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Phrases in English

1. Noun Phrase
(Adj + Noun / noun + noun)
expensive book book store
beautiful lady cover boy
limited edition enough money
Note : head boleh dijamakkan
modifier tidak boleh dijamakkan e.g.
books store – incorrect
book store – correct

2. Verb Phrase
(V aux + V ord)
is reading
have done
will have been sleeping

3. Adjective Phrase
(adv + adj / adj + adv (enough))
very good
so beautiful
clever enough

4. Adverbial Phrase
(adv + adv)
very fluently
so quickly
too slowly

5. Prepositional Phrase
(prep + Obj of prep (noun, noun phrase, pronoun, gerund, noun clause)
on television for coming
on the table I’m affraid of what he brings
with me

The boy in the room is/are singing a song The key to the doors is/are in the drawer
The boys in the room is/are singing a song The keys to the door is/are in the drawer
Exercise 1
Find the prepositional phrase on the sentences, then indicate if the sentences are correct or incorrect
1. The interview by the radio broadcaster were carried live by the station
2. The progressive reading methods at this school is given credit for the improved test score
3. In the past a career in politics were not considered acceptable in some circle
4. Shopping in the the downtown area of the city have improved a lot in recent years
5. At the building site the carpenters with the best experience was given the most intricate work
6. The report with complete documentation were delivered at the conference
7. A specialty shop with various blends from around the world are in the shopping mall
8. The climbers on the sheer face of the mountain need to be rescued
9. The tenants in the appartment next to mine is giving a party this evening
10. The interrogation, conducted by three police officers, have lasted for several hours
11. The buildings destroyed during the fire is being rebuilt at the taxpayers’ expense
12. Manufacture of the items that you requested have been discontinued because of lack of profit on
those items
13. Further development of any new ideas for future products have to be approved in advance
14. His absence from the board meeting were a strong indication of his desire to leave the company

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