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Matthew Isaac Harvey’s main interests are the members of a family had some validity, but sys- mathematics

mathematics education research, and people

relation between distributed and enactive theories of tems theory implied that there were different views have developed a common understanding of
language and the philosophy of agency and techniques. of the same system. What I am saying is different. its meaning and of who is inspired by it.
His PhD is focused on replacing representations I am not saying that the different descriptions that « 4 »  However, here lies the discomfort.
(that’s the catchphrase) in linguistic theory, both as the members of a family make are different views At the same time as enactivism traces its path
a concept and as a suite of terms and associated of the same system. I am saying that there is no one as a discourse in mathematics education re-
ways of thinking. With that in mind, he explores the way which the system is; that there is no absolute, search, it is also recognized that, in contrast
use of agent-based modeling as a research tool in objective family. I am saying that for each member to a number of theories and discourses, a
distributed and ecological linguistics, where the there is a different family, and that each of these is difficulty emerges when one tries to identify
aim is to produce emergent phenomena that are
recognizably language-like but cannot be traced directly

absolutely valid. (Maturana, in Simon 1985: 36) which texts belong to the enactivism dis-
course. From one researcher who claims to
to representational capacities of individual agents. « 2 »  What I take from this is that I live be inspired by enactivism to the next, there
(in) a different enactivist world. While read- are quite varied references to scholars, arti-
Received: 3 February 2016 ing Villalobos and Ward’s article, I had to cles, books, chapters, and so forth that must,
Accepted: 16 February 2016 keep reminding myself of this enactivism for any particular author, be representative of
multiverse, as Humberto Maturana would the enactivist literature. And, Villalobos and
have it. If I had not done so, scientific frus- Ward’s inclusion of Hans Jonas’s work in the
tration would have crept up on me: there enactivist literature (through Evan Thomp-
Living (in) Different Enactivist are so many assertions that simply do not son’s 2007) is an example of this. One might
Philosophical Concepts in Enactivism

fit my understanding of enactivism that this be puzzled by the clear, affirmative and direct
Worlds: A Mathematics would have made their article unintelligible link they established between enactivism
Education Researcher’s to me (some of these I refer to explicitly in and Jonas’s work. But again, similar claims
this commentary). Thus, my intention here have been made elsewhere between enactiv-
Point of View on Enactivism is mainly to account for the boundaries of ism and George Lakoff ’s work on metaphors,
Jérôme Proulx what is, or is not, enactivism, and to remind Erwin Schrödinger’s quantum mechanics
ourselves of the histories that we embody memoirs, and even Jacques Lacan’s psychoa-
Université du Québec à Montréal,
as we read scientific research so that these nalysis or Jacques Derrida’s deconstruction-
Canada •proulx.jerome/at/ boundaries soften. There is no single enac- ism. So Jonas is now simply added to the list
tivist theory spread out in various versions of writers that some researchers insert into
> Upshot • Villalobos and Ward’s dis- or interpretations that is improved or that their inspirations. But another issue is the
tinctions between Varelian theories and develops: there are many theories that live main one.
Maturanian ones about anthropomor- and develop (and die) through the work of « 5 »  Of most importance in relation to
phism give rise to questions about what researchers. the literature is that enactivism offers us, as
is or is not enactivism. This leads to rec- « 3 »  Research fields have histories, and mathematics education researchers, a way to
ognition of an enactivist theoretical mul- these histories are lived through their re- develop continually a non-objectivist view
tiverse, and to embracing it as a way to searchers. To some extent, it amounts to be- of the world and a view of knowledge issues
226 advance theorizing along, and beyond, ing his- and her-stories. The story that some that can be used productively in mathemat-
post-positivist lines. of we researchers in mathematics education ics education in particular. Therefore, the
tell ourselves is the following. For most, if relationships and distinctions that can be
« 1 »  As my title states, I write this com- not all, mathematics education researchers, traced from inspiring oneself from the “en-
mentary as a mathematics education re- enactivism is traced back to and grew out activist literature” are not to be seen as the
searcher. I am interested in studying the of Tom Kieren’s University of Alberta group “things-in-themselves,” as the ding an sich,
processes engaged with/in when solving in the 1990s. Whereas it is probably widely but as issues that have been occasioned for
mathematical problems mentally, that is, recognized that Francisco Varela coined the us as researchers in relation to this literature.
without paper and pencil or any material term enactive (see, e.g., Varela’s afterword In this sense, and significantly, the elements
aid. This personal focus obviously colors the in the revised version of The Tree of Knowl- and issues outlined and addressed in our
meaning that I give to ideas that research- edge, Maturana & Varela 1992: 255; or in research work are not necessarily explicitly
ers associate with enactivism, and this is The Embodied Mind, Varela, Thompson & outlined in those works and texts we refer
the case for those shared by Villalobos and Rosch 1991), many mathematics education to: “inspiring from” thus means that we take
Ward. This is reminiscent of a quote from researchers cherish the thought that Kieren’s what we can, hence we make more of it, but
Maturana, given in an interview for a family group coined expressions such as enactiv- also less. The main point is that those texts
therapy journal: ism and enactivist, its “members” having have made these possible, they have made
referred explicitly to these in their writings possible the distinctions that we make and
“  Systems theory first enabled us to recognize that
all the different views presented by the different
(e.g., Davis 1996; Reid 1996). Therefore, for
us, enactivism has a deep-rooted history in
explore as researchers: as researchers, we are
creators who are inspired by ideas, not tech-

Constructivist Foundations vol. 11, N°2

Living (in) Different Enactivist Worlds Jérôme Proulx

nicians who “take” outsiders’ ideas from a what is referred to as the enactivist theory of say. With this position, the significance of
book and “apply” them. That other research- cognition.” dangerous is of another order, and the inad-
ers be puzzled by how we push forward some « 7 »  In a connected way, Villalobos and equacy of one theory or idea over another is
ideas, or agree or disagree with our ways of Ward’s reference to the word dangerous to not a question of danger, but a question of
doing research and being inspired from the describe what they call a “strategy” of en- paradigm as Thomas Kuhn would say (1962).
literature is not important: it then becomes activism for taking over cognitive science « 9 »  In short, as a researcher I live (in)
a means of engaging in rich discussions and appeared surprising to say the least. As a this research world. My understanding is
debates on meaning-making issues (in math- researcher, I kept wondering what this “dan- that Villalobos and Ward live (in) a different
ematics education). In short, it is an oppor- ger” to which they seemed to refer meant. one. This is another multiverse, the one of
tunity to push forward the collective think- Dangerous for what? How? For whom? And scientific research. I started with Maturana,
ing in the field, and especially to avoid the when? This led me to also wonder about the and I end with a similar view from Varela
reification of enactivism as a single rigidly significance of research for Villalobos and in Varela and Bernhard Poerksen (2004):
bounded discourse. Ward (and collaterally for myself). “Truth is what works.”
« 6 »  In this sense, even if most of us « 8 »  As I explain in Proulx (2015), I
in mathematics education research recog- conceive of the role of the researcher as that Jérôme Proulx is a professor of mathematics
nize some possible difference in focus and of one who develops distinctions for think- education in the mathematics department of
acknowledge the discontinuity of Maturana ing about and understanding phenomena. In the Université du Québec à Montréal. His work
and Varela’s collaborations, they are not con- short, the role of the researcher is to gener- focuses on studying epistemological and cognitive
ceived of as completely dissociated: in fact, ate, using Gregory Bateson’s (1972) words, aspects of mathematics teaching and learning.
The Tree of Knowledge (1992) and Autopoiesis differences that make a difference or, follow- His current research programme is focused on
and Cognition (1980) are often referred to as ing Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, to “mettre des mental mathematics and solving processes.
significant texts for enactivism in mathemat- forces en mouvement.” In short, I conceive
ics education research (as is The Embodied of research as about meaning-making, about Received: 8 February 2016
Mind 1991). The various works that Matura- generating ideas, and not about a quest for Accepted: 16 February 2016
na and Varela have jointly authored are about truth. At the core of the research activity is
both of them. Thus the constant split in Vil- the fundamental importance of deepening
lalobos and Ward’s article between Maturana ideas and concepts: to push them, to ex-
and Varela is recognizable and interesting, plore them, to extend them. One can think
but also of little interest to a mathematics of nature mortes/still lifes realized by paint-
education researcher interested in meaning- ers such as Van Gogh, Cézanne, Renoir, and
making processes engaged with/in by solv- others; or think of Monet’s series of haystack
ers. At the same time, and paradoxically, paintings. I do not believe that these paint-
this split is important. The works that they ings, these œuvres, were meant to show us
authored alone are also different (even those what apples, onions, knifes or tables (should)
from the same time period as those authored look like! My understanding is that they were
together). To my knowledge, only Varela aimed at studying, attempting perspectives,
used and referred to expressions such as en- techniques, ideas, to work them out, to im- 227
action or enactive, whereas Maturana talked agine ways of doing, and so forth; and often
more in terms of bringing forth a world and to continue, push, or develop a “movement,”
of objectivity in parenthesis. Hence placing an understanding. I suggest borrowing this as
both under the same enactivism umbrella is a metaphor for conceptualizing research and
always accompanied by some unease – this the researcher’s role. Through their studies,
unease could explain Fritjof Capra’s (1996) researchers are also attempting ideas, test-
deliberate use of the expression “Santiago ing them, offering and creating distinctions,
theory of cognition.” But what about when generating ideas, discarding them; directing
Varela was in Harvard, and later in France? attention to these proposed distinctions/
Is the Santiago theory of cognition reified? differences that they as observers consider
Is it fixed? So when the expression enactiv- worthy of attention. Research studies aim
ist is used, one might wonder who is being to provoke thinking, to make people reflect,
targeted by it. Again, to deal with this situ- to offer ways of thinking. And, I see this as
ation, a number of mathematics education valid for any type of researcher. The role of
researchers avoid saying that their work is research is to inspire, to generate thoughts,
in enactivism or that they are enactivists to make us think of/about phenomena. But
and mainly say, as I have done myself in this keep in mind that I am a mathematics educa-
commentary, that their work is “inspired by tion researcher, and a romantic one, so they

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