Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global warming is the rising in temperature

of the earth’s atmosphere.

It is said that by the time babies that are

born today are 80 years old the earth will
be 6 degrees warmer than it is now.

Not all global warming is bad, the earth

needs to be kept at 16 degrees so that
plants, animals and humans can live. The
more greenhouse gases we make though,
the thicker the blanket around the Earth
gets. This results in more heat being
trapped which causes the Earth to get
hotter. This is when global warming is bad.
Burning Fuels
People have been burning more fuels over the past few centuries such as
wood, coal, oil, natural gases and gasoline. The gases that are given off
e.g. carbon dioxide cause the atmosphere to get thicker.

Experts believe that this is causing the earth to heat up and under go
global warming.

Effects of Global Warming
Flooding as polar ice caps melt, raising sea levels.

Extreme weather events due to shifting ocean currents.

Deserts to spread across Europe as land dries up.

What can you do?

Can you think of three ways in which

we can reduce global warming?

Make a poster with these ideas.

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