast-milk should

takc the pasteof d.evadaru,ntustilandpatha mixed with rock-
salt along with luke warm water.By this, theunctuousness of
the breast-milkgetsquickly corrected. [276]
Treatmentof Sliminessin Breast-milk
qrrraq ftfsaefur vrr$.er'cqqf ildrql
gwinrr{qrfig frar: rrqffierqr: il R\9\9 tl
irdb-rru firknfr TE.m Teiqrq6ql
ffikeeg*, w* ?rrrr: y*urltuRe4tl
The woman whosebreast-milkis slimy shoulddrink the
decoction of SArhgesta(kakantdcl),ahhayd, vacd, nxusta,
nagara andpatho. This purifies (removessliminessof) the
The woman having slimy breast-milk should drink
Takraristawhich is prescribedtor thetreatmentof piles (vide
Cikirsa | 4:7 1-75).
Her breastsshouldbe anointedwith the pasteof viclan,
bilva andmadhuka.lAfter the pastegetsdried up, the breasts
should be washed, and the accumulatedrnilk should be
s q u e e z e od u t]. | 277-278l
Treutmento.l'Heavinessin Breast-Milk

g€SrT fir+{rg wqffqqqtn Reqn

fir+fr @r
-qFqqsfrqqgnETr rr* qruqr: yfrqtEl
Thc woman whosebreast-milkis heavy shouldtake the
decoction of trdyamand, antrtd, nimba, patol.a, hantakl,
bihhitaka andamal.a/<r.
By this, her breast-milkgetspuritied
She may also takc the dccocti<tnof pipltali-nftla, cuvr(l,
citrakct and nagara fl'or the rcmoval of heavinessin hcr
b r e a s t - m i l k l.

Her breastsshouldbe anointcdwith the paste<>l- bala,

ndgara, Sarngeqta(kakantacl)andmurva. [After the pasteis
dried up, her breastsshouldbe washedwith water,and the
accumulatedmilk should bc squeezedout.l This purilics
(removesheavinesso0 the breast-milk.
Similarly, applicationof the paste t>I prini-purryi and
palas\,li (vidan-kanda\ lin thc aforesaidmannercorrectsthe
heavinessof' the breast-milk]. [279 - )
sTsr*t qflE*5n t€€{grl}q*: ll?zt ll
Ffisr: ffierr*aefrar: *fuqrqqr: t
Thus, the etiology, signs and trcatment of eight galactic
disorders,and some other ailmentsarising out o1'thepolluted
milk are described. tl2-tl'282
[28] )
Aqqqq-ff*e Tedi aIIsr€eI ittRaRtt
a I{a +rt areryrrr qITT Frirftrtr qdT I
Fr-dftrdrnTfr qrrailr{t I Re? tl
erffiremed eiqarqres vn€k(l
s}qi ra€qrx E qcrr"qrfu y+q+qn RaYtl
qe$rfur u,ersnfur qffi T{F{ :al
g-ffifeqr{re qfdqmtrqr(a: u Re\ tl
gt' @ qffirqttRaqrl
sqrsr-( ffig *rqqr
ftffr vnea*a: sEka tr*q+qn RZ\erl
The closas,clhatus (tissue elements),ntal,as(waste
products)andthediscasesof adultsareall presentin children.
But in the caseof the lattel, theseare only is small quantity
and of mild intcnsity.
The physicianwell versedin scripturesshouldavoid the
p{milistration of vantana(emesis)and suchother therapies
of pairca-karma to a child, in view of his tenderness,

dcpcndancyon othersand inability to speakas well as act.

The dose ol-the medicinefbr children should be very
small and appropriatcto the diseasc.
The wisc physicianshouldcarefirllyadministersweet
and astringcntdrugswhich aremild, and mixed with milk to
thc child. Medicines,diet and drinks which are excessively
unctlrolrs,ununctuons,hot, sour,pungentin vipaka(thetaste
- that cmergesaltcr
drgestion)and heavyarc contra-indicated
- lbr children.
In brie[',thcscarctheguidingprinciplesforaclministering
medicinesto childrenlor all theirailments.A physicianwell
versedin scripturesshould administertherapiesto children
after consideringall the aloresaidaspects. 1282 tl.,- 287 l
sincc r1r.rrr,s.
tlltitus andntalttsof childrcn are less in quantity in
comparisonto thoscof the adults,thedoseof medicaments fbr the child
has to bc smaller in cornparisonto that of thc adult.
ChildLen arc of two tvpes. viz.. those who are independent
(svaturtlra)and othersrvhoaredependantupon others
the latter case.vdnrcurn(ernesis).ctc.. shouldbe avoided.and in thc case
trf the fbnncr. i.c. rvhcn thcy bccomc independent(,\r,otutrtrrr). such
thcrapicrs shoulclbe adrninistercd only in rnild fonn (nrrrlrr).
IAccording to Cakrapdni.vcrsc nos. 286-2[J7are utttTr,tu
Tluts it is Said :
$|EF{Tql=r -
vFa r
T9rrTffi Er€r qqlirtr{t | ?/-(.. I
This Ciftirsa-sthana
(sectionof therapeutics) dealswith
thc thcrapcuticmeasuresfor all thc discases.
It constitutes
nrostsignitlcantsecrctol' this treatise(Caraka-santhita).
In this scction. troatmer)tof s'rne specific (named) diseasesis
describcd. Erren thc unspeciticd (unnamccl)diseasescan bc treatcd
tbllorving rnc lincs sugggsrodhere.sincc it is excecdinglyuscful. it
should lrot lrc divulgcdto sinful pcrsons.

b' Df clhabala
Portian o.l'TreatiseSuppl.entented
srkt TrE?rE?Trs{Fn: 6etr: fu€q qe q I
qnrra*sffiyrs ir* il?ejtl
nr+irq qfirersfu: irqq Sereilsmnqt
GRTrFI rlETQfrR Wutrrf r{srrftrqt1 qio ||
Seventeenchaptersof this section(on Therapeutics)and
t h e s u c c e s s i vetw o se cti o n s,vi z., Kalpa ( Section on
Pharmaceutics)andSidclhi(Sectionon TherapeuticPerfection)
arenot availablein theAgniveSa'sTrcatisewhich wasredacted
by Caraka. Therefore,Drdhabala,the son of Kapilabala
reconstructed and supplemented them appropriatelyleading
to thecompletiono['thistreatiseendowedwith greatobjective.
The Cikitslt-sthfi1oha.sthirty chaptersin total. Of these,seventeen
chapters because of their non-availability were reconstructedand
supplementedby Drdhabala. In this section. the original chaptcrs
(composedby Agnive6a and redactedby Caraiia) are the first eight
chapters(nos.I to VIII). Five otheroriginalchaptersarethosedealing
with the Trcatment of crins (chapter-XlY). tttisaru (chapter-XlX).
v,isorltu (chapter-XXl). th'ivru4tTl'n(chapter-Xxlv) and ntaddtl'aya
(chapter-XXV).The remaini ng seventesnchaptersarethosereconstlucted
and suppiementedby Drdhabala.
[Commentatotshave difterent opinions regarding the chapters
which are original. and those supplementedby Drdhabala.There are
madein the colophonlt the end
accordinglyvariationsin the statements
of the respectiveChapters.l
ftn n$rrr qlFqqr agftnrTrrrsuiT:I
ffie rqr+qr4adp *qwnn ?3qtl
Thereare severalothcr diseaseswhich are not described
in this Sectionwith namesandforms.EvensLlchdiseases are
to be treated on the lines suggestedin this Section after
examining the do;as and suchother factorsinvolved in their
manifestation. [Ler]

ln the verse no.29l. therapeuticmeasuresare suggestedto be

administeredafter examiningr/o.rnsand such other factorsinvolved in
the manitestationof the disease.These "other factors" referted to
therein imply tlftqyls(tissueelements)and causativef'actors.
Alternatively these "other factors" ref'erto bhe;aja (therapeutic
measures).deia (location), kulu (time). bala (strength),3arira (physical
features).aharu(diet). satnryu(wholesomeness), salruc(mentalattitude),
prakrti (constitution) and vayns (age) which are elaborated in Slrtra
I -5:-5.
Line oJ'Treatment in General
ffif ffi gqql
lrnrEfiT1 r-{q Fdh lrrqrgFf Frqsfr | | Ri? | |
Therapieswhich are oppositeto the propertiesof the
in the causationof the diseaseare certainlyuseful to cure it.
If appropriatelyused,suchtherapeuticmeasureswill cure all
the diseaseswhetherthev are namedor not in the text.
In the abovc mentionedverse.therapeuticmeasurespossessittg
attributes opposite to r/r.r,rc.s, andnidatm (etiological factors) are
stated to bc adrninistercd.The r/,s are yrJvu.ltitta and kupha. The
arentktu (blood). etc. Nitldttu,l(causativefactols)arethe intake
of ingredientswhich are ununctuous.etc. Therapeuticmeasureswhich
areoppositein propertiesto all thesetactorscollectivelyor individually
are to be administered.
If appropriately used. such therapeutic measutes cure diseases
which aredescribedin this text with name.and alsothosewhich arenot
descritredhere with Darnesand tbnn (signs and symptorns.)
Therapeuticmeasureswhich are opposite to nidana (causative
factors) are necessarilyoppositeof the do;us. For example.urTyrr gets
aggravatedby the intakeof ununctuousingredients.Administration of
unctuousingredients(which areoppositeot-ununctuousness) will also
gu"n then in the atbresaidstatement.nidanu and do,yns
alleviate yri1,rs.
are mentioned separatelyin order to indicate the need for therapeutic
measurcswhich are opposite to not only a part of the do;a but to the
whole of it. For examle, when l'riyu is aggravatedin its entirety. then oil
which is opposedto the entirevrzvushouldbe administered.When only

tlrecold attlil'ruteof yrTr'u
is aggravatcd.
thcn oil needt)otl)e used.and
fbr this condition. orrly hot ingrcdients which are oppositc ro the
causativef-actorsQitlinu). and only hot(hetu-t,iltorlta)in effect are to
tre administered(vide Vinrarta4 : 4l).
By rnentioring dosu,sand r/lr;r,n.s.the diseasewhich is causedby
their vitiation or aggravationis alsoincludcd.Thus.therapeuticmcasures
opposite crf the diseasc (r,y[ttlhi-vipurltu)are also includcd in this
The term 'y'ipurrtu 'used
hcrcrefbrsto tho 'antagonisticmeasures'
and uot simply 'thosc
having oppositeattributes'.Thus. therapcutic
mcasuresrvhich are not actuallvoppositcin attritrutesbut act in an
antagonisticway (viltutltlrthqkari) arc also includcd here.
Diseascsare causedboth by the aggravationand dirninutionof
tlo;u,sas well as tlhatns.If thescelementsare diminishedin quantity.
then fbr their augmentation,therapeuticmeasureswhich are similar in
property arc to be given. Such therapeuticmeasuresrvhich are similar-
in property are to be given. Such therapcuticmeasuresgiven fbr the
augmentationof the do;as anddhatu,s.though similar in propertv.cur.e
the disease.Thus.theseareto be treatedasofoppositenature(viruddhui.
In suchconditions.therapcutic measures u,hich;rreopposedto /orrr \ are
not to be given but thoscrvhichareopposcdto the dimrnutionoi r/cr.rrt.r
(thesoare obviously possesscd of attributcswhich are similar to the
and dhatus)arc to bc administered.
Appropriatelyadrninistercd, thesetlrcrapeuticlncasuresarc stated
to correct tlo;us. ctc. Thus drugs having similar propertieswork in an
oppositemanner.and there is no contradictionin the above statement.
Appropriute Use o.f'TherapeuticM eusures
M rlrcr€r@g *e FAr
:3rwrffisaw aqr qrxmrqqeTr Er*qil R3?tl
Therapeuticrneasuresshould be appropriatelyused
k e e p i n gi n v i e w th e l o l l o w i n g :
( I ) D e S a( l o c a t i o n ) ;
( II ) Kala (time);
( III ) Prctmana(dose);
( IV ) Satnn,a(wholesomcness); and
( V ) Asarr??-1'd (unwholesomeness).

Otherwise,evena uscl-ultherapyQtuthvu)may tlrrn out

to be harmlul (apatht'a). [2e3]
Examplesof deiu. etc..rvill be furnishedby the preceptorhimself
( i n v e r s en o s . 2 9 4 - t 1 , 3 2 0 ) .
Thc terrn both thepatient'sbody QIeha-deSu)
and the
place of habitation. In the presentcontext, this tcrm refers to the
physiqueof the patient.Thc placeof habitationwill be describedunder
'sdtntvu' (wholesorlcncss).
thc category
Ktllu ot'tirnchassix aspccts.viz.. day.paticnt.medicinc.disease.
signsof propordigcstion:rndseason- r,idevel'sel)o. 296. The tirnes
of administrationof mcdicincale of tcn typcs - vel'scno. 2913.
Thepramur.ra(dosagc)is of threetypes.viz.. ( I ) srnalldose.(2) big
dose.and (3) rnodcratcdosc- vide vcrsonos. 313-314.
The tenn or rvholcsolneness
to theplaceof-habitation
(deia-satntLd)and the ph1'sicluc of thc individual (iarlra-satnya).
Wholesomenessto the disease(vvadhi-,sutrr-r,c) is included in the
categoryof mcdicine.Wholesomenerss to scasou(rtu-,tutun,u) is already
included in the categoryof time. Wholcsomeness of the dosagc is
covcred under tho category 'appropriatemethod of adrninistration'
Regardingthe remainingiternsout of the tt:n (iterns)which are
requircdto be oxamined.viz.. ltuln (strength) power), etc.,
of the patient.and u'hicharenot spccilicallyenumelatedhere(aforesaid
text) arc included under the caregorieslike deSa.etc.
(l) Deia (Adntinistrationof Drugs Through Particular
IEr( rFnwRsr-r2r Fi{ng FqtqEnil Rqy||
qrrrtsr sa6rR Vrri srfd*{d: ll Ri\ ll
If'a dmg is administered
throughmouth,it ry91kqquickly
on diseases locatedin stomach.Administrationof a drug by
inhaLdioqquickly curesdiseases of the head.Administration
of a therapythroughthe anusquickly curesdiseaseslocated
in the colon. For thecureof diseases locatedin variousparts
of the body like l'isarpa (erysipelas or herpes), piclaka

(pimples),etc.,applicationof therapies
(applicationof hot poultices),etc., in that particularpart
affectedby the discaseare usetul. t 294-295l
The tcrm'asyut'is i n a b l a t i v et o c o n n o t e t h e m e a n i n g o f
(ll) KAla (Time o.f'Atlministrationo.fDrugs)

t5|ci f*enffiqr' q'R il=f qqn t Rqqtl

+'q}qfr esrr qrnffi* qffiq fq*qt
r}tttli@ gcl"r: ll ?j\e ll
etsqfiTfil T.{rrS qs} rrar€g{€: I
vrsd trtr{ig-fri qn$rnTrfit Eyr| | Rqa| |
srqr+ frgfr Tf, FqA qeqrfrqtqr
qA E vrctRmgq1i $ffiiqnRqqtl
qr{il grm rge E 9s9ns6firetr
{rFfirqfiTqrsFg dE"n{ ggfg,il Qootl
dt*qi dsei ffiHfuffi flrqn?otrl
Et tqr, irqrqrg qfrr rrffiffi=r*qr
Yst vst tri qlci ?t I Ro?tl
qffiq+ Ftgtrr fcqfuff'qqrqrqr
TEr r]hrqqrtd {qrF€ q}qT+qQnn ?o?| |
qqr@ frqrsri Td tai ? rnr qq;
E-ilra*Fi T( a;{' Td Ir*u.r.n.qll ?ov ll
Csqsqrut'i q.{ur yffi* q E6rtq-ql
qrsrtrqq€rr{i ]Rfud;iqr{rqaqdt | ?o\ | |
ssfss @ ql
farsrqfufuesrerfq EAF6| | ?oe| |
E*j Yqtut ftrqFtrr{r
gfi'qFfdrq grq rrssrq'rtrqrfuqn ?oe | |
Theterm 'kala'(time)
in thepresent
to the following:

II (a) Dina (different partsof the day);

II (b) Atura (natureof the patienr);
II (c) Ausadha(time ol takingmedicine);
II (d) Vyadhi(natureo1'thedisease);
II (e) Jirrya-linga(stageof the digestionof fbod); and
il (O Rrn (natureof the season).
Examplesof theseaspectsof kala (time) are as follows:
II (a) As regardsthe time with referenceto the diff'erent
parts of the day, the morning is the most suitable
time fbr the administrationof emetic therapy;
II (b) As regardsthe time with referenceto the natureof
the patient,a strongpersonshouldtake medicines
in the morning on empty stomach and a weak
personshouldtakemedicinesalongwith light and
II (c) As regardsthetime (frequency)of taking medicine
it is of ten categoriesas follows:
II c (i-ii) Bhuktadaaor befbrethe meals(i.e. onceon
empty stomachin the morning and once
beforethe morning meal);
II c (iii) Bhukta-ntaclhye (duringrhemeal,i.e. in rhe
middle of the meal);
II c (iv-v) Bhukta-paicdt(afterthe meals,i.e. after the
morning meal and after the evening meal);
II c (vi) Muhurmuhuh (repeatedlyduring the day
and night);
II c (vii) Sdmudga(befbreas well as atter the meal);
II c (viii) Bhakta-sar\),ukta (mixed with the food);
II c (ix) Grdse(alongwitheachmorselof food); and
II c (x) (betweentwo meals).
If the'apana-vat\risvitiated,thenthemedicineshouldbe
given..beforefood. If the samdna-vdvuis vitiated, then the
medicine should be given during the meal. If .vydna-variuis

vitiated, thenthe rnedicineshotrldbc given aftcr thc morning

meal. If .ud7na-vd.r'a
is vitiated,then the medicineshouldbe
given after the meal. lt trlrana-va),uis vitiated, then the
medicineshouldbe given alongwith eachmorselo1'l'oodor
in between morselsof lood. In asthma,cough and morbid
thirst, the medicine should be given at short intervals
frequently. To the patient suffering from hiccup, mcdicine
should be given-bcfore and after tood idding to the light
articlesof food. In anorexia,medicineshouldbe mixed with
varionstypesof deliciousfood.
II (d) As regardsthe time with rct'crenccto the disease
(v'rudhi),the patientsufferinglrom Icvcr should
(th 'n g ru el) , kasfiva( dccoctions) ,
b e g i vcn 1 ra -r,a
medicatedmilk, medicatedghee and purgation
therapyconsecutivelyat an interval of six days
afier observingthe time (numberol' the days of
suffering)of the disease.
I I ( e ) J i rn a -l i n g a : A p p e a ra nceof hunger , pr oFer '
evacuation of stoolandurine,lightnesso1'thebody
and purity [of eructation]- theseare the signsof
properdigestion.Medicinesshouldbe givento the
p a t i e n t o n l y t h e r e a f t e r .[ T h i s a c c o r d i n g t o
Cakrapani,refersto the time of medicinewhich is
administered beforefbod.]Otherwise,themedicine
will produceharmful effects.
II (0 As regardsthe time with ref'erence to the natureof
s e a s o n s ,a c c u m u l a t i o n ,e t c . , o l ' d o s a s , t h e
ingredientsto be usedto avoidsuchaccumulation,
etc.,and regimensto be usedin differentseasons
dependingupon theconditionof d.ostts are already
described(rn Sutra 6).
Administration of therapeutic measures,reasons for
prohibiting their use,andexaminationof thepermutationand
combination of closasin a weakpatientarealreadydescribed.

The physician who very frequentlykeepson observing

thedevclopmentof thedisease andtheconductsof thepatient
will not commit mistakesin treatment.
Administrationof therapeuticmeasureswithout careful
cxaminationof the six conditionsof kala (time) leads to
harmlul ellccts as the unseasonal
rain damagesthe crops.
| 296-307 )
IRegardingtho rendittbrent times u,hcrrmedicinesare to be taken
by thc paticnt.thcrs arcditfbrenttypesof interpretations of the text. The
text acccptedby Cakrapdniin someplacesappearsto be different from
tlre onc givcn above.For example,the term 'grasa-grdsantara'in the
verse no. 298. according to Cakrapani should read as ,grdsa-
g,rasfutturanr'.He hasalsocommentedupon two tsrms, viz., ,bhuktam,
and ',sambhuktum '
which aremissingin the presenttext. He has quoted
vatiousvariantrcadingsof thc abovetext.For the placeof
in the verseon. 298.he hasquoteda variantreading
grasantura', and in the place of "unyatlta svaddhi do,yavat"
(the prcsenttext hassvrlddhitlosuv'udurtvathu) in verseno. 303. he has
quoteda variantreding tts"uttt,utltt1,yt,uttlv,idosuyrrl".Cakr.apaniin his
cornmentary.hasalsochangcdthe otderof giving 7re),a. etc.. in tbver -
vidc verscno. 302. Accordingto hirn.threelinesin the versenos.305-
306 arc untTrslor unauthentic.l
Thc ten times describcdin the verscno. 298 ref'ersto the times of
admin istrationof medicine (bhu isajya -kat a). whi le giving the examples
of thesetentimes.thc ailments(like vitiationofupana- vide verseno.
299) arc cited. This actually implics the time with ref'erenceto the
administrationof medicinc (bhaisajya,kdtu)for these ailments. The
times with ref'erence to diseasesare describedin accordancewith the
diffblent stagesof thc diseases(vide verseno. 302).
In tbver.pev (thin gruel). kasaT,a (decoction).surpi,s(rneclicared
ghee).l.rira (medicatedmilk) and purgationare describedto be given
consecutivelyeachfor sevendays.This is a generalrule. such general
rules can be modified in spccial circumstances.Therefore. what is
desclibcd hcrc is not contradictoryto the statementmade in Cikitsa
3:149. This uncontradictory naturehasalreadybeenexplainedin the
colnrncntal'vthcre: hencenot lreing repeatedhere.
Signs of propcr digcstio'are alreadycxplainedin the text of
vinattu l: 25:1. Evcu thcn witlr referenceto the time of administration

of drugs. the same is described here becauseof contextual propriety

which shouldnot be construedasa tault of repetitionQtunarukttt-doqa).
AggravcttionoJ Dosas in Different Seasorxs,
@ cirqfiq'ial
ffi firut Er€ q,rdr*qr:rr ssrytll loall
qgt c+crqTtm: wcffire E frrwr: I
qrFrfir*{ yr€t: gr$fidFil R t t ?oqt t
Fntrri frlqqre :a eqt* qkrcn rr(r: I
gTtT:qlqr+ trtr,qrw*{d a firrqr: ll Qqoll
q+ffqqQft qraFrtrfi'q'rqqt: t
{tr{* $rc+E qulTq | | ?qq | |
ffi qrtrqr +rn !ftffi a firtqr: t
,Aqqr Eim.rn*E mq* vrerviltrcr{ll Qq?| |
With referenceto kala (time), the specificclassification
of diseases[on thebasisof aggravated dosas]during different
seasons,diff'erentparts of the day and night, different ages
(partsof the spanof life) and differentstagesof the digestion
of food will be describedhereafter.
Generallykapha.iadiseasesare manifestedin the spring,
paittika diseasesare manilestedin the autumn, and vdtika
diseasesaremanif'ested in [thc beginningofl therainy season.
During the end of the night and the day (afternoon),
'varsdnte' here
vatika diseasesget aggravated[the term
'vardhdnte'f;kaphaiadiseasesget aggravated
during the morning and evening; and paittifta diseasesget
aggravatedduring the midday and midnight.
As regar:dsthe age, during old age diseasescausedby
v71ts,during middle agediseasescausedby pitta, and during
young age diseasescausedby kapha naturallytake a serious
Generally vdtika diseasesget aggravatedafter the
digestionof food,paittika diseasesget aggravatedduring the

digestion of food, and kaplta.ia diseasesget aggravatcd

immediatelyafler taking fbod. [ 308-312]
[Cakrapaniscemsto havereservatitlns aboutthe authenticityof the
atbresaid verses. He has mentioned about four verses(il.oka-catu$layil)
whereasthe versesdescribedabovearefive in number.In the verseno.
310. whilc describing the aggravationof unylt. the terrn
'end of the rainy season'is mentioned. Vayu does not get
aggravatedat the end of the rainy season.but only in the beginning of
'prttvrt' and which is alreadydescribed
the rainy seasonwhich is called .
trefirrcin thc verseno. 309. Therefirrc.the reading
'to get aggravatcd'ismot'cappropriatcin thc placeof 'var;ante'

III Dose( Quantity')o.l'M eclic:ine

Trid E:dqer qrRi rr6mar{l
ts€rFdqlT prrgsgrqr<* rr?rtt ?ql ll

TTq"rrq E|?T ql

trdqg rrtr€ rffi(il?qYll

As a small amount of water cannot extinguish fire,
similarlymedicinein srnallquantitycannotcurea disease. As
irrigationwith overfloodis harmlul for the crops,sirnilarly
medicine in excessivequantity (dosc) is harmfurl I'or the
Therefore,after carefully examiningthe strengthof the
diseaseand the medicinc,thc rcmedial measuresshould be
administeredin a quantity (dose)which is neithertoo large
nor too small. 1313-314 )
Though in the abovcstatcment,the doseof medicneis not clcartry
specified.still thc dose should ['reof moderatenature- vide Vinfuttt
IV Sutntyu ( Whol.esrnteness)
Erq grei iFrtq xrt"tFet ql
*qr<rtmfmryt Eq{n ?tq t I
WF't: I
rritRnGnRTsn grqT: qfr{{rrffig $*rar: r

3ryqi5rdrFffir{i g ffi Hr€g-qtil ?qetl

q.qll.flntf Erdui fuor*rcrrqrftrrrqr
srei *rura: tqr wrrmt t?ta rr
rrsqe* -.ta. rgrcf Tflils{FkqT: I
tr aroragrFrFr Crdr{rqmh(n ?qqrl
qrei 6rg wT Er+ ffid ? q6flql
If anon-homologons (apatln,a)item [of food andregimen]
hasbecomewholesome(satrnla)to a personbecauseof habit
(attcitt,a)or the nature of the place of habitat eleia), then
suddenand total withdrawalof this itcm (eventhoughit is
non-homologousor apatlT'a)does not give happinessto a
Personslike Bahlikas,Pahlavls,Crnas,Sfrhkas,yavanas
and Sakasare habituatedwith meat,wheat, maclhvlka(a type
of wine), carrying arms and fire [1orkeepingthem warmJ.
Peopleliving in theeasternpart (of India)arehabituated
with taking fish which is wholesomefbr them. People of
Sindharehabituated with takingmilk whichis wholesomefor
thern.For the personslike ASmantaka and Avantika,the use
of oil and souringredientsis wholesome.Peopleliving in the
Malaya mountain range are habituated to the intake of
rhizomes,roots and fruits which is wholesomefor them. For
people living in the southernpart (of India), intake of peva
(thin gruel) is wholesome.For the people of northern and
westernparts(of India), intakeol ntantha(roastedcorn-flour
mixed with water)is wholesome.For the peopleliving in the
middle part (of India), intake of barley, wheat and milk-
productsis wholesome.
For them (people living in the afbresaidgeographical
areasandpeopleof aforesaidethnicorigin), medicinesshould
be administeredby addingto the food and drinks which are
wholesometo them.
The wholesome ingredients promote strength

If givenin excess,thesewholesomeitemsdo
not produceany harml'nleff'ect. [ 315.t/,320 )
A non-homologous(upath1,a) item rvhichhasbecomewholesome
( habit. etc.. should not be given up all together
suddenly.If it is done.then it may give rise to miseries.If a homologous
(patlryu) item has become wholesome (iatmya), then its withdrawal
gives rise to mol'c of miseries.
In the above statement,two types of sfifirtyu(wholesomeness),
de(a-satnryc (wholesomengsstbr the people living in a particular
geographicalarea)'andp uru.yu-sat nrya (wholesomeness for indiv iduals
particularlythosebelongingto a particularethnicgroup) aredescribed.
irnplics the habitualuse of cerraintypes of tbod, etc.. by
the pcople living in a particular geographicalarea. Puru;o-s[ttnr7,a
irnplies habitual use of some food. etc., by a particularperson.
as describedin Siltrc 6 : 50 refers to wholesome food
and regimens which are opposedto the adverseeffects of a particular
region. Thus, it is diff'erent from the deia-satmya described above
inasmuch as the presentdescription refers to the habitual use of items
which may or may not be opposite to the conditions of a particular
geographical region
difT rs from individual to individual. Therefore.
their specific examplesare not provided above.
Exarnples of deiu-,tut lvll arc desclibcd above with ref'erenceto
impotant habits (of taliing fbod, etc..)of peoplebelongingto or living
in a particular area.
Mistakes Committedbt, Ignoring Deia, Etc.
zililtE FqFq.irl-tFt Mswre{frn ??otl
q+ffirrfr{G+{r f6 urf,+ {ilr: I
The physician trcating a patient sirnply with recipes
without paying any attentionto factorsllke deia (habitation
in difl''ercntareas),etc., may commit mistakes(may not
achievcsuccess). On the basisol'age, strengthand physical
features,physiquesare of innumerabletypes. Accordingly
patientsarc also of innumerabletypes. [320 - ]
If a physician adrninistersrecipes which are described in the
rnedicaltcxts for diff'erentdiseascswithout paying any attentionto de,fu

(habitation) and such other factors like kala, pruntlula, sdtml,a and
ustltnryadescribcdoarlierin this chapter(vide verseno.293). andbulu,
Suriru, prukrti and r'rrttr.'d(describedearlier in Vimluru 1 : 3). then he
does not bccomesuccessfulin his effurts.
Patientsareof dift'erenttypesdependingupon their age.strength,
physical fbaturcs.constitutionand Jdlryd (will-power). Though these
factorsare genarallytakeninto accountby thc physicianwhile treating
a patient. ignoring the rcquirementsof diftbrent r/e,(c.r(habitations).
etc.. may not crown him with success.
Use.fulnessof TherapiesGenerallyConsidered as Hurniul
aqrr$a:gRrqrrrffi fu rfd-{rRvn{n ?Rqtl
rrAq EFqTFT( q.rqtsfu Mnrm fxqr r
firf,T<rhi rf6 : u l?R tl
ffi qFat,d€ H?M yrrqF{ tr
qrb vfl*r +qtr*GTqTsirqiFd rfrka: n t?? n
Ssn{d qqi Efr vffi Yfr*{TQn q}qr
'dEqH q+ iffi Err{.qn?Rytl
Efffi qQrfirfuc?nqQr+q E qrq\l I tRq n
FAg fiq*rrelg +E R{ faFqrr
If thc morbiditieshavealflicted the deep-seated
like thosein thekosthu(thorasicandabdominalvisceras)and
joints, at times,fbr theircure,therapcuticmeasures
consideredas contradictory(viruclclhu) rnaybe useful.
It pitta is deep-seatedand locatedin the internalpath-
way (thorasicandabdominalvisceras), thenby theapplication
of hot fomentation,seke(affusion)andupatleha(hotpoultices),
it comes out to the exterior of the body resulting in the
alleviation of pitta or heat. [Thus, heat-producingtherapies
may cure pitta which is hot in nature.]
By the application of external therapies llke seka
(affusion),etc.,which arecooling in nature,the externalheat
is pressedto go inside,and cure the deep-se
atedkaplrain the
internalpath way (thorasicand abdominalvisceras).Thus, a
cooling therapymay curekaphawhich is cold in nature.
Sandal-woodis coolingin naiure.But if it is madeto a
fine pasteand appliedover the skin in thick layer, it causes
burning sensation(hcat production) by obstructing the
evaporationof heat l'romthe skin. similarly, aguru which is
hot in potency,[if madeto a coarespasteand appliedin a thin
layer over the skin] producescoolingeffect.
lntake of the whole rly causesemesis;but intake ol the
stool of fly is anti-emetic.
s i m i l a r l y, mo d i fi ca ti o no 1 'cJ ' r ccts( ma' ifestation ol'
oppositeeff-ects) canbeobservedif an article[of fbod or drug]
is subjectedto physicalheator takeninternally
to the cff-ectso1 the digestivefire].
[According to Cakrapani,the secondhalf of the verseno. 32r can
bc interpretedin two differentways.viz.. alongwith the first Iine of
versc or along with the subsequentverses.In the tirst casc. persons
(patients) vary from each other on thc basis of their age.
physical f'eatures.etc.. and discasesare also of different varieties
accountof their dccp-scatcdnaturc.i.c. l0cationin the internalpath-
u'avs(thorasicand abdominalvisceras)as rvell asjoints. In
the second the deep-seated diseasesof internalpath-wayas well joints. at
times. a therapeuticmeasuregenerallyconsideredto be contradictorv
(virudtlhu) may becomeuseful.
The first line of the verse no. 326 is similarly interpreted
Cakrapaniin two ditferent ways,viz.. independentlyand in association
with the last line of the verseno. 325. The translationproviderJ
is made by treatingthat line as indepentlent.In the caseof
the Iattcr. it
will mean that the srool of the fly which is exposedro the cffect
of the
gastric fire gets modified in its cffect inasmuchas the f1y
as a whore is
crnctic.and the stoolbecause of its exposuret0 thegastricfire lrccomcs
anti-e'retic.He hasalsor;uotedscveralreadingsof thc text and
thesevariant readings.I
Neecl.forProper Examination o.f'De,(a,Etc.
rsr*dqqrfrn rrfur Eyr iFEkT: n ?Rqtl
sri =r zlrltq *-+sqr
Therefore,a wise physicianshould carry out treatment
afier examiningcarelullythediseases anddrugswith ref'erence
[o ten items (vide commentary),and not only by recipes
[describedwith rcf'erenceto the diseasesin the classics].
[326'lr-tlr327 ]
In slltzr l-5 : 5. elevenitems arc describedto be examinedbefbre
initiating treatment.rn vinuhta | : 3. twelve items are describedto be
cxamincd befbre initiating treatrnent.Thus. the aforesaidten iternsfbr
examinationbefore initiating treatmentappearto tre contradictory.In
siddhi 3 : 6. Drdhabalahimself hasrcferredto ten items. viz.. (l ) dosa.
(2) au'sadhaor drugs.(3) de,iuor habitat.(4) kuln or time. (-5).sarnr1,c or
wholesomeness, (6) agni or the pou,erof digestion.(7) .sattv,u
or will-
power. (8) oka or habitat[thcrc is a rnistakein the text there].(9) r'rrvns
or age.and (10) bala or strength;on the lrasisof which a patient has to
be examinedbefbre initiating therapeuticmeasures.Theseare the ten
items to rvhicha rct'erence hasbecnmadeabovc.Thescten items include
all the elevenitemsdescribedin sutra 15: 5. and twelvc items described
in VinrclnuI : 3. In Sutru 15.:-5.additionalthreeirems.viz., (l) prakrti
or physical constitutiort.(2) lur\ru or physical fearures.and (3) ahfiru
(food) are mentioned. The tirst trvo of thsse additional items are
includedin desa(vide vimdrut8 :92). The third item. i.e. uhr\raor tbod
is included in satnrya(wholesomefbod). the twelfth additional itern
describc'din vintdna I : 3, i.e. vikaru is includeclhere undor the item
do;a. [The presentreading in vintdna I : 3 does not include vikara.
However.thereis a variantrcadingaccoldingto Gangadharawhich has
t'ikara in this text.] Thus. all the ten items ref'erredto abovc. and
elaboratedin siddhi 3 : 6 includc all the items referredin.srrtra 1.5: -5
a n d V i n r i l n nI : 3 .
Asrtlhavarrnanand other commentatols havc made ettbrts to
explainall theelcvenitcmsdescribedin sutru l -5: -5asactuallyten iterns
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e g r a m m a t i c a l r u l e ' & t a d g u r y u b a h u v r t h i 'S. u c h
explanationsare uncauonicaland inappropriate.
Reoccuruence o.f Diseqse
F T*sfr gratftr: €i+{rffi tTn t ?R\e
qnlfr rn'fut tt *q, RqITFqrrcr:r
Even if a diseaseis cured,it may reoccurby
minor form
.l'ctiological factorsbecauseby the earrier
ctisease the body
h a s b e c o me a l re a d y w e a k, a n d the channer s
for the
manif'cstation of theclisease havealrcadybecomevulnerable.
This reocclrrrcncctakespracerikc the flaring
up of a small
quantity of residuarlire [after the main rire
Therefore, the body should be immuned
from such
reoccumingattacksof the diseaseby the continuous
use of
efl'ective and otherwise harmlessdrugs which
were used
befbre for the trcatmentof the primary disease.
[ 3 2 7 ' / r _ t / r 3 2 9]
The term ,rtit,rttu' (cured) does not imply
complete cure of the
diseasebut incompletelycureddisease with minorresidualmorbidities.
If the diseascis completelvcurcd.thcn there
is no possibilityat ail 'f
its reoccurrencebecauseof minor tbrms of
etiologicalfacto.r. This type
of internretationis supportedby the citation
of the simile of residual
The term 'nulrlgtkrta'impries the suscepribility
of the channers
attlicted earrier becauseof the non-develop*"nt
of the power of
as if ihe path is patiJnt for the
rcoccurrence of the disease.
If the diseaservhichis incompletelycured
of minor etiorogicart'actors.thenii has
the tendencyto be curedquickly
[cakrapani seemsto havethe.eading ',
inthe place
of 'sitldhvarthant'inthe rastline of the
'durd text. H" hai interpreted this term
hyartham' as..strengthening theobjectiveof cure,,, i.e. by the use
of effective drugs the non-reoccurring
feature, or ,r," oi."irJ'i, n'oo"
strong as a result of which there is
no reoccuffence of the disease in
EfJ'ectso.f WholesomeFoocl anclRegimens
clfoarq.turar6r Ns{:Effi qaqu t?q | |
qr+ffi ftil TS+r*.+ sr+(r
@ qrbsnqrertn?lorr
Frdd qfF€lqtqrsqrrEr irFr qrrlqr

Dosos may get aggravetedin two dif'ferentways, vlz.,

kathint,a(with compactncss) which occttrsinternally, and
unabhavu(with non-compactness) which occurs in gross
form. By wholesomefood and regimens,thesecompactand
non-compactdosasmay get softenedor reducedin quantity
respcctivelyasa resultof whichthemorbidmanifestation will
is manifestedinspite
be of mild naturc.Therefore,if a disease
of the intake of wholesomefood, etc., then lor its cure, after
ascertainingits nature, wholesomefood, etc., should be
increasedin quantityor shouldbe takenhabituallyfor a long
tlr-,lr33l ]
duration. [329
Do;rts get aggravatedin two dittbrentways. viz.. by cayu (process
of accumulation,ctc..) and by acoyo(when they do not undergo the
process of accumulation.etc.). Do;tts mostly tbllow the former
pathogenicprocessto causethc manif'estation of a disease.But the latter
pathogenic pl'occssrvhen the tlosasdo ttot undergo the process of alsopossiblc.Forcxample.rrr?r'ttttlilYgetaggraveted
rvhena person is in with
confrontation a strongerot'rj
ect (balut'atlvig,ruhu)
nr workshardbeyondhis physicalcapacity. pittanay get aggravated by
anger. andkupha may get aggravatedby sloepduring day time without
undergoingthe processof accUmulation.ctc.
Tho tlo,yasaggravatedby the processof accumulation,etc.' \cnyu-
prakopa) producescompactnes s (kuthitD,u)which causcsseriousdiseases.
lf the dosu gots aggravateddiroctly without undergoingthe processof
accumulation,etc.,thcn it remainsin non-compacttorm {tmabhavu\.
Becauseof this non-colnpactncss. it spreadsin dift'erentparts of tlte
body to producediseases.Both thesetypesof aggravationtake placc in
the internal parts of the lrody to producescriousconsequences.
The compactdo,sas(causedby whiclr arc aggravated
intelnally (antaft kupita) bccome soft (nrrrlt), and thc non-compact
dosa.s which take gross tbnn (rrraftr?nkupitull) lrecome reduced in
Tho above vefses can be explained in a ditterent way also.
Kuthitntuor compactnessand tumbhav'oo[ non-compactness. both may
occur lry the contact (.sunbuilhtt) rtt dosu,t tnd tlhutu,r or tissuc
elements.But thefonncr. i.c. kitftittl,uorcompactncsstakcs placc rvhcn
Both thescovcntstakc placc in the interior of
this conterctis statrilisecl.
thc trody (utttuh).and both of thetnareof seriousnature(nmhfut)-By the

administrationof wholesomefood, regimensand drugs,both of these

rnorbidities continue to be manifested in a milder form. Having
iv,ant),i.e. the wholesomenatureof the drugs,
ascertainedthis (,pl'ictuc
etc.. and the deep-seatedas well as serious nature of the morbidity
becauseof which it doesnot get alleviatedby the wholesomedrugs,etc.,
these are to be administeredin a higher dose continuously. These
therapeuticmeasuresshouldnot be altered.Similar views areexpressed
in other texts also.
M anag entent oJ'Av e t'si onJ'nr WhoI.esonteI t ents and Likin g fo r
€T?rcqT€raqrqraT qcri eEFrcrqil{r I Qtq r I
E6Fm ftrRfirN: frrci 'rqlq g{.r
r+dser|5qr+rfrg Efu6qf Efud-on{ll??R
q Tqr{6u[Fbrd rcQ{-eT:I
ilrg w*Tqrr: Flr€ilt-Trai ffiqt
Becauseof constantuse and unpalatability,a wholesome
regimen may lat times] become repulsive. Such wholesome
but repulsive regimens may again be made palatable by
proccssing them through different modes of cooking.
Therapcutic measuresagreeableto the mind and senses
promote lusli (mental satistfaction),urja (mental strength),
ruci (relish), bala (strength) and sukha-bhogata (non-
resistanceto the use of therapeuticmcasures)as a result of
which the strength of the diseasegets diminished.
Il' a patient has developed liking for a particular
unwlrolesomeingredientbecause of laull,a (desireto indulge
becatrseof mental perversion),ksaya (diminution of dosas)
v,yadhi(natureof the disease)andvyadhi-vaidharnr.l'a (desire
to take ingredients which are opposed to the attributes of the
disease), then such events should be managed by the
administration of suitable wholesome regimens, diff'erent
types of recipes and differcnt fborl Dreparations.

Sometimes a wholesome food or drug used constantly for a long
time may causeaversionfor its continuance.This aversionmay also be
caused if the food or drug is not palatable. In such cases, the same
wholesome food and drug may be processedin different ways like
svarasa (uice). ilra (decoction),kalka (paste)and such other methods
prescribed in suda-iastrc (scienceof cooking). and made palatable for
the patient. Unpalatable ingredientsof wholesome food and drugs are
always repulsive. Even a palatableingredientbecomesunpalatableif
used constantly for a long time.
The term 'svddu' in the presentcontext(in verseno. 331) implies
palatability in taste [and not sweet taste as it generally means].
[It appearsthat Cakrapani had a text slightly different from the
present one given above as evident from the context.J
Liking (ruci) for a particular unwholesome substancedevelops
becauseof the following :
( I ) Laulya or desire to indulge in a particular substancebecause
of mental perversion;
(2) Kqaya or diminution of dosas. For example. the desire for
taking peya (thin gruel) by a person suffering from chronic
diseaseswheretissueshave undergonediminution:
(3) Vyadhi-svabhdvaor the nature of the disease.For example,
the desire to take mud by a person suffering from pdndu or
(4) Vyadhi-vaidharmya or rhe desire to take ingredients which
are opposed to the attributes of the disease. For example.
Thereis a desireto take unctuousingredientsif the diseaseis
causedby ununctuousness. If thereis aversionfbr sour things
becauseof constantuse, then the patient fbels happy to take
sweetingredients(vide SuJruta: Siltra 46 : 468).
[Cakrapnni has interpreted the term as
implying two causativefactors, viz.,vyadhi-nrahimd(specific natureof
the disease)andvyadhi-vaidharmya(things opposedro the natureof the
disease.lSome scholarsinterpret this term 'vyadhi-vaidharntyu' as one
causativefactor and cite the exampleof the desireof a patient suffering
from kaphaja diseaseto take sour and pungent ingredients.
Even in such events of perverted desire of the patient to take
unwholesomedrug, food. etc.,he shouldbe given only wholesome.and
not the unwholesome ones. If the perverted desire is for another

wholesomeingredient.then obviously thereis no difficulty. lf, however,

the perverted desire is fbr unwholesomeingredients, then the desired
fbod, etc.. should be given after adding wholesomeingredientsor by
processing such unwholesomeingredients with wholesome ones.
According to some scholars,thesethreetypes of perverteddesires
(ruci) should be treated in three different ways as follows :
(1) The desire of laulya (mental perversion) should be treated by
adding wholesomeingredients(pathya);
(2) The desirecausedby ksaya(diminution of tissueelementsand
dosas)shouldbe treatedby yoga (administrationof wholesorne
(3) The desire manit'estedby vyadhi-vaidharnrya(desire to take
ingredientswhich are opposedto the natureof the disease)
should be treatedby adding to the food suchingredientsas are
opposedto the disease.
[The aforesaid alternative interpretation is not acceptable to
Cakrapani; he prefers the earlier interpretation.l
To Sunt Up
irr ,r:+65r: -
ffi *ifrEi qil??Yrl
fqfuror qrfr FTeqr M Fgcc,rqqrr
iilr€t tr<r*r5nrt6rs: il l?\ tl
#t=ItrTFr q€rR' ?Gtr{: lr({rkTqrl
NffiGq rtqqi +q q.tftlaqn t?q | |
ffiqrwen qrt*
16g11 Tqgfq dffi'd SFffirflur{t ttte | |
ffiEfffuh.dwr q qqrffie ql
iynftgurgfqr iEr tnIFT: qF{qer qE qn ??atl
tt S q "rq qrgf ecrr ffistrtlrzlfrr
FqF*-€rqfr f{eqr fu r[rqrftrrqt I ttq tl
The topics describedin this chapterfor the benefit of the
disciplesare as follows :
( 1) Etiology,signs,symptomsandtherapeuticmeasures
for the treatment of twenty varieties of gynecic
diseases(1,oni -dosa) ;

(2) Etiology,signs,symptomsandtherapeutic measures

for thetreatmentof eighttypesof seminalmorbidities
(3) Etiology,signs,symptomsandtherapeutic measures
for thetreatmentof four typesof impotency (kla i by a) :
(4) Etiology,signs,symptomsandtherapeutic measures
for the treatment of four types of menorrhagia
(5) Etiology,signs,symptomsandtherapeutic measures
for thetreatmentof eighttypesof galacticmorbidities
(6) Signsof pure(naturalor normal) semen(|ukra) and
menstrualblood (raj as);
(7) Treatmentof diseaseswhich are describedby name
and which are not describedby namein the text;
( 8 ) Appropriate line ol' treatmentfor the aforesaid
d i s e a se s;
(9) Highlightingtheexcellence of theknowledgeof the
attributesof cleia(habitat),etc.;
( 1 0 ) S i x t y p e s o f t i m e s f o r t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o no f
therapeuticmeasure s (bhesaja-kala);
(11) Homologationin diff'erentcountries;
( 1 2 ) N o n - a c h i e v e m e no tf s u c c e s sb y t h e p h y s i c i a n
becauseof the isnoranceof the aforesaidfactors;
(13) Treatmentof deep-seated
Imprtrtance o.l' the Knov+,ledgeoJ' Scriptures and Their
* G rtct-s:q qrrrfr vnFi vnarcf+Eql
q tqtqq ffi fu*ruqFE fu*q-qn?Yotl
A physicianwho is not well versedin the scripturesand

their interpretationsshouldnot attempttreatmentof diseases

as a painter without eyesightshould not attemptpainting a
picture. t3401
ColophonoJ'the Chapter
ildtf {Ri fi a'Fd€Rqr+ dFreqrqFa-
ffii :n:q frrfrs?qrq:ll lo ll
Thus, ends the thirtieth chapteron the treatmentof
gynecicdiseases [etc.,]in the Cikitsasectionof AgniveSa's
work asredactedby Caraka,andbecause of its non-availability
supplemented by Drdhabala.
Cololthono.fthe Section
$r@ il+ Eetri'q+l
ffi Ten=fqE qntgcrFril{ll?yq tl
Thus, ends the Sixth Section called Cikitsa-sthana
(Sectionon Therapeutics)
of Agnive6a'swork asredactedby
Entl of Cikitsa-sthunu


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